Running Home to You-3

By Vampirediaries1996

5.1K 224 202

People say death signals the end, but I always find that it sparks a new beginning. I've faced death numerous... More

Organic Receptor and Council of Wells
Wells and Guilt
Goodbye Wells
No Emotions
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
Baby Fever
Family of Four
Magic Show and Disappointment
Second Chances
Fuerza and Psych
Facing Your Fears

Speed Thinking and Games

314 16 10
By Vampirediaries1996

I'm enjoying writing season 7 way more than I did season 6.

3rd Person's POV

"He was the most brilliant mind I ever met. They all were. Whatever the problem, you could count on a Wells...a council of them, to have the answers. Now, they're all gone." Barry tells the team as they look at the shrine they made dedicated to the Wells'. "We gotta find the answers ourselves. Allegra passes Cisco Nash's bag and places it on the shrine, completing it.

"Why does it feel like for us to win, some of us have to lose?" Cisco asks. "This wall is nano-engraved with the names of everyone we've lost. So no matter how the timeline changes... they'll never be forgotten." Cisco walks over to Anna, who has her arms open, and he hugs her. He cries silently in her arms as she comforts him.

"Those Wells, they took some getting used to, didn't they?" Joe comments. Everyone chuckles with him. "If we learned anything from them, it was that our greatest weapon against darkness isn't our superpowers. It's our humanity. And our love for each other."

"That's beautiful, Joe." Anna tells him. Cisco tugs at her hand, and she excuses herself as they leave the lab. Joe and Barry are the only ones left.

"Bar, I know what you're doing." Joe shakes his head at him. "Don't. Don't blame yourself."

"But what you just said...Ramsey infecting me, Eva using a copy of Iris and Damian to manipulate my emotions. Lately, it feels like my heart is my enemy's greatest weapon." Barry shares.

"Have faith, son." Barry nods his head. "We will get Damian and Iris back. I feel it in my heart."

"Anna has nightmares every night." Barry shares. "She screams out for Damian. And then she cries herself back to sleep."

"Have you talked to her about it?"

"What's there to talk about, Joe? I... I'm no step closer to bringing him or any of our friends home. My wife could give birth any second. She will never be okay if he's not back. She will never move on."

"It's a parent's worst feeling not being able to help their child." Joe says. "I felt that a number of times, and I'm feeling it now. My daughter...I didn't know she wasn't my actual daughter, hurts knowing I can't do anything to help. there for her, Bare. Be there for Anna, and she will be there for you." Joe advises his son.

"We're supposed to be preparing for our first child, feels like our family is torn apart."

"We will get everyone back, son. In time, everything will be back to normal." Joe assures him.

"This is supposed to open a portal to the Mirrorverse?" Barry questions Cisco and Anna about the device they've built.

"Yeah, supposed to." Cisco confirms.

"Cisco found the base of the technology from Atlantis, and we just improved it from here." Anna explains.

"I thought I could use Atlantean tech to tackle perpetual motion, one of science's greatest problems, but guess what I found waiting for me?" Cisco powers the device up, and it crackles. "More problems."

"It's not perfect. It's a base for us to work with..."

"It's a dud." Cisco argues, and Anna gives him a look.

"We've made things work with less." She argues back to him.

"Anna, this..."

"You're stressed because this is another bump in the road, but it's not a dead end. This is just another piece, and...we can make it work, or we will find something else." Anna tries to stay optimistic.

"Why are you so optimistic all of a sudden?" Cisco snaps.

"Because I would rather be that than thinking the world is falling apart."

"Well, wake up, Anna! Because it is!"

"And you think I don't know that. I... we've lost another friend, Cisco, and we still have friends trapped in the Mirrorverse. But I need to believe in something good. That at the end of this, the world is still a good place to live in. I need to have hope and...I need it." Anna holds back tears.

"I lost my friend. My girlfriend is trapped in another dimension, and nothing my brain comes up with seems to get me any closer to saving her." Cisco shares. "I...I thought I would want nothing more than to have demon child be sent back to that temple, but...I miss fighting with him. I miss him telling me I suck. I miss his jokes, even if I was hurt in the end. I miss him. I know you miss him and...I wish I could bring him back. For you." Cisco tells Anna honestly.

"I miss him too. I miss him so much my heart hurts." Anna shares. "I should have known something was off with him. I should have seen it." Cisco grabs for his friend's hand.

"This is not your fault. This is because of Eva. Not you."

"We're going to get them all back. Every last one of them." Barry assures them.

