Par LPOrtiz

793 78 10

For as long as he could remember, Jungkook's whole life has revolved around when or where he would get his ne... Plus

The Fun Police
Enough Games
Not Worth Saving
I See Right Through You
Dinner and a Coup
His First
Skittles and Sex

Gentle Kisses

87 8 1
Par LPOrtiz

Jimin sat up in bed as he watched Jungkook inhale the crushed crystals and thought for a moment. "Have you ever kissed anyone when you're not on Crystal?" Jimin asked as he sat on his feet and looked at Jungkook and cocked his head to the side, slightly intrigued. He was unsure why he was asking but he figured since Jungkook had asked Jimin about kissing, it was only fair that Jimin ask too.

"Yeah about the time I was your age actually," Jungkook said tucking the straw away and making sure there was no crystal dust lingering on the shiny surface. Namjoon would go batshit crazy if he thought Jungkook was using in front of Jimin or worse if he thought Jimin was using. It was how Namjoon stayed on top. He made the product but never touched it, he would never have the same chemical dependency that had ruined Jungkook's life. He would likely lock his little brother in a cell until he was completely dry if Jimin started using. That was an intriguing idea, corrupting the golden boy. He looked over at Jimin's face, no he couldn't ruin Jimin's will like that. "I was a good kid full of promise, straight A's advanced classes, college classes on the weekend. I was buying Adderall from Namjoon at that point. Just enough to study all night during exam weeks. Then I had trouble sleeping so I bought downers. Then I got hurt playing basketball. He hooked me up with painkillers. By the time I was eighteen, he had his hooks in so deep I had been dealing and whoring for him for about a year." Jungkook hated thinking about it. That time had been the worst of course it was worse now. He forced his mind away from the thought of what was likely to happen tomorrow night.

Jimin stayed sitting on his knees and his sock-clad feet as he looked at Jungkook and thought over what he was saying. "You're good at it though, the dealing I mean. You made me enough money to buy the entire outfit I want plus I will have money left over. I've been saving for ages for it," Jimin said with a small smile. He had been trying to save his money for an outfit he wanted for a while now and figured he would have to spend a couple more weekends dealing before he could afford it. "Come sit back on the bed," Jimin asked and patted the spot next to him. He wanted to lie down again but didn't like not being able to see the person he was speaking to.

Jungkook shook his head. "Don't want to get killed," he informed Jimin and saw the flicker of recognition in Jimin's eyes. He couldn't be horny for the boss's kid and yet he was. He wanted Jimin and while the meth took the edge off of the horniness he knew lying next to him would cause it to be all for nothing. He didn't want to spend the whole night dosing. That thought stopped him for a moment, talking to Jimin was more interesting than spending it in a drug-induced stupor.

Jimin frowned a little, he wasn't used to people saying no to him. "Come sit," he repeated. He wanted to curl up in his bed and talk to Jungkook, not sit up with the other person on the other side of the room. If they were spending some time chatting, then Jimin wanted to be comfortable. He shifted and got back under the blankets anyway, hoping it would make Jungkook come over when he realized he couldn't see Jimin's face. Maybe if Jimin stopped speaking it would make Jungkook come over? He wouldn't give up, he would make Jungkook come sit with him. People never said no to him.

Jungkook tongued the ring in his lip and slowly stood up. This was a bad idea. He came over and carefully settled. "You stay over there and we don't tell your brother," Jungkook said softly as he lay back down. He was very jealous of Jimin's bed, hell even Jimin's couch was more comfortable than the mattress waiting for him in the shed or the crappy mattress on the floor in the shithole apartment. He would collect his things when Jimin was at school. He didn't have a lot but there were a few pictures he wanted. He took a deep breath to tamp down the emotions again.

Jimin stayed quiet as he looked at Jungkook, his big brown eyes searching Jungkook's face as he took in Jungkook's features. He liked watching people, observing them, and judging them. "You can sleep there you know, it might help your stomach," Jimin said after a quiet few minutes of him laying on his side and staring at Jungkook. He still felt concerned about the bruises he had seen on Jungkook's stomach and what Jungkook had said in the bathroom, but he wouldn't bring it up. Jimin reached out and stroked a hand over Jungkook's stomach as if feeling for any more damage. "Are you sure it's okay? I can check it, I don't mind," Jimin offered. He wasn't sure why he was being so nice to Jungkook. Jungkook worked for his brother, he was another guard sent to look after him and so far, this was the longest any of the guards had lasted.

