The Warrior Scholar Chronicle...

By ToyChimera

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Lost amid the tapestry of stars, a hidden sanctuary beckons, a whispered secret among the cosmic choir. Once... More

Part Two. An even bigger fate (A Privileged Few)
Part 3 An even bigger fate (Eight fiery-red eyes.)
Part4 An even bigger fate (The Flames of the Phoenix.)
Chapter 1 The Fire that never goes out!
Chapter Two Signal of Hope
Chapter 3 Cursed by the Gods
Chapter 4 Playing with one's life?
Chapter 5 Changing one's future! The Cure?
Chapter 6 Snow White or the Devil Within
Chapter 7 Wonderous Discoveries.
Chapter 8 Trapped and Forgotten
Chapter 9 My San Seals
Chapter 10 Entering the Blood Life Garden's Healing Cottage.
Chapter 11 Spying A Legendary Seal.
Chapter 12 Unrequited Love?
Chapter 13 Drawings

Prologue An even bigger fate. (Pit 358)

776 3 0
By ToyChimera

Prologue. "Ink and Moon on Rice Paper" the Warrior Scholar Chronicles.

Resting within the tundra hills of the Northern Nanjing Empire stands the illustrious domain of the Silver Circle Sect, a world apart from the bustling capital city of Huǒshān. Perched atop a towering Tor, the venerable Duke Gong governs over the Sect's Scholarly City, School, and Orphanage with authority and wisdom.

Though, the true significance lies beyond the city's embrace, in a land shrouded in peril—the labyrinthine pits and trenches, an endless maze intertwining between the city and the treacherous northern reaches of the Tianyun Mountains.

Crafted by the skilled hands of master cultivators from ages past, these ancient fortifications stand as stalwart guardians, proudly defending the empire's borders. For millennia, they have been meticulously maintained to repel the onslaught of ferocious heavenly beasts that descend from the mountain pass.

With their towering height and fortified layers of stormsteel, the ironstone walls project an air of invincibility, instilling a feeling of security to the nearing cities inhabitance  and beyond. 

As the beasts multiply with each passing season, this intricate maze serves as a formidable deterrent. Despite the harrowing cost in lives, the defender's courage stands as a testament to valour. 

Part One Pit 358

Mu Er stared at the mass of flies, that twirled like a dark whirlwind, encircled each dead body, their incessant hum punctuating the stillness. They swarmed over the remains of the fallen, their wings a blur as they danced, drawn by the scent of decay and the allure of a grim feast.  

The young runner's eyes scanned the massacre before him, shifting uneasily from one lifeless form to another. The sheer number of bodies was overwhelming, making it impossible to count them all.

Despite his usually unassuming demeaner, Mu Er stood motionless amidst the vast ironstone trench and deep pit, the only pathway to the surface in this desolate, inhuman place.

"I detest this relentless churn in my gut," he ruminated, his brow furrowing deeper with each passing moment. Nine days had slipped by since he made that ill-fated choice, yet its repercussions continued to weigh heavily upon him. Now, standing in this moment, he remained ensnared by the haunting spectre of his decision.

Mu Er grimaced as the putrid stench assaulted his senses, mingling with the chaos of battle. Flies buzzed incessantly, while bugs and scavenging birds added to the macabre scene. The overwhelming odour threatened to overwhelm even the bravest of soldiers.

As the fighting dragged on, Mu Er couldn't help but wonder how his fellow soldiers endured this foulness day after day. The reality of battle was far removed from the romanticized tales spun back at the school. Here, amidst the reek of death and decay, stood Mu Er, grappling with the harsh truth of war.

Casting a fleeting glance skyward, Mu Er exhaled a sigh of relief upon noticing the absence of the bothersome carrion crows. Their incessant caws had begun to grate on his nerves, their persistent calls becoming an unwelcome soundtrack to his weary ears. Would their clamour ever cease? he pondered yet thankful for the moments of respite but would it last.

As he gazed upon the pit strewn with lifeless forms, a profound sense of insignificance washed over him. Despite this feeling of smallness, a simmering anger began to kindle within his chest.

It felt deeply personal. "Each fallen soldier, felt so unforgivable," he muttered to himself, his voice heavy with sorrow and frustration.

