vicious king and his innocent...

By Christabelmystic

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fantasy,18+,weak to strong, romance More



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By Christabelmystic

Stars pov

I think I just found my second favourite place in the Palace.

After going through the library, I even managed to pick out some books, which i would read later...

we were about to leave the library...
When the door to the library opened..

The person that entered was lucas sister, I remember seeing her face last time  even if it was for a split second.....

she has the most beautiful golden hair I have ever seen and her beautiful Amber eyes captured my attention...
Her eyes were really hard to miss.

she looked at me with so much excitement in her eyes and a beautiful smile on her face.

She's so pretty...I turned to look  at lucas who stood behind me.

I can feel lucas hand squeezing mine.

"Baby this is my sister, princess aliana"...lucas introduced.

"Is it okay if she comes closer"...I heard lucas asked..

I nodded my head instantly...I really want to met his sister, after yesterday I also want  to apologise..

I looked at her direction,
Aliana started approaching us with a maid following her but still keeping a good distance between themselves....

"Nice to meet you,  your grace"....she said with her smile growing even bigger...

I couldn't help but smile back at her and nod my head..

"Aliana, we will be leaving now, maybe later both of you can get to know each other better"...lucas said before taking me out of the library

"Baby how do you feel meeting one of my family members asked lucas as we walked down the hallway.

I looked up at him and smiled....

I felt good, and she kept on smiling at me. it looks like she likes me, which made me really happy..
That means she isn't mad at me about what happened yesterday....
But still I would need to apologise  properly later.

I felt lucas hug me, that brought me out of my thought

"I am happy that you met her too, I want you to know that you are now part of my family, so you don't need to be scared or nervous around them".

"They all love and cherish you like I do, baby"

I couldn't help but hug lucas tighter, he always know what to say to make my fears disappear....

And his words alway gives me the strength and courage I need.. I thank the goddess for bringing lucas to me....

We stood in the corridor hugging for a long time our heart saying all that it wanted to with how it tugged against each other....

Lucas is now my life line and I would do anything to keep him with me....

After sometime we went back to our room.

Right now we are sitting down on the soft chair at the balcony and lucas Is holding me in his arms.

I could never get tired of this view, I love how you can see the whole kingdom from here.

"Baby I wanted to ask you something"..

I heard lucas say, I immediately turned my head towards his face,  he gently caressed my cheeks with his soft fingers..that alone send electricity round my body...

I couldn't help but lean into his hands...

"Baby,I want to ask for your permission for something...but before I ask I don't want you to feel pressure or concerned, you can say no and that's it, okay" he said

Just hearing his word, I was already getting a little bit anxious...but am  also curious to know what he wants to ask me

I nodded my head and kept my eyes fixated 0n his face...

I could see the hestation in his eyes, what could this be.

"Darling, this concerns your wolfhound started to say


"What about it"..I wrote on my note book

The thing is that I think something is wrong with her, when was the last time you felt her"..

"I don't know, I can't really remember if I have ever felt her before"...I wrote down and showed him

"Really....but am sure I can sense it,
definitely  you are not human"...I heard him mumble

I don't know what to think with this information lucas is giving me, I have never really care about my wolf...
I know my mom said that I was a werewolf just like her but I never transformed..
Plus all the hardship and suffering I went through,  what if my wolf is dead....

"Baby, what do you think about seeing the royal priestess....just to be sure"he asked

I could feel my heart starting to beat faster
I am scared of meeting new people and what if we finds out something is wrong with me.
Of course lucas is a werewolf, a king at that wouldn't it he bad if his mate is just human..

I felt his forehead touch mine, bringing me out of my thought....I looked towards his face his dark orb looked directly into mine..

"Baby, you don't need to do anything you are not comfortable with, remember you have me by your side always"...
I felt his hand cup my face, as I leaned in to feel his warmth...

Lucas is with me, I would be fine

"Let's met her, if you stay by me I would be fine"
He read and I saw his smile widened

"Of course darling, I will always be beside you... so when fo you think you will be ready to see her"... he asked

"As soon as possible....I am also curious to know her answer"...I wrote down and showed him...

"In that case, I will have her come tomorrow, does that sound good".. he replied

Yes...I nodded my head
I really want to accept all the help lucas wants to offer, because I know that he wouldn't do anything that will hurt me..
I trust him....


Lucas pov

The next day

Am glad star has decided to met the priestess that way I would be more relax...

Right now am In a meeting with some chief's from the different cities...
Today the priestess would be arriving to see star, am really hopeful that their would be good news..

After the morning meeting, I headed to my study...
To my surprise as I entered the door to my study, I saw star sitting on the sofa with her book and pen beside her and a novel in her hand..


She turned to look at me, she smiled as she stood up..

I approached her I took her small hands in to mine...

"Did you eat your breakfast" I asked

Yes, she nods her head

"Good girl....
I didn't know you would be here, did I keep you waiting"

She turned to puck up her book and pen as she wrote down
"No you didn't and I was tired of staying in the room alone."

"You should have gone around the Palace, remember you are free to go wherever you want to go..
Even outside the Palace, If you want"...

She instantly shook her head..

"I don't want to go outside the Palace"

She wrote down

"Baby it okay if you don't want to outside the Palace, remember you can do what ever you want, no one would force you to do anything you are not comfortable with..

She nodded her head....

"When is the priestess coming" she asked

"Very soon baby", I ....

Suddenly Their was a knock on the door..

"Come in",  Mark entered the room and bowed his head

"Your Highness, your grace"...he greeted

I felt star's hand squeezing mine, I know she's trying to be brave and not cower away when she sees new people.

That I am proud of...

"The priestess has arrived, your majesty" marksaid..

"That's good, send her to the room beside mine, we would be there shortly"..

"Okay, your majesty"..please excuse me

"Go ahead"...

Mark left the room, after some time...
We headed to the room to see the priestess...

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