The Silver Envelope

By yourmomsbd0o0

17.3K 538 20

I DO NOT OWN THIS STORY!!! I am simply putting it here because not everyone has AO3, and it's too good to not... More

An Unexpected Apology
Healer Conelly
Socks ans Flowers at the Ministry
Dinner with an old enemy
Ignoma's Speech
Draco's Guest
Dinner with Friends
Arrival at the Ball
An Early Christmas Gift
Fraternizing with the Enemy
A lesson from Draco
The Lift
An Excess of Post
A Christmas Miracle
The Malfoy Name
Invisible Vow
Who Pays the Price
Keeper of Hearts
A Message for Mr.Malfoy
Braver Behind a Telephone
The Dress-maker and the Bride-to-be
Hermione's Corner
The Guestlist
Sand Aglow
Dance with Me
Goodbyes forgone
Blind Spot
The Immortal Photograph
Comsidering the Alternative
The Prisoner of Azkaban
Midgen and Millie's
Master's bond
The Safest Place
Honeyed Flowers
The Missing Motive
Cupid's Revenge
Who Makes your Tea?
Ignoma's Secret Admirer
A Trip to the Healer's Office
The Knight in Tiny Armor
Ten Times Over
Draco's Detour
Bonus: Drapple Pancake recipe
Griffindor Complex
Conflict and Convergence
Another Kind of Family
Johanna's Surprise Guest
An Unexpected Family Reuinion
Potions and Tricks
A Taste of His own Medicine
The Factory in the Forest
Flint's Finest Floor Polishing Pomade
Ignoma's Signal
Elfish Magic and Elfish Lies
A Thousand to One
Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus
The Final Opponent
A New Perspective
The Hell of Change
The Shocking Truth

Valentine's Strategy

204 9 1
By yourmomsbd0o0

Hermione appeared on the doorstep of Grimmauld Place with a crack, knocking on the door with a gloved hand. Kreacher answered the door, bowing slightly to her as she walked in. He hobbled away almost immediately. Friendly greetings had never been Kreacher's strong suit.
"Granger is here for her date, her date with the thief, the Weasley thief with his potions and tricks," he grumbled as he walked away.
Hermione confusedly watched him walk away, wondering if Ron had taken something from Kreacher for some reason. Before she could call him back to ask him what he meant, Ron walked into the hall, followed by Harry.
Ron eyed her unhappily, taking in her maroon robes and red lipstick without a word. Hanging
limply at his side were a dozen red roses
"Hermione, right on time," Harry said cheerfully, looking as though he intended to make up for Hermione and Ron's collective apprehension by countering it with brisk optimism.
Ron made a face.
"I still don't see why I couldn't have gone to pick you up." he mumbled sourly.
Hermione's shoulders tightened.
Draco had been adamant that Ron was not allowed in his building or anywhere near the premises.
In fact, yesterday when Harry had called to set everything up, Draco had told her that special charms had been placed around the perimeter specifically to keep out Ron Weasley just him.
Hermione had been baffled to hear this. She didn't even know how something like that would be accomplished, but Draco had looked so stony and obstinate, she had decided not to test him. So she'd informed Harry that she would meet Ron at Grimmauld Place instead.
"Are you ready to leave?" she asked, not wanting to restart the argument.
Harry answered for Ron, stepping between them.
"Actually, Hermione, I need to talk with you alone for a moment," Harry said.
Ron looked suspicious and annoyed at this, but ultimately he seemed to decide not to push the issue. Harry led Hermione into the drawing room, casting Muffliato on the door at the same time Hermione cast an imperturbable charm. It appeared Harry didn't fully trust Ron either. That made Hermione feel marginally better about the day ahead.
"What's this about, Harry?" she asked him.
Harry looked slightly troubled.
"I just wanted to give you an update," he said. "Malfoy's tip about rumors in Azkaban, we've been following up on it."
Hermione's hand came up to cover her mouth in surprise.
"Have you found out what Lucius had to say?" she asked.
Harry shook his head.
"Unfortunately, that's not quite clear yet. However, I think we can safely say that it wasn't a lie.
An informant told us that there are several inmates who seem to have developed a particular interest in any and all news regarding you. Lucius is one of them, but apparently Umbridge, Mulciber, and a few others have as well."
Hermione's jaw fell open.
"We have no proof that they're involved with any crimes yet," Harry said. "But it's definitely suspicious.
Umbridge and Mulciber. Two people for whom Hermione's death would be a personal triumph.
"And there's more," Harry said. Hermione held her breath as he continued. "Umbridge and two others have filed petitions for early release. They're claiming to have been under the Imperious Curse."
*What?" Hermione hissed. "How did they even manage that? Who's helping them?"
"I'm still looking into it, but so far, it seems as though they've both managed to develop extensive legal connections, even while imprisoned," he said, looking bitter. "I've been trying to get them both placed into solitary with no visitation, but the CPR keeps pushing back, saying I don't have sufficient cause."
Harry looked beyond frustrated with the situation. Hermione could see why. If they had no proof that any of the imprisoned Death Eaters were attempting to commit further crimes, it would be very difficult to gain ground with the Committee for Prisoner Rights
"Anyway," Harry said with a long sigh. "We're working on it. I just wanted to keep you updated regarding the situation.
Hermione nodded.
"Thank you. I'll let Draco know as well."
"Actually, I've already written him. Just this morning, in fact," Harry said. "I've let him know he may want to start the petition process now. Perhaps we can find out what Lucius has to say before it's approved. I'd rather avoid releasing him, if possible."
Hermione's surprise that Harry had already written to Draco was overshadowed with worry.
Petitioning for release from Azkaban was usually a long process. It could be weeks or months before they found out anything useful from Lucius. She hated to think about staying away from her work for that long.
"Er, one more thing, Hermione," Harry said, glancing quickly at the door. "Listen. I know today is going to be difficult for you both. I just wanted to check that you really are up to doing this. If not, I'm sure we can sort something else out."
Hermione took a deep breath, thinking for a moment.
So far, the hate mail and general attitude of disdain for her had subsided a bit. A seed of doubt had been planted in Johanna's stories, and it seemed that doubt was all that was necessary to curb the public's outrage with her to a safer level. As awful as Harry's plan for a fake engagement had seemed at first, it was indeed working.
The only vulnerability left in the plan was the fact that if anyone leaked the news that the engagement was fake, the whole thing would end up worse than it had been before. If the secret got out, her life would come crashing down. She might be permanently sacked or forced to resign her post. And the missing elves might never be found.
"I'lI be fine," Hermione finally said. "Believability is important." An understatement.
Harry nodded gravely.
"Alright," he agreed. "I'll be there the entire time. If something goes wrong, I'll step in, find a way to pull you both out without raising suspicion."
Hermione looked at him, taking in his nervous expression.
"Harry, do you think that something is going to go wrong?" she asked.
Harry glanced furtively at the door again. He seemed to hesitate before answering her.
"Ron's been...he's worried about you," Harry said evasively.
Hermione narrowed her eyes.
"What do you mean?" she demanded coolly.
"Only that..." Harry faltered, searching for words. "Ron doesn't trust Malfoy. He's been trying to get me to talk you into leaving Malfoy's house. I've told him no!" Harry added, throwing up his hands in surrender when he saw Hermione's murderous expression. "I mean, it's not that I particularly trust Malfoy either, but I do trust you."
If he was trying to mollify her, it was working. Hermione huffed.
"Well, you can tell Ron that I'm completely safe there, if he asks again," she said. "Draco has been a perfect gentleman, and there hasn't been a single issue with his security.'
Harry nodded, though he assessed her face carefully.
"Just say the word, Hermione," he said at last. "If you want out of there, all you have to do is let me know.
Annoyed, Hermione only nodded once in answer.

