You're my Type | that body sw...

By GorgeyGeordies

8.1K 332 634

When Little Mix (OT3) is guest of honor at the first ever girl group's tribute gala -hosted by Destiny's Chil... More

I. Perfect
II. Swapped
III. Conflicted
IV. Jelly
V. Cozy
VI. Space
VII. Inside [smut]
VIII. Aftertaste
IX. Sweet
X. Flow
XII. You

XI. Always

457 23 31
By GorgeyGeordies

*Warning: we're getting closer to the end 🥹*


I know, it's been so long anskdaskdñl 😣 but in my defence...

I have nothing.

I won't blame you if you wanna give it a read to the previous chapter to recap, I had to do it myself 🫣

Let's continue ☝🏼


It was still early for the event, but the streets right outside the hotel already looked congested due the heavy traffic that embellished that warm evening. No matter what way Aaron, Andre and 'Alex' looked, left or right, they kept finding cars of all different colours and sizes, except for the one they had requested.

They were standing in the hotel entrance staircase, and they weren't alone: almost the entire hotel staff was attentive to this area, safeguarding the well-being of its guests, next to the private security that stayed attentive to all the celebrities coming in and out of the building.

"So... I'm going to tell you what I understood one more time, to see if I got it right" Andre said towards Aaron. "Is that okay?"

"Go ahead, I rather for you to solve your doubts now" Aaron reassured him, while desperately checked his phone, in his most recent attempt to contact the driver. "It's not like we have something else to do, besides waiting..."

"Alright. So, first, we get in the car" Andre numbered. "Then, we get to the red carpet and convince the organizers to let us be the ones receiving the girls" he said. "And finally, we wait for them to arrive."

"Exactly. You got it all right" Aaron nodded. "Although we cannot carry out the plan, because of step number one: the car it's not here yet!" he growled, but then immediately after took a deep breathe to recompose himself. It wasn't the boys' fault he was so stressed. "I'm sorry, I- let me just try and call them again."

As Aaron took a few steps away to re-dial, Andre turned to his other partner, who had been quiet for a while, lost in thought.

"So, Alex..." he started, but didn't receive an answer. "Alex?... Aleeex!"

"Uhh?" the startled girl babbled, but immediately after she regained conscious of her surroundings. "Oh- sup, bro?"

"I was wondering" Andre said, "do you think they interview us at the event?"

"I mean..." Jade contemplated the thought, rubbing her two-day stubble beard. "It could be, yeah. Maybe."

"And..." Andre continued, leaning to her and lowering his tone of voice. "... what are we going to tell them when they ask us why is Aaron with us and not your ex?"

"Well, first of all, it's great that Aaron offered to cover for him, bless him" Jade pointed out. "But I don't think they need to know that Jordan is my ex alrea- uhh... I mean..."

The girl's stuttering was only overshadowed by Andre's sonorous laugh.

"What-" the girl furrowed her brow, confused. "Wait, you know this?"

"Oh, this and a lot of other things I would rather not to know. You know what I'm saying, right, bro?" he mocked. "But you know what? At least I'm glad to know you and Perrie were able to settle your differences" he said, but couldn't help himself and wiggled his eyebrows, suggestively.

"Oh, please- let's just not talk about that" she asked him, blushing.

"Fair enough" Andre giggled. "However, after everything Leigh-Anne has said about you two all these years, actually, it doesn't surprise me" he assured her. "And when she revealed it to me earlier, I understood why Alex seemed to have learned that particular technique to down so many cocktails in such a short period of time" he taunted her once more.

Jade narrowed her eyes.

"I know you want to bother me, but I'm rather proud of that skill, thank you very much" she gloated.

"As you should" Andre laughed and leaned in for a hug. "Aw, but I missed you, little sis."

"Oww, Andre!" she accepted it for a moment, until she remembered they were in public. "Okay, but let's make it seem like a manly handshake" she whispered, suddenly hitting him on the back with her palm. "That's right, just an embrace between two bros. Manly!"

