A Hero's Journey

LemonAiden tarafından

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April 15th, 1965: A Day That Altered the Course of History. After a meteorite introduced 'Powers' to Earth, S... Daha Fazla

Season 1 Episode 1: Welcome To The Old World Near Hell!
Season 1 Episode 3: The Birth Of A New Age
Season 1 Episode 4: Unraveled
Season 1 Episode 5: Focus
Season 1 Episode 6: Eve Of The Attack
Season 1 Episode 7: Our Missing Angel
Season 1 Episode 8: What It Takes To Become A Hero
Season 1 Episode 9: A Subtle Blow In The Wind
Season 1 Episode 10: Cycle Of Hatred
Season 1 Episode 11: Behind The Act
Season 1 Episode 12: The Day History Changed
Season 1 Episode 13: Rebirth
Season 1 Episode 14: Experimentation
Season 1 Episode 15: Debut
Season 1 Episode 16: Loss & Perseverance
Season 1 Episode 17: Standing Inside The Ring
Season 1 Episode 18: The Rouge Vs. The Ward
Season 1 Episode 19: An Expanded Horizon
Season 1 Episode 20: Staging Ground
Season 1 Episode 21: A Moment Of Reconciliation
Season 1 Episode 22: Calm Before The Storm
Season 1 Episode 23: Paranoia
Season 1 Episode 24: Graduation Day
Season 2, Episode 1: An Ever Growing World
Season 2, Episode 2: The Sparks Of Change
Season 2, Episode 3: New Age Heroes
Season 2, Episode 4: Attack On The HQ
Season 2, Episode 5: Changing Of The Wind
Season 2, Episode 6: The Day Before Doomsday

Season 1 Episode 2: Explosion

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LemonAiden tarafından

Date: ??/??/2008

"You know, I think that way of thinking could even be applied to the real world. Sometimes people try to do things that they're just simply not born to do." - O. R.


Date: August 6th 2017

Taking a final swig from his bottle, a man places the empty glass container down on a wooden table. On the other side of the small open room, a woman puts on a dark blue jacket, with a small nickel and brass badge attached slightly below the left shoulder. The room was deathly silent, not even the wooden floors or the damaged appliances dared to make a noise. Tripping as he took a slight step, the man watched as his wife put her dark colored hair up in a braid. "Heh, you know...they-they should just change the rule...for you. Heh, I mean...your hair looks much better down," the man said, while rubbing his recently shaved beard. 

"Oh please, dear. Everyone else thinks it better looks this way," the woman responded, slightly smiling. 

"Maybe they don't know what...what they're talking about," the man replied.

 "Mhmm, you know, you better sober up before our meeting. I mean seriously, we've had how many talks about this?" the woman questions, shooting a worried glance towards the empty bottle. 

"I'll be fine, honey. I always am," the man walked behind and hugged his wife. "Besides, you know it takes a lot more to affect me," the man smirked. 

"Oh, now you choose to be all lovey," the woman jokingly responds, placing her hand over her husband's arm. 

"You know, I didn't have this on my 2017 'Wake Up' Bingo Card," a younger voice stated from behind his parents. 

"And I wasn't expecting you to be up this early," the mother sarcastically responded, turning to face her brown-haired son.

 "What can I say, the thought of continuing to listen to whatever the hells' happening out here just seemed like borderline torture," replied the son as he walked past his parents and towards the kitchen, which was connected to the dining room. 

"Oh please, you think it's any better listening to you flirt?" the father jokingly responded.

 "That, and Language Jackson," the mother sternly chimed in.

"I thought I was special. I mean, isn't that why I was put in that stupid class?" Jackson responds with an unamused expression as he searches through the cabinets in the kitchen, hunting for something to eat.

 "Special yes, special enough to swear around your parents at the age of 13? Ehhh, no," the mother replied, fastening the belt around her waist. 

"What's the point of being special if it doesn't come with any perks?" Jackson looks down towards the ground. "Besides getting treated like a freak?" the boy mutters under his breath. 

"Swearing around your parents isn't a perk. It's a luxury of turning 18," Jackson's father remarks. 