As they left the drawing room, Hermione wondered if Ginny's influence might be the only reason Harry hadn't pulled her away from Draco the minute he'd discovered the two of them together again. Ron's warped sense of concern for her would surely have won Harry over by now if not for his wife.
They met Ron back at the front door.
"Okay, here's the plan," Harry said, gathering them both up around the shoulders. Hermione thought she recognized his old Quidditch captain voice. "We're all going to apparate to Hogsmeade. I'll follow after you two at a distance as you walk to Madame Puddifoot's."
Ron groaned. Privately, Hermione agreed with him. She didn't relish getting photographed with Ron while pink confetti rained on her head.
"I'll be under my invisibility cloak, so you won't see me, but I'll be there every step of the way.
You'll need to stay there at least an hour before leaving to avoid suspicion. Hermione, be sure to have your flowers and your ring visible to the cameras. Both of you need to act like you're totally in love for at least an hour. Can you do it?"
Glumly, she and Ron both said, "Yes," in synchronized monotones.
"Perfect!" Harry said, ignoring their obvious reluctance. "Now, do either of you need a pepper-up potion or a cheering charm? Because you look bloody miserable.
Hermione sighed and pasted on her best "I'm engaged and happy about it" smile. Ron did the same, though it soon faded into an expression of blank resignment.
Harry looked dubious, but he allowed them to leave as they were.
Once their feet touched down on the cobblestones of the main street in Hogsmeade, Ron turned to
"Here," he said, offering the flowers to her.
Reluctantly, she took them. Ron held out his arm for her to take, and Hermione internally winced as she went to his side.
She practiced her best loving smile as they walked the short distance to Madame Puddifoot's. She imagined that Ron's arm belonged to Ginny or someone she actually liked. She imagined she was heading to the library, or a bookshop. Gradually, she felt her smile start to feel a bit more natural.
All she had to do was look anywhere but at Ron.
Her ring was carefully positioned for the few popping cameras that caught them as Ron held the door for her to step inside the tea shop.
It was horribly packed. Hermione knew Harry had picked this place on purpose, wanting as many people as possible to see them together on their date. Many pairs of curious eyes followed them as they walked through the shop. Lurid pink and red decorations were scattered around and pink, heart-shaped bubbles were gently raining from the ceiling. Hermione suppressed a grimace as one popped on her nose, spitting pink soap on her eyelashes.
"I've reserved a table for us," Ron said gallantly.
Really, Harry had done that, but Ron was supposed to make it look like he had orchestrated their perfect Valentine's date. He led them both to a table in the corner, one that was positioned near a suspicious amount of windows, and pulled her chair out for her. As the cameras outside the window flashed, Hermione imagined the caption that would surely be printed underneath the photo. "Ron Weasley, the very picture of Gryffindor chivalry as he helps his fiancée, Hermione Granger, into her seat at Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop.
Instead of rolling her eyes, Hermione smiled brighter.
A waitress came to talk to them, clearly prepared to be caught on camera. Her makeup was extremely overdone, and she smiled widely at the both of them, posing a bit as she wrote down their order.
Ron looked around the shop when she had gone, his smile starting to slip. They were supposed to be making conversation. Under the table, she stepped on his toe
"So!" she said a bit too loudly. "What a cute little place this is, Ron!"

