Finding My Way to You

By ShadowTenshiV

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It's been many years since dreams changed, no longer being the wonderful mixture of fantastical and practical... More

Bring Me a Dream
Once is Happenstance, Twice is Coincidence, Three times is...
Riddles Aren't Just for Sphinxes
The Birth of a Beginning
Even if it Rains, I'll Still Be Here
Make Your Own Path
Cutting Down the Walls
A Long Awaited Meeting

The Beginning to an End

11 0 0
By ShadowTenshiV

Finding out that he was waking up had been painful, in an emotional way. Wanting to hold on to the last traces of the dream, Hob took a deep breath, letting out a sigh as he snuggled the pillow. It wasn't the same, but if he tried hard enough, he would be able to convince himself that he still had someone in his arms.

There was a small amount of disappointment that he was back here, as if nothing had happened. After experiencing a week of emptiness and suddenly being hit with that, he had thought that he would have been able to stick around there a little longer, or for something to have changed around him. Now he just felt lonely, back outside his own mind.

Knowing the time in which he tended to awake, he knew he was meant to be getting ready soon, with a glance at the clock near him, he would be able to decide if he was early or if he should hurry. Miraculously, he had woken up with plenty of time to go, perhaps that being the reason why he had been so rudely kicked out of his dream. Moving himself just a bit, a ray of light blinded him.

Something had reflected light from the outside it seemed, him not sure what exactly. He scanned his room, seeing if something was out of place. At some point, he registered that perhaps he should be following the ray in the first place, where it came from the window before bouncing onto something right by his nightstand.

There, looking as if it belonged there, was his sword, having waited for him to notice it. Hob had to rub his eyes once, twice, many times, adding a pinch to his arm to be sure, because there was just no way that it was there. A grin split his face as he sat on the edge of bed, throwing the sheets to the side as he reached out to grab it.

As real as it had been in his dream, here now stood his weapon, in its sheath and everything. He had to open it immediately, but slowly, seeing each and every detail, making sure it was the same as in his dream, no longer it being a foggy memory. The blade was now decorated with some new scratches, due to the vines that he had cut if he were to guess. Sheathing it back, he held it close to his chest, hugging it tightly.

It stayed solid in his grasp, not disintegrating to dust or anything like that from being here with him. This was a sign, like the ones that he had hoped to get since the beginning, showing that everything had been in fact real. Moving the handle to his head, he placed it against his forehead, imitating what he had done with the hand of Dream.

Hob whispered to it, thanking his king for his kindness, his gift. Now, to find where to hang it from, to show it off. No longer would he have to go to a bladesmith to have a replica made, he had the real deal.

Blinking a bit harder than normal, he placed it softly on the bed, for there would be no safer place than there for the moment in his opinion. It was hard to let go of it, giving it a last touch as he went around his room to get ready for the day. It was difficult to concentrate, for he kept retreating to his bedroom, making sure that it was still there.

Taking his time, he cleaned up in the shower, soon getting out and blow drying his hair. If he was putting a bit more care into his look, well, no one would complain, he just felt like it. He also chose the best clothes he could find.

No longer was his smile fake or small, it was so big that it was starting to ache. He couldn't help it, he felt so happy, unlike he had for many days. The feeling didn't fade even as he ran out, grabbing his bag and his sketchbook, taking some money as well to get himself something nice from the cafe close by.

He deserved it.


It seemed that he wasn't the only one this early in the day to be in a positive mood. He could practically feel his students vibrating as he had made his way inside his classroom, coffee in hand of course. He said good morning to them all, before staying quiet as he placed his things down.

Maybe Hob was remaining silent to rile them up just a bit. His students seemed to be ready to burst about something and it was amusing to see. The only question now was the why.

Taking longer than he normally would, he finally put up the presentation, before turning around to face his class, leaning on the desk. He squinted his eyes at them, acting as if he was trying to see them better, to see what was up. Please tell him that there wasn't any prank awaiting him, or that he had somehow ended up in the wrong class.

Crossing his arms, he tilted his head at them, questioning, "Ok spill. What has you all on the edge of your seat? Wish I could say you were excited for my class, but I think it's safer to assume that it's something else."

The silence lasted for about a second, longer than what he had thought, before the room erupted into chaos. Everyone started talking at the same time, over each other, none of it making sense to his ears. Hob couldn't concentrate on a single person, feeling as if attacked on all sides.

He quickly moved his hands up, gesturing for everyone to shut up for a moment.

"Shh, let's try that again, shall we? I only have one set of ears. One at a time please, raise your hand." Immediately, all of their hands went up, if only they were like this normally in class.

