Lab Rats - The untold story (...

By DavenMarvel

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In Mission Creek, Adam Davenport meets a sarcastic, smart and mysterious waitress at a small diner in town, w... More

Episode 1: Adam's crush
Episode 2: Bionic Waiter
Episode 3: Adam's date
Episode 4: The Krane Sisters
Episode 5: Harper vs Perry
Episode 6: Bionic Skates
Episode 7: The Smartest Girl in the World
Episode 8: Girl's night
Episode 9: you posted what? (Part 1)
Episode 10: you posted what? (Part 2)
Episode 11: The DavenMaze
Episode 12: Mr and Mrs Adam Davenport
Episode 13: Looking for a family
Episode 15: Spike Fright
Episode 16: The Rise of the Lost Soldiers (part 1)
Episode 17: The Rise of the Lost Soldiers (part 2)
Episode 18: Bionic Houseparty
A/N next book! (Lab Rats The Untold Story- Part 2)
A/N New book !!!

Episode 14: Matching Opponent

246 16 135
By DavenMarvel

Harper and Chase are talking on the kitchen counter, they seem to be getting along, Chase makes Harper laugh more than once.

Leo, Bree and Adam are in the living room, watching them "Oh my god I think she's drowning!" Leo says "no silly she's laughing" Bree says happily.

"but she's with Chase, what is she laughing about?" Leo says "he makes her laugh" Adam says.

"oh got it Adam, You mean she's laughing at him and not with him!" Leo laughs "no he's really making her laugh, in a mysterious way that no one understands" Adam says "it's cute" Bree says.

"I've never seen him try so hard to make someone laugh, there's something weird here" Leo says, Bree is worried "it's quite normal Chase always has jokes, nobody understands them but he does lots of jokes!" Bree says.

"no one really laughs except Harper, why?" Leo says "maybe because she has a crush ah...she had a really bad crush as a kid it drove her a little crazy, she um...Hit her head really hard now she laughs at everything" Adam says nervously changing the subject.

Bree and Leo look at each other "wait! Adam, what did you say?" Bree asks "a hard fall she hit her head" Adam says "no you said "crush"!?" Leo says "No, I didn't!" Adam says "You did!" Bree says.

"Adam what do you know?" Leo says "Nothing, that's me, I literally don't know anything" Adam says "No, for the first time in your life you know of something! Tell me!" Bree says "uh..." Adam says.

Harper and Chase approach them "Guys, we're going to talk to Mr Davenport in the lab, do you want to come with us?" Chase question "Not now Chase!" Bree says.

"wow no need to be rude either!" Harper says "you too get out of here!" Leo says, Harper frowns and walks along with Chase to the lab.

"Adam tell me what you know?" Bree says "I can't!" Adam says "why?" Leo says "I promised Harper!" Adam says.

"if we guess you technically never said" Bree says "yeah you won't break the promise" Leo says.

"oh good idea, but you guys will never guess!" Adam says "Harper has a crush on Chase" Bree says "Oh how did you do that!?" Adam makes a surprised face.

"Wait you were spying on me this whole time, because there are some things that are better to pretend never happened!" Adam says, Bree rolls her eyes.

"wait what?" Leo says "is that it?" Bree ask "yeah yeah she likes Chase" Adam says.

"Harper!? Our Harper!?" Leo says in awe "yes, do you know any other?" Bree says "Well the lady who sells movie tickets is called Harper but I don't think she has a crush on Chase" Leo says.

"how did you guess?" Adam says "okay don't tell anyone but" Bree says excitedly "Chase has a crush on Harper too!" Bree says smiling "wow what the chances!" Adam says.

"Wait a minute so, Chase and Harper?" Leo says "Yes!!" Bree says "Yeah! Let's tell them!" Adam says getting up from the couch, Bree pulls him back "No! they'll know we suck at keeping secrets" Bree says "and this is new?" Leo says.

"so what do we do?" Adam says "nothing! That's between them not us!" Bree says "nothing!? that's what will happen if we leave it up to Chase" Adam says "and i guess Harper doesn't seem like the type that take the first step too " Leo says.

"wow, you're right" Bree says "Looks like those two lovebirds could use a little nudge" Leo says "and what do you know about that?" Bree says.

"pleased Leo Dooley master of love, and professional cupid" Leo says.

"how many couples have you formed?" Bree ask "um well....don't question the master of love I've watched romantic comedies with my mom long enough to know how it works" Leo says and leaves.


They go to school the next day, Harper and Bree approach the boys who are sitting in the school lobby.

"hey guys!" Harper says "hey Harper why don't you sit down!?" Leo says pulling Harper making her sit next to Chase, Adam giggles and Bree hits him making him stop.

"okay since you're making me!" Harper says "give me some space" Leo says sitting on the other side of Harper kind of pushing her on top of Chase.

Harper is unbalanced and to balance she puts her hand on Chase's leg, Chase notices and as soon as she regains her balance he jumps up nervously.

