court of lies | robert's rebe...


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Atera Hightower joins the Red Keep as the lady-in-waiting of the future wife of the crown prince, Elia Martel... Еще

characters pti
characters ptii
characters ptiii
characters ptiv
pti | the royal wedding
the call
the ladies
the proposal
the dorne
the princess
the storm's end
the feast
the joust
the court
the wedding
ptii | the florent revolt
moodboards; pti
moodboards; ptii (fashion)
the fool moon
the baby dragon
the death of a queen
the rush hour
the funeral
the rains
the labour
the amber skies
the fine print
the lion and the king
ptiii | the unfinished business
the family line
the dangerous game
the prophecy
the sign of the times
the champagne problems
the sun and the spear
the skyfall
the divine move
the shadow of doubt
the summerhall
ptiv | the kingswood
the fighting pit
the icarus
the poisoned bond
the brotherhood
the sept of baelor
the princess and the queen
the sworn sword
the heartbreak weather
the emperor's new clothes
ptv | the year of the false spring
the harrenhal
the lotus
the kingsguard
the harbinger of war
the mystery knight
the broken crown
the lost stars
the winter roses
the dawn will come
the song of ice and fire
ptvi | the war of the usurper
the north remembers
the labyrinth
the below of the surface
the war council
the bells
the winter solstice

the burning embers

118 4 1

"we are our own gods and our own demons"

281 AC, King's Landing

"The meetings with the Braavosi ambassadors are continuing, your grace, for the peace treaty. They are ready to give up many things in return for our friendship.", Crakehall informed him. The king still didn't name a Hand so as the Master of Law, it was his duty to do the meetings -much to Varys' despise.

"Your grace,", Lucerys gave a letter to Aerys and when he frowned in confusion, he began to explain. "it came from Braavos.", Aerys raised his eyebrows as he started to open the letter. "Signed by Perseus Antaryon, the younger brother of the Sealord of Braavos. He already entered the continent, if you allow so, he wishes to come to the capital to be protected under your wings."

"And why is that?", he wondered.

"Not everyone in Braavos is happy with the peace treaty, your grace. There are nobles and alike who are prowar and they want to replace the current Sealord with his uncle, Ferrego Antaryon. Braavos has become a dangerous place for the Sealord Helion and his family. He sent his brother a little time ago to handle the peace talks but now it might turn into something more politically advantageous for us.", Varys explained. "He entered the realm through the Reach and was in the Roseroad for some time now."

"As you ordered your grace, we ordered him to stay at Ashford and the moment you accept, he'll start his journey here. We are expecting him to come here tomorrow.", Qarlton said with a silent tone. "We are also told that he repeatedly demanded a meeting with Lord Hightower but he refused it.", he said with distase, it would make him happier, to frame Leyton as a traitor.

"He has two thousand soldiers with him, your grace.", Arthur spoke with a frown. "Would it be wise to let him enter the capital just like that?"

"What is your advice then, Arthur?"

"It is an opportunity that we must take, for sure.", Pycelle spoke before him. "We might be friends with the Braavosi soon enough but having his brother right here would protect us either way."

"Political hostages scarcely enter their jail willingly, Maester Pycelle.", Arthur commented softly. "And rarely with two thousand soldiers at their tail."

"Perseus is very much loved in Braavos, Arthur.", Lucerys tried to paint the picture. "More so than of his brother and uncle and he is at our side. It has been said that it was he who first suggested the idea of peace with us. It is only normal that Helion wants to protect him."

"If we sign the peace treaty, having his brother with us, we might demand something even more -we would have the advantage.", Crakehall added. "And if we do not and Ferrego takes the position, we will have a valuable hostage at our hands. In both cases, we will be spared from the war. Isn't this what you want, Ser?"

"Then he must leave his soldiers at Ashford, under the care of the Reacher Lords and Lord Tyrell must return to Highgarden at once.", Arthur turned to the king. "Let him come here only with his household, your grace. That way, we can see his true intentions."

Aerys nodded to him, it made sense. "Tell me when he arrives,", Rhaegar spoke for the first time on this matter, he still was sending daggers to Aerys and they just had a small quarrel about Robert Baratheon's late arrival -they expected it would take a couple of more days. "I'll welcome him personally since we do not have a Hand."

"I'll name one when I decide.", Aerys said, trying to calm himself down, he had lost the solution, he had to wait now.

"We must place Targaryen soldiers all around the Kingsroad -tell him to use that and not the Roseroad while entering the capital.", Rhaegar turned to Crakehall and ordered. "Every soldier along the way must have full equipment. We might sue for peace but Perseus Antaryon must see the Westerosi army is, at all times, ready for war if it comes to that."

"I'll deliver your orders directly, your grace.", he nodded. "I'll welcome him at the Kingsroad myself."


"Don't you see how they threatened me?", Cersei was pacing inside her chambers with anger and Varys, after the council meeting has ended, came to calm her down. She did not leave her chambers the entire day. "They came close to my bed while I was sleeping. In a place where I must be the most safe and secure! And yet, I wake up with a scorpion next to me."

"We questioned everyone who was on duty that night.", Crakehall interfered as Varys sighed. "But of course, no one knows a thing."

"In order to assure your safety, we sent all of them away from the court, your grace."

"I would be surprised if you would find the culprit.", she muttered. "Do not panic anyone, no one will hear about this.", she ordered. "I will not let that whore think she achieved her goal."

"If we alert his majesty the king-"

"That old fuck doesn't care about me!", she turned to Varys with wide eyes. "Nor the child I am carrying, no one cares about me and my enemies are waiting for me to make a mistake, to ambush me. Don't you see that?"

"That fake pregnancy,", Varys sent her a look. "truly affected things badly."

"And you told me actually getting pregnant would fix that.", she hissed.

"Well the king can hold a grudge for very long, it seems.", he said with a troubled face. "But once you give birth to a boy, I believe things will be better."

"That is moons away.", she got angry again. "I need him on my side right now."

"He gave you these rooms just yesterday, my queen.", Crakehall sent a look to Varys. "Despite Prince Rhaegar's objections. Mayhaps you must be happy with-"

"Wait, wait, wait.", she raised a hand with a scowl. "What objections?"

They shared a look once more and Varys saw an opening. "Prince Rhaegar threatened the king that you would not stay in these rooms for it would be an insolence showed to his late mother's memory.", he said without a filter and Crakehall seemed surprised by the lack of caution. But Varys was thinking if he could manage to turn her against the prince because it would work on his behalf more. "Their voices got raised, and he defied the king in front of the entire council. Only stopped when Ser Arthur announced that Princess Rhaenys is ill."

"He defied his father so that I wouldn't get this chamber?", she asked with a deep hurt as if it was a personal attack. "It is that whore's work.", she spat the next second. "She is confusing him. Gods only knows what lies she had fed him with."

"It seems to me that the prince understood the full picture well.", Crakehall pursed his lips as he reached for his wine cup.

"Why on earth he would involve himself with such petty dramas if it's not for that witch filling up his mind with it?", she asked with narrowed eyes. "She is against me and she is turning him against me. She knows that he'll leave her once he sees something better and she knows that I am that thing that is better."

"This much stress and anger is bad for the baby.", Varys warned her with a cold tone. "When we consider this baby is your only hope, I suggest you take a breath. You got the rooms, good, you are in charge of the court, good, stop attacking her now."

"I do nothing.", she turned her head away.

"We heard what you have done, your grace.", Crakehall said with hesitancy. "You took her ladies away."

"I am changing the court."

"But you have no right on deciding her household since it is separated from the court's.", Varys interfered.

"You told me I could control her!"

"I meant you could send a spy, not send away her ladies This would only aggravate her further. And would turn the prince against you for good this time.", he added the last sentence to appease her. "Change your mind, cancel your decision and tell everyone that you did it out of goodwill and make her look like the lunatic one.", he basically ordered her. "You won a victory, you won the battle but the war still goes on and you are weak. You need to gather strength first."

"And the princess is with child as well, my queen.", Crakehall supported him. "If something happens to the baby, she and everyone else will blame you, accuse you for making her sad and tense. Let it go for a while. Stay calm during your pregnancy. That boy is far more important than this quarrel."

"And what if she gives birth to a boy, hm?", she walked towards him and widened her eyes. "What then?"

"And what if you give birth to a girl, your grace?", Varys asked with a tired voice. "Or what if you lose the baby even before that? What then?", he pressed. "Do you have any idea what the king would do to you? Don't you know what he had done to his sister for that?", Cersei seemed hesitant now -hesitant and scared. "That baby you are carrying is far more important than everything else. It has to be born with health, and it has to be a boy. Stand back and pray."

"Will you truly let her give birth?", she asked with a small voice. "Or-"

"She carries the royal blood in her.", Crakehall stopped leaning to the wall and spoke with a bewildered expression. "No one would dare to harm it."

Varys agreed even though he didn't enjoy the idea that a woman giving birth to a royal heir. "Give back her ladies.", he turned to her once more. "And befriend Atera Hightower."

"His mistress?", she snorted.

"She is not his mistress and the king seems to be in favour of her.", he warned her. "Liked the girl's mother enough, she was married to his couisin after all. She punched the prince and got away with it. She can be an asset."

"She'll marry Elia's brother. She would never serve me."

"She doesn't need to serve you but just because she serves her, doesn't mean she is on her side. You can perhaps charm her.", he didn't think she would manage it but at least it would keep her occupied and maybe it would cause tension between Elia's ladies. "It is important. It would be another victory, as important as this room."

"Fine then.", she accepted even though she didn't want it. "I'll charm her."


"Why did Lord Crakehall leave the court?", Atera turned to them with suspicion. "Can it be another plan of the queen?", before Elia needed to riot, Cersei gave back her ladies and now they all gathered in Rhaegar's chambers to plan.

"No, state matters.", Rhaegar answered, his eyes were roaming around Atera when no one was looking at him. "The younger brother of the Sealord is about to enter the capital. He went to welcome him."

Atera raised her eyebrows slowly. "Perseus?"

"Do you know him?", Rhaegar didn't seem interested but Elia turned towards her with attention.

"I heard many things about him.", she started to pace around slowly; there were her, Rhaegar and Elia, Ashara and Oberyn, Arthur, Oswell and Jon inside of the room -Myles was too busy with something, Catelyn was next to Rhaenys and Richard was still at Stormlands. "People say that he is a valiant and swarthy young man with a great many talents. Poetry, archery, navy, they say whoever sees him fall in love with him."

Elia chuckled. "Who tells you these kind of things?"

"While I was staying at Oldtown, too many people came to my brother's court.", she explained. "I never had the chance to meet him personally though I know his brother."

Rhaegar's hand stopped as he was reaching for his water. "You know the Sealord?", he turned to her with annoyance. "And you never thought of saying this before?"

"You didn't ask before, your grace.", she smiled at him but it was obviously fake. "I did try to tell before you went to Braavos,", her eyes found Arthur. "but you refused to listen."

Rhaegar took a deep breath as Elia sent her a look. "You support this agreement then?"

"Anyone with their right mind would support it.", she said as if it was obvious. "Why wage war when peace is an option?"

"What do you know of him, Atera?", he asked with a silent frustration.

"I know that if these peace talks will drag on, he'll change his mind and wage war soon after.", she stated silently. "He is not a patient man and if there is one thing he hates is not getting what he wants. He doesn't offer peace out of generosity or good heart but because his uncle wants war."

"Who is this uncle? I thought Sealord is chosen by votes and yet it seems like there is a fight for the throne.", Oswell asked, he was the most stranger one in the Braavosi politics.

"His uncle, Ferrego, served as Sealord for two terms like two decades ago and while you are right and coming to power happens via elections; he basically raised his nephew, Helion, to be his successor. This is his first term and yet soon enough Helion turned against Ferrego.", it was Ashara who explained the basics.

"Ferrego Antaryon is a man made for war.", Atera said with distaste. "And while he sees himself always above Westeros, he loves to suppress the Triarchy. But when years ago things went the worse for him, he married his sister with the First Magister of Lys.", her voice got sharp as she looked at Rhaegar and Arthur. "A daughter was born out of that union, I believe you met with her as well; Silvia.", Oswell shared a look with Elia and then both turned their heads away. "So on paper, it seems like Triarchy and Braavos work together but it is a complete lie. Helion hates her, the only reason she went all the way to Braavos is because he wanted to prevent her marriage with the Archon of Tyrosh and he succeed it by the way, if anyone was wondering."

"It is way the Triarchy supports Ferrego, no?", Elia asked. "If he wins back the position, that woman will marry the Archon, and since he indeed cares about his niece, he'll truly team up with them, give Stepstones to them and wage war with Westeros."

"Exactly.", she nodded. "Helion's wishes are the complete opposite of this. He hates the Triarchy, he doesn't care about Stepstones and the only interest he has in Westeros is finding himself a wife from here."

"A wife?", this was unexpected so Rhaegar leaned forward. "How do you know that?", Atera sent him a look and he raised his eyebrows. "You rejected the Sealord of Braavos?"

"If I knew that I would end up with him,", she pointed out Oberyn as he snorted. "I probably would have accepted it."

"I wish you would have accepted it then.", he murmured under Elia's warning gaze.

"His brother is coming here, do you think it might have something to do with that?", Rhaegar asked, one hand closing on top of Elia's. "Does he has a name in mind?"

"This proposal happened three years ago and Leyton was adamant about accepting it.", she told them with a sulky face. This proposal has changed her life and it was what threw her to Jace's path in the first place. "Both tired too hard but well, my decision was final and then Leyton was not in a position to push for it further.", it was enough explanation. "Then I heard he extended the offer to Malora.", she recalled. "Leyton's second eldest. But she doesn't wish to marry either and now, if I heard it right, he added another proposal, this time to Denyse, to the deal he is offering to Leyton. but Denyse is already betrothed to marry Paxter's cousin and I do not see him trying his chance for the fourth time. But the plan was to marry a Hightower."

"Why?", Oswell wondered.

"Marriages happen because of three things.", Jon answered on her behalf and Arthur rolled his eyes. "A Hightower checks out all the boxes."

"Helion wanted to marry me.", Atera admitted as she sat down with a sigh. Remembering that year ruined her mood completely. "He caught on with Leyton's power later on."

Ashara narrowed her eyes as they roamed around her and then chuckled. "You had an affair with him?"

"Ashara!", Elia hissed with widened eyes but the other woman's smile grew.

"There are no strangers amongst us, El. And it is too obvious."

Atera felt Arthur's eyes on her only for a couple of seconds and then he turned his head away with a brief rise of eyebrows and she sighed. "We all make mistakes."

"Yours should be taught at the Citadel.", Oberyn smiled with sarcasm. "All the wrong choices you made, it seems."

"I would have taken that as an insult if it did not come from you.", she turned to him with a fake smile. "You are not even the last person that can judge me here."

"Sealord of Braavos is after the title my brother is holding and my future wife had an affair with him. I believe I am allowed to judge the wisdom of people in my life, who made this decision."

"Yes and you never had an affair with someone you shouldn't have, is that so?", Elia turned to her brother and Oberyn closed his eyes and sent a fake smile in her direction as Ashara turned her head away. "The Sealord shall be our ally if he gives up his 'honorary' claim. Our true enemy is the Triarchy.", she turned to Atera. "Please tell me-"

"Of course not.", she interrupted her with a grimace. "And Helion only happened to piss Leyton off, nothing serious."

"You do a lot of things to piss your brother off, don't you?", Oberyn shook his head.

"People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.", Atera hissed to him like a snake. "All the way from the Arbor to the Wall; people are talking about the things you've done. Frankly, I don't think I am anywhere near your shenanigans."

"If he is searching for a Westerosi bride,", Rhaegar raised his voice to catch their attention, right before Oberyn threw another brick at her. "we may offer him, someone, in secrecy.", it was a smart move, of course, but if they would be caught, Aerys would wage war without a second thought. "Perseus, I asked,", he turned to Atera with a weird expression. "do you think it has something to do with it?"

"Perseus is a child.", she dismissed it. "I never met him because despite being a courageous man, he prefers hiding from his uncle. He was in Norvos or something when I was in Braavos. He is in his early twenties, I guess, perhaps younger. Helion is obsessed with his safety, he sends him here for protection and nothing more."

"Who will we offer them as a bride though?", Elia wondered. "Who do we trust that much?"

Nobody dared to make a move but Ashara was aware that somehow they all were looking at her and she felt the indignation rising. "No!", she declared as she stood up and Oberyn grimaced with the loud noise as Arthur sent a look of irritation to Rhaegar's side. "That man's uncle, as Atera kindly pointed out, worked with the Triacrhy at the last battle at Stepstones!"

"Ashara, honey-"

"No!", she yelled once more to Elia. "My father died in that war.", she spat. "How can you even dare to offer such a thing?", Ashara Dayne was usually a composed, placid woman and despite being ruled by her emotions, she tried not to show it in her daily life. But right now, anger seemed like possessed her thoroughly. "I disallow you to entertain such a notion!", she stated with a very sharp tone and a thick accent, purple eyes burning with the intensity of her emotions. "Find another broodmare for yourself and do not make me involved with it."

Rhaegar seemed almost startled when she got up and left the room, hitting the door to hear behind her which made the small portrait fall to the ground. "I am not going to deny this was my indication but,", he rubbed his face, didn't know how to explain this. "I thought perhaps-"

"You heard my sister.", Arthur spoke for the first time with a very low tone that sent shivers all down their spines, his expression was unreadable but Rhaegar knew if he was not his prince, he would met with his punch right across his face. "Do not dare to entertain such a notion and find someone else, if you desire so.", when he stood up, unintentionally Rhaegar paralleled his movements as well.


He turned to look at him and Rhaegar couldn't explain his reasons or tell him how smart this move would be, only bowed his head. "I thought so.", his best friend murmured inside his mouth and followed after his sister.


"You do not need to worry such a thing will not happen.", Atera went to calm Ashara down when Elia seemed too tired to do so.

"If it were up to him, he would sign a contract of betrothal right at that moment.", the black-haired woman spat and Atera sighed.

"But it is not up to him, no?", she was trying to be gentle but had only little tolerance for any display of human emotions these days. "It is up to you and to Andric. And Arthur would talk in a different way and put him back to his place if he would push his luck further.", she had no doubt about that. She had seen it on his face. "But forgive me for intrusion,", she narrowed her eyes as she tried to gain information. "your father-"

"He was the commander of Lorenza's armies alongside Aethan and Anders. Aethan betrayed them all by making peace during the middle of the war and told them where my father's troops lay. The Triarchy -that was supported by the Sealord, of course, didn't keep their word and attacked my father's camp in the middle of the night.", she said in a desolate, almost sorrowful manner. "He had won the victory, despite the circumstances but he was deeply wounded. Andric brought him back home but he didn't survive the night.", her voice got smaller and smaller and Atera closed her eyes. Damned that the idea was too good to reject. "My mother died shortly after, out of grief.", she sent her a small glance. "Arthur did not join their funerals so I am not sure what he would say to his friend."

"He threatened him subtly after you left.", she tried to soothe her down, didn't know what to say. Some people truly loved their fathers because they were good; she couldn't relate to that. "My father died in a revolt and we don't even know who killed him.", this seemed to catch her attention and Ashara turned to her with a pout on her lips, she was hugging herself. "He had done many horrible things while ruling Oldtown and one day, it all blew up into his face."

"I heard things.", she murmured.

"I doubt you ever heard the half of it.", she let out a dry chuckle. "When the last riot happened, he went there to suppress it himself, I doubt he planned to die.", she frowned as her eyes focused on the carpet. "Soon enough it became clear that it was more than a riot and everybody was against him. Leyton,", she closed her eyes. "promised for reinforcements but he did not keep his word.", she raised her head to her shocked face. "He let him die."

"Lord Hightower?", she seemed stupefied.

"He doesn't know that I know and he never will.", she said with a small smile but the subtle warning was clear. "He did what he had to do, he made the hard call. It is why,", she closed her eyes as a pain hit her to her gut. "I was so angry when I saw his inability to stop Rhea because he did far worse back then, for the greater good.", she sighed. "He didn't want anyone to question, anyone to realize what he has done so he didn't even investigate it -not that anyone wanted. So we don't even know who killed him. And given that the prince also has a strained relationship with his father, isn't it normal for him to be rather clueless so he made such an oblivious notion?", Elia and Rhaegar were right where they needed to be, she was not going to let Ashara to ruin that.

"He knows all about our father-"

"Through Arthur.", she finished her sentence. She could fix the relationship between the sister and the brother later, first, she needed to cool her down. "And you said he didn't join his funeral, so perhaps he also didn't like talking about him?", she knew it was a low blow but it was necessary. "Perhaps Rhaegar doesn't know that much about him?"

Ashara smiled at her -which surprised Atera, the smile contained a pitiful sympathy. "You don't know Arthur very much but he adored our father. He was the only person he wanted to be -of course after Andric. We were a close and loving family and Arthur was very much a part of it."

"Then what happened?", she asked to improve the talk but there was a part of her that wanted to know, craved to know more about Arthur. "He doesn't seem like he gets along with any of you.", it was perhaps a ruthless thing to say but Ashara didn't take it that way and sat next to her, now seemed got lost in memories, her anger was there no more.

"It is Arthur's life and I fear not even I know everything about what has happened,", she admitted, she was facing the wall and her arms were resting on top of her legs, she was playing with her own hands and eyes were focused on the carpet -Atera was watching her every move. "but long story short; he was there one day and he was not in the next."

"I do not know him much, as you said,", she managed to say with a straight face. "but this does not sound like him."

"All I know,", she took a deep breath. "he had a fight with Andric, a real bad fight and it drove him away. I can understand that. Despite him being Arthur's hero, they had too many quarrels towards the end. Most of them due to his affair with Larra.", she sent her a look. "He never liked her, never thought she was good for him, on the contrary, always believed she made another side of him come out; a darker side, a dangerous side. Their fights started out of sheer worry but then it took a drastic change when Andric married Cassella,", it seemed like the fact that woman died hit her right there as she looked horrified for a second but then gained back her composure. "and kept his affair."