One by one, he began to select which student got to talk. It was starting to seem apparent that this topic had been discussed by themselves since before he had gotten in the room, considering their knowing reactions. With this process each got their turn, the last one finally speaking their part.

An hour had practically gone by, as each and everyone got more and more excited. Each wanting to tell their story, to compare it to the ones of the others. Trying to make sure it wasn't just a trick of their own mind.

By the end of it, Hob was fairly certain that he finally understood what this was all about, getting the idea. Once everyone had gotten to speak, they waited for him to respond, to see if he also had a story of his own to share. Them all wanting to know if he had also dreamt last night, for just a moment.

As the time had progressed, Gob had gotten rather quiet, paying attention yes, but not with much reaction. Many things were passing through his mind, from bewilderment to outright joy. He has actually done it, hasn't he?

He had brought dreams back. Well, had convinced Dream to bring them back. But he had influenced the decision.

The sword should have made that obvious, but there was always that thought in the back of his head that none of it had happened. That maybe all he had done had only affected himself. Or that he had finally gone truly mad.

But no, his students had dreamt, even if it was just for a brief moment before having woken up. That had made all the difference, it being the beginning of what would be the rest of their lives that previously they had just longed for. It was special, it was everything, it would take a while before such novelty wears off.

Hob couldn't say he minded that at all, not for such a joyous thing. If it were up to him, he would dedicate a whole class with the theme of dreams, similar to this one he supposed. One where they would be able to compare it with the others, try to guess their meanings, even see how similar they were to the ones of before.

First of all though, he would have to experience some himself, of the normal kind. He wouldn't want his students' minds to break at hearing how meta his was. He wasn't even sure if he would be allowed to talk about them really, probably best to ask Dream first, or Johanna.

She would have a field day once he finally tells her all about it. Who knew, maybe she would get jealous that he got the supernatural thing instead of her. Most likely though, she would tease him nonstop, for having actually had a crush as she had eluded, and having somehow ended up dating said crush, or he hopes that they are dating.

At least, if Jo does decide to go that route, he will have no mercy, annoying her right back with the waitress.

The thought made him laugh, the noise reminding him of where he presently was, he was starting to think that maybe he had been silent a little too long. His students' faces were filled with concern, perhaps thinking themselves insensitive, talking about it when he hadn't got to have his own. At the very least, his sudden laugh and grin seemed to calm them a bit, but not completely.

"Did I dream, you all ask?" Hob tapped his chin. "Let me see if I remember."

He let the anticipation get to them for no more than a few seconds, "Now that you all mention it, yes I fucking did!"

Not the most appropriate of responses but the cheer he received made it worth it. Hob was just as excited as they all had been, relaying only part of his dream, obscuring most of it. He did mention his knighthood of course, about how he got to reunite with that king that he had far back dreamt off.

The kids seemed to shine brightly as he talked, him being just too happy to share his story as they had theirs. This conversation soon switched to then talking about their own dreams again, about how some had dreamt with their fellow classmates, all playing different roles. It made Hob's heart fill with warmth.

All he wanted to do now was return home, to be able to take a nap straight away or to hope time would pass fast enough so night would arrive. He wanted to see Dream so badly again, for many reasons. He couldn't wait to tell him all about today, to share the excitement that all his students had.

To show him that he had made the right decision. Maybe he would be able to somehow project his memory in the dream. It was what Dream deserved, to see it with his own eyes.

Long past had Hob closed the laptop behind him, taking a seat on the desk. Tilting his head back, he looked at the clock on the wall, seeing that it would probably be fine to set them free early. With that mercy, he also gave them an assignment, to choose one of the dreams that they would get before next class, to analyze and see if history had somewhat impacted it in any way.

They all nodded in agreement as they quickly packed before heading out, most likely anxious to get to their other friends and talk until they couldn't anymore. Hob happily heard them moving out, him turning his back to the classroom to get ready as well. If he took a little longer at it, well, he just didn't want his colleagues to catch him again to tell him about their own stories.

Perhaps, all he wanted to do was reach his office first, to see if he could take a small nap. Or try to. His excitement might prevent that.

Or maybe the sound would, he had thought that everyone had gone, but he heard a noise from the back, one of someone standing up quietly. Hob quickly turned himself around, trying to see who had stayed behind, if they needed him for something. That was when he saw the last person he had expected.

Standing right there, looking at him back was his Dream. It had to be him, even if he looked different than how he had seen him last night. His robe had been left in the castle, being exchanged by a modern outfit, which suited him just as well.

