Love Beyond the Net: A Volley...

By xharhaillacallueng

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Sugawara Koshi x American Fem! OC/Reader Started: August 29, 2022 Finished: With her vape in hand, she waves... More

Chapter 1: Encounter Amidst the Mist
Chapter 2: Unexpected Meetings and Easy Conversations
Chapter 3: Ephemeral Connections: Pathways of Curiosity
Chapter 5: Dancing Skates and Morning Serenades
Chapter 6: Rescue on the Freeway
Chapter 7: Late-Night Chat and Tokyo Plans
Chapter 8: Capturing Hearts and Saturday's Secret
Chapter 9: Revelations of the Heart: Skylar and Koshi's Emotions
Chapter 10: Unexpected Delights

Chapter 4: Rain-Kissed Bonds: Nighttime Melodies and Shared Moments

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By xharhaillacallueng

Status: Unedited

Published: September 9, 2023

Koshi strolled through the dimly lit streets, wrapping his jacket around himself in a futile bid to ward off the chill.

   "I wonder what she's up to right now?" he mused aloud, giving voice to his thoughts.

Meanwhile, Skylar found herself in the confines of her bedroom, an electric guitar in hand as she penned down lyrics that would lend soul to her melody.

   "... washing machine confuses me~

   Hmm, that sounds odd.

   But it oddly fits, so into the verse it goes," she chuckled, jotting it down.

Koshi drew near, the familiar house of Tsukishima Kei coming into view.

He practically sprinted to the residence opposite Tsukishima's, halting by the gate that towered over his frame, his gaze fixed on the name engraved on it.

   "... Reynolds..." he murmured, annunciating the name softly. With a slight clutch on a disposable vape in his hand, he rang the doorbell.

Back in her room, Skylar's head shot up at the sound of the doorbell's chime. She set her buzzing guitar aside, gazing out the window.

Brows furrowed against the muted light, she questioned herself,
   "Who could that be at this hour?"

As the silver locks came into view, her excitement bloomed.

She thrust the window open,
   "Koshi!" she called out, her hair dancing in the wind's embrace.

Turning toward the call of his name, Koshi Sugawara found himself met with a smile that could outshine the sun, even against the twilight backdrop.
   "Hey, Skylar! You left something behind at Coach Ukai's," he remarked, brandishing a small item that fit neatly in his hand.

A skeptical brow lifted on Skylar's end,
   "Left something? I can't recall leaving anything..." she mumbled, a hand patting her pockets in reflex.

   "It's like... well, I don't know what it's called, but it's like a cigarette," he struggled to convey.

A jolt of realization struck Skylar,
   "My vape!" she exclaimed, bolting to her feet and hurtling down the stairs to the front door, unlocking it and swinging the gate wide open.

Koshi's grin broadened as he handed it over,
   "There you go," he stated, a chuckle escaping his lips. Wisps of vapor issued from her nostrils as she indulged.

Koshi's eyes scanned her attire — a crop top matched with loose joggers, her long blonde tresses cascading freely.

A light flush colored Koshi's cheeks,
   "Uh, yes. Coach intercepted it before Nishinoya could claim it," he admitted, his fingers grazing the back of his head as bashfulness graced his expression.

Subtle droplets began their descent from the heavens, peppering Koshi and Skylar's faces with a touch of moisture.

   "Oh dear, do you live far?" Skylar inquired, a hint of concern lacing her tone.
   "Just eight blocks away," Koshi replied, a playful smile in place.

Skylar's eyes widened,
   "Eight blocks? That's like a mile!" she exclaimed, a mix of disbelief and worry evident.

Koshi's laughter bubbled forth at her worrisome demeanor,
   "Don't fret. I'll manage. See you tomorrow then?" he posed, fingers lifting in a wave of farewell.

In an impulsive move, Skylar grabbed his hand, urging him inside her abode,
   "No way I'm letting you face that weather!"

In a flurry, they entered, trailing rainwater and damp footprints in their wake. Skylar ushered him to the living room couch.

   "Stay put. I'll fetch you a towel and an umbrella," she announced, dashing upstairs to her room and returning with a towel before stumbling and crashing to the ground.