As Isaac lies on his bed, asleep. He begins to toss and turn, his face drowning in sweat and reacting to what appeared to be a bad dream. "It's going to happen soon, Isaac." A female voice called out to the boy, her voice familiar but also echoing, as if she were far away from him in a foggy tunnel. Isaac tossed his black blanket to the ground, his body curling up. 

"Protect Da-" Before the familiar male voice could finish its sentence, Isaac is awoken by something splashing against his body. Quickly shooting up, Isaac scanned his room, before hearing an all too familiar laughter coming from someone close to him. 

"And that's payback for what you did a week ago!" Daniel laughed, holding a bucket in his hands. 

"What the heck was that?" Isaac questioned, his resting against his head."That wasn't like any of the other dreams I've had before. This one...felt...real," he muttered to himself, not paying any attention to his brother. 

"H-Hey...Isaac, are you okay, man? Did I...choose a bad time to get payback?" Daniel questioned, throwing the bucket to the side and placing a hand on Isaac's shoulder. 

"No...I...I'm fine. Yeah, I'm fine," Isaac smiled towards his brother.

  If that were true...then why do you seem like you're trying to convince yourself? Daniel questioned, giving his brother a concerned look.


Walking into the kitchen, Isaac and Daniel spot their mother preparing some food, most likely her lunch, and their father sitting at the dinner table reading the newspaper. Playing on a small TV, which rested on a counter-top, a news anchor explained how, after a long 2-Year construction period, the owner of the newly made mansion has sadly passed away, leaving the property to his friend, Michael Varon. "Now, could you imagine going to school at a building like that?" Daniel nodded towards the massive fenced in white mansion that was on the TV.

 "School? Man that's more like a party house than anything." Isaac responded. 

"You think that's cool, then listen to this: 'An every growing movement dedicated to 'The One' claims ownership of the meteorite which brought the curse upon humanity over 5 decades ago,' I mean seriously, ain't that just a load of crap." Thomas shakes his head, confused as to why someone would do any of what he just read. 

"I swear, people today will do anything for a few moments of fame. I mean, hey, nowadays, your own friend might sell you out just to get something," Angelica joined in. Daniel and Isaac looked towards one another before slightly laughing at the absurdity of their parents' statement.

"Are you kids gonna need a ride to school? Anyone of us can take you today," Angelica questions, looking over and spotting her kids taking a seat at the table near their food. 

"No, I think we'll be fine," Daniel responds. Thomas shows slight concern over this decision  but Daniel quickly chimes in claiming that they'll be safe, and they won't go anywhere dangerous. Thomas and Angelica share a quick glance before agreeing that it's alright for them to go alone.


Taking a step out into the real world, Isaac and Daniel follow the sidewalk laid before them, their movements perfectly in sync. "So, what's up with them sending us to a new school just for 8th grade, huh?" Daniel questioned looking towards Isaac, who was lost in thought. All around Isaac and Daniel, the world began to wake up with the rising of the sun, in the process revealing run down homes, houses with massive cracks in them, grass that hadn't been mowed in months. The surrounding area was a constant reminder of their financial situation back home. 

In the distance, a blaring and muffled siren could be faintly heard. What was with that dream earlier this morning? It was seriously like nothing I'd ever experienced before. Why did it feel so real, why did those voices seem so familiar? What am I missing? Isaac was fixated on his dream, not allowing a single detail to go missing. 

"Hello, earth to Isaac?" Daniel waved his arms out, trying to gain his brother's attention. At the same time, a black sedan shot past both of the brothers, drowning out what Daniel was saying, and bringing Isaac back to reality. A few moments later, a couple of police cruisers flew past the boys as well, in hot pursuit of the black vehicle. 

"Woah, they're going pretty fast," Isaac muttered. 

"I know right. Getting used to the constant sirens is one thing, but getting used to that...well it's a lot harder," Daniel responds. 

"I wonder what those guys did...what do you think?" Isaac glanced over towards Daniel. 

"Hmmm, well...I doubt it was a kidnapping. I mean, what kid is worth taking around here." Daniel looks up towards the sky, taking a moment to think. "Maybe drugs?" The brown-haired older brother simply responded. 

"You took that long and that's what you come back with. For shame," Isaac replied, disappointed with his brother's creativity. 

