The Playground of Memories an...

By Asuryii

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This is going to be filled with the one-shots I write and any reaction chapters I make, the reaction chapters... More

The Rekindling of A Heart (RimuruxVelgrynd)
Reaction: The Rekindling of A Heart
Reaction: Enlightenment Filled With Despair
Frostbitten Nightmares (RimuruxVelzard)
Frostbitten Nightmares 3 (RimuruxVelzard)
Frostbitten Nightmares 4 (RimuruxVelzard)
Frostbitten Nightmares 5 (RimuruxVelzard)
Reaction: Frostbitten Nightmares
M Reaction Special: Vampire And Slime

Frostbitten Nightmares 2 (RimuruxVelzard)

1K 26 21
By Asuryii

"You can go first Velda."

"Thank you Rimuru. I say we play a game."

"A game? I hope you don't mean like Rudra and Guy."

"I don't mean like them at all. Frankly those two are stupid just like their rivalry. Even if we wanted to do a game like them I'd be boring as-"

"We both think relatively the same."

"Yes exactly my point and we are absurdly stronger than those 2. So what I am saying is we play a point based game where every time 1 of us failed a challenge the other gets a point or that person loses a point."

"Okay I see. So basically if we did say a True or Dare and the other failed they'd lose a point or the opposition gain a point. But we could also make it so the person who won decides whether a point is gained or lost and the point gain or loss would be dependent upon the level the dare or what not takes to."

"And we could decide the loss or gain of points before the challenge so that you can't just randomly say this is worth 6 points or a loss of 6 points."

"We also don't have to limit it to things like challenges. We could make bets, play games, or see who does better in some regard."

"I like this. We are on the same wavelength on this game thing. So we can go into negative points and I say the goal is the winner is the first person to 1000 points for the first round. We can play as many rounds as we want and change the win conditions at each round end."

"Sounds simple enough."

"But also besides this. Spend time with Velzard and make your name known before you disappear just because I want Velzard to have a chance to know you so she can decide on who she prefers of you and Guy. Should she choose Guy I'd feel bad since I know what you'll do and be forced to do in this reality before you reset it."

"Haha. You know me well. I'd just do the same thing I did for Velgrynd in that case but irregardless of her decision the Guy in this world has to die. He is a traitor, a scumbag, and a disappointment. I even saw Guy as an annoying friend but these are his true colors at least here in this world."

"Haha. You really are selfless Rimuru. You sacrifice your own happiness for others and even do things that cause you immense pain and grief. You truly have my respect."

"Ya know Velda I appreciate that you're not so bad yourself."

"Haha. Well even if Velzard makes that decision in the end I will know in the next timeline and we can talk about it as friends then too." Veldanava looked at Rimuru and smiled, raising his glass slightly towards Rimuru.

"I'd like that. Cheers." Rimuru smiled and the two clinked their glasses finishing their 4 millionth glass they shared.

"Cheers~ Ya know we would seem like alcoholics to other people wouldn't we?"

"That's an understatement. We absolutely would but we aren't drunk at all, we have resistances, we are digital lifeforms, and we are absurdly strong to the point that I think even without resistances we'd just now be getting tipsy. Well unless of course we forcefully expedited the effects of the alcohol."

"Yeah. You really don't say. Good thing Lucia didn't see this."

"Good thing Ciel didn't see this."

The two of them shivered a moment later and frantically looked around anxiously.

"I just felt a chill up my spine."

"Same. I hope it was just my imagination though."

"I agree. But I am not too hopeful on that front."

After a few more hours of simple back and forth, Rimuru finally asked a question that's been bugging him since he learned his status.

"Velda do you have any idea what the fuck half my skills even do?"

"No, I haven't a clue. Give me a moment to think. While I think I'm going to go pay my respects to those who had fallen."

"I have no intention of stopping you now. Please go, I shouldn't have stopped you to begin with. I have an idea on what the skills may do but I'll wait till you return."

