Our Ordinary Lives

Od CoteEnjoyer

82.9K 4K 1K

A fanfiction that follows the basic story of ANHS from the light novels, but now Ai Hoshino is attending as a... Více

Chapter 1 - Bus encounter
Chapter 2 - Hidden Systems
Chapter 3 - Social Interactions
Chapter 4 - Understanding Motives
Chapter 5 - Old Connections
Chapter 6 - Childish Expectations
Chapter 7 - Revelations
Chapter 8 - The Other Side of Horikita Suzune
Chapter 9 - Club Fair Encounters
Chapter 10 - A Meeting With the President
Chapter 11 - Saving Defects
Talking About Ai (Author)
Chapter 12 - Friendly Outing
Chapter 13 - A Regretful Idol
Chapter 14 - Moves on a Board
Chapter 15 - Collecting the Idiot Trio
Chapter 16 - Group Study
Chapter 18 - Confrontation
Chapter 19 - Goals
Chapter 20 - Using Kushida
Chapter 21 - A Change in Name
Chapter 22 - Mid Term Exam
Chapter 22.5 - Saving Sudo

Chapter 17 - True Colors

2.6K 129 30
Od CoteEnjoyer


The elevator doors slid shut, sealing me off from Kiyotaka's presence. In the dimly lit lobby, I couldn't help but release a small, audible sigh. The fatigue from our intensive study session weighed on me more heavily than I'd expected. Studying had always been draining, but today seemed particularly exhaustive.

As I stood there, alone in the lobby, my thoughts wandered to recent changes in my life. I'd been making a conscious effort to be more sociable, especially towards Airi and Kiyotaka. I sensed they were beginning to notice this shift in my behavior. It was a subtle change, but to me, it represented a significant departure from my usual reserved self.

I gazed out into the night, a canvas painted with a thousand shimmering stars. The breathtaking view transported me back to a time when I was still an idol, just a few months ago. Those were the days when leisure was a luxury I could hardly afford. My life had been a relentless whirlwind of meet-ups, brand deals, interviews, and countless other obligations. There was always something that needed planning, attention, or action.

That's why I cherished these moments of solitude, high above the world, gazing at the stars from a rooftop. It was the one place where I could truly be alone with my thoughts. No one ever ventured to disturb me during my star-gazing sessions. It was an oasis of peace in the midst of my hectic life. The gentle breeze that caressed my skin seemed to carry away my worries and anxieties. Depending on the location, I could hear the distant hum of traffic, the soothing sounds of nature, or the profound silence of the night. It was my escape.

A wistful smile graced my lips as I allowed myself to drift into reminiscence. My current situation felt worlds apart from those days, yet at their core, both worlds were plagued by similar troubles. I closed my eyes, attempting to let go of the past few months and the overwhelming emotions that came with them. This had become a daily ritual for me, a way to bury my feelings beneath layers of detachment.

But today was different. It was as if all the suppressed thoughts and emotions that I'd been avoiding for weeks had converged upon me in an unstoppable tide. They refused to be ignored any longer, persistently haunting my mind. I can't keep evading them like this, I thought.

And then, almost like a lifeline, an idea blossomed in my mind. What if I just looked at the stars one more time? The thought had arisen so naturally, as if the universe itself had whispered it to me.

I decided to act on that instinct. The rooftop was my sanctuary, and tonight, I needed its solace more than ever.

moved towards the elevator that Kiyotaka had just used and pressed the call button, summoning it down to the lobby. Both the boys' and girls' elevators granted access to the same rooftop, a detail that seemed to have slipped past most students. It was as though I was in a trance, my attention solely focused on the soft ding that signaled the elevator's arrival.

My fingers hovered over the illuminated buttons, seeking the one that would take me to the highest floor—the roof. With a sense of purpose, I located the button I was searching for and pressed it. The doors closed, enveloping me in the quiet hum of the elevator's machinery as it began its ascent. The anticipation I felt was almost palpable as I waited for the gentle vibrations to subside.

As the elevator ascended, I closed my eyes, surrendering myself to the sensation of upward movement. It had been months since I'd indulged in this simple pleasure—gazing at the stars on the rooftop, a ritual that used to be part of my daily life. The thought struck me as odd; something so fundamental to my existence had been altered, hidden away beneath the facade I now wore. It was a change I'd made intentionally, aware that it would raise eyebrows among those who knew me from my previous life.

