A Hero's Journey

By LemonAiden

1K 99 17

April 15th, 1965: A Day That Altered the Course of History. After a meteorite introduced 'Powers' to Earth, S... More

Season 1 Episode 2: Explosion
Season 1 Episode 3: The Birth Of A New Age
Season 1 Episode 4: Unraveled
Season 1 Episode 5: Focus
Season 1 Episode 6: Eve Of The Attack
Season 1 Episode 7: Our Missing Angel
Season 1 Episode 8: What It Takes To Become A Hero
Season 1 Episode 9: A Subtle Blow In The Wind
Season 1 Episode 10: Cycle Of Hatred
Season 1 Episode 11: Behind The Act
Season 1 Episode 12: The Day History Changed
Season 1 Episode 13: Rebirth
Season 1 Episode 14: Experimentation
Season 1 Episode 15: Debut
Season 1 Episode 16: Loss & Perseverance
Season 1 Episode 17: Standing Inside The Ring
Season 1 Episode 18: The Rouge Vs. The Ward
Season 1 Episode 19: An Expanded Horizon
Season 1 Episode 20: Staging Ground
Season 1 Episode 21: A Moment Of Reconciliation
Season 1 Episode 22: Calm Before The Storm
Season 1 Episode 23: Paranoia
Season 1 Episode 24: Graduation Day
Season 2, Episode 1: An Ever Growing World
Season 2, Episode 2: The Sparks Of Change
Season 2, Episode 3: New Age Heroes
Season 2, Episode 4: Attack On The HQ
Season 2, Episode 5: Changing Of The Wind
Season 2, Episode 6: The Day Before Doomsday

Season 1 Episode 1: Welcome To The Old World Near Hell!

161 6 9
By LemonAiden

Date: ??/??/2018

"The Sad Truth Is: This World Is Not Equal. Nothing About This World Is Heroic." 


Date: July 5th 2006

A woman closed the door to a house, muffling the berating sounds of her, recently, ex-husband. The woman walked a few feet away from the building, her fingers interlocked with her young boy's hand, under the cover of the starry night sky, the moon hiding half its body behind thick clouds.  "Mommy?" the young boy muttered, tugging on his mother's clothing. 

"I-I'm sorry...buddy. I never wanted you to see your father like that," the mother cried, her heart broken with her head spinning rapidly. 

"Mommy, who's that?" the young boy asked, once again tugging on his mother's clothing.

  Huh?  The woman thought to herself, turning to her left, allowing her to face the road, only to see a male, close to about 18 years of age, dressed in all black walking towards them. "I...I don't know sweetie. It might be one of your father's friends. Let's just get out of here." The Mother tightened her grip on her son's hand and began walking away, however didn't get far before the man called out, asking her to wait.

"I'm sorry, sir, but I have to get home and get Jimmy, here, asleep," The Mother tried to explain, but her words fell on death's door. 

"Oh please," The man raised his right arm revealing a handgun sitting in the palm of his hand, "This doesn't have to be hard. I just need your money," The man spoke, his voice slightly high-pitched and shaky. 

"M-Mommy!" The boy cried out, hiding behind his mother's leg. 

"P-Please, sir...you don't have to-"

"No, I'm sorry, but I do. Now hand over some cash," The man interrupted the woman, closing the distance between them with each step. 

"I...I don't have cash...I...I'm sorry, please just let us go..." The mother tried to explain, her voice beginning to break as she held her kid tightly. 

"Now see, I...I have a really hard believing that!" The man yelled, raising his arm, pointing the gun towards the woman. 

"Mom, no!" The little boy shouted, pure fear residing within his voice.

 "Please, we can find another way, I promise, just please don't do this...not...not in front of my son..." The mother attempted to plea with the man.

As the streetlamp began to flicker, the man took one final step towards the woman, finally making within arms reach. "Final chance, please, I don't want to do this," the man stated, his hand beginning to shake. The woman looked towards the ground, and then towards her hands. She stayed like that for a few moments before coming to terms with the reality of her situation.

 With one quick stroke, the woman attempted to slash the man's face, hoping to buy her son time to escape and maybe, just maybe, live, however that didn't happen. Before the woman could even come close to the man's face, she felt her body go numb, before eventually collapsing to the ground.