"Such a waste," he continued to murmur, the horror of what Mu Er witnessed distorting his handsome face, his long black hair plastered to his forehead, now sodden with sweat.

The memory of Duke Gong's sermon, his mentor at the Wall of Remembrance, flooded Mu Er's mind. Each school year, the words had seemed hollow, devoid of meaning. 

But now, witnessing the struggle firsthand, Mu Er couldn't help but wonder if there was any justice to it—or more importantly, if there was an injustice he had previously failed to realize.

"Does the end justify the means?" Mu Er took a slow, deep breath, contemplating. 


"And... and... was this to be my fate, as well?

 He sighed, resignation heavy in his voice. 

"I've made my bed... so do I stay here forever?"

Mu Er's heart sank like a stone into the depths of his chest, weighed down by the burden of his decision.

As he peered into the depths of pit 358, the walls and floor bore the scars of countless battles, etched with the stains of blood, now tinged with a dusky, pale red hue. 

Each scar, each drop of blood, seemed to whisper a tale of tragedy and loss, their presence woven into the very fabric of the labyrinthine maze.

"A grim reminder of the perilous dance with death that haunts this place," he reflected, his voice barely above a whisper amidst the cacophony of chaos around him.

Lost in the labyrinth of his thoughts, time seemed to slip away, swallowed by the darkness of the pit."

Perched at the trench's rear, the young adolescent remained motionless, appearing akin to a stone statue amidst the bustling flurry of activity unfolding before his very eyes. 

The youth's silhouette would catch the gaze of any observer, his inaction jutting out like a sore thumb.

Finally, Mu Er's gaze settled on the vigilant soldiers forming a formidable wall across the trench's width, their imposing figures standing tall, nearly ten zhangs* before him. 

Row upon row of armour-clad warriors, their faces determined and their stances unwavering, brandished mighty Zhang Daos** sword-staves, raised defiantly toward the heavens in anticipation of the impending assault.

Thud!   Thud!   Thud!...

Further ahead, the echoes of battle reverberated through the air as the last remnants of the preceding wave of heavenly beasts were vanquished.

Like Mu Er, countless soldiers of Pit 358 now peered over the top of the pit's edge, their gazes filled with desperation yet searching for a glimmer of hope for a pause in this constant onslaught."

Disappointedly, an endless wave of formidable heavenly creatures caught Mu Er's attention as they moved into view. Among them were the massive Black Devil Bears, Rockiron Wolves, and imposing Granite-Plated War Beetles, among others, now loomed at the pit's rim, poised to descend into the fray at any moment.

With each thudding heartbeat, the urgency of survival mounted. 

A multitude of eyes fixated on the menagerie of foul creatures scrambling into the gaping, sloped pit that led from the surface and the foothills of the Tianyun Mountain Range.  

Minute after agonizing minute, he observed their descent down the treacherous rock scree, a knot of fear tightening in his gut with each passing moment, the relentless advance of these beastly creatures striking terror into his heart!

"Oh gods, it's unending!" Mu Er's mind screamed as he beheld the massive throng of soul beasts converging into the funnel end of the pit, their thunderous roars reverberating through the air, a symphony of impending doom.

"Rooaarrrr..." The sound echoed like a harbinger of destruction, sending shivers down the spines of even the bravest defenders who stood resolute against the coming onslaught.

With each thunderous stride forward, the pit narrowed, drawing the Soul Creatures into a tighter, more menacing formation. Shoulder to shoulder, they pressed on, a relentless tide of berserk beasts. Their primal roars reverberated through the pit like a chorus of impending doom.

A resounding 'Cruuunch!' pierced the air, echoing off the ironstone walls, punctuating the grim symphony of snapping limbs as metal traps sprang shut, ensnaring creature after creature. 

Squeals and inhuman cries added to the heightening chaos with every trap triggered.

The defenders' efforts, however valiant, proved futile as the pit traps filled with corpses, yet the horde pressed on relentlessly, undeterred by the obstacles in their path."

As the horde of soul creatures advanced, they paid no heed to the fallen comrades, or the lurking danger of the spike-filled traps strewn across the stone floor.