With a simple nod Veldanava got up and walked towards the building where the thousands of dead who were connected to Rimuru lay and the bodies of Veldanava's family and friends. Walking into the building Veldanava felt his heart drop as he saw every single body cleaned, fixed, and given beautiful spaces to be laid to rest.

'Heh. Rimuru would have a good career as a mortician.' Veldanava let out an empty chuckle as he tried to compose himself. Tears began to fall down his face as he saw his daughter and siblings. They all looked older since he'd last seen them but now he stared at their corpses. Veldanava quickly paid his respects and left a small gift for everyone.

It was a pointless gift but the meaning behind it made it priceless. It was a small dreamcatcher that he hung from the ceiling and a set of scented candles. As quickly as he entered the building he exited.

'I see why Rimuru doesn't enter that building. I guess him stopping me was also in good graces. He was aware that I would be the same as him. Certainly the way we went about our first conversation was awful but looking back I see the hidden meanings and pleas. He knew I'd enter and instantly blame myself just as he did himself. Then we both only blame ourselves and each other for everything. God I see why people asked if he was me a few times. I could almost see him as my twin brother we're so similar.'

Coming back to Rimuru Veldanava put a smile on his face quickly and sat down at the bar only to be slapped upside the head.

"Don't blame yourself Velda. We all make decisions not knowing the future and mistakes not knowing the consequences. We both failed miserably, but now we can make it better. Then after this is all done we can reprimand each other and hold the other accountable for their failures. Even gods aren't perfect."

"Hah. You're not a god yet though. But I get what you mean."

"Hey I didn't like it but I was seen as one thank you very much. I also have all the keys to your omnipotence. The 14 angelic skills I just need help from Ciel."

"I suppose you are right and in any regard. I don't see a being alive able to beat you other than me at the moment."

"I'd give you a run for your money. But you want me to become the Supreme Deity so you're freed from your job after all this is over don't think I don't know your game."

"Hey don't expose me. Not cool."

"Expose you to who? The infinite empty expanse of my imaginary space?"

"You know what I mean."

After more bickering the two finally gave their thoughts on what Rimuru's new skills may do.

"Velda I will be honest. I think most of them are related to Lovecraftian horrors. So their titles may tell a lot and the others seem self explanatory. Except a few."

"I thought the same. The virtuous lord and sinful lord left me stumped though."

"I just think they'd be all the unique level of sin or virtue skill but boosted. What about you Rimuru?"

"I think they'd be a bonus added to the use of Sin or Virtue skills. Possibly something added to it like how Micheal can manipulate angelic skill wielders but I have no clue."

"I will be honest I say you don't use them till Ciel looks at them."

"I agree with that notion. I will be doing the same for a decent chunk of those skills. But a few may have a good use [Sealing Lord, Janus] can be used to seal myself while my normal slime self is alive. I can also use Tsathogga with Prometheus to change my name and prevent people from finding out. After all Chloe knows my name so if she heard it then our plan would be foiled."

"You can use Race Shift to gather information from the enemy groups without them realizing. Then that combo of skills will help you make them believe your lies. But should we talk about that generator skill you have?"

"No we shouldn't. I instinctively know what it is and it's beyond absurd. I am almost afraid to see what Ciel does if she gets her hands on this skill and the Magicule Breeder Reactor I got from Milim. Also I can only shift into Race's I've seen or can imagine."

"Still beyond absurd to change races at will and I will agree to not talking about that since the name of it already scares me enough."

"Truly sad Velda I can't just kill Guy, Ivarage, and Feldway right now because I need them alive to bring back Ciel." Velda merely nodded at Rimuru's words recognizing how absurd this situation was. Velda felt deep regret at the action's he'd taken such as letting Guy live and making Feldway that body but a small pat on the back and a smile reassured him as the two got ready for their entrance into the Cardinal World.

"Should I befriend your living self Velda?"

