The Rebel (Thorin x OC)

By iAltoSax

525K 17K 5.2K

Bellethiel is a she-elf who has lived a long life. Along with this life has come many trials and suffering. S... More

The Shire
Story For A Story
It's Second Nature
An Illusion
Chased Back Home
An Unexpected Reunion
Rivendell Downtime
A Glimpse of What's To Come
The Truth or Lies, That Is Your Choice
Tensions Run High
A New Level of Understanding
I Do Believe The Worst Is Behind Us
A Safe Place To Rest
Queer Lodgings
Venture Into Mirkwood
Welcome To Mirkwood
Bard the Bowman
It Was Supposed To Be A Celebration
The Last Days of Peace
You're Part of the Company (Side Story)
What Lies In Dale
What Have We Done?
Descent Into Madness
Too Far Gone
The Consequences For Their Decisions
Nothing Has Changed
Prepare for Battle! Fight!
It's A Bloodbath...
I Will Not Let You Fall
The Line of Durin
Everything I Did, I Did For Them
There and Back Again
Thank You Everyone!

Please never do this to other writers...

1K 32 33
By iAltoSax

UPDATE! THE STORY HAS BEEN TAKEN DOWN! least I think, I can't seem to find it anymore. I don't know if it was the user who took it down or the people who run the site did because of the reports because I know from wattpad you lovely readers were reporting it. No words can truly describe how thankful and blessed I am to have such amazing people rally together to help even after a lot of time has passed since I wrote this story. While I was by myself, I will admit, I was a little discouraged and disheartened about this whole situation. I knew I was going to keep on writing, but it was a slight blow to my confidence (what little I have lol). So thank you...really, from the bottom of my heart thank you.

I'm still unsure if I wanna keep this chapter up, just to make people aware of how plagiarism can really mess with author's who put a lot of time into their creation...but I also want to keep it up as an awareness. That there is always support for those who are writers and that there's consequences for those who decide to plagiarize other people's creation (may not be a swift consequence, but someday it'll come). If I do decide to delete it, then I will at least keep this post up for about a week before taking it down. Again, thank you, all you wonderful readers, thank you. It means a lot to me that it got taken down.

Much love and hugs,



Hello you lovely readers! It's been years since I've touched this story after it was completed, but I think I need to say this, and forgive me for it being so long. If it gets resolved this post will be deleted, but I just need a place to vent my disgust.

Recently, a lovely user (who I am incredibly grateful for telling me) made me aware that someone plagiarized my story, literally word for word. The only thing they changed is that they made it a self-insert and upon further reading of the chapters they have posted they took out all original names I carefully picked and chose (even if they were long names, they were names I picked) that were perfect for the role I needed and changed them for something else (ex. Mellimeldisiel was changed to Freya or Charvielle. Bellethiel's horse Benion was changed to Jacob there's probably many more, but I just didn't want to read more). I looked at the comment section+author's note and the user is claiming my story as their own and replying to other readers about how happy they are for the love and it's their support that keeps them writing.

The user hasn't been active for a while (maybe last post was 2022 and the story was posted in 2020), but it's the principal of the matter. It shouldn't be on the site in the first place or claimed by someone other than me. And I don't use this site, the only sites I use is FFnet, Wattpad, or Ao3.

If you go to you'll find a story Unlikely Love by ninniachel

(Hopefully the picture works)

Anyway! If you have read this far, and if you have time I would greatly appreciate if you could go to the story and report it as copyright violation, and you can attach the link to The Rebel to show as proof of identification. You can do that by clicking the title of the story and there should be a report button just beside the description (on the desktop website the report would be right next to the word count). Please do not comment on the story, it's not worth it, I can only hope that simply reporting would get it removed from the site or the user kindly agrees to remove it whenever they come back online.

And I don't know if this user is a child or an adult...but we've all learned that plagiarism is wrong. Please never do something like this to other writers, whether it be original works or fanfiction, or anything. We put time and effort into creating original characters that we care about (in my case I view them as my own children, they are dear to me and my own creations), making a past, giving them feelings, flaws, etc. Or creating storylines to twist perfectly to make sense into the fandom we love.


Never did I consider or think I would deal with this cause I just do this for fun (with hopes of publishing an original work in the future), I don't even consider my writing the best. But I love writing, I'd say I'm passionate about it and I strive to be better with every chapter I post moving forward in any story I make, strive to create better storylines with adding twists and to flesh out more original characters that I love to a point that I wish I could draw them, just to be able to give them more life.

If you love a story, love how an author writes, then just write a sweet comment. Message the author. But copying+pasting and claiming it as your own does not show how much you love the author or the writing. You're just hurting their confidence and self-esteem that you could cause the person to not want to write anymore. I will continue posting my stories, because it makes me happy. Writing is my escape and I love making others happy through my writing and what I create.

Thank you for taking the time to read my long ass post, I'm just a little upset and slightly discouraged. (I know I could ignore this, should ignore this, but I just can't stomach someone commenting to other readers while claiming they're 'writing' more chapters).

I love you all, hope you all are doing wonderful since the last time you heard from me. Please be safe and be kind, and know I'm always grateful for all the love and support.

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