"Alright, alright" Andre laughed. "Oh- here it comes Aaron..." he said, and both separated.

"So?" Jade asked the man. "Did they answer?"

"Yes. They're still two blocks away" Aaron sighed. "But, I mean, it's coming..."

A fourth masculine voice joined their conversation.

"Are you going to the girl's event?" he asked from his surveillance chair; it was the hotel doorman, an elderly man dressed in a security uniform in khaki.

"Yes, actually" Jade replied on behalf of the entire group. "We are."

"And... which one of you is the lead singer?" the old man smirked, before letting out a loud laugh.

"Oooh, cuz we're a group of pretty ladies hahahaha" Aaron scoffed. "I get it. That's funny."

"No, but seriously" Andre cleared his throat. "We're their plus-one's."

"I see" the doorman nodded. "I'll tell you what, in all the time I've been working here, I've never seen this street so busy. And it's all due that girls event."

"Really? Interesting" Jade muttered. "You guys heard that? Who would've thought a few little girlgroups would cause this level of chaos?"

"I'm not sure if it's something to be proud of" Andre pondered. "But it's true. It's huge."

"And do you have a plan B in case your vehicle doesn't make it on time?" the old man wondered.

"We... actually don't" Aaron admitted, and breathed out. "But you live here, in LA: what would you do?"

"Well..." the man thought, taking a look to one side of the street. "Do you see that passenger truck?" he pointed at this vehicle parked a block and a half away from there. "The big white one?"

"Sure" Andre nodded after spotting it. "Do you think it can take us?"

"Nooo! That truck is parked exactly where the event is being hosted" the doorman told them. "So if you ask me, I'd probably walk there."

"Ooh..." Jade nodded. "Well, he has a point."

"But the blocks are huge! And it's so hot!" Aaron excused himself. "Besides, we're all suited up..."

"As you like" the man shrugged. "Although, I'm gonna say I've seen not a few girlgroups and their plus-ones walking there."

The four men looked around.

"... he's right" Andre realized. "Look! There goes Fifth Harmony."

"Yep" the man nodded. "And Twice. I heard they're performing."

"Oh, yeah... you know how I call that?" Jade mumbled, with admiration: "girl power."

"Of course!" the old man agreed with her. "Women can do it all."

"He knows it!" the girl grinned. "I like this gentleman."

"And which group did you come with?" he asked them.

"Oh, only the biggest girl group from across the pond" Jade replied, gloatingly: "Little Mix."

The doorman narrowed his eyes.

"Are they a K-pop group?"

"... excuse me-?!"

"Easy" Andre stopped his friend, but still bugged her. "Are you still liking this gentleman?"

"Oh! There it's our car!" Aaron exclaimed, going to the meet it. "Finally!"

"Enjoy the rest of your day, sir" Andre said goodbye to the doorman.

"Have a good time!" he dismissed them. "And have a safe trip back to Korea!"


"Jade, leave him!" Andre whispered to her, pushing her in their car direction. "Come on!"

The three men reached the sidewalk and waited for their car to pull up.

"What was wrong with that man?" Aaron muttered as he adjusted the cuffs of his shirt. "There's no way we were walking there! With this sun and heat... we would've gotten cooked alive!" he scoffed. "Actually, it was my idea to divide us in two cars, so the air conditioning works bette-OOH!"

"Oh, come on, Aaron!" Andre told to the shocked expression. "It's not even that hot. Relax..."

"Andre" Jade stuttered, just as surprised as her hairdresser.

It was only then that Andre realized both of his partners were stunned, looking right behind him. So, he turned around, and saw them: the complete Destiny's Child trio showed up behind the hotel entrance door, and they were getting closer, glamorously descending the stairs accompanied by a security guard for each one of them.

"Holy mothers of- shit" Aaron stuttered, completely starstruck.

"It's all of them" Jade mumbled in awe.

They were so shocked that none of them said something when one of the hosting group's security guards approached to the driver of their car, to ask if they were picking up the group. However, Andre was sure that neither Jade nor Aaron would object if Beyoncé and company stole the vehicle they had been waiting for so long.