"He didn't like that?", it was a question, not a statement, though she knew the answer well.

"Arthur believed in the sacredness of the marriage and saw it as a great dishonour, not only towards her but to our family as well. Always condemned him for the way he treated her, defended her even. And do not think these are recent events,", she sent her a glare. "it all happened a decade ago when we were essentially kids. Then he went to the capital and his frustration towards Andric turned to friendship with Rhaegar.", she almost hissed and Atera understood that she was right in her instincts, Ashara didn't like him one bit which endangered Elia's marriage with him. "Then his visits started to lessen and every time he came, his arguments with Andric got worse and worse, not even our parents were able to stop it and then-", she bit her lips and closed her eyes and stopped herself. "Arthur left one day, in the middle of the night, without saying goodbye and only returned when he was about to die.", referring to the first assassination attempt Aerys made for Rhaegar. Arthur threw himself into the path of a poisoned arrow and still dealt with the pain of it. "It is just like Arthur.", she told her with a deep sadness in her eyes. "If you are done in his eyes, you are done. He doesn't give second chances."

"But he gave to the prince, no?", she couldn't help but ask and regret it immediately. "I mean-"

"I know what you mean.", she took a deep breath but didn't look insulted. "I am clueless on that matter as well -and so is Elia. We do not know what happened between them, only that they fought and made peace.", she turned her head away. "Elia told me that whatever happened, it was Arthur's fault but I do not believe to it."

"Why, may I ask?"

"Arthur is many things but if something is done, it is done. He cannot manage to fuck things up this greatly.", she shook her head. "Or maybe I don't know my brother at all, and he is a stranger to me."


"While we were in Braavos, Arthur and I, Elia made a list with Oswell to see which houses would support us in the Riverlands and which houses would need some ...convincing-"

"-bribing.", Jon corrected him, they were having supper together. "Do you want my insight on Stormlands?"

"Who else I can trust?", he did try to be on his good side after their latest argument. He was trying but Jon was still not getting softer.

"Robert will not support either of you if that's what you are asking.", he said plainly. "You are not planning to poison yourself to death again, right?", he asked while reaching to the wine cup. "Or I'll be cautious."

"Jon...", he sighed as he bowed his head. "How can I have Robert on my side?", he chose not to answer.

"It's been what? More than a fortnight since you summoned him and he still did not arrive yet. The lack of respect and obedience is crystal clear. Do you want Baratheon support? Kill him.", he suggested. "Then kill that stoic brother of his, leaving only the baby. In that case, the crown would have the right to appoint a regent and we can meddle with it, choose a lord who would be loyal to us."

"We will not kill anyone, Jon.", Rhaegar said with a tired voice. "This is not the world we are trying to build."

"I cannot help but agree with her.", he didn't name her but both knew who he meant; Atera. "In order to build a new world, first you must get rid of the old one."

"Not this way.", he stated sharply though not in an angry manner. "Find another solution."

"There simply isn't one.", he shrugged. "Robert dislikes you greatly. He is envious, jealous of you. And that mentor of his, Jon Arryn, is no help. On the contrary, it is him who fuels that aversion in him for reasons I do not know.", he sent him a pointy look and Rhaegar held himself back for not groaning.

It has been a while since he last heard that theory of his.

"Jon Arryn is not planning a rebellion, my friend.", he stated for the hundredth time. "He is not in a plan with Rickard Stark and Hoster Tully. You are just being paranoid."

Jon seemed, for a second, that he was going to get up and attack him but obviously held himself back. "I'll say 'I told you' so when I am proven right.", he chose to say instead and finished his wine. "Robert blames you for the deaths of his parents, he sees you as an opponent to win over. He is jealous that you are capable, that people love you, and that women would rather have you than him. You are a sore spot, when people compliment you, he gets a red face. He doesn't recognize your authority. How can I explain that he'll not support you?", he sent him a judging look. "And Stannis is a stubborn goat. Even if Aerys would burn down Storm's End, he would not break his oath of fealty towards him. Your only luck can be Renly and no one else. Either go on a full murder spree or forget the Baratheons."

Rhaegar rubbed his face. "At least he doesn't have full control over his bannermen.", he murmured. He didn't even want to think about the power gap in Stormlands but it seemed it would work on his behalf. "So we can have the others?"

"I think you are good with Stormlands, actually.", Jon commented as he was playing with the ring on his finger. "You are, weird enough, more loved in Stormlands than of Riverlands. With the right moves, you might have most of the support."

"Bucklers, then?", Rhaegar seemed a bit surprised. He invested in Stormlands greatly and spent most of his time there first as a ward to Armond and then as a squire to Steffon. But his marriage to Elia could have changed that. "What would you make of them?"

"They are known to be staunchly loyal.", he stated. "Which is a good virtue, of course, these are the men we would want on our side but too much loyalty is equal to having none. They would stand by Aerys and would condemn you. But the good thing about Stormlands; none of those lords who would potentially vote for Aerys in the Great Council, including the Marcher Lords, would not stand in front of you with an army if things go worse."

"Things will not go worse.", Rhaegar pointed out and Jon said nothing.

"House Cafferen would support you.", he watched the way Rhaegar's face filled with disbelief.

"Their lord was murdered by one of my wife's ladies,", he reminded him. "his sister died shortly after under mysterious circumstances, just like her daughter, and his other sister was a part of the Brotherhood that kidnapped my wife. She only is alive due to Arthur's mercy and nothing more."

"Their uncle rules Fawnton now. The uncle who despised all of them, the uncle who despises your father as well. He is a strict man who has little to no tolerance for laziness or corruption. He might even thank Lady Atera for getting rid of them. He always took it with shame; his sister being Gerard Hightower's mistress. He'll be on your side, I assure you."

Rhaegar seemed like he was going to say something but once again, held himself back and instead cut his meat. "House Connington?", he sent him a secret glance but did not dare to look at him.

"If you be a good boy and pray for my father's demise, you would have an ally.", he said nonchalantly. "Or else, beware that the assassins that will sneak to Dragonstone to kill you."

"He'll gather an army.", he said with a troubled breath. Armond Connington was ...such a man that Rhaegar truly despised him. "If it comes to that.", he didn't believe it would but still. "I do not want to fight against your father."

"You don't?", Jon pursed his lips as he poured another cup for himself, Myles was with Elia. "And here I sit, my hands are itching to meet with him on the battlefield."


"You have your own father that you don't love but cannot hate despite everything but I am not you.", he said with a warning. "I would not hesitate as you did.", Rhaegar did confide in him about what happened to Rhaella and what he had done in return. He was surprised that it didn't come out in an argument with Arthur yet. "Both Errols of Haystack Hall and the Estermonts of Greenstone would stay impartial. The latter is because they blame both you and the king for their sister's death, it would only amuse them if you go after one another and the former is just a bunch of hesitant cowards that simply are not capable of making a decision."

Rhaegar agreed. "Fells of the Fellwood will support my father.", he said with a tone that left no room for arguments. "They are happy with the things are right now. They would not risk their necks to support me -the same goes for the Mertyns of the Mistwood as well. They love the way they are ruling things now. Robert is not there to keep them under control and the king's council allows them everything in return for certain privileges.", women, mostly.

"Harlan Grandison is a part of the kingsguard so he would stay under Ser Gerold's orders and be impartial,", he sent him a look but Rhaegar was not in the mood to discuss their loyalty now. "but that grand-nephew of his is an idealistic young boy. It might seem as if he would like to stay out of trouble since he just became the Lord of Grandview but he is made of quality fabric. He'll side with you, would give an army if you want so."

A small smile appeared on Rhaegar's face but he kept eating. "I expect support from both the Morrigens and Peaseburys."

"Morrigen is...", he shook his head. "Hates my father.", he concluded. "And like you well enough ever since you fixed that disagreement between him and my father. He'll side with you, you are right.", then he seemed lost for a moment. "But you would not want an ally like Peasebury."

"We need all the allies we have, Jon. It is the Great Council we are talking about."

"They say that man has a tendency to cannibalism.", he grimaced and stopped cutting his meat, even pushed his plate away, his entire appetite was dead. "And Morrigen has taste for women, serious fidelity problems."

Rhaegar seemed as troubled as him and rubbed his face. "I will put an end to them both.", he declared. "And I would rather die to call them my friends but we do need their support."

"Of course we do but still, perhaps not reach them personally. Let me handle it."

"As you wish.", he agreed. It would be better in any case if he just stayed away from it and let his friends handle the correspondence but Rhaegar, of course, did not let that. He was going to take the entire blame if they would be caught. "Penrose?", he asked grimly. Yet another Stormlander House that had every reason to hate Atera.

"Impartial.", he exhaled with trouble. Penrose was an important house that married Targaryens twice before; once with Princess Elaena and then with King Aerys the First. "And not just Lady Atera, its lord hates Jace, he is aware that he is the father of his late sister's bastard and Princess Elia is his cousin. He'll not support the king but will prefer to stay away from it. And Lord Selwyn will support your father."

"Tarth is a very important region that also carries the Targaryen blood.", he said in disbelief. "He is Elia's uncle, half or not, just like Lewyn and Lucerys."

"And will Lucerys Velaryon support you?", Jon sent him a look. "He is a proud old man with a very high opinion of honour. He will stay with your father -not that he would not support you, I believe he favours you rather than the king but there is the effect of Ser Gerold and Lord Velaryon. While Ser Gerold might advocate for him to stay at least impartial, I doubt Lord Velaryon's loyalty. He is a lost case."

"Wensington will side with my father as well. Whitehead too.", the worst part about Stormlands was that he could not convince/bribe the lords like the River Lords. "And the Marchers..."

"Dondarrion will side with you.", he said adamantly. "Its lord has died, the new one is called Beric, he is essentially a child. The same age as Arthur's little sister, I believe.", the implication was too obvious.

"She is a child.", and the objection came expectedly.

"And so is he."

"She is Dornish!"

"And he is a Marcher. It would achieve more than you imagine."

"They are not even of age and Arthur would kill me if I make another subtle marriage proposal with yet another sister of his today.", he closed the subject. "Allyria's guardian is Andric, and not even I would dare to make such an offer."

"I would.", he argued back. "And I will when I see him. But other than that, the boy has the right mind and will support you. And not only him but you will have yet another Marcher support from House Selmy. Ser Barristan's sister is ruling Harvest Hall and given that he left his status as the heir with a heartbroken betrothal behind his back, she doesn't like your father. She doesn't like the kingsguard at all and is refusing to speak to her brother but if you manage to come in between them, you'll have her support."

"Swann will follow my father though, till the bitter end.", his tongue hit the roof of his mouth. "Caron as well. Both hate Elia, they would never follow me and the Marchers would follow them."

"I doubt so. It's two-two, Dondarrion has influence as much as Caron and Swann do."

"Caron is the Lord of the Marchers, which means both Beric Dondarrion and Angela Selmy are serving two liege lords; Markhus and Robert. And Lord Swann is a seasoned warrior while the rest are not. Impartial lords would side with them, people would side with them. This might even cause an internal fight in the Stormlands, eliminate the region altogether and they would survive by hating me as well due to Elia's presence.", he said with trouble but then saw Jon's face, he was quick to warn him. "No.", he shook his head. "I do not want to hear 'I told you so'."

"I will not.", he nodded. "Just for this time. Lonmouth will also support your father, beware."

"Richard's uncle?"

"My father's best friend.", it was enough explanation. "You don't know how to use Richard, no?", he shook his head with disappointment. "I did not want you to take to your side as a charity case."

"You asked me to do that to protect him because his uncle has no heirs but despises him and sent assassins behind his back and it is why he was at Griffin's Roost but in a tavern, you've been protecting him this whole time.", once again he proved that he knew more than he let on. "I made him my squire because there was no other way for me to take him to my court and I did not use him as a charity case. In the last moons, he did more than Myles ever did in years hence why he is being jealous and even bitter."

"But you do not trust him."

"I scarcely trust people. Even Elia just earned it and she is my wife, Jon.", he shook his head. "We'll get used to him in time, learn his specialities. But it seems you have a different idea?"

"Richard is a Stormlander and his uncle is not a loved figure.", he opened his arms. "Use him as a spy if you fear the region's stability that much, my friend. Make him appease Robert, use him as bait to give Storm Lords what they want."

"They will think he can build a bridge between me and them.", he seemed to like that idea and he leaned back. "While essentially we will set the bait to convince-"


"-them to side with me.", he rubbed his chin. "It sounds like a good idea but you trust him?", he didn't expect Jon to get emotional and cloud his judgement for he was his former lover but still felt the need to ask.

"With my life.", he deadpanned. "Or else I would never-", he turned his head away but Rhaegar understood it perfectly well.

Or else he would never let him into his bed. It was a sad time they were living in; people were not allowed to be who they are, and they were not allowed to love who they want, regardless of their gender. If the wrong person would catch even a glimpse of Jon's true desires, it would end him. Even in Dorne where such things were more tolerated, people spoke.

In Westeros, in Stormlands where men were 'men' -boisterous, borderline disrespectful and just too much, Jon would lose his entire influence and no one would ever take him seriously again. It was a great sign of trust that he let Richard in and Rhaegar felt that he shouldn't feel the need to ask this. Jon cared about his life a great deal and Rhaegar's even more, of course, he would not add him to his court if he did not trust him.

"I expect House Wylde to side with me.", he changed the topic. Jon never liked to talk about it and it was unfair when they just discussed Rhaegar's wife. "My father was unfair to them on more than one occasion, if I show them that I am different than him, just and compassionate, they would side with me."

"So would the Staedmons.", he added. "Their hatred for Robert would also fuel that support but still, they would be on your side. Swygerts as well. Lord Eric always says how kind you were when you rejected his proposal, and states that you are a true prince this realm deserves."

"Lord Kellington is happy as long as we let them be but my father never does so.", it was the last house. "I can give them serenity."

"So in between twenty-three Stormlander houses, you have the majority of the support.", Jon narrowed his eyes as he tried to calculate it. "We have what, four impartial? Baratheons, Estermonts, Penroses and the Errols.", Rhaegar hummed in agreement. "And ten houses that would support your father.", he frowned to himself. "Wait, you do not have the majority, no.", he shook his head with a calculating expression. "I know we cannot actually bribe them because well,", they shared a look. "but you know; if my father and Richard's uncle die, you'll gain two more houses -that means the majority. And then maybe we can get into the head of Lord Tarth -though I doubt it greatly. And maybe someone would hit Robert's head too strong that it might start working -it would add Estermonts as well. Their love for their nephew is more than their grief over their sister. And if we might find the right way, we can get even the Errols and the Penroses but nothing more."

"It is not bad, I guess.", he said, his mood down for some reason. "I will not lie that I expected more but I am grateful for the support I have."

"Rhaegar if it comes to war, you might have more chance.", he said with a sympathetic tone. "I know it is not what you wish, you want to avoid the bloodshed and going against your father in such a way but it is my duty to tell you the truth as your friend and advisor."

"Oswell thinks there is no other way and that it will all end in war."

"Oswell surprises me.", he admitted. "He is too sharp, and he has changed ever since that assassination. Despite it being you and Arthur who got wounded, it is him who got affected the most."

"I do remember when he became a kingsguard,", he narrowed his eyes as he recalled it. "he was a different man than now. Careless, disrespectful even, drunk all the time and yet it was like he was fearing of swords. For like a good year, I never saw him touching a sword and asked Lewyn, couldn't take it any longer, I and Arthur were trying to get closer to him since he was the newest addition and was the youngest, the closest one to our age but he was refusing to interact with us and Ser Gerold rejected my pleas to have him near us, so I went to Lewyn.", he shook his head. "He never told me what it was exactly, just that he went through too much."

"I know that he was at Stepstones, fought in the war, and in that civil war that happened in the Riverlands."

"I know that he lost a brother.", he said with a small voice. "Oswell mentioned once, despite everyone thinking he only had two siblings, he had three. A brother he lost but he never gave more information. Not a name, not an age, not what has happened to him. But then he turned into Oswell we know after his sister's death. He became more...", he sighed. "He found solace in humour, in picking up fights. That sword he feared to touch became an extension of himself and soon after he started to take the second one, he became my guard and my friend and now my confidant. But you are right, he is spiralling as well not only Arthur."

"Arthur is spiralling?", Jon asked with a cold tone and Rhaegar flinched at it. "You remember what happened the last time, right?"

"I remember it better than you.", he said with the same tone. "But those days are over now; the curse is lifted."

Jon shook his head. "There never was a curse, Rhaegar, when will you stop believing in that? Arthur lost control and if he is spiralling again-"

"He is fine.", he said for the hundredth time. "He truly is fine. I haven't spoken to him about it ever since the Brotherhood fell but-"

"I had seen the name, yes.", he nodded. "Good for him I guess, though he sent him back to Dorne, to his brother."

"Andric doesn't deserve it but I hope it will be a good lesson for Doran.", he turned his head away. "Arthur is not a topic of concern, do not worry."

"He is walking on a fragile line.", there was something else in his tone that made Rhaegar look at him. "I venture it still goes on, no?", only he knew that except Arthur and Rhaegar himself -not even Elia and Oswell. "The king thinks he is a spy."

It started after he returned from Duskendale, Arthur's sacrifice was what made him get a grip and help him to stay in control despite it crossing every boundary he had, and it was what secured Rhaegar all those years. Aerys saw Arthur as a spy while in truth he only sang the songs Rhaegar wanted.

"It damages him but he is holding on.", it was an explanation enough. "He thinks he is playing with me but it is the contrary.", this was the only action he took against his father so deliberately. "Arthur will continue to his duty."

"Are you aware that he only supports you out of guilt because no matter what you say and do he will not stop blaming himself for what happened to your mother and you are essentially using him?", he asked nonchalantly, it was not his intention to hurt Rhaegar but his friend did flinch once more.

"I do not do such a thing!", he raised his voice in defeat. "Arthur supports me because he is my friend and I-"

"Out of guilt.", he interrupted him with a frown. "Nothing more."

"The new Hand,", he changed the subject after looking too sad for a moment. "it must be Jason Mallister."

"I know you and Arthur think this is such a good idea but,", he looked over the paper Elia wrote. "Oswell states that if it goes to war, he'll side with Aerys."

"But if it's a close voting, he'll side with me."

"Irrelevant in this context.", he shook his head. "This means he does not dare to go against his orders, which makes him an incompetent candidate for the new Hand. We need someone that would vouch for you on the council, someone that would manage to control the king, at least set some boundaries. Mallister seems like he would react at the last possible moment, which is not what we want and what we need."

"Arthur told me that Atera proposed Lord Crane.", he said with distaste. "As if it's her duty to propose.", he mumbled inside of his mouth but Jon heard it.

"What is your problem with her?", he couldn't help but ask. "You went to great lengths to pursue her and yet now you dislike her."

"She sees only one way to fix things; killing people.", he said as if it was the obvious answer. "She represents everything we stand against."

"But you knew it when you wanted her to return as Elia's lady. You spent almost a moon in Oldtown for that."

"It is not the same.", he turned his head away, he could not tell him the actual reason for his dislike. "I thought she was smart and realized that she is not.", it was an explanation enough. "Vortimer Crane.", he insisted once more.

"Reacher.", he deadpanned. "Would piss off both the Dornish and the Stormlanders. And in order to become the Hand,", this was something Rhaegar forgot also. "first you must serve in the council."

"It is not the rule, it is what should be."

"Lord Commanders had been named the Hand before. Ser Criston Cole especially comes to mind."

"Ser Gerold is also a Reacher."

"But everybody is afraid of him so it's good.", he pointed. "I don't know Rhaegar, both names are not qualified yet and your father will choose someone from the council."

"I just hope that he'll not choose Crakehall or Varys.", he shook his head. "I am okay even with Lucerys."


"I never thought you would be the cuddling type.", Arthur confessed finally that night, she was laying in between his arms once again. Oswell's words were echoing in his mind but he couldn't bring himself to speak to her -though he knew he should have. "I do not know why but I thought you would not enjoy it.", his voice was too soft for her, she smiled as she nuzzled her nose to his neck.

"I am a human being as well, darling, though it may surprise you."

"Oh no,", he smiled lazily. "haven't nobody told you before?", he shifted in the bed and lowered himself to look at her, one hand already cupping her face. "You are not a human but a Goddess.", she let out a giggle. "Humans do not get blessed with such beauty and intelligence."

She loved that he complimented not only her looks but her mind as well. "You are one to talk.", she joined his jape. Her fingers were tracing his face. "Have you ever looked at yourself in front of a mirror? Or saw yourself when you held a sword? As if the Warrior himself reborn."

"Hmm.", he growled in a tempting way and bowed his head to kiss her slowly. "It has been a while, no?", he wondered afterwards, not sure if he should ask about it at all but he didn't want to leave her side just yet and the more he stayed like that, the more he wanted to talk about Oswell. "Since you last had sex?", he feared if he was too blunt for her liking and she just let out a surprised chuckle.

"Was it that obvious?", she widened her eyes playfully and he caressed her cheekbone. "It has been almost three years, yes.", she felt like answering. "Then things got just too dangerous for me to entertain myself."

"Who was it?", he asked out of genuine curiosity but she narrowed her eyes at him for a second. Trying to see something that simply was not there. "I am merely trying to linger my stay in here.", he sensed her suspicion. "We can change the subject if you want."

Her eyes stayed measuring for a few seconds more and then she raised her eyebrows briefly and pursed her lips. "Some knight in Paxter's service, I am not sure if I recall his name right.", it was a long summer night, as they had many of them at the Arbor and she lost a bet, got drunk in Cider, and he was looking pretty enough to end her boredom. "Nothing important."

"You never had someone serious? Like a paramour?", he grimaced. "A lover.", he corrected, he didn't like that word but paramour was more Dornish. And was something more permanent, it symbolized the repeat of the activity. Lover was more simple.

"You know Jace.", she sighed and turned to her back. "My greatest mistake.", Arthur swallowed his opinions on that, it was not his place.

