My Hero Omniverse (2023 Reboo...

By SuperScourge161

12.9K 303 163

In a world where 80% of the population is born with superpowers and inhuman abilities of some kind, 14-year-o... More

Episode 1: And Then There Were 10... Part 1
Episode 3: The Alliance
Episode 4: The UA Entrance Exam
Episode 5: First Day
Episode 6: Hero Time
Episode 7: The Infiltration
Episode 8: The USJ Attack
Episode 9: Clash of the Titans
Episode 10: Secrets

Episode 2: And Then There Were 10... Part 2

1.6K 42 24
By SuperScourge161


A crowd gathers as the streets are in chaos; fire and destruction are everywhere. A supervillain appears on the scene, his stomp, leaving a crater in the pavement. The camera pans to reveal a buff-looking creature with blue skin, blood-red eyes, and four muscular arms. Opposed to him, is the strongest and most noble hero the world has ever seen; All Might, #1 pro hero the world over.

Kolar: Tch! What's the matter, #1? Ain't you supposed to be the strongest?

All Might says nothing, glaring at the villain, while still standing his ground.

Kolar smirks as he rushes toward the weakened All Might, knocking him to the ground, with a single punch. The crowd shudders, as All Might coughs up some blood, but still manages to get up. The shot focuses on a boy in the crowd; A young man with Green and Black hair and freckles on his cheeks, as he looks on at his hero in terror.

"How did it come to this?"

Kolar: I thought you were supposed to be the strongest!

The four-armed villain knocks All Might down again, but All Might keeps getting back up. Kolar knocks him down again and pins him down.

Kolar: But you just don't know when to quit.

Without thinking about it, Izuku's body moves on it's own.

As Izuku is running toward the fight, All Might looks up at the boy.

All Might: *coughing* Kid! Get out of here! Run!

Kolar also sees Izuku but doesn't think anything of him, returning his attention to his foe. From the sky, another falling object can be seen, hurdling toward the Earth. Just as Izuku reaches his hero, the meteorite crash lands on the street, causing another massive shockwave that blows everyone away.

As the dust settles, Izuku finds himself in the crater created by the meteorite. Izuku weakly crawls over to the pod and it opens, revealing something glowing with a bright green aura. The aura glows brighter revealing a strange device that resembles a watch.

Kolar: Your pathetic hero can't save you now, Kid!

Izuku glares at the villain when he hears a beeping sound come out of the watch. He looks down to see the hourglass symbol and buttons glowing a bright green. Out of complete instinct, Izuku presses the button, causing the dial to pop up and a figure can be seen in the watch face.

The newly transformed Izuku stands battle-ready, facing Kolar.

Heatblast: You're really starting to fire me up!

All Might smashes the villain with a powerful uppercut, sending him flying. Heatblast follows up, igniting his hands once more and shooting flames at the ground to take flight. Heatblast rockets into the air before the villain, and with his newfound strength, slams him back toward the ground with a fiery smash attack.

Kolar falls hard towards the ground, leaving another massive crater, now KO'd and defeated.

Heatblast: All Might... would... would it ever be possible for someone like me to become a great hero like you?

All Might: Well, Young Midoriya... you too can become a hero!

Izuku looks at his hero in awe, as he tears up.

Vilgax: What do you mean it's not there?

Drone Lieutenant: Sensors indicate a probe was jettisoned from the ship, just before boarding. It landed on the planet below.

Vilgax: Go. Bring it to me.

From the shadows of the ship, several piercing red eyes can be seen, acknowledging the command.

A few days have gone by since Izuku's first encounter with the Number 1 hero and he's since begun his training to become All Might's Successor. People watch in the city street as a building is engulfed in flames. 

Music Insert:

Sirens blare in the distance. Inside the building, a young boy and his mother run to the door, but a piece of burning debris traps them in their room. They look around as pieces fall around them; eventually, the ceiling above them starts to cave in. They both shut their eyes and brace for it. Nothing happens. The young boy slowly opens his eyes, seeing someone standing in front of them

Young Boy:...Who are you?

They see a being made of fire, holding the ceiling debris above their heads.

Heatblast: I'm here to help!

Heatblast throws away the debris and extends his hands; all the fire in the room gets absorbed by them. Heatblast turns around and motions to come with him. The boy is less afraid to follow than his mom. Heatblast looks to some stairs leading down.

Heatblast: This way!

Just then, the stairs collapse before them.