Blood trickled from the woman's chest, seeping into her once-pristine white clothing. "M-M-Mommy!" she heard her boy cry. God, how scared was he? The mother weakly cupped her stained hands around her mouth, tears streaming down her eyes. 

 "Hey," the criminal said, kicking the woman over onto her back, fixing his gun on the woman's head. 

 The woman's eyes trembled with fear, as the sight of the man entered her view. His head and face were covered in shadow, cloaked by his dark hood. The only thing which remained visible was a red glowing hue where the man's right eye should've been.

"I tried to tell you. I didn't want it to come to this," The man muttered, shaking his head. "I promise to make sure the kid doesn't suffer. I promise, this wasn't personal in the slightly I just needed the money," The man finished before lowering his weapon, pointing the end of the barrel down towards the woman's head. 

"J-Ji...mmy...r...un..." The woman muttered before hearing her final sound: The Dying Cry Of A Fatal Bullet.


"If I could take it all back, I would. I wouldn't even want to relive this hell in an attempt to make it better; I would instead just choose another path; something far better this never-changing journey."

Date: February 11th 2010

The sound of a locker rattling fills the crowded hallway of the school, quickly managing to grab everyone's attention; for better or for worse. "Oh dang, be careful Travis, you might make the little boy pee himself," A nine-year-old blond haired boy, with a blue shirt, yells out, causing the hallway to erupt into laughter. 

"Yeah, I mean, look at the little dude, he's already in tears," Another boy in a red shirt chimed in. 

Travis, a nine-year-old, brown haired, kid towered over the smaller, six-year old, boy. "Hmm, man, what do I want to do with you. I mean, I have to do something; you did run into me after all," The boy explained, his tone condescending.

"I-I...I'm really sorry. I...I promise...I didn't see y...you," The younger boy cried, before jumping at the sound of someone hitting a locker close by. 

"So, what you're saying is, you think you're better than me?" Travis questioned, glancing down towards the boy's chest, which contained a small name tag with the words 'Gavin Morris' written across. 

"N-No...th-that...isn't what I...I meant!" The younger boy cried out, causing the entire hallway to burst out laughing again, somehow not gaining the attention of a teacher. 

"You know it's not nice to yell at people older than you, right?" The blue shirt kid commented, slamming his fist into the red locker beside Gavin's head.

"Stop messing with him!" A high-pitched voice rang out, drawing the attention of the entire hallway. Everything went so silent a pen drop could have been easily heard. Travis turned to his right and saw a small scrawny black-haired Caucasian kid standing in the middle of the hallway, both his hands clenched into fists resting by his sides. 

"Ohhh~, and who exactly are you?" Travis smirked, slowly walking towards the much smaller boy. 

"Just keep your hands off people! It's not that hard," the boy replied, his gaze locked onto Travis.

"Isaac, wait!" Another voice yelled out from down the hall, but before anyone could pay it any attention, Travis quickly grabbed the younger boy in front of him and shoved him against one of the lockers. 

"Heh, you wanna play Hero so bad kid? Well so be it, let me show you what happens when you choose that life!" Travis yells out, punching the smaller boy, Isaac, inthe stomach, causing him to hunch over in pain. 

"N-No...stop..." Gavin muttered, attempting to extend his arm out, before being stopped by the two other boys accompanying Travis. The sound of running footsteps draws closer as another boy with brown hair, equal in age to Isaac, comes running towards the action.

"D-Daniel..." Isaac muttered, before standing straight up, his back still touching the locker. 

"And who the heck is this, huh, another Hero?" Travis questions, grinning towards Daniel. 

"H-Hero?" Daniel questions before taking a quick glance around the hallway, noticing the situation both Isaac and Gavin are in. "Dang it Isaac, not again." The boy muttered under his breath, before clenching his fists. 

"Oh-Ho-Ho, look what we got here!" Travis yelled out, his face filled with excitement. 

"Daniel, no, don't." Isaac commented, his dark eyes pleading with his brother.

"What is going on out here?" An older, stern, voice rang out, causing a lot of the kids to scurry away, attempting to avoid being seen. Isaac and Daniel looked towards their right and saw the principal walking towards them, his gray hair slicked back. 

"Heh, some 'Hero' you were." Travis smirked, before taking his hand off Isaac, and taking a step away. 

"Nothing much, just taking care of some wannabe Heroes," the kid in the blue shirt explained. 