 It was as if they were driven by an insatiable hunger, an unyielding thirst for blood. With each step, their gnashing fangs and razor-sharp claws gleamed in the dim light, casting an ominous shadow over Mu Er's heart.

Mu Er's gaze betrayed neither hope nor happiness as he numbly observed the scene unfolding before him. He watched numbly as the creatures stumbled into the pit traps, their anguished cries silenced swiftly by the cruel embrace of death. 

Yet, even in their demise, they became mere stepping stones for their relentless brethren, trampled underfoot without a second thought.

"It was a fool's hope to think these traps could stop them," Mu Er muttered bitterly, his voice tinged with resignation.

Glancing backward, Mu Er's gaze fixed on the archers lining the battlements at the rear of the trench, their silhouettes stark against the grey sky. Urgent commands echoed through the air, a frantic chorus of "FIRE! FIRE! FIRE!"

"Zing, Zing, Zing..." The sharp whistles of arrows cutting through the air pierced the cacophony of battle, a prelude to the impending deluge.

Above, a swirling tempest of shafts blotted out the heavens, an ominous shadow cast by the deadly rain of steel descending upon the earth below.

In the midst of the chaos, Mu Er caught the mournful wails and harrowing shrieks carried by the wind, a chilling symphony of death that seemed to suffocate the invaders.

It was as if a shroud of doom had descended upon the celestial creatures, their fate sealed by the relentless onslaught from above.

Mu Er's heart in growing distress as their ranks thinning, a deepening sense of despair gripping him as he realized that even this setback wouldn't deter their advance.

Despite the momentary pause in momentum, he could sense the unwavering determination of the beasts, their vast numbers surging forward with an unrelenting ferocity that sent a chill down his spine.

The red-eyed creatures pressed on, heedless of the devastation they left behind.

"BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!" The thunderous crash of soul beasts colliding with barricades reverberated through the air, each impact shaking the very ground beneath their feet.

Soldiers exerted every ounce of strength, their defences teetering on the brink of collapse against the relentless onrush of the menacing fiends emerging from the throng. 

"PUSH! PUSH! Push them back!" The captain's command rang out, a desperate rallying cry as the wave of creatures forced the lines of soldiers to buckle inward, nearly overwhelming them. Yet with a heavy heave and the resounding thud of steel boots on the stone floor, accompanied by a mighty thrust of their Zhang Daos, the lines of defenders held firm, almost pushing the massive wave of beasts back a step.

Mu Er stood transfixed as a horde of towering, monstrous creatures surged forward, their sinewy limbs and razor-sharp claws tearing through the air with frightening precision. Each swipe sent armoured soldiers hurtling through the air, their bodies crashing to the ground in a grotesque dance of chaos and despair. 

These hairy behemoths, standing nearly one zhang tall, seemed to embody the very essence of fear itself, their ferocity unmatched and their presence ominous.

Mu Er's eyes widened in astonishment as he beheld the Ebony Demonclaw Apes, a formidable sight that sent a jolt of fear through the defenders of Pit 358. These creatures were not to be trifled with.

 The defenders of pit 358 had really kicked a metal plate today thought Mu Er.

With the equivalent cultivation of five soul rings or fifth ring weavers, the ebony apes stood as towering adversaries, their presence alone striking dread into the hearts of those who dared to face them.

As Mu Er took a cautious step forward, his Pitforged Bladed spear poised for battle, he hesitated. He knew the futility of combat; his role as a messenger outweighed any desire for engagement.


A menacing aura emanated from the apes, thick with potent beast qi, suffusing the air and striking fear into the hearts of the defenders. 

Weaker soldiers collapsed where they stood, some fainting, others succumbing to death as their bodies slumped to the ground, unable to withstand the overwhelming power that surrounded them.


The thunderous roar of the apes echoed through the trench, their intelligent eyes gleaming with a sinister malice that chilled the bravest warrior to the bone.

With each earth-shaking step, they left behind a wake of destruction, their monstrous forms casting a shadow of despair over the battlefield as they advanced, an unstoppable force of nature.


Mu Er averted his gaze, unable to bear witness to the unfolding carnage.