"How did that happen?", he wondered all the same. "Please forgive me but you two seem vastly different."

"He is handsome enough.", she said with a sigh. "He saved my life.", now she was more serious. "When I was young, when my father was the Lord of Oldtown, the Velaryons were forbidden to enter the city so for the first decade of my life, I never met them. And after Leyton became the lord and let them enter so he could have a proper relationship with his son, I was at Highgarden. I met with Lucerys and Corlys before -even with Aurane, since he was a child as well but never with Jace. He was always away, off to some adventure in the middle of the world and all I heard was stories about him -those and the knowledge that Leyton disliked him.", she sent him a look.

"You wanted to anger him.", it was the story of her life.

"I didn't know it was Jace when we met. As I said, I went to Braavos and after everything that happened with Helion, Leyton sent me away, and my ship was caught in a storm. He saved my life but we didn't know who each other were."

"Why you haven't told him your name?"

"I thought he was a pirate.", she pursed her lips. "He surely dressed like one and I was smarter than telling a pirate who I am. Our affair started -happened only once, when he took me to Oldtown. Due to the storm, it took longer than it should have. When we landed and I found out who he was...", she shook her head and closed her eyes. "Yes, I loved hurting Leyton back then but I doubt I would start that if I truly knew who he was but Leyton didn't even listen to me. I had never seen him that angry before and my sadness and shock were gone before I noticed then I went to his ship and travelled to Essos with him. It continued for the good half of the year but Jace is a...,", her eyes lost their focus as she grimaced lightly with pain, Arthur didn't think she noticed doing so. "He is not a good man.", it was the best explanation. "I was not stupid enough to fall in love but I loved the adrenaline, the rush, doing what is forbidden and he took advantage of me. I refuse to victimize myself but I was a child. I did know better because Leyton screamed to my face but I just...", she sighed and turned to him with a tight smile. "He was the longest."

He was aware that his hand on her face became even softer, like the kiss of a bird, feathery and he knew that she would hate it and close herself back again if he would show the sign of pity or anger -which he had neither, so he just leaned forward and kissed her forehead and if the small sigh of satisfaction was any indication, he liked to believe she enjoyed it.

"Jace is an asshole even at his best day anyways.", he said with a smile and Atera chuckled.

"And you?", she wondered. "You had someone before, I heard it."

Arthur's heart skipped a beat. "What did you hear?", he tried to ask nonchalantly but Atera raised her eyebrow, she did catch it.

"I heard that you were close friends with Oberyn.", she narrowed her eyes. "My brother is close friends with Oberyn so I know what kind of friends he has."

"I never was anything like him.", he scoffed.

"So I heard.", she pursed her lips and Arthur found it so adorable that he leaned forward and kissed her, earning another giggle. "You are too touchy tonight.", she stated. "Anything I must be aware of? Oh,", she said playfully. "let me guess; is it our third-week anniversary?"

"Gods, no.", he chuckled and threw himself to his back. "It's tomorrow."

"Aw.", she made a cute sound -mockingly, when women usually do when they see a baby or a cat. "I must buy you a gift."

"You are a gift yourself.", he complimented and she had to bite her lips to stop him seeing how much she enjoyed it.

"You had no one?", she pressed a second later. "I told you about Jace.", she sang. "At least give me something."

"I had affairs, but nothing important or nothing much, I am not like Oberyn.", he wanted to make that clear. He was not a womanizer. "But I too only had one serious affair.", and he did not want to talk about it. He did get rid of one ghost of his past, there was no need to open the subject of the other but her pout was just so cute and there was no way Arthur would see her again, so he turned to his side. "Her name is Arcanna.", he didn't mention about her last name, in case she knew her. "Daughter of a foreign ambassador.", she raised her eyebrows to that. "Her father had business with mine so we met when she was staying at Starfall, three years ago. Right before I became a kingsguard.", she narrowed her eyes but there were so many pieces she didn't know so she couldn't connect the dots. "I was not in a good place back then."

"I heard that before.", she frowned. "Elia mentioned, I guess, or perhaps Ashara, I am not sure. One of them told me that you went through something, but they did not mention what it was."

"Irrelevant.", he was not in a mood to talk about Grant and prophecies and the way he stole Dawn and the way the darkness swallowed him. "Arcanna enter my life all of a sudden and I believe a part of me saw her as some kind of a saviour.", there was a lump in his throat that she did not notice. "But nobody approved her. It might be the only thing that everyone in my life agreed on, from Ashara to Rhaegar. Even Doran,", he snorted humourlessly. "even he had a thing to say about that."

"Why?", she wondered. Jace was an asshole and yet no one but Leyton actually voiced their worries.

"They did not think she was a good person.", he tried to smile. "People did not approve of my parent's marriage, decades ago.", mentioning them filled him both with happiness and sadness. "She was too stubborn even for a Dornish, too vocal, too much in everything. People did not approve of Andric's relationship with Larra-"

"Including you?", she wanted to make sure that Ashara knew what she was talking about. Arthur sent her a look but nodded.

"Including me.", his hand started to trace her arm this time. "Because Larra is know how she is.", he rolled her eyes. "And people, including me,", he sent her a look. "did not approve of Ashara's relationship with Oberyn because they were not good for each other but still, all of them had supporters as well. Princess Lorenza approved my parents' marriage, Ashara adores Larra and while not actually liking it, Elia encouraged Ashara and Oberyn. My marriage was the only thing they all thought the same. While I saw her as a saviour, they saw her as a destructive force. Rhaegar disliked her so much that he stayed in Starfall for a moon to prevent us from seeing one another.", he shook his head. "It only drove me to her even further."

"Has she done something?", she was not understanding things fully.

"They think that I was healing and she made things worse, made me things I never would."

"And it is not true?"

"I did those things because I wanted to.", this was enough explanation. "It was not her fault but nobody wanted to hear that.", and she didn't feel like questioning him further, it was obvious he didn't want to give details to her. "They did everything to break us apart.", he was not going to tell her that one of the things they did was to betroth him to her, or that he proposed to Arcanna beforehand. She perhaps needed to know it, but not now. "They failed though."

"Then why isn't she Lady Dayne now? What happened?"

"I opened my eyes.", he said with an obvious hurt but she didn't question it either, just raised her hand to circle on his chest to give him comfort. "I broke things with her and a few moons later, I became a kingsguard.", this sounded like she got betrothed to him after he broke up with Arcanna, he was aware of it but didn't feel like correcting the confusion.

"Did you love her?", she asked it nonchalantly but Arthur could see the emotion in her eyes -though he didn't know what to make out of it.



"I don't know.", he didn't want to lie to her. "It felt like I did but I am just not so sure anymore."


They started with the council meeting the next morning where all the members -both Arthur and Gerold and Rhaegar present.

"As you all know my former Hand, Lord Lefford is found guilty of high treason and executed accordingly.", Aerys stated after a long silence, it seemed that he finally decided on his next Hand, given that Perseus Antaryon was coming to the capital today. Rhaegar saw, with the corner of his eyes, Lord Chelsted to get prepared as if he was going to be named. "That position was left empty for some time now, which is unacceptable if we want stability in the realm therefore I decided to give the seal to,", his eyes roamed in his council, lingered on Rhaegar a little. "Lord Sumner Crakehall. Let the Gods bless this appointment."

Qarlton made a sound that worried Varys, he was turning red with immense speed and he seemed like he was going to blow apart and Rhaegar closed his eyes in defeat, shared a look with Arthur. All the while Crakehall stood up like a peacock and bend the knee in front of the king -Gerold's eyes were on him. He was not using a cane any longer, due to pride issues, but he still was not healed enough to return back to his duty, he just wanted to be here when Aerys told him he was going to name his next Hand.

"You best upon me an honour that I do not deserve, your majesty."

On that, everyone agreed.

"I have no doubt that you'll serve me loyally.", Aerys commented and let him kiss his ring. Once he sat back, he continued to the council. "And as my Master of Law, I appoint Lord Vortimer Crane.", Rhaegar leaned forward in confusion -it was the name Atera suggested as the Hand but his brain was not comprehending the decision, he saw the same expression in Arthur's eyes as well and even Gerold seemed in doubt. "Write to Red Lake immediately and summon him here.", he said towards Crakehall. "What do you think?", though he still asked to him as the Hand.

"Lord Crane is an experienced lord, your grace.", he pursed his lips. "He rules Red Lake well, the region prospered under his watch and he had been a great help to younger lords like Paxter Redwyne and Mace Tyrell. Not to mention his exemplary work on Oldtown."

"It was Atera's doing, not Vortimer's.", Gerold interfered and earned surprised looks, they never thought he would show support for Atera. "Get her on the council if you wish, your grace.", he huffed and Aerys sent him a patient look, it was obvious he did not like the idea -probably sensed it was Atera's suggestion.

"Why not?", he didn't give Gerold what he wanted. "Gods knows she had been more help than the rest of you."

"Would it be wise, my king,", Varys interfered. "to give such benefits to the Reach? The Bank of Oldtown and House Hightower will rise more than they should already. That would make you gain unpleasant reactions from other regions. And now if you place a Reacher Lord -who has family ties with the Hightowers, not to mention, to such an important position, people might think you are favouring them."

"I agree, father.", Rhaegar spoke, since Cersei gave back Elia's ladies, he calmed down at least a little -though the room matter was still on his mind and he was searching for a way to remove her from there. "I had met Lord Crane personally and I think he deserved the station more than many but this might seem ugly from the outside."

"This is the only reason why I did not name Leyton himself as my Hand.", Aerys slowly bowed his head to make his opinion on this clear. "Or Gods know that he would be my best Hand as of yet."

"I recall Lord Hightower refused to join the council to be with his family.", Qarlton wanted to insult the king the way he insulted him.

"It was right after Jenica's death.", Lucerys did not allow it. "He didn't want to leave his family alone with Gerard,", he sent a look to Gerold. "which is understandable."

Hearing Jenica's name so loud and clear, Aerys and Gerold shared a look. "Lucerys,", the king spoke. "I want the preparations of the bigger navy to continue without break. Just because that boy is coming to the capital does not mean we will not need a strong navy.", he changed the subject. "I do not want a hobble."

"Of course, your grace.", he nodded.

"Pycelle,", he turned to him now. "how the enactment is going? Crakehall?"

It was the law that separated Kingswood from the rule of House Baratheon.

"We are consulting with the Archmaester of the Citadel as well, your grace, we are going to find the best way to enforce it for sure.", Pycelle spoke. "Without insulting anyone."

"It is important to create a law, as you suggested, Maester.", Rhaegar rubbed his neck. "It must take some time and you must work with perseverance and diligence. I suggest you wait then until the new Master of Law arrives in the capital and in the meantime, I can speak with Lord Baratheon myself and inform him.", his eyes found Arthur. "Ser Arthur might explain the why of it better than I, for sure.", Arthur bowed his head in agreement.

"Is there any news from Prince Doran?", Aerys nodded to his son and asked. "What is his stance in all of this?"

"I'll go to Sunspear myself to speak to my nephew, your grace.", Lucerys spoke. "But I doubt his reaction will be negative, given that he'll keep his title and will be a part of the agreement. Oberyn will marry Atera after all."

"A contract signed between the houses?", Pycelle wondered.

"No.", Rhaegar was the first one to reject, given that Elia talked about it the entire night. "Lord Hightower sent his son to act as her lawyer,", only a few knew the little quarrel between them but from the look Gerold sent to his direction, Rhaegar understood that he was aware of it. "and Elia is acting like Oberyn's. Lord Tyrell is overseeing it, and so do I.", it was a direct way to say that he was supporting it. "Soon after two sides will come to an agreement and an official betrothal will take place in Oldtown."

"Alerie already started the preparations.", Lucerys shook his head. "But Atera is being reluctant, your grace. Perhaps Elia or you would want to speak to her. Leyton will not go for it as long as she doesn't agree with it and it would jeopardize the peace she so strongly vouched the other day."

"She will agree with it, Lord Velaryon, have no worries.", Rhaegar said with a fake smile. "Everyone is hoping for this match for it is going to be a blessing for all that involved. Lady Atera is not being reluctant, she is just..."

"Allowing her niece to marry first.", Arthur finished his line for him. "Lady Denyse is about to marry Desmond Redwyne and since the marriage between her and Prince Oberyn will take place in summer, she wants her niece to have her moment first.", Rhaegar sent him a look that Arthur didn't see but Gerold agreed.

"We have come this far only because she promised it. She'll get on with it soon enough.", he assured them. "She has no other choice."

"When will you welcome the Braavosi?", Aerys asked his son, disturbed by Gerold's answer, Crakehall welcomed him at Kingsroad yesterday and now it was Rhaegar's turn.

"After the council ends.", he answered plainly. No, neither forgot the argument they had but they were containing themselves in front of the council. Both needed to act composed in front of them.

But both had other plans.


"My queen, the Lady Atera Hightower.", they announced and Atera entered.

She was wearing a pale blue gown with slight golden embodiments, a golden necklace with a small aquamarine in the middle of it, matching earrings and a small tiara and her hair was tied up in a bun and was looking pale today. Meanwhile, Cersei was wearing some kind of a bloodred robe dress with a big golden belt. Her hair was curled, the front of it was tied back and the rest were following to her waist. Atera frowned slightly but the young queen was too nervous to realize, it was an insult to the position she was occupying, to dress like that.

"Your grace.", nevertheless, she made a deep curtsy. Alea, who was behind her, followed her movement. But her face was stern and unyielding, she was showing her mercy, yes, but she was not going to be her friend. She was not going to curry favour.

"It gives me such pleasure to finally be alone with you after the little tension the other day."

"I don't think there was tension involved, your grace.", she corrected her.

"You went against my orders and stopped my maid from doing so as well.", she said with a fake smile but she had a hard time hiding her excitement -she won one victory after the other and Varys was right, this was as important as those.

"Our duty, our foremost duty, is to obey his majesty's orders and make his wishes true, not yours.", she stated calmly. "I fear there has been a misunderstanding; I merely wanted to prevent you from making a mistake, given your age,", she sent her a measuring look. "we all believe you are prone to do so. It is not my fault if it came off as disrespect since it never was my intention."

"Then I shall be grateful and I shall thank you, now that everything is settled as well.", she knew if Varys would be here, he would be proud of this answer. "I moved to the queen's chambers, and his majesty also agreed those belong to me since you know,", she looked at her. "I am the queen."

"I am aware, your grace.", she was not smiling at all and could feel Alea's gaze on her back. Her dear friend couldn't see her face but probably was guessing it. Her sternness seemed like it affected Cersei.

"The king held your mother in high regard, it seems and of course, Lord Gerard was my husband's cousin.", she tried to approach the topic. "He happens to favour you as well. You also are a respected member of his grace's household, even given the honour to rule it. And it saddens me that we have a cold relationship despite you being close to my husband and stepson."

"I am nowhere near close to his majesty and to his grace. King Aerys has asked my opinion on a matter once because I acted as the Regent of Oldtown not so long ago and it was easier to ask me than to send a raven to my brother. And I barely interact with Prince Rhaegar. I serve Princess Elia and handle the affairs of his grace's household on her behalf. I wouldn't want any clouds to remain in these relationships."

"Of course.", Cersei said without moving her facial muscles. "I was merely trying to say that I would want us to have a warmer relationship. I would be happy if we would get to know one another since I hope only then you'll see the true me and come to appreciate it. I fear due to my strained relationship with my good daughter, you are prone to have a distaste for me."

"You are the queen,", she said plainly. "you do not need people to know you, your grace, you need people to serve you and I serve to Princess Elia, I am her lady. While I appreciate your kind words, I would appreciate them more and perhaps consider answering them, if you did not, by force, took me to your service just the other day."

"That was a misunderstanding.", her smile faded as she stated. "A miswording on my orders, nothing personal.", she moved around the table that was separating them. "Though you would have to serve me if I would order so."

"Exactly.", she said and Cersei wasn't sure if she understood what she meant.

"Lady Atera, you are summoned here so I can personally ask you why you do not show me the respect I deserve as the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms.", she raised an eyebrow, well she did try to be kind. "When you offer your devotion to a woman like Elia Martell freely and with expecting nothing in return."

"It is because I believe Princess Elia is worthy of every respect and devotion, your grace.", she knew perhaps she should have stayed silent but chose not to. "She carries herself with dignity and modesty, inspires people around herself and does not show off with her title -probably because of the way she was raised, I guess."

"And you think I do not?", she was angry now, Atera could see that.

"If her grace would wish for my company, I shall come so when I am invited but otherwise, my place is next to Princess Elia.", she did not have any interest in furthering the conversation or else things would go downwards. "Good day, your grace.", she left without waiting to be removed.

And let Cersei fume behind her.


"Something is troubling you.", Elia stated, after they worked on their needle and thread in silence for almost an hour. Atera was summoned by the queen, and they all were waiting anxiously for her to return while she understood Catelyn's silence, she got annoyed by Ashara's. "What is it?"

"Nothing.", her friend murmured with a pout which caused Elia to sigh.

"If it the earlier matter,", she meant the Braavosi marriage talk. "do not worry about it. Rhaegar misspoke. None of us would let such a thing."

"I feel like I am the only one who heard it.", she said a moment after, putting down her work. "The other night.", she waited for Elia to say something but she just pursed her lips in confusion and looked to Catelyn so Ashara rolled her eyes. "Cassella is dead."

"Lady Dayne?", Catelyn asked with surprise as Elia closed her eyes in understanding. She was too busy focusing on other matters that she completely forgot it.

"She was not the Lady Dayne any longer, they did have their annulment with Andric.", Elia answered on Ashara's behalf and turned to her youngest lady. "Catelyn can you please leave us alone for a moment.", it was a delicate matter, and she knew Ashara would not be comfortable with speaking while she was in the room.

Catelyn stood up and made a perfect curtsy, then turned to Ashara. "I am sorry for your loss, my lady.", Ashara at least nodded to her and the moment Catelyn left the room, Elia stood up and sat next to her on the couch.

"What do you think?", she questioned.

"All I manage to think is why Andric did not write it to me.", she looked at her with a broken smile and Elia understood her fears immediately.

"You think he did that?", she was overly uncomfortable. "Why would he Ash? They've been married for a decade and he did not harm even a thread of her hair. Andric is not that kind of a man, you must know your brother more than I do.", she tried to comfort her. "She returned back to her own home, to her own family and Andric was at his happiest as we last seen him. Why would he feel the need to do such a horrible thing?"

"I don't know.", she had to clear her throat and turned her head away. "It's just a feeling."

Elia decided not to tell her that the High Septon only let him marry Larra after Cassella died. She was already suspecting her own brother, didn't need to hear that. "She fell from the stairs when neither Andric nor Larra was even close to her.", she heard the event from Kenna, who heard it from Lewyn, who heard it from Doran.

They all swore it was an accident. There was no reason to cloud Ashara's mind.

"If you say so.", she mumbled in her mouth. "Guess I am just too tired that my mind makes up scenarios."

"None of it.", Elia dismissed the notion and held her hands. "You two did not like each other well enough. It is normal that you feel grief now and your brain just tries to focus you on something else but I have no doubt that Andric is innocent."

Ashara took a deep breath. "I'll pray that you are right and will try to see the truth in the stars.", she swore. "Or else God knows Arthur would kill Andric himself.


A big pergola was set on the courtyard to welcome the Braavosi and Rhaegar was sitting on it with his black outfit, silver chair and princely crown. There were six people in total, lined up to both his sides. Oberyn, Jon and Myles at his right, Crakehall, Lucerys and Varys on his left, his men versus the king's men. Arthur and Oswell were standing behind him, both resting their hands on their swords.

"The commander of the Western armies, Castellan of Braavos, Perseus Antaryon.", he was announced and they all changed their stance.

The man who was approaching had tanned skin and an easy approach, was dressed in ash grey and faded black, and bowed deeply when he stood in front of Rhaegar. And then much to his surprise, moved forward, bend the knee and kissed Rhaegar's ring.

"King Aerys,", he welcomed him. "King of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men,", while Oberyn snorted loudly and the king's men turned to look at each other, even a faint smile placed on Rhaegar's lips. "it is an honour to be in your presence.", Rhaegar leaned forward and touched his arm to make him stand up. When he took a few steps back, he tied his hands in front of him but he was aware of the sarcastic air around him, as his eyes roamed around the men. "Forgive me, your majesty,", Oberyn chuckled. "have I done something wrong without realizing it?"

"You are standing in the presence of Prince Rhaegar,", Myles took a step forward and clear the confusion. "the eldest son and heir of His Majesty King Aerys."

"Forgive me, your grace,", he changed the address. "but whoever would see you in this grandeur and splendour, they would confuse you as the king."

Jon narrowed his eyes, he believed that to be a trick. Of course, he should have known the king was an old man and of course, he was told whose presence he was going in front of. It was a gesture to appease Rhaegar but he was not the kind of the man who would.

"I welcome you to the capital and to the court on my father's behalf.", Rhaegar did not act as he liked the confusion, or he didn't seem arrogant which appeased Jon -not that he thought he would but still, it was better to stay professional. "You've come a very long way. Your journey, given the weather, must be tiring. Rest today and tomorrow you will go to my father's presence.", he stood up. "And believe me,", he was aware of the existence of the king's men and he knew his next move would appease them -as they all, including Varys, were troubled by the other day's quarrel, and anger his father so he said it with a smile. "you will understand once you see the king."


She was not expecting to be summoned by the king that night, and she was not expecting to see Elia and Rhaegar inside the room when she went there. "Your majesty?", she made a curtsy but her voice was filled with question.

"Come, Atera, enter.", Aerys tied his hands behind his back.

"Something has happened, father?", Rhaegar frowned at Atera.

"I have been hearing things in the past days, left and right, and to be honest, I am filled with disappointment.", he began to speak. "Because I was not expecting the recent events from any of you.", he turned to Elia. "First you dare to warn my wife, despite it's not being in your rights,", then he turned to Rhaegar. "then you dare to order me around in front of my council,", his eyes lastly found Atera but this time it softened a little. "and now today, you quarrel with your queen.", Elia and Rhaegar turned to look at her, they did not hear about that. "But now I see that there is a problem with understanding and comprehending the truth."