Koshi was on his feet in an instant,

Thumbs up from the prone Skylar,
   "All good..." she giggled weakly, rising and making her way to the rack of shoes by the door, where two umbrellas stood, untouched for quite some time.

Selecting the black one, she handed it to Koshi, then draped the towel over his head, guiding him back to the couch where she proceeded to vigorously dry his hair.

   "Easy, Skylar. A sprinkle won't give me a cold," he teased, his laughter dancing in the air.

A radiant smile adorned Skylar's features as she lifted the towel, revealing Koshi's now tousled locks.
   "What's got you giggling?" he inquired, running his fingers through his slightly expanded hair.

   "Here's the umbrella, no need to return it," Skylar declared, a grin playing on her lips.

Koshi's response was swift,
   "No, I'll bring it back to you tomorrow," he insisted, an undertone of determination in his voice.
   "Your call. But for now, make sure you get home safe. Text or call me once you're there," she instructed, her smile unwavering.

Koshi's lips curled in a smile, his gaze drifting to the window,
   "I will—"

His gaze met a different scene. Raindrops had unexpectedly intensified, a shared realization mirrored in their eyes.

Clearly, the weather posed an obstacle to Koshi's safe return home.

   "Well, you're in a pickle," Skylar quipped, settling beside him on the couch, her feet propped on the table.

A sigh escaped Koshi's lips,
   "Guess I'll have to spend the night at Tsukishima's, if he's up for it," he mused, his thumbs busily composing a text to Tsukishima.

A curt "no" comprised Tsukishima's reply, stark in its simplicity.

Koshi glanced at Skylar,
   "Show me to your room, please," he requested, his cheeks slightly tinged with pink.

A blush matching his own warmed Skylar's cheeks,
   "Upstairs, first door on the left," she directed, prompting Koshi to race up the stairs and fling open the window that afforded a view of Tsukishima's dwelling.

   "I CAN'T CRASH AT A GIRL'S PLACE! IT'S IMPROPER!" Koshi bellowed across the street.

To his amusement, Tsukishima leaned out his window, a smirk playing on his lips,
   "Good night, Senpai!" he chimed, slamming the window shut and drawing the curtains, retreating to his bed.

Koshi released a sigh, his vexation palpable.

Skylar followed suit, retrieving a futon from a shelf and spreading it on the floor next to her bed.
   "I-If you'd like, you can use the bed," she offered, a modest smile adorning her features.

With a gentle touch, Koshi shut the window, his smile directed at Skylar,
   "That's not necessary. I'll be content on the couch," he assured.

Skylar's hand pointed to a room adjacent to hers, visible through her ajar door,
   "Three guest rooms over there. You're welcome to any of them. I'll change the sheets—"

Koshi shook his head,
   "No need to trouble yourself. The living room is just fine," he reassured, his smile warm as he descended the stairs.

Skylar playfully made a duck face before digging into her closet, searching for suitable clothes for Koshi to wear during the night. Eventually, she retrieved an oversized shirt of hers and a pair of garterized shorts.

Tossing the clothes onto the couch, her action caused Koshi to startle slightly.

   "Feel free to change into these. The bathroom's right over there," she directed, gesturing toward the bathroom's location.

Koshi's lips curved into a grateful smile as he picked up the clothes from the couch, heading towards the bathroom to change.

   "Thanks, Skylar!" he called back appreciatively.

Unbeknownst to both Skylar and Koshi, they shared a common trait: a tendency to fall in love swiftly. However, being novices in matters of the heart, they remained oblivious to the burgeoning affection they held for each other, as this was their first experience with a crush.

Skylar delved into her refrigerator, retrieving marinated chicken drumsticks leftover from prior meals. Placing them on the kitchen counter, she proceeded to fetch a pan and wash it clean.

With practiced ease, she poured a generous amount of oil into the pan before igniting the stove. The flame was set to a low heat, the pan's surface gradually warming as she waited for it to reach the right temperature.

In the midst of her preparations, a realization dawned on her — she hadn't yet cooked the rice. Making use of the time as the pan heated up, she measured out three cups of rice, ensuring its cleanliness through a thorough washing process. Once cleansed, she placed the rice into the cooker, ready to be steamed to perfection.

