Start Over

By y2kstalli

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Megan and Beyoncé's relationship is becoming distant due to their busy schedules. Will they be able to rekind... More



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By y2kstalli

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July 12th, Wednesday 2023
Megan Knowles
10:00 am

"So why do you think you have issues being faithful?" My therapist asks me

I've been seeing my therapist for a few weeks and honestly it's very nice to have one. I've never thought about getting a therapist until Beyoncé told me to get one. I just want to make things right again. Alecia, My therapist keeps me in check and she doesn't let me avoid accountability, she'll make sure I know I fucked up.

"I don't know. I love my much. She has my entire heart and soul. I guess I just didn't realize how much I needed her until I lost her. What I did to Bey was so disgusting and I honestly don't know why I did it." I reply

"How did the affair even start?" She questions while fiddling with her pen

"Well Beyoncé and I had a threesome with her friend, and a few months later I got extremely drunk and high at a party. She kissed me and I stupidly kissed her back.." I explain

"Do you think you have abandonment issues?" She bluntly asks

"Hmm? What does that have to do with anything?" I ask in a confused tone

"It's just a yes or no answer Megan.." she says

"I mean like..when I was really young both of my parents passed away, so like I guess I did feel really abandoned." I reply to her

"Hmm how old were you when they passed if you don't mind me asking." She says

"When my father passed away I was 13, and 17 when my mom passed." I reply

"When did you meet Beyoncé?" She asks

"I'm 1997, when I was 16." I respond

"She was there for you when your mom passed away?" She replies

"One thousand percent. She was the one who kept me alive. I wanted to kill myself a long ass time but whenever I would look at Bey it gave me a reason to live." I tell her

"And to be honest sometimes I still want to end it all. But Bey and my children give me a reason to be alive. I don't know how I could hurt her like that when she mad me feel alive again." I whisper the end of my sentence as I feel a tear fall from my eyes but I quickly wipe it away

"Have you talked to Beyoncé since the night she found out?" She questions

"We've talked but never about our relationship. Since we co-parent we only talk about our children. I haven't seen her in so long, I'm taking the twins to her show in Philly so I'm going to see her there." I reply

"Should I try to talk to her about it?" I ask her

"I think you should talk to her about it but don't bullshit her. Keep it one hundred with her, tell her everything that you've done. If you want her to trust you again you have to earn that trust." She replies

"I lied to her. I broke her trust and it's crushing me inside because I should've been honest. I shouldn't have kissed Kelly, fuck if I could go back in time I would've never done this stupid shit." I whisper

"Well you can't go back in time and you did what you did because you wanted to. The thing is you didn't think about anybody but yourself at that time and it's very obvious that you regret it. I think Beyoncé knows you regret it however you're not showing her that you regret it. Actions speak louder than words and right now your actions are quiet as hell." She says bluntly

"You are starting somewhere though, you decided to start therapy like she asked. But you need to do this because you want to not because she asked you to." She adds on

I sigh loudly then I nod whilst slouching in the chair.

"You're right. I need to show her that I'm sorry. I need to show her that I'm committed to her and only her." I reply

"Also I'm doing this for everyone. I'm going to therapy for my kids, for Bey and more importantly for myself. I need to heal myself so I can be the best mother, and wife." I add on

"That's right." She agrees

"I made a mistake and.." I was about to speak but she quickly cuts me off

"You have to stop calling it a mistake. You cheated 3 times, a mistake is something you do and never do again. It wasn't a mistake, you knew what you were doing and you knew it was bad but you didn't care because you were selfish." She explains

"And you cannot be selfish when it comes to your wife and children." She adds on

"You're right. I was selfish, I didn't care who I hurt because I was only thinking about myself. Sex has always been a thing that helped me forget about my problems and that's not healthy." I respond

"Do your children know?" She asks

"No. The twins are so young that they don't understand the concept of infidelity. Blue is on tour with Bey and I don't she's told her anything about it because Blue hasn't talked to me about it. They see me as their superhero especially Blue, I couldn't imagine her finding out I hurt her mom in that way. I don't think she would ever forgive me." I explain to her

"What if you guys get a divorce?" She questions making me curl up my face in disgust

"I don't want to think about that.." I trail off

"I did a lot of bullshit to hurt her and I want to make it all right. Her divorcing me would kill me. I don't think I can live without her and I know that sounds fucking stupid because I'm the one who was unfaithful." I add on

"If she does want a divorce you have to understand why." She says while writing

"Yeah.." I trail off as I look down at my feet

3:30 pm

I hold Sir in my arms while putting a blanket over his face. I take Rumi's hand as we walk down the stairs of our jet. Once our feet touch the ground, cameras immediately begin to flash.