"And what truth is that?", Rhaegar asked with disbelief, he truly was not understanding what was happening and Elia's eyes already started to burn with anger, Atera was only frowning with a clenched jaw.

"I cannot ask any of you to love Cersei, but you all have to treat her with the respect she deserves.", he stated, his eyes mainly roaming around his son and daughter-in-law. "Because she is not only my wife but also your queen who carries the royal heir inside her. From now on; every disrespect shown towards her will be seen as an act of rebellion against me. Know this and act accordingly.", the order was clear but all three had a hard time understanding it.

"My mother,", Rhaegar had a weird expression on his face. "was not only the queen but a born princess, your sister and you did not give her half of the respect you give to that child.", he stated. "And now expect me to do what? Bow to a woman who still wishes to be my mistress?"

"Rhaegar.", Elia's warning came as a hiss as Aerys' face lost its colour immediately and took a step forward.

"My entire childhood was spent in between my mother's tears.", he spat. "She gave you an heir, tried endlessly for more children at the expense of her health and in return, while floating around with your mistresses, you accused her of infidelity, locked her to her chambers, made her sleep with Septas, insulted and humiliated her at every turn, did not let her see her own children, you abused her, you hit her!", his voice was getting louder and Atera turned to look at Elia with disbelief, but she was as clueless as her. "I am not suggesting you do the same to your new toy but my mother was not only your wife but also your sister, she was devoted to you with love and loyalty. Is this your justice? Who decides on our future from now on? You or her?", when Aerys remained silent, he continued. "Don't you have an answer to give to me?"

"Husband-", Elia rushed to his side and placed a hand on his arm to calm him down but Aerys raised a hand to stop her, still she did not leave him.

"Sometimes you forget that I am not only your father but also your king.", he said with a deadly tone. "Your mother liked to forget that truth as well and paid for it.", Rhaegar tried to take a step forward but Elia stopped him. "She was lucky that I did not kill her after everything she has done. Your childhood was spent between her tears because of my mercy and nothing more.", he spat. "Just like you are now."

"If it's in your power, kill me right here.", Rhaegar did not back down, they were looking at each other, not blinking. Despite the colours being different, both had the same shape. "But we both know you cannot.", he took a step forward despite Elia's best tries. "I will not respect her and the next time she crosses the line, she'll find me on her way."


"Calm down.", Arthur urged her. "You are going to cause a headache for yourself, calm down."

"I am perfectly calm.", she hissed as she pace around, playing with her rings, eyes narrowed with anger, jaw clenched.

"Atera,", he tried once more. "sit down and eat something, you are going to be ill.", she didn't tell him what has happened but she also refused to calm down. "Look, these are your favourites.", he came to know her with time, at least knew what she ate. "Has something happened?", he asked once more. "Is it about the queen again?", she turned to him sharply and he understood that he was right.

"She bitched about me to the king.", she walked towards him and tilted her head. "And not only me but Elia and Rhaegar as well. The king reprimanded all of us!", it was obvious that she took it to her heart, her rebellion was obvious in her pouting face. "He told us that we have to respect her."

"Well she is the queen.", he immediately understood he said the wrong thing as she sent her a sharp look and turned her back. "Atera...", he sighed and approached her, wrapping his arms around her. "Do not let her ruin your night."

"But you are right, she is the queen.", she said with resentment. "I have to curtsy to a child!", she spat through her teeth and Arthur understood the situation was more dire than he first thought.

"In order for her to ...complain,", this was a better choice of word. "about you to the king, something must have happened, no?", he questioned, placing his chin on top of her head. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"She summoned me to her side.", she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Told me that essentially she wants to be my friend and that she hates Elia. I told her that Elia is a true princess and deserves every respect she gets and Cersei got angry. I left before it escalated to an argument, I have no intentions to bicker with a fucking child!", she hissed again.

"As you say; she is nothing more than a child.", he tightened his hold on her and she leaned to it without realizing it. "It is not worth it for you to waste your time on her."

"One more move,", she said with determination. "she is on the verge of a cliff already. One more wrong move and she'll fall from it too greatly that they will not even find a piece of her."

"What is that mean, Atera?", he tried not to ask but everything he stood for forced him. He pulled his arms around her and made her turn to him, so he could look into her eyes. "I told you to stay away from her, you promised me so."

She inhaled as she obviously tried to soothe him. "I will not do anything, Arthur. Rhaegar will.", she didn't want him to mess with her plans. If he would suspect her now, things would be worse for her. "He threatened the king again about her.", it would be better if he was concerned about Rhaegar, it would blind him. "You see, he'll end her soon. He has no patience as well."

"Rhaegar would talk and talk and talk but would not harm a child -who carries his sibling.", his voice was stern and his eyes screamed that he did not believe her. "He is not that kind of a person."

"And you think I am?", she asked, almost offended -would be offended if he was not right.

"Stay away from her, Atera.", he warned her one more time, without answering her. "Or you'll be the one who ends up hurt."


They were sitting in the queen's chambers the next day -an order came directly by both Aerys and Rhaegar, they were to make peace. "We must start preparing for the wedding soon enough. I do not want anything to be rushed.", Elia said finally towards Atera. Oberyn still was in the capital but was busy with something she didn't want to know.

"Of course, your grace.", she agreed solemnly. Anytime the topic of this subject opened, she got tense.

"An official contract signed?", Cersei asked with narrowed eyes. It was a wise move to marry her husband's mistress with her brother in order to get rid of her properly. "When will you marry and leave the court?", it would work on her behalf as well, her prince would be hers completely when the time comes.

"No.", she answered politely and with a dry mouth. "Lord Tyrell and Prince Oberyn are here at the capital to finalize the draft of it. Soon enough we will have an official engagement but the wedding will happen in summer.", she tried to smile. "But I will not leave the court and continue to serve Princess Elia."

"Why is that?", she asked with a frown. "You'll be a princess, why not enjoy it?"

"I prefer to be useful than to become a vassal for royal babies, your grace.", the insult was subtle yet clear.

"My princess, what is wrong?", Ashara asked with a small voice when Elia rolled her eyes at the comment -she took that one personally. "You look uncomfortable. Something happened?"

"I was thinking about my husband.", she explained, her face too solemn to pretend otherwise. "How can I be happy when there are people amongst us who would want to see him dead?", Cersei's face fell with that as her eyes widened with shock. She was not expecting this. "Him and my daughter."

"What is that supposed to mean, your grace?", Catelyn, clueless of what has happened, asked. "Has something happened?"

"Something has to happen, Catelyn?", she asked with a scowl. "A sword is hanging above him as if you weren't there to see it. He almost died at Dragonstone.", Ashara sent her a silent warning as Atera raised her eyebrows at the sudden outburst. "My daughter was kidnapped, I was kidnapped, I almost died and now the ones who dare to do that,", her eyes found Cersei. "are getting rewarded."

"I am without any rebuke, princess. Perhaps you should channel your anger towards somewhere else.", she snapped.

"I wouldn't be so sure if I were you.", there was no emotion only sternness on Elia's face.

"You cannot be me though, I am the queen, not some whore who will get sidelined when a prettier face shows up in the court.", she couldn't help herself but said with disgust, all the ladies inside the room either gasped or widened their eyes with that.

"Queen Cersei, how many times you must be warned to be respectful of Princess Elia?", Atera asked with a clenched jaw. "When will you understand that?"

"Leave it.", Elia sighed to that. "Another queen lived there as well, not so long ago.", she began to speak. "May she rest in peace, Queen Rhaella was a born princess, she ruled the court fit to a royal and when the time came, she died as a queen.", Cersei rolled her eyes. "Now you stay in these chambers.", her voice turned to cold and her eyes turned poisonous and Cersei's face started to crumble apart with her words. "You came here essentially as a noble prostitute-"

"Elia.", Ashara tried to warn her silently.

"You rule the court fit a child and make no mistake,", she continued without heeding her best friend's warning. "when the time comes, you will die as lower than you came.", Cersei closed her eyes with the burning insult. "You are nothing more than a lie, Cersei.", she continued without looking at her. "No one has ever loved you, ever wanted you, the entire court despise you. I sometimes pity you."

Her face turned red with humiliation and started to breathe faster, the other ladies in the room were sharing a look and when Cersei stood up with a swift movement and rushed to Elia's side, Catelyn flinched but Elia didn't even move, didn't even look at her, that solemness was still obvious in her face.

"Elia, it is enough!", she screamed but before somebody interfered, a man's voice echoed in the room.

"Cersei!", she closed her eyes as she pursed her lips with anger, truly, this was the perfect time for her prince to enter. Elia seemed surprised too.

"Your grace.", the ladies stood up and curtsied him as Cersei took a few steps back as if she was burnt and he approached his wife who was silently warning him, held her hands and placed a kiss on the top of her head.

"To this day, I never were disrespectful towards you.", but he was not having it so he let her go and turned to Cersei, the anger was rising. "And I wouldn't want to do that either but you are pushing your luck and I am at the last straw of my patience. We all had suffered enough from you and your family, what more do you want?", Cersei's eyes took the shape of death as she looked at him with disgust -she couldn't understand how a man like him could stand even the smell of the woman like Elia. "You surrounded this family like a nightmare and yet we all keep tolerating your presence despite it being a direct threat to us all. What more do you want?", he repeated once more.

"Rhaegar, stay out of this.", Cersei dared to warn him. "Do not get involved."

"Of course, I will!", he raised his voice but then closed his eyes and took a deep breath, he was trying to remind himself that she was a child and was carrying a baby but it was hard to do so. "You are going to stay away from my wife. Or you will answer me the next time such a thing happens.", he threatened her with a controlled voice and Elia felt tears in her eyes -she didn't know why, perhaps the baby was making her emotional or perhaps it was because no one has ever defended her in her entire life.

"Who do you think you are, are you threatening me?", she asked with a smug tone, it seemed that she had to save him from that brainwashing as well.

Rhaegar took a few steps towards her, his hands were tied behind his back. "I am the eldest son and heir of the King of the Seven Kingdoms. I am more important and superior than everyone and everything in this chamber.", he said with a low voice, he was towering over her and the fear in her eyes was obvious. "Now leave.", he ordered. "Your belongings will be moved to your old chambers and I will not see you even in this hall ever again.", his eyes found Elia. "And do not ever, ever, bother my wife again."


"Whatever I say to them, it will not work, no?", Atera found Jon in the gardens. She thought maybe he had a brain that was working inside his head, and maybe he would indeed think with it instead of emotions. "They will not listen to me and we all will pay for it."

"You worry for nothing.", Jon kept walking without offering her his arm. "Cersei Lannister is a child. If Tywin would be here, I would consider your words but he is not, she is not under his control and alone, she is not a threat."

"In order not to be a threat, one must have a good heart but she does not.", she felt like she was repeating herself over and over again. "She would rather see Elia and Rhaenys burn alive in front of her eyes, it would make her happy. She is obsessed with them.", she looked at him with disappointment. "I do understand Elia and Rhaegar, they like to think highly of themselves and Arthur has his own strict rules and Ashara her superstitions and Oberyn is watched closely, but you?", Jon stopped walking with that. "Do you think she has a good heart, truly?", she wondered. "That her conscience is listening, her eyes are seeing, that there is place for love in her heart? I think not."

"Tywin Lannister was a man that got blinded by arrogance and deafened by his own voice, the sound of power consumed him, turned him into a tyrant who was not capable of feeling anything but his children are what they are; children. Arthur even saw something in the boy."

"Yes, that he did. But just because they are twins doesn't mean they are one and the same.", she pleaded almost. If they did not heed her word, she would have to solve the matter herself and she didn't want that, not truly.

"We cannot know what truly lies in someone's heart, only our own.", he shook his head. "It is pointless to even talk about this. Rhaegar made his choice; he has enough love in him to show mercy to the girl, to love his unborn sibling, regardless of its gender."

"He is making a mistake.", she felt like no one was hearing her.

"Rhaegar and I survived storms, climbed over mountains, swam over oceans, not even once we found the solution in death.", it seemed that he was weak as well. "We are not going to start today."


She threw herself to his chambers and was crying thoroughly when he entered with worry. If it meant getting rid of that whore, she would sacrifice even her prince -not that he deserved to be saved at that moment. That woman's spell seemed to be too powerful on him.

"Cersei?", he seemed confused -and not worried. "What is wrong? What has happened?"

"Aerys!", she threw herself to his chest as she cried but he did not hold her so she had to decrease the dramatics of her act. "I wouldn't want to upset you with my troubles, your grace.", instead she took a step back and made a curtsy. She didn't know how to reach him completely.

"Who did this to you, say it at once?", he ordered, he didn't have time for her and wanted to get over with it.

"Rhaegar.", she said and Aerys' face crossed with puzzlement. "I hosted Elia as you ordered me to do so but then she began to insult me, unprovoked and when she threatened me, I raised my voice to defend myself but then he entered and threatened me in front of the people, he scolded me and ordered me to leave my chambers and move back to the old ones.", she summarized what happened -did not included what she has done.

Aerys raised his eyebrows briefly and then sighed. "Barristan!", he ordered and the white knight entered as she widened her eyes. "Summon Rhaegar and tell him to come here at once."

"My king,", she said with a shaky voice as Barristan sent her a look and left the room. Her heart started to beat fastly. She did not expect her husband to be crossed with her prince, no, she wanted him to reprimand that whore -execute her even. "please do not quarrel with your son because of me.", she did not see the look Aerys sent her. "This would upset me the most. The problem is Elia. She is the one who's manipulating and brainwashing him. You must send her away from the court and from our lives."

But Aerys did not say anything and instead went on and sat in his chair, and started to read some letters until Rhaegar arrived.


"Your grace.", Rhaegar entered not long after and Cersei straightened her shoulders -at least this might break the witch's spell. "You asked for me?"

"Enter Rhaegar.", he ordered his son but he was watching Cersei's expressions and behaviour, he sighed. He decided here and there that he made a terrible mistake. "I heard a distasteful incident took place today, is that alright?"

Rhaegar nodded. He couldn't believe the girl's audacity. "When I went to control the tempers between you and my wife, I saw them arguing. It was not my intention to interfere for both needed to solve their problems on their own but when I saw her,", he pointed out without looking at her. "almost attacking my wife, daring to hit her,", Cersei snorted silently as she rolled her eyes. "I had no choice but to warn her once more about respecting my wife."

Aerys was watching Cersei the whole time as he stood up with a thoughtful expression. "You both tell the same story.", Cersei turned to him and smiled and Aerys sighed. "It seems to me that you are in the wrong in here, Cersei.", she was befuddled when she heard that and turned to look at Aerys with widened eyes but Rhaegar hid his shock better. "You must apologize to my son immediately and do his wish.", he turned to her. "Move back to your old chambers. That place will remain empty in the memory of Rhaella."

Cersei opened and closed her mouth a few times. "My king, if I did something wrong-"

"You did something wrong, Cersei.", he interrupted her. "You have to respect everyone in this family just like they all have to respect you."

"I did nothing wrong, husband.", she pressed.

"Cersei,", he sighed, he could easily take her as his mistress just like Atera suggested. Why on earth he married a child? "Rhaegar is my son and heir and there is no one who might dare to see themselves superior to him in this court and in this realm. Not Elia, not Viserys and most definitely not you. Now, beg for forgiveness immediately."

The world stopped for her at that moment and she turned towards Rhaegar with a deadly look on her face. She had done anything to save him from that whore's grasp but it seemed that she failed. She didn't have her husband at her side, she didn't have no one and now she was going to apologize because of a Dornish woman.

She deserved better than that and they all were going to pay for this.

She clenched her jaw and gritted her teeth. "I beg for forgiveness, my prince.", she said, shaking with rage.

Narrowing his eyes at his father, he turned to her with a dismissive look. "And I accept it.", and Cersei almost snorted with anger. "You can stay in those rooms for tonight as well.", he said as if it was a blessing and Cersei crossed his name at that moment. "But you will move tomorrow and will never dare to insult my wife again."

"I will not.", she said with a small voice and a lump in her throat and red eyes.

"Father.", he turned to Aerys, recognised this as a gesture of peace and bowed his head. "I must go and take care of my daughter if you'll allow me."

"Of course, my son.", he said with a smile and placed his hands on his arm. "How is my granddaughter?", only yesterday he warned them all about Cersei but once again, she ruined the chance he gave to her.

"Teething but will be better.", he assured him and then left without sending a glance at Cersei as if she was not more important than the dirt in his shoes.

"Not you.", Aerys pulled Cersei from her arm when she made a move to leave. "We are going to talk first."

"Who am I Aerys?", she asked with anger. "Some prized mistress and not your legal wife, mother of your son.", she placed a hand on her belly. "You made me apologize from a brainwashed man instead of reprimanding his whore wife. Do I mean truly this little to you? Doesn't my honour and pride, my reputation mean anything to you?"

"There is a lesson in there, somewhere for you to see but I doubt you are smart enough to see that so let me tell you;", he took a step forward. "behave.", he ordered. "Learn to respect people, stop pushing your luck and testing people's patience."

"I always stay silent and obedient but that woman humiliates me therefore you, in front of the court, what am I supposed to do? I only apologized because of my love and loyalty for you but in return, you do not protect me. You let them attack me, while I am pregnant,", she raised her voice. "like hungry wolves!"

Aerys took a deep breath. He remembered another woman standing here, talking about such incidents though the roles were reversed back then. It was his wife who did the humiliation part and yet, not even once, he remembered her being hysterical about it. No, Jenica always knew her own station, always made Rhaella pay for her words and told them to Aerys with laughter. She never let anyone rain on her parade.

But Cersei was not Jenica and he was not in a mood to endure her antics. "Leave, now and come back when you are in a reasonable mood.", Cersei seemed taken aback but Aerys already turned his back on her. "And leave those chambers tomorrow morning."


"You didn't end it.", Oswell caught him on the way to the White Sword Tower. "Despite I told you to."

"Oswell.", he greeted his friend. "I-"

"I told you to let her go, end this before it crushes down both of you.", he was getting angry, Arthur could see that."

"Oswell I cannot!", he said out loud finally but Oswell's expression didn't change.

"I am not asking if you can, you have to end this before it's too late.", he took a step forward. "Arthur you are Rhaegar's best friend, his sword and shield, his helpmate, you are not allowed to have weaknesses, especially not this kind.", he felt astonished, really, not even once he seen Arthur acting this differently than himself. "And yet here you are, doing something behind his back with ease, without remorse!"

"Never.", Arthur straightened his spine with that. "But Rhaegar doesn't have to know everything about me."

"I know that you are loyal to Rhaegar but,", he pressed the word. "but this affair will become your Achilles Heel and I refuse to tolerate this."

"Lewyn has his own-"

"We all know Kenna; who lives away from the court and doesn't get involved with matters. Atera is the opposite of her. She is Elia's lady, betrothed to Oberyn-"

"I know!", he didn't need scolding every single time.

"Such weaknesses, when it concerns a woman, do push men into vile alliances and immoral plots.", he spat.

"If you think I would betray Rhaegar after everything,", he seemed truly hurt and offended. "kill me now."

Oswell looked at him without blinking. "Do you love her?"

The air in his lungs left him, he opened his mouth and then closed it again. "It is not about love.", he only managed to say it and refused to think about it.

He knew what the answer would be if he thought about it.

Oswell shook his head. "You are going to make a choice, Arthur.", he declared. "Either you will come with us back to Dragonstone when the time comes and forget all about her or you are going to stay here, forever, away from her and away from us.", he took a step back. "But I will not allow you to have her in any scenario. You might be careless with your head but I care about you more than this."


"No.", it was the first and the only thing Alea managed to say when she entered the room and saw the small bottle with green liquid in it. "Please, no."

"Alea, do you love me?", she was sitting on her couch with a solemn expression, her entire focus on that small bottle.

"Atera...", she sighed. "What kind of a question is that? Of course, I do."

"Will you do anything for me?", she remembered Paxter giving her a similar promise, she was constantly aware of the way the time was passing for the Velaryon brothers quicker than the others.

"I would give my life if it would mean you would live longer.", she said with a deep frown but sincerity. They were more than friends, they were sisters.

"I don't want your life.", she said with a deep breath. "I want that girl's.", Alea closed her eyes and took a step back. "Before we left Oldtown, Malora gave me that bottle for my headaches and told me it would kill me if I would take it more than a few drops.", she turned her head away. "Put it into her food tonight and let us be done with it."

"She is a child.", Alea insisted. "She is a clueless fool, who does the bidding of the men in her life. She doesn't have a voice or a mind of her own. It would be cruelty to do this to her."

"I gave her endless chances to cool down and take a step back; so did Elia and Rhaegar but the recent incidents showed me that not even the king is able to control her. We might not know who was truly after Rhaenys' kidnapping or Elia's assassination attempt but it is clear it has something to do with the Lannisters and some council members. And Cersei is their only way of power. She brought this upon herself, not me."

"Atera she is pregnant.", the ginger woman approached her with a plea but Atera was refusing to look at her. "If you do not pity her, pity that baby, it is innocent, pure without sin. How can you punish it for the sins of its parents?"

"If that baby and that girl would not die today, no one can assure the lives of countless others tomorrow.", she was getting good at muting the pain of her heart. "Do you think I enjoy this?", she turned to Alea with pain obvious on her face, her eyes getting redder. "I never enjoy killing people. I didn't enjoy it when it came to Rhea, I didn't enjoy it when it was Lythene, I most certainly did not enjoy it when it was my own cousin, my own blood and I do not enjoy it right now as well but I gave a promise. Elia's life and her daughter's life simply mean more to me."

"Even if I agree to this plan, I cannot enter the king's chambers.", she tried to reason.

"Find someone who can then.", she ordered. "Or bribe someone. Alea,", she stood up as well and held her hands. "there is no one else that I trust more than you.", she looked at her with passion. "No one. I cannot do this without you."