"Please Jimin just don't..." Jungkook said brushing Jimin's hand away. He couldn't handle touch right now. His body hated every time Namjoon had grabbed him tonight or ruffled his hair. Coming from Jimin it was worse, it wasn't meant to hurt but to soothe. He was too dirty, too disgusting to accept that comfort.

Jimin furrowed his eyebrows and removed his hand. "I don't get you," Jimin muttered as he looked at Jungkook again, pulling the blankets back over himself until they touched his chin as he burrowed down in his bed. Normal people got their injuries fixed, yet somehow Jungkook refused. Jimin really didn't get the other man. Jimin sighed and lifted his head enough to fluff his pillow a little before settling back down.

"I don't get me Jimin so when you figure it out let me know," he said. Jimin for once looked his age. Bare face with blankets up to his chin, blond freshly washed fluffy hair. His dark eyes for once weren't calculating. They were soft and gentle, the color melted chocolate. He knew it was the color Namjoon saw but not many others. Jimin looking at him like that was dangerous.

Jimin stayed quiet again as he stared at Jungkook. He felt like Jungkook was being somewhat honest with him too, that was odd. Normally the guards that were assigned to look after him kept themselves to themselves and only spoke about professional things. "Get under the blanket Jungkook, we should sleep," Jimin said softly as he shifted so he could reach across Jungkook and turn off his little lamp that was on his nightstand before settling back down in the blankets. He really hoped Jungkook wouldn't sleep on top of the blankets, that would be weird.

"I'm not sharing a bed with you Jimin. Namjoon would come and check on you and kill me. I'll move to the couch," he said. He wasn't ready to move just yet. Talking to Jimin face-to-face was nice. It was the first time in a long time that he had felt human. It was the first time in a long time someone had treated him decently.

Jimin rolled his eyes a little. "Stay there until I'm asleep then or put the light back on," Jimin said quietly as he finally averted his eyes from Jungkook's. "I don't like the dark," Jimin admitted quietly. He didn't like the fact he was eighteen and still could only sleep if there was a light on somewhere or if there was someone next to him. He had made his brother stay several times until he fell asleep when the bulb had gone in his lamp. There was also the time he had gone and climbed into his brother's bed when he was younger because of a nightmare.

Jungkook could have put the light back on but he didn't want to. He liked the dark, nothing bad had happened to him in the dark. "I'll stay put until you're asleep," Jungkook promised, thankful for the honesty. He didn't know why but something had shifted for them. He glanced back at Jimin, his eyes adjusting to the dark. He could see the discomfort in those beautiful features, he could tell Jimin was regretting telling him. He decided to do the stupid thing. He shifted until his lips just brushed Jimin's and pulled back. A kiss just to kiss no hidden agendas, nothing just the simple pleasure of being kissed.

Jimin's eyes went wide as he felt Jungkook's lips softly brush against his own. He stared at Jungkook in the darkness as he pulled back, all thoughts of the pitch-black room gone as Jimin continued to stare at him. Jimin blinked a few times, unmoving and watching Jungkook. "Do that again," Jimin eventually whispered after what seemed like minutes of laying there.

"You won't call for Namjoon?" Jungkook asked. Now that he had time to process his actions he realized he was being reckless. He didn't care, he wanted to do it again but he was scared. He was scared of Jimin doing the same to him that he had just done to Taeyang. He didn't mind the thought of Taeyang being gone, he was one of the ones who hurt Jungkook the most. He was the roughest. He didn't want to join Taeyang on the floor.

Jimin looked at Jungkook and shook his head. "Promise," Jimin said as he continued to look at Jungkook. He didn't know why but that kiss, as brief and as quick as it had been, had felt different. It didn't feel like the kisses he gave to the guards when he was trying to seduce them. It felt like Jungkook actually wanted to kiss Jimin for nothing more than just wanting a kiss. It was the first kiss that Jimin could remember he had had that had no hidden agenda behind it. It was the first kiss he could remember that he actually wanted more of.

Jungkook leaned forward again and his lips brushed over Jimin's. His mouth was soft against Jungkook's. He let his hand come up and cup Jimin's face. The kiss wasn't rushed, heated, or harsh. It was gentle and sweet, it was the first time Jungkook had enjoyed a kiss in a long time. He brushed his tongue over Jimin's lips tasting the salt on his lips.