Koshi emerged from the bathroom, now adorned in the clothes Skylar had loaned him. Glancing in her direction, he inquired with kindness,
   "Is there anything I can do to help?"

Skylar nodded, a playful smile gracing her lips,
   "Sure thing! Just relax and wait. I'll handle all the work," she responded, nudging Koshi into one of the chairs by the dining table.

A faint frown formed on Koshi's face, his discomfort evident. He disliked feeling like a burden and would rather lend his assistance to prevent Skylar from tiring herself out just to accommodate him.

His gaze darted around the room, eventually falling upon a laundry basket stationed beside the washing machine, brimming with clothes.

   "Hey, Skylar," he addressed, his voice capturing her attention.
   "What's up?"

He gestured toward the laundry basket,
   "Did you manage to get your laundry done?" he inquired, his curiosity piqued. In response, Skylar nodded with affirmation.
   "Yes, they're just freshly dried. Why do you ask?"

Koshi's lips curved into a gentle smile,
   "No particular reason."

A sense of anticipation swelled within him. Finally, he mused, an opportunity to lend a hand and assist Skylar.

Sidestepping her, Koshi picked up the laundry basket, ascending the stairs toward her room. Taking a seat on her bed, he meticulously began folding the clothes one by one, creating tidy stacks with practiced care.

Nearly half an hour had passed, and Skylar's culinary prowess had culminated in a delectable meal. With satisfaction etched across her features, she artfully arranged the freshly cooked chicken drumsticks onto a plate, their inviting aroma filling the air. As her gaze wandered in search of Koshi, a question lingered in her mind.

   "Where could he be?" she mused aloud, prompting her to ascend the staircase toward her room.

   "... Yeah, Mom. I'm doing well. I'll make sure to do that. Okay, Mom. Good night. Thanks for checking in," she heard him speak softly into his phone before disconnecting the call.

Entering her room, she was greeted by an unexpected sight: all her neatly folded laundry adorning her bed. Koshi's presence drew her attention, his demeanor betraying a flinch upon her arrival.
   "Oh, you startled me," he greeted, a gentle smile playing on his lips.

Skylar's own smile radiated warmth,
   "You really didn't have to go through all this trouble," she expressed with genuine appreciation.

Koshi's response was simple, his hand absently scratching his head,
   "I couldn't just stand idly by while you were putting in so much effort."

A shift in conversation and Skylar's invitation followed,
   "Alright, dinner is ready," she announced, leading Koshi back downstairs, where the tantalizing scent of her culinary creation awaited them.

Koshi and Skylar engaged in yet another captivating conversation as they savored their meal, the simple act of eating intertwining their moments together. Following their dinner, they united once again, this time at the sink, washing dishes side by side. Their shared task served as a bridge, connecting them further.

   "Are you sure you'll be alright here? It's quite a spacious place," Skylar voiced her concern, her brows furrowed with worry. Her hand extended, offering a blanket and pillow to Koshi.

With a reassuring smile, Koshi's hand patted her head affectionately,
   "You truly are a worrier. Yes, I'll be absolutely fine on my own," he replied, accepting the offered blanket and pillow from her.

Skylar's smile blossomed,
   "Well then, have a good night. See you in the morning," she greeted cheerfully, ascending the stairs. Meanwhile, Koshi switched off the lights, settling onto the couch, his mind still occupied by lingering thoughts.

   "Good night, Skylar..." his voice whispered softly, his consciousness gradually slipping into a well-deserved slumber.

As the night wore on, Skylar remained awake, her fingers continuing to strum the strings of her guitar. Fatigue eventually claimed her as she drifted off while still seated at her table. Within her mind, a thousand words swirled, emotions too intricate to put into words. This deep contemplation led her to a rejuvenating rest, a reward for the dedicated work she had put in since the dawn of the day.

Though they slumbered beneath the same roof, their dreams took divergent paths. One drifted into sleep while guarding their thoughts, while the other let their emotions flow onto paper and through the melody of their instrument. The promise of the following morning held the prospect of bringing them even closer, transcending the current boundaries of their budding connection.

Word Count: 2069

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