The Princess & the Football P...

By caniirove

53.8K 827 169

Summary: "They say they want to make the monarchy more modern, to be closer to the people, but then your pare... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 35

984 19 5
By caniirove

Author's note: First of the last four chapters...


"May I come in?" I ask after knocking on the door.

"Yes, of course" Charles replies. "It's good to see you again, Eleanor."

"Yeah, you too" I smile.

"Please, have a seat. Do you want anything to drink?"

"No, I'm fine. Thank you."

"So..." he says, nervously playing with his hands. "You wanted to talk, right?"

"Yes. I... I owe you an apology, Charles."

"What for?"

"What for?" I chuckle. "Charles, you asked me to marry you in front of a hundred guests and I said no and ran away!"

"You did. And?"

"And? Aren't you mad at me?"

"Not really" he shrugs.


"I mean, I was when you left. But now I'm just... sad."

"And it is all my fault. That's why I must apologize."

"It isn't all your fault. I am the one who fell in love with you despite knowing that you loved someone else."

"I... I..."

"It's ok, Eleanor" he says, taking my hand on his.

"I'm sorry, Charles. I truly am. I really tried to make things work, to love you the way you love me. But I..."

"You are in love with Declan."

"I am, yes. I tried to forget him, but I couldn't. I just couldn't."

"That usually happens when you meet the one, yes" he chuckles.

"Do you think he is the one?"

"Definitely" Charles smiles. "You've never looked at me or any other guy the way you look at him. Never smiled or laughed with me the way you have with him. And I've always been so jealous... Because I could see that it was true love, the one many people wish to find one day. And you should see the way he looks at you too, Eleanor... Heart eyes emoji."

"What?" I laugh.

"It is the only way to describe it" he shrugs again. "You are destined to be together, and one way or another, it was bound to happen."

"I just wish it would have happened differently. That I hadn't broken your heart in the process and made the press harass everyone Declan and I know because of it."

"Has it been that bad?"

"He's been living at West Ham's training center since Christmas because there are paps outside his house day and night. David still has people keeping an eye on his family because they've also bothered them. And from time to time they also follow Roberta and Mason."

"That sucks. I'm so sorry" Charles says, giving my hand a little squeeze.

"Thank you" I smile. "That's one of the reasons why I wanted to see you. To apologize, but also to tell you that I'm planning on talking with the press. I want to try and answer all their questions so they will leave everyone alone."

"What are you going to tell them?"

"That I said no to marrying you because I wasn't ready to take that step yet. That we discussed it, realized that we wanted different things, and decided to end our relationship."

"And when they ask if it was because you still love Declan? Because they will ask about him."

"I'll tell them that all these years we've remained as friends, and that it still stands, that nothing has changed between us. And then of course I'll ask them to please stop harassing him and his family."

"Will they stop, tho?"

"Knowing them they won't, no" I sigh. "But I have to try."

"Is that a wise idea, tho? Talking to the press like that? You know they will push you to say more, to doubt and give them what they want" Charles says.

"David says it isn't. Grandmama says that it is the best option, to make things clear and that they hear me saying it. And my parents think the best idea is to release a statement."

"How did they take the news? Your mum must have been pissed."

"She's actually been very supportive, you know how our relationship has changed these past few years. The one who still is a bit confused is my dad. He didn't see it coming."

"Him? The man who knew you liked Declan since the moment you met? C'mon" Charles chuckles.

"That's what we've told him!" I laugh. "But he just says that he didn't notice because he is getting old."

"Could he be thinking about passing on the crown?"

"Nah, not yet."

"But you should start thinking about it..."

"Charles, I have enough problems and things to worry about right now. I don't need more."

"Ok, ok" he laughs. "But one day you are gonna be an amazing queen."

"You think so?"

"I'm sure of it."

"When I'm queen... Will I still have you as one of my best friends?"

"You will. I promise" Charles smiles, showing his dimples.

"Everything good between us, then?"

"Everything good."

"I love you, Charles. Even if it isn't the way you would like me to."

"I love you too, Eleanor" he says before hugging me. "Though one last thing."

"What" I say, moving to look at him.

"Tell Mr. Rice that if he dares to hurt you, I myself am sending MI6 after him."

"Oh, don't worry about that. My family already warned him."

"Good, good" Charles chuckles. "But now, since you've come all the way down to Monaco and the weather is pretty good keeping in mind it is January... Would you like to go for a boat ride? As friends, of course."

"I would love that."

"On y va, your royal Highness" Charles says, standing up and offering me his hand.

"On y va" I smile as I take it.

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