But tonight, an unexplainable pull had drawn me back to this cherished habit. The late hour guaranteed that there would be no curious onlookers to witness my deviation from the norm. I longed for the familiar solace that the rooftop had always provided, and I intended to relish it without reservation.

The elevator's prolonged chime finally signaled the end of its ascent, and the doors gracefully slid open. Stepping out, I found myself in a small room, illuminated by a solitary light that seemed to flicker to life upon detecting my presence. Oddly, the door leading to the rooftop was slightly ajar, allowing a gentle current of night air to brush against my skin. A chill raced down my spine, but I quickly dismissed it as a simple oversight—perhaps the result of forgetfulness on the part of the janitorial staff or a teacher.

Pushing the door fully open, I stepped onto the rooftop, greeted by a scene of unexpected tranquility. The rooftop, adorned with an assortment of well-tended flora, created a picturesque oasis of lush, dark greenery beneath the moonlight. It was evident that someone with a skilled hand had dedicated time to nurture these plants. My curiosity piqued, I followed a meandering stone path that led further into this rooftop garden.

As I walked, the night breeze caressed my face, carrying with it the coolness of the evening. From this vantage point atop the dormitory building, I had a commanding view of a substantial portion of the school grounds. The malls and shops stood silent, their lights extinguished for the night. I spotted a few teachers making their way towards their respective living quarters, a sight that seemed strangely intimate in the quietude of the night.

Inspired by the serene atmosphere and the unique perspective offered by the rooftop, I retrieved my phone and aimed its camera at the tranquil scenery. Capturing a photograph, I marveled at the ethereal beauty of the school, devoid of the bustling presence of students.

It was then that a familiar voice, distant yet unmistakable, reached my ears. I cocked my head in the direction of the sound, my curiosity overpowering the eerie stillness that enveloped the rooftop. With my phone still in hand, I proceeded along the stone path, the voice growing steadily louder and more distinct as I drew closer.

???: "You insufferable, conceited blonde bimbo! You strut around like you're the queen when you're nothing but a waste of space! You act as if you're such a big shot when everyone knows that you're a little snake with no talent"

???: "And those fucking disgusting perverts, drooling over the girls with their filthy eyes! They're utterly worthless, leeching off others like parasites. The world would be better off without those vermin. They should all just disappear and kill themselves!"

???: "Horikita, that absolute pitch! She parades herself around like a pompous know it all, looking down on everyone with that nauseating arrogance! Just because you're somewhat smart doesn't mean you get to be such a BITCH."

The voice's venomous words continued to pour forth, each syllable dripping with hostility and contempt. I strained to identify the speaker, finding their diatribe both shocking and unsettling. The intensity of their vitriol was jarring, a stark contrast to the amiable and sociable Kushida I thought I knew.

As I cautiously approached the source of the voice, my curiosity wrestled with a growing unease. Who could be harboring such malevolent feelings towards their fellow students? And why did this voice sound so familiar?

My heart pounded in my chest as I reached a corner and peered cautiously around it. To my astonishment and dismay, I spotted Kushida, her blonde hair swaying gently as she ranted and kicked at the railings of the rooftop. It was an image that clashed violently with the friendly facade she typically wore.

Kushida: "I don't care what their crushes and dream are, because it's too SMALL. I don't care about it. It's nothing to me. It's a bacterium. I travel in worlds they can't even imagine. They can't conceive of what im capable of. I'm so far beyond them. I'm like a god in human clothing. Lightning bolts shoot from my fingertips!"

My sudden movement inadvertently disturbed the nearby foliage, causing a rustling sound that echoed in the stillness of the night. The noise didn't escape Kushida's notice. She abruptly halted her tirade and turned her gaze in my direction. Panic surged within me as I realized she was heading my way, her determination palpable.

A moment of uncertainty gripped me. Should I reveal myself? Or should I attempt to remain concealed and avoid confronting this side of Kushida that I had never witnessed before? I weighed my options as she drew closer, her voice now laced with a warning.

Kushida: "Who is it? I know someone is there."

I remained silent, paralyzed by the situation and unsure of how to proceed. The consequences of my choice loomed, and the tension in the air thickened with each passing second.

