Our Love's Never-Ending Journ...

By Killutsuki30

92 22 3

Yorknew Ocean.... A place where normal people live in, people like you and me. This ocean is where three king... More

Chapter 1: Arc 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10: Arc 2
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Author's Note
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21: Arc 3

Chapter 15

6 1 0
By Killutsuki30



The sound of the bells woke me up in my sleep as I walked towards the door of the room, the sun blinding my eyes as I squint them towards the direction of the crow's nest only to see Gon ringing the pirate bell wearing pirate clothes.

"Gon" I called as I heard Knukkle, the shipwright said "Good morning sleeping beauty" with a snicker. Leorio looked at me apologetically as I sighed and shrugged at his friend's behavior- clearly not enjoying his teasing.

"Good morning Prince" A feminine voice greeted.

I look to my right and saw the captain of the ship all dressed up in her pirate's clothes and coat. I observe her figure from head to toe and glance at the other crewmembers, just then I realized that they're all dressed up in their proper attire.

"I'm not surprised to know that you're not really an early bird or it is just because you got comfortable in your sleep which causes you to wake up late. I do think it's the latter though" she teases smirking at her statement.

"No, of course not. I wouldn't get comfortable in a ship full of pirates." I remark, as I gave her a glare but it didn't even affect her.

She giggled and said, "We'll see about that Prince"

I just scoff as her comment as she chuckled, looking at me.

"Are you sure, you want to find out more about me?"

"Yes, I'm positive" I replied sternly.

"Alright then, best of luck. You'll be surprise though but be warned you might be in much more danger than you already are" she smiled at me like she was even encouraging me.

I wasn't threatened by what she said but it sent chills through my skin but, maybe it was just the wind.



A while later, as Tsuki was resting in her chamber, she heard a brief knock on the door.

"Senshou, we're approaching the coven." Kite notified her.

"Very well, prepare to dock once we've entered the place" she instructed.

"Hai Senshou" replied Kite.

Once the ship neared the entrance of the coven, two pirate guards noticed the symbol on the ship's flag.

"Lady Tsuki is here! Open the gates!" one guard shouted.

The huge gates of the coven raised up as the ship started to enter. Kite gave a nod to the guards outside who raised the gates, silently thanking them for doing so.

Tsuki came out of her chamber dressed in her captain attire. She replaced Kite on the wheel wanting to be the one to dock the ship. Once the ship is in position, she gave a nod to Kite.

"Lower the anchor!" Kite shouted.

"Lowering the anchor!" Knukkle replied.

"Raise the sails!"

"Hai!" Kite gave another command as Pitou and Pouf did so.

The ship finally docked and the crew started unloading the supplies while Tsuki and the guests (Kurapika, Gon and Biscuit) went to Tsuki and the crew's tree house where they reside in.

As they walked through the place, Gon noticed that the pirate people are staring at them which made them feel conscious.

"Don't worry, they're mostly wondering why we brought outsiders here especially members of a royal family." Tsuki interjected their thoughts.

They tried to shrug the thought off their mind and continued following Tsuki.

"This is really a good place" Biscuit commented to break the silence between them.

"Thank you. We found this place 5 years ago and started to build the community here, gathering all the pirates providing them the things they need. Away from the cruelty they receive from the royals." Tsuki replied whilst keeping her head straight.

"However, you could ease your worries" Tsuki suddenly stopped walking followed by the three "they won't pounce on you and take your lives as long as you won't do anything uncalled for while you're here." She turned around to look at them seeing their reactions on her statement. "This is our house as well as our meeting hall. You can stay here for the meantime." She gestured to a tree house behind her that looked big enough to fit more than 10 people.

They entered the house and sat on the wooden chairs surrounding a huge round table.

"So how do you suggest that we catch our culprit and find the princess?" Biscuit queried looking at the captain.

"All we have to do is lure him and his crew to the coven and trap them." Tsuki stated as she stared at the coven gates by the windows.

"How do you know that our culprit is a he?" Kurapika questioned.

"I did say that I know the culprit." She uttered smirking while the three looks at her curiously.

"Tonpa the trickster, he's the one who abducted the princess. 5 years ago, he came to me and asked for my help but despite of my assistance, they still tried to use his trickery on other pirates." She proclaims.

"How do you recommend we capture this trickster lady Tsuki?" Gon asked looking at the lady captain.

"We'll lure him using his own tricks" Tsuki started "however I'll be needing a bait-a prince bait" she declared staring at the soon to be king- Kurapika.

"I'll be the bait!" Gon exclaimed rising up from his position looking at Tsuki determinedly.

"Iye, Gon-sama! I would not allow you to do that. It's too dangerous for you" Biscuit protested.

"I admire your determination young prince but if I were Tonpa, I'd go for a bigger and pricier bait" Tsuki stated turning her head from Gon then back to Kurapika.

"And by that you mean....?" Biscuit questioned trailing off as she tried to process the pirate's words.

"Are you willing to be one, your highness?" Tsuki asked Kurapika with a huge smirk plastered on her face.

"Now I get what you by a pricier bait" Kurapika affirmed.

"Very well. I take it that you agree then?"

"Hai. If it's what it takes to save Gin." Kurapika verified.

"Mmm it's settled then. I'll prepare my people." Tsuki stood up then went out to notify her crew and some other pirates to help them catch Tonpa.


As the night came and the moon is high up looking down upon the vast ocean, the people in the coven were already asleep, resting for another start of the day. However, in the many houses one was still lit. A man dressed in his sleeping attire was sitting down at a table immensely writing a letter.

