Burn Me Right

By Nyxiden

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Autumn Wraith took a step a 20-year-old shouldn't take. She was naïve for her own ruin. One wrong move, or sh... More

Diabolus et angelus eius....
Angelus Mortis
manes praeterita
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter- 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91

Chapter 56

835 57 44
By Nyxiden

He handed her a warm jacket. She looked at it but took it without protest. "You might not need it. I can keep you warm. All you have to do is say those words," he threw it over her body, zipping it up.

Autumn was puzzled by his behavior, but she ignored it. Trying to understand him is like trying to solve Pythagoras' theorem. She was never good at doing that, and she will never be good at understanding him. "Can you tell me where we are going?" she asked as he pushed the zipper up her chest and stopped.

She stared up at him, but his eyes were glued to her chest. She grabbed the zipper, slapping his hands away, and zipped it up. Zyler immediately pulled it down past her breasts. She gritted her teeth and hit his hands out again, pulling her zipper up and clutching her hands, trying not to be embarrassed as she was terrified the driver would see.

Zyler pulled her arms away from her body and pulled the zipper down. This time, Autumn huffed like an angry bull. "Are you 4?" she angrily pulled her zipper up again.

"Maybe," he answered, pulling it down. "I don't like you covering them," he pinned her hands to the side, "I will tie you up if I have to," he didn't seem to be joking. Autumn has the urge to pull it up again, but seeing that he never joked about anything, she let it slip. At least she has her top to cover her chest.

Silence ruled the vehicle. Autumn was curious to see where they were going, but all she could see as her eyes allowed were snowcapped streets, mountains, and roads. It looked straight out of a fantasy novel. The world outside seemed to have been dipped in soft icing as if nature was celebrating a grand occasion. The sun, a distant companion in the vast azure canvas, cast its golden embrace upon the landscape, making the snow glisten like a million diamonds scattered in abandon. Each snowflake seemed to hold a secret, a whisper of the stories they had witnessed over centuries.

As they journeyed further into the heart of the village, the quaint cottages emerged like characters from a dream. Their roofs were draped in white, resembling powdered sugar dusted atop a freshly baked pastry. Chimneys released spirals of smoke that mingled with the crisp air, creating an inviting aroma that promised warmth and comfort.

The village came to life as they approached, the villagers emerging from their homes like characters in a timeless fable. Children bundled in layers of warmth chased each other through the snow-covered lanes, their laughter like tinkling bells in the brisk air. Elderly couples strolled hand in hand, their eyes speaking volumes of a lifetime shared.

"Where are we?" she asked as the driver parked the car.

"Northern Ireland," he gracefully stepped out and rounded to her side.

"Why?" she pushed her hands into her pockets as the air was chilly. He grabbed a hat and placed it on her head. Pulling her wrists out, he put gloves on her hand.

"Because I can," his cocky answer irritated her. Can he not answer like an average human? Does he have to be cocky all the time? Rolling her eyes mentally, he instructed the driver in some language she had no idea of. He turned around and pulled her close. Autumn wasn't okay with it. Not in a million would she admit, but he did feel warm, too warm.

"Won't you dress in warm clothing?" she carefully stepped over the frozen steps. It would be mortifying if she fell on her butt.

"I am a bit of a masochist. I love pain," he drawled his lips and wet them.

"Huh?" she appeared stumped.

"Come on, Baby girl, you are English. You surely know what I meant," he climbed up the steps and punched the code.

"I didn't eat the Oxford dictionary for lunch today," she felt offended. How in the world was she supposed to know every English word?

"Well, I will show you one day," he said, his voice a soft invitation. With a graceful gesture, he opened the door, revealing a sight that stole Autumn's breath away. The sun was beginning its descent, a radiant orb of fire painting the sky in hues of tangerine and amber. Its warm embrace cast an enchanting glow upon the tranquil lake, turning its waters into a canvas of liquid gold.

The air held a gentle chill as she stepped out, but it was a welcome caress against her skin. The landscape around the cabin seemed to have come alive, every element conspiring to create a moment suspended in time. The snow-capped peaks of the mountains stood like majestic sentinels; their lofty heights kissed by the sun's final clutch.

The lake, a mirror of serenity, shimmered with the sun's reflection, each ripple, a brushstroke in a masterpiece painted by nature herself. Autumn's gaze lingered on this captivating scene, her heart capturing every detail, every nuance of the breathtaking panorama.

For a minute, she forgot Zyler was even there. This was a moment to remember that seemed to transcend ordinary existence. The air held a whisper of magic, inviting Autumn to stop, breathe in the beauty around her, and let it seep into her soul. "This is so beautiful," a teardrop escaped her eyes.

Zyler was watching her in awe. Her face is what he needed to forget the stress he was in. He tried to talk to his mother, but the woman hated Zyler more than anything and refused to acknowledge his presence. So, he stopped visiting her. He wanted her to be peaceful. Her condition deteriorated as days passed, and his heart broke at the news. So, this was his escape, his moment of peace.