"Move!" Rumi squeals as she walks through the crowd of people

I chuckle softly as I rest my hand on her back to make sure she's still in arms length of me. Rumi adjusts her sunglasses while she holds her backpack on her shoulder.

"Is that Sir? Hi Sir!" I hear one of the paparazzi exclaims

I watch as Sir moves his tiny hand from underneath the blanket and he waves at them. The crowd of paparazzi begins to "aww" and the cameras begin to flash more than before. I chuckle softly as I continue to walk forward.

"Megan where is Beyoncé?"

"Megan there is a rumor that you and Beyoncé have went your separate ways, is this true?"

I sigh softly as I open the car door for Rumi letting her get inside first then I slowly put Sir inside making sure his face is completely covered. He hates the flashing from the cameras so he prefers to have a blanket on his face. I quickly get inside behind them then I slam the car door shut.

After a few minutes of my bodyguard putting our suitcases in the trunk, the car finally drives off.

"Are you excited to see mommy, my loves?" I ask them

"Yes! I miss mommy so much." Sir exclaims

"Me too!" Rumi agrees and I nod in response

"I miss mommy too." I respond as I lean my head against the window

4:15 pm

I put Sir's cross bag around my shoulder as we slowly walk into the venue. I show the security at the door my badge and they immediately let us through. Once we get inside I see Beyoncé on the stage standing next to Blue with a microphone in her hand.

"Mommy!" Sir screams then he begins to run full speed towards her

I watch as Beyonce's eyes light up once she hears his voice. She hops off the stage and she kneels down on the ground waiting for him to run into her arms. He literally tackles her almost making her fall, I hear her let out a soft groan as she hugs him tightly.

Rumi places her pink Chanel purse down then she places her sunglasses down next to them. She begins to walk towards Beyoncé.

"Hi mommy." Rumi says happily then she hugs her tightly as Sir continues to cling onto her

"Hi my beautiful angels." She mutters as she kisses all over their face

I watch as Blue looks up from her phone and she stares at me. A wide smile forms on her face once she sees me, she puts her phone in her pocket then she runs down the stairs that's connected to the stage. She jumps off the last step then she sprints towards me before tackling me with the tightest hug ever.

"Hi princess." I whisper as I run my hand through the ends of her braids

"I missed you mama." She mutters

"I missed you so much more." I respond then I lean down and I kiss her forehead softly

She looks taller than normal. I pull away for a second as I softly rest my hands on her shoulder so I can get a better look at her. She's wearing a camouflage outfit and matching camouflage heels.

"You're wearing heels, I was wondering why you looked taller than normal." I say while laughing softly

"Yeah I wanted to dance in heels for this performance." She replies

"Do I look okay?" She questions

"You look beautiful." I confirm making her smile slightly

"Thank you mama." She says while looking down at her outfit before doing a little twirl

"Of course." I respond

"Blue, can you take your siblings backstage?" Beyoncé calls out

"Okay mommy." She replies

Blue gives me one more hug then she walks towards the twins. She says something to them before taking their hand and they begin to walk backstage.

"This um..Sir's bag." I tell Beyoncé then I place it on the edge of the stage next to Rumi's purse

"Okay.." she whispers while looking down

"Look can we talk?" I ask

"Later." She replies

"After my show. I don't want to kill my vibe." She adds on

"Alright." I whisper

"Is his inhaler in here?" Beyoncé changes the subject before grabbing his cross bag

"Yeah it's in there." I reply

"What about his epipen?" She asks while opening the bag

"It's in there as well." I respond

"Okay." She responds as she looks in the bag before placing it back down on the edge of the stage

"I'm glad you brought Sir and RuRu I missed my babies so much." She whispers

"I know you did. I missed you and Blue so much." I tell her

She looks down and she slyly covers her face but I can see a little smile on her face but she quickly rolls her eyes and goes back to her neutral expression.

"Alright." She replies coldly

"Seriously, I missed you." I say softly

She sways side to side while nodding.