Dear friend Tonpa,

This is Muko. I am writing this letter to tell you that Lady Tsuki has brought royal guests over asking for help to find the missing princess you took. I heard that one of them is her cousin and is the 'soon-to-be-king' of the Kurta kingdom. I bet he costs more than the princess you have captured and even more with both of them combined. I will capture him tonight and I would like to make a deal with you. Me and my crew would want to have a share of the cost you're gonna get after selling them.

After capturing him, we will bring him to an isolated island far behind skull island. Meet me there if you agree to my terms. Make sure nobody will be able to spot you if you pass by skull Island.

Your ally,

Muko the crusher

Signing off, Muko rolled the paper and tied it to a bird's leg then it flew off. He then blew the candle out sneaking towards Tsuki's tree house to capture Kurapika as stated in the letter.

Once he successfully entered the house and into the prince's chambers, he brought out a white cloth with a sleeping sedative on it, covered it on Kurapika's nose and mouth. Struggling for a bit, he then was put into a deep sleep.

Giving the signal, two more men went inside to carry Kurapika out and onto their ship. They exited the coven through the back exit and sailed towards the isolated island way ahead skull island.


The sun started to rise, its rays seeping into the windows of every house in the coven. Rubbing away the sleepiness from his eyes, Gon woke up looking for his elder cousin who's bed was across from him. Seeing it empty, he thought he was already up and about.

As he finished putting his clothes on for the day, he went out of the tree house wanting to explore the coven. However, as he set foot outside all was in a panic. Searching the insides of every house as Tsuki watched from a spot not far from where he stood.

"Whatever is going on around here? And where is Kurapika-sama?" Biscuit asked from behind him.

"Neither I do not know Biscuit-san" Gon replied.

They both approached the lady captain hoping to get answers.

"A-ano, what is going on Tsuki-San?" Gon questioned Tsuki once he got close enough.

Before the lady could answer, Pokkle called for her attention as he was frantically running towards her.

"Senshou, we couldn't find him. He's not within the coven, but we found this in one of the houses." He reported handing a piece of paper to his captain with writings on it.

Tsuki looked and the paper with furrowed eyebrows.

"We couldn't decipher what was written, we apologize Senshou." Pokkle spoke again.

As Tsuki finished looking at the paper, her expression relaxed and finally looked up. She turned her head towards Gon and Biscuit.

"We must set sail at once." She exclaimed then turned her head to her comrade "Prepare the ship, tell the others."

Once hearing his captain's orders, Pokkle nodded then ran off towards his other comrades.

"We don't understand what's happening Tsuki-san, why would we set sail? Where would we go?" Biscuit asked the captain as she wanted to know the reason behind the sudden voyage.

"Prince Kurapika has been taken last night and is being brought to an isolated island far from here. He will be offered to our culprit, Tonpa. The fishing will now commence." Tsuki explicated as she faced the two.

"What? Kurapika is gone?" Gon bellowed, horrified to the sudden disappearance of his older cousin.

"Pardon me Tsuki-san, but you said 'the fishing will now commence', could you please elaborate?" Biscuit wanted to clarify if her suspicions were right, after all she is talking to the smartest pirate right now.

"Hai, that is what I said. We should now be sailing before our culprit arrives first." A smirk formed on her face as she gave a hint to the blonde trainer. She then placed a hand on Gon's shoulder "Let's go save your sister."


Killua's POV

Sitting on a prison bed inside a prison cell is the most uninteresting and boring experience in all my life. I'm not supposed to be here, I should be out there in the seas, sailing. Punching the wall to release my annoyance didn't help. I started to look over the cell for a fun thing to do. Because of the loud sound created by my punch, a little boy went inside to inspect it. I didn't mind him and thought that he might just be lost in the dungeon. That thought making me let out a snicker.

The boy looked at me sternly and let out a spear. "You prisoner, are you responsible for that grumbling sound just now?"

I just giggled at his questioned and pointed to the cracked in the wall. "I am, what are you gonna do about it flower girl?"

The boy looked at me in annoyance. "I am a soldier in training and I was given a task to guard you and prevent you from escaping."

I laughed aloud "A boy like you will guard me? Are they underestimating me or what?"

"Don't you dare question my captain's decision. You don't think I can guard you, am I right?" he yelled getting seriously annoyed.

"Well, I just don't think that you have the potential to prevent me from escaping. I mean, you're just a boy and you just mentioned that you're just a soldier in training." I smirked, enjoying the boy that is clearly annoyed by my taunting. "Not to mention that I can kill you without you noticing." I continued my voice became colder and stare at him.

He backed away from my cell, a firm grip on his spear pointing at me. My voice went back to normal and give him a sly smile. "What's your name?"

"Zushi" He answered.

"Well Zushi, do you know who I am?" He started to lower his spear and seem to be thinking about my question.

"Captain told me that you're the brother of the lady pirate who offered a deal with the King and volunteered to return the princess who was abducted by pirates to get you in return. He also informed me that you're not from around here and has crossed the border 5 years ago."

"Your captain sure gets a lot of information about us that easily." Smiling at him as I showed him keys swirling it around my pointer finger. He looked at me shockingly and examined his belt for the keys and realized that the keys in my finger are his keys. He stared at me stupefied by how I got it in a short amount of time.

I laughed at him hysterically, tossing him the keys and he catches it. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone about this incident even your captain won't know about this." He sighed in relief. "Now I really don't think you can prevent me from escaping now and then." I added snickering at the annoyed Zushi in front of me.

I looked at the small window and smiled. I was hoping to get out of here as soon as possible, but looking at the boy in front of me made me think.

'Maybe I can still wait a little longer, Nee-san'

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