"This is mesmerizing," her voice snapped him out of his trance. She seemed to have forgotten he was with her. She turned into a kid, longing, looking at the pretty landscape.

She felt a presence on her skin as he hugged her from behind, "This is why I didn't tell you." He pushed his hands under her arms and unzipped the jacket. Surprisingly, she didn't feel cold. The cabin had heated floors and windows.

"Why are we here?" She watched him as he threw her jacket in the closet.

"Do you want to skate?" He diverted her, and she seemed to have forgotten that she was angry at him.

"Really? Ice staking?" Her eyes turned wide. Her mother used to take April and her to ice skate at a local rink, and after April went missing, everything died down, and she never stepped on a lake.

"That is why we are here. He took the cap off her head and brushed his fingers through her hair.

"Let's go then," she wanted to hurry, but he stopped her.

"Hold on," he glanced at his watch. "In a minute," he knew his little kitten was excited to run away onto that lake, but he had to ascertain the timing was right.

"Now," he made her sit down and kneeled before her.

"Don't," she stopped him. Him standing on his knees before her,  made her uncomfortable.

"Don't worry, I am not going to dip my head into your pussy," he lifted her feet and placed it on his knee. Undoing her shoes, he grabbed the skate and secured it on her feet.

Her cheeks turned red with unfiltered words. His words were always filthy.

"Not just yet," he murmured, securing her skates with a gentle touch. Rising gracefully, he extended a hand to her, his fingers warm against her skin. With a soft smile, he led her towards the frozen rink before them, their steps almost synchronizing in an unspoken rhythm. The ice beneath their feet seemed to hold a promise of adventure, a canvas for their shared journey beneath the celestial spectacle.

Autumn's breath caught in her throat as they glided onto the ice-covered lake. Her gaze lifted skyward, and there it was—a breathtaking tapestry woven by the cosmos. The aurora borealis, a dance of ethereal colors, painted the heavens with green, violet, and pink strokes. It was as if the universe itself had come alive, swaying in harmony with the rhythm of the night.

"Is that?" She couldn't guess why he took her there before, and now she did. It was her dream.

"It is," he assured her, taking her hand. "You wanted it, didn't you?" he asked, proud. Her amazed expression boosted his ego. It made him feel like a fucking king.

She gave in. Where else would she get to experience this magical moment? "Beauty doesn't even begin to explain how beautiful this is," she let Zyler control her movements. All she did was to see heavenward and let him control her actions.

"No, it doesn't," he gazed into her eyes.

His gaze, usually so guarded, looked onto her face. Yet, there was something different about how he looked at her now, as if a veil had been lifted, revealing the raw emotions he kept concealed. His eyes, those deep pools of enigmatic green, seemed to hold a reflection of the celestial spectacle above as if the aurora itself had found a home within his irises.

A gasp caught in his throat as his gaze delved into her heterochromatic eyes. The mesmerizing hues of her eyes, one a shade of rich chocolate and the other a brilliant shade of green, were now a canvas for the dancing lights above. The aurora borealis cast its enchanting glow upon her eyes, transforming them into twin mirrors that held the universe within their depths.

He was in awe. At that moment, he felt as though he was gazing into her eyes and the heart of the cosmos. The colors of the aurora danced and swirled within her irises, creating a symphony of light and emotion that was nothing short of breathtaking. It was as if the universe had conspired to paint its beauty onto the canvas of her soul, a masterpiece of nature and wonder.

He had seen many things in his life, traversed through the shadows of the world, and yet, this simple yet profound sight captivated him. It was as if time had paused, allowing him to exist in a space where only he and the girl before him lived. The vibrant hues of the aurora seemed to pulse with a rhythm that matched the beat of his heart, a reminder that even in a world consumed by darkness, there was still beauty to be found- beauty in her.

Her eyes, alight with the colors of the heavens, held him spellbound. He felt he could lose himself in those depths, exploring the mysteries of the universe that seemed to reside within her very being. At that moment, the complexities of his life, the weight of his past, and the uncertainties of the future all faded into insignificance, leaving only the connection between their gazes.

As they stood on the frozen lake, surrounded by the aurora's embrace, he realized that sometimes the most profound moments were found in the simplest things. And in the reflection of her eyes, he found a beauty that transcended the boundaries of the world, a beauty that was both earthly and ethereal—a beauty that could only be described as pure magic.

He turned her around, twirling her, and she moved her gaze from the phenomena in the sky. A smile spread on her lips, and she let her guard down, letting this moment soak into her skin. She saw him looking at her. "You should look at the beauty."

"I am," he didn't waver his gaze.

"I meant the aurora," she squealed as he pushed her forward.