"Pinning two boys against lockers is very much against our school's rules, and you boys know-" Before the Principal could finish, his eyes land on Isaac. "You two, my office, now." The older man pointed towards Isaac and Daniel, who just simply exchanged a glance before walking towards the office.


"In just the short amount of time your kid has been here, he's been involved in countless incidents like this," the principal explains to Isaac and Daniel's parents, Thomas and Angelica Caddel. 

"Look, I understand, and I promise I'll have a word with Isaac when we get home," Thomas explains, moving his hands as he talks.

 "Having a word isn't going to be enough," the principal replied. "Look, I understand your kid wants to help out, but you know the world we live in, and you know how deadly that can be," he explains, not concerned with the harshness of his words.

"Isaac has always had problems like this, but I promise you, he's getting better," Angelica said. "Next time I swear he'll go get a teacher."

"He better, or I can't promise he'll last much longer here. I'm sorry, I hope you understand," the older man replied, resting his hands on his wooden desk. 

"100%. This won't be an issue ever again, sir," Thomas responds, rubbing his hands together. 

"I'm glad to hear that. Now, please, take the rest of the day off, and tomorrow we better not have this issue," the principal glances towards Isaac, who has his head lowered in shame. 

"Thank you for understanding, sir. I promise, I won't let this happen again," Angelica comments, placing her hands on Isaac's shoulders.


Later that night, after the family had dinner, Thomas and Angelica called Isaac into the living room. The boy, with his brother following behind him, slowly walked into the room, taking small steps on the white carpet, before finally making his way onto the withered small blue couch. "If you're just gonna yell at me again, then there's no point. I already know what you're gonna say," Isaac pouted, refusing to make eye contact with his parents, neither one of them sharing his hair color.

"Look, Isaac, this isn't about scolding you. We realize that, well...that that's not gonna help you right now," Thomas explains, placing his hand on the boy's shoulder. 

"Do you remember those weird dreams you started having, when you were five?" Angelica asked, facing away from Isaac, hiding her eyes with her long blonde hair. 

"You...you mean about real Mommy and Daddy?" the young boy questioned, his eyes shooting up to meet his father's gaze. 

"Yeah, your...real Mom and Dad," Angelica muttered, her voice slightly breaking towards the end. 

"Well, you see, there's something we never told you," Thomas comments. 

"Wait...you kept something like this away from Isaac?" Daniel questioned, confusion filling his face. 

"We kept this a secret to protect you kids, but now we see that we were wrong, and we're sorry," Thomas takes a deep breath before looking over to his wife, who smiles back towards him before nodding, "As you know, your parents met because of their...work...but your parents were also special, because both of their Moms' and Dads' met at the Meteorite a long time ago." Thomas reveals, causing Isaac to look around the room in confusion, his mind rejecting the words his father was saying. 

"Your parents, Carla and Dakota, were what you would call 'Heroes'," Angelica said. "They didn't do anything fancy; they just...helped out with what made them special. After a while they met, and eventually you were brought into this world. But their time in the spotlight brought them a lot of terrible attention, which is what led to..." she stopped abruptly, unable to continue as tears from her past friendship welled up, engulfing her. 

"Mom...and Dad...were Heroes?" Isaac questioned, his mind brimming with curiosity; his eyes sparkling with memories.

"When you were given to us four years ago, we weren't sure that you would've inherited their...powers...but after what happened in the forest, and you started to have those dreams - those visions of them - we knew what was happening," Thomas said. "You're also a special person Isaac, but you can't tell anyone, because if you do, something bad might happen. Do you understand?" Thomas adds, his eyes getting glassy at the thought of losing one of his kids. 

"Mom and Dad... were special... I'm special..." Isaac murmured as he gazed at his cupped hands, as if he were clutching onto something valuable.

"You all are special, but like your dad said, you can't tell anyone, and more importantly: you can't act like them," Angelica comments. 

"But...why? Why can't I help people?" Isaac questions, glancing over towards his mother. 

"Isaac, do you want to end up like your parents?" Angelica asked, her eyes conveying fear towards the answer. 

"I...real Mom and Dad said I should help when they talked to me in the dream," Isaac replied, jumping off the couch.

 "But...if you disappear, who will be my best friend?" Daniel questioned, his voice higher-pitched than usual, with his hands shaking. Isaac stood still, his mind had not even considered the idea of never seeing Daniel again.