"I know you have." She responds

"You miss me?" I ask

"You know I have..I just can't, not right now." She tells me before looking down at her feet

"I understand." I respond as I stare at her

She's so perfect I can't help but stare at her. She's so small to me I think it's so adorable, I've always wondered how so much power can come out of her little body. Everything about her is so beautiful, it's deeper than her physical appearance. No matter what she's going through her personality will always be so bright and bubbly. She's the sweetest angel I know, I would do anything for her. I'd drop to my knees in front of hundreds of thousands of people and beg for her forgiveness if she told me to.

"I love you okay?" I add on

"Okay." She replies timidly but her voice breaks

"I'll talk to you after the show. You better not waste my time Megan." She says seriously

"Never." I reply

"Alright well, I have some free time until my show. I'm going backstage with our kids. You can come if you want, I don't care." She tells me before grabbing the kid's bags and turning around to walk backstage.

I sigh softly as I watch her walk away. I really fucked up this time but I want to make it right. I adjust the strap on my purse then I follow after her.

Once we go backstage Beyoncé plops down on the little sofa next to Sir. I smile softly ad I close the door behind me. I lean against the wall and I watch Bey interact with our children.

"Oh shit. Blue I got you a gift." I tell her

Blue head immediately perks once she hears the word "gift" She gets up from the sofa that she was previously sitting on and she walks toward me with a smile on her face.

"What'd you get me?" She asks

"So I know how you were super excited for that new SpiderMan game to come out.." I reply

"And you know I got that deal with Sony so they gave me a copy early." I explain as I go into my large black Telfar bag

She smiles widely as she listens to me talk. I grab the video game and I take it out of my bag then I hand it to her. She gasps loudly then she hugs tightly.

"No way! Thank you mama!" She squeals while jumping up and down

"Of course baby." I reply then I kiss her forehead

"But don't post it on social media Sony would kill me." I add on making her laugh

"Yes ma'am." She says before playfully saluting me

"I'm gonna put it in." She tells me as she walks towards her bag

"Okay." I respond

She kneels down in front of her large silver Balenciaga duffel bag and she takes her PlayStation 5 out of it. She literally never goes anywhere without it, where she goes her PlayStation and controller goes. She connects the PlayStation to the TV then she puts the game in.

"What did you get me!" Sir sassily asks me while resting his hand on his hip

"Boy I just got you that car." I tell him making him giggle

I got Sir a remote control car that he can ride inside of its pretty cool because it plays music and it drives like a real car. Whenever I buy my child something I make sure to buy all of them something because I don't want one to feel left out.

"Ohhh I forgot about that!" He says playfully before sitting back down next to Bey

9:45 pm

The sound of "Formation" plays through the speakers backstage as I fix Blue's hair.

"Do I look okay mama?" She asks me as she puts lipgloss on

"You look beautiful princess." I reply

"Wait take a picture of me!" She exclaims then she hands me her digital camera

I chuckle softly as she leans against the railing on the stairs then she puts up a peace sign while scrunching up her nose.

"You look adorable baby." I say then I take the picture

"Thank you mama." She replies then she quickly runs back towards me

She looks at the picture and she smiles widely.

"I like it, thanks mama." She says sweetly before giving me two thumbs up

"Of course baby." I respond

"Can you tell mom to upload this on her website? I want everyone to see how cool I look." She tells me

"Of course." I reply then I kiss her forehead

I smile widely as I look at the picture of her.

My daughter is so adorable she looks so much like her mom its insane. She's growing up so fast and I hate it because she's making me feel old as hell. Beyoncé's song "Diva" begins to play and Blue quickly walks over to the bucket where her ear pieces is.

"Mama can you put the mic pack on me?" She asks

"Of course." I reply

I grab the mic pack and I lift her shirt up slightly so I can put it on her pants. I quickly attach it to her pants making sure it's secure then I pull her shirt down so it's covering the mic pack.

"Thanks mama." She says as she puts her ear pieces in

As I watch her put her ear pieces in it really hits me that she's literally becoming a star. She knows what she's doing and she's doing it well. I'm glad we can give our children these opportunities to do what they love. Blue has been begging Bey and I to let her perform with us since she was 7 so I'm really happy she's getting the opportunity to do it now, and she actually enjoys it.