Harper puts the hand that was on his leg in her pocket "Leo what are you doing?" Chase asks "nothing, ever see a guy casually sitting down to chat with his friends!?" Leo says "there are lots of places to sit" Harper says.

"Bree can I talk to you!?" Chase says, He and Bree go further away.

"Did you tell Leo?" Chase asks "tell what?" Bree says "about... me and Harper" Chase says quietly "No! I promise you I didn't" Bree says, Chase makes a suspicious face.

"Chase you need to do something about this" Bree says "No, I don't need to. Everything's going great, and I'm starting to think that maybe she likes me" Chase says shyly.

"So! Go ahead ask her out!" Bree says "Bree!" Chase says "don't be a wimp!" Bree says "I'm not a wimp!" Chase says.

"Then go and ask her out" Bree says "No I won't!" Chase says "Relax I'm sure she'll say yes!" Bree says she pushes Chase back.

"Harper I think Chase has something to tell you" Bree says "Does he?" Harper frowns, Chase looks startled "Chase!?" Adam says waiting for Chase to say something.

"uh..i..." Chase swallows hard "Go Chase you have something to say say it!" Leo says "Harp...Harper" Chase says he starts to get visibly nervous.

"are you ok?" Harper says, Chase looks away from Harper and looks at Leo, Bree and Adam staring at him, and pressing him to do something, he starts to get nervous and irritated at the same time.

He feels threatened by the three of them forcing him to do what he's not prepared to do, and he knows he'll be known as a wimp if he doesn't, that pressure is enough to activate his Commando App.

His expression changes instantly as Spike takes over "Chase just move your mouth and talking isn't that hard" Adam says with a light laugh, Bree and Leo stare at him "You're calling me idiot! Pea brain!!" Spike says, Adam gets scared.


"wow!" Harper startles "oh no!" Bree says "he's back!" Leo says "who's back?" Harper says "Oh yeah Harper this is Spike!" Leo says "oh the Commando App!" Harper realizes "Ah great that will save us time" Leo says.

"What are you Losers looking at!!" Spike says "anything!" Adam turns.

Spike goes to Leo "Get away from her toothpick!!" Spike says "uh.." Leo refuses Spike growls at Leo, Leo squeals and leaves.

Harper slowly gets up "where do you think you go Sweet Thing!?" Spike smirk at her "Definitely far away from you... Spike" Harper says walking backwards.

"why!? Are you scared!?" Spike laughs "No, I'm not scared of you" Harper frowns "you should be, everyone should" Spike approaches her.

"but you're not everyone, right cutie?" Spike says running his fingers over her chin "wow! okay! Spike time to get back in the cage!" Adam says pulling Harper.

"I tell you the same" Spike pulls Adam and throws him, Harper takes the opportunity to hide with Bree.

"okay how do we get rid of this freak?" Harper says "there's no right way to do this we just have to wait!" Bree says, she watches Spike break things and scare students around the school.

"it has to have a pattern!" Harper says.

Yhey hear a scream from a garbage can Spike threw, Leo is inside he crawls out and goes to them.

"I don't know but if he has na off button, squeeze it now!!" Leo yells "When is the app disabled normally?" Harper asks "We don't know!" Bree says.

"What do we do?" Leo says "I won't leave him like this!" Harper says.

Adam comes running and hides with them " you like Spike?" Adam asks Harper "yeah I love him he's so cute!" Harper says in a sarcastically pissed off tone.


The bell rings for break time, at that Spike runs to the cafeteria.

"okay we have to think" Harper says "Oh no I don't like to think" Adam says "oh you don't say!" Leo says.

"What do you know about it?" Bree says "the basics, I know that Douglas created the Commando App to make a weak-looking person become an intimidating opponent to his foes" Harper says "we are his foes apparently" Leo says.

"I'm going to find a way" Harper walks out.

"I can't believe this is our fault!" Bree says "I think we overdid it a bit" Leo says.

"maybe it's a good thing Spike has more attitude than Chase" Adam says "Harper doesn't like Spike she likes Chase, what's the use!" Leo says "They're the same person aren't they?" Adam says.


Adam, Bree and Leo watch Spike make a mess in the cafeteria, he knocks all the food off the tables "don't just stand there you fools... run!" Spike tells the people at one of the tables, they leave he laughs proudly.

Bree closes the cafeteria door "this is only happening because of us" Bree says "I feel terrible that I made Chase nervous to the point where he turned Spike" Leo says "wait we did that" Adam says.

"maybe Chase really wasn't prepared to do anything about Harper" Leo says "maybe that wasn't the problem, maybe the problem was us getting in the middle of it, when he specifically wanted to keep it a secret" Bree says.

"Or we could have talked to Harper before anything....although she's not that different from Spike" Adam says.

They hear Spike breaking things in the cafeteria.

Harper runs over to them "okay I think I found a way, it's kinda crazy but it might work" Harper says.

