Death Kings

By RoseSugarAuthor

2.2K 150 18

Reverse Harem. Polyamory w/ MMM. 18+. Violence. Mentions of child abuse and sexual assault not done by harem... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 45 Continued
Chapter 46

Chapter 16

44 3 0
By RoseSugarAuthor


I'm restrained tightly to the bed again, with Etienne lying beside me on his stomach. He was drugged, again, and his wounds were seeping. Etienne has two new serious cuts, one on his upper thigh and another from being stabbed in the arm. I must get those treated and closed. It only takes a few seconds for a wound to become infected and 1-2 days for it to set in. He will get antibiotics as soon as we get away from this hellhole.

My family is close by. I recognized the sound of a 6.5 mm bullet hitting bulletproof glass earlier and I swear I can hear silencers on guns and the soft gurgling of throats being cut. Hurry my loves.

Maleigha is sitting across my thighs. I can feel her bare pussy rubbing over me. What I loathe the most is that she is using my husband's hand to make my dick hard. I cannot dictate the way my body responds to this magnificent man I adore beside me. She is using his hand to fist around my dick, pumping it up and down. I stare into Etienne's steel gaze, seeing the pain and shame in them. Even though my face is impassive, I know he can tell exactly what emotions I'm feeling just by looking into my eyes.

"I love you, Tee. I understand."

Etienne wants to reciprocate, but the paralytic he was given will not allow it. I squeeze my eyes shut when I feel Maleigha has shifted. I keep my eyes glued to that of my Cajun husband's, trying to shut out what she doing to me.

When Etienne's steel eyes squeeze shut, I notice a man on top of him. I thrash underneath Maleigha, pulling on the metal handcuffs as hard as I can. All I can do is to make my wrists and ankles bleed.

"If I would, I have known I would get this reaction out of you, Ryder. I would have had your dog used in front of you from the beginning." Maleigha's smile is vile after she utters this. Then she says something to her older brother, but I don't catch the exchange with the sound of my heart beating in my ears.

I gnash my teeth together, my face staying stoic, but my eyes are dark with rage. I will kill them.

Soon, two distinct sets of arms wrap around their throats in a chokehold. The two rapists slump against our bodies.

Etienne's eyes are wild. He cannot see who saved us, but I can. "Angel. Darlin'," I murmur their nicknames with utter relief.

Tears fall from both their faces. They simultaneously shove Maleigha and Raleigh to the hardwood floor below. They have been through something similar before, so they are reliving nightmares. So is Callum, who came in right behind them. He just stands in the doorway, his feet glued to the floor.

Jaxson moves Etienne so that he can cradle him to his chest, sobbing. Natalie sits between my legs, her head in her hand, crying. My palms itch to touch her, to hold her against me as she cries.

Callum is the first to snap out of his shock, finding the keys to my cuffs around Maleigha's neck. She and Raleigh are both unconscious, which means we get to torment them later in Jaxson's playground.

"Mon Dieu!" Callum asks me in a concerned whisper if I'm hurt anywhere in French while unlocking the cuff from my bleeding wrists.

I sit up immediately, wrapping my arms around my saving angel, and pulling her into my lap to hold her close. "Only my wrists and ankles are hurt from me thrashing. Tee, however, needs medical attention quickly."

"Caleb is nearby with a full trauma medical kit," Callum informs me as my wife's tears slide down my torso. "How long until Tee's paralytic wears off?"

"Muscular paralytics usually wear off in about an hour. I'm not sure how long it's been since it was administered. To me, a minute felt like an hour," I tell my cousin honestly as he undoes the cuffs around my ankles.

Callum glances at his watch. "It should wear off in about ten more minutes. It took us fifty to do a whole sweep."

He puts a finger up to his ear. It's hard to see what he is doing with his black hood hiding his face. "Demon, it's all clear. Do a second sweep as you come in. Bring Caleb with you. Got the bag?" There is a pause before Callum says, "Okay."

He goes back to addressing me. "We brought clothes and masks with us for you guys. Do you know where she was keeping the drugs so we can drug these two?"

"More than likely downstairs in the refrigerator," I tell him.