After that, there were a few more words exchanged before Isaac walked towards him and his brother's small room; his mind filled with new questions, but most importantly a new feeling began to dwell within the boy, a feeling he couldn't understand the complexity of. Ultimately, the young boy simplified the emotion down to him beginning to doubt him and his parents 'special' power; questioning what their life together would've looked like had they not chosen the path they had. Unbeknownst to Isaac at the time, this level of thinking would lead him down a dark and pain-filled journey.


Date: May 12th 2017

"Daniel, run!" With those words ringing in his head, the 13-year-old boy woke from his sleep. That dream again...why can't I remember what happens after that, or better yet, why can't I just forget the dream entirely? Isaac thinks to himself before stepping out of his bed and onto the wooden tile which made up his floor. Isaac puts on a white shirt and red pants before making his way out of his room, and into a hallway which leads into the kitchen.

"Good Morning, Mr. Bed Head." Angelica teases, as she finishes placing a few pancakes on a plate. 

"Good morning." Isaac muttered, his eyes refusing to make eye contact. 

"Judging by your voice, I'm gonna guess you and your brother stay up late again watching those Japanese cartoons with your brother again?" Angelica questions as she hands Isaac a plate with breakfast on it. 

"They're not...whatever," Isaac shakes his head before digging into his food. 

"After you're done, hop in the shower, wake your brother up, and tell him his plates' out here, alright?" Angelica asks as she reaches over the countertop and grabs her car keys.

"Yeah, will do." Isaac mutters, already a 4th of his food gone. 

"I don't see how you eat that fast," Angelica chuckled before making her way out of the kitchen and towards the front door. "Love you, have a good day!" Angelica yells. 

"You too," Isaac responds, before hearing the front door open and close. "I just wish I could mean what I say. Am I selfish?"


Isaac stood at the front of the classroom, his eyes staring at the center of the room. "52 years ago, a meteor carrying the fragmented powers, hit the earth. We don't know why, but it slowed down, and crashed safely, allowing people to go in person and watch the once in a lifetime event. It's estimated around 500 people showed up, with only 1 person dying. Following this..." Isaac pauses, his eyes hiding behind his short black hair.

 "Thank you, Mr. Tagami. On a related note, kids remember: when discussing this subject, please do not go off-topic and discuss irrelevant material. This is for your own safety," the teacher explained to the class.


Walking away from the school, Isaac holds the straps to his backpack tightly. Why did I want to add more? All I had to do was keep my stupid mouth shut, but now I lost points. Isaac thinks to himself, his mind to busy beating himself up that he doesn't notice Daniel running behind him. I wish this world would just- 

Before Isaac could finish he feels something wrap around his neck. "Hey, what's up with you walking home on your own?" Daniel teases, smiling towards Isaac.

 "Oh...heh heh, I'm sorry!" Isaac responded, his face immediately lighting up. 

"You know, you seemed miserable during your speech today. Are you feeling alright?" Daniel asks, taking his arm off Isaac. 

"Hey, Isaac, wait up!" Both boys turned once they heard the females voice. Running towards them was a beautiful fragile girl with long bright blonde hair. 

"Haha, hey Hannah!" Isaac yelled back. 

"Yo." Daniel calmly responded, putting up two fingers. 

"Hey so, I wanted to talk more about the thing we discussed at lunch." Hannah responded, having finally caught up to the two kids. 

"Oh yeah, I guess you did mention something like that." Isaac replied.

 "Yeah so, look...my Dad well...he got a better job, closer to Central City* ...and well...we're moving during the summer.

* Central City - Nickname for Administrative District In Desbine City.

Isaac felt his heart sink upon hearing the news. Although he only met Hannah last year in 6th Grade, they had already gotten pretty close. On top of that she knew something about Isaac most people don't know, and she promised to keep it a secret, adding even more reason for Isaac to respect her. The three continued talking and Hannah revealed that if Isaac wants, he's more than welcome to help out with the move - which Isaac quickly agrees to help. After a few more moments the three decide to make the most of their last summer together...starting the next day.


Date: July 20th 2009

Stepping out of an old beat up car, Isaac and Daniel slam their doors and run towards the woods - their favorite spot to play. "Be careful you two!" Angelica yells out, holding a stack of paper in her hands. 