"You're such a superstar. I'm so proud of you." I tell her

"I'm glad I can make you guys proud, thank you." She rasps out

"Go kill 'em baby." I say before fist bumping her

"Always." She replies before giving me a smile

"My power" begins to play and Blue steps on the trap door as it begins to rise. She blows me a kiss before putting her fist up then she's fully out of my sight. I quickly exit backstage and I walk through the crowd of people. I want to be able to watch my girls perform, I finally make it to my spot. I stand next to mama Tina who's standing behind Rumi. Rumi is standing on a chair so she can get a better view of the show.

I feel Mama Tina eyeing me with a mean mug on her face. I divert all my attention back to Blue who's strutting down the stairs to Kendrick Lamar's song. Blue is such a hard worker like Beyoncé, she'll continue to practice until she perfects her craft. I watch as Beyoncé comes out on the tank while Blue marches towards the crowd. Even Blue's facial expressions are on point she was truly born for this, I'm so proud of my daughter.

After the song ends Blue holds up her fist while wiping the sweat away from her upper lip. I mimic her action by holding my fist up as well and Rumi does the same. All I can hear is the crowd chanting Blue's name.

Blue slowly puts her fist down then she takes out her ear pieces so she can hear the crowd more. I watch as she gasps at the sound of her name being screamed so loud. She rests both of her hands over her chest then she forms a little heart with her hand.

"Thank you." Blue mouths to the crowd while swaying side to side as she continues to form a heart with her hand

Bey is beaming down at her with a prideful smile. I watch as a tear falls from Bey's eye but she quickly pats it away. Blue giggles softly before blowing them a kissing and putting up two peace signs then she walks away.

Beyoncé laughs softly then she looks down at Blue as she walks away.

"Please give it up for the amazing Blue Ivy Knowles." She says into the microphone before blowing Blue a kiss

July 13th, Thursday 2023
12:30 am

"Okay what do you want to talk about?" Beyoncé asks as she locks the dressing room door

"I want to talk about us." I reply

"What about us?" Bey replies as she takes off her heels then crosses her arms and sways side to side

I take a deep breath as I stare at her. The way she's standing I can tell she's trying to comfort herself to keep herself from crying and that makes me so sad.

"I'm so sorry. I fucked up, I was so fucking selfish and I didn't think about how my actions would affect you and our children. I hurt you and I'll never forgive myself for that. You're my world, you make me feel so happy and loved like nobody else has ever made me feel. I want to be able to make you feel that way, I don't want to hurt you. I hate myself for hurting you." I explain

"I.." she stammers

"I've been talking to my therapist and I'm really trying to figure myself out, I don't want to hurt you. I'm not saying forgive me and get back with me immediately, I just want you to know how much I love you and how sorry I am." I add on

"You've been seeing a therapist? How has that been going?" She questions

"It's been going great. I've been learning how to take accountability for the horrible shit I've done to you. I was making excuses by saying it was a mistake, in reality it wasn't I was just being selfish and only thinking about myself." I respond

"Why?" She asks

"Why what?" I question

"Why did you do it?" She replies

"I have a problem. Whenever I get a little depressed I try to cope with sex were gone and Kelly was there. I was thinking about you, I was being a selfish asshole who didn't think of nobody but themselves." I explain

"Okay." She mutters while crossing her arms

"How many times?" She rasps out

"Bey.." I was about to speak but she interrupts me

"If you want me back I need you to be one thousand percent honest with me." She cuts me off

"We had sex three times." I whisper

"In our bed?" She asks

"Once.." I reply

She presses her lips together while nodding. I watch as a tear falls from her eyes and onto her grey shirt.

"I'm sorry." I rasp out

"Mhm.." she replies while swaying side to side before wiping away her tear

"Do you love me?" She asks

"More than life itself. My heart belongs to you Bey." I explain

"Have you been fucking anybody else while I was gone?" She questions

"No, absolutely not." I respond quick as hell

I cannot sleep with anybody else but Beyoncé. My heart hurts knowing how bad I hurt her and I want to make things right.

"Is my body to you?" She asks

"What? Of course you are sexy to me. Shit you're sexy to everyone. I know this may sound cliché and corny as fuck but it's not you, it's me. I am fucking dumb and I didn't appreciate you enough." I respond

"It hurts so bad.." she tells me

"I know, I'm so.. sorry." I reply before wiping my eyes so she can't see me crying this is about me apologizing to her, it's not about me so I need to hold it together

"I don't even know what to say." She replies

"Can you at least take your ring back?" I ask as I go into my pocket and I pull the ring out

She looks at my hand then she sighs softly.