"You can do whatever you want in that regard. We are the same person and once he dies we'll stop existing in two forms meaning we will share memories and experiences. So I'm fine either way, especially since I'm a manas I will see everything you see as long as I'm paying attention."

"As long as I'm paying attention huh? Well let's speed this waiting process up we know what we need. We'll manage the rest."

"Please do, I don't want to imagine the suspense of waiting at the rate time is flowing for us till the Cardinal World exists."


"AHHH! The feeling of fresh air after so long is so great. I never thought I'd miss it this much." Taking a deep breath of fresh air I gazed into the cloudy sky relishing finally being able to walk on the ground of the world that became my home.

<<I'll be in the imaginary space watching over you if you need something. Otherwise make sure to have fun also you seem to have visitors. You forgot to suppress your natural aura.>>

"Velda you pain in the ass. You were supposed to suppress my aura as soon as I left the imaginary space. At the very least do your job preventing analysis of me. Goddamn otaku dragon. I shouldn't have shown you manga." Rimuru clicked his tongue annoyed at Velda and his antics.

<<Don't worry I got that down. I suppressed your aura now but still good luck with your Visitor.>>

'Velda you bastard. Hah. I swear you're a piece of work. Huh? This.... no it can't be...' Recognizing the presence I looked towards the source of it rushing at me at a fast pace being followed closely by a second presence releasing minimal magicules.

'Well this seems to be going much faster than I hoped. Velda you and your games I swear man.' Sighing heavily I prepared for the arrival of my dear visitors.

[Lord of Adaptation, Tsathoggua]- Deceptive Tongue [Sealing Lord, Janus]- Aura Lock{0}

I knew I shouldn't take Velda's absentminded replies at face value and being safe rather than sorry was the best bet. [Aura Lock] will prevent me from leaking even a single magicule since that is what I set it to and [Deceptive Tongue] will dissuade people from knowing the validity of my statements but also guarantee the validity of their statements.

After a few moments I felt the two figures coming closer to my location with the speed of their movements changing. The two swapped positions meaning that the one in the front was protecting the one behind them. Like an older brother protects his siblings...

Taking a look around I failed to realize till now that I was standing idiotically in the middle of a field of beautiful white, red, and blue flowers.

'Guess I should welcome my guests in some regard. [Material Creation]. A small table, three chairs, some tea and a few cookies should do the trick. I can't appear more threatening than I already am...but I have to lie to them. [Lord of Adaptation, Tsathoggua]- False Soul Engraving {Satoru}.

If I tell them the truth they may find me in the future after I leave and ruin my plans. I want to be remembered but I must also be forgotten in a sense. This all would have been so much easier had I killed Guy and Ciel been here. But no use complaining over spilled eggs,'

"I Will Not Fail Twice. Be Ready For Your Deaths."

A few minutes later I heard two figures touch down onto the ground. I held my back to them and merely gestured to the seats at the table inviting them for a chat and some snacks. I could tell who they were based on the presence they gave off. I needed to stay calm and composed more so for myself [Deceptive Tongue] could help with my mistakes and failures.

I could sense the hesitation from one of the presences which pained my heart slightly but the other seemed entirely unfazed by my actions and presence. I felt them both come closer and sit down before I introduced myself, keeping my eyes closed and [Magic Sense] off.

"I suppose introductions are in order. I'm Satoru. Might I know the names of my dear guests." I looked up towards them both, finally turning back on my [Magic Sense]. I had a cover over my eyes that I could see through but I'm still accustomed to the sensation of sight through [Magic Sense].

"Oh. You're really a peculiar person aren't you. I can't tell if your Human or not, interesting. I'm the Star King Dragon Veldanava." Veldanava looked at me with a smile and eyes filled with stars as if I was some fresh new toy. I apparently deftly caught his attention.

