Minho x Reader

By yourfavwritermomo

14.5K 290 359

You are heading off to your junior year of high school when you decided to apply to an international school n... More

Chapter one: Going to K.I.S.S!
Chapter 2: The party
Chapter 3: First day of class
Chapter 4: A nice quiet dinner
Chapter 5: Hiking!
Chapter 6: The date that never happened
Chapter 7: Feelings?
Chapter 8: Confronts
Chapter 9: Getting ready
Chapter 10: A break between two "friends"
Chapter 11: Chuseok
Chapter 12: Cooking & Confusion
Chapter 13: Jealousy jealousy
Chapter 14: A visit to the friend who holds therapy sessions
Chapter 15: Heartbreak
Chapter 16: The cafeteria fight
Chapter 17: Sorry
Chapter 18: A mischievous plan
Chapter 19: Explanations
Chapter 20: Trying to let go
Chapter 21: Min Ho's Madness Party (pt.1)
Chapter 22: Min Ho's Madness Party (pt.2)
Chapter 24: Struggles
Chapter 25: Sneaky
Chapter 26: Taken again ❤️
Chapter 27: Beef
Chapter 28: Forgive but forget?
im back!
Chapter 30: Plan

Chapter 23: Shocking News

404 6 3
By yourfavwritermomo

"Yuri?" I repeated her name. Kitty nodded slightly.

"I knew it!" I was so proud of myself, I started dancing around in circles.

"You think that's good that it's Yuri and not Dae?" Kitty asked.

I thought hard since I wanted to give Kitty my absolute honest answer.

"I mean, I guess it's kind of shocking that you had a sex dream about the girl who literally stole your man but uh, I'm happy for this new version of you."

"I can't believe I'm into girls, I never knew that before."

I smiled. "Well that's why you came here right?" "To learn new things about yourself."

Kitty agreed. "I'm glad I told you Y/N but please don't tell anyone for now."

"My lips are sealed." I did an imitation of me locking my lips with an invisible key.

Kitty laughed. "Your the best."

"Nah but thanks babes."

Just then, the door, interrupting Kitty's and I's moment, typical.

"Hope I'm not interrupting you guys but we have detention." Q announced, with Min Ho trailing behind, mumbling something under his mouth.

I groaned. "When?" "And yeah, you did interrupt our moment but it's fine I guess."

"Today." Replied Min Ho quickly, having an ice roller on his face and rubbing it in circles.

"What the hell, why?" Kitty asked.

That was a pretty fucking stupid question.

"Hello?" "We got caught yesterday." I responded, rolling my eyes on the ground.

"Did we all?" Kitty asked again.

Q nodded.

"How the fuck did I get caught?" I asked myself.

"Er, so while I was carrying you away, Principal Lim was also outside, writing students names and she saw us so." Q shot me an apologetic look.

I shook it off. "It's fine Q, not your fault." I rolled my eyes but at Min Ho this time.

He stared blankly back. "My fault?" "You think it's my fault?"

"Well you were the one who hosted this party." I mumbled that but it kind of was facts. He technically was the one who started it.

"I'm sorry for trying to get everyone to enjoy a delightful party." Min Ho hissed sarcastically.

"Can you guys not?" Kitty sighed, face palming her face.

"Agree, this is getting really old." Q says with a face.

"Guys this is not an entertaining show!" "If you want, go to the circus or something." I scoffed, trying to pick off an annoying hangnail which won't fricking come off.

They really thought Min Ho and I were entertaining people, welp, sorry to disappoint y'all.

"In case if you forgot, we're all forced to head to detention so as much as Kitty and I want to, we can't." Q reminded us.

"I'm still not fully woken yet." I yawned, trying to stretch. I was so exhausted even though all I did was pass out and got Q to carry me. I wonder why.

"Y/N, let's go, we have to change out of our dresses." Kitty said, trying to fix her dress a little since it was slightly too big on her.

Right, I still had my sparkly dress on. I glanced at it and then saw my heels as well.

"And you might want to reapply your makeup guys." Q told us.

"What?" "Do I look really bad?" I questioned. Oh dear god, another great day to embarrass myself.

Kitty and Q exchanged a quick look while Min Ho's eyes were fixed on his phone, texting rapidly.

"Shit." I mutter, leaving the dorm with Kitty walking behind.