"I hate how much I love your stupid selfish ass." She sniffles before taking the ring out of my hand and placing it on the desk

"Can I have a kiss?" I ask her

She immediately mean mugs me.

"Don't fucking push it." She replies

"Okay." I respond

"Listen. I'll think about everything. But for now make sure you have everything because we're about to leave for Nashville." She tells me

"You want me to come with you?" I ask

"For our children's sake." She replies

"Okay." I reply

I'm just happy that I have the privilege to be able to see her again. What I did was so fucked up and I want to prove to her that I'm so sorry.

"Can I get a hug?" I ask

She bites her lip then she slightly nods while looking down. I open my arms and she slowly walks inside them. Once I hug her she begins to cry loudly.

"I hate you so much." She cries as she continues to hug me

"I treat so good, why would you do this to me.." she whispers

"I'm sorry." I mutter as I rest my chin on the top of her head

"I love you so much, I hate myself for hurting you." I add on

She doesn't say anything she just continues to hug me tightly whilst crying. The noise of her crying fills the room, I sigh softly while resting my hand on the back of her head.

11:30 am

I lean back in the chair while crossing my legs with my microphone in my hand.

"We have the hiphop legend Megan Thee Stallion in the building." The female interviewer says

"Hello." I say sweetly into the microphone

"How are you Megan?" Her male co-host asks

"I am amazing. I just landed here a few hours ago, I have gotten a lot of sleep but I feel amazing." I say softly

"Where were you previously?" She asks

"I was in Philadelphia." I respond

"For Beyoncé's concert right?" She asks

"Yup. My wife had a concert there yesterday." I tell her

"Your daughter, Blue Ivy performed yesterday in heels!" She says happily

"Yes she did! I'm so proud of my little girl." I respond with a smile on my face

"She's so tall, she's almost taller than Beyoncé." The lady tells me

Girl I know I live with her

"Yes, Blue is 5'4 and Bey is 5'6" I explain

"Are they with you right now?" She asks me

"Beyoncé is at the hotel with our twins but my daughter, Blue is here." I say softly

I hear a loud shuffling noise so I turn around to see Blue poking her head out the door with a playful smile on her face. I laugh softly then I wave at her and she waves back before moving away from the door.

"There she is." I add on

I hear Blue's loud infectious laugh coming from the doorway making me smile widely.

"She's so sweet." I say as I turn back around

"She looks so much like Beyoncé." The interviewer says

"She does." I agree

"So you have a free day here, what are you going to do?" The cohost asks

"Hmm I don't know, what do you think I should do?" I reply sweetly

"I heard you and Beyoncé love museums so I think that would be fun." She replies

"Good idea, thanks." I respond

"What about your twins, Sir and Rumi?" The co-host questions

"Mm what about them?" I ask as I adjust my headphones

"Blue is into dancing, what are the twins into?" He asks

"Umm, Sir is very big on clothes and fashion, Rumi loves to paint and she also likes to dance as well. I love watching my babies thrive." I reply

"The house is just filled with talent huh?" She asks

"You said it not me." I joke making everyone laugh

"So you have a movie coming out!" She exclaims

"Yes I do!" I reply matching her energy

"The movie is about these group of female teachers, they don't get paid a lot so they plan a bank heist. It's a very good movie and it's out in theaters on July 25th!" I say happily

"We know how great of an actress you are so I cannot wait to see it!" She says and her cohost agrees

"Thank you guys so much." I say sweetly

"So onto the topic of money." The cohost says

I playfully squeal then I cover my face while resting my elbows on the table. I cover my face while laughing softly. I hate talking about money because I don't like being perceived as a entitled rich asshole. I hear their laughs echo through the room.

"Okay what about money?" I ask

"What's the most expensive thing you've ever purchased because a few months ago we read you and Beyoncé purchased a 250 million dollar house." He replies making me laugh

"The most expensive thing I've purchased is my house." I respond while adjusting my chain

I hear slight footsteps coming close to me. I raise my eyebrow then I turn around to see Blue walking towards me. The sound of her sneakers squeaking and her butterfly diamond chain hitting against her other necklace makes a lot of noise as she walks.