Veldanava looked the same as Velda. The only difference was the presence and the feel of the person. He wore a curious only childish look in his eyes whereas Velda wore one of a man who has seen all the grim realities that come with living and losing those you love.

'The difference between the two is noticeable but they are still the same person. I wonder if people will see me as I see Velda and his past self. Who am I kidding? The Rimuru they'll know and me are totally different people taking the meaning of our name differently.'

"It's nice to meet you Veldanava. I must say I never met someone who releases so few magicules such as yourself. I could almost miss you if you stood in a crowd if not for the speckled black hair like the night sky and your horns." I let out a slight chuckle as I spoke while I took a sip of my tea hoping that Velda's past self would take this slight jab happily.

"Haha. I could say the same for you. If I hadn't sensed your massive presence and aura before I would've lost you since you release absolutely 0 magicules. It's almost as if you don't exist. But your hair certainly stands out more than mine don't you think? Yours almost looks like it has galaxies flowing through it and the deep blue to pale blue coloring stands out wouldn't you agree?" Veldanava laughed it off and played along with me bringing a small smile to my face.

'They really are the same person. Yearning for a close friend, a colleague, a person to chat on equal terms, and someone to help fills the boredom that comes from having all the strength in the world. A man worthy of respect, he was revered but he wanted those to look at him as a person. That's probably why Lucia and his family were so dear to him.'

"Hah. You bring up a good point. I do stick out quite a bit. So what do I owe the pleasure Veldanava. I assume you and this beautiful lady I don't know came for a reason. I apologize. I'm Satoru, you are?" I looked to Veldanava's left at a woman I know so well. I hated every second of acting like I didn't know her but it was a necessary sacrifice.

'Dammit Velda. Why did you make me admit I love her? This is only making this harder for me. Ahhhh...' I mentally sighed as I looked towards the woman with white hair and golden eyes I knew so well. She oddly enough despite being in an unconcealed form looked exactly like her concealed form just with golden eyes and not blue ones.

She was wearing a short off-shoulder white and blue dress with long semi-detached white sleeves. She also wore long blue boots that led to a white spot over her knees. She had her characteristic gold headband but she didn't have her blue star-shaped pendant.

'I see she hadn't gotten the pendant yet, but I guess 150 years wasn't long enough for Velzard to fully mature. I have a feeling though that she is manipulating her form to stay more childish so Veldanava would spoil her. It's kind of cute.' I was brought out of my thoughts as she finally spoke.

"I'm Velzard the White Ice Dragon and Veldanava's younger sister. Brother why didn't you ask him his race? He gave off such an oppressive and chaotic aura before he entirely erased it. I don't want to admit it but I would've lost him if you hadn't come when he did that." I'm so glad my eyes are covered as I was utterly dumbfounded by the way Velzard was acting right now. I would've caused a lot of problems if they saw that.

'Seeing new sides of her is a treat. I wish it was in better circumstances though beggars can't be choosers. It's sad my current incarnation fell in love with Velzard, my previous incarnation was in love with Velgrynd and then accepted her not having feelings by creating this timeline as the new reality. If Velzard is still in love with Guy like Velda said I'd probably do the same. I apologize to my future self if it turns out you'll have to see both of them with another man after knowing that I made the man they knew.'

"You ask a good question Velzard and simply put I wanted to see if I could figure it out. The thing is I can't. He almost feels as old as me if not older and that's all I know." Velzard looked back and forth between Veldanava and I, dumbfounded at the notion that I may be older than the God of Creation and someone who existed before creation.

<Velda my friend your instincts are absurd. Very respectable.> I felt Velda shrug through the connection as if saying 'This is to be expected'. He may not be smug like Ciel but dammit he has his own thing.

"Are you curious as to my race? I can tell you if you want to know." I took the last sip of my tea before I looked at the reactions of Velzard and Veldanava. They seemed curious and wary at the same time but Veldanava was far more carefree as he motioned for some more tea.

