Chapter 36

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"Your royal Highness, how do you feel about the game?" a reporter asks.

"So nervous. But also very excited, like many people in the country and around the world."

"Do you think they are bringing it home?" another one asks.

"I think they can do it, yes."

"Ma'am, can you give us a result? How do you think the game will end?"

"Oh, that's tough. But I'll say... 2-0."


"Mason and..."

"Rice?" the reporter says, making the others laugh.

"Saka" I reply, giving them my best smile. "Mount and Saka."

"Your Royal Highness, how are the players feeling? What's the mood inside the hotel?" one asks.

"They all are ready and very focused. They know how important this game is for everyone."

"Did you speak with Rice, ma'am?"

"I did. He's the captain, isn't he?" I chuckle, trying to sound as unbothered as I can.

"How is he feeling? Did you wish him luck?"

"I wished everyone luck."

"Are the rumours about you and him getting back together true?"

"We are done here" David says.

"Everyone is expecting you to make your relationship public again after the game, ma'am."

"Thank you, everyone" I smile as David pushes me inside the car, slamming the door shut behind me.

"You shouldn't have stopped to talk with them" he says after joining me.

"It's ok, David."

"I disagree. But have you thought about it?"

"Thought about what?" I ask as the car starts moving.

"About what are you going to do if they win. I'm sure you'll want to join Roberta on the pitch and celebrate with them. But will you be able to contain yourself? Will Declan be able to?"

"I don't know" I sigh. "But honestly? I don't care."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that if I end up making out with him on the pitch, I won't give a fuck about what anyone says."

"Eleanor, you are the future Queen of England. And by the looks of it, he will be the future king. You can't make your relationship public like that" David says.

"It can't be worse than what some of my predecessors have done" I shrug.


"If that's how it happens, then so be it, David. My boyfriend would have won the World Cup, and that would be the only thing that would matter, not what the history books or Wikipedia will say."

"All right, then... The princess and the football player it is" he teases me while trying not to smile.

"And we are very proud of that title" I reply, sticking out my tongue and making him laugh.

They've been using it against us and to make fun of us since they found out about our relationship, but we don't care anymore. That's who we are, after all. A princess and a football player who have fallen in love, and we are not ashamed of it.



"Roberta, I'm gonna be needing my arm in three minutes, but if you keep squeezing it like that..."

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