Devoted To You (completed)

Da kdotdot_

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a zatima story . Altro

sequel alert .


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Da kdotdot_

Countdown until TakenByTaylor  : 1.5 hours

Fatima took a deep breath, placing her hand on her belly to settle what she thought was just nerves. "I was nervous on my wedding day too, you're going to be fine, everything's gonna go just the way you planned it" Lisha said, trying to help. Fatima just smiled, nodding at her. The thing was she wasn't nervous about getting married or how the wedding would go. Since last night her stomach has been queasy and unsettled. As bad as she wanted to blame it on Baby Taylor #2 she couldn't. Something was weighing on her so heavy, it gave her a bad feeling overall.

"I don't know Lisha. I'm excited about getting married. I love Zac. I couldn't imagine not spending the rest of my life with that man but something is off"

"Well Ti, I've known you for a while and your intuition has never been wrong"

"Exactly" Fatima shook her head "But I prayed this morning and I gave it all to God. Today's going to be a good day. The best day of my life" Fatima held her face up as her MUA fixed her lash.

"Well" Lisha chuckled, "How far along are you cousin?" she smiled making Fatima do the same "Almost 7 weeks..really early but yeah"

"Don't worry, you secret is safe with me Ti. I was definitely 3 months at my wedding and nobody but Dj knew until I went into labor 6 months later and they did the math" they both laughed, "Yeah, cause your aunt definitely called me, mad I didn't tell her" Fatima laughed talking about her mother.

After spending 20 more minutes on Fatima's face, her makeup was finally done. She took a deep breath as Lisha handed a mirror to her. "Oh my—" Fatima gasped, covering her mouth without touching her face. "Damn. I'm really about to be his wife. This is crazy" she whispered, looking at her make up. "Come on Ti, we gotta get you dressed" Lisha said, smiling at her cousin's reaction.

The soft knock on the other side of the suite door let them know she was finished just in time.

"Let's go take these pictures and get you married" Denise, the wedding coordinator said peeking into the room.

Groom's suite

"I was trying to write out my vows but.." Zac nervously chuckled, erasing what all he had typed. "I'm just gonna let it flow, I'ma just talk" he said trying to calm his own nerves.

"That could go a few different ways. Either we gonna be here all day or we're gonna be a cry ass mess..on top of being here all day" Cameron laughed causing the rest of the guys in the room to chuckle. "Nah, Ima just speak from my heart. Make sure she understands how important these vows we're about to take are to me"

"That's how you do it son. Give her your heart in words" Mr Darryl chimed in to consign with his son. "Everybody in this room
knows that woman is the air I breathe, I just can't wait to marry her man" Zac smiled, trying to keep himself from crying as his tailor got his tie in the perfect place.

Countdown until TakenByTaylor  : 0 hours.

Zac stood at the end of the aisle with his hands cupped together as the wedding party of bridesmaids and groomsmen made their way through the grand double doors. The venue was full of their family and close friends but his nerves were shot. Cameron slapped him on the shoulder, standing behind him. "Shake it off man" he whispered making Zac smile and nod.

"If everyone would please stand for the entrance of the bride" The officiate said over the mic and everybody rose from their seats, turning to look at the doors. They slowly opened, revealing Zac's beautiful bride.

When time is up and the sun it dies
Until the rivers flood and the ocean dries
Hand in hand under the falling sky
I will love you

Fatima held onto her father's arm, keeping her bouquet of fresh white roses close to her chest. Nobody was in the room as the song that made her think of Zac played over the sound system. He was all she saw. Their eyes met, both with tears streaming down their faces.

You are the reason, I make it through the day
You give me the reason, Oh-oh-oh
To better all my ways
The beauty goes, the money spent
And everything else, fades away
You are my constant

"Who gives this woman away?" the officiate asked as the music faded. "I do" Mr Barron said looking at his beautiful daughter. He kissed her forehead and whispered how much he loved her and how proud of her he was. Zac stepped up to take Fatima's hand, standing in front of her while Tiffany took her bouquet so he could hold them both.

"You look so good" he whispered and smiled, gently thumbing her tears away so he wouldn't mess up her makeup. "Thank you handsome" She  lsmiled, in an attempt not to cry anymore and wiped his face too.

"We are gathered here today, not to witness the beginning of what will be, but what already is. We do not create this marriage, because we cannot. We can, however, celebrate with Zachary and Fatima the blessing of this joyous occurrence that has already taken place in their lives, and the commitment they make today." he said as everyone took their seats.

"If we will, please bow our heads for a word of prayer" soft music began to play as everybody closed their eyes and bowed their heads.