"I'm sure they'll be fine. I mean, how much trouble could two 5 year old's make out here?" Thomas laughs while shaking his head. 

"With those two together, we'd both be surprised." Angelica mutters to herself.

 "Haha, yeah that's fair. Anyway, what's the paper say?" Thomas questions

Isaac and Daniel run through the woods with Isaac taking the lead, moving at incredible speed for someone at this age. After a few minutes of running, Isaac pauses and allows Daniel to catch up and catch his breath. "You-You're...really fast!" Daniel yells, admiring his brother's stamina. 

"Heh Heh, you think?" Isaac replies, smiling towards his best friend. 

"I wanna race, so I can get better!" Daniel brings both his small arms up, clenching his hands into fists.

 "Yeah, alright, let's do it!" Isaac yells, before walking besides Daniel. "3...2...1..." Before Isaac could finish, Daniel took off running through the woods. Isaac thought about complaining, but instead smirked and ran after his brother.

"It's the report from the doctor. He says, after several scans of his head, Isaac does have the genetic foundation for a power to surface," Angelia explains, gripping the papers tightly. 

"Hey, it's alright," Thomas wraps his arms around his wife, "Even if he does have a power, I'm sure everything will be fine. We'll make sure both boys are alright and safe. Okay?" Thomas explains, hoping to comfort his stressed wife.

 "I know, it's just...," Angelica wipes some water away from her eyes, "With this world being the way it is...I'm just so scared that we won't be able to protect them."

 "Nothing will get in-between us and our kids. Nothing," Thomas proclaims, before tightening the grip he has around his wife.

Jumping over a small log, Isaac, after a few minutes, finally manages to pass Daniel in their race. "Gotta keep up!" Isaac turned and taunted his brother. Daniel, with a look of determination on his face, attempted to run faster and faster, but it didn't matter, he couldn't catch up to his brother. Due to Isaac not paying attention, he failed to notice the downed log on the ground in front of him, causing him to slam into it, roll over it, and fall into the grass. 

"Huh...Isaac?" Daniel questioned before running over towards where he last saw his brother. 

Lying on the ground with his arms wrapped around his left knee, Isaac cried out in pain. After a few moments, Daniel finally made his way behind the log, his eyes going wide as he saw the massive trail of blood leaking down Isaac's leg. "I...I...Isaac!" Daniel yelled, running to his brother's side. 

"My...My head!" Isaac yells, still gripping his leg. 

"W-What...What do I do? How can I help?" Daniel questioned. 

"My...head...why does it ring...so bad?!" Isaac yelled out.

 "I...How do I help you...tell me please!" Daniel pleaded with Isaac.

 "My...My head...it...it hurts!" Isaac cried. 

What do I do...this isn't like him to cry. How do I help? Daniel questioned to himself, before looking around, hoping maybe their parents were gonna come running towards them.

"Daniel, run!" Isaac shouted, completely catching his brother off guard. Suddenly Isaac's body begin to shoot off sparks of red and white lightning.

 "Wh-What...the?" Daniel questioned, slowly backing away from his brother's body. 

"G-Go..." Isaac muttered, his body slowly beginning to rise into the air, a ball of energy forming around him. Daniel listened to his brother and tried to run as fast as he could, but due to exhaustion he couldn't run far enough before hearing a massive explosion, followed by a massive gust of wind which knocked him off his knees and brough him to the ground.

Daniel slowly turning himself over, and tried to glace over towards Isaac, but his vision was blurry and slowly fading to black. The last thing Daniel sees before finally passing out is Isaac fall to the ground before rubbing his bruised head.

Startled by the sound of an explosion, Thomas and Angelica look towards the forest, only to see birds taking to the sky. "What the...what was that?!" Angelica cried out. 

"I don't know. I'll go check!" Thomas took off, running straight into the woods.


Date: July 29th 2017

Like many other days, Isaac woke up questioning why he had that recurring dream. He then got dressed and made his way to the kitchen, where he engaged in a meaningful conversation with Angelica before she departed for work. After that Isaac would finish his breakfast, wake his brother up, and quickly take a shower. The only thing that as changed recently is the fact that he and Hannah no longer see each other. Her move was complete and after their last interaction with one another, where they both said their final goodbyes, it just felt too awkward for the both of them to speak.

