Chapter 29

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It's been almost three years since Declan and I broke up.

At first we both were so heartbroken that it was easy to stay away from the other. It hurt too much. So we focused on our families and our jobs, on not having time to think about anything else. West Ham managed to stay in the Premier League, and despite England going home in the quarter finals, Declan was considered one of the best players of the tournament.

But then things got messy.

Mason and Roberta were still together, their relationship stronger than ever, and they wanted to keep seeing us both, to try and have something similar to what we used to. And because we are stupid and love them too much, we gave it a go.

We joined them at some parties and short holidays, and they all ended the same way: with Declan and I sleeping together and regretting it the next morning, making things even more tense and awkward than they already were. So at one point, I said it was enough.

"We can't keep doing this, Roberta. I'm sorry."

"But... But..." she pouted.

"We can't go back to the way things used to be, we are just hurting each other. And I don't want it to affect your relationship with Mason."

"I get it, but..."

"I'm sorry."

After that, I stopped going to parties where I knew Declan would be, and if I met Roberta and Mason for dinner or a short trip, it was just the three of us. And even though I was still attending England's games, I stopped visiting the changing room. I had enough with all the cameras pointing at me and following my every move when Declan was playing. I'm pretty sure that when we released the statement saying that there had been a relatioship but that it now was over, parties were thrown at many offices all around the country. Sadness and heartbreak sell better than happiness.

While Declan focused on his career, I decided to spend more time with my parents and Sophie, with my grandmother, with friends I had known my whole life and grew up with. And that meant spending more time with Charles.

He became a shoulder I could cry on, a friend I could tell everything I was feeling, someone who would cheer me up every time I felt down. And somehow, that led to us getting back together.

"Are you sure about this?" my mum asked when I shared the news.

"I don't know" I sighed. "But right now, it feels right."

And all that led us to the present, to waiting to start getting ready for tonight's Christmas Eve ball, the one where Charles will supposedly be proposing in front of all our friends and family members. A proposal that literally the whole country and half the world also knows about.

"I still can't believe everyone knows" Sophie says. "Who told the press?"

"Who knows" I shrug.

"Whoever it was, they totally ruined the surprise. Now you'll look even less excited."


"C'mon, Ellie. I know that the idea of marrying Charles isn't keeping you awake at night. But that article about Declan dating that model..."

"They aren't dating, his team already denied it."

"Lucky her. Now she won't have to worry about having MI6 knocking on her front door" Sophie laughs.

"Whatever" I reply, rolling my eyes.

"Eleanor" she says, taking my hand on hers. "I don't know why you keep going with this... lie. Both you and Declan. Despite everything, you still love each other. You've tried to move on, to forget the other. But you can't. He is the one, Eleanor."

"He isn't, Sophie. He..." I say, trying not to cry. Of course he is the one. And of course I still love him. I've tried to forget him, to move on, to somehow direct that love towards Charles... but it is impossible.

Every time I see an article talking about girls he may be dating, even if they are just stupid rumours, I feel as if someone was crushing my heart. And the worst part is knowing that he feels the same. That when it was published that Charles and I were back together, it broke his heart.

Mason told me that he would only leave the house to go training, that he didn't want to see anyone. And he played like shit that month, all the newspapers talking about it. "Looks like Rice isn't over the princess" they would joke on tv. It was disgusting, and it was all my fault, which made me feel ever worse.

"Eleanor... If you aren't sure about Charles, don't marry him."

"As if it was that easy" I chuckle, wiping away a tear.

"It actually is. Just say no when he asks."

"I can't do that, Sophie. You know I can't."

"Why not?"

"Because... Because it must be him."

"Bullshit, Ellie. You should marry the man you love. And that man is out there definitely feeling like shit because the woman he loves is about to make the biggest mistake of her life."

"Are you ready, girls? The hair and makeup team is... Eleanor, are you alright?" my mother asks, walking into the room.

"I am, yeah."

"You are crying."

"No, no. I just..."

"She got a bit emotional because we were talking about Christmas when we were kids" Sophie quickly says.

"I see... Ellie, why don't you go to the bathroom and refresh yourself a bit, uh?"

"Yes, that'll be the best" I say as I leave, Sophie's words being repeated over and over in my head.

Despite everything, you still love each other.

He is the one, Eleanor.

The woman he loves is about to make the biggest mistake of her life.

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