Kushida: "If you don't come out now, I'm going to go there myself."

Her words were both a threat and an invitation, leaving me with a difficult decision to make.

I made up my mind and slowly stepped out from behind the wall, facing Kushida, who wore an expression of horror as she realized someone had heard her venomous words.

Kushida: "Did you hear anything?" Her eyes squinted with hostility.

Ai: "N-no, I just came up. I d-don't know what you're talking about." I stammered, fear gripping me as she approached.

Kushida: "Don't lie to me. I'm sure you did hear me."

Ai: "N-no, you're mista-"

Kushida: "Do I look like one of those idiots?" She interrupted me sharply.

Ai: "P-please, I'll just go... I won't say anything..."

Kushida: "I can't guarantee that, now can I?" She scrutinized me closely. "You're that one girl who was too much of a pathetic coward to introduce herself." She chuckled slightly. "Even that worthless loner, Ayanokoji, managed that."

Ai: "..."

Kushida: "I'm going to say this once and only once. No one will ever believe someone as insignificant and useless as you. You're at the bottom of this school. No one cares about you."

She continued to approach me, and as she drew nearer, I instinctively glanced backward and backed away, feeling a cold, wet sensation on my back as I realized I had hit a wall covered in vines.

Kushida: "You're just like the rest of them. Worthless, useless, meaningless, inferior to me." Her voice dripped with contempt. "People like you absolutely disgust me, such cowards who can't even talk to others. No wonder you talk to that other useless piece of shit, Ayanokoji" Her face twisted into a sick smile, as if she took pleasure in berating me.

With each step, she closed the distance between us until she stood directly in front of me. I avoided her gaze, looking to the side while keeping my hands to my sides. She suddenly grabbed my collar and forced me to look directly at her.

Kushida: "Now here's what you're going to d-" Just then, I heard another rustling sound to my left. I turned and saw a familiar figure that I had hoped would have arrived sooner. Kushida also seemed to turn her head, and when she saw who it was, her eyes widened.

Kiyotaka: "What's going on here?" His voice cut through the tension.

Kiyotaka POV

The elevator pinged once more, indicating its arrival at the boys' dormitory. I looked out to see that the hallway was completely empty. My eyes glazed over the window, taking in the moonlight that streamed through. No wonder no one is out.

I moved slowly to my door and unlocked it, entering my now dark room before flipping the lights on. As the lights brightened the room, I surveyed the familiar space. Everything was as plain as ever. The furniture was the same as when we first arrived at the beginning of the year. The only changes were the food in the fridge, some silverware and cutlery I had bought, along with a few clothes I had acquired during shopping trips with Ai and Sakura.

I had made sure to keep everything in my room clean and organized, diligently removing any garbage and cleaning dishes. After all, I didn't have much to do in my free time, and maintaining order in my living space had become a routine for me.

I went over to the counter and carefully set all my belongings on the surface, starting with my phone. It was a well-organized array of items, a testament to my meticulous nature.

There was a file filled with study materials, its pages crisp and devoid of any crumples. Beside it lay a simple bag containing some pencils, a hoodie, a sharpener, pens, erasers, and blank sheets of paper. It might not have been as extravagant as what some other students carried, but it was everything I needed, and far more than what the white room had ever provided me.

However, as I started to inspect my belongings more closely, I noticed that the erasers seemed to be coated in a fine black dust. Upon further examination, I realized that it was pencil shavings. It appeared that the sharpener had malfunctioned and opened inside my pencil case, scattering shavings everywhere. I let out a sigh; what an inconvenience. Setting aside the messy stationery for later, I decided to wash my hands, as I didn't want to get the residue all over my study materials. Just as I turned on the faucet and began to clean my hands when I heard my phone vibrate from the counter.

I looked up and noticed that my phone's screen was illuminated with two notifications indicating that Ai had messaged me. I was curious as to why she had reached out so soon after we had separated just a few minutes ago. What could be so urgent? I quickly turned off the faucet and dried my hands before making my way over to the counter to read Ai's messages.

As I stared at the screen, I saw two distinct messages:

[Ai]: Someone is on the roof.

[Ai]: Please come quickly.

What could this be about?

I rarely received messages from Ai, especially urgent ones like these. Her sudden need to contact me indicated something pressing. We had just parted ways a few minutes ago, so whatever had prompted this message must be significant. Why was she on the roof? I let out a sigh and accepted that I needed to go and find out.