"Ssssssssspeaking, of long! When are we gonna return to that show? I mean, you've been promising me for weeks now that we'd binge it," Daniel questions, glancing over towards Isaac. 

"Ehhhh...well...." Isaac struggled to come back with an answer, as the idea of returning to a show about giant, man-eating, monsters kinda freaked the boy out.

 "Oh, that's right. You're more into slice of life, cause for some reason, you like reminding yourself that your life is lonely in comparison to fake 2-d animated characters," Daniel smiled, patiently awaiting Isaac's response.

 "I...Wait...hang on! What's wrong with that?!" Isaac yells, glancing towards Daniel.


With a simple fall of a hand, an entire city block was blinded by a bright fiery light, and then covered in a sea of fire. What was once a normal day in Desbine City, has now turned on it's head by just one man's desires. All around, the organized sounds of gunfire drown out the once present, fleeting sounds of life. As the light faded away, all the survivors of the attack could see was carnage: buildings with their walls and windows ripped away from them, the greenery that lined the street up in flames, cars totaled and tossed to the side as if they were nothing but old toys, and then there were the bodies. In just a short amount of time, most of the life which was present on the sidewalk and road had been put out; the fire burning inside them extinguished.

Emerging from the smoke was a single broad man, his body shielded by special plates of armor, his hair the same color as the flames that burn deep into the city. The man reviewed his work, rewarding it with a simple smirk, before extending his right arm, the palm of his hand locked on to a building with watchful eyes staring back towards him. Spiraling down the man's arm, a roaring blaze began to take shape, striking fear into any onlookers. The building's core erupted into flames, its brilliance blinding and mesmerizing. As the fire consumed everything in its path, the unfortunate residents were left severely burned, their bodies charred and blackened.

"Sir, Hunters is nowhere to be seen. What should we do?" A voice calls out from behind the man. 

"We warned him of the consequences of not showing himself. If he doesn't want to make himself an ally, then we'll find someone who will. Scour the area, find a suitable candidate!" the man's words were stern, filled with determination.

 "Sir!" The footman yelled, before running off towards a nearby alleyway. Within just a minute, an entire city street was littered with ash, with dark streams of smoke entering the sky.

  If we don't find it here, then so be it. We have the time to spare, the man thinks to himself, walking down the street, towards the center of the blaze.


"Woah, I wonder what's going on over there?" Isaac questions, pointing towards black smoke filling the sky off in the distance. 

"Hmm, isn't the commercial district?" Daniel responds, taking a moment to stop and examine the smoke. 

"Ehhhh, It's hard to tell from here...but if it's not there it's somewhere close by, that's for sure," Isaac replies, turning his head back towards the small, run down, building in front of him.

 "Smoke in the distance, questionable school in front of us. What a great day," Daniel jokes, beginning to walk towards the entrance of the building with Isaac.

The inside of the building wasn't much better. It was clear everything was put in a rush with no real care for appearances. Lockers were hastily installed, carpet was roughly put in, the lights barely able to light most of the building, instead just a small path leading towards an open room. Taking a step into the room, Isaac and Daniel saw the desks arranged into 5 columns and 4 rows, totaling out to 20 desks in all, with the much longer desk towards the front of the room. "Hmm, you're both here early," Isaac and Daniel heard a tired man mutter.

"Is that a problem?" Isaac asked.

 "What can I say, we prefer to be early," Daniel responds, his eyes glued to the mid 30's man sitting behind the front desk. 

"It's fine. What's your names?"the teacher questions, rising from his seat and grabbing a piece of paper. "

Isaac Tagami, sir!" Isaac answers.

"Daniel Caddel, and you are?" Daniel questions. 

"Hmm? Oh...that's right. They kept my name redacted on papers. I'm Jeremy Connor, but for the duration of this class, you'll call Mr. Connor," the teacher explained as he brought the piece of paper closer to his face.

No windows. Desks look old and damaged. Heck, I don't see a computer in here. Just what are we getting involved in? Isaac thinks to himself, taking a reluctant step into the classroom.

"Ahh, Isaac and Daniel, I see you both now. What's your relationship with one another?" Mr. Connor asks, glancing up towards the two kids. "

Family." Daniel quickly responds. 

"Best friends, but technically brothers," Isaac responds, smiling. 