"Do I look bad?" Kitty asked curiously.

She had some smeared lipstick and eyeshadow, along with baggy eyes, but she still looked fine.

"No, you're okay."


"Wait, where was Mae?" I asked Kitty, who shook her head.

"I dunno, I was with you the entire time."


We continued walking back to our dorms in silence, still thinking about last night.

I prayed that I didn't do anything stupid last night after the party. I was never that drunk before so I had no idea if I sleep talked or did any confessions. But Q would've told me! Or Kit. Unless if they were both so drunk they didn't remember. There was only two people in that dorm who weren't drunk. Dae and Min Ho.

I didn't see Dae this morning so maybe he wasn't even there and spent the night at his girlfriend's house. So there was only Min Ho, which was 100% worse.

Maybe I actually did nothing and was overthinking the situation, like always. Yeah, that was probably the case. I always overthink anyway, which is a super annoying habit I did. But it's just a part of me.

When we've finally arrived, I stormed into the bathroom and looked into the mirrow.

Oh my fucking shit.

My eyes were super black with all the dried mascara underneath my eyes. My lipstick was smudged, and my eyelashes still had some clumpy mascara. I look hilarious. Bullshit.

"KITTY why didn't you tell me how terrible I looked?" I yelled, running water on my face and forcing all my makeup to come off. I was rubbing it so furiously by the time I was done my face was red.

"I have to go sorry Y/N but I have to research something really quickly before detention, bye!"

I heard the door close.


*10 minutes later*

I walked out of the bathroom to see Mae pacing back and forth, panicking.

I quickly stopped her and grabbed her hand to let her sit down.

"Mae, what's wrong?"

She started sobbing on my shoulder, her mascara running on her own dress. I'll wash it later. I thought to myself as I carried her head on my shoulder, rubbing her back in a slow motion.

"Tell me Mae." I pleaded. I had to try and help my best friend.

Mae finally sat up and told me, "my parents lost their jobs."

My mouth flew wide open. Mae's parents were super wealthy since they all worked in the medical industry, how the heck did they lose prestigious jobs just like that?

"But, your parents are incredible with their work, didn't you tell me?" I asked, begging that this was all just a big mistake.

She shook her head, trying hard not to cry again. "Someone framed them for something they didn't do, so now they are facing court with charges."

No. How could this happen? Who would do such a thing?

"Mae, what did they supposedly do?"

Mae sniffed. "Apparently someone robbed the entire hospital's savings and files, and since my parents were working overtime that very same night, the police assumed it was them." 'I don't know what to do Y/N, if they lose the case, my parents will both be forced to go to jail, and I'll be forced to dropout since I won't have enough money to pay for my tuition anymore."

She grabbed a sofa pillow and smashed her face on it, screaming.

"Look, we're definitely going to figure something out okay?" "You're Mae Tang!" "My very best friend and someone who can do anything!"

I patted her head softly. "We are going to figure this out."

Mae's head shot up. "We?" She asked with a puzzled face.

I smiled. "We." I repeated.

Mae rapidly got up and pulled me in for a tight hug.

"I promise I'll be here with you every step of the way, we will find out who did this and find proof."

"What would I ever do without you Y/N..."

I chuckled lightly, hoping for Mae to smile, even if it was just for a second. "You were always here for me Mae." "Of course I'll do the same thing." I heard Mae's light laugh which made me super proud.

"But for now, we have detention to attend."

We pulled apart and Mae grinned. "Let's go then."

I stayed with Mae as much as I could when we've arrived at the library- where they held detention. Unfortunately though, we had assigned seats since this group didn't "work well" together. I was super pissed that I couldn't sit next to Mae, but even more pissed when I had to sit with Min Ho."

"You two work exceptionally well together." Complimented Professor Lee dryly. Was it just me or did Professor Lee give out a compliment? Quite odd if you ask me.

Sighing, and cursing in my mind, I sat down next to Min Ho with my textbooks.

"Looks like we are partners again." Min Ho mumbled.

"Well no shit." I replied shortly, organizing my space.

"Can't we just be friends?"

I sighed. "It's kind of hard to forget everything that has happened between us you know."

He nodded. "If you need help with anything though, you can always talk to me."

"Alright, thanks."

When Kitty came, we all found out that she was the actual one who had called Professor Lee.

