Chapter 26

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"I just can't believe the VAR saw that as a penalty. What did they want him to do, cut his arm?" Declan says as we walk into his house, throwing his bag on the floor. "And the yellow I got? I barely touched him!"

"But it was very risky and dangerous."

"Oh, c'mon Eleanor. Not you too."

"Declan, you are the only one who doesn't agree with it."

"Because it wasn't enough for a yellow card!"

"Ok, whatever."

"Yeah, whatever" he says, rolling his eyes.

"Wait, where are you going?"

"To bed."


"Yes, already. Is there any problem with that?"

"I thought we were going to have dinner together."

"That was before we were robbed, and my girlfriend basically told me I am a dangerous player."

"What? I haven't said that, Declan."

"Good night, Eleanor" he says, starting to walk up the stairs.

"Good... Urgh!" I groan before leaving and closing the door with the loudest bang I can.


"What are you doing here? Weren't you going to have dinner with Declan?" Sophie asks.

"I was, but he was in one of his moods. Again" I sigh, sitting down next to her.

"How bad was it this time?"

"Let's just say it wasn't pleasant."

"I'm so sorry, Ellie."

"It's ok, don't worry. But don't tell anything to mum and dad. Especially to mum."

"She knows something is going on, tho. Lately you've been spending more time with us or alone than with Declan."

"I know. But I don't need her giving me the I told you look. Mainly because she isn't right. Declan and I will work things out, this is just a little bump in the road."

"Of course it is" Sophie says, giving my hand an encouraging squeeze. "I've never met anyone more in love than you two."

"Not even Roberta and Mason?" I chuckle.

"Those two are different."


"I don't know, they just are. And you and Declan will fix things, I'm sure of it."

"Thank you, Sophie" I say, resting my head on her shoulder.

"Anything for you, big sis" she replies.

I just hope we both are right, and that we will be able to fix things.

After the successful season Declan had last year, things aren't working out that well anymore. West Ham is in the relegation zone, losing most games due to stupid mistakes. And he hasn't been playing well, which makes things even worse. Most days he arrives back home angry, frustrated, and I'm the one who has to deal with it. Sometimes his family and Mason too.

During Christmas it looked like things were improving after they won a couple of games, his mood changing completely. But they started losing again, and now, with the Euros around the corner and some friendly games happening in just a few days, he's afraid he may lose his spot with the national team.

"Southgate would only leave you home if you are sick or injured. Even if you aren't playing at your best right now, you still are better than most out there" I said to him.

"We'll see" he replied.


"See? What did I tell you?" I say to Declan. "Southgate isn't that stupid!"

"Yeah" he chuckles, smiling for the first time in what feels like an eternity.

"Let's focus on this, ok? On these couple of games and spending time with the lads."

"The lads? Who are you and where is her Royal Highness?" he asks with a teasing smile, another one I had missed.

"Oh, shut up, Declan Rice" I reply, rolling my eyes but also smiling.

"I'll try to focus on that. And on improving my mood. I know I've behaved like a jerk lately."

"You have, yes."

"I'm sorry, Eleanor."

"It's ok" I say, caressing his cheek.

"Do you want to cuddle on the sofa and watch a movie? I'll let you pick."



"Oh, wow. I better take advantage of this, it only happens once in a decade."

"Ha ha ha. You are so funny" he says, rolling his eyes. "I still love you, tho."

"I love you too" I smile.


"There he is, my man of the match!" I say when I meet Declan outside the changing rooms at Wembley.

"Thank you very much, your Royal Highness."

"I'm very proud of you" I say, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I needed this so much" he replies, resting his forehead on mine.

After not playing the first friendly game with England, he had his chance on the second one at home against Portugal, and he showed everyone why he is one if not the best midfielder out there. Bit biased? Maybe.

"I know. And I also know things will only get better and better from now on. This was the push you needed to keep going with West Ham and fight until the end."

"Things will get better."

"They will" I smile.

"I love you, Eleanor" he says, hugging me closer.

"I love you too" I reply before kissing him.


"Declan, your phone is ringing."

"That's your phone, not mine" he says, covering his head with the duvet.

"No, that's... That's yours" I yawn.

"It's yours, Eleanor."

"Urgh" I say, looking for my phone on my bedside table. Someone was actually calling me. "Hello?"

"Where are you?"

"Good morning to you too, David" I yawn again.

"It's almost 1 p.m., Eleanor. Are you still in bed?"

"Yeah... Long night" I smile. With everything that had been going on lately, neither Declan nor I had been in the mood to do anything, but we made up for all the wasted time when we went back to my place after the game. "But you just called me by my name. What happened? What did I do?"

"You? Nothing. But..."


"Why is that bloody phone ringing again?" Declan complains.

"That is your phone, I'm using mine."

"He's probably getting calls from his agent and everyone who knows him" David says.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because, Eleanor..."

"David, please say it. You are starting to scare me."

"Ok" he says, taking a deep breath. "You and Declan are on the cover of The Sun. Someone caught you kissing last night at Wembley."

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