I grabbed my phone and ensured I had all my recording equipment with me. Afterward, I turned to the door I had recently come through and left the room, heading towards the elevator. The motion-activated lights flickered on as I made my way to the elevator.

Once more, I pressed the button and waited for the faint ping.

The familiar ping of the elevator echoed through the corridor, indicating its arrival. Stepping in, the metallic doors closed with a soft whoosh. I pressed the button for the highest floor—the roof. The ascent began, and as I looked through the transparent elevator walls, I could see the moonlight casting ethereal beams, creating a serene atmosphere. The quiet hum of the elevator accompanied my thoughts.

The night held a peculiar beauty. The moon, full and radiant, bathed the surroundings in a gentle glow. Liminal walls on each floor blurred past, a silent witness to the hurried thoughts racing through my mind. Why was Ai on the roof? Was something wrong?

The elevator came to a stop, the ping indicating my arrival. The doors opened, revealing a small room with a dim light and another door, slightly ajar, leading to the roof. A cool breeze carried the faint scent of nature, and I could hear leaves rustling and the soft hush of the wind.

As I stepped onto the roof, the lush flora greeted me. It was a secluded oasis in the midst of the urban setting—a roof garden of sorts. Plants, meticulously cared for, swayed gently in the breeze. The moonlight painted a silver sheen on the leaves, and the shadows they cast danced upon the path ahead.

The quietness enveloped me as I walked. The tranquil night seemed to amplify my thoughts. Why would Ai ask me to come up here? What had transpired after we parted ways just a short while ago?

The stone path led me further, guiding my way. The rustling leaves created a soothing symphony, a harmony to my racing thoughts. The night was calm, and the garden on the roof was a haven of peace. It was the perfect place to collect one's thoughts and find solace.

Just then, a voice shattered the relative calmness of the night. It was a feminine voice, familiar in its projection and tone. Kushida? The familiarity was uncanny—the enunciation, the way words were carefully articulated, and the commanding projection of her voice. However, the words she spoke were unlike the facade she often wore. It was as if a hidden side had been unmasked. My assumptions seemed to be accurate. No one can conceal their true selves indefinitely.

Swiftly, I moved to position myself out of their line of sight, concealed behind a wall. I strained my ears to comprehend the conversation unfolding before me. Kushida seemed to be venting some kind of suppressed frustration, releasing her pent-up stress in this hidden corner of the roof. It made sense—an individual under the constant social spotlight might need such an outlet.

Kushida: "You're just like the rest of them. Worthless, useless, meaningless, inferior to me." The words she hurled were harsh, filled with disdain. It was a stark departure from her usual facade. It seemed she needed a place to let out the resentment and pressures that came with maintaining an image.

I heard a slight whimpering sound, presumably Ai, emanating from the tension-filled scene. Any person would feel discomfort or fear in such a situation, and considering my stoic facade, I could only imagine how overwhelming it might be for Ai. It was evident why she had urgently messaged me to come up here.

As I stood hidden behind the wall, contemplating my course of action, the options laid themselves out in my mind. Should I intervene now, potentially revealing what I had overheard and capturing this unsettling side of Kushida? The audio recordings I possessed could potentially be a form of leverage, enabling me to confront her with the truth. Blackmail was not a moral high ground, but it could serve my ultimate goals in this complex place.

On the flip side, I could choose to retreat, to let this play out, and maintain the facade I had so carefully crafted with Kushida. If I chose to reveal myself, I knew Kushida would do everything within her reach to retaliate, to protect her own interests. Exposing my knowledge and evidence to her could lead to futile attempts to have me expelled, despite her inability to truly harm me in the long run. However, dealing with the consequences of such an altercation could be burdensome, disrupting the careful balance I had established.

After a brief but decisive evaluation, considering the potential implications and weighing my ultimate objectives, I made my choice. Blackmail isn't the most moraly bankrupt thing I would be doing during my stay at ANHS afterall.

Kushida: "Now here's what you're going to d-" I seized this opportune moment to step into view, revealing myself. Kushida, mid-sentence, froze as her eyes met mine. Ai, cornered and terrified, had her back against the wall.

Kiyotaka: "What's going on here?"

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