"I will admit I am curious but I have no intention of forcing you to tell me. All I know is you're nothing like my creations but you have definitely peaked my interest. By the way, this tea is good. What is it?"

"Oh I'm glad you like it. It's green tea with whiskey, peach schnapps, and lemon-lime soda. It's tea and alcohol. Don't worry though the lady has normal green tea. 'Mainly because I don't know what type of alcohol she likes and I figured this would peak your interest since Velda likes it.' And as for my race I don't mind telling you. You're not forcing me at all. I can tell since before you've even sat down you'd been trying to analyze me."

"Very interesting drink. Suited my tastes nicely. I couldn't tell if it had alcohol in it but I can see how it changes the flavor. But yes I have been trying to analyze you but oddly enough I either get nothing or conflicting answers which is a first for me. You have also deftly and successfully made my curiosity peak so if you don't mind I'd like to know your race."

"I'm not a child. I can handle alcohol." Velzard glared at me irritatedly at the notion I gave her normal tea possibly meaning I saw her as a kid.

"I only gave you normal tea since I couldn't begin to guess what you'd like whereas with your brother I felt he'd have similar tastes to me. Call it male senses."

'God I am cringing at what I said but I can't say I know your brother's favorite drink since I spent hundreds of years drinking with him. Plus you never told me you liked any drinks. I knew you liked some of the drinks in Tempest but I didn't know any alcohols you liked.'

"Weird. I'll let it slide since it wasn't you perceiving me as a child."

"Thank you for your understanding. It's nice to converse with the both of you since you both are intelligent enough to understand the meaning of various things. But as for my race I am an Outer Humanoid." I smiled warmly as I spoke and looked towards their faces gauging their reactions as I said my race. I could have easily lied here and said I was a demon or something they knew of but saying my real race makes a bigger impact since they have 0 clue what an Outer Humanoid is.

'I will be honest I only know what it is barely since I lived as one for a long time now.'

"An Outer Humanoid? You don't seem to be lying hmm. What is an Outer Humanoid? Would you like to explain Satoru?" Veldanava spoke curiously for a moment but emphasized my name. He seems to have realized something is wrong with my name but he hasn't fully realized. I should have known nothing will work perfectly against Veldanava but it is doing fine for the time being.

"I don't mind explaining. Simply put an Outer Humanoid is a being with no discernable race but is characterized by a Humanoid shape and the place of birth. I am able to take the form of any race I have knowledge of as long as I can visualize them or have seen them, but my main form will always be humanoid. I could take the shape of a non-humanoid race but I would feel uncomfortable.

Say for example a demon. I can take the form of a demon or even an angel, but I will not be a simple angel or demon. I may be able to take the form of a dragon but once again I'd be different and most likely uncomfortable.

Think of it like this. Imagine your belt was always either too loose or too tight and your shirts wet or scratchy. Think of all the minor inconveniences you can and multiply that by an exponential factor and there's me in a non-humanoid form. There is more to it but I won't explain all the details about myself as we all need to keep things hidden to remain safe."

I waited a few minutes as I finished another cup of tea and calmly ate a few of the snacks I prepared till Velzard surprisingly spoke out.

"So you mean to say you can become anything at the cost of being uncomfortable as long as you have an image of it in your mind. You can change your race at will. That is an interesting ability that seems to be intrinsic to Outer Humanoids. So like you could become an angel-demon hybrid?" Velzard looked at me with an almost childish gleam in her eyes as if she'd found a new toy.

'I expected this from Veldanava, but this is a welcome surprise.' I let out a small laugh as I finished my thoughts. Which Velzard didn't like...

"Why are you laughing? It was a genuine question." Velzard was glaring at me entirely, forgetting her earlier apprehensiveness towards me.

'Cute.' I finished laughing and smiled as I looked at Velzard in the eyes. I knew she could feel I was looking her in the eyes despite them being covered. "I only laughed cause I felt refreshed that you weren't afraid of me and for the simple fact that you looked cute asking if I could become an angel-demon hybrid. But to answer your question I can become a Nephalam since I have an image in my head of one."

