Her sweet girl

By Scarlizzie_loverrr

19.6K 435 362

It's adopted by Lizzie daughter story <3 More

Not a chapter!


2.1K 35 19
By Scarlizzie_loverrr



The 11 year old , cuddled up with her teddy bear that Lizzie bought for her birthday she was sleeping peacefully , until her older brother Lucas ruined it , Lucas is Chloe's twin but she's older than him by 5 minutes . Knocking and banging on his sister's door loudly , making the young girl flinch and get out of bed grabbing her glasses and wearing them . Even though Julia always say that she doesn't need them ( her glasses ) but her vision got way worse when she stopped using them for a couple of years , so she now try to wear them most of the time . " get up dork! You have school to go to! " Lucas yelled knocking at the door again . Juliana sighed in relief as it was her brother not one of her parents .

She ran toward the door to open it , so he could stop knocking and banging on the door loudly . " what happened to your cheek? I bet it looks awful . " Lucas said looking at her cheek , before Juliana could respond he ran downstairs to eat breakfast . The girl rolled her eyes , touched her cheek and went back inside to her bedroom's bathroom . She washed her face , brushed her teeth and hair . After doing her hair , she sighed as she looked at her arm , it definitely need to be cleaned . She threw her shirt in the laundry basket after taking it off . " just great! " Julia mumbled sarcastically as she saw a couple parts of her body with a couple of small bruises and some small cuts again . and they also need to be taken care of , of course . She wished that she took a shower before going to sleep yesterday .

JJ grabbed bandages , disinfectant wipes and a couple of plasters . She got to work and cleaned most of her cuts and wince at the pain . After finishing Julia quickly got out of her bathroom to pick something to wear . Sweatshirt and a short , the girl made sure that the short reached half of her knees so the small bruise on her thigh doesn't get noticed by anyone . She grabbed her backpack and went downstairs . As soon as she entered the kitchen the laughter and chatter stopped , her mom rolled her eyes at her . " you're not eating breakfast for what you did last night . Also don't pack any food for school . " Juliana's mom said to Julia sipping coffee . JJ nodded her head .

" my stomach and back both are hurting . " Julia whispers after her siblings went back to their conversation , hoping that her mom heard her because she doesn't want to say it again and get yelled at for talking "loudly" . Emily ( Julia's mother ) gave her youngest daughter a glare and rolled her eyes . " I don't give a fuck " Emily replied walking out of the kitchen .

JJ bites her lips in guilt for telling her mother , like what was she expecting her mom to do? Hug her and say she's sorry? Comfort her and let her stay home to rest?Or say these stupid sweet comforting words her aunt and Lizzie say to her whenever she gets hurt . These thoughts ran through the young girl's head as she zoned out, until she felt a push to her shoulder . Juliana looked at her sister confused .

" I said who's picking you up from school dummy? " Chloe asked eating breakfast glancing at her younger sister . Juliana shrugged her shoulders walking away from the dining table . " I'll probably walk home . " says JJ taking a water bottle from the fridge and an ice pack from the freezer for her neck . And jumped on the counter to sit , looking out the window . " you're getting fatter by the way , you should lose some weight . " Lucas joked looking at JJ laughing with Chloe . " more like gain weight . " Chloe giggled and shook her head .

Juliana is not really fat at all but they like to make fun of her for anything . even if it's something not true or something that she loves about herself , like this one time they made fun of her cheek dimples , like come on dimples are really pretty , and they still made fun of it (siblings like that are so annoying ) and now they're making fun of her for being "fat" even though she's not . Julia knows she's not because a couple of weeks ago JJ and her friends checked their height and weight at school .