"Hellfire, look downstairs in the refrigerator... I don't know why they would keep them there... It's where Fox said to find them. Probably where he hides his at home for us..." There is a pause. "Merde! How would I know?! I'm a musician, not a medical expert!" Callum grumbles hoarsely. I smirk, knowing Lucifer is asking only Caleb, Cole, or I would know the answers to, just to aggravate my cousin.

My mind plans on how best for us to stage this so that even with a manhunt for these two depraved souls on the floor, won't be thought missing. Gone without a trace so not even an FBI profiler as exceptional Supervisory Special Agent Logan Brooks will uncover them.

Sluggishly torturing these two this summer while eradicating my father is going to be pleasurable.

Callum cocks his head to the side with an arched eyebrow at the ominous smile that has taken over my face. "Do I even want to know what's currently going through your head right this moment, frère?" Callum inquires of me.

"You will revel in it, but I wish to discuss it with the whole family," I tell my cousin.

Jaxson has stopped weeping and is now watching me. A maniacal smirk is on his face. He is ruminating about how to punish Maleigha and Raleigh, whereas I'm pondering on how to prolong his entertainment with them.

"I'm taking my time with these two after what was done to my husbands," he says gleefully with a bloodthirsty look in his eyes. There's my Evil Sidhe.

"If everything goes according to the strategy I formulated, you will have all the time allotted to play with them, Darlin," I swear his grin becomes even broader. A mischievous fire is burning in that emerald gaze of his. He is ecstatic at the prospect of giving these two people slow and agonizing deaths.

Dominic enters with Ranger, Caleb, and Lucifer right behind him. "Mio Dio!" My eyes scan the room along with Dominic. There are four dead men and one woman dead on the floor. Two people are unconscious. Blood is coating the bed from Etienne's wounds.

Dominic's rumble snaps Natalie out of her bawling. "I can't believe I broke down like that! Foxy?! Tee?! Are you injured!? Are you hurting anywhere Rye?" Natalie starts her rapid-firing questioning, drawing my gaze to hers. I cup her head in my hands. I fasten my mouth to hers.

"Thank you for coming to our rescue, Angel. I knew you would." She gapes at me.

I then consider Doctor Caleb Knight in a matching mask. "Gator needs immediate medical attention. I can treat myself."

My eyes travel to find Lucifer. "Hellfire, light it up." He nods, leaving to get to work to make sure this house and the people inside are nothing but ash by the time he is done.

"You got it, Frosty. Have Hellcat get what you need out of the bag while I tend to the swamp rat," Caleb smoothly and slowly approaches Jaxson and Etienne. A bestial growl emanates from Jaxson's throat. "Easy Fairy, I'm just going to give Gator a shot of steroids and amoxicillin in case there is an infection."

I then watch as Etienne wraps his large, tattooed hand around Jaxson's throat, squeezing just enough to get his attention. His paralytic has worn off some. Jaxson's gaze meets his. "Listen here, you. You let the doc stitch me up right as rain so we can go home." He then licks Jaxson's neck, causing his husband to moan.

"You win, Pet," Jaxson sighs and Etienne removes his hand.

"Ha! I suspected pheata meant pet. My Pookie, you." Etienne rubs his nose side to side with Jaxson's.

"Okay. Gator, I hate to ask, but I need you to stand up and bend over slightly so I can give you these shots," Caleb says. Etienne glances at me and I nod, confirming what Caleb told him.

Etienne carefully arises. I don't realize I'm holding my breath until he can sit down in the nearest chair instead of on the blood-soaked bed. My Cajun lover is pale. He has lost a significant amount of blood. He is getting a transfusion when we get home.

Jaxson is up and pacing as soon as he sees the complete damage inflicted upon his husband.

"Angel, it might be best if we get Sidhe..." I start.

"Get Doudou out of here!" Etienne snaps interjecting. I was about to suggest that very thing.

"The bleedin' hell..." Jaxson begins, only to be interrupted by his husband as well.