In the stead of his flowy fabrics, he now wore a black shirt, placed with a nice pair of black skinny jeans. When it came to his shoes, black, lace up boots were chosen, seeming to track with what he would have thought he would wear. As a final touch, he had donned a long, black coat that seemed to sway due to its own created breeze.

Also, he was fairly certain that the inside of it was filled with moving galaxies. Which he could come to accept was the actual night sky enveloping him if the being said it was. It was absolutely magical, there was no other word.

There were no words to describe how beautiful he looked, seeming almost human to the untrained eye, perhaps to fit in better with the people. The closer Dream got to him, the easier it got to notice the small things, such as a faint trace of eyeliner on his eye, bringing out the color more. That had been the most shocking change.

His eyes no longer held stars, them having been replaced by just as bright blue eyes. He would miss the others, but he could get used to these ones. Deep down, he still hopes to be able to continue seeing the others when alone, or maybe when they are in his realm.

Amazement filled him, discreetly pinching himself once again today to make sure he was seeing right. He was truly real, not just a dream like everyone else's. He was here, and walking towards him, he couldn't help but reach out.

Just as quickly, the being went to catch his in return, holding them steady. They felt just as solid as they had in the dream. Hob brought one to his mouth, bestowing a small kiss on the inside of his wrist in the form of a greeting.

The lord's eyes crinkled, in a way he was sure they weren't used to, "Hello Hob, beloved."

His voice here had lost part of the echoing quality that it seemed to have in the dream, the aspect that made it seem like it was coming out of his head. The tone though, hadn't faded, remaining just as commanding, fit for a king. It was still wonderful to hear it.

"Hello right back to you my king, my dream." Hob couldn't help but answer right back. "Can't say I expected you here love, if I would have known that you'd be in the audience, I would have tried to be more impressive in my handling of the class."

He did wonder if the lord had been here since the beginning, surprising that he wouldn't have seen him between the sea of students.

Sadly, it hadn't been a class to begin with, he would have liked to show him his teaching side in action, talking about all the brilliant things he had prepared for today. It just meant that he would have to convince the other to come by at another moment, to make up for it. Maybe also inviting him out and about the University, getting some coffee.

"You did stupendously Hob, for I could feel their sentiments towards you, of how they permitted themselves to open, knowing that you would be there to listen." Those words were of great importance to him, to hear them spoken impacted him deeply.

"Well, it is my job, and I do care for all those little buggers." He looked outside the door, seeing some walking around, discussing with each other.

Dream nodded, "I am able to tell as such, it is fortunate that they have someone as you to partake knowledge from. It was a pleasure to see it in person, nonetheless, I hope that I did not intrude."

"You could never love!" He held his hands tightly, pointing at the classroom. "I want you here always, plus, this class ended up dedicated to you. Didn't you hear them? Their excitement at just a tiny taste of what you can offer?"

Dream looked amused, nodding once more, "I did, it was... eye opening to say the least. Just as convincing as you were in your own speeches. If you do not mind, I would set those thoughts aside for the moment."

He was most likely overwhelmed; Hob could respect that. Having done such a change, hearing so many thoughts about it, it must be so tiring, especially when you would prefer to think about it for yourself first. But that did make him wonder, if he wasn't here for the reaction of what he had done, then what brought him to his work?

"Said and done. So... what brings you over to this side of the world?" He caressed his thumb over the hand of the other, happily noticing how it wasn't as cold as it had been before.

"I seem to recall that someone had promised to teach me about humanity and its eccentricities. Is it not the best source of action to be here at your side? To experience it with you, so you may be able to guide me through it?" It seemed like the ideal thing to do.

Hob had spent so long in his realm, he felt it only fair for him to brave the waking. He had avoided it for far too long, just as he had avoided his duty as much as he could. Looking at the face of the other, he was certain he had chosen correctly, there would be no better guide than his own hope.

Hob took all caution to the wind, grabbing him by the waist and pulling him closer, almost touching, "Anything my lord wishes, it shall be done."

Those words seemed to do the trick, having power over him as he heard them out here. Similar as before, Dream closed the space between them, letting their lips fall onto a proper kiss. It was chaste, soft, but with emotion to it.

The yearning was ever present, especially in the touches that they offered to each other in their embrace. His imagination wouldn't have been able to picture it being as such. It took all of Hob's breath away, already making him want to go for seconds, and thirds, and many others to come.

As they separated, lips still touching, Hob couldn't help but ask, "So, what's up with the hippogriff? That's just a pegasus."

Dream pushed himself off, trying to figure out what his beloved had just said. After a few moments, he erupted into laughter, a horrendous noise that fit him just perfectly. Oh, how he wanted to make him do it again, for the rest of their lives, he had many other questions to ask him after all.

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