The school does it every single year to see if someone is overweight or underweight and they send a message to the kid's parents for being overweight/underweight , they don't send messages to the normal weight kid's parents though . for Juliana's age and height the nurse warned her to " be careful because she's only a couple of kilograms away from being underweight " the girl didn't really care it all , because to her as long as she can run around , ride her bike , skateboard and hangout with friends she's 'alright' . ( is anyone else school is like this? Thankfully they never sent a message to my parents because I'm at a " normal " weight for my age and height . It'll be so unfair if my school is the only one doing this . )

" come on my loves let's go . and Juliana as always you can walk to school it takes about 7 minutes so you'll be fine . " said Emily fixing her hair and grabbing her lunchbox . Julia's dad was still asleep as it is only 7:05 in the morning , plus he works at home . JJ heard the front door shut . Oh how she wanted to feed her stomach the leftovers of the breakfast . She shook her head at that thought . What if her parents had a hidden camera and saw her eat? That would really terrible and she would definitely be hit for it , the girl thought . Juliana got up deciding that she would be okay without breakfast . There were weeks where they didn't let her eat anything except for an apple or something small each day .

It happened frequently that Juliana's parents punishment would be not feeding their child meals . Which is not really good for the young girl's health , but would her parents care before it's way way too late? Nope they won't , even if it was way too late , JJ still doesn't think they would really care . Besides her mom almost killed her yesterday and laughed at how scared her daughter looked , which is really messed up , so after what happened yesterday she gave up on the idea of her parents caring about her secretly , that's what her aunt told her when she was 6 years old .

JJ sighed and squeezed her eyes shut to try and stop thinking about them . She returned the ice pack back in the freezer , went up to her bedroom to take her small bouncy ball with her and her phone . As she walked downstairs she noticed a granola bar on the floor . The girl's stomach instantly growled when she looked at the granola bar . " nope , not happening . " the 11 year old said to her tummy and shook her head ' no ' .

GRACE POV ( okay I know that I'm adding like a lot of new characters that you don't know who they are but I don't either because every second I create a new one soooo , Grace is Robert's sister )

" hey that's mine! " Ryan said to Rob after he took the last piece of pancake . " too late . " said Rob after cutting the pancake and eating it . " mommy! Rob ate my pancake! " Ryan shouted banging his hand on the table . " it's alright buddy , daddy is making more . Where's , Ami? . " mom said to Ryan while pouring apple juice for Lottie . " asleep . " Sam says putting his books inside his backpack .

" she's what! My god . " mom says standing up to wake Ami up . " who took my charger!? " Maria asked entering the dining room . I shrugged my shoulders and took a sip of my water even tho I am the one who took it . " I Dunno . " Rob mumbled while drinking some orange juice . " Gracie took it from your bedroom last night . " Lottie said to Mimi innocently , I dropped my fork on my plate shocked at how fast she betrayed me . I told her yesterday to not tell anyone when she saw me .

" you TRAITOR! You pinky promised me!" I yelled at Lottie making Maria look at me you can not break a pinky promise ever . " Give me , my charger Grace! " Mimi shouts . " Lottie you're such a snitch! Ughh " I said annoyed rolling my eyes . " hey! I am not a snitch! I was just telling Mimi the truth . " said Lottie with now tears in her eyes she's being super sensitive right now . " Look at what've you done Gracie . " Maria says hugging Charlotte and wiping her tears . " I mean Lottie broke her promise sooo. " Sam says drinking his drinking his coffee while reading his book . " now Grace where's my charger?! " yelled Mimi after comforting Lottie .

" chill! , mine was not working so I borrowed it . it's in my bedroom . " I sigh , she gave me a glare , " oh really? Without asking , AND my phone was charging why didn't you just ask instead of pulling the charger out off of my phone! " mimi said coming to me , I stood up ready to fight .

" Maria hun what's going on? If you want more pancakes here , I made more , no need to shout . " dad says while placing a big plate half full of pancakes on the dining table , Ryan took one and shoved it in his mouth . " EW . " Lottie said disgusted at my brother's actions

" No she took my charger without asking and my phone was charging when she stole it . " Maria complained to dad then drunk MY water . " don't be dramatic I'm sorry-hey! That's mine. " I said pointing my finger at the water bottle . " sorry . " mimi said in a mocking tone giving me the empty water bottle back , I shot her a glare while she ran upstairs to take her charger .

I can literally hear mom yelling at Ami to get up . " Daddy why does Georgie get to sleep while we go to school. " Lottie whined , " because he's a baby sweetheart , babys don't go to school . " dad explained to Lottie she nodded . " I wish I was a baby . " Lottie whispered .