"The woman you are trying to protect would not want you to do this.", she argued back. "Both her and the prince ordered you to behave, no? They told you not to do anything and you promised them as well. Please reconsider."

"I held myself back enough.", she pulled her hands away and turned her back, combined her hands on top of her heart. "Sometimes it takes a strong will to care about the prosperity of this realm, sometimes one must do horrible things to ensure the greater good. Sometimes, more than most of the time, that person is me."


"I did not even pity my own cousin when he deserved that end.", now she snapped. "I most definitely will not pity Tywin Lannister's daughter. Given the chance, she would do far worse to them, including me."

"If Leyton would hear this...", she shook her head, couldn't finish the line. "He did not allow you to come here for this."

"Leyton will never hear about this.", she said firmly and turned back to her. "No one,", she pressed. "will ever hear about his."

"If someone does, you will share the same end as your mother.", she knew this was a low blow but still, she had to try. "No one can save you. Not your brother, not your uncle, not Elia nor Rhaegar. You will be executed before dawn, are you willing to take the risk?"

"If everything goes wrong,", she took a step forward. "I'll tell them I did it alone and I want you to deny it.", Alea shook her head but she raised her hand to stop her. "This is an order.", she declared. "I will pay for this myself and I want my entire household to return back to Oldtown."

"The king will be on that table as well.", she said grimly, knowing it was pointless to argue. "What if something happens to the king, Atera? You will not only kill the queen and the royal blood but also commit regicide. Are you aware of it?"

"The king does not eat desserts.", she noticed it earlier -only cake, nothing else, she was the same as well. "And if he does then we'll say it was the fitting of the Gods. Rhaegar will be crowned king and my job will be done. I do not care if he executes me afterwards -not that he or anyone can find evidence."

"What happened to you Atera?", she asked with a hint of sadness and defeat and Atera seemed taken aback. "As a child, you were too kind, too compassionate, when did you become of this?"

"I grew up.", she pressed the words with a hint of agony. "I suggest you do the same.", she turned her back to stop this turning into an argument but her breathing got faster and despite gritting her teeth, she turned back once more, feeling that desperate urge to make someone understand her, see her, hear her. "Do you think it is easy for me?", she raised her voice, her eyes burning. "Do you think I want this, any of these? All I ever wanted was to spend the rest of my life in Oldtown with the family I had.", she took a deep breath to calm herself down, she was fighting back her tears. "But everything got ruined and I had no choice during any of these! I was cast aside, sent away like a criminal when I did nothing wrong, when I was the fucking victim, for my entire life I never had a place to call home and you were right beside me the entire time, how can you blame me now?"

"The abused becomes the abuser.", Alea forced herself to stay unemotional. "It is the norm, no?"

She pouted momentarily but then fixed her face once more. "If I did not force myself to change, Oldtown would be in ruins today. House Hightower would exist no more. I had to change in order to survive because it is what life is all about. It is the world we are living in and if we want to change it, first we must answer violence with violence. Casualties are normal in wars."

"But we are not in a war."

"They are.", she snapped. "She is.", she spat this time. "People die all the time, Alea!", she laughed as if she lost her mind. "They die every single fucking day and there is nothing you can do to stop it. But sometimes people who should die do not and people who shouldn't do. I have the power to alter the course of events, tell me; wouldn't it be selfish if I would not use that? Is this all happening because I do not kill people with a sword in my hand like my uncle does? You are blaming me for cruelty because I try to offer people mercy, a choice?"

"You are twisting my words.", she realized how far she truly was gone.

"I have nothing to prove to you.", she stated, swallowing back her tears. "And I cannot force you to do this but if you don't I will.", she had a certain carelessness on her, she was pressing her emotions once more, making her progress in Oldtown invalid, spiralling once more and Alea felt helpless as she didn't know how to aid her.

Closing her eyes with regret, she reached to take the poison bottle. "I pity you.", she said still, eyes closed. "You will never change, not even if the world will. You will always live in that moment,", she opened her blue eyes. "when you pushed Rhea. I always feared it would have some effect on you that we cannot take it back but now I see the way it scarred you crystal clear and I am so sorry for not being there for you."

"There is no reason for unnecessary emotions.", she turned her head away once more. "I am doing what everyone else is too weak to do. I do not regret anything."


"Your grace,", Cersei made a curtsy -despite she didn't have to. "what a fine morning, is it not?"

Rhaegar, who was playing with Viserys, turned to her and sent her a measuring look. It seemed like she cooled down. "It is.", he nodded.

"We haven't been able to see each other since last night, I hope you are alright?", she tried to continue to speak.

"I am, I wanted to spend some time with my brother.", he winked at Viserys -Arthur was with them as well.

"Yes, yes, there is no such a better feeling in this world than to spend time with one's siblings.", she said, missing Jaime, but then focused on her plan -Viserys told her that there was a great rift between him and Aerys and while he told her not to interfere with it, she had other ideas. "My prince, can we please walk a little in the gardens? The air is too warm today.", the weather was changing drastically day by day.

"Of course.", he nodded and winked at Viserys once more. "Arthur,", he called for his best friend. "take over, please.", Arthur bowed his head slightly to the young queen and took the wooden sword from his prince's hands and pretended that he didn't see the way Viserys rolled his eyes at Cersei.

"What happened yesterday upset me greatly, my prince.", she was giving him one last chance to take a step back but it was obvious the prince was not going to accept it. "Especially now that I am with child, perhaps I acted unseemly."

"I already forgot what has happened, you should do the same.", he did not offer her his arm, they were simply walking side by side -Jonothor was behind them.

But this, despite being an act of kindness, bothered Cersei greatly. "You should not speak to me in this fashion, Rhaegar.", Rhaegar didn't even blink. "I am the queen, you cannot tell me what to do."

"I do whatever I want to do and you, as everyone else in this realm, would obey it.", he didn't like saying such things or making people follow his orders out of fear but at the end of the day; he was the crown prince, he had unlimited power over people.

"You are a smart man, your grace.", she stopped walking and turned to him. "Why don't you see the truth in front of you? Elia uses you against me. She lies to you and manipulates you. Do not,", she wanted him to comply. "be my enemy because of her. You should be my friend."

Rhaegar sighed, he truly couldn't believe the situation he was in; bickering with a child who happens to be his stepmother. "It is you who is have to be my friend, not the other way around.", he still forced the limits of his kindness, reminding himself that she was, essentially, a child. "For the sake of yourself and,", his eyes moved to her belly -she was starting to show it, though Elia's were a lot further than hers. "your child.", not that he would ever harm his siblings -despite their mothers, but he thought a little fear would make her think her actions through from now on.

"You are playing with fire Rhaegar.", she placed a protective hand on her belly. "These are dangerous words and it seems to me you are forgetting who I am.", she took a step forward. "I am the daughter of Tywin Lannister.", she hissed. "Should I remind you how he became the Hand to your father?"

"Are you threatening me?", he asked, befuddled by the sudden audacity.

"Hah,", she snorted. "you and your little wife are truly a match made in heaven."

"Are you threatening me?", he asked once more, raising his voice to make Cersei startled.

"You cannot raise your voice against me.", the poison was dripping from her voice. She closed her eyes to calm herself down. "I wanted to speak to you to warn you, to show you goodwill but now I see that whore's spell is too strong on you and you already are waging war against me.", Rhaegar, despite getting angry by the insult, bowed his head and laughed. "Shame."

Rhaegar shook his head as he sighed, there was a hint of amusement on his face. "Stay away from me.", he ordered the last time. "And from my wife."


"Eat like a proper lady.", Aerys commented that night. They were alone in his chambers, him and Cersei, their supper almost ended except the desert Cersei was eating. "It's all yours anyways.", he did not eat deserts. "Eat slowly, breathe while chewing."

Cersei let out a chuckle as she kept eating in an unladylike way -she was aware of it, but there was something in its taste that made it delicious and she couldn't stop herself from eating more. "It is not me, your son wants it."

"You are like a child.", he rolled his eyes but not without warmth to some degree. Perhaps this new child could be his chance -though he still needed to find a way to get rid of Rhaegar. And then, regardless of the gender of this baby, Viserys would be his heir.

She would tell him something but then she stopped abruptly as her chewing slowed down. She frowned as for some reason she started to feel uncomfortable but she wasn't sure what was wrong. She pinched her nose as her brain felt too heavy inside her head all of a sudden and the discomfort on her face was too obvious that even Aerys realized it.

"Cersei?", he asked with confusion but when Cersei managed to raise her head to look at him, her vision got blurred.

She tried to stand up, one hand at her belly and she was grimacing, grunting with pain and Aerys moved fast to reach her, he had no idea what was happening. "Cersei?", he asked once more. "Cersei what happened?", he was fearing for his child's life. He bend the knee next to her chair and placed a hand on her face but Cersei pushed it as she tried to stand up but failed again and again and then the discomfort she felt turned into a consuming pain and she let out a loud scream of agony. "Cersei what is happening?", Aerys asked again, this time more sternly -and with a bit of panic.

"It hurts too much!", she only managed to say, her eyes were squeezed shut due to the pain and her screams were getting louder and louder.

"Barristan!", he yelled. "Guards!", they entered the room, alerted of every danger and with one hand on their swords. "Summon Pycelle now!", he ordered and Cersei managed to stand up -only to faint right to the floor.


They were having some time alone since both were too tense and occupied in recent days because of the existence of the same person. "I've missed you.", Rhaegar stated. "Just being alone with you, without the burdens of the world."

Elia gave him a faint smile. "I missed so many things that I forgot the extent of it.", it was obvious that she was drained, her skin was in a yellowish tone, her eyes had bags under it, and even her hair looked greasy despite Rhaegar witnessing her bathing this morning. "Perhaps I truly should have stayed at the Water Gardens until I give birth to our son and things would not escalate this much."

"It isn't your presence that escalated things.", he was quick to assure her but both knew it was a lie.

It was Elia's kidnapping that ended the Brotherhood and forced Arthur to take action -caused Gerold's injury, it was Elia's quarrel with Cersei that convinced Aerys to truly give those chambers to her, and it was again, Elia's quarrel with Cersei what removed her from those chambers. Without Elia, Rhaegar probably would have made actual peace with Aerys and would work under his nose -just as they planned, but now they were at such sharp points that there was no point of return and while it was not her fault directly, it happened because of her existence.

"No need to lie, when we both know the truth.", she said grimly but with a fake smile and reached out to eat some of the green things on her plate, she needed to stay healthy for the baby but she could feel the way it was exploiting her body.

"How are you, my love?", Rhaegar knew she would never say it out loud if no one would ask her, she was too prideful for that. "Please be honest."

Despite Rhaegar being her husband, she swore not to show weakness, ever. Not even her parents provided her with the attention and the love she deserves and she was sure that Rhaegar would not as well. There was no need to lower herself.

"I am perfectly well, husband, there is nothing for you to worry about.", they needed Rhaegar's mind to stay focused and undivided, she could not manage to assure him that if she would complain to him all the time. "Maesters check on me regularly and I am in high spirits, due to Oberyn's ever-presence on my side.", her brother was truly her greatest rock these days. "We are busy with finalizing the marriage contract."

"How is it going on by the way?", he accepted her silent wish to change the subject. "The council also worries about it."

"There is nothing to worry about.", she dismissed it. "Atera does not object it loudly and we think of her comfort more than Oberyn. Ser Baelor,", she sent him a warning look. "already made the sharp draft of it and we move in between the lines but everyone will be happy once it ends. Then an official betrothal will take place in Oldtown and both sides agreed to wait until the summer comes. We do not want to suffocate her."

"Good.", he did support this marriage as well. The sooner it happened, the sooner he got rid of her. "And perhaps once they marry, you should send her away at least for a while."

"Excuse me?", she asked in confusion. "That is not part of the plan. She'll continue to serve me."

"I know that.", he agreed. "I just meant for a moon or two so she can spend time with your brother.", after seeing Elia's suspicious eyes, he explained. "I know that this is not supposed to be a classic marriage but it doesn't mean they have to dislike each other. Some time alone might make wonders on them."

"That is not part of the plan.", she repeated with a silent warning.

"Only for a short while.", he insisted. "Don't you think she deserves to be happy?", Elia was not expecting this question and Rhaegar was using every excuse he could think of to convince her. "I believe she can find something to love in Oberyn if we push them towards one another. Just because they don't have to have a normal marriage doesn't mean they need to be strangers to one another."

"You are suggesting what then?", she wondered. "We'll send them off to honeymoon so that she can return with Oberyn's death news?"

"Make him buy her presents.", he offered. "Write her a poem, left a note on her door or something. Make him court her.", he suggested. "And so when the time comes, she would even want to spend time with him herself. Perhaps they can find at least a friendship in this agreement."

"Why do you dislike her?", Elia asked after a few moments of silence, her voice was tired and she couldn't think of a good reason. "What has she done that I do not know?"

Rhaegar seemed befuddled only for a second, then he made up an excuse. "I do not.", denial came to him naturally at this point. "I do not know why everyone thinks I dislike her but-"

"Because you openly say you dislike her.", she reminded him. "I am merely trying to learn the why of it."

"There isn't a specific why of it.", he averted her eyes. "I just find her disrespectful and arrogant, do not enjoy her presence around you and around me.", he looked at her. "I don't trust her."

"There are other people in your service that I do not trust but I do not openly dislike them.", she reminded him of Jon and Rhaegar opened his mouth to argue back but the door opened and Oswell entered with great shock.

"The queen,", he was looking bewildered. "is poisoned."


"Cersei? Cersei open your eyes, Cersei!", Aerys made her lay on his bed and was trying to wake her up, shaking her. Her fair face had started to cover in faint redness and he was not sure if she was breathing or not. "She was eating dessert and then she fainted.", he explained with a worry he couldn't contain when Pycelle entered the room -with Barristan behind it. "Where is Gerold?", he asked, the idea of losing his child made him nauseous. "I want him here, now!"

While Barristan made a move to the household guards to summon him, Pycelle tried to open her eyes to detect if there was something there. He held her wrist to feel her heartbeats as he raised his other hand and touched her neck. There was a pulse still -faint, but it was there. Her face was now covered in pink blisters and she was sweating too much that her golden locks were already wet. He opened her mouth to see if she was breathing or if something was holding her back but when he couldn't make sure, he made a move to one of his acolytes and they gave him a small mirror.

He placed it in front of her mouth and waited, all while Aerys looked at her with a worried but overall angry expression. Somebody dared to place poison on his table, who would dare so? Pycelle leaned forward to listen to her heartbeats and decided that he had to move quickly or else both the queen and the child she was carrying would die in his hands.

"Basin!", he ordered. There was no doubt that it was poison. Imagining Tywin's anger -and feeling the hot breath of Aerys behind his neck, made him work faster. "It seems like poison.", he had to say it to Aerys but did not dare to look at him.

"Then do something, she is dying!", he roared and Barristan took a deep breath. This was not going to end well.

"If she vomits, we can save her.", he explained in basics. "Help me to raise her head, she needs to smell this.", he pulled out a stick from his bag and Aerys moved himself to do the act.

"What is that?", he sneered as he fastly made her sit.

"Oripecacuanha, your grace.", he answered as he placed the stick into the small bottle with a golden liquid. "You might hear it as goldenroot, it's the rhizome of an old world plant.", he explained. "One of the many herbs came from the Children of the Forest."

"I did not ask for a history lesson!", he snapped. "Just save my son."

Pycelle did share a small look with Barristan and then did everything to make her sick so he could save his head. When he finally managed to do so and she leaned onto the side to throw up, Aerys left the bed with a grimace, it was obvious that he was disgusted by what he had seen.

"It is working, your majesty.", Pycelle helped her to get on with it and Aerys turned his head away.

"It looks like her stomach is rotten.", he said without looking at them. "Will this affect my boy?"

"It is too early to make such an assumption, my king.", he knew he probably should have made up something but it was clear that the queen was soon enough would have a miscarriage so he didn't even try so. "First we must save the mother for it."

"Barristan!", he hissed, he was shaking with rage as he approached him and held him by his arm. "Who can it be? Who would dare to put poison on my table?", Barristan bowed his head. "Where is Gerold?", he roared once more. "Where is he?"


He was walking as fast as he could with Oswell at his back, with only one destination in his mind. When they reached the west side of the castle which was adorned by flowers on the walls, Oswell took a sharp breath, he knew exactly where they were going.

When they finally reach their destination they saw her, talking with her guard and friend and without stopping, Rhaegar walked right through her, his hand found his arm like a hunter would catch its prey and then started to drag her rather rudely and pushed her to her chamber, closed the door too quick that the noise echoed inside of the quarters.

"Have you lost your mind?", Oswell hissed to the ginger woman -Finnan was looking surprised and one hand was on his sword. "There will be consequences for this."

Alea took a deep breath. "I do not know what you are talking about.", she said with a grim face and Oswell just snorted in disbelief.

Inside the room, they were looking at each other without blinking. She was in her pale blue nightgown with the same coloured robe with golden embodiments covering her frame, her waves were falling down.

"Who are you?", he asked in an aghast state. "You are not the girl who I encountered in Starfall, I see that now. She was a good person, despite the situation she was in, she refused to kill people, and she refused to wage war because she didn't want innocent to get harmed, so tell me now.", he was looking at her with great disappointment. "How on earth this demon got inside of you?"

"Your grace, I-", she tried to speak with a composed tone and a strict face but he didn't let her.

"How can you poison the queen?", he asked. "How can you wish death upon an unborn baby?"

"I did-"

"I do not want to hear your voice.", he declared. "I do not want to see the sight of you, I do not want even your shadow around my family."

"Your grace-"

"I said I do not want to hear your voice.", he spat. "You are going to pay for this, you will be punished for daring to put poison into the king's table, for daring to poison the queen and the royal blood.", he sent her one last look. "Just pray that neither she nor the baby will die or you will share the same end as your mother.", then he left the room, not with the anger he entered but in a more collective way. "Oswell!", he yelled in the next second, his eyes found Alea -he was sure that she was complicit in it but did not say a thing. "She is not going to leave these quarters, she is not going to leave his room!", he ordered, he was aware that Atera was outside of her room, clenching her jaw. "When we learn about the queen's health, she will answer to the king."

"I am not going to apologize for what I have done.", despite his warnings, she spoke. "It is not my fault that you were too weak to do so yourself."

Rhaegar's face took a shape of a horrified look -shocked by the audacity and he turned to her slowly. "Shut up.", he managed to say in his anger. "Do not do so much as to utter another word."

"I did it for you and for your family, I am not expecting you to thank me or to show gratitude but you cannot treat me as if I did this for selfish reasons.", she straightened her spine. "I do not regret it and I would have done so again and I will do so if this does not work."

Rhaegar closed his eyes and then swiftly went to her side, only stopping right in front of her. Oswell did not think he would hit her, not after everything that happened with Rhaella, but he felt the fear of it.

"She was an innocent!", he whisper-spat, there was pain and agony in his eyes. Of course, he knew this happened to him, and the burden of it was enough to drive him right off the balcony. "She was carrying an innocent baby, the king's blood, my sibling!", Atera didn't bow her head and kept looking directly into his eyes -all while digging her nails into the flesh around her hand. "You had no right!", he felt the same desperation as he did when he found out about Rhaella. "I never asked for you to do this."

"There will be people around you who will do things you never asked in order to secure your life and position.", she could easily tell him about Aerys' last plan of killing him but Elia hid it for a reason, she was not going to betray her trust like that. "There will always be people like me around you, who would do the dirty work on your name so you can continue to sleep soundly in your bed."

"You are not my wife's lady any longer.", he spat. "I will not have you sul-"

"With all respect, your grace, I am her lady, as you stated and only she can dismiss me from her service.", she knew she was making things worse for him but she was not going to cower, not right now. "Not you."

"Atera!", Alea hissed from her side.

"I can choke you to death with my own hands right now and the only reason I do not is because I want to see you get the punishment you deserve because of this.", he said very calmly which made Oswell fear more than his anger. "Stay right here!", he raised his voice once more as he turned to him. "She is not going to take one step to the outside, and she is not going to speak to anyone -including Elia.", then didn't even spare her a glance and turned his back and rushed to his father's chamber.


"How is she?", Aerys asked with a tired voice, his anger was rising like a flame and then falling like ashes, he wasn't sure what to feel or think not when the only culprit he could think of was his own son. "Will she live?"

Pycelle was placing cloths onto her head. "She has a fever, your majesty. I am placing vinegar-filled cloths on her forehead and wrists to decrease it.", he explained his movements, and his acolytes were preparing the cloths next to him. They had to keep it up the entire night. "We must pray for the child to be protected. It is too small, and needs the strength of the mother."

"My son will survive.", he said with a tone that left no room for arguments and then he heard Gerold's entrance.

"My king?", his voice was filled with confusion, Arthur and Lewyn were behind him. "What has happened?"

"Where are you Gerold, my cousin?", Aerys turned to him with a very calm expression. "You wouldn't hear if I would be dead now."

Understanding what was happening he closed his eyes. "How is she?"

"Not well.", Aerys smiled with anger. And approached Gerold. "Cersei is poisoned.", he hissed. "I want the head of the person who did this."

"No one would dare to do such a thing.", Gerold hissed back but in his heart, he knew who did this. "She is with child and was all over the place for days, are you sure it is not just some sickness?"

"I had seen it Gerold!", they were whispering but Arthur's eyes were focused on her frame, he too knew who did this. He heard her proposing the idea just days ago. "I had seen what got out inside of her and now she is burning to fight back with it! Find who did this.", he ordered. "Find who dared to kill me and my unborn child!"


"I could have eaten from that desert as well.", he said lowly. And Gerold had no choice but to bow his head.

When the king went to his queen's side, Barristan approached. Gerold saw the way Lewyn placed a hand on Arthur's shoulder and whispered some things into his ear -probably to soothe him, assure him that it was not his fault.

"It is in that.", he pointed out the plate with his head. "I am keeping it right here if Maester Pycelle would need to examine it."

