A new Boy in Berk: Defenders...

By Kirikase10456

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Things at Berk have not been easy since Hiccup was kidnapped and new threats are coming, it's up to Hiccup an... More

Live and let fly
Sick on Berk
The Iron Gronkcle
The Night and the Fury
Tunnel Vision
Race to Fireworm Island
Fright of Passage
Dragon swap
Worst in show
Appetite for Destruction
Zippleback Down
A View to a Skrill Part 1
A View to a Skrill Part 2
Free Scauldy
A Tale of Two Dragons
The Eel Effect
Smoke Gets in Your eyes
Bing! Bam! Boom!
Cast Out Part 1
Cast Out Part 2

The Flight Stuff

286 4 2
By Kirikase10456

During one evening, Gustav entered the academy as he rode a ship which had fake wings and a flamethrower

"Come on, boy, let's fly" Gustav cheered as he fired the flamethrower but he accidentally lit some crates "Oh no"

Gustav jumped off the sheep and tried to blow the flames out but it wasn't working "Oh no, oh no, what do we do? What do we do?" he asked as the sheep ran off with its wool of fire

Suddenly, some water fell on the fire, so Gustav looked around and saw Hiccup, Astrid, Snotlout and Blake on their respective dragons

"Gustav, how many times have we told you? you can't play here" Hiccup said as he got off Toothless

"I'm not playing, I'm dragon training" Gustav said

"Poor kid. Ever since I let him into my inner circle, he wants to be just like his hero, me" Snotlout said smugly

"Gross and annoying?" Astrid asked

"No! a dragon rider" Gustav said

"Gustav, are you sure you want to be a dragon rider? Because if we tell you every detail you haven't heard about, you're going to run away terrified" Blake said

"Look around, kid. All of the dragon-ridding positions are taken, so unless one of us kicks the bucket you're out of luck" Snotlout said


"I'm going to kick the bucket!" Snotlout said

Apparently, it has been at least week since the incident with Gustav, all of the teens were at the academy looking at a board with a map of Outcast Island that Blake made with the help of Hiccup

"Uh, Snotlout, do you mind? We're having a Dagur meeting" Hiccup said

"Dagur's here?" Tuffnut asked

"In the last week, I've seen three of the five Signposts to Valhalla" Snotlout said

"We know!" all of the teens said annoyed

"You know? And you're just standing there talking about stupid Dagur? One of your bravest and most treasured warriors is about to leave this world forever!" Snotlout said

"Look on the bright side. At least you'll be in eternal paradise" Tuffnut said

"So will we" Astrid said

"Joke all you want about me, but what about Hookfang?" Snotlout asked

"He doesn't look sad, Snotlout" Blake said

"The thought of him without me for the rest of his life, it's just-" as he sadly walked away

"Are you done?" Hiccup asked

"No, not even close" Snotlout said as he walked towards some barrels and pulling Gustav from behind them "Though devastated and still in pre-mourning, Gustav has volunteered to carry on the Snotlout legacy"

"It is an honor" Gustav said

"Please... for the love of Thor... please tell this is some kind of bad joke" Blake sighed as he facepalmed himself

"Snotlout, the Five Signposts to Valhalla is nothing but an old wives' tale" Hiccup said

"Oh, yeah? Then why have I seen the Flying fish, the Weeping Rock and the Singing Tree?" Snotlout asked holding up four of his fingers, so Gustav corrected him

"You probably saw a salmon spawning, wet rocks on the beach and a gust of wind" Fishlegs said

"Besides, the Five Signposts to Valhalla are only supposed to happen to great warriors" Astrid said

"Obviously, what's your point?" Snotlout asked not getting the message

"Even if it was true, which it is not, you can't just pick someone to replace you" Hiccup said

"Well, you guys threw out my original plan" Snotlout said

"To bury Hookfang alive beside you?" Astrid asked

"That's pretty messed up" Blake said

"He would gladly sacrifice himself for his beloved master, trust me" Snotlout said as he walked towards Hookfang who walked away and slapped him with his tail in the process

"Okay, let's just say for the argument's sake, you've seen the three of the Five Signposts to Valhalla, it doesn't mean anything" Hiccup said

"That's right, what's going to happen next? The Bird of Death is going to appear right in front of us?" Blake asked sarcastically but right on cue, a death chicken landed in front of them

"Oh no! it's the Bird of Death!" Snotlout yelled before grabbing Blake by the shoulders "Why did you have to call for it?!"