"Sorry one second." I tell them then I push the microphone away from my mouth so they won't hear me

Blue moves my headphone out of the way then she leans down to my ear.

"I got my period and I forgot my stuff" She whispers in my ear

"Shit um..go tell Mila and ask her to pick some up from the store, but I have a pad in my purse you can get it." I tell her

She nods as she pushes her braids out of her face before giving everyone an awkward smile.

"Sorry you guys." Blue says before awkwardly waving then walking away

I chuckle softly then I turn my attention back to the interviewers.

1:45 pm

I knock on Beyoncé's hotel room and after a few seconds the door finally opens.

"Hey." Beyoncé whispers before opening the door wider for me to walk inside

"Hey Bey, I got you some food because I know you didn't eat anything today." I respond as I walk inside

"Thank you." She replies in a soft tone while closing the door behind us

"Of course." I reply before placing the food on the counter

"What is it?" She asks

"It's just a burger and Cajun fries." I tell her

She lets out an adorable gasp then she walks towards the counter.

"You got me Cajun fries?" She asks me in a cute tone

"Yeah." I say while laughing softly

"Thank you." She responds while taking the food out of the bag

"I also got you some flowers." I reply then I place the orchids next to her

"What do you want?" She asks me with a slight mean meg written across her face

"I don't want anything I just want to see you smile. I've made you cry so much and I want to make you happy." I explain

"Okay..well thank you." She hesitantly says before putting the flowers in her vase

"Can I have a hug?" I ask while opening my arms

She stares at me like she's debating on if she wants to hug me or not.

"Yes." She whispers before slowly walking into them

"I missed you so much, you know?" I say as I rest my chin on the top of her head

"I know." She mutters

"I love you with all my heart." I tell her

"I know" she repeats herself before letting go of me

"I'm going to watch a movie." She tells me as she takes the tray of food into the bedroom

"Okay.." I trail off as I stand around awkwardly

After a few seconds she comes back out and she looks me up and down. She stares at me for a second I guess debating on what to say to me.

"You can come too if you want.." she whispers before going back into her bedroom

"Okay." I reply then I take my shoes off and I put it at the side

I walk into the bedroom then I close the door behind me. She's sitting on the bed in an adorable Pikachu onesie while scrolling through Netflix. I bite my lip then I walk to the other side of the bed. I sit down next to her and I rest my head on the pillow next to hers. She doesn't say anything she just lays her head on my shoulder while resting her head on my shoulder.

I take a deep breath as I look down at her beautiful bare face. She's so perfect I just want to kiss all over her but I know I can't do that.

"Stop staring at me." She says with a straight face as she continues to look at the TV

"Sorry." I whisper then I divert my attention back to the TV

After a few minutes I feel something wet hit my shirt and I look down to see that Bey is crying. I sigh softly then I pull away while frowning up my face.

"Are you okay?" I ask before wiping away her tears with my thumb

"I don't know.. I don't know why I'm crying right now." She mutters as she continues to softly cry

"I just missed you a lot and I hate myself for missing you. You hurt me so fucking bad but I somehow still love you and miss you." She adds on

I continue to wipe away her tears while I wipe away her tears. Her lip begins to quiver as she looks up at me, I feel like the worse person on earth right now. I can't believe I put her through this type of pain.

"Do you want me to leave?" I hesitantly ask

"No." She replies quickly

"Come here." I tell her as I open my arms so she can lay in my arms

She hesitantly nods then she lays in my arms. I wipe away the remainder of her tears and she gives me a weak smile.

"I love you." I whisper while resting my chin on top of her head

"Okay.." she mutters

"Can I ask you something?" She says before pausing the movie

"Anything." I respond

"Have you talked to Kelly since that day?" She asks me

"No, I haven't." I reply quickly

"I don't know if I can trust you." She whispers

"I haven't talked to her since then, I swear to god." I say honestly

"Okay.." she responds

"Do you want a fry?" She changes the subject as she picks a Cajun fry up and puts it to my mouth

"Mhm." I reply before eating it out of her hand

She smiles slightly before looking back down at her food.

"Good?" She asks

"I definitely was in my bag when I chose those fries." I reply making her chuckle softly

"Shut up." She replies then she unpauses the movie

After a few minutes of watching the movie I begin to hear soft snores. I look down to see that Beyoncé is peacefully sleeping on my chest. I sigh softly as I run my hands through her blond wavy hair.