"Don't you finish that sentence, you. Dis here is makin' you furious, and it's irritatin' da piss outta me. Let Doc Knight do his job in peace. We'll meet you outside when he's done." Etienne is brooking no arguments.

Natalie wraps her arms around Jaxson's waist from behind, stopping from him advancing toward his wounded husband. "Come on, Jaxi. He'll be alright. Let's get these two bagged up and in the back of Tee's truck. Rye doesn't need to be trying to carry them. Please help Roo for him?" Our Angel coaxes, pointing to Maleigha and Raleigh. Jaxson visibly relaxes.

"Okay, gra, you win, love." Jaxson relents with an exacerbated sigh.

He stares at me as I show him the wrists I bandaged. Natalie lets him go, and he turns around with a wet streak on his right leg and gathers the body bags. I'm guessing he got stabbed in the ass somehow with a small knife.

He and Ranger bag Maleigha and Raleigh up, then hoist them out slung over their shoulders. Dominic and Callum follow them out. Natalie and I stay with Caleb and Etienne.

"You saw where Caleb gave Tee those shots, right?" I ask Natalie, sitting beside me on the bed. She nods yes to me. I smile. "Good, I need you to do the same to me." I prepare the injections for her.

"Ugh, the things you make me do, Ice King." She rolls her eyes at me in feigned exasperation. She loves me, she just needs to be reminded sometimes.

I stand from the bed, standing between her legs in all my naked glory, my cock at full attention for her. I wrap my arms around her waist, tugging her close before kissing her. "Thank you, Angel." I release her, stepping back and handing her the syringes. I turn around with my ass facing her.

"Bend over, I guess," she sighs. That won't do. I need my Angel to smile.

"Yes, Nurse," I retort before spreading my legs and bending over the nightstand, arching my back seductively. I make my ass shake. Doing this gives me the results I was expecting. I glance over my shoulder at the sound of her snort. A smile lights up her face.

"I don't understand how you do that. You all do this to me. It should be a somber situation, but you five make me smile no matter what." She beams at me, so I smirk back at her. She is even more beautiful when she is grinning.

"We have three main purposes in this life, Angel," I say, wiggling my butt at her as she approaches. "One is to make sure you are happy for the rest of your life." She stabs me with one needle, plunging the antibiotic down into my muscle. "Two is to paint the world red at your every whim." She inserts the other needle into the opposite butt cheek. When she is done, I stand, turning to gawk at her. "Three is to defend, protect, and rescue one another."

"Well, Hellcat, you can't beat that," Caleb chimes in. "That last part is the whole reason Cole, Ranger, and I chose you boys to be our successors. Now the once Kings of Raider Preparatory High School have become the Cards Kings. It's scarily fitting for you to be at the side of our beloved little sister." Caleb is kneeling on the floor, stitching up Etienne's mangled penis. It's the last wound on him to be treated.

"I'm going to pierce that bitch's clit then yank it out of her for this," Natalie snarls, vitriol in her beautiful voice watching Caleb stitch up Tee. I intend to watch her do just that to Maleigha and more. Between her and Jaxson, they will take all their rage, irritation, and retribution out on Maleigha and Raleigh. Hell, I'm sure Etienne and I will get our vengeance in as well.

I rummage through the duffle bag Dominic brought to find my clothes, shoes, and mask. I throw on the black sleeveless hoodie, along with the dark denim jeans. I hand Etienne his clothes before putting my socks on and black combat boots when Caleb is done with him.

When I have my mask in place and hood up, I find Natalie and Caleb carefully helping Etienne get dressed. Tee is in so much pain. He is getting pain meds, and a blood transfusion, and put to bed as soon as we arrive home.

When we all have hoods and masks back in place, we exit the house. As soon as we meet the tree line, out comes our firebug as flames engulf the large lakeside cabin. We walk to where our whole family is standing around the three trucks and many motorcycles. All of our card masks are in place while wearing black hooded shirts. To those who witness us on the streets, we appear we be a gang. I suppose we sort of are. Only, we are family instead.

This fox will soon rid himself of a gluttonous wolf. In the spirit of Jaxson--- Here wolfy, wolfy, wolfy. Come catch this dead fox if you can.

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