"I'm just as confused as you" Blake said

"It's not the Bird of Death, it's just a dead chicken" Hiccup said "It's not the same thing, right guys?"

"Sure it is. Definitely, Bird of Death" The twins said

"We're on clock, little man" Snotlout said as he looked at Gustav "We're starting your training immediately"

"Fine" Hiccup sighed "The rest of us have to keep an eye on Outcast Island. While we're gone just try to not take anyone else to eternal paradise"

"I make no promises" Snotlout said as the other teens flew away


Sometime later at Outcast Island, the teens landed at a sea stack near the island, Hiccup and Astrid pulled out a spyglass and looked into the island where they were able to see how something was being built

"I can't get a good look" Hiccup said

"Well, they're building something and I'm guessing it's not good" Astrid said

"Is there a place for where we can have a better look?" Hiccup asked looking at Blake who thought for a moment

"I think I know a place but even though Dagur doesn't know this island as much as I do, he might have put guards there, so we better be careful" he said

"Whatever they're building I say we blow it up" Ruffnut said

"I said that's the best idea I've heard all week" Tuffnut said agreeing with his sister, so they slammed their helmets against each other

"Tuff, we've been over this, we don't shoot first and ask questions later" Hiccup said

"Of course, we never as questions" Tuffnut said

"Just come with me" Blake groaned before flying off


Meanwhile at the academy, Snotlout was ready to start Gustav's training

"Okay, pay attention, Gustav" Snotlout said before gesturing at Hookfang "This is a Monstrous Nightmare, the most lethal dragon in the known world. Not just anyone can handle one of these bad boys"

"Whoa" Gustav said trying to touch Hookfang but Snotlout didn't allow him to

"I'm sorry, I don't recall saying you could touch him. Did I say that?" Snotlout asked

"Uh... no" Gustav said nervously

"The first thing we have to cover is the proper way to mount a dragon. This has to be done in a way the dragon knows who exactly is boss" Snotlout said

Then, Snotlout got on Hookfang's neck, so they started to fly around the academy, once they landed, Gustav ran towards them

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I got it" he said before falling but Hookfang picked him up and placed him on his neck. Then, they flew off accidentally hitting Snotlout

"We'll work on that" he said as he got up

A few minutes later, Snotlout was ready for Gustav's second lesson, so Gustav got on Hookfang's neck

"Eyes front, recruit" Snotlout said "Now listen to everything I say"

"Sir! Yes! Sir!" Gustav said

From the outside the teens who have already returned to Berk were seeing everything

"This should go well" Fishlegs said

"We're not too late, are we?" Tuffnut said

"Nope, just about to get interesting" Astrid said

"Oh, thank goodness, I hate missing violence" Tuffnut said

"Don't worry, I'm sure Snotlout is going to get hurt any moment now" Blake said

"A Monstrous Nightmare in the hands of a capable rider like me is a weapon of unmatched firepower" Snotlout said "It must be treated with the-"

Before Snotlout could finish his sentence, Hookfang shot a fire blast at him but he ducked in time. Then, Hookfang shot another fire blast at the other teens but they moved out of the way

"We'll work on that, recruit" Snotlout said before glaring at Hookfang "Was that fun for you?"

Hookfang only shot him another fire blast as an answer

Like an hour later, Gustav's third lesson was about to start, so he and Snotlout walked towards Hookfang with one fish each

"Okay, Gustav, feeding time is bonding time for a dragon and its rider and this is how we bond" Snotlout said before looking at Hookfang "Hookfang, eat"

Snotlout threw the fish at Hookfang who caught it and ate it but he spat the remaining at Snotlout

"You're up, kid. Bring the heat" Snotlout said

"Hookfang, eat!" Gustav said as he threw the fish but he fell, so the fish landed on Snotlout's helmet

Without thinking it twice, Hookfang grabbed Snotlout and shook him a bit

"We'll work on that" Snotlout said


That evening, Gustav's lessons have ended, so Snotlout was talking to the other teens