"I love you." I whisper before kissing her forehead

I feel her shuffle around underneath me. I wrap my arm around her waist while pulling the comforter over us. I sigh softly then I close my eyes.

4:45 pm

I slowly open my eyes then I look down to see Bey laying on my chest while watching TV.

"Hey." I rasp out

"Hey.." she whispers

"Blue, and Rumi are on their way back." Bey tells me

"What about Sir?" I ask

"He's going to the movies to watch Spider-Man with Zion." She replies

"Zion is in Nashville?" I ask

"Yeah he's going to my show." She responds while sitting up

"Nooo come back" I whine

"We can't do this Megan." She replies while staring at me as she nibbles at her bottom lip

"I just want to cuddle." I whisper

"You be cuddling with other bitches?" She asks me before laying back down in my arms

I suck my teeth then I shake my head.

"I don't wanna cuddle with anyone but you." I reply

"That's how it better be." She replies

"What about you, you been with other people?" I ask her

"The nerve of you." She says before letting out a bitter chuckle

"But no, I haven't been fucking other people. I can't bring myself to be underneath anyone but you." She replies

She grips my face roughly making me groan softly. She tilts my face over and I give her a confused look.

"You still have that bruise from when I threw my ring at you." She says as she observes my face

"Yeah it hurt like a bitch, but I deserved it." I reply

"You did deserve it." She tells me while she continues to stare at my face

"What? Am I pretty or something?" I playfully ask

"Something like that." She replies then she mushes my face

"Can I have a kiss?" I ask

She sighs softly

"You don't have to..I just..miss you so much." I whisper

"I don't want you to break my heart again.." she mutters

"I love you so much it makes me fucking sick." She tells me before leaning down hovering her lips over mine

"I'm sorry..I love you." I say lowly

"I hate you for doing this to me." She says softly before pressing her lips against mine

Her lips are so soft and thick. I slowly slip my tongue in her mouth making her moan softly. I've missed her body so much, her warm touch, her beautiful hazel eyes and juicy lips.

"I've missed you." I whisper between kisses

Her hand slowly trails to my shirt but I slightly move away. She looks up at me with a confused expression.

"Did I do something wrong?" She asks me

"No..but you're upset and I don't want to take advantage of you. You don't trust me and I don't want to have sex if you cannot trust me." I explain to her

"You don't wanna have sex with me?" She questions

"What? Of course I do..but I can't.. I know how you feel right now and I'll feel shitty for taking advantage of you like that." I respond

"Okay." She whispers

After a second of her staring in my eyes she begins to nibble at her bottom lip. I hear the hotel door open and Bey immediately gets out of bed.

I sigh softly then I follow after her. Once we leave the bedroom I see Blue and Rumi coming into the hotel room with bags in their hand.

"We literally mobbed." Blue says as she wraps her arm around Rumi's shoulder

"What do you mean mobbed?" Bey asks

"Like we were at the mall and boom next thing I know there was so many people crowding us and screaming our name." Blue explains

"It was weird." Rumi replies

I hate that our children have to deal with weird ass grown people crowding and taking pictures of them.

"I'm sorry that happened to y'all." I say softly

I walk towards them and I take the shopping bags out of their hand before placing it on the counter.

"Do you guys want to go out to eat once Sir comes back?" Bey asks

"Yes!" Rumi exclaims

"Yeah." Blue replies while scrolling on her phone

"Oh did I show you guys my nails?" Blue asks

"No let's see them" Bey replies sweetly

Blue takes her hand out of her Diesel cargo pants then she shows us her pastel blue nails with white hearts.

"They look amazing." I tell her

"Thank you, Coca did them for me." She explains

"Yeah I love them princess." Bey says

"Now y'all go take a shower I don't want y'all smelling like all day when we go out to eat." Bey says in a mom tone

"Okay mommy." Rumi says then she goes into the bathroom

"Alright." Blue responds before going into the second bathroom

"I'm going to go back to my hotel room, just tell me when y'all are about to head out." I tell her

"Alright." She says while looking down at her feet

"Are you okay?" I ask

"I think so." She replies

I wrap my arms around her pulling her into a tight hug before leaving the hotel room.

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