After his shower, Isaac made his way to his room. It wasn't that special, nor was it big, but it was his. The room itself was filled with a few shelfs here and there, with a bed on the opposite side of the door. Resting on the main shelf was a series of pictures which Isaac frequently stared at. One was an old soccer photo from only a couple years back, another was a picture of himself, Daniel, and Hannah standing together, the last few photos were of him and Daniel throughout the various stages of their lives.

Daniel was someone special to Isaac. Despite the fact they he knew Daniel wasn't his actual brother, he never once took him granted. To Isaac, Daniel was the closest thing to a real family he had. Isaac tried to see Thomas and Angelica as his parents, he wanted to be able to accept them, but after learning of his real parents, and seeing them in countless visions at such young age, it's made things far more complicated for the young 13 year old boy.

"Why...why can't people stay...just a little longer?" Isaac muttered to himself, staring at the photos, before finally grabbing a spare white shirt and putting it on. 

"I think the real question is: When are we gonna continue the amazing series known as Atta-' Isaac spun around, shocked to hear Daniel's voice coming from inside his room. 

"D-Daniel?! When...did you get in here?" Isaac questioned. 

"Oh...just now. You seriously didn't hear me knock?" Daniel's face was filled with confusion.

Isaac wanted to be surprised, but was caught off guard when he realized his brother was standing in his room with only a shirt and black boxers on, causing Isaac to jump back and hide his face. "D-Daniel...what the hell man?!" Isaac yelled, embarrassed. All Daniel could do was laugh at Isaac's reaction to his little stunt. He knew he was going to get a reaction but this was priceless. 

"Listen dude, haha, there's no reason to get so embarrassed. I mean...with everything we've done in the past, sharing a room, sharing a bunk bed," Daniel emphasized that last point, "I just think it's kinda off?" Daniel shrugged his shoulders. 

"Y-Yeah...I know...but...still...doesn't change the fact it's weird." Isaac muttered.

 "I mean, we're family right? So is it really that weird?" Daniel questioned. Isaac stood there for a moment, not sure how to respond. He wasn't sure if this was something that was truly weird, or if he was just overreacting. 

"I guess...you might have a point. Sorry, I didn't mean to overreact...like always," Isaac turned to face Daniel, his head lowered towards the ground.

 "Hey, where'd that come from?" Daniel questioned, walking closer towards Isaac. "Look dude, we're close, like Brotherly Best Friend close, so don't take it so negatively. I was only joking around," Daniel explained. 

"Isn't it...BFF and not BBF?"

 "Out of everything I just said...you get hung up on that?" Daniel questioned, slightly laughing to himself.

"I...sorry!" Isaac apologized, scared he messed something up.

 "Don't worry about it, we're brothers, so you don't gotta worry about that sort of thing. No matter what we'll always protect each other, right?" Daniel asked, smiling towards Isaac.

 "Yeah, always, no matter what," Isaac responded, smiling back. The two brothers take a moment to relax and recover from that endeavor. Isaac takes a good look around his room and takes a deep breath before beginning to laugh to himself.

"What's so funny?" Daniel questioned, almost scared. 

"Well it's just...I can't believe you said all that. I mean, what was that, some anime moment?" Isaac's laughter only grew as Daniel froze, he himself growing embarrassed by his own words. "I mean, seriously, who was that cute crap for?" Isaac questioned, only causing Daniel's face to glow red like a tomato.

 "Wait...wait a moment...I...I have to think this one through..." Daniel mutters to himself as Isaac walks out of his room, smirking to himself, knowing full well what he just did, and that Daniel will consider it payback.

-To Be Continued-

Lemon's Cool Special Author's Note: OKAY HI SO! I know this probably wasn't all that good. I get that. But regardless, I hope you maybe enjoyed some of what you read. I also understand it might've been hard to follow what was happening. Full disclosure, I'm not author, and I such a my own language, so I probably made a ton of mistakes. If you have any questions about the story or just wanna help me get better at English, please feel free to comment down below. Also, I'm not sure if I'm going to be continuing this story. I only posted Episode 1 as an experiment to see if people would even be interested in something like this. So, if you wanna see me release the 2nd Episode comment down below and show your love and support for this new series.

With All That Out Of The Way, I Bid You, A Farewell. Take Care Yall!

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