"Really Kitty?" I whispered bitterly.

"I'm sorry! I guess I was drunk or something because I would never do that if I was sober."

"It was you?" Min Ho yelled in disbelief.

Kitty shot him a look. "This could be fun though like the breakfast club, right?"

Kitty hoped for smiles and cheerful laughs but instead received cold stares and eye rolls her way one of the stares from me, unfortunately because I didn't want to be stuck here on a sunny Saturday when I could be painting or walking outside solving the mystery with Mae.

After a while of everyone silently studying, Professor Lee excused himself out of the room because he had to "check the gym" knowing damn well he needed to take a shit.

Before he left, he said that Madison Miller was in charge, the girl with red hair and a cheerful face.

"Eyes down everyone." Madison ordered as Professor Lee was exiting the room. As soon as he left though. "Just kidding, do whatever guys." Madison laughed before instructing us how to even "party" in detention.

As everyone moved to the back of the library to either play poker or make out, Mae ran to Min Ho and I and sat down.

"Y/N, I found out what day it happened."

"Good, spill!" I said as I quickly took a sip of tea.

"It happened yesterday."

I spat out my tea.

"Really Y/N? You got all your damn tea on my new leather jacket!" Min Ho complained bitterly, trying to clean.

"Sorry." I mouthed.

"Then it happened like less then 12 hours ago." I said, calculating math in my brain.

"Do you really think we can solve it?" Mae asked me.

I knew she wanted my honest opinion. To be honest, I didn't even know if we could. 2 16 year old girls trying to solve a mystery. I could hardly believe that we could.

"I have faith in you guys, whatever you're doing." Said a voice. I turned to Min Ho, who smiled at me softly.

"Really?" "So we're not two delusional teenagers thinking they can solve this?" Asked Mae who desperately wanted a good answer.

"Of course not. I know that you two will succeed in whatever your doing." Min Ho says, keeping his eyes on me the entire time.

Why did I feel my cheeks go warm?

"Thanks Min Ho, I'm gonna get some drinks, you want any?" Mae asked us.

"Um, I'll have the-"

"She'll have the ice chai latte with cold foam and a spoonful of sugar and I'll have a coffee." Min Ho told Mae while smirking at me.

I stared. No way did Min Ho remember by drink word for word? How does he keep on doing this?

"Got it, be right back!" With that Mae walked out of the room.

"Where's Chloe, I thought she was at the party?" I asked, still having another sip of my tea. It was no longer as good.

"Um, I got her out of it." Min Ho responded shyly.

"How sweet of you to help your girlfriend, I'm sure she loves you to death." I teased, swallowing the jealousy with another sip.

I knew that Min Ho wanted to protest but he swallowed his words down.

That's what you get for looking so god damn perfect all the time.

*Ding ding*

It was my phone.

"Excuse me." I muttered as I grabbed my phone and accepted it.



"Mom?" "What's going on?"


"Mom?" What was happening. Something bad was about to happen. I know it. I just know it.

"It's your dad... he's sick."

I dropped my phone on the floor.

No. First my grandma now my dad? No.

"Y/N?" It was my mothers voice.

"I can't do this." "I'm sorry mom." I ended the call and bolted out of there. Away from those sickening words. Away from reality. I, couldn't believe it.

My dad was a healthy as a horse and mighty. There was no way he was sick. It had to be a prank right? I sat down on the concrete floor. But then again, my parents would never joke around about something like that.

I prayed that this was a prank, even if it made me sick to my stomach.

I felt like throwing up.


"Go away!" I yelled, ignoring who it was.

"Y/N I know you don't want to talk but please talk to me." The voice pleaded.

I ignored the voice.

"Please don't shut me out!"

"Who is it?" I could hardly hear my voice. I could hardly hear their voice. I could hardly feel anything.

"It's me..." "Min Ho."

Min Ho? Why would he be helping me? I was such a bitch to him. Did he hear my conversation? I kind of forgot that he was even there.

I felt his hand on my shoulder and waist as he helped me up.

I finally looked at him.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

After hearing that word, I started to cry.

I was almost in tears writing this. Im just kidding but I'm so sorry to everyone reading this :(
Let me know what you think and like always, don't forget to vote this story! Thank you thank you :)


Hopefully Y/N's life will get better, but will it 😂

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