"Okay..." Cisco lets out a big sigh. "Refocus. So Chester's away at Grandma Runk's, but lucky for us, he's been science-ing in between bingo rounds, and he seems to think there are two problems we need to solve if we wanna open our portal." Cisco pulls the board to the front so he can write on it. "Problem number one..." Barry speed thinks his way through the problem and comes up with a solution before Cisco even writes it down.

"You haven't found the method to reconfigure the molecular stability of the dimensional barrier that damage organic matter?" Barry asks. Cisco and Anna look at him like he's lost his mind.

"Yeah. Yeah, that's right. How did you know that?" Cisco asks.

"I saw you write it." Barry says likes it's obvious.

"He didn't write anything down, babe." Anna tells her husband.

"Your wife is right, man. I didn't write anything."

"I thought I did." Barry mutters.

"I was about to." Cisco narrows his eyes at Barry. "But you guessed right. Eva used Ramsey's blood to tackle that problem and open her portal. Unfortunately for us, without a replacement for Ramsey's evil sentient goo, we're kind of up a creek." Cisco exclaims. "So that brings us to problem number two..." Barry does it again. He speeds thinks and is able to see everything Cisco was going to write before he even does it.

"Quantum entanglement from reversed Higgs boson particles disrupts the geospatial algorithm, preventing us from locating people in the Mirrorverse, meaning we have to know Kamilla, Singh, Iris, and Damian's exact location in order to pull them out." Barry shares. Cisco looks at his friend with an open mouth.

"You freaky."

"Babe, did you get enough sleep?" Anna asks with concern.

"Did you screw your husband so much, Anna, that he's now super freaky?" Cisco asks.


"It's an honest question. I mean..."

"I know where they'll be." Allegra announces as she comes into the lab with Iris' computer. "Iris sent a message to Kamilla, Damian, and Singh in the Mirrorverse telling them to meet in the Speed Lab tonight." She explains. "Don't ask me how I got it 'cause I have no idea." She shows them the message.

"Iris' neural pathways have likely achieved an equilibrium with the harmonic frequency contained within the fractalized dimensional plane." Barry says like it's no big deal.

"He freaky." Cisco repeats in shock.

"Barry is..."

"I'm fine." Barry says, but they all know something is off with him.

"Oh snap!" Cisco is excited now.


"Follow me." He instructs everyone to join him in the speed lab. Barry is hooked up to monitors.

"Cisco, what the hell are you doing?" Anna asks.

"I have a theory on why Barry is able to know what I was going to write before I did it." Cisco announces.

"So he's what a genius now?" Allegra asks.

"No, I'm a genius." Cisco argues.

"Debatable." Anna and Barry say in unison.

"Cool it, Wayne-Allen's." Cisco waves at them. "My guys on a whole other level." Cisco smiles at Barry. "His neurons are firing at super speed. Synaptic connections are off the charts. The quantum computers can't even keep up processing his results."

"The Artifical Speed Force." Anna says, and Barry looks at her.

"The Artificial fracking Speed Force." Cisco confirms. "It didn't just give you your old powers back; it gave you a new one. Enhanced cognition by way of a Speed Force booster shot!"

"Huh?" Allegra asks, confused.

"Barry can think fast now." Anna tells her.

"Cool. How fast?"

"Let's find out, shall we?" Cisco says with a smirk on his face. "Ladies and gentleman, a Quantum Ball. Trademark pending." He whispers the last part. "Ever heard of it? Of course, you haven't, but you will. Mark my words, one day, Quantum Ball, trademark pending, will be the world's next great sporting event."

"That's what you've been developing? Was a shitty little ball?" Anna questions Cisco.

"Ha...this is no shitty ball..."

"It's a shitty ball that you're acting like is curing cancer."

"You said you would always support my inventions." Cisco argues.

"This is a ball." Anna argues.

"This is not just a ball. You see, this little sphere amplifies kinetic energy, firing in directions that can only be described as unpredictable, but not for you." Cisco says to Barry. "Your enhanced cognition should let you analyze every variable in every scenario and predict the unpredictable. Barry Allen. Places, please." Barry moves in front of them with his arms behind his back. "Call it." Barry is able to see in his mind exactly where the ball will hit before Cisco even throws it.

"Eh, no cheating. Turn around." Allegra orders him. He does as she says, but it changes nothing. He holds his hand out, ready for the ball to land there.

"Ready." Cisco throws the ball. "Wall, lamp, pipe, conduit, duck."

"There's a duck?" Cisco asks, and Anna glares at him as she forces them all down as the ball almost hits them, and Barry catches it perfectly.

"You really thought there was a duck?" Anna questions him.