"I know it's going to be hard on you all when I'm not longer here especially you, Astrid" Snotlout said "But I don't want any tears, I want you to remember me with joy in your hearts. So, think-"

"Snotlout, for the last time, you're not dying!" Blake interrupted

"Shh, shh, shh. It's okay, Blake. Denial it's part of the grieving process" Snotlout said "It is by the power vested in me that I hereby the Hookfang horns to Gustav"

"Snotlout, no one has vested you with any power" Hiccup said

"No one" Tuffnut agreed

"And even if they did" Hiccup continued

"Which they didn't" Tuffnut interrupted

"Gustav is not ready to be a member of this academy" Hiccup said

"That's correct, there's way more to being a dragon rider than feeding it and getting on its back" Fishlegs said

"Neither of which he can do very well" Astrid said

"None of us are perfect, except for me. Fishelgs is afraid of heights. Blake still has amnesia and hasn't recovered all of his memories. The twins can't count pass nine. Astrid has obvious anger issues and..." Snotlout said gesturing at each of the teens but he stopped when he saw how Astrid was glaring at him

"And you think you're going to die when you're not" Blake groaned as he crossed his arms

"Runaway sheep!" Tuffnut suddenly yelled

They all looked at the entrance of the academy and saw how a heard of sheep was running towards them, more specifically, towards Snotlout

"The Shepherd's course" Fishlegs gasped

"The Fifth Signpost?" Astrid asked

"Oh, this cannot be happening" Hiccup muttered to himself

"Avenge me!" Snotlout yelled as the sheep trampled all over him "Have lamb for dinner!"

Minutes later, Snotlout began to wake up when he felt that something was licking him, so he opened his eyes and saw a sheep and the teens looking at him

"Is this Valhalla? What a rip-off" Snotlout said as he got up

"Nope, still Berk. You fainted" Hiccup said

"More proof that my warrior's body is failing me. I don't have much time, Hiccup. You have to let Gustav take my place" Snotlout said

"That's never going to happen, Snotlout" Blake said

"Gustav is not ready" Hiccup said

"Well, train me, isn't that what you do here?" Gustav asked

"Gustav, even if you're trained or not, you don't have any experience" Blake said

"He's right, the dragon needs experience, the rider needs experience, and the rider and the dragon together need experience" Fishlegs said

"Experience, huh?" Gustav said scratching his chin before walking away

"Sorry, Hookfang, I guess this means we're back to plan one" Snotlout said "Tuff, Ruff, start digging"


The next morning, the teens reunited at the academy planning a way to sneak onto Outcast Island

"Okay, we're going to need a diversion to get a closer look at whatever Dagur's building" Hiccup said

"Luckily, I know how to get closer once we're in the island" Blake said

"The flaming funeral pyre my flaming funeral pyre ship should do the trick" Snotlout said, so the twins popped out a hole that they were digging for Snotlout and Hookfang

"Whoa, hold on. I thought we were burring the two of you alive" Tuffnut said as he looked at Snotlout annoyed "Fine, I'll start gathering wood"

"Yeah, and I'll start gathering pyres" Ruffnut said

Suddenly a roar was heard before a Monstrous Nightmare with yellow and purple scales entered with Gustav on its neck, when it landed Gustav fell and crashed on the ground

"Uh- I meant to do that" Gustav said awkwardly as he got up

"Is it me or did a tiny little Snotlout and Hookfang just flew in?" Tuffnut asked as he and Ruffnut looked at the Monstrous Nightmare before it knocked them into the hole

"Gustav, what are you doing here?" Hiccup asked

"Well, you said you didn't have time to train me, so I found my own dragon and trained it myself" Gustav said

"Compared to the other dragons, yours doesn't look well trained" Blake said

"Look how he defies authority, I taught him well. Now I can go in peace" Snotlout said

"At least you named it?" Blake asked

"Fellow dragon riders, I'd like you all to meet my dragon, Fanghook" Gustav said

"Fanghook? Are you serious? Do you have any respect for authority?" Snotlout asked

"Gustav, we told you, there's more to being a dragon rider than riding a dragon. You have to form a bond, a friendship" Hiccup said