"Aaarrrrgh..." Amidst the chaos of human cries and beastly roars, Mu Er's gaze wandered northward, drawn to the majestic silhouette of the Tianyun Mountains.

Against the backdrop of pristine snow-capped peaks, he sought solace, longing for a moment of tranquillity amidst the relentless storm of battle.

Thump! Thump! Thump. "The waves of creatures are endless," Mu Er thought, his heart pounding. 

Mu Er gaze moved above the pits, upwards towards the majestic mountain range looming over the horizon. Its impressive stature cast a massive shadow across the land, its vastness extending beyond his line of sight in both directions.

Behind him, the tips of white peaks cast shadows that reached toward the distant city like greedy claws, seeking to grasp its shining brilliance. 

For the past 15 years, this city had been his home, the prestigious scholarly centre of the Silver Circle Sect. It was here were he gained a second chance, a debt of gratitude he could never repay. It almost brought a smile to his lips.

For years, he had pledged his whole heart to uphold its laws and safeguard its people within its walls. Those were the best years of his life, spent as a cultivator and student trained in the esteemed institution of the Nanjing Empire. His duty was clear, and he embraced it wholeheartedly.

Yet, the sudden ferocity of the battle before him, caught Mu Er off guard, challenging both his oath and his newfound role in the Silver Circle Guard. A complex expression wrapped around his face. 

Whooop! Whoop! Whop...... "Arrrgh!" echoed the relentless calls beyond the parapets and fortified walls, as an endless horde of beasts thrashed and tore at the hapless soldiers, their desperate cries filling the pit.

Once revered as an honour to fight defending his city, Mu Er wrestled with the gravity of his promise. The magnitude of his pledge loomed larger than he had imagined, daunting him with its enormity.  

It seemed more like a distant fantasy or pipe dream. Gone were the thoughts of an illustrious cultivating career as ambitions and intricately crafted plans teetered on the edge of unravelling because of one impulsive decision.

The looming possibility of being swallowed by the dark abyss of the pit maze at the mountain range's foothills now consumed his thoughts. For the next twelve months, he was forced to call this place home, and the mere thought of it made a lump rise in his throat.

Regrettably, Mu Er found himself enlisted in the Silver Circle Guard, tasked with defending against the relentless tide of beasts. The signs of inner conflict where evident as dark emotions clouded his expression.

Trapped behind his own line, he was a mere spectator to the massacre unfolding amongst his fellow soldiers. With each passing day of his voluntary conscription, the harsh reality of his situation grew increasingly starker. 

Unless luck was on his side, and he escaped. His prospects seemed grim, and he might end up staying here forever. 

As a runner, he thought he would be safe. Sadly, clutching an urgent message, he felt like a captive to the fleeting moments slipping by, especially now.

"If only I were stronger," Mu Er wished, feeling the pressing need for more soul power. 

In this world, strength meant survival and to a cultivator that meant soul qi. There was nothing sweeter that a practitioner who can absorb the heaven and earths essences but for ten days he'd been starved of his soul qi that he would normally feast on. 

"Where could he cultivate effectively in such cramped quarters of his bunk? When would he find the time? Each day passed in a blur, leaving him with scant time to replenish his soul power. Running on near empty became the norm, a state he struggled to maintain. Never imagining this would be a challenge he'd face." 

"Surely, there could be a place where he could cultivate undisturbed. Where he could gather the soul energy he desperately needed." With a resigned shrug, Mu Er contemplated his whole predicament. 

The teenager's youthful, chiselled face twisted in realization there seemed to be no way out of this self-imposed conscription any time soon. 

"Dog turd. An entire year!" Mu Er cried to himself.  How foolish an action it seemed! How could he survive for a whole year? The perpetual self-reproach gnawed at Mu Er's conscience. It felt utterly futile. Yet it clung to him relentlessly. 

Ka Chunk!... Ka chunk! 

Mu Er's head whipped around, his senses electrified as he strained to catch even a fleeting glimpse of the vanishing javelins hurtling through the air. Two shots from the fearsome soul ballista echoed with deafening intensity, marking the long-awaited arrival of the Soul Artillery.