Velzard stared at me blankly before she blushed a little, simply nodding and putting all her attention into the cookies in front of her. Veldanava looked at me quizzically for a moment before he seemed to make a decision.

"[Suspended World]"

"Hmm Suspended World. I assume you have something to say that your sister can't hear. I would hurry though I assume her nature is trying to adapt her to the suspended world. She currently doesn't have an ultimate skill and yet she is unconsciously trying to become a digital being." Veldanava looked at me peculiarly for a moment before he sighed heavily and uncharacteristically of himself.

"You really are an interesting one, Satoru. I can't get a good read on you, I can't validate your statements, and you know an immense amount of information. I want to ask you three questions, you may ask three in return."

"I agree this seems interesting." This was a development Velda and I hadn't predicted but it seems interesting nonetheless.

"First question. Where did you come into existence?"

'This is a good question but I have 2 answers both being true and a technical third.' "The void. My turn, why did you get rid of your omniscience, omnipotence, and what not rather than seal it?"

"Very good question ... .Wait, how did you know that?! Also you said the Void?" He immediately realized what he did as he finished speaking. Velda inside my head was embarrassed seeing himself fall for that

"Hah got you. That's 3 questions and you failed to answer mine. How I knew it's simple really. I guessed.'Can't say you told me indirectly and I picked up based on context and trashed your future self on that.' And you heard Correctly I said the Void. It seems you didn't expect me to ask a question so heavy and give an answer you wanted to deny."

"Hah... That's embarrassing. I won't lie. You really got me good. To answer your question. It's simple really, I didn't think of it." He wore a stupid smile as he answered. I now see why Velda avoided answering why. I can only stare at him dumbfounded.

"That's almost as bad as me guessing you did it. Second question: what was your second question going to be?" Veldanava looked at me astonished as I had pulled a fast one on him and then asked to know what he would've asked me if he hadn't fallen for my trick.

<<Fucking Con-Man>>

<Shut up Forgetful moron. You got rid of rather than seal your omniscience because you forgot you could just seal it.>

"Hmm? You really are an interesting one. I never could've expected this one Rimuru. I finally figured out your name and intended to ask why you lied along with how you were able to convince me." Veldanava looked at me peculiarly as he tried to read my reactions and body language. Sadly that is for naught I've dealt with your antics long enough to know how you read a person.

"You figured out that Satoru was a fake name. I suppose I should've expected that development. Third question: Why haven't you given Velzard her pendant?" Veldanava looked at me flummoxed by my question cause this implied I knew he intended to give her a pendant, which meant I most likely knew the reason he got the pendant. But it also meant I knew what he knew.

"Wow you really are getting more and more peculiar by the minute. I'd ask you why you're so confident I won't kill you, but it's clear you know the answer. To answer your question it's because ever since I sensed the birth of my 2 second sister coming I also finally noticed an unmistakable immense aura inside the void leaking into the Cardinal World. So I didn't give her this yet. Since I felt an odd pull to investigate the odd being leaking that aura, you. But to add to it my sister was complaining about feeling drawn somewhere and soon your aura appeared exactly where she felt pulled too."

'Velda did something, didn't he. He must've sent Velzard something drawing her towards me. He really intends to have me spend time with her and let her decide once I am alive as Rimuru if she wants me or Guy. Why're such a good wingman Velda and a massive pain in the ass at the same time?'

"Well I suppose I can apologize for drawing your sister's attention."

"No need I am well aware that someone would've come into existence in the next 20,000 years who'd captivate her. I thought it was a blue or red haired male but I can remember since I got rid of my omniscience rather than sealing it. Same as for my 2nd sister she'd be captivated by a blonde or blue haired male but oddly I remember the blue male making a large sacrifice on his part for her

My point being as long as my sisters are happy I couldn't care less who they're interested in. As long as they're treated right then I'll be fine."

