Chapter 17

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"How are those post holiday blues?"

"Not bad. I kind of was looking forward to coming back home, I've missed you."

"Aww, Eleanor."

"Don't make fun of me, Declan" I say, sticking out my tongue.

"I'm not making fun of you. I actually find it very cute that you have missed me. I've missed you too."

"Then when can we meet? Today I start my round of visits around schools and I'll be busy basically every day."

"I also have a busy schedule this week with training every day and then playing away. But maybe you could come to next week's game? It's on Saturday. We could meet after, have dinner at my place, maybe wake up together on Sunday and have a chill day..."

"That actually sounds perfect, but I'll have to ask David first. Going to the game may not be possible" I sigh.

"You can always wear a wig" Declan says with a cheeky smile.

"I actually could, yeah" I laugh.

"Ma'am? The car is ready" David says after knocking on my door.

"Gotta go. A bunch of teenagers from your neighbourhood are waiting for me."

"Wait, are in you in Kingston?"

"Yep. Should I ask for luck?"

"Nah, you'll be fine. But if they ask about your favourite football player, say my name. That will make them love you."

"Ok" I chuckle. "Call you later?"


"Bye, Dec."

"Goodbye, Eleanor."


"Thank you very much for coming, ma'am."

"It was my pleasure" I say, shaking the hand of the high school's headmaster.

"Your Royal Highness!" a familiar voice says behind me.

"Mrs. Rice?" I say, turning around.

"I was in a meeting with some parents and thought I wouldn't make it! It's so good to see you again, ma'am."

"You too. Do you work here?"

"I'm the History teacher, yes. I guess that's why I like anything royal related" she chuckles.

"Yeah, Declan mentioned it."

"He did? When?"

"Back in Canada when we talked about you after one of the games" I say, feeling my cheeks get warm. He did tell me about it in Canada, but it was during one of our very long facetime calls.

"Ma'am, it's time to leave" David says.

"Yes, sure. It was so nice to see you again, Mrs. Rice. Even if it was briefly."

"You too, ma'am" she says with a smile that reminds me of Declan's. He definitely took after her.


"Isn't that Mrs. Rice?" David asks. We've been stuck in traffic for the past 10 minutes, all the parents deciding to pick up their kids with their cars since it is pouring with rain.

"It is her, yes. Can we give her a lift? She'll get sick if she walks home in this rain."

"Of course, ma'am. I'll go ask her" he says, picking up an umbrella and leaving the car. A couple of minutes later, Mrs. Rice is sitting next to me, all the cars around us still not moving.

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