Jimin closed his eyes as he sank into the kiss, it was the first kiss he actually found himself enjoying and the first kiss he wasn't doing because he had a plan to execute. He reached up and wrapped a gentle hand around Jungkook's wrist as he parted his lips when he felt Jungkook's tongue brush against his lip. He was enjoying the soft touches and the sweet kiss from the other man. Jungkook was doing something to him, he wasn't sure what it was but it was knocking him off his game. He was also pretty sure at that moment, he didn't want Jungkook to stop either.

Jungkook sank into the kiss enjoying Jimin's hand around his wrist and those soft plump lips parted under his. He swept his tongue through Jimin's mouth tasting the saltiness and the underlying sweetness of Jimin. He groaned and sank into the kiss more. His other hand came up and ran his fingers through the blond hair as he teased Jimin's tongue. He could tell Jimin was a good kisser, Jungkook just had to entice him. He could also guess Jimin was a little shy. He'd used his kisses and his looks as a weapon, he didn't know how to be kind or sweet.

Jimin automatically shifted a little closer to Jungkook as the kiss deepened and he let go of Jungkook's wrist and his hand moved to lay on his waist. Jimin let Jungkook lead the kiss as he licked his way into Jimin's mouth. Jimin had never been kissed like this before or kissed anyone like this before. He had completely melted into Jungkook's touch as he wrapped his arm around Jungkook tighter, grabbing a handful of his shirt as their torsos finally pressed together. Jimin refused to stop kissing him, it felt too good to stop.

Jungkook grunted and pulled back with a hiss of pain as all the memories of why he shouldn't be doing this came back. He recoiled from Jimin trying to get away from the pain flashing through his body. He curled around the wound throbbing now. "Fuck," he breathed. He had enjoyed the kisses and for one moment he had been able to get out of his head. Now he was hurting and felt terrible. He was too disgusting to get into this. He would just end up disgusting Jimin.

Jimin lifted his head and looked at Jungkook's pained face and then his stomach. "Idiot," Jimin mumbled as he shifted in the bed and pushed the blankets off of his small frame. He carefully climbed over Jungkook, trying to be quiet so Namjoon didn't hear movement if he was downstairs. Jimin opened the drawer on his nightstand. He glanced at Jungkook for a moment to make sure he wasn't looking, Jimin had things in that drawer that he would rather Jungkook not know about. He would only judge him more. Like why does a high school student have an army knife in his bedside drawer or the two little bags he hadn't been able to sell last weekend? He was just thankful Namjoon didn't go through his things. He pulled out the small first aid box from the back of the drawer and sat on Jungkook's legs to keep him still. "Don't move, it needs to be cleaned," instructed Jimin as he reached forward and pushed Jungkook's shirt up without waiting for the go-ahead.

Jungkook wanted to argue but just was done. He turned his face away as Jimin picked up his shirt. He didn't want Jimin to see the abuse he had suffered but it didn't matter. Jimin was determined to take care of him. He felt a tear roll down his face into the pillow as Jimin pulled off the bandage. He hated this. He hated that he was hurt, he hated that he was so useless and he hated Jimin's clean body and hand touching his disgusting body. He held back a cry of pain as Jimin cleaned the wound. He just wanted it to stop. He wanted Jimin to stop touching him and caring, just let him dose until he passed out.

Jimin placed a fresh bandage on the wound and quickly put everything away. He saw the tears running down Jungkook's face but decided not to say anything. He shifted off of Jungkook and put the first aid box back in his little drawer of tricks. He climbed back over Jungkook as carefully as he could and settled back down in his bed, a little closer to Jungkook this time. Jimin looked up at Jungkook and sighed, "It'll get better, I promise," he whispered as he curled up, pressing himself against Jungkook's side.

"No it won't. The physical wounds might fade if Namjoon would give me time to heal but it won't be ok," Jungkook wanted to cringe away from Jimin's clean body but couldn't. He couldn't pull away. It was too nice. There was a body in bed with him. It wasn't hurting him or forcing him. Jimin was just cuddling. It was nice, too nice, too sweet, too kind, and too clean but it didn't matter. His bruised, battered body was screaming for kindness. It was drinking in Jimin's kindness like a sponge.