"We have it, test us, we'll prove it" Gustav said

"Test him! Test him! Test him! Test him! Test him! Test him!" the twins cheered

"You know, it might not be the worse idea" Fishlegs said but only Hiccup, Astrid and Blake heard

"No, I'm pretty sure it is the worse idea" Hiccup said

"Think about it, look at Snotlout" Fishlegs said, so they looked at Snotlout who didn't seem happy "Maybe he needs to see how easily he can be replaced"

"Enough said, I'm in" Astrid said

"I don't know, this could end well but it can also end pretty badly" Blake said

"You know, Gustav? You're absolutely right" Hiccup said as he walked towards Gustav

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. He is?" Snotlout asked

"Yes, he is" Hiccup said before Toothless shot a plasma blast at the ground, so Hiccup used the ash to make a cross mark "Let's see you lap around the island and land on this mark"

"Alright. Fanghook, fire it up!" Gustav cheered as Fanghook left the academy

"Hmm, quite a starting battle cry" Fishlegs said

"Eh, it's alright" Snotlout said

Fanghook flew properly around the academy but when they were about to land, he missed the mark and slammed into the wall, so Gustav fell from his back

"Dragon rider!" Gustav yelled as he got up

"Wow. That was pretty good" Hiccup said

"Honestly, I was expecting them to crash outside of the academy" Blake whispered

"Pretty good? Are you kidding me?" Snotlout asked

"Is anyone else tired of listening to Snotlout's ghost?" Tuffnut asked

"Hey, I'm not dead yet" Snotlout said

"You're dead to us" Ruffnut said

Minutes later, Hiccup placed some targets around the academy

"Okay, bud, show them how it's done" Hiccup said, so Toothless shot a plasma blast at each of the targets

Then, Gustav setup one of the targets "Fire it up!" he ordered to Fanghook who started to shot fire blasts at everything in sight, so the teens had to duck in order to avoid them

When Fanghook ended, everyone realized that he hit everything except the target

"Weak sauce, he didn't even hit anything" Snotlout said

"Well, that's not quite true" Hiccup said before a sheep with its wool on fire ran past him

"Bravo, you're all set for the sheep rebellion" Snotlout said

"But this time we'll win" Tuffnut said

"Okay, you guys are really serious about him replacing me?" Snotlout asked

"We're just following the last wish of a legendary warrior" Astrid said

"Besides, no need to replace you, you're already gone" Tuffnut said but Snotlout punched him "I really- really thought that I was going to go right through him and I'd be able to tickle his back"

"Let's see how he does on one of our obstacle courses" Snotlout said glaring at Gustav


Moments later, they were flying through the forest

"Okay, on this course you start at those big pines and then you-" Hiccup began

"Blah, blah, blah" Snotlout interrupted "If you think you're good, kid, you'll keep up with me. Fire it up!"

"Hey, you stole my battle cry!" Gustav said as he chased Snotlout

"Snotlout school in session, Gustav!" Snotlout said as he flew through the trees "And something tells me you're going to get expelled"

"Hey! Dead man talking!" Gustav yelled as he caught up with Snotlout "I'm on you like an eel on a three legged-"

Before Gustav could end his sentence, he got caught on a branch, so Snotlout landed near-by

"You get a 'G' as in fail" Snotlout said before Gustav fainted


A few minutes later someone poured water on Gustav, so he woke up and realized that he was back at the academy with the teens looking at him

"Hey, hey, hey. Don't throw water on him, tiny Snotlout will just shrink more" Ruffnut said

"How did I do?" Gustav asked as he got up

"Well, you lasted about two seconds" Snotlout said

"But, hey, those last two seconds, awesome" Hiccup said

"I got to admit, you're going to make a great replacement for Snotlout, Gustav" Astrid said

"Says who?" Snotlout asked as he scratched his butt

"You, when you constantly told us to let Gustav replace you" Blake said

"Wait a second, you're trying to convince me I'm not dying? What kind of friends are you?" Snotlout asked

"Look, Snotlout, maybe you have seen the five Signposts to Valhalla, and maybe you're going to die someday" Hiccup said as Snotlout continued to scratch his butt "And maybe could you stop scratching your butt while I'm talking to you"

"Sorry, it's just all this broad-grass in my shorts" Snotlout said

"Why are your shorts full of broad-grass?" Blake asked

"Why aren't yours? The twins told me it prevents saddle chafing" Snotlout said gesturing at the twins