"Barristan,", his eyes were focused on the silver plate. "whoever prepared this and carried it here; found me those people and bring them to me immediately.", the order was clear. "Hurry!"


She was pacing around swiftly with taking nervous breaths. "Everyone will blame me now.", she said, trying to calm herself down. "They will think I did that."

"Elia, you must calm down.", Ashara warned her. "For your child, if not for yourself."

"We had argued just today, we've been arguing for weeks now, everyone in the realm knows that we hate each other and now, just like that, she gets poisoned is that so?", she shook her head. "They will blame me."

"They will find the real culprit."

"Even if they do, they will blame me.", she pressed.

"El,", Oberyn went to her side to calm her down but she pushed his hand away. "no one would dare to harm you as long as I am alive. I would slaughter armies for you."

"And should this relax me?", she asked in disbelief, her eyes were already burning and her lashes were wet, she was holding herself back for not trying.

"Elia,", Ashara seemed hesitant as she sent a glare to Oberyn. "do you think this might be about-"

"No.", she closed her eyes and swallowed, she was playing with her rings. "No, it is not about that."

"About what?", Oberyn asked in suspicion but the door opened and all three turned to look at it with startled movements and relaxed when they saw it was Lewyn.

"Uncle!", she rushed to him the moment the door got closed and basically threw herself into his arms. "Please give me good news.", she said, breathing in his comforting scent but Lewyn only sighed and placed a kiss on her head. "I am only a moment away from praying for her to heal."

"I fear I do not have any good news to bring.", he pulled himself away from her but kept holding her arms with a soft expression. "She is fighting for her life, burning in fever. There is no doubt that it is poison."

"Where is my husband? Where is Rhaegar?", she asked with a crying face but was sending her tears back.

"He is waiting in front of Aerys' chambers.", he informed her. "He wanted to enter but I forbade it. We are all tense already, there is no reason to give the wrong idea to the wrong people. Arthur is with him."

She nodded at first but then frowned. "Arthur?", she breathed. "Oswell should have been with him, why is he not?"

Lewyn pursed his lips in confusion. "I didn't see Oswell anywhere near.", he answered, recalling that it truly was him who was supposed to be at Rhaegar's side. "Gerold and Barristan are trying to find out who did this, Gerold sent me here to stay with you and Rhaenys, we are considering everything. This might be an attack on all the royal members after all.", though it was obvious the only target was Cersei and the child she was carrying. "And Arthur stands nearby, with Rhaegar and Aerys. Jonothor is sent to Viserys and even Harlan is on duty tonight, stays inside of the king's room, witnessing everything but I have no idea where Oswell is."

"It was him who was guarding us tonight, and him who informed us.", Elia took a step back and pulled herself away from his touch, she had a terrible feeling all of a sudden. "Rhaegar left with him, where on earth he can go in a time like this?"

"To whoever did this.", Ashara whispered, her face completely in shock and Elia turned to her in disbelief.

"No.", she shook her head. "No, it cannot be."

"She proposed the idea.", Ashara took a deep breath, she didn't want to believe it as well but it seemed suited. "And she just had an argument with her, you told me yourself that we need to keep an eye on her."

"No.", Elia let out a hysterical chuckle. "No, she cannot possibly have done that because she would know it would endanger only me. People would think I have ordered it. She cannot be this stupid!", she raised her voice. "She is smarter than that. Perhaps Oswell is with Jon, discussing something.", she didn't want to believe it while everything pointed at her.

"Who are you talking about?", Lewyn asked with suspicion in his black eyes and a deep frown, as if he already sensed the answer.

"My dearest betrothed, I venture.", even Oberyn seemed in disbelief. "Atera."


"Ser Gerold,", Rhaegar approached the man when he finally found him alone and unoccupied, some thinking helped him to calm down and see the picture clearly. "I know who did this.", there was no need to use wordplay with this man. Being direct would help him more. "Atera.", not even a muscle moved in his face. "Which you already knew?", he took a step back with a frown. "How?"

"I believe it was Princess Elia, your grace.", this made Rhaegar to straightened his shoulders. "I was guessing either Atera or Ashara Dayne."

"Elia has nothing to do with this, Atera moved with her own mind.", he answered swiftly, tying his hands behind his back.

"This is not how people will see it.", he answered plainly. "I do know that Atera probably did so herself but considering how hated your wife is; and given her countless oppositions to the young queen, people will see it as her doing. There will be ones,", both knew he meant the king. "who would blame even you. If this word would be got out, none of you would be safe."

"And it is why I approached you.", he sighed. "My first instinct was to tell the truth and let her suffer under the consequences of her actions because despite what her intention was; she committed high treason by daring to put poison to the king's table. It is the queen who suffers now but my father could have eaten from it. And there is a high chance that the queen will lose her child. Even for thinking of murdering an unborn baby, she must be punished but if it happens, as you say, we all will pay for it."

"Are you asking me to stay silent and tell the king that we didn't find the culprit?"

"She is your niece.", he said in disbelief when he saw the emotionless look in his eyes. "Don't you care about her at all?", then his own eyes copied his. "I tend to forget your dereliction for your female relatives, pardon me, Ser."

Gerold sighed. "Atera is my niece and of course, she is very important to me but not even once in my life I have protected a relative of mine when they committed a crime and I am not planning to start today. She is an adult and she knew what would have happened to her if she would do this. It is not my place to cover it for her and I can assure you that she did not place her trust in me when she made this act."

Rhaegar couldn't believe he was going to defend Atera right now but he had to. So when the older man gave him a head bow and made a move to leave, Rhaegar held him by his arm and pulled him back. "I doubt you understand the gravity of the situation, Ser.", he made a stern and authoritative face. "You do not have any proofs that she did this.", he felt sick to even doing this. "You are going to blame your own niece, your only niece,", he pressed. "without a solid proof. And trust me, you will not manage to find any.", she did everything through Alea after all. "You will sully her name unnecessarily, make her the target of the king's anger and therefore will sign the death warrant of not only hers but mine and my wife's and my daughter's as well. When you do not even have proof."

"If it's the only problem, I am sure that I can manage to find some.", he answered with the same stoicness and a small part of Rhaegar felt sorry for Atera -having an uncle who didn't give a shit about you must have hurt. "She committed high treason, your grace.", he pressed. "She should pay for it."

"Yes, she should but not like this.", he hated himself for protecting such a person. "Let me handle this.", he insisted. "I can find a way where she will pay for this but no innocents will get hurt."

"Innocents already got hurt because of your actions before.", he reminded him. "Gods knows I had little care for Leo Lefford but he got executed for a crime he did not commit. Did you weep when you caused that to happen?", Rhaegar took a step back. "You took this after your mother, boy,", he declared. "your hypocrisy."

"I can order you instead of making you understand but-"

"I am the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard and I do not take my orders from you.", he stated for him to understand. "Somebody poisoned the queen and her baby, the king is pissed and it all happened under Arthur's care. Do you truly care this less about him?"

Rhaegar felt dumbfounded. "I-"

"Didn't even think about him?", he finished his line. "I already see that. Aerys is adamant about killing someone."

"And you would rather it be your niece and my entire family instead of Arthur?"

"And would you sacrifice Arthur to save your own skin?"

"Never!", he raised his voice. "I would never do that. I am going to find another way, as I stated.", he spat. "Where no one but her will the price. I just need your cooperation."

Gerold didn't say anything just looked at him longly. "I stood by your side when you marched to the capital only to learn there was no real poisoning at all and it all was a ruse on your side. Do you expect me to trust you now?"

When he followed Jon's ways, he aggravated the Dornish but when he followed Elia's ways, he aggravated the rest of the realm, it seemed. "I do not know who told you what but it was a true poisoning. I almost died.", they were careless when they were not supposed to be but with the idea that came to his mind, he cursed internally. "It was your niece who saved my life.", it felt like choking, even saying those words. "I owe her a life, let me save her now."

"You might owe her a life but I do not.", he was not going to let her be executed like Jenica but wanted to see how far Rhaegar could go. "No one is above the other, everyone must face their punishment."


She was sleeping rather soundly in the bed when the first lights of the day hit her and she got startled with sudden pain. Her body was weak from the night before, she couldn't manage to wake up immediately when the next pain strokes her, and absentmindedly she placed a hand on her belly. When the next one was sharp enough to cut her breath, her brain started to ring the alarm bells and she opened her eyes with a painful grimace, her knees pulled towards her chest -a small attempt from her body to lessen the pain but it did not help, with a small grunt, she tried to sit down and see what was happening.

Placing a hand on her belly, she used the other to change her position, she was gritting her teeth to not to make a sound. She let out a painful scream when she saw the blood mark on the bedsheets. She wasn't sure which was hurting the most, the pain or realizing that she lost her baby.

"No!", she screamed with pain, her tears already covering her face and the door opened immediately Barristan entered with one hand on his sword and Eloise followed quickly with Jaime.

"What happened sister?", he kneeled in front of her as Barristan's blue eyes roamed inside the room, searching for possible threats.

Cersei was muffling her cries with one hand as the other was pressed tightly against her belly, trying to stop the pain somehow Jaime caught a glimpse of the blood and with the shock of it, he took a few steps back.

"Gods be good.", Barristan muttered in a horrified way -reminiscing every single time this happened to Rhaella. "Summon Maester Pycelle, now!", he ordered to the household guards in front of the door. He couldn't stop himself from feeling sorry for the girl.

"Your grace...", Eloise kneeled next to the young queen, one hand trying to soothe her. "Bring some clothes or something.", she ordered to the other maids who were closing their mouths in order not to gasp.

Pycelle entered shortly after but there was nothing else he could do at that point. Queen Cersei Lannister did have a miscarriage.


"I am sorry for your loss.", Gerold found Aerys on his balcony. "But at least the queen is alive."

"She is.", he nodded. "Truth be told, I never wanted this child, didn't even feel happiness when I first heard it, couldn't bring myself to be excited about it.", he admitted. "Perhaps the Gods did this to punish me."

"She is still young and so are you. You will have other children.", he managed to say.

"I do not want other children.", he sighed and turned to him. "What did you do? Found the traitor?"

"I had questioned everyone.", he was not going to rat his own niece out and was not going to let Rhaegar handle the matter. "Anyone who had a fault or neglect will pay for it with their lives.", he took a deep breath. "The servant who put the poison gave her own punishment herself, died before I reached her.", well, his squire took care of her. Not that Atera would leave loose ends.

"So she is dead before she told us who have her this duty.", Aerys sent him a look and leaned over. "Even though you protect her and hide the truth from me; I know who put this poison to her plate."

"Aerys-", he closed his eyes, of course, he would not throw Atera to the flames but couldn't let Elia pay for her sins as well.

"Stop her.", Aerys ordered. "I may tolerate a few things but she dared to put poison to my table. I lost my unborn child."

Gerold felt confused. "Who-"

"Atera.", he whispered and Gerold closed his eyes. "I do understand, I really do.", he turned to the sky once more, and placed his hands on the balcony rails. "She is her mother's daughter after all. Protective over the ones she loved. She felt Elia was threatened and wanted to get rid of her in return. Witnessed my anger the other day, it is my fault, truly.", he seemed almost sad. "Poor girl must have been afraid now."

"Aerys-", he didn't know what to say. "Your wife is sick inside, you must be worried about her not for the girl who poisoned her."

"But it is my fault, don't you see?", he turned to him. "I pushed her to do this. And now Cersei lost the baby, she must have blamed herself. I should have controlled myself better, I should have hidden my anger better. She even found out-", he closed his eyes. "What she even thinks about me?"

"She found out what?"

"About Rhaella.", he said with a dark tone. "Rhaegar told so. She must have been horrified to hear that but she doesn't know the reason!", he raised his voice. "She would understand it if she knew the whole truth."

"But she doesn't.", he took off his mask and snapped. "And she never will."

"She wears the ring.", he said with sadness. "Have you noticed? Jenica's ring, the ring.", he rubbed his face. "She once told me it was symbolizing her heart, her love, her soul. I thought Gerard destroyed that as well but now Atera wears it.", he bowed his head. "I feel terrible to force her to do such a cruel act."

Gerold opened and closed his eyes a few times and then took Aerys from his collar and pushed him to the wall, both looked at each other with the same pale blue eyes -Aerys with shock and Gerold with anger.

"Snap out of it.", he ordered. "You are spiralling, snap the fuck out of it and start behaving. She dared to poison the queen and caused the death of your own blood. Blame yourself all you want but do not pity her. It is her sin and she deserves a punishment."

"You want me to punish her?"

"No.", he shook his head. "I already decided on it myself. I want you to act like the king, like a father who just lost his child. Go and be there for your wife and stop,", he hissed. "stop mentioning Jenica's name. Stop thinking about Atera. Or you are going to doom us all."


" we will not have another sibling?", Viserys asked in confusion.

Elia was in the other chamber, having a terrible headache and Ashara was trying to lessen the pain with thyme oil, they started the day with the news of Cersei's miscarriage and the topic of Atera was standing like a wall between them.

"Just because you do not want it, he got offended and decided not to come.", he said with a small smile and caressed his cheek but Viserys' smile died. "It's not like we needed him.", he tried to cheer him up. "You are all we need in this world, hm?", he squeezed his cheek and then leaned down to place a kiss on his silver hair.

"Does it hurt?", he asked with a pout. "I heard her cries."

Rhaegar took a troubled breath. "It does but it will pass away soon, have no worries. Now go back to your education, it is dire.", he winked at him and sent him back.

"You cannot tell it is her.", Elia said after the doors got closed, and entered the room. "You know you cannot or it will affect all of us."

"I have spoken to Ser Gerold.", he said with a grim face. "But I am not sure how much it will help."

"He cannot throw his own niece to the fire.", she shook her head. "Not even Ser Gerold is that cruel."

"I wish I could be as sure as you are.", he sighed as he stood up and approached her. "Rest, Elia.", he said as he cupped her face. "Do not concern yourself with such matters, do not upset yourself.", placed a hand on her belly and both shivered. "Think of our child."

"I cannot, not when she is suffering there for the lost of her own.", she leaned forward and placed her forehead to his chest and he wrapped his hands around her. "It is our fault as much as it is hers. We pushed things too far, made it reach to a point it is us or her now."

"What she did was monstrous.", he closed his eyes. "And she will pay for it."

He was going to make sure of it.


"Jaime?", Arthur was returning back to the tower to handle some matters when he found the young boy sitting on the floor just like that. He frowned with empathy and approached him. He didn't even want to think about what made the boy look so sad. "Do not be upset.", he didn't know what else to say. "This all will pass, your sister will heal and have more children in the future."

"Somebody wanted to kill her.", he whispered without looking at him. "Somebody wanted to kill her innocent child. Who? Who would do this? How on earth someone can be this cruel and heartless?"

Arthur clenched his jaw firmly and refused to think about it. The woman he admired and respected so much, the woman that he dared to touch and kiss and hold, the woman he allowed himself to trust had betrayed him; broke the promise she gave. He was never going to allow his heart to forget that. He was never going to forgive the woman who poisoned the growing love inside of him.

And yet he knew he was going to build back the bridges he preferred the burn looking at her ocean eyes. And he hated himself for being this weak. He hated himself for being this stupid.

He hated himself for opening his heart and allowing her to enter without even noticing because now he had no idea how to remove her from there.

With a strict order to himself, he closed the topic and sat next to him. "Ser Gerold and Ser Barristan have questioned everyone and anyone who has a part in it, paid it with their lives.", this was all he could tell the boy, though he doubted if it helped at all.

"People whisper that it is Princess Elia.", he bowed his head. "But I doubt it is true."

"Believing such rumours would not help you, especially not in a time like this."

"Somebody poisoned my sister and caused the death of my nephew, Ser!", he turned to him, looking horrified. "How can you expect me to do nothing?"

"It is exactly why you must stay away from the rumours and the conflict.", he advised him. "This is not an ordinary case for you, it's close home, it's family.", he placed a hand on his shoulder. "These are dangerous waters that one can lose himself in it. Such things happen in the court, such things did happen in the court to everyone.", he didn't even know what he was saying.

"So she should do what? Stay silent and wait for people to kill her?"

"Whoever did this cannot dare so ever again.", he was going to make sure of it. "And I'll be more careful, I swear."

"Will you?", he looked at him with a boyish hope and Arthur felt himself softening.

"I swore an oath,", he said firmly and it was time for him to remember it. "to protect the king and his family. Your sister is part of my oath now. This will never repeat again, I swear.", he squeezed his shoulder. "All you have to do now is to be there for your sister, support her through her loss and pain and leave the rest to us."


"He wants to see her.", Barristan told with trouble to Gerold and Lewyn. "I asked but he did not answer me, I don't know the reason but he wants to see her immediately."

"Rhaegar keeps her in house arrest.", Gerold rubbed his face. "Oswell is guarding her."

"I already sent a squire to inform them."

"I cannot believe this still.", Lewyn truly seemed surprised. "How on earth she dared to do this? Even I would think it more than twice. Given that Aerys is Aerys and did horrible things for less than that.", he looked at Gerold and Barristan's tired faces. "We all remember that household knight's daughter, right?"

The one that he tortured and murdered with her entire family because he decided she poisoned Jaehaerys, the last son he lost. And then he swore off his mistresses.

"I don't see how this is a good time to remember her.", Barristan sent him a warning look at Gerold and turned his head away. "If he would do something to her, we would see the signs. It seemed to me that he just wants to talk."

"She is as brave as her mother.", Gerold spat. "Jenica was unstoppable as well. She would have done worse to that child."

"If Jenica would be here, Cersei Lannister would not.", Lewyn snorted and Barristan's warning look got sharpened.

"What should I do, Gerold?", Barristan asked and his long-time friend and lord commander rubbed his face.

"Nothing.", he declared at last. "She made her bed and now she is going to lay in it."


"Of course, I'll not let my only niece,", Lewyn snorted to that and Barristan hit the back of his head. "to die but I'll do nothing else."

"You worry for no reason my friend.", Lewyn sent Barristan a look. "He'll not harm her."

"You cannot know that.", he gritted his teeth.

"With every passing day, I became more and more sure.", he stood up and patted his shoulder. "Perhaps you too must open your eyes."


"I hope you are happy, what you wanted has happened.", Aerys didn't even feel the need to look to know it was Rhaegar who entered. "Cersei lost her baby."

Rhaegar closed his eyes and took a breath, he was not going to let his father aggravate him when it cost too much. "You know that I am not heartless enough to be happy at some child's suffering, father.", he walked next to him and leaned on the balcony rails just like him. "How is she?"

"Lost the baby, now fights for her own life.", he answered dryly. Just because Rhaegar didn't do this, didn't mean he was not happy with it. He was his mother's son, after all, he refused to believe in his solemnity.

"I didn't know you wanted the baby that much.", he couldn't help but comment on it. "You didn't seem excited."

"After losing so many children as I did; you wouldn't even allow yourself to be happy, to hope.", he said, letting his sadness be shown. "When you were born,", he didn't know where the tears came from. "I was the happiest man alive. And when dear Shaena arrived so many years and two miscarriages after you, I was cheerful like a child. I have always wanted a daughter, only to know that my beautiful child died before taking her first breath when I was away.", Rhaegar bowed his head. "Then came Daeron, my strong boy.", he let out a pathetic chuckle. "Pycelle swore up and down that he was even healthier than you, he had the same eyes as I did and then we all watched the way he closed them for one last time half a year later."

"Remembering these will not help you now.", he didn't know what else to say.

"You do remember your other sister, after Daeron, stillborn, once more.", he took a shaky breath. "Your mother couldn't even bring herself to name her. Declared that she was cursed by the Gods.", he shook his head. "I did name her though.", he turned to look at him with a tight smile -one you did in order not to cry. "Betha.", after his grandmother. "I couldn't bear her to go without a name.", he turned his head away. "Then she had another miscarriage -we didn't even know she was with child.", he closed his face. "And then we woke up to your mother's screams one night, my Aegon was born two moons earlier but he fought back, just like Cersei does now.", he pointed out inside with his hand. "He was too young though, too weak, his little body couldn't handle it longer.", Rhaegar's eyes were burning. "He died a year later and then came-"

"Jaehaerys, yes, I remember.", he sniffled. "I remember all of them.", he said with a lump in his throat. "Not only you lost a child every time they passed away but I lost a sibling as well.", he gritted his teeth to send back his tears. "When Viserys was born, I was sure he was going to die as well.", Aerys let out a painful sound. "I didn't even want to believe that he will live to his first name day but he did. Then the second came, and the third, and the fourth and now soon enough; he'll see his fifth one.", he seemed almost startled by that. "I see him with his wooden sword, playing with Arthur and cannot help but think how fragile he was when he was first born and darkness stains my heart. Fear consumes me. And when I look at Rhaenys...", he shook his head and bit his lips. "I would rather die than see her harmed."

"And yet you believe that I wish to see you harm, that I can bare the pain?"

Sometimes he was not himself, as if something else took over his control; his anger, taking over his control and in such times he ordered things he regret, it never meant he wanted Rhaegar truly gone.

"Sometimes you made me feel like it.", he managed to say and Aerys closed his eyes.

He reached out to Rhaegar, squeezed his shoulder, eyes got softened and pulled him to himself, hugged him tightly, and smelled his scent. His mind already went back to the night he was born. All that pain and agony, disappeared when he looked at his son's face.

"You are my son,", he pulled himself back and looked directly into his eyes. "my heir. No one is strong enough to change that. I swear to you, my son, in the name of the Old Gods and the New, I will never, ever hurt you. I cannot."

A tear fell from Rhaegar's eyes. "And I swear on the Old Gods and the New, father, I will never, ever rebel against you."

But life was a funny little thing; it would do anything to break the oath you took and the promise you made. And this was no exception.


Myles was walking in the harbour, waiting for the Baratheon ships to arrive with anxiety. Since everybody else was occupied, it was his job to welcome Robert on Rhaegar's behalf and take care of his comfort. But as he walked amongst the people, he felt like someone was following him -thanks to Oswell's many teachings. When he looked back, he saw a hooded figure and narrowed his eyes, started to walk once more. Entered an empty alley to see who it was but before he managed to turn from the corner and enter the harbour, somebody attacked him from behind, placed a dagger to his throat and whispered into his ear.