"He will. Stay tonight and tomorrow night," Jimin whispered as he buried his head against Jungkook's shoulder, an automatic response to being curled up next to the older man. Jimin gave a small yawn as he delicately laid an arm over his stomach and wiggled a little to get comfortable. He didn't know why but he found comfort in being in Jungkook's arms. "Stay," Jimin whispered against the soft material of Jungkook's shirt.

"I have no power Jimin. I will do what I am told," Jungkook said and carefully wrapped his arms around the small body curled up next to him. He breathed in Jimin's scent and relaxed slightly. He wasn't going to sleep here, he was too tense but Jimin made him feel a bit better. He stroked a hand over Jimin's hair. "Do you count our kiss as your first kiss?" Jungkook asked. He didn't want Jimin to think he had been forced or pressured.

Jimin thought about it for a minute but didn't move, he was finding comfort in being in Jungkook's arms, something he didn't know he craved. He finally nodded. "Yes," he whispered against Jungkook's shirt. Jimin kept his eyes closed and smiled to himself as he thought about having his first kiss. "First one I've wanted," Jimin admitted as he tightened his grip on Jungkook's shirt a little, still being careful of his stomach. It was definitely the first kiss Jimin had wanted, and he didn't want to admit it, but he wanted it again.

"Good," Jungkook said and kissed the top of Jimin's head. He felt Jimin nod off his body loosening. Jungkook waited until he was sure Jimin was asleep and got off the bed. He went into the bathroom and did another two lines. He came back out and Namjoon was stroking Jimin's hair back.

"You did well today," he tossed Jungkook the baggy and he tucked it away. "The shower on the bottom floor is for you. You need to shower once a day, clean clothes are in the dresser there. You will come back to your room every night and do what you're told. Break my rules and I'll do worse than put a bullet in you. I'll string you up, cut you off, and let the gang have you until you're more blood than man. I've also seen the way you look at Jimin and talk to him. You lay so much as a finger on him I'll cut this off and feed it to you." He cupped Jungkook's crotch hard and twisted. Jungkook gasped and hit the floor. Namjoon's foot kicked him across the floor and then that sneaker-clad foot was resting on his face. "Come out to the shed and clean the blood on the floor. You will need to have it cleaned up before Jimin is ready to run."

Jungkook followed Namjoon out not bothering to stand up, he knew he would be knocked down again. His jaw ached and he knew he was bleeding. A couple of his teeth felt loose. He stayed on his hands and knees scrubbing the fresh blood off the concrete. His face is bruised and bloody but no one touched him. Finally, the mess was gone and he was released. The sun was just coming up. He showered, changed, dosed, and sat back on the couch just as the alarm went off rousing that thin boy.

Jimin grumbled a little in his sleep before reaching out and smacking his alarm. He stayed wrapped up in his blankets for another minute before rolling over and sitting up, letting the blankets pool around his waist as he stretched and rubbed his eyes. He glanced around the room as his eyes began to focus. Jimin gave a sleepy wave to Jungkook before laying back down, he really didn't want to go to school today.

Jungkook stayed curled up on the couch. Even with three or four, he wasn't sure, lines in his body he still ached. The bruise on his face was pulsating. His torso was aching, being bent over all night hadn't helped it. His knees also hurt. He wasn't looking forward to the running but he never was. He doubted he ever would.

Jimin let his eyes flutter open again a few minutes later. He was never a morning person and it always took him ages to convince himself to get out of bed. He yawned as he looked back at the man on the couch and took in his features. "Did you sleepwalk?" Jimin asked innocently when he noticed the bruise forming on the side of Jungkook's face. "Do I need to change your bandage already?" Jimin asked slightly concerned. He had time if Jungkook needed his bandage changed.

"Didn't sleepwalk as with all of my injuries, this was courtesy of Namjoon. I changed it after I showered. It's all good," Jungkook answered not wanting to get into it. He found Jimin was undeniably cute like this. His hair was fluffy around his cheeks and he was delightfully sleepy. He had creases on his face from the pillow and his eyes were heavy. Half-lidded brown eyes looked at him with a small sleepy smile peeking out. It made him feel a bit better.

"But we went to sleep," Jimin frowned a little as he thought back to last night. They had curled up together and the next thing Jimin knew it was morning, they must have fallen asleep together. When could Namjoon have possibly done those things to Jungkook? "Come get on the bed. We don't have to run this morning, I don't want you to bleed again," Jimin whispered as he gave another sleepy yawn and stretched his legs beneath the blankets.