"I have my Autumn," he lugged her forward, hugging her. She didn't know how to feel. One thing she knew was it felt good. She felt good that she forgot he was her tormentor. He torments people and kills them, but she doesn't want to think about that at that minute. She was allowed a minute of tranquility, wasn't she?

Their movements became a graceful ballet, a dance choreographed by the cosmos itself. As they skated beneath the shimmering stars and the celestial light show, the world seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them in a realm of enchantment.

Autumn's heart boomed in time with the rhythm of their steps, a steady cadence that echoed the magnificence above. She felt a sense of unity with the universe as if the very atoms of her being resonated with the energy of the aurora and the meteor shower.

Zyler's warm and reassuring touch guided her as they glided across the ice. The cold air against her cheeks only added to the sense of exhilaration. She was no longer on a frozen lake; she was in a realm of dreams, where the earthly and the ethereal boundaries blurred into insignificance.

"So, you bought me here out of the goodness of your heart?" she broke free of his embrace and whooshed past him. He bent his knees, and like a Siberian tiger running after a rabbit, he increased his speed and chased after her, and in no time, he caught up to her like a predator. Autumn, who wasn't expecting this, felt stunned.

"Don't you ever run away from me," he grabbed her jaw, pushing his lips tongue into her mouth. Autumn clutched his shirt as the warmth of his mouth penetrated her. He rolled his tongue in her mouth, slurping the saliva. She didn't stop moving; she kept skating backward, and Zyler pushed his body forward, pushing his tongue into her mouth deeper.

Their figures glided gracefully on the mirror-like surface of the frozen lake. Each movement was a delicate brushstroke against the canvas of the night, their skates tracing elegant patterns on the ice beneath them.

Their lips met in a kiss that seemed to resonate with the very magic of the cosmos. The stars above gazed in awe as if holding their breath to witness this intimate exchange. The aurora shower painted streaks of brilliance across the sky as if nature was applauding his obsession for her.

Their bodies swayed in perfect harmony, their motions a dance transcending earthly physics' constraint. His hand held her waist, guiding her as they moved, while her arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer.

The aurora borealis cast a kaleidoscope of colors upon their figures, bathing them in green, purple, and pink hues. The lights seemed to caress their forms as if blessing their connection, creating an almost otherworldly aura around them.

She pulled with a force that grazed his teeth on her lower lip, injuring it. "Tell me, why am I here?" she demanded.

"Can't a man have a day away from all the killing?" he knew that would make her mad. She huffed and shook her head.

"What do you want? Why are you giving me this? And how do you know I loved to ice skate?" She didn't even have it in her hobbies or anywhere online. Her eyes turned into saucers as she realized, and he smiled as he understood she figured it out. "You didn't," she accused him.

"You broke into my online journal?" she yelled at him.

"Your passwords should be stronger than just, "I love my dog 2003, baby girl," It didn't even take me 3 seconds to break in," he skated to her, grabbing her waist, "and that selfie in red lingerie," he kissed her earlobe. "Bomb. I was beating like a madman," he shamelessly admitted. She pushed past him.

"I don't want anything, Autumn. I just wanted to spend some time away with you," he laced his fingers through her glove-clad ones, kissing them. "Maybe after this night, you would be able to show me some mercy?" he raised his brow, confusing her.


It had been hours since Liam locked me in. I was happy because I couldn't see his fucked-up face. I wanted to rest some more, so I pulled the blanket on top of me, wanting to get some rest. But as if the stars hated me, the door opened, and Liam walked in. But something seemed off. He wasn't his usual self. His body swayed, his steps wobbled, and he fell on the bed before me. I didn't move. I don't care if he died there.

Seeing that I wasn't moving, he raised his head. With a hiccup, he climbed up the bed, hovering over me by forcing me to lie down. "Great, are you drunk?" I scrunched my nose.

"I love your nose scrunch," he booped me, and I rolled my eyes.

"Get up, Liam. I am tired. I need sleep," I tried pushing him, but he didn't budge. He didn't move, instead he smiled. He moved down my body and rested his head on my stomach.

"I hate this, April. I want to be with you. I want you to be with me. Why won't you listen to me? Why do you hate me so much?" he mumbled, and I could care less.

"Get up, Liam," I clutched his shoulders, trying to push him out of my way.

"My dad was a bastard; he forced me to do so many things in life," what is he talking about?

"But the one thing I couldn't listen to him was when it came to you," he wiped the sweat trickling down his eyebrows. "He brought you, an angel, into this house and saved me," he raised his head, staring into my eyes. "My sweet April. I Love You, April. If you leave me, I will leave this world. I don't have a purpose to live without you," he sounded broken.

Well, this was the first time he had ever shown his vulnerability to me. But I do not know what I should do with this information. I don't ever want to forgive him. I don't want to soften and forget everything he has done to me. "Please, lord, don't make me forgive him. I know it is the opposite of what I was taught, but I don't want to forgive and forget what he did to me." I looked up at the ceiling, praying to any entity that would listen to me. 

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