Mated to a Rouge

By LiveLoveDieRepeat11

5.4K 68 8

Rosemary is 14 years old when her world falls apart. Her dad is dead and her mom is a constant drunk. Would y... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 8

246 3 2
By LiveLoveDieRepeat11

With Chase still on top of me with his jaws still around my neck i started to wiggle under him. He understood what i wanted and quickly let go of me and backed off. I shifted back into human form and then turned on him.

"What the hell?" I screamed at Chase in horror. He was still in wolf form and i could hear Ronnie tromping through the woods making as much noise as possible. I guess trying not to shock us. Chase was still looking at me, but he was still in god damn wolf form and wouldn't change back. I stood there glowering at him when Ronnie finally walked up to us.

" what exactly just happened here?" he asked he was looking everywhere but at me and i was wondering why. I quickly looked down and found the reason why quite funny. So funny in fact that i started giggling right there. It soon turned into a full fledged laugh that was belly deep. He was embarrassed by my nakedness! How hilarious the first night he met me he was trying to get into my panties and now he won't even look at me. I looked up when i felt something brush up against my front. I was staring up at the most gorgeous back i have ever seen. Chase was standing in front of me as naked as the day he was born.

Chase growled warningly at his brother. I got every word not said, Chase was basically telling Ronnie to back off so that i could get some clothes on and woudn't be indecent. I turned and walked away. That plan back fired quickly because Chase then turned and wrapped his nicely toned arms around my bust. I turned my head and asked politely in the most innocent voice i could make "What are you doing?" he looked shocked by the sweet voice but there was hatred in my eyes.

"I... were leaving and i couldn't let that happen." he said like it made obvious sense and i shouldn't be questioning his judgment. I looked him up and down them i chuckled under my breath. Men these days are so thick i don't understand it sometimes.

I took a deep breath and got ready to slow things down for him. "I live here right?" he nodded in confusion and i continued. "So that means that i shift and run in these woods right?" again he nodded and i heard a laugh from Ronnie and then i continued. "So that means i have spare clothes in the trees in case of emergency! Dumb ass." i muttered the last part under my breath and pulled out of his arms to go find some clothes. I walked about 20 feet away and found a pair of clothes that i stashed in the limbs and leaves. I pulled on a pair of grey sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt. I walked a little farther in the woods and found a pair of guys gym shorts and a t-shirt. I walked back to where Chase and Ronnie were talking.

"Here." I threw the clothes at him and he turned around to change, giving me a perfect view of his tight ass. I looked up when I heard a chuckle I glared at Ronnie for making me look away from my view. He just continued to laugh at me. I turned just in time to see Chase finally pull the gym shorts over his perfectly defined butt. I growled under my breath and then to my shock i heard Chase laugh right along with Ronnie.

"Hey Rose, where the hell did you get the guys clothes?" Chase asked me with a hard glint in his light blue eyes. Me being the nicest and sweetest mate in the world i just had to be extra 'nice' to him about this.

'Don't do this Rose.' my wolf all but growled at me. Psh what exactly can he do to me that i would like? I ask her. 'Well he could stop doing this.' and on that note she brought up the images or the shower up to the fore front of my mind. I groaned internally at the image of Chase on his knees...NO... i will do whatever the hell I want to.

"Why Chase" i fluttered my eyelashes innocently at him "I got the clothes from all the guys that i screw then maybe have a day with then i leave them." I told him as hatefully as humanly, or wolfly, possible. The look in his eyes was enough to scare a fully grown man into fleeing, but i just stood my ground looking into his black as night eyes. Knowing that my wolf was close to the edge i carefully listened into her, she was mid rant. 'What the hell would you do something as stupid as that?' i started to answer her, but i never got the chance she just went along and continued with her speech. 'Her cares for us and with your stupid remarks he will leave us. Do you just like to be abandoned? Or is it something else because i would really would like to know the answer.'

Enough! I'm tired of your constant complaining, i don't want a mate! I haven't wanted one since my dad died and mom turned into a drunken mess!

"Ugh, Rose what are you talking about?" Ronnie asked me with Chase looking just as confused and Ronnie was at the moment. Shit did I just say that out loud? I looked up at Chase to see his reaction because that was going to be a big shock, especially to him. Honest to everything that is holy in this world, Chase looked like a fish out of water with his now blue eyes wide and his mouth open. I was kind of ashamed to know that he heard me talk about my mom and dad like that. He now knows just how ducked up I am.

I look down at the ground so that they don't know how sad, mad, pissed, god i can't even find a feeling right now to explain how it is that i'm feeling. I heard foot steps walking away indicating that they are leaving me be for the moment. Just as i had that thought i felt a strong finger lift my chin up and i was looking into a pair of light blue eyes.

"So what happened? Why won't you except me as your mate?" Chases asked me gently.

I sniffed a couple of times then took a deep breath and got ready to tell him my story, my entire story. "My dad died when i was younger. I was really close to him and his death crushed me. And my mom at the time just never found the way to get over it. She was devastated by it and i couldn't talk to her about it without her getting emotional or angry. So over the years i lost touch with my friends and mom would constantly get drunk and yell and rant. Her man of the week would come over and she would sleep with him then drink some more." i took another deep breath and didn't look up from my lap then i continued. "Then one night i was in my room trying to drowned out the noise of my mom screaming downstairs. Finally i heard her yell my name. I walked down the stairs and stood in front of her. She started in on her normal rant, but then she added another part one that i had never heard before. She told me that someone left me on their doorstep and they decided to take care of me. Well my dad wanted to take care of me, she didn't want anything to do with me. Anyway she took care of me until the night i left. I couldn't deal with her shit anymore.

I ran up stairs and packed a duffel bag full of clothes and i left. I moved into a new town made a new identity for myself and started to take care of myself. Made a few drinking girl friends and i slept with whoever i wanted to because no one could tell me no. Then i found you, I was captivated from the beginning the way you looked, hell even by the way you smelled. We went to your hotel and i had the best night i've ever had, but i was getting emotions that i never wanted so the next morning i broke your heart. I crushed it with the sole of my shoe. After i left there everything went to hell and i felt horrible. Then i met Sebastian and was shot, then i woke up at home all bandaged up and all healed. You and you brother came in and you were so mad i couldn't take it. I just want to say that i'm sorry." When i finished i looked up and he looked shocked to say the least.

"Wow so you have had a shit life. Taking care of yourself and having to grow up early. You've been hurt and i can understand why you were a bitch to me. I don't agree with your reasoning, but i accept it." With the end of his speech i just looked up at him shell-shocked. and i said the one thing that i never ever wanted to say to anyone in my life.

"Chase, will you forgive me for my horrible past and all of the things that i have done to you?" He looked at me confused so i started again. "Chase, will you accept me as your mate?"

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