JJ is walking to school throwing her small bouncy ball down and catching it , she lives in Manhattan it's pretty expensive and there's a LOT of homeless people there and some of them are creepy . Juliana loves going to the park whenever she's bored . A greenish Cherokee car past by JJ slowly . It looks like the car nearly works as it was making a weird not a good car noise . There were two men in the front and one man in the back . They were looking at Julia , all of them . The girl got suspicious and hoped it's not what she thinks it is . Suddenly the car stopped a few meters away from her it's probably from 25 to 27 meters away . When you hear it , it's sounds fine they're a bit far away . But cars are faster than a 11 and a half year old right? .

JJ froze in her place not moving a muscle . Think Juliana think . JJ looked at the car number plate . 8GGS752 , " okay 8GGS752 . " she mumbled taking a step backwards . " Hey! kid , come here wanna a ride to school with us? " one of them said , making Julia turn around and walk faster the opposite direction . " 8GGS752 . " whispers JJ almost running trying not to forget the car number plate . When she heard a car that made loud annoying noise she turned around and saw the car coming to her direction . "Shit! 8GGS752 " yelled Julia trying her best not to freak out and started running as fast as she can pushing people who are in her way.

running to the park she can still hear the car behind her but when she turned around to see how far away they are from her . Surprisingly it was a bit far away from her as there is a lot of people in the way and some cars too . She entered the park running to Lizzie's coffee shop direction. It took Julia a couple of minutes to reach the coffee shop and thankfully the men stopped following her . She ran inside out of breath and looked around till she spotted Lizzie behind the counter . " hi baby! get your butt in here I haven't seen you in 4 days! " Lizzie said as soon as she saw Julia running inside , making the costumers and some workers glance at the two .

Juliana giggled and shook her head walking to Lizzie's open arms . " where have you been? You always come here every Tuesday and let me help you with your homework . Did your teachers stopped giving you homework or what? " the older woman giggled hugging Julia tightly and swaying them back and forth . " no , it's just that my aunt is in town and I was spending time with her . And I didn't want to bother you . I just spend a lot of time with you and your family . I just can't help but feel like a burden to you . " JJ says hiding her face in Lizzie stomach . It felt quite heavy and saddening to Lizzie when she heard what JJ said it felt a mix of emotions , such as concern , empathy and a desire to reassure her favorite girl. She felt a sense of responsibility to take care of her  , she want to show her that she's loved and valued .

" what? No , what made you say that sweetheart . You're not a burden to me at all . I promise you that . I love you so so much that's why I spend time with you honey . Why would I spend time with someone that feels like a burden to me hm? You're my world JJ , don't ever forget that . I love you so very much baby , and so does my family sweetheart . " Lizzie said kissing Julia's head . The young girl broke the hug and looked up at Lizzie with teary eyes . Making Lizzie instantly awe at her , JJ wiped her eyes and gave Lizzie a nod and a smile . The blonde smiled back giving Julia a rub on her back and a cheek kiss making JJ blush .

" did you eat breakfast darling? " asked Lizzie wrapping her arm around JJ's shoulder and walking them towards the croissant , sandwiches , cookies and muffins . " mhm . " replied Julia a growling noise came from JJ's stomach making Lizzie raise her eyebrows . " that's answers my question . " Lizzie said now grabbing a napkin wrapping it around the croissant before giving it to Julia ." No than-" before the brunette could finish she was cut off by Lizzie " you're going to eat this it's freshly baked just a few minutes ago , it's also a little bit hot so be careful " Lizzie stated with a smile on her face .

JJ gave up and took the croissant , " Also don't you have school to go to? " Lizzie reminded the girl . JJ slapped her forehead . How could she forget? " I actually came here in the first place to ask you if you can walk to school with me? " Julia asked her . " of course I can , anything for my favorite girl , now come on let's go before you're way too late . " she replied quickly walking away to take her purse . " are you sure you wanna walk? The car is way faster . " Lizzie asked when they got out of the cafe . " whatever you want Lizzie . " JJ says now holding Lizzie's hand . " the car it is . "
I didn't know how to end it ,  and if there's any grammar mistakes just ignore it I'm bad at these stuff .

ALSO , It's easier for me to write it as a third person pov so I'm doing that with most of this book's chapters :)

Have a good day<3

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