"Oh, they did?" Hiccup asked looking at the twins who looked nervous "They also let the sheep in and sheep love broad-grass, and I'm guessing you're also the ones who dropped the Bird of Death"

"We have no idea what you're talking about" Ruffnut said just before she chickens landed on her and Tuffnut's hands

Everyone looked up and saw Barf and Belch meaning that they were the one who dropped the chickens

"We weren't responsible for the Weeping Rock though!" Tuffnut said as he and Ruffnut ran away

"Snotlout, where were you when you saw the Weeping Rock?" Blake asked

"I was at the shore looking for Hookfang" Snotlout said

"Oh, sorry, those were Thunder and me. We were training, Thunder fell into the water and I don't think I need to explain what happened next" Blake said

"I get it, so this means..." Snotlout paused for a moment to think but he didn't seem to understand what happened, so he looked at Hiccup who facepalmed himself "I give up, what does this mean?"

"Ugh, the twins were trying to prank you" Blake groaned

"Right, right... and?" Snotlout asked still not getting the message

"You're not dying!" Hiccup yelled

"I'm alive? I'm alive!" Snotlout cheered before starting to kiss himself "Thank you, thank you, thank you, Thor! Snotlout's too beautiful to die anyway"

"Ugh! My lunch in in my throat" Astrid groaned

"Wait, so this means I can't be in the academy?" Gustav asked, so everyone looked at him "I just wanted to be a dragon rider so bad"

Snotlout walked towards him and bent down "On one hand, I sympathize with your ruthless devotion to your goal" he said

"And on the other hand?" Gustav asked before being tossed out by Snotlout with Fanghook following them

Then, Stoick entered the academy and walked towards Hiccup

"Son, we need to talk. Trader Johann just got back from Outcast Island, he overheard Dagur saying he's getting ready to test-fire some sort of new weapon" he said

"That must be what he saw him building" Astrid said

"I'll take a few riders and we'll get a closer look" Hiccup said

"Alright, but don't engage the enemy. This is a scouting mission not a battle mission" Stoick said but what none of them knew was that Gustav heard everything

"Maybe they won't engage the enemy but we will, Fanghook, and they'll have to let us in" he said, so Fanghook grabbed him and walked away


Later that night, Hiccup, Astrid, Snotlout and Blake were at a sea stack near Outcast Island

"There are a lot of Berserkers right there" Hiccup said

"We'll have to get rid of them if you want me to get us close" Blake said

"What's our diversion?" Hiccup asked

"Allow me" Astrid said before flying towards Outcast Island where she found a sleeping Berserker

"Yoo-hoo!" Astrid called waking the Berserker up, so he and another Berserkers began to chase her "That's right, follow me, boys!"

From the sea stack, Hiccup saw everything with his spyglass

"Astrid's drawn them far enough away" he said "Let's get down there and see what Dagur's up to"

They started to fly near the ground to avoid being spotted, but then they heard a horn just as some fire arrows coming towards them

"It's a trap!" Hiccup yelled

"Yeah!" a voice yelled

The teens looked up and saw Fanghook and Gustav flying above them

"Gustav?!" Snotlout asked

"Seriously?!" Blake asked

"Oh, great" Hiccup muttered

"Fanghook, evasive maneuvers!" Gustav ordered

Surprisingly, Fanghook was able to dodge all of the arrows but the Berserkers used their new weapon to fire a metal net at him, so he and Gustav got caught by it

"Okay, that solves the Gustav problem" Snotlout said before looking at Hiccup and Blake "Interested in a lamb dinner on the way home?"

"Snotlout, are you serious?!" Blake scolded

"We have to save him!" Hiccup yelled as he flew away

"Fine" Snotlout groaned annoyed

They started to fly towards Gustav and Fanghook but Dagur saw them

"Now!" he ordered

The Berserkers aimed their weapon at them and an Outcast pulled a lever firing a metal net at Toothless destroyed it with a plasma blast before flying towards Gustav and Fanghook

"Fire it up!" Hiccup yelled

"For the last time, that's my battle cry!" Gustav yelled

"I know, now use it!" Hiccup said

"Fanghook, fire it up!" Gustav ordered, so Fanghook ignited himself up destroying the net "Let's get out of here!"