"You went to sleep. I got up and went to rest on the couch. Namjoon came in twenty minutes later making me grateful I had moved," Jungkook said not wanting to tell Jimin he had been dosing again. He didn't want him to know how reliant he was on the drugs. "Made me clean up Taeyang's blood." He wasn't getting into that bed. Namjoon was around it was too risky. He wanted to but he was scared. Namjoon had kicked him for just looking, Jungkook was very attached to his dick.

Jimin grabbed his water bottle from the nightstand and took a drink before rolling onto his back. "We won't run this morning, means a whole extra hour in bed," Jimin said with a small smile. He wouldn't make Jungkook run again this morning, he felt bad enough the other day when his stomach started bleeding because of the run. "Jungkook, do you regret kissing me last night?" Jimin asked as he stared up at the ceiling. Maybe that's why he didn't want to get into bed with him. He regretted it. Then something hit him. Jungkook had cleaned his own wound after his shower, did he get the first aid box? Did he see what was in the drawer? Jimin groaned to himself and rolled over so he was facing the wall and pulled the blankets over himself. That was definitely why Jungkook didn't want to know Jimin that morning.

"No, Namjoon has threatened my...thing. I am waiting until he leaves to go check out his brothel across town, then I will come to lie down," Jungkook knew Namjoon's schedule. He had been on brothel runs with the scared women and men looking at them, as Namjoon collected the money and passed out the drugs to keep them complacent. Jungkook had lived in one for a few months after high school. He knew Namjoon would be gone most of the day. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday he was usually busy. Thursday and Friday were a mixed bag. He would be there or not. Saturday he was never home, he was checking on out-of-state dealers. As soon as the clock hit six Jungkook would be willing to join Jimin. He wanted to feel him close.

Jimin nodded in the mess of blankets that he was buried in. "Okay," Jimin said quietly as he stayed facing the wall, still panicking about Jungkook seeing the contents of the drawer. He would check it when Jungkook went to the bathroom. He was glad he wasn't going for a run that morning now, he really wasn't in the mood to go. He was barely in the mood to go to school, but he knew if he didn't then Namjoon would definitely find out and kick his ass. If there was one thing Namjoon was adamant about, it was Jimin getting a good education.

Jungkook felt bad that Jimin was upset this morning. He got up and painfully made his way to the window. Namjoon and his goons were loading up. Namjoon was in the front seat already looking impatient. Jungkook let the curtain fall back into place and swallowed. He would just listen for footsteps. He made his way over and slipped into bed with Jimin. He wrapped his arms around the warm body. "Turn over. Be careful of my stomach, it's sore." He didn't know why Jimin wanted him in bed but he enjoyed it. He needed it. Jimin was amazing and it felt nice to hold him.

Jimin relaxed a little when he felt those warm arms around him and he shifted so he could turn over. He rolled onto the opposite side so that he was facing Jungkook and instantly curled up against him. He didn't know why but there was something about Jungkook that drew him in, that made him want to be close. Maybe it was because Jungkook was the first person who didn't fall for his tricks, the first person who actually stood up to him and said no. Maybe it was because of that light and gentle first kiss that showed Jimin he wasn't just after one thing. All Jimin knew was that there was something about Jungkook and he wanted more.

"Someone as pretty as you shouldn't frown. You'll get me in trouble," Jungkook teased and kissed Jimin lightly not really caring about anything else. Jimin was still a great way to fix his brain. This was his addictive brain kicking in. Jimin was better than crystal. He threaded his fingers through Jimin's hair gently freeing the tangles.

Jimin reached up and kissed Jungkook back, enjoying the sweet morning kiss and the light touches. He gently laid his hand on Jungkook's chest as he moved his lips against him, parting them when he felt Jungkook's tongue run across his own. Jungkook was becoming very addicting, with those light touches and those warm arms. Jimin was pretty sure he never wanted to leave them. He wrapped himself around Jungkook as he completely sank into the kiss.

Jungkook tangled his tongue with Jimin's and held him close. He kept him close without putting any pressure on his sore spots. He kissed Jimin deeply for a moment. "Can you do something for me tonight?" Jungkook asked brushing back Jimin's hair as he pulled back from the kiss. He wanted to keep kissing him but he had thought of a way to give himself some time.