Heatblast: Er, on second thought... *He looks to a barred-up window* That way.

Heatblast shoots a hole around the window. The people outside watch as a tornado of fire exits the hole and touches straight down to the ground. It disperses, and Heatblast, the boy, and the mother are all okay. The crowd gasps.

Civilian 1: It's Heatblast!

Civilian 2: He saved that woman and child!

All of the surrounding civilians applaud Heatblast, making him a bit nervous.

Heatblast: Oh! I-I'm sure you all want to thank me personally, b-b-but really it's all in a day's work for-

He notices the kid holding three trading cards, and gasps.

Heatblast: No way! A gold Sumo Slammer Card! *kneeling down* Where'd you get it? I've been looking all over for that!

Young Boy: I-It was a prize inside a box of "Sumo-Smacks" Cereal.

Heatblast: Sumo-Smacks! Man, those cereal companies. It's gonna take me forever to go through all those boxes.

Just then, the Omnitrix begins blinking and beeping red.

Heatblast: O-Oh! Uh *clears throat* Stay safe everyone, and remember; Only you can prevent forest fires!

With that Heatblast takes off, blasting away into the air and out of sight.

The next morning, the two of them meet at Takoba Beach, where Izuku has been training, lifting, and hauling trash off the beach. Izuku is waiting, as All Might pulls up in an old rusted-up RV.

All Might: Sorry to keep you waiting, Young Midoriya.

Izuku: It's no problem. Uh... car trouble?

All Might: *chuckles* What, the Rust Bucket? Nah, I've had this old girl for years. Never let me down yet. Now then... 

All Might lets out some steam and becomes buff once again.

Music Insert:

All Might: Let's get you into shape! HAHAHAHA!!!

The scene then shifts to Izuku's training, as we see him struggling to pull an old broken refrigerator with All Might sitting atop it.

All Might: Hey hey hey! It's pretty comfy up here! How are you doing?

Izuku is pulling the fridge with all his might, but All Might's added weight in his buff form is making the task even more difficult.

Izuku: Rgh! Just peachy! Hngh!

Izuku keeps pulling until the rope snaps and he falls into the sand.

Izuku: Oof! Ugh, remind me again why I can't use one of my transformations for this.

All Might: You might have a quirk now, but you're gonna have to train your body to be just as strong to handle One for All. The quirk is the fullest physical ability of many people all wrapped up in one, that's what makes it so powerful.

Izuku: *sarcastically* Oh, so that's why I'm killing myself dragging all of this trash around.

All Might: In order, for you to be able to physically handle that power we need to train both your body and mind.

Izuku: Body and mind?

All Might: Being a hero requires more than just physical strength alone... it demands drive and determination... the willingness to put your life on the line no matter what!

Izuku: I have that!

All Might: Hahaha! *nuzzles his hair* That heroic heart of yours is part of the reason I chose you as my successor! Don't worry, you'll show the world what you're made of soon enough, but first, we need to get you in tip-top shape! Although, maybe it is time we take another look at that watch of yours.

Izuku smiles as he activates the device once more, transforming into a big white alien with black markings and big yellow armored padding. As he transforms he initially has trouble keeping his balance.

Cannonbolt: W-Woah! WOAH! Oof! Ugh...

All Might: You okay?

Cannonbolt: Ngh. What am I now?

All Might: I'm not sure. Let's find out what you can do.

All Might helps the Arburian Pelerota get back up, before setting up a sort of dummy for Izuku to test his powers on. Cannonbolt gets in a battle-ready position, glaring at the dummy. He sucks in some air and attempts to shoot flames from his mouth but nothing happens.

Cannonbolt: So much for breathing fire. Maybe I can shoot freeze lasers out of my eyes!

Cannonbolt then glares at the dummy trying to freeze it but nothing happens.

Cannonbolt: Magnetic blasts?

Cannonbolt then puts his hands up in different positions, trying to make something happen but to no avail. He then takes a running start to knock down the dummy before tripping and accidentally tucking in and rolling into an armored ball, running over the dummy and slamming into a nearby wall.

All Might: Young Midoriya!

Cannonbolt: Aw yeah! Shell power!

Cannonbolt hops out of the wall and curls up into a ball again, running over the dummy a few times, excited about his new abilities.

Cannonbolt: This is so cool! I'm like a cannonball!

All Might: Think you're strong enough to bring me down?

Cannonbolt: Let's find out!