Ron looked slightly wooden as he followed suit.
"Yeah, it's really.. romantic?" It came out sounding like a question.
"I just adore these flowers you got me," Hermione simpered. "They're absolutely gorgeous."
Ron licked his lips. He looked strange as he responded, "Almost as gorgeous as you are, honey."
His eyes scanned along her neck, to the neckline of her pink dress. Hermione shifted in her seat.
His smile dropped a bit as he leaned in to say, "You do look pretty today, by the way. Really."
Hermione felt her false grin falter slightly. Hitching it back up, she batted her eyelashes bashfully.
"Oh, stop it," she said, trying to sound playful but unable to keep the real insistence out of her
The waitress returned with their tea order, arranging it all on the table with much flourishing and preening. Hermione suppressed the urge to check her watch.
Once the waitress was gone, Ron leaned in again, this time with furrowed eyebrows.
"Er... I think you've got some lipstick or something. Just there," he said, pointing to his own teeth.
Hermione covertly swiped at her teeth, but Ron shook his head.
"No, it's still there. Maybe you should run to the loo and check a mirror," he suggested.
Hermione nodded, grateful for the excuse to take a break from the cameras.
"I'II be back in a moment," she said.
The bathroom was, blissfully, free of bubble rain. Hermione checked her teeth in the mirror, taking another minute to primp her hair as well. Then, after making sure that no one was in either of the two available stalls, she sighed, allowing her shoulders to slump as she clutched the sink.
The sad thing was, this wasn't even the worst Valentine's Day she'd ever had. One year, Ron had bought her a singing teddy and proudly presented it to her, not realizing that the off-key singing voice inside it had been charmed to loop every sixty seconds forever. She'd tried everything to get it to stop singing, until finally, she stuck it into a cauldron and used the Bombarda charm to blow it to pieces. That part had actually been satisfying, except that somehow the smoking pieces of the teddy kept singing, the voice having been multiplied into a headache-inducing chorus
After that, she'd told him she didn't much care about celebrating this holiday anyway. So last Valentine's Day, Ron had gone away to watch a Quidditch game. Hermione remembered how nice it had been that day, having the flat to herself, and then how guilty she'd felt about not missing
She checked her reflection once more, tidying her lipstick with the edge of her nail. Allowing herself one more self-pitying sigh, she left the bathroom.
When she returned, a small gift box was sitting in front of her cup, wrapped in a fluffy red bow.
Hermione put on her very best impression of "pleasantly surprised."
"Is this for me?" she asked animatedly, sitting down.
Ron was smiling expectantly at her. Hermione made a big show of shaking the present and asking what was inside before finally untying the ribbon and opening it. Inside was a pair of gold earrings shaped like tiny animals.
"They're seals," Ron said, beaming at her. "Y'know, for your Patronus. That's your favorite animal, isn't it? Seals?"
Hermione's smile had a cold tinge to it.
Her Patronus was an otter. Did Ron not know the difference? The urge to correct him nearly overwhelmed her.
She supposed it didn't matter what they looked like. She couldn't see herself ever wearing a pair of earrings that reminded her of Ron, whether they accurately reflected her Patronus or not.
"They're gorgeous!" she gushed. "Oh, my goodness! I love them! They're perfect, sweetheart-
thank you so much!"

Despite himself, Ron looked a bit red.
"It's not much," he said. "Er, do you want some tea...honey?" he asked her, offering the pot to her.
He poured it, and Hermione watched as lovely spirals of steam swirled up from the tea, ignoring the flashing cameras outside and the stares of the other couples inside. The tea itself was a beautiful color: strong and tinged slightly pink, with a mother-of-pearl shimmer that looked especially enchanting while it was being poured. It must be some special Valentine's Day brew.
She couldn't wait to taste it.
Hermione added her own cream and sugar, lifting the cup to her mouth to take a sip.
She froze.
Under her nose, the fragrant steam of the tea was mixed with a scent she recognized. New parchment, freshly mown grass...and Draco's cologne.
Ron was staring at her blankly.
"Is something wrong?" he asked.
Hermione blinked.
Then she smiled again.
"N-no. Nothing's wrong," she said, and tipped the cup to sip it.

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