"He said duck, and I thought it...

"Yeah. Real genius." Anna pats her friend's shoulder. Barry turns around with a smile on his face.

"I have superspeed thinking." Barry announces. "I know how to open a portal to the Mirrorverse."

Barry leads them all back to the lab and runs down everything he knows on how to open the portal. "Uh, what?" Allegra asks, confused as they're all having a hard time keeping up.

"Yeah, repeat that. For Allegra." Cisco lies.

"All right. I'm sorry. Let me show you." Barry speeds around and writes on the board everything he knows. "Ramsey's unique cells created a polar covalent bond with the molecules in Eva's mirror portal. That's why she needed his blood."

"Because it formed a bio-friendly skin on interdimensional barrier." Anna adds, and Barry nods, agreeing with her.

"So we need Ramsey's blood. We knew that." Allegra states.

"No, we don't need it." Barry corrects her. "His blood would have bonded with the electronegative particles and become dark matter photons. Those particles wouldn't just stay on the mirror portal."

"They wouldn't." Cisco chimes in as he realizes what Barry is saying. "They'd attach themselves to Eva. Those photons are still on her. If we could collect them, we could open our portal. But it would take, like, years to develop a prototype that could do that." Barry speeds out of the lab and comes back, looking at the board.

"Not if we integrate the neural net in the Thinker's chair, synced to a nanite bridge  fed into the Tachyon Enhancer's non-reductive loop." Barry explains.

"No, no...but wait... wouldn't...well." Cisco stops and thinks. "Well, I guess that could work."

"But isn't Eva still holed up behind McCulloch Tech's force field? We'll never get close to her." Barry holds up a hand. "You're gonna bring out another board?"

Barry does just that.

"He's making me sick." Anna comments about all the running in and out of the room at super speed.

"Factoring in geographical analytics, concealment probability, these are the remaining Black Hole stash houses. There's a 97.6% chance Eva's hitting this one next." Barry announces, and everyone looks at him like he's insane.

"Right. Right. So that's where we go. And that's what we do." Cisco lets out a big sigh. "Just wish I could have seen it earlier."

"This isn't on you." Barry tells him. "We wouldn't be in this mess if I'd seen through Iris and Damian's mirror duplicates sooner."

"Barry, this...this was none of our faults." Anna tells him. She goes to grab his hand, but he pulls away, which surprises her.

"Eva's not the first to use my emotions against me." Barry says, almost emotionless. "Let's make sure she's the last."

In the Mirrorverse, Kamilla is spray painting a message on a wall for Iris to see but is shocked when she sees Iris walking up to her. "Kamilla?"

"Iris?!" They embrace each other, feeling better seeing a friend in this world.

"Thank God."

"When you disappeared, I thought that neural dissonance sickness got you." Kamilla tells Iris.

"Yeah, well, she tried to use it against me, but I was able to fight her off. I think I've been in this place for so long that I've gained control over it. I think that's how I was able to send Damian, you, and Singh that message." Iris explains.

"That's amazing."

"What about Singh? Or Damian? Have you found them?" Iris asks.

"I looked everywhere. Singh wasn't at the hospital, and neither was Damian. But Iris, what if we never find them?" Kamilla asks. "What if we never escape? What if we stay here so long that our minds just get completely destroyed and..."

"Kamilla, we have been through our fair share of danger, so no matter what dimension we're in, no matter what kind of villain we face, there is nothing that can stop us as long as we stick together." Iris exclaims to her friend. "Are you with me?"

"Let's do this."

"Good. Because I'm thinking if my message got to you, then it could have gotten to Damian and Singh too, so let's go find them." They find themselves entering the speed lab, finding it nothing like how they remembered it.

"What is all this stuff?" Kamilla asks. 

"I have no idea."

"Iris, help me, please!" David cries out for help as he crashes to the floor.

"David!" They rush to his aid, but it's too late. His eyes have a bright prism-like appearance before he passes out.

"David, can you hear me?" Iris asks.

"Is this neural dissonance?" Kamilla asks.

"No, but it's similar. It's a side effect of being sent to the Mirrorverse by the Mirror Gun instead of Eva." Iris explains. "Pulling Singh through her office mirror."

"How do you know that?" Kamilla asks.

"I don't know. I just do."

"Iris, I was shot too. Wou..." Kamilla falls to the ground, and the same thing happens to her that happened to Singh.


"We're running out of time." Iris looks up, shocked to see who's in front of her. "Iris, we have to get out of here now."


I hated when Cisco left. He made the show and it felt out of place without him.

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