"Ahh, I see. That works. Anyway, take a seat where ever, really doesn't bother me," Mr. Connor replies, taking a seat in his withered black-leather chair. So, that brings the total amount of kids with powers up to 3, Mr. Connor thinks to himself as Isaac and Daniel choose seats close to one another.


Launching himself into the air, a black-haired, medium build man leaps towards a firetruck, slamming his fist into the red and white vehicle, before a massive explosion goes off, sending the vehicle flying backwards, slamming into a building. The man lands on the sidewalk and laughs to himself, the destruction amusing him. Noticing the weakness in the structure, the man raises his arm, the palm of his hand level with the center of the building. A bright light flashed from his arm followed by an orange burst of sparks. Suddenly the center of the building exploded, causing the top of the building to cave in and crush the fire engine from before. 

Noticing the blaring sirens growing louder, the man turned around and spotted a fleet of S.W.A.T Vans with Officers emerging from them. "Don't these idiots know by now," The man muttered to himself, his voice condescending, "You're not strong enough to beat me." The man raised his arm, sparks flying off his hand, and within a single moment, an orange ball flew from the man's palm and towards the vehicles, exploding into a massive ball of flames once it came into contact with one of the vans.

 Panic began to sweep through the officer's mind as they began to realize how outmatched they were. Some of them considered making a run for it, others considered the easy way out, but before anyone could act on their fears, their bodies were ripped to shreds following a bright light. The corpse of the dead flying and scattering into the air. 

"I tried to warm them, but nobody ever listens to me, heh, heh," The man smirked, proud of what he'd done. Behind him, were the whimpers of a kid, whose age was unknown. The man turned, amused by what he had just found. Slowly, he walked towards the little kid. "Hey there, what's wrong? Were your parents one of those rude officers? I'm just doing my job, you know, and they attacked me," he told the kid, a hint of humor entering his voice. The kid raised his small arm, and pointed towards the collapsed building, causing the man to look over towards it.

"Mama...Papa...home..." The kid muttered, his tears beginning to grow in size. 

"Ohh, I see. Well that's too bad," the man clapped his hands, as he knelt down in front of the boy. "I got a question: Are you special? Do you have any power that I should know about?" the man asked, placing his right hand on top of the kid's head. "A wrong answer won't be tolerated around here," the man explained, his animalistic eyes getting a kick out of the fear he's putting into the boy. 

"Special? Powers?" the kid questioned, his mind weirdly focused on the man in front of him.

 "Don't know, huh, well that's too bad. I was just getting to like you," the man muttered, tilting his head up, to avoid looking the boy in the eyes.


Slamming his fist into the chest of an officer, the leader of this attack, threw the officer into a building, his body slamming into the charred bricks. "He's too strong!", "We have to evacuate!" a few of the officers begin to yell out. 

"We can't! There's still civilians who need our help!" a female officer yells out, her eyes glued to a man holding his injured wife. 

"If we stay here, then we're gonna-" Before the other officer could finish his thought, a horde of fire slams into his body, burning the man alive. The other officers watch in horror as their comrade screams for help,  begging to be put down. 

Seeing that their enemy is distracted, the female officer uses this as her opportunity to make her way towards the family she spotted. Gunfire covers her advance, however the officer realizes her comrades bullets are melting before they even come close to striking the man they're aiming for. The chief knew we were out-matched, and yet...we were still sent to our deaths, the female officer thinks to herself as she slides towards the family, finally reaching them. "Sir, are you and her alright?" she asks the man, his eyes watering. 

"My...My wife...s...she..." The man mutters, his arms shaking, holding his dying wife.

"I'm gonna get you out of here, just hold on!" The female officers shout, but as she does she notices a ball of fire slam into the position her comrades were staying at, sending their vehicles flying backwards, discarded as if they were nothing. 

"My...my wife...is dead...I...I couldn't...do anything..." The man mutters, laying his wife on the ground, his fists clenched. 

"Sir...what are you doing?" The female officer demands to know.

But the man only looks back towards her, quickly reading her badge, before stating, "Officer Richard, I thank you for trying...but I'd run if I were you."