<<Tell him. Hes already to suspicious>>

<I feel the same>

"Veldanava you're curious who I am aren't you and how I am able to deceive you. It's simple, I know you. More precisely the future you 20,000 years in the future. I failed miserably despite people calling me your successor. I saw the corpses of every single person you know or will know and people I held dear. If you want proof I can show you the corpses or the memories."

Veldanava looked at me slightly disturbed but also deeply saddened and remorseful.

"I take it since you're my successor that means I am dead and stayed dead intentionally along with you knowing me meaning you and myself later made contact. So you came back in time to fix everything. But based on your words you were not alive in this time period."

"I was not alive in this time period. My evolution sent me back in time to before you were even born and I need to live a life here and die in a sense so my future self can bring our partner back and win the final battle."

"You will live life in the past and then die but come back to your future self. This really is a complicated situation. I won't pry since I will know later more than likely. So what did future me ask you to do?"

"Collect yours and your future Wife's soul after you die along with fully succeeding him and if I ever married Velzard to have him as the best man."

"I take it I die before my sibling ever gets married from your words. I also most likely died and accepted my death but others tried to bring me back. Am I guessing this all right?"

"Yes you are. And this reality's timeline is my fault. I promised your sister Velgrynd a perfect relationship with the man she loves in the last timeline and here we are."

"I see so I didn't remember that wrong. You gave her a choice and she chose him. You accepted and gave her the perfect life with him but the cost came in the form of another problem. It also seems like this timeline will lead a similar fate. You are giving Velzard a chance this time. Should she pick the other man then you will reset everything, carry the weight and deal with it in the future."

"Your intelligence is frightening at times...But it's as you said. That is the fate the world will follow."

"Be selfish would you. For once. Think about yourself. Future me and you are friends so current me and you will be too. Don't worry I will live a good life till I die and I look forward to seeing the future path this world follows. I wouldn't mind you being my Brother-in-law, but if that is not how fate has it then at the least we can be friends who share a drink at times."

"Damn you and future you are the same person. I should've expected it but to this level I didn't. Hah. I accept Veldanava. I look forward to the future. Yes I will help you with creation since I know you find it boring."

"YES!!! It really is boring being a god. I just want to live a peaceful life and watch my creations grow, not create more." Veldanava proceeded to go on a rant reminiscent of Velda's rant who was furiously nodding his head inside my mind.

"Ok I get it. Stop. Lets restart time Velzard is getting absurdly close to acquiring her Ultimate Skill on her own and too becoming a digital being. We have had the suspended world activated for 4 hours now since you went on a long rant."

"Can you blame me? Being a god is boring."

'And you're trying to throw that shit on me! You little!'

"Brother what was that feeling? Is everything okay?"

Veldanava and I exchanged a glance saying 'oh shit' realizing how close we cut it. Velzard was probably 5 minutes away from being able to move on her own.

"Yes everything is fine, me and Satoru were just having a conversation via thought communication about an issue that would bore you to death."

"Velzard. Simply put, your brother was asking me what the process of creating all the various drinks I used to make the Green Tea Shot was and he also asked about other drinks I knew of. We were talking about the boring process of making it by hand."

<Rimuru We have to have this conversation though. It sounds enjoyable. Also you give her the pendant. She'll remember it better if you give it to her>

<Sure Veldanava> I had no clue what bullshit he was spouting at the end since I doubted she'd even care to remember me or want to receive a gift from me.

<<0 Self Worth Pack Hits different huh?>>

"I'll head out, Velzard. If you want to talk with Satoru feel free. I have to head back to the Star Palace. I need to speak to Deeno and Feldway is causing problems...again... Well I'll see you again Satoru."

Veldanava quickly said his goodbyes and quickly went to the Star Palace leaving Velzard and I alone.

'This bastard. He really loves putting people in tough positions.'

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