Cannonbolt revs in place, kicking up sand, before blasting forward toward All Might at high speed. All Might gets ready and catches the Arburian Pelerota, holding him in place.

All Might: It'll take more than that to knock me down!

As All Might holds him down, Cannonbolt keeps spinning, before burying himself in the sand.

Cannonbolt: Uh... little help?

The scene shifts to later after Izuku has timed out and timed back in, ready to select another alien. This time, he transforms into a blue, dinosaur-like creature with rollerballs for feet and a long, striped tail. Out of complete instinct, he starts running circles around his mentor at incredibly high speeds, surrounding All Might in a blue and black tornado. XLR8 brakes in front of All Might, flipping up his built-in visor.

The scene shifts again to Izuku's next transformation, this time turning into a green slime puddle that reforms into a humanoid shape. The slime creature stretches his limbs, testing out his elasticity. He also throws some gunk at a nearby wall, which then starts to disintegrate. All Might takes a big step back from Izuku's new transformation after seeing this.

The shifts once again, as Izuku transforms into another creature with large wings, two horns, and a tail. The aerofibian takes flight, soaring high in the air, flying circles around the beach at high speeds. All Might throws some trash and rubble at the aerofibian, as he dodges and weaves through the obstacle. All Might throws one last piece of trash at him, and out of instinct, Jetray fires a neuro shock from his eyes, destroying it. He lands on the ground before his mentor and smiles.

The scene then shifts to later on in the day. Izuku has exhausted himself after training and is now lying on the sand, as his watch goes red to recharge.

All Might: Excellent work today, Young Midoriya. You're one step closer to being able to inherit my power.

Izuku: *panting* Thanks, All Might. Man, it's so crazy to think a few days ago I was quirkless. Now I've got 10 of them.

All Might: Well that's enough for today. You go home and get some rest. I'll give you the weekend off but first thing Monday morning, it's back to the grindstone!

Izuku: *panting* You got it.

All Might: And one last thing; be careful with that watch. We still don't know it's full capabilities yet.

Izuku nods as he heads off, making his way to his favorite snack spot.

Izuku: Man, all that training really works up a thirst. I could really go for a smoothie right about now.

From there the scene shifts to downtown where the fight with Kolar happened. There's police tape and borders blocking off the area, but the crash site where the watch landed has been untouched. Suddenly, a large drone crash lands in the same spot, having tracked the watch's signal there. The drone transforms, revealing its head, arms, and legs as it scans the area, recognizing the containment pod it was launched in. The drone scans the pod, realizing it is now empty, before shooting and destroying it. The drone then picks up the watch's signal once more and begins to follow it.

The scene shifts back to Izuku, as he takes a sip from his smoothie and looks down at the Omnitrix once more. He's been trying to heed All Might's warning, but he can't help but be intrigued by the watch. He's started taking notes on all of the creatures he's been able to become so far.

Izuku: So from the looks of it, I press the button, twist the dial, and once I hit it, I can become one of ten of those creatures. Transformations last about 10 minutes... no apparent mutations after transforming... note to self, give them hero names...

Izuku is so focused on the watch that he doesn't notice Bakugou and Argit hiding behind the corner. Bakugou runs up behind Izuku and shoves him, causing the boy to spill his smoothie all over him.

Izuku: Woah! Hey!

Bakugou and Argit start laughing at him.

Bakugou: Whoops! Looks like somebody had an accident.

Argit: Aww, need me to get you a sippy cup? Or maybe a diaper?

The two of them keep laughing, as Izuku looks at the two of them with more annoyance than fear.

"Wow. This is how low they're going now?"

Izuku tries to just shrug it off, getting back up and grabbing some napkins.

Izuku: *sarcastically* Okay, you got me. Good one.

Bakugou looks confused for a moment.

Bakugou: Well? What are you gonna do about it? HUH?

Bakugou shoves Izuku again, but this time he gets smoothie all over his hand.

Izuku and Argit smirk, as some of the bystanders chuckle a bit. Bakugou gets enraged and grabs Izuku by the shirt.


Izuku is getting more and more aggravated at Bakugou. He reaches for the watch but then holds back.

Izuku: Ya know what? You're not even worth it.

Bakugou: Huh?

Izuku: It's ridiculous. Could you at least try being original for a change? You've been doing the same old bully routine since the second grade, Katsuki. It's tired. Spilling my drink? Seriously? I can't believe I used to be afraid of you. Look around Katsuki, we've all grown up, but you're still the same pathetic loser who has to torment others just to feel good about himself. You're just...sad.