Before she could figure out what the man meant, she watched as various pieces of debris began to rise to the air, hovering around the man. Her eyes go wide from realization

"THIS IS FOR MY WIFE!" The Man screamed, and with a single stroke of his arm, all the collected debris flew towards the killer. "I'LL MAKE YOU PAY FOR-" A piece of rebar flew black and pierced the man's head before he finished. 

The rest of the debris following suit after the force of an explosion sends them right back to where they came from. Officer Richard wanted to react, she wanted to move, but she couldn't. All she could do was watch as her vision began to blur, a red cover being applied to everything around her.

"How pathetic," the leader of the attack spoke, his face disappointed. "To have an ability like that and to waste it. You could've been one of the greats," he stated, picking up the corpse of the man. 

"L-Le...ave...him..." The female officer tried to protest, but she found herself almost too weak to speak. 

"Die." The man stated, before bashing his boot against her head. The Leader turned around and reached for a small hand-held device, bringing it up to his mouth before talking into it, "All units, this is Flame. We have a small portion of what we came here for. Begin to fall back. Decoy units run the police wild all throughout the city."


"Alright. That's it for the day. We have about 30 minutes left. So spend that time communicating. Getting to truly know one another will be important as we move forward," Mr. Connor instructs as he walks towards the exit.

 "And where are you going?" A girl with bright brown hair asked. 

"You're never gonna show your real selves while I'm here. That and I have something I have to look into," The Teacher explains as he exits the classroom, leaving the kids alone, and within a few seconds the classroom erupts into chatter.

What the...this dude goes from stern to relaxed so quickly. He's kinda hard to read. But regardless, that doesn't change my biggest question: Why were we put into a new school for our final year? Daniel questions, his mind refusing to give up without an answer. 

"It's just like it was eight years ago...I feel it now..." Isaac mutters to himself, gaining the attention of Daniel who sits one desk in front of him. 

"Huh, what do you mean, Isaac? Daniel turns back, glancing towards his brother. Wait...eight years ago...what happened back then? Daniel thought to himself, his mind racing.

| "Daniel, run!" |

Daniel froze, his face going pale. "Hey...I-Isaac...you...you couldn't possibly mean...back then...could you?" Daniel questioned. 

"Y-Yeah...I think so," Isaac responds.

 "W-W-W-what...h-happened...e-e-e-eight...years ago?" Another student sitting nearby asks. Daniel looks over towards the kid, quickly noticing his shy demeanor.

 "N-Nothing! It was nothing, heh heh," Daniel responded, attempting to correct the situation.

 "I...I...I...see, I-I'm sorry," The other student mutters, turning to hide his face.


"Hey, look up there. Look like they're messin' with our little ol' Zero," Cody, a blond haired kid with green eyes points towards Isaac and Daniel. 

"That they are. Now that's no good. We should do something about that," Zeke, a dark brown haired kid with blue eyes responds.

 "And by 'we' I'm assuming you mean me?" Jackson asks, everything about him showing no interest in anything happening.

 "Well of course, I mean, you are the muscle of the group," Cody replies. 

"Please, if we were talking actual strength, you'd be stronger," Jackson responds, rising from his seat. "But whatever. Just sit back and watch." Jackson places his hands in his pockets and begins walking

When did I start using this power for other people?  I guess that doesn't matter, not anymore, Jackson thought to himself, before stopping a few feet away from the trio before him. "Hey, Zero, you mind telling me who your new friends are?" Jackson's face was calm, his green eyes glued to the shy brown haired kid. 

"J-J-Jackson..." 'Zero' muttered, his face filling with fear.

 "You need something?" Another kid with brown hair, his darker than Zeros', questioned.

 "Unless you wanna tell me your name, I don't really care what comes out of your mouth," Jackson responded, his eyes beginning to fill with disgust.

"Hey!" The black haired kid rose from his seat, his eyes glaring back at Jackson. "What's your problem?" he asked, his hands slightly shaking by his sides. 

Hmm, what the hell, does this kid really want to fight, or is he really just this stupid? Jackson thought to himself, shooting a quick glance over to the standing student. "Woah, calm down there, little guy. No reason to get all worked up, I just wanted to know what my little Zero here was getting up to." Jackson explained, his voice calm.