"I'll either take your gold or your life, decide."

"Who are you?", Myles placed his hand on his arm and tried to pull him down but failed. "What do you want from me?"

"Don't struggle, boy.", he whispered once more. "Or I'll cut your throat right here."

"Boy is your father, watch your tongue.", he hissed with anger, tried to get rid of him once more and failed.

"Give me the gold, boy.", he ordered once more. "Do not struggle any further.", closing his eyes in embarrassment, Myles took out his pouch and gave it to him. "Myles,", he frowned as the dagger left his throat but he had no idea who it was talking to. "and then you get angry when I call you a boy."

"Richard?", he turned to him, still shaken over what has happened.

"You still have the game though.", he took off his hood with a grin. "You did notice me."

"What are you doing here?", he hissed. "I could have harmed you!", Richard tried to hold back his laughter and did snort and an annoyed expression appeared on Myles' face. "What are you doing here?", he asked once more, fixing his clothes. "You were supposed to be with Lord Baratheon, where is he and why you are not with him?"

"Our glorious lord has been tired of doing absolutely nothing in his ship.", he rolled his eyes. "He went to a brothel and declared he will come to the court tomorrow."

"And you let him?", he asked with a scolding tone and Richard rolled his eyes once more.

"The man is a Lord Paramount that happens to be my liege lord, Myles. What did you expect me to do? Drag him to the court."

Myles pursed his lips. "Prince Rhaegar was rather frustrated that it took this long for you two to arrive."

"You can trust me that I am more frustrated than the prince since it was me who had to deal with him all this time. That man is just an overgrown child and nothing more -with a lousy temper and never-ending energy, if I may add."

"Hmm,", Myles turned his eyes away. "Prince Rhaegar will not like that, especially now."

"Why what has happened?", they started to walk again. Myles was going to order the household guards to wait outside the brothel and take the young lord to the court the moment they see him, and then they could return to the castle and Richard could rest. "Your face looks like you smelled pig shit."

"No, I just smelled you.", he snapped and Richard laughed loudly but Myles kept his serious face. "The queen got poisoned.", this made the older man stop laughing. "She lost her baby."

"The queen was pregnant?", he asked with shock. "Was this known information? Have I not been paying attention?"

"It got announced to the public a fortnight ago.", he reprimanded him.

"Who did it? Who poisoned her?"

"It is what everyone wonders.", he shook his head. "It happened last night. It is why the prince is not here. The court is too tense. The Sealord's brother arrived as well and he is waiting too. Everything is too complicated and the prince needs us both to be on duty."

"Of course.", he rolled his eyes. "I'll talk to Jon and learn what I should do."

And then, as they agreed, went to the harbour first, warned the guards and then returned back to the court -directly to speak with Jon to receive their orders.


Oswell knocked on her door and then opened the door with an unreadable expression. He didn't expect to find her on her knees, hands clasped together, her lips moving softly -probably for a prayer. He cleared his throat.

"The king wants to see you.", it was early morning with chill air and the king was in the gardens.

Her pale blue eyes opened softly and it took a few seconds for her to turn towards him. "Oh?", she managed to say.

"We cannot make him wait.", it would be too convenient for him for her to get executed out of high treason since she would stop being a threat to Arthur's well-being but he couldn't bring himself for wishing for it. He liked her well enough and didn't think she deserved such a punishment. "You must hurry.", he let his eyes soften and she elegantly stood up, and fixed her robe.

"I must get dressed first and I need my maids for it.", Oswell didn't say anything. "Not Alea, but at least let my maids. I need to get prepared.", Oswell left the room without saying anything but then two of her maids entered the room with red eyes and began to dress her up without saying a thing to her.

She chose to wear black since it symbolized how she felt the best. It had long sleeves and was made of silk. It was a gown of its own, she did not wear vests or such things on top of it, just a silver belt around her waist. Her necklace was nothing expensive, just silver with circles, first, it roamed around her neck like a chocker, then the next one covered her chest and the other fell between her breasts with a black opal in the middle of it. She wore her matching earrings and rings. Her hair was looking paler than usual under the cold light and they made a ponytail, placed a small black tiara on top of her hair.

When she got ready, she opened the door and left her room. Both Finnan and Alea were there, both looked like they didn't sleep the entire night, both were too anxious on her behalf, she sent them a fainted smile and took a deep breath, started to walk with Oswell at her back.

"Do you know what-", she began to ask but couldn't finish her line and Oswell didn't have an answer to give.

As they walked amongst the other nobles, both tried to play it cool, they were hearing the gossip of Cersei's poisoning and miscarriage, yet they did not mind them and kept on walking. Her eyes caught Ashara's measuring purple eyes on the corner of the hallway before they turned, Oberyn was in front of her, pacing with his hands tied at his back. When they came close, Ashara cleared her throat and Oberyn's black eyes found her, narrowed with suspicion but then, surprising all, he approached her with a big smile.

"My dearest fiancée!", he greeted her with open arms and bend down to hug her frozen frame. He turned his head to kiss her cheek and whispered into her ear, lips barely moved. "Elia convinced Rhaegar, we will protect you. Deny everything.", before she comprehend what he said, he placed a lingering kiss on her cheekbone and sent her one last look -that was not innocent at all, and moved back to Ashara's side.

"Walk.", Oswell said quietly as Atera's blue eyes followed Oberyn's movements.

With that, she ordered her body to follow his order and they turned from the hallway, walked all the way to the outer gate and then stopped before opening the door. Her eyes flutter closed as she tried to take a deep breath but she felt like it did not reach her lungs. Before Oswell managed to ask with worry though, she raised both of her hands and opened the door for herself. The cold brightness of the sun almost blinded her on the spot and she had to close her eyes for a second. It hurt her eyes and sent an immediate pain to her head, still when she opened her eyes, she saw the king's back, hands tied.

She took one last breath and exhaled it sharply, held her skirts and lifted a little, descended from the stairs and approached to the king. There was also Ser Barristan there, it seemed like more greys appeared in his ginger hair in one night than they did in the last year. His blue eyes roamed around her frame with subtle disbelief. When she approached them, she cleared her throat and made a curtsy.

"Your majesty."

Aerys turned to her and for a swift second, Oswell thought, just like he did to Rhaella, he was going to take a step forward and strike her down and possibly kill her on the spot. Instead, Aerys did not move and did not relieve her, her head was bent down and she did not dare to look at him. She still was curtsying. After his eyes measured everything on her, he made a hand gesture for her to straighten her shoulders.

"It is a fine morning.", he commented. "Clouded by tragedy but at least we see the sun."

Her face shook with disbelief and her lips parted, she tilted her head a little. "Your majesty?", she managed to ask.

"We had witnessed the snow and the rain and the sun and the clouds; it seems this winter is going to be short once again, given that we see the sun again.", she felt like her brain got frozen and she couldn't think anything. Sensing it, a small smile appeared on the king's lips -he too was wearing black with silver, they looked almost matching. "Walk with me.", he made a gesture for her and started to walk himself, Atera turned to look at Oswell and then to Barristan but both were as surprised as she was.

"I am sorry for your loss, your grace.", she said hesitantly as she walked behind him with slow steps.

Aerys stopped after this and continued to walk again when Atera came next to him. "Walk on my side, not behind me, I wish to speak to you about some matter.", he didn't react to her first comment. "I figured that you might have some questions about what you heard the other day and I wanted you to hear the story from me and not from Rhaegar.", Atera feared that perhaps she was a feebleminded woman since she understood nothing of Aerys' words. "About Rhaella.", he frowned at her confusion. Barristan and Oswell shared a look. "Are you alright this morning?", if Oswell didn't know the king better, he would have thought he was concerned about her. "You look pale."

"I-I,", she inhaled shakily and her face took a firm shape. The king was probably playing with her before ordered her execution. "I couldn't sleep well last night, my king.", she explained, playing along. "And the air is,", she sent an irritated look to the almost white shining sun. "cold."

"Do you feel chilly?", he wondered with a frown and she shook her head. "Good. Our conversation will not take that long but please tell me if you do. We wouldn't want you to get ill now, would we?", he offered her a smile but she couldn't answer it back. "I never loved Rhaella.", he began to speak, Oswell and Barristan shared another look. "Not even when we were siblings. Our parents always favoured her over me, my own father saw me as a threat to his rule and Rhaella loved the privilege it gave to her. Only my grandfather understood and supported me. His presence was the only reason why I was safe.", there was a little trick the kingsguard had; not hearing when they do not want to. So both Oswell and Barristan closed their minds. "He did everything to keep me away from the court, therefore from my father. And he found the solution by sending me royal progress. My uncle Duncan and his wife, Jenny, joined me on one of those trips and we went to Riverlands."

"To Oldstones, your grace?", she asked and regretted immediately but Aerys only chuckled.

"We visited there as well. Aunt Jenny loved her home greatly and my uncle did everything to make her happy. It was the longest progress I ever went to, we stayed at every keep in the Riverlands and while there, I met with a woman.", he sent her a look. "Your uncle introduced us.", despite not hearing a thing, Barristan frowned at that. He didn't like where this was going. "I fell in love with her on the spot.", Atera raised her eyebrows and opened her mouth but then shut them both. "When I returned back, I declared that I want to marry her but one of Aunt Jenny's friends went to the court with us, some wood's witch who made a prophecy with the insistence of my father and declared that Rhaella and I shall marry because The Prince Who Was Promised would be born from our line.", he turned to her. "Are you familiar with it?"

"I read it before, yes."

"Complete nonsense if you ask me.", he shook his head. "I bet that my father paid that woman to say so."

"Why would King Jaehaerys would do so, your grace?", she asked with a frown.

"Given the chance, he would make his lovely daughter his heir instead of me. He wanted to see her as the queen but my grandfather rejected him over and over again, declared that the incest in our family was over and reprimanded him, told him that there was something wrong with him -you know how he married my mother?"

"Broke off their betrothals and ran away together."

"Exactly.", he said with an unimpressed tone. "The only way for him to force me to take her as my queen was through my grandfather and the only way to convince him was to declare this was the Gods' will. With that, Aegon allowed us to marry, despite knowing my true feelings but he had one condition; we both agreed to it. I, of course, refused it from the start. And Rhaella promised me to never agree either. She had her own crush at her side; some older knight who named her as the Queen of Love and Beauty once. A no one. He only had one interest; her body, despite her being a child and she was too stupid to see that. When he made his intentions clear, she ran off to our parents and sold me off, told them that she wanted to marry."

"But you had to agree with it too, no?"

"I was six and ten when we were forced to marry.", a sad smile appeared on his lips. "She was four and ten. We were children and while she was a spoiled brat, I meant nothing to my family and I was not strong enough to go against my father.", he sighed. "They told my grandfather, once their precious daughter agreed, that we can marry and so we did. I never loved her a day in my life but stopped seeing my lover, because I didn't want to disrespect her.", he snorted. "She never believed so and matters got only worse after the Summerhall.", he almost shivered. "In his short reign, my father did not allow me to enter the capital, I was either at war or at Dragonstone and Rhaella was here, at his side with Rhaegar, living as if she was the future queen and I did not exist. He did anything he could to murder me and give the throne to his daughter now that I gave her an heir.", he turned his head away. "I fell right back to my old habits and returned to the woman I loved. Once I got crowned king, we stopped once more. I gave another chance to Rhaella and we were good, for a while."

"But you had mistresses.", it probably was better if she did not speak but Aerys didn't seem to mind it.

"Only half of the rumoured ones. Rhaella always wanted to dirty my name and was a vindictive woman. She was sad that I did not get killed by our father, so she plated the victim, did everything to make me look bad and I swear to this day that my children died because of her.", he spat. "Eventually the woman I loved needed my help.", Barristan closed his eyes, they were in dangerous waters. "And I appointed her as Rhaella's lady but I swear to the Old Gods and the New that I stopped my affair with her the moment I crowned king. Rhaella couldn't handle it because she was not capable of feeling human emotions. She insulted and humiliated her, did everything to discredit her, put her in a bad position, tortured her mentally and when I was in Dorne for some state matter with Rhaegar next to me, she did the worst thing imaginable.", he turned to her with sorrow. "Told someone she shouldn't have that we were having an affair -lies,", he spat. "nothing more but he believed in her words and when I returned to the capital she was already dead and Rhaella gave me this news with happiness."

Atera wasn't sure what to think -or frankly, what was happening. The late queen was always distant to her, didn't like her for a reason but she never thought she was capable of such cruelty. "She never seemed like that."

"Yes, because she was always great at playing the victim. She fooled the entire realm and my own son into believing she was a half-wit while in truth, I never met with someone more evil than her.", his face was crossed with anger. "Not even then, I raised my hand to her.", then his eyes softened all of a sudden, seemed almost desperate to make her understand, and he stopped walking. "I never was that kind of a man who would. But when I returned back from Duskendale,", he closed his eyes and bit his own tongue, trying to calm himself down. "and saw her, ruling instead of me...", he tilted his head. "Many blamed Tywin but if there truly was someone who planned this; it was, without a doubt, Rhaella.", he spat. "Then I hit her.", he admitted. "I am not proud of what I did and I know it is unmanly and unkingly but she deserved far worse than that. What I have done is nothing compared to what she has done to me and I am sick of people seeing her like some kind of an angel and I the monster. What she deserved for me to choke her with my bare hands."

"But you couldn't.", Atera finished his line with a pale face. "Why?"

"For Rhaegar.", he smiled sadly. "I couldn't dare to upset my son like that, I didn't want to open such a wound in his heart so I tolerated her existence in my life and court. And in return for my mercy and kindness, she fed his mind with lies and turned him against me. And now my biggest enemy is my son."

"Prince Rhaegar is loyal to you.", she said immediately. "He would not even dream of betraying you."

"You are a good liar.", Aerys smiled, something flashed from his eyes -grief, sorrow? "You took it after your mother."

"Your grace I-"

"As I said,", he interrupted her. "I wouldn't want you to know me wrong. Yes, I did things I shouldn't have but never unprovoked."

"This does not make you right.", if she was going to die, she would prefer to die by telling the truth at least. "Nothing can justify physical violence. You are in the wrong."

Something flashed from his eyes once more -Barristan expected to see anger or disappointment but it was almost fondness. "Of course, it does not.", he agreed. "But I am not a saint, no one is. And Rhaella was never a victim. She did far worse to me and while my payback might be unjustified, it still was better than what she did to me."

"Then I hope your new queen will be better.", she tried to open that subject once more but Aerys didn't care about it again.

"You look too pale.", he leaned over a little. "Go and rest child.", he said with a small smile. "Tomorrow will be a new day.", and then he left with Barristan at his tail.

"What was that?", she asked Oswell with shock and he only shook his head in confusion. "Am I free now? Is it what it means? Does he even know? Was this all a threat? Will he do the worse to me?"

"It didn't sound like a threat.", Oswell mumbled. "He sounded genuine.", he shook his head and held her arm when she made a move to leave. "Gerold wants to see you as well."

Atera shivered. "Can I please not?", the king was one thing, her uncle another.

"There are consequences of your actions.", he started walking. "You need to face them all."


"Jaime?", Elia was not expecting to see the Lannister boy when she entered her room. He hesitantly bowed to her as she shared a look with her uncle, Lewyn entered the room as well, they did not suspect Jaime but they were aware of what people were whispering. "Something happened?", she asked with caution. "Has your sister woke up?"

"No.", he shook his head. "I always respected you, your grace.", he began to speak. "I did try to stop Cersei as much as I could, I always thought you were a kind woman with a good heart.", Elia tilted her head, she didn't know what he was going to say. "I always believed it was unfair how people thought of you."

"I know all these, Jaime and I had thanked you for them multiple times. You had shown yourself as a man of honour and earned my respect and affection in return. But I must admit that I do not see the point of this conversation now."

"On behalf of all times I helped you, please answer me with honesty. Who did this to my sister?"

"Jaime-", Elia frowned. "It was not me."

"I know that.", he closed his eyes. "I also know that you know who did this, everybody does. I just want to know as well."

"Sometimes not knowing things are better. Especially in situations like this."

"I just want to know who wanted my sister and her unborn child to die so I can ask them what she has done to deserve this.", Elia shared a look with Lewyn."


"I will swear if you want, on my brother, that I will never say it to Cersei and I will do nothing but ask this question. I need to know it.", he would never dare to interrupt her but he felt like losing his mind. "It is a great crime; daring to murder the queen and the king's child. Whoever did this must pay it with their life and yet everyone is protecting this person, I just want to know why."

"For all the things you had done with me and for my family, I will not tell you who did this.", his face fell. "Trust me, this is for your own good."


"Uncle.", she said, trying to come off as confident and relaxed, she was not going to let him see how she was shaking.

Gerold's back was turned against her and most of the kingsguard were there; Arthur, Oswell, Jonothor and Harlan. "Leave us.", he ordered silently, he was refusing to look at her. Atera tried to meet with Arthur's eyes but her knight deliberately refused so as he left, only Oswell sighed and patted her shoulder to comfort her. When they were left alone, he gave his order. "You are returning back to Oldtown."

"What?", she scoffed with surprise and then her entire amusement died on the spot.

"Your service to Princess Elia ended last night officially. You will go and pack your things and will leave the capital before the week ends, return back to Oldtown, will not tell what has happened to Leyton, accept the terms of the betrothal and have your engagement and then you'll sit there and wait patiently, behave like a proper lady, and then get marry with Oberyn Martell."

"No.", she said without thinking. "No.", she pressed when she understood what he said. "I will not.", she declared firmly.

"I am not Leyton.", she heard the way he gritted his teeth. "I will not endure your disobedience and tolerate your disrespect. You crossed the line last night and brought this upon yourself. I will not let you humiliate this family any longer!"

"Humiliate?", she almost screams. "I humiliate this family?", her entire face was crossed in shock. "How dare you tell this to me?", she demanded an answer. "When it was me who kept this family together in the first place? When faced with an obstacle, you chose to sell off your family for the murderer of your father!", she yelled, she couldn't take it anymore. "When I did the same, I stood all alone, defended the family, the city all alone, if there still is a family that one might humiliate, it is thanks to me. You will think twice before you order me around.", she spat with hatred almost, her body was shaking, her heart beating fast and she could feel the blood rush Gerold turned to her with an anger she had never seen before.

"Your mother almost had a miscarriage when she was pregnant with you.", he took a step back, his hands fisted behind his back. "I never wished more than now that she did.", Atera's face crossed as if somebody slapped her and her mouth opened in shock. "I would rather you perish before you are born than grow up to be the exact copy of your father."

"At least my father had a spine.", she took a step forward, eyes burning, turning red on the corners. "You lack of it.", she couldn't believe she was defending a man like Gerard Hightower, but he did deserve it. "If there is a true embarrassment to this family it is you, not me.", she took another step. "You are a joke that no one takes seriously. You do not have the power to send me away from the capital, you can try it but I swear that you will fail."

"Atera!", he roared to her face and her heart skipped a beat with fear. "Do not push your luck. Or I will hurt you greatly that you will learn what is right and what is wrong from the top."

"You can try.", she felt like she was going to cry but blinked and kept her strong face on. "But I regret nothing.", she shook her head. "And if we are going to talk about my father,", she took another step forward. "you are the last person to insult him. At least he would not stand by and watch as the king hit his wife.", she spat with great rage and Gerold physically took a few steps back, there was nothing in his face but pure shock. "You are an excuse of a man, an excuse of a knight. You should be embarrassed to even look at me, to even speak with Alerie, even touch Alysanne!", she roared just like he did -her voice got thicker as she yelled. "If Leyton would know it, he would denounce you with disgust.", she let out a humourless chuckle as a tear fell but she wiped it with her hand quickly. "You have no right to judge me.", she declared. "No right.", this time she whispered as her face broke down but she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, she was not going to cry here, not now."

"Atera-", he tried to say something but there were no thoughts in his head.

"If someone will leave the capital, it is you.", she declared. "And not me.", her voice cracked and lifting her skirts, she left the tower with hurried steps.


"Ah great,", Ashara sighed. "another sad face on the corner.", she walked towards her and teased her with her feet. "What is your problem?"

"Robert Baratheon has come to the capital finally, I had seen Myles and Richard.", Catelyn said with a pout, she was sitting on one of Elia's pillows.

"And?", she tried to understand why the presence of the Lord of Storm's End would bother her.

"His friend came with him as well.", she said in a gloomy way. "Eddard Stark."

"So Cat?", she rolled her eyes. "I do not understand you, you need to give me more details than this."

"I am betrothed to his brother, Brandon."

Ashara waited for her to continue but then rolled her eyes once more. "Did you want to be betrothed to him, I am not understanding it?"

"No, no.", she shook her head. "But my father knew about his visit here, and sent me a letter, telling me to befriend them."

"And,", she dragged the word as she narrowed her eyes in thoughtfulness and sat next to Catelyn. "you do not want to do this because...?"

"Starks are Northerners.", she never told these to anyone but trusted in Ashara. "I never crossed the Neck in my life. I don't know their lands, their people, their food, their Gods.", she tried to keep her composure, tried to recall all of her lessons but failed. "They are strangers to me. I never even saw Brandon Stark. And I did try to speak to his brother once but he is too distant, too stoic, too shy. He acted as if I was doing something strange. I do not want to feel like that again."

"Feel like what?"

"Like I am not enough.", she confessed it. "I will always be a stranger, an outsider to those people, I had seen it in his eyes in the short couple of minutes I interacted with him. This is the first time Starks are marrying someone who has a different religion -and not a Royce. They will never accept me."

"Then it will be their loss, not yours.", she tried to cheer her up but it was impossible.

"All my life, I was taught to be an obedient wife but I have ears, Ashara.", this was the first time she did not address her with her title. "I cannot help but fall in love with him but I also understand more and more that he never will so with me."

"What makes you say this?"