"what is it?" Bree asks "Well, the app can be turned off when Spike feels guilt like if he realizes he's about to hurt someone he cares about Chase takes back control" Harper says "It makes sense" Bree says.

"so what's the plan?" Leo says "someone has to face him face to face" Harper says.

"okay...Leo was very good while it lasted but I'll leave that to you.." Adam says pushing Leo "what?" Leo says.

"Adam Stop!" Harper says.

"I'll go!" Harper says "Why?" Leo asks "I know how to stand up to people and he won't hurt me I can defend myself" Harper says.

"Are you sure?" Bree says "Absolutely, someone has to put Spike in his place" Harper says going to the cafeteria.

"Oh this is going to be epic" Adam says "I confess I'm curious" Bree crosses her arms.

Harper enters the cafeteria, Spike is eating a plate of food like na animal.

Harper approaches the table he is at "Hey Spike!" Harper says loudly, he ignores her and continues what he's doing.

"I'm talking to you!" Harper says, he continues to rudely ignore her.

Harper tilts her head, she walks over and climbs to her feet on the table.

Spike ignores her, she walks over to him and kicks his plate away violently, he is surprised.

Harper bends down to look him in the eye "That was so you could learn to listen when a woman talks to you!" Harper says threatening him.

Spike smirk "and you, listen when a man tells you to be quiet!" Spike says "you're not man enough for that" Harper says threatening him again.

"Oh I am, you have no idea!" Spike says "Show me!" Harper says keeping the serious expression.


Adam, Bree and Leo are in the lobby, "I wonder how they're doing?" Leo says.

Suddenly Spike is pushed through the cafeteria door he rolls on the floor until he's on his feet, Harper calmly walks over to him.

"yup, Here's my answer" Leo says.

"Do you have any idea who you're dealing with princess!?" Spike says "The question is, do you have any idea who I am! I'm who you should be scared of!" Harper says teasing him.

Spike runs towards her trying to attack her, she defends herself, she pushes his arm away and kicks him not too hard, just enough to push him away.

"my god this is crazy" Bree says "Chase being beaten by a girl is normal but Spike tho" Adam laughs.

Harper and Spike fight each other.

Harper grabs Spike's arm and pulls him towards the lockers.

"Are you scared now?" Harper says in a fake pity tone.

"how are you stronger than me?" Spike asks "isn't it strong, cutie, it's smarter!" Harper says throwing him to the ground.

"Chase would know about that" Harper says, Spike stands up, he walks up to her looking her in the eyes.

"you think you're very smart, no one faces Spike like that!" Spike says "i do!" Harper says, taking a step back at how close Spike is.

"i like It" Spike smirk "Oh...uh" Harper looks embarrassed "but you kinda pissed me off so" Spike pushes her, she falls to the ground and immediately trips him making him fall too.

She gets up and walks away from him, he gets angry and threatens to run to her "SPIKE NO!" Harper says raising her hand to him.

He looks her in the eyes he sees that she is angry, at that moment the commando app deactivates his is expression changes to Chase's confused expression, Harper notices and sighs.

"what happened?" Chase says "Spike paid a visit" Harper says "What!? Spike! What did he do?" Chase says "calm down he didn't do anything" Harper says.

"sorry I'm sure that wasn't a cool thing to see" Chase says "Nah, that was kind of interesting" Harper gives a slight smile, Chase smiles back.

"I'll help clean up the mess in the cafeteria before Terry shows up" Harper says.

"I'll catch up" Chase says "okay..." Harper puts her hand on his shoulder "It's good to have you back" Harper says smiling, she gives him a small kiss on the cheek and leaves.

He puts his hand lightly on his cheek and watches her go to the cafeteria with a smile, his face turns red but that soon passes the moment he sees Adam, Bree and Leo.

"so you guys have something to tell me?" Chase crosses his arms "I miss Spike he's more fun" Adam says Leo hits him.

"Chase! we're sorry" Bree says "yeah we didn't mean to pressure you" Leo says.

"listen you guys have no right to make me do....things" Chase says "sorry" Adam says "Chase we promise that from now on we won't interfere with these things anymore" Bree says.

"promise!?" Chase asks "yeah, but look..." "no Leo, I know what I'm doing I'm fine with it I...." Chase thinks "okay from now on we won't interfere with anything" Leo says "yeah We'll let you handle this...even if you don't know how" Adam says, Chase rolls his eyes.

"I forgive you but I just don't want to talk about it anymore" Chase leaves a little shy about bringing up the subject.

"do you think we should have told him about Harper liking him too?" Adam says "no that would just make him more nervous" Bree says "Maybe he'll figure it out on his own" Leo says.

"I still don't understand what she sees in him" Adam says "love flows in mysterious ways my dear Adam" Leo says "stop playing master of love you're no help!" Bree says "in my defense no one has the commando app in romantic comedy movies" Leo says leaving, Bree rolls her eyes.

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