"Y-Y-You...d-d-d-don't have t-to do...this...j-just...let us be." Jackson watched as Zero pleaded with the black haired kid. 

"You sure?" The kid responded, taking his eyes off Jackson. 

"Isaac, let it be man, this isn't worth it." The brown haired kid muttered, looking down towards the ground.

 "Isaac, huh, that's your name? Well then, Isaac, let me tell you something-" Jackson rose his hand, planning to bring it close to Isaac's chest.

Suddenly the door to the classroom slams open drawing everyone's attention to it. "Jackson, Jameson, both of you come with me. Everyone else can go home for the day," Mr. Connor announces, hiding his face. Daniel and Isaac watch as both Jackson and the student next to them walk towards the door, the rest of the class joining soon after. 

"That was...something," Daniel mutters, a little shook by what happened.

 "Let's go," Isaac hastily muttered before making his way towards the door. 

"Yo, bro, wait up!" Daniel scrambled to put all his things away into his backpack.


"Isaac, wait up!" Daniel yells, running to try to match his brother's incredible speed. He's always been faster than me, but this...this is something else. Daniel thinks to himself. This feeling. It's just like it was back then. I know it. I know it for certain. But why...why now? What changed recently to cause this? Isaac thinks to himself, desperate to get the answers he wants.

| "It's goin to happen soon, Isaac."  - "Protect Da-"

Isaac froze. Wait...was that...is that it? Isaac turned around and stared at Daniel. But why...what do you mean protect? Protect from what? Isaac questions, as behind Daniel several cars turn onto the road leading towards the two brothers.

 "Thank....God...you...slowed down..." Daniel muttered through several breaths. "You...could've done that sooner though, you know!" Daniel yelled, a little agitated.

 "Yeah...I...sorry. My bad," Isaac responded.

 "So, seriously man, tell me...are you alright?" Daniel questions, causing Isaac to look down towards the ground.

"Let's...let's do this back at home," Isaac responds, walking towards a stop sign near the end of the sidewalk. 

"Yeah...That's fine," Daniel replies, taking a step forward towards Isaac, before hearing a car door slam behind him. 

Would Thomas and Angelica know anything that could help? I mean...I can't rule them out until I know for certain, Isaac thinks to himself, not even realizing the situation happening behind him. 

"Hey, what the hell, let go!" Daniel yelled out. 

"Shut the hell up, kid, you're our insurance policy!" An unknown voice responded, finally breaking Isaac out of his trance, prompting him to turn around.

Flashing sirens in the distance, a kid walking a dog on the other side of the road, two more people inside the black car, Daniel struggling in the arms of some unknown person dressed in black. Isaac took everything in immediately, his mind being flooded by his senses. "Hey...wait a minute...what the heck is going on?" Isaac muttered, the boy confused.

 "Isaac, run!" Daniel shouted, slamming his shoe into the kidnapper's right leg. 

"Agrr, tsk, damnit kid!" The older man yelled, reaching to his side to grab his gun. 

"Hey, wait a minute..." Isaac took a single step. "What are you doing?" followed by another, "You don't have to do this," followed by his final step. 

"You stay back!" The Man yelled, pointing the gun towards Isaac. In the distance, Isaac watched as police exit their vehicles, raising their guns towards the criminals.

  Hey, wait a minute...do...do they not see Daniel...hey...wait- Before Isaac could finish his through, Daniel slammed the back of his head against the kidnappers face, causing him to drop the boy. 

"Isaac, run!" Daniel, once again, yelled, but before he could move, he felt something heavy whack against the back of his head, causing him to fall to the ground.

Isaac's face quickly falls, filled with surprise at the unexpected turn of events. However, another emotion began to simmer beneath the surface: his seething rage.

 "What the hell? Hurry and get him in the car!" Another man yelled. Before the man could grab Daniel's body, he paused, the sound of something sparking catching his attention. The man looked up and saw nothing but a blast of red and white energy slam into him and his vehicle, sending everything flying backwards.

-To Be Continued-

Lemon's Cool Special Note: Alright, Episode 2 done and over with. What were your thoughts, wanna see more AHJ? Leave all that fun stuff in the comments down below. Anyways, I don't really have much more I wanna add, so with that out of the way, I will wish you a good day!

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