Izuku cleans himself up and tries to walk away but Bakugou is livid.


Izuku: Yeah? Well, I'm through with you.

As Bakugou is about to rush at Izuku, the both of them then hear a rumbling sound, as the ground begins to shake.

Music Insert:

Argit: Uhh, is anybody else feeling that?

Just then, civilians start running in terror, as the drone from before makes its way around the corner.

Citizen 1: What is that thing?

Citizen 2: Where are the pros?! They should be handling this thing!

The drone scans the area, before recognizing the symbol on Izuku's watch and taking aim at the boy. The drone fires an energy blast at Izuku, who quickly dodges out of the way at the last second. The drone keeps blasting, causing collateral damage all around town. Izuku keeps running and Bakugou sees this.


Bakugou then realizes Argit is gone. He looks over and sees him scurrying away.

Bakugou: OI! Where the hell do you think you're going?!

Argit: Not sticking around to get turned into roadkill! You're on your own, buddy boy!

Bakugou: Why that dirty, low brow, no good-!

Just then, the drone fires another blast, causing some rubble above Bakugou to come tumbling down.

Izuku: Leave him alone!

The rubble falls towards Bakugou, he braces for impact but it never hits. When he opens his eyes, he sees a large crystal-like being, carrying the debris overhead.

Bakugou: What the fuck?!

Diamondhead: You want someone to pick on? Try me!


Diamondhead: -get a quirk? Ngh! Call me a late bloomer.

Diamondhead then throws the debris aside, before refocusing his attention on the robot. The drone analyzes Diamondhead, registering the Omnitrix symbol on his chest. The robot attacks Diamondhead with a laser blast from its palm, but the Petrosapien dodges the attack. He begins attacking the robot by morphing his hands into sharp blades and slashing the robot's legs. The drone is unphased, grabbing Diamondhead and throwing him around, knocking him into cars and walls, before throwing him into a building.

Diamondhead: Uh oh, I think I'm in trouble...

The Robot fires more beams at him from its plans but this time, Diamondhead uses his hands to reflect the blast back. He does this a few times and gets pushed back, but this gives him an idea.

Diamondhead: *pointing at his throat* C'mon! Burn one in here!

The robot fires another beam, but Diamondhead plants his feet deep into the ground and holds his ground, putting his hands together and reflecting the laser back at the robot.

Diamondhead: Rgh! What comes around, goes around! Let's see how you like it ya techno freak!

He moves one of his hands, trying to reflect the laser, aiming it back at the robot's core, causing it to explode. Its lifeless body falls as the flies off, sliding across the pavement.

Diamondhead: *celebrating* Oh yeah! Who's bad? I mean uh... *clears throat* My work here is done!

Just then, Diamondhead notices some of the nearby civilians cheering for him.

Civilian 1: Yeah! Way to go!

Civilian 2: Thank you for saving us!

Civilian 3: Way to go Diamondheaded guy!

Civilians: Diamondhead! Diamondhead! Diamondhead!

Diamondhead lets out a little smile, as runs away before he transforms back to human. Bakugou just looks in horror at the scene that just unfolded.

Bakugou: H-How? How is this possible? He's quirkless! How could he just randomly get a power like that?!... He's... he's been lying...

Bakugou clenches his fists and grits his teeth.

Bakugou: That little FAKER!!!

The scene then shifts to Vilgax's view on a monitor from his ship.

Vilgax: Failure?! Unbelievable! The puny earth being that is keeping the Omnitrix from me will soon hang on my trophy wall.

The scene then shifts once more to a girl's room. She is rewatching the fight between Diamondhead and the robot, intrigued by the new hero.

Reporter: And once again, civilians are all cheering for the appearance of the hero they've affectionately dubbed "Diamondhead." This incident follows the appearance of a number of new heroes in Musutafu, beginning with All Might's battle against the villain Kolar in the heart of the city. Witnesses say All Might was aided in the fight by an unknown hero the public has called "Heatblast." We don't know where these heroes are coming from but this reporter is glad to have them on our side.

Ochako: So cool!

Just then, she notices something about Heatblast, taking an interest in the badge on his chest.

Ochako: That symbol... I wonder what it means...

With an arsenal of 10 aliens on Izuku's wrist, he's on his way to becoming the strongest hero the world has ever seen! See how his adventure continues next week!

If you liked this story, be sure to leave a like and follow for more! You can also find me on Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok at SuperScourge161!

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