With a primal roar, the ballista unleashed its dual zhang long soul-powered javelins, hurtling them through the air with breathtaking speed. Their trajectory aimed straight at the largest Demonclaw Ape, the monstrous officer of the Ape tribe. The missiles tore through the atmosphere like bolts of divine retribution, leaving a crackling trail of energy in their wake.

Thud..........Thud!  The first javelin found its mark with chilling precision, burying itself deep into the creature's chest with a sickening crunch. 


A primal cry of agony echoed across the battlefield as the beast staggered, brought to its knees by the sheer force of the impact. 

But before the leader could react, the second javelin descended like a death sentence, slamming the Demonclaw Ape into the earth with unyielding force. Blood sprayed from its gaping maw in a crimson arc as it slammed into the ground. 

A sudden hush descends upon the battlefield, halting the chaos of combat as both man and beast alike fix their gaze upon the fallen Ape commander. Startled eyes meet in a silent exchange as the dust settles, the tension palpable in the air.

Seconds stretch into eternity, time seeming to slow to a crawl as everyone holds their breath.

Then, before a single gasp can escape, a triumphant cry pierces the stillness.

"Yaaaahoo! It's dead!" The exultant voice breaks the silence, echoing across the desolate landscape.


The jubilation is short-lived, with a thunderous roar, three imposing lord Demonclaw apes emerge from the shadows, their massive forms casting a darker shadow over the battlefield.

With a heavy heart, Mu Er lowers his head in shame, sensing the ominous weight of the situation. "He's all too familiar with how this story plays out," he mused.

"How innocent and naïve he had been," he thought, shaking his head in disbelief. Such ponderings persisted uninterrupted by what he had just seen, leading him to question whether he should have accepted the offer to join the inner circle of the Silver Circle Sect, and whether they would still welcome him now.

"Very doubtful! It's all too simple to play the critic in hindsight too. Looking back, he would have spared no effort to dodge this looming catastrophe." Yet, such reflections now remained as mere fantasies, offering little comfort. Instead, he redirected his gaze to the mountain range, seeking solace in something more positive.

Still, he couldn't shake off this sensation of anxiety which enveloped him, nor could he ignore the cold sweat of dread trickling down his under- shirt, dripping off his reddened stained skin that hours of cleaning failed to wash away. 


Mu Er's attention was seized by the piercing scream, accompanying the effortless slashes of razor-sharp claws. The screaming guard, only a few years his senior, was cleaved in two as if he were no more than butter, his anguished cry echoing through the chaos.  The ape beasts roared in a frenzy, their ferocity painting the surroundings in a spray of blood. The aftermath left a gruesome tableau of flesh and innards, mingling in a vast pool of crimson.

Mu Er could only stare at the vast pool of blood, then down at the crimson puddle at his feet, having narrowly avoiding stepping into it. Signs of drying crimson stained the earth all around him, a grim reminder of the carnage that had unfolded.

The blood seemed to seep into everything, staining everything, Mu Er couldn't help but imagine that soon even the pristine white snow, which he hoped to see would transform into deep red almost bleeding snow and mud in the months to come.

The pungent scent of the surroundings assailed his senses, causing him to shiver involuntarily. It was a potent reminder of the countless lives lost. A weighty burden that offered no respite. Even in the solace of his humble soldier's bunk, the ceaseless battles of life and death plagued his nightly dreams. 

How could he endure an entire year under such oppressive circumstances? His heart raced incessantly, a constant reminder of the urgent need to strengthen himself, driven by the relentless desire for survival in this nightmarish realm.

Mu Er's vision sharpened as he studied the towering mountains before him, their majestic peaks reaching towards the sky. An eerie sense of isolation enveloped him in this moment, shielding him from the pervasive shadow of despair that encompassed everything within the confines of pit 358. 

Elegant ringed fingers tightened around the chilling metal shaft of his Pitforge blade spear, his right arm trembling with the weight of fatigue. Strands of long sweat-soaked hair stuck out from the back of his helm and plastered down his cloak, veiling the emblem of the three silver circles beneath. Despite the relentless strain that left his muscles numb and aching, he pressed on with his search. 