"Lord, we want to say thank you. Thank you for gathering us today to witness and celebrate this union between these two hearts. Let them be reminded that even in the hard times, even when it gets rough you will still be there. Keep their hearts open to loving and learning each other. Keep their ears open to listen, to hear you when you speak to them. Remind them that they can always lean on you. Keep them in good health, Oh Lord. Keep their families and friends. We bind up and cast out every witch and warlock and any and everything that may have been sent to destroy them"..Sounds of sniffles and praises broke out around the room as the officiate continued praying.

"In your Heavenly name we pray, amen"

Amen. The room repeated.

"At this time, the bride and groom have prepared their own vows. Fatima?" he asked, signaling her to go first. She took a deep breath and nodded, squeezing Zac's hands.

"I've known you for a long time. I've seen you in every form imaginable and I still seem to grow more and more in love with you every second of every day" she paused feeling her tears surface in her eyes "You are literally everything I could have asked God for and so much more. Im so excited, so blessed to be by your side. I can't wait to build and grow with you and have all yo babies" she smiled and Zac nodded real fast as he licked his lips, making the room laugh. "I love you so much Zachary Luther, you mean so much to me. I can't even put into words how grateful I am to be blessed with the opportunity to love you out loud and take your last name. Taylor forever baby" she said and everybody awed. "Can I just kiss her now?" Zac asked the officiate. "No" he laughed, "Not yet but it's time for your vows Zac"

"Whew" he said, removing his hands from hers as he stretched like he was about to lift weights "Oh my goodness, boy come on" Fatima laughed, shaking her head at him while the room laughed. "Okay, okay..I'm joking" Zac chuckled, locking his hands back with hers.

"Fatima Anne. My Annie" he started, already making her cry "Woman, I love you" he began to get choked up and Cameron patted his shoulder twice. "You were there for me in times I wasn't even there for myself. You held me together so many times when I wanted to fall apart. You're the air I breathe, baby. You have the smile that lights up my day. You gave me the greatest gift of love in our daughter and I could never repay you for never giving up on me and always praying for me" he sniffed as his tears fell and Fatima reached foward the wipe them. "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you, waking up to you everyday, going to bed beside you every night...and yeah, you can have all my babies" he chuckled, sticking his tongue out. Fatima playfully rolled her eyes at his humor. He was never able to turn that off.

"The rings" the officiate said as Fatima and Zac turned to Tiffany and Cameron for each other's rings.

"Repeat after me Zachary" he said as Zac held Fatima's hand. He began putting the ring on her finger as he repeated the words and Fatima's mouth fell open when she saw her new ring. She looked up at Zac with a pleasantly shocked expression.

"I do" he said looking at her. He winked, knowing she had no idea about him upgrading her ring so soon.

"Fatima, repeat after me" She nodded, locking eyes with Zac as she began to slide the ring on his finger while repeating the officiate's words. He squinted and cocked his head to the side, seeing some diamonds in his ring he didn't remember picking. Funny thing was they both had upgraded each other's rings without the other knowing.

"I do" she said sweet and soft.

"With the power invested in me and in the sight of the only true and living God, I pronounce you husband and wife. Zachary, now you can salute your bride with a kiss"

In true Zac fashion, he let go of her hands and stretched again but this time, all his groomsmen gathered around him like they were hyping him up as if he was going into the boxing match.

"Oh my God" Tiffany mumbled behind her laugher and Fatima just shook her head, already knowing her husband's theatrics. Finally, they patted his back like he was going off to his first day of school and Zac walked up on Fatima, immediately covering her mouth with his. She cupped Zac's face and the room went up into cheers and applause as their kiss deepened. "I say skip the reception and get on that plane because.." Tiffany said to the rest of the girls and they agreed.

Reluctantly, Fatima pulled away from his lips and proceeded to wipe any remnants of lipstick that might have been left behind. They held hands and turned to face the loving faces of their guests.

"For the first time, I'd like to present to you Mr and Mrs Zachary Luther Taylor!!!" and everyone cheered again as "Neva Felt This Way" by Tweet began to play.

"Taylor forever" Fatima said looking over at her husband. "Forever and always" Zac responded to his wife, kissing the back of her hand as they made their down the aisle.

the end ❤️


okay, this was my first real baby. some of yall may remember the other two I ended up deleting but this was really the one 🥺 I was going to give yall a honeymoon but...I think I have something better in mind...🙃

anyway! thank you so much for riding and rocking with me on this one. this has literally been sitting forever, i just didn't wanna do too much or not enough! i hope i made yall proud. she was a challenge but everybody made it worth it 😭🫶🏽

until next time america (i love saying that, lmao)

-Ky 💕🫶🏽

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