Gustav and Fanghook quickly began to fly away

"Ready the metal trap" a Berserker ordered, so another metal net was fired at Hiccup and Toothless trapping them and making them crash

"Hiccup!" Blake yelled but before he could do anything, another metal net trapped him and Thunder

Then, Snotlout saw how Gustav and Fanghook were flying away

"Come on, Gustav, we're getting down there" Snotlout said as he blocked Gustav's path

"No way, I'm getting out of here" Gustav said

"You wanted experience, and this is how you get it" Snotlout said

"I don't know, Snotlout. I don't think I can so this" Gustav said

"Listen to me, kid, you're flying a Monstrous Nightmare, the most lethal dragon in the known world" Snotlout said "You can do it and you will do it"

Meanwhile at the ground, Dagur laughed and pulled out his sword

"Fire it up!" two voiced yelled

Dagur looked up and saw Snotlout and Gustav charging towards them, both Hookfang and Fanghook shot fire blasts at the Berserkers and Outcast scaring them off and giving Toothless and Thunder the chance to get rid of the nets

When they all reunited, they flew towards the new weapon and destroyed it before flying away back to Berk

"My plan was perfect, I had that Night Fury in my clutches. Why didn't it work? Why? Why? Why?!" Dagur complained at he saw how Hiccup and the others flew away

"Uh... sir, I think the problem may have been in the... uh... execution" Savage said as he walked towards Dagur

"Execution? Did somebody say 'execution'?" Dagur asked looking at the Berserkers and Outcast "Now we're getting somewhere"


The next day at the academy, Hiccup was telling his father what happened at Outcast Island

"So, there was no secret weapon being test-fired?" Stoick asked

"No, it was al a trap" Hiccup said

"I wouldn't be surprised if Dagur leaked the information on purpose" Blake said as he walked towards them

"He's crafty and he's crazy. Well, I'm glad you're all safe" Stoick said before walking away

Gustav was also there standing at the other side of the academy sadly

So, I guess I'm not in the Dragon academy, huh" Gustav said

Hiccup and Astrid looked at each other when they seemed to came up with the same idea

"I'll tell you what, Gustav. How about we make you our very first Junior Apprentice Auxiliary Reserve Backup Rider Replacement" Hiccup said

"In training" Astrid added

"Fourth-class" Snotlout added holding three fingers

"Yes!" Gustav cheered

"However, that means you have to study" Hiccup said

"Got it!" Gustav cheered

"Clean out the dragon stalls" Fishlegs added

"And no more unauthorized dragon flying" Hiccup said before looking at Fanghook "Neither of you are ready"

"I understand" Gustav said looking at the ground sadly


Later that day at the forest, Hiccup, Snotlout and Gustav went to free Fanghook

"Go on, Fanghook, be free" Gustav said but said dragon didn't leave, instead he nudged Gustav "Go on! I said go already!"

With no other choice, Fanghook walked away leaving Gustav behind

"I know it was hard but it was the right thing to do" Hiccup said placing a hand on Gustav's shoulder to comfort him

"I know" Gustav said

"And you thought he could replace me" Snotlout chuckled as he and Hiccup walked towards Toothless

"Uh, no one can replace you" Hiccup said as he got on Toothless' back but then he realized that Gustav didn't move "You coming, Gustav?"

"No, I just want to be alone for a minute" Gustav said, so Hiccup and Snotlout flew away

When they were gone, Gustav whistled, so Fanghook showed himself

"Fanghook!" Gustav said as Fanghook walked towards him "So, what should we practice today?"

"You're decided to be a dragon rider as soon as possible, aren't you?" a voice asked, so Gustav nervously turned around and saw Blake and Thunder

"Blake... uh... i-i-it's not what it looks like" Gustav said

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone" Blake said

"You won't?" Gustav asked

"Listen, you're not ready to be a dragon rider yet, but... if it's something you really want, I can teach you the basics" Blake said getting on Thunder's back before flying away with Gustav and Fanghook following them

"Yeah!" Gustav cheered

A/n: Hi, sorry for the long wait but I chose to take a break, I needed a time for myself but now I'm ready to continue writing

See you on the next chapter

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