With a newfound ease, he shifted the spear to his opposite hand and methodically rotating his wrist and arm. Relief from the ceaseless knots of pain came fast. Yet, amidst his physical exhaustion, his posture remained resolute, his back held straight with an uncommon poise and determination for a youth of his age.

The Pitforge Blade Spear in his grasp felt like a natural extension of his arm, its weight and edge becoming intimately familiar as it etched its story onto his tender palms. Where once there were only scarred blisters, now hardened calluses formed. Mu Er marvelled at his own transformation—from a mild-mannered scholar of the esteemed Silver Circle School to a pit warrior who survived nine skirmishes. His success even took him by surprise.

Still, picturing himself as someone far removed from the challenges of the physical world, he imagined himself as a cultivator with boundless power, capable of shaping reality. Yet his palms bore the evidence of his physical battles. 

But at what cost he pondered, his emotions still undigested embroiled within his being. Not immune to the daily tragedy that surrounded him! It stained his soul. It lingered and tarnished the once optimistic young man. Like the red patches in his skin, it could not be washed away so easily. 

As he tried to embrace his new role as a pit guard, he couldn't shake the mental image of the feared harbinger he was destined to become—a figure that Soul Beasts would flee from, intimidated by his formidable cultivation and ring abilities.

 It seemed to him the only path to survival. Despite his youthful appearance and boyish charm, his natural talent hinted at a deeper, more ferocious aspect waiting to emerge, he just needed to cultivate.

With a somewhat hopeful demeanour, Mu Er eased the dull ache in his shoulder, feeling a sense of relief wash over him. 

Absently wiping sweat from his forehead, and his mind's eye returned to focus on the sheer cliffs of the Tianyun mountain range. His gaze sharpened as he scanned the terrain near the only pass, remaining vigilant for any tell-tale signs of approaching storms.

With snow-covered peaks, the heavy cooled air dropped as unseen upheavals stirred. A powerful gust of wind fell from the north and rushed towards the foothills that lead to the pits their main line of defence. 

Amidst the scene of uncertainty, Mu Er's eyes fixated on the russet leaves of autumn, rustling and trembling atop the trees that spread like an enormous wave rippling the forest's canopy at the base of the mountain range. 

"Whoosh," the gale rushed past the forest and into the foothills and grassy lands, until the chilly gust descended into the pits.

The wind's touch extended further, brushing against Mu Er's youthful face. Its presence amidst the surrounding stillness of death almost lightened his mood.

Despite the deceptive tranquillity of the pristine peaks, the mountains echoed with the ominous silence of death. Mu Er's eyes scanned the landscape, filled with anticipation, as he yearned for the blizzards to arrive.

The impending storms, fierce and unforgiving, would loom over the mountain range, instilling fear in the hearts of even the most courageous travellers. Venturing into the pass from late autumn to mid-spring was like tempting fate with one's life.

As the wind brushed against his face, its fleeting coolness carried both a glimmer of hope and a whisper of impending salvation.

Could it be that the storms reigning over the mountain valleys had at long last sealed off the passage?

Was this the moment his fervent wish would find assurance?

Would the relentless tide of soul beast hordes, strewn like ominous threads across the ancient pits encircling the mountain's base... finally, be cut off? 

Shaking his head to stop his wishful thinking, his gaze settled upon the breadth of pit 358, uncertainty and hope churned within him.

Clang!..Clang!... Clang!

The battlefield loomed larger than life, a scene of chaos and carnage and the overwhelming stench of death suffusing the air. It engulfed Mu Er, the sight of interminable bloodshed and gore, mingling remnants of friends and foes alike, offering a stark clarity of the moment, anchoring him to a simple truth.

It felt like his very being was encapsulated by this realization. It consumed him entirely, leaving no room for doubt. The truth, unmistakable and clear, dawned on him with chilling certainty: 

Everyone in this place was doomed to perish.

A shiver danced down Mu Er's spine. Its origin unknown, whether a premonition birthed from his heightened spiritual awareness shaped his pessimistic prophecy, or merely speculations from his glance at the battlefront.