Jimin let his eyes flutter open and he looked up at Jungkook as more hair was brushed away from his forehead. Jimin kept his hand on Jungkook's chest as he rested his head on Jungkook's shoulder and nodded. "I can try," Jimin offered. He wouldn't agree that he could definitely do something until he knew exactly what that something was.

"Tell Namjoon you're nervous about Taeyang and ask if I can guard you overnight?" Jungkook's voice made it sound like a question. He hoped Jimin would agree. He hated the idea of going back to a room, where the whole point was his abuse. He still wasn't sure how he was going to handle it but he hoped Jimin would buy him a few days of healing.

Jimin shifted even closer to Jungkook and nodded. "I promise I will," Jimin said as he nuzzled against Jungkook a little. "I liked you here, I wasn't as scared of the dark because I knew you were there," Jimin whispered as he looked up at Jungkook from his spot curled against him and smiled. It was one of the first nights he had managed to get some sleep with all the lights turned off.

Jungkook felt relief flood through his system. "I'm glad," Jungkook said softly and was grateful when Jimin turned his head up and their lips met again. Kissing Jimin was delicious. He kissed Jimin deeply, holding him close. "You should go get ready for school and if it's ok with you I'm going to grab some rest here while you get ready. If I fall asleep, wake me before you go downstairs."

"Okay," Jimin said as he reached up to plant a kiss on Jungkook's lips before pushing himself up and stretching. He shot Jungkook a smile before he carefully climbed over him and padded to his closet to pull out his outfit for the day. "I won't be long," Jimin said before disappearing out of the bedroom and towards the bathroom down the hall so he could shower, do his makeup, and change. All his things were already in the bathroom. Namjoon had an ensuite so the main bathroom was essentially Jimin's.

Jungkook watched Jimin disappear out the door and buried his face in the pillows. It smelled like Jimin. He held that pillow as he let himself drift off. He didn't normally sleep, the crystal negated his need for sleep or food. With Jimin, though he could relax, he could let his walls down. He let his eyes fall shut.

Jimin came back into the bedroom twenty-five minutes later, fully dressed with hair and makeup done. He smiled when he saw Jungkook fast asleep in his bed, hugging the pillow he had slept on all night. Jimin walked over and gently poked Jungkook's shoulder. "Jungkook, I'm going to school," Jimin said as he poked the other man again. "Jungkoooook," he whined as he poked his shoulder. "I'm going to school."

"No come back to bed," Jungkook reached up and with unerring accuracy pulled Jimin back into bed. He had his mouth on Jimin's before he could protest. He felt Jimin stiffen briefly but melt. He smelled good, his mouth was minty and his hair was smooth. He wrapped him tightly in a hug as Jimin's hands tangled in his shirt.

Jimin squeaked as he fell into the bed, he really, really didn't want to go to school now. He wanted to stay in bed with Jungkook and those kisses. Jimin cupped his face as he kissed Jungkook firmly. "I gotta go," Jimin whispered as he pulled away slightly. "Namjoon will know if I don't go to school," Jimin said, he hated pulling the Namjoon card, but he would be on to Jimin knowing there was something up if he didn't go to school.

"Fuck Namjoon," Jungkook said but released Jimin and sat up. He wasn't going to cross Namjoon. He didn't feel well rested but his body appreciated any sleep he did get. "Why did you start wearing makeup?" Jungkook asked as he stood up and helped Jimin make the bed. He liked how pretty Jimin was either made up or not and was curious about why he had started. The kisses had shifted them. They were no longer trying to one over the other, they were just communicating.

Jimin climbed up off the bed and brushed down his outfit. "Gotta look older. People aren't going to buy stuff if they know I'm just barely eighteen are they?" Jimin said with a roll of his eyes as he flattened down his hair again. He half wanted to see if he could shift his two remaining bags at school or on his way home but knowing his luck he would get busted by a teacher.

"As your guard, I'm not sure I'm comfortable with you dealing. I already deal for your brother let me move your product," Jungkook said. He didn't like it but with Jimin, he would keep a finder's fee. It would also keep him out of trouble. Jimin wouldn't get busted, if they did he would go to jail, and Jimin would go home. It was fulfilling his duty.

Jimin shook his head. "No, I can do it. I have to take over the business one day so I might as well learn now," Jimin said as he grabbed his bag and hauled it onto his shoulder. He figured the more he taught himself now the better he would be later on in life when he took over the family business. "I can protect myself, don't worry," Jimin said as he flashed Jungkook a small smile.

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