"They say he already has mistresses -in plural!"

"Most men have mistresses, it is only normal.", she didn't see the problem. "Even Arthur, my brother, had a paramour that we all wanted to choke the life out of her."

Catelyn shook her head. "These kinds of things might be normal for you but they are not so for me. I had a different family than yours, a different upbringing. I cannot live, knowing that my husband is cheating on me and that people will never like me. And what if my husband has a bastard? What if people would like to see him inheriting Winterfell instead of my children?"

"I think you are being paranoid.", she dismissed her fears. "If your stupid husband would dare so, just write a letter to Atera. I am sure that she will find a way to get rid of them all.", she snorted but Catelyn was not smiling.

"I don't want to get married.", she admitted. "But I have no other choice. Not even Atera can fix this."

"There is a solution for everything, do not worry.", she assured her. "We just need to think about it a little."


When she finally entered her room, there was no energy left in her body and she basically threw herself to the floor, tears started to fall down silently as she hugged herself, her body was shaking with her tears.

"I didn't want any of these.", she said while crying, she didn't need to look to know Alea was there, watching her with a soft expression. "I never had the right to choose, never. This is just life itself, sometimes, some people cannot find common ground even if they want.", she tried to take deep breaths. "Cersei and the king is one side, Elia and Rhaegar is another and I had to make a choice; a choice that they could not dare to make. It is not my fault that the rise of one side will be the doom of the others. It is not my fault."

"I know that.", she said with a tired voice and sat next to her, held her hand and made her lean to her shoulder.

"We must leave the capital.", not because Gerold said so but because it was the right choice. She could not live like this. With fear. "Pack your things up, we are returning back. I want my brother.", her voice cracked. Leyton would judge her, feel horrified even but at the end of the day, he would understand her, he would protect her. "I miss my home."

"Me too.", Atera's pain hurt her as well. "I missed it there too much as well."

"I hate this city, I hate its people, I hate everything about it and I am just done with all of them. They can suffer all they want, I refuse to be a part of it. I am sick of trying to guide them."

"You cannot control everyone. Sometimes other people get to make a choice as well and they made theirs very clear. There is no reason to upset yourself over it."

"I still have to marry him."

"It will not be an actual marriage, it is unnecessary of you to think about it.", she shook her head. "We will return back home and leave all these behind."


Sleep didn't find Rhaegar that night, he was too busy with thinking about everything but looking at Elia's peaceful face gave his mind a little peace. His wife was laying on the bed, sleeping dearly and Rhaegar was sitting next to her, caressing her hair as he watched her.

She first heard a baby's cry -it was what woke her up from her sleep. "Rhaenys?", she called, didn't know why but her cradle was empty. Frowning with fear, she left her bed immediately, her bare feet touched the cold floor, and she rushed to the door and opened it.

"Atera?", she asked with a frown. She was standing in front of the door, wearing a green gown, but she was looking terrible, her eyes were red from crying, and she looked so sad. "Where is my son?", she asked without thinking. She didn't know why she asked that.

"Why?", she asked. "Why did you betray me? What have I done to deserve it?"

Not understanding what is happening, she frowned firmly, the baby's crying was too loud for her to focus on anything else. When Atera kept looking at her with sorrow, she pushed her away and followed the noise. "Aegon!", she screamed as she descended on the stairs, she realized that she was in the capital, not in Dragonstone and there were candles, all burning brightly. And she could smell the smoke.

"Aegon where are you?", she screamed with panic, she didn't know why but was feeling a burden in her heart. When her eyes caught a glimpse of the window, she rushed towards there.

And saw Arthur bending the knee in front of Aerys. Both turned to look at her. "Arthur?", she asked with pain. "Why?", she could see the way blood dropped from Dawn. But she didn't get an answer from them as well, turned her back and rushed back to the stairs -hit something but didn't turn to look at it.

Winter roses fell to the ground.

When she finally reached the room she entered and saw her son in the arms of Cersei -she was smiling wickedly at her. "Cersei?", she frowned with disgust as her entire face fell. "No!", she screamed.

"No!", she was already breathing too fast as she basically jumped from the nightmare and Rhaegar was quick to hold her. "My son!", she pushed Rhaegar hand's away and tried to get rid of the blankets and stand up. "Where is my son?", she asked with a desperate tone. Rhaegar did try to help her but she didn't let her. "I want my son, where is he?", she asked once more, tears already falling to her face, when she finally manage to stand up, Rhaegar rushed to her side.

"Elia, calm down.", he waved his hand to Jonothor when he entered the room with worry. Elia was crying as she hugged herself. "You just had a bad dream, please calm down."

"No, no, no, no, no.", she shook her head as she barely managed to speak. "I want my children. I don't want to be away from them. They need to stay close to me."

"They are right here.", Ashara entered with a deep frown from the other room but Rhaegar sent her back as well. "Rhaenys is sleeping inside and Aegon is right here.", he approached her despite her taking a step back every time he took a step forward. And when her back finally touched the wall, Rhaegar acted quickly and pressed his hand on her belly. "Our son is right here, safe and sound. There is no danger, my love."

Elia's shoulders fell with tiredness as she started to cry loudly and threw herself into his arms and Rhaegar held her close with worry. "I want to leave.", she managed to say in between her cries. "I hate it here, I want to leave."

"We will, I promise.", he kissed her hair. "We will as soon as possible and I will never let anything harm you."


"My brother is ready to wage war against our uncle if it's necessary to protect his position as the Sealord.", the next morning, Jon was walking with Perseus. "His main goal is to make peace with you. They want you as his allies. He has half a mind to offer a marriage proposal to assure this event."

"Yes, we have been informed. Does he have a specific name in mind?", he sent him a look. "Except Hightower, of course."

Perseus chuckled at that. "He claims, to this day, that he is in love with the Lady Atera.", he shook his head. "He is exaggerating, for sure. But I believe it would work better if you propose a name than him. So we can find common ground. I do not want him to go through another heartbreak."

"Would you be interested in the Lady Ashara Dayne?", he could find a way to convince her later.

Perseus seemed surprised. "My brother would but I doubt the Lady Ashara would too. She doesn't like us. Another name, perhaps, would be better."

He couldn't think of another loyal lady with the right name. "As much as I understood, you need this peace more than us and you need it now.", there was no need to talk in riddles with Braavosi. "The king is reluctant but his opinion might change if he learns it is your uncle's plan with the heads of the Tirarchy to eliminate him and they had planned the incident of the queen's poisoning.", they needed a public enemy to shut down the rumours.

"I do not understand, Ser Jon.", he stopped walking. "What exactly it is that you want from me?"


"Your grace?", she stood up and curtsied. "I was not expecting you."

"I am told that you were here.", Aerys' eyes roamed around the library. "I ordered them to bring your food here."

"Pardon me, your grace, but I am not sure if I understand it right.", she frowned. "What do you mean?"

"You didn't seem well yesterday. You still do not look well right now. I have been telling you to rest for weeks now and you are refusing. At least eat properly."

"It is not necessary, I have no appetite."

"Nonsense.", he dismissed it. "I heard that you haven't been eating well in the past couple of days. Not only that but some nights you do not even allow them to bring you food. It is not the way of living.", he scolded her almost in a fatherly way. "If you enjoy here so much, join me for breakfast here."

"Your grace-"

"I do not allow it otherwise.", he smiled. "You need to be mindful of your health or you will fall ill this winter.", Atera didn't know what to say. She barely found it in herself to leave her room after everything that happened. And definitely had no appetite to eat, sleep, or do anything -she didn't even remember when was the last time she did either of them.

"As you wish, my king.", she bowed her head eventually, she was already walking on a fragile line, and there was no need to aggravate the people any further.


"What were you thinking?", not getting scolded by him, for sure, Alea thought but didn't say it out loud. "You had one duty, one purpose; to protect her."

"It is all I did for years, Ser."

"She never needed you to protect her from her enemies, she is very well capable of doing so on her own.", Gerold spat. "It is Leyton's duty, it is my duty, it is why we exist. Your job was to befriend her, keep her composed, make her happy, and protect her when the lines get blurred."


"Protect her from herself, I mean.", he shook his head. "Her biggest enemy has always been her, just like Jenica's was herself as well. You were supposed to stop her not help her and become complicit in such a plan. And while I do understand her, I do not understand you. How could you allow such a thing?"

"She is my friend, Ser.", she said in defeat. "She was going to do it either way, there is no stopping her once she decides on something. And in times like these, it is me who is left with the need of making a choice. I could either let her be and she probably would get caught and executed on the spot, or I could help her and protect her. I chose the latter."

"You should have alerted me."

"And you would do what? Send her to Oldtown after insulting and reviling her?", she asked with a scolding tone and Gerold's eyes got colder.

"I would have stopped her.", he declared. "If I knew, I would have stopped her."

"Then perhaps you should have taken care of your niece better and in that case you would know it."

"Alea!", he hissed. "You will answer Leyton as well. Be more respectful to him.", oh if he only knew. "It is good that she decided to leave herself. Or else I would have to force her.", Alea bit her tongue to not to say something cynical. "Do not forget it; Leyton will not know about it."

"Of course, Ser.", he would question it for sure but if all kept their mouth shut, they could see another day.


"I haven't seen you in the past two days, why?", Elia entered her room without announcing herself and Atera stood up and made a curtsy.

"Princess. I was not expecting you."

"No, because I was expecting you.", she pointed out. "As my lady, you should have been with me but you were not, why?", she demanded an answer and Atera blinked. She was not a stupid woman and there was no chance that Rhaegar didn't inform her, so she didn't understand the question.

"I have left your service, your grace, I am going to Oldtown.", she said nonchalantly.

"No, you did not.", Elia dismissed her. There was something different in her. "Because I did not allow you so. You are not leaving my service, and you are most definitely not going to Oldtown right now.", her dreams had meaning. She didn't know what it was always, but she was going to keep her close -even though she had seen the state she would fall into in her dream.

"My uncle told me-", she tried to use him but didn't work.

"Your uncle does not rule my household, I do.", she said with a frown. "And I say you stay here. You are not going to abandon the ship and left us all to deal with your mistakes. Not when everyone already suspects me. No, you will stay and keep serving and only when your betrothal contract is finalized you'll go to Oldtown with Oberyn and then return back to my service with Oberyn."

"Aren't you angry with me? Prince Rhaegar was fuming."

"You killed his unborn sibling so I think he is justified in his anger.", she sent her a look. "And I am angry at you, if you ever do such a thing I will make you pay for it but right now there are more important matters than our emotions. I will not let you put us all at risk and then disappear."


"Your majesty.", Perseus bowed to the king in front of the council. "It is an honour to meet you and be in your presence finally, I've been hoping for it for a long time now."

"Perseus Antaryon...", Aerys leaned on his back. "It makes me glad to meet with a seasoned warrior like you, despite your young age. Both your life and goods are under my protection as long as you stay in my kingdom. You will be taken good care of and will be our guest in the meantime.", he almost smiled. "Go and rest now, your journey was long. We'll talk afterwards."

"As you wish your grace but first please let me offer you my condolences for the queen's lost baby and then let me offer you an apologize."

"Apology?", he frowned. "Why?"

"You are aware of the rift between us and our uncle and I fear he took a step too far. His intention was to prevent this peace deal from happening and to find a solid reason to wage war on Westeros. I just heard about his plan or else I would have warned you previously."

"What is that plan you are talking about? Why haven't heard of it?", they all were surprised but Rhaegar cursed mentally to Jon, he shouldn't have let him deal with this.

"I fear the queen's sickness was not out of food poisoning but an actual one, your grace.", he bowed his head. "My uncle's men found a way to enter your court and poisoned Queen Cersei, hoping that she will lose her child and you will catch his assassins, and start a war."

"Are you sure of it?", he narrowed his eyes.

"I have no doubt of it, your grace. My most trusted men gave me this news and now peace is a must. So we can deal with him on our terms and send his head to you."


"Lady Atera,", he bowed his head with respect. "Prince Rhaegar asks for an audience."

"Now?", her marble face frowned. "The hour is quite late."

"He has asked for your presence immediately, my lady.", Myles said with uncertainty. "I do not know why."

Atera closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Very well then.", she knew he was not going to let it go away as if nothing has happened. "I need to get dressed first.", Myles nodded and left the room. "Alea.", she called.

After getting dressed -a pale green underdress with buttons on its front and a dark green embodiment-filled vest, she started to walk towards the prince's chambers. Myles and Finnan were following her behind. While both men were nervous, she walked with her head held high.

"It is not my place to warn you so but apologize, my lady.", Finnan said as they turned from the corner. Elia, Cersei and their ladies were staying at Maegor's Holdfast while Rhaegar's chambers were closer to the council room. "Beg for forgiveness. I am sure the prince would understand."

"I did nothing to apologize.", she answered firmly and neither dared to speak again as they walked closer to her doom.

When they finally entered his hall, she was aware of fast her heart was beating but her face gave nothing away and she walked to her calamity with serenity on her face. There were no kingsguards in front of his chambers, nor any household guards -a reasonable person would walk away but she did not, she did not come this far only to cower now.

"Stay outside.", they heard the prince's calm order and shared a look, a small tug of smile appeared and disappeared on her lips within the same second and she pushed the doors slowly and entered the room.

He was standing his back turned to her, hands tied just at his waist. She did not curtsy to him. And shortly after, Rhaegar turned to her, brows deeply lined with thought, there was something in his palm that he was playing while the other still rested at his back.

"Atera Hightower...", he said with a voice that gave away anything.

"You have something to say to me, your grace?"

"You have Cersei Lannister poisoned and caused to death of my half-sibling, who was as innocent as daylight, did not even have the chance to be born, to become someone."

"Yes.", she already admitted that.

"She is the queen of this realm and that baby was going to be born and become my brother or my sister."

"Half.", she said with delicacy. "He or she would become your half-sibling. A rival, an opponent. Who, despite your reaction now, you would bear no love for."

"In this point of view, you are Lord Hightower's half-sister. What do you think he will do once he finds out about it then? Send you away? Or something further, tell everyone that it was you?"

She was not going to take the bait. "I don't know your grace, what do you think he will?", take a step forward. "Be an obstacle on your path to convince the Reacher Lords to side with you? Or something further, tell the king that you are plotting against him?"

Rhaegar snorted without humour. "You are bluffing."

"Of course I am.", she rolled her eyes. "Just like you do as well. Leyton will stay out of this, as we both know. He might suspect it, he might question it, but he'll do nothing for it. Just like you will not either."

"If you only told me that you wanted me to confess that I will bore no love or likeness for that baby, regardless of its gender, I would have told you so. You didn't need to take away its right to live for me to admit that I am a bad person."

He was not sure if Atera was a good person or not, she could be a decent one or perhaps she was the monster she was pretending to be, or perhaps there laid the opportunity to be a great woman in her path but at the end of the day, she was just a human, as they all were. She was kind to her own kind, loyal to her friends but cruel to her enemies. She grew up under the shadow of her father, how on earth Rhaegar allowed himself to forget it? He met the man, shivering with fear in front of him. Atera was a better person than him; he allegedly murdered his first wife, executed the second, sent his own son to exile, burnt down thirteen villages and ordered salt to be sewn on soil, sşaughtered people just for disagreeing with him. She was better, or perhaps she should have been better. He was not sure anymore.

"I didn't do it for that. Or to get some thanks, gratitude or praise. I always knew in return for this, all I would get would be punishment."

"Then why did you do it?", he pressed once more.

"I did what I had to do.", she dismissed it. "I did what neither of you dared to do."

"I do understand that you do not like Cersei, and never did. This much was obvious even years ago when I was not even betrothed to Elia and I am aware that you kept having your own personal animosity towards her but your true enemy was and still is Tywin Lannister, not that child.", he grimaced with anger. "What that poor baby did to you?"

"Hard cases make bad laws.", she stated and Rhaegar closed his eyes to calm himself down, he was not trying to argue. "You know the history of your house perhaps better than I do. Why can't you just accept the truth as it was and try to find some other excuse to relieve yourself?", she tilted her head. "If you want me to say I did this because I do not like Cersei and it was a personal vendetta and had nothing to do with you; you have to wait for an eternity. I did it to protect your claim and your wife and your child -something you couldn't do so yourself."

Rhaenyra hated Aegon the moment he was born, was jealous and envious, hated his mother as well, saw herself as the first lady of the court and the realm and couldn't comprehend the fact that she was not. She created her own enemies, if she would have the guts to kill Aegon or the rest in their mother's womb, there would be no Dance.

Though, Daemon was not an enemy to Daeron until Aegon closed his eyes to this earth. He became corrupted much later and in all those years, he had been a true brother to his king, and an ally he could trust. Daeron couldn't know what would have become of him but if he had Aemon acted quickly and gotten rid of him -perhaps not as early as he was in the womb, but when Aegon gave Blackfyre to him, the realm would not bleed for generations to come.

And perhaps, Atera truly did a favour but did the end justify the means?

"If this gets out-"

"It will not.", she interrupted him. "My uncle had all the rights to do so but he did not."

"Your uncle is one man. Do you think Tywin Lannister will keep his silence? First, he got fired, then he got insulted over and over again, his entire wealth taken from him and now his daughter almost died. Don't you fear his wrath?"

It was obvious she didn't think of it and he cursed internally to her blindness. "Tywin Lannister is one man -and not a smart one. I won over enemies wiser than him."

"If this gets out,", he took a step forward. "it shall not be you who people will blame.", he wanted her to see. "You will lose your head for it, that much of it is true but people will not look at this and see the stubborn and prideful Atera Hightower as the culprit, the niece of the Lord Commander. Instead, people will pity you, sing songs on your memory and blame the next best person for the incident and for your corruption.", when she frowned he pressed. "Elia."

"She has nothing to do with this.", she hissed.

"I know that!", he spat. "I am aware that many people around me are capable of murder when their family is threatened but neither I nor Elia are that bloodthirsty to eliminate a child with her unborn baby inside her."

"Are you going to repeat that over and over, hoping that it will, I don't know, open something in me and fill me with regret?", she asked tensely. "Because it will not."

"Are you even aware of the position you put both me and Elia in? You say you did so to protect us. What kind of protection is this? You put us all on the front lines.", he shook his head. "You think you are so smart, and you are but you are not a God. You are not perfect, you are human, you make mistakes. Why is it that hard for you to admit that? Why can't you say you haven't thought of the danger you put us all in? Your own family included.", she tilted her head in confusion. "It was Tywin who funded the Brotherhood.", he understood right here and there that she was clueless about it. "And Gerold got injured. People will think you did so to avenge him as well -he is the Lord Commander. Don't you think he'll also meet with my father's wrath?"

"Trust me, your grace, your worries are just worries and no one will ever find out the truth."

"I did try to trust you and here we are.", he spat.

"Is this the moment you are going to tell me why you dislike me so much?", she asked with expectance. "Something happened in Oldtown and you do not like me any longer, you stopped trying to trust me a long time ago. This incident is just the excuse you find. So tell me, Rhaegar, what have I done?"

"You think you are so smart.", he shook his head with a pained smile on his face, he exhaled and turned to her, with anger and mockery. "You thought I will never find out about you and Arthur?", he tilted his head as the ground almost fell underneath her feet. "Do you take me as a fool?"

"I don't know what you think you know but-", she tried to deny it, breathing getting slower.

"Don't.", he raised the hand that was resting at his back. "Don't even dare to deny what my eyes had seen, what my ears had heard. I was aware of everything ever since it started and I waited endlessly for this farce to be over. But you went too far.", Atera closed her eyes, she had no arguments about it. "Elia is my wife and Arhtur is my best friend, both mean the world to me and your existence is a direct threat to both of their well-being and I cannot stand back and watch you ruin them both.", he approached her and stopped when he was close enough, raised his hand between them and opened his palm.

The glass bottle with a colourless, shiny liquid in it.

"You know what you must do, right? You see it now?", he asked with a low tone, his face erased of emotions. "You claim to be loyal, you claim to do this for us if so, there is only one thing you can do now. Drink this.", his voice was almost gentle and Atera raised her blue eyes to his indigo ones in disbelief.


"I am not a cruel person like you. It will not hurt, you'll die in peace and the right words will be sent to your brother.", there were tears in her eyes but she was trying not to cry. "The choice is yours, you can walk out of here, unharmed and I'll make sure you'll die every single day from now on and you can choose to end it all right here, right now, die only once."

She closed her eyes as she felt like she was going to faint, her heart was beating fast with fear. A few moons ago, she was playing roulette with poison herself, wanting to die but on her terms, not like this.

Yet, she was not going to back down.

"I thought,", she took a deep breath, her blue eyes were shining and were red on the corners, there was a lump in her throat but she was trying not to cry, still. "you wanted to create a different world."

"In order to build the new one,", he reached to her hand and opened it gently. "first I must destroy the old one.", he smiled at her, placed the bottle in her palm and closed her hand. "You told me that."

"And you are now punishing me for it.", her voice cracked and her throat went dry.

"There is nothing in this world,", his voice was barely louder than a whisper. "that I wouldn't do for the sake of my family. I think you and I understand each other in this matter, no?", he tilted his head and waited.

Seconds, minutes, days, weeks, moons and years have passed; Atera was not able to think of anything. Just the heartbreak she felt, the anger raised in her veins, with a swift move, and a deep breath, she drank it all under Rhaegar's raised eyebrows.

Her vision blurred in the second and the bottle fell to the ground, with a quick move, Rhaegar wrapped one hand around her waist and with the other held her arm to steady her. "You think you are different than me.", she was hyperventilating and let out a small scream with the pain she thought she felt. "But you are not.", he was listening to her with raised eyebrows. "You are just like me, worse even. You are a hypocrite.", her eyes rolled behind her back and Rhaegar's hold on her got tightened, she had to stop for a few seconds, her hands were tingling. "I-", she closed her eyes and swallowed. "I regret nothing.", she managed to say, he barely understood her and bend her knee as her body completely fell to the ground to hold her.

Her palm opened and the poison bottle fell to the ground as the world got dark around her.

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