With this thought in mind Mu Er's focus narrows to the lifeless body of a colossal Rockiron wolf sprawled before him, its size akin to that of a cart, bathed in a pool of crimson. Despite the impossibility, the evidence lies before him—a lone fighter pinning the death hound. A brave sacrifice, yet Mu Er questions its worth. His mood darkens as he grapples with false hope, yearning for the snow to block the impending tide.

Even if the storms blocked the beast horde from advancing further into the pass, millions of beasts lurked past it, poised to overwhelm the entire army with their sheer numbers.

Could they withstand this unprecedented beast advance, the largest ever recorded in history?

These creatures proved maddeningly hard to kill, as illustrated by the fallen soldier who valiantly fought until his last breath, only to be crushed beneath the weight of the Rockiron wolf's carcass.

In his last moments, it's doubtful the guard clung to any hope.

"If he couldn't, how could anyone, let alone me?"

The youth knelt solemnly beside the fallen warrior, his fingers gingerly brushing against the man's ivory wrist. Nodding to himself after he recovered his spiritual senses from the man's corpse.

As expected, the soldier, was dead.

Mu Er's blacken emotions served as a mirror to the grim tale of destruction that lay before him. The fallen warrior's form was twisted and torn almost beyond recognition, a testament to the ferocity of the conflict.

Even the soldier's once-proud cloak, adorned with its three silver rings, was savagely torn asunder in the viscous but short encounter.

In the span of a few heartbeats, Mu Er witnessed the life drain from the soldier's eyes. To Mu Er, it was only a few minutes before. It happened so fast, and he was still in shock.

As Mu Er watched the last seconds of man and beast alive. Time seemed to stop during their death throes. These images etched into his mind a broken mess once living and now a tragedy. 

The man's unwavering determination stood proud, while his flesh rent and bones broken, the soldier saw his opportunity. He selflessly stabbed with his pit spear, pinning the massive foreleg of the Rockiron wolf before succumbing to the beast's savage attacks.

Mu Er's eyes blazed with vengeance at that time, he recalled his companion's demise, his grief fuelling a relentless urge to slay. With singular focus, he pursued his target, knowing the warrior's fate was already lost.

"Die!!!!!!........." Mu Er screamed before channelling his fury into a righteous wrath, vowing not to rest until the beast's blood stained the earth.


"His sacrifice will mean something, damn it!" he blurted out before his own pit spear, an extension of purpose, glided over the belly of the beast with ease.

Howwwwwl!  The beast howled, Mu Er's to advantage of the beast pain and skilfully directed the spear's blade along the trapped wolf's tender underbelly.

Plop! The stench came first before unleashing a torrent of innards that spilled onto the cold, muddy red earth below.

As the wolf's life dimmed, its once-piercing eyes reflected not only pain but also a shocking fear, as if it couldn't comprehend how its formidable hide had been pierced with such ease.

Mu Er's lips curved into a grim smile, a fleeting satisfaction mingling with the sorrow within. The once-roaring predator succumbed to a pitiable demise. 

Its whimpers had faded into the air. 

A tragic and agonizing exit, that gave Mu Er little pleasure in the end. Revenge, however fervent, could never fill the void left by the lives lost. Nor could it mend the irrevocable shifts in existence that rippled outward to the soldier's children, or the wife left behind.

Mu Er's brow furrowed as he contemplated the soldiers' children. According to the Emperor's edicts, they might well find themselves within an orphanage's embrace. Only to ultimately share Mu Er's grim fate to be entangled knee-deep in gore. This was his fate would it become theirs?

That thought lingered at the forefront of his mind as the pungent blend of bloody, matted fur and warm visceral permeated his senses. The soldier's demise cast a deeper pall over his spirit. Another comrade he stood shoulder to shoulder with had fallen — was that now a tally of nine companions, lost in as many days?

A haunting foreboding whispered to him of the impermanence of life, despite humankind's natural obstinacy as his shoulders slumped. Every partner he duoed with died. "Who would have thought being a messenger in the army was so dangerous?"

* A zhang, an old Chinese measure of length equal to 10 chi, or 3.58 metres (11 feet 9 inches).

** Zhang Dao, the sword-stave or glaves. A long bladed on a pole. Not a halberd which is more like an axe or pick on a pole. 

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