"Michelle, girl, this is not our car!" Kelly claimed her bandmate after hearing what the driver had to say.

"They told me it was!"

"Well, it's not" Beyoncé replied. "And now we're gonna get late to our own show..."

"Alright, but it was the hotel staff's fault, not mine!" Michelle insisted. "Someone has really messed up in there!"

"Whatever, let's go back in..."

Andre, that was the only one that wasn't completely dazzled by the women's presence, saw this misunderstanding as a fun opportunity: he raised his voice and stopped them, by calling the member he trusted the most. Or at least shared a conversation with.


The woman turned around and recognized the man he had met the day before in the middle of the crowd.

"Hey, Andre! Guys!" Kelly exclaimed, coming to meet them and taking the rest of the group with her as the one-piece they were. "How are you? What are you doing out here?"

"Hey!" Beyoncé greeted them as well. "Where's Little Mix?"

"Oh my... gawd!" listening to Beyoncé simply pronounce the name of the band he was so involved with was too much for Aaron to handle it.

"Well, we're going ahead to the venue, and this is our car" Andre explained to them. "Would you like a ride?"

"What?!" Jade exclaimed, but under her breath. She was shocked, but not stupid. If they had asked her what she thought about the idea, the answer would have been yes! Yes, please! Come along!

"Honestly? They're already waiting for us there, so it'd be so helpful!" Beyoncé replied for all of them.

"No problem! And to prove that chivalry it's not dead yet" Andre said, pulling his arm out for Kelly to accept it. "We'll escort you to the car."

"Oh my god! Yes!" Kelly accepted his offer and clung from his arm. "I'll take this one" she giggled, and walked to the car.

"Wait, so are we stealing Little Mix's companions?" Michelle realized. "That's scandalous! Come over here!" she said, and grabbed Aaron's arm.

Jade stood there for a moment, looking at the ground, unable to believe that Beyoncé herself was standing in front of her, finally. But she looked up, and so she was. It wasn't a dream.

The legendary singer was looking at her, patiently, with a half-smile. The picture was incredible.

"Shall we?"

The car, that was more like a passengers' van, had a lateral sliding door that opened up to two rows of seats facing each other, and it was luckily big enough to take all of them six. Oh, and one of Destiny's Child's security men, that took the passenger seat up front.

Beyoncé, Kelly and Andre occupied one of the rows, while Michelle, Aaron and Jade took the row in front. This allowed the first one to comfortably stare at the last one.

"... what's wrong?" Jade reunited the courage to ask Beyoncé, yet her voice came out shy despite the masculine tone.

"I've seen you before, right?" Beyoncé told her. "Well, yesterday, of course, cuz you were at the hall with the girls, but..." she pondered. "You're Perrie's lover, aren't you?"

"No!" Jade instantly denied, but then stupidly remembered she was on Alex's skin. "I mean, yes I am. I don't know why I said that" she grimaced.

Although, if she had to admit it, she liked what Beyoncé had called her. It had a nice ring to it.

"No, guys, but for real: you have no idea how lucky you are..." Kelly was saying. "You're literally dating Little Mix!"

"Oh, I know how lucky I am!" Andre retorted, gloatingly. "I remember it every day. Always."

"Yeah, maybe I'm the luckiest of them all" Aaron dared to say out loud, grasping everyone's stare. "I mean... I- I'm not Jade's boyfriend, but I'm Little Mix's hairdresser" he told them, not missing the chance to introduce himself.

"Ooh! So, you're the man behind their hair style?!" Michelle gasped. "God, I think I'm in love!" she said, leaning on to his shoulder.

"I know right?" Aaron scoffed, barely containing the excitement. "When I started working with them three, years ago, I never imagined I'd be invited to the first ever girl groups homage, and let alone that I'd be sharing a car with Destiny's Child. It's incredible!"

"It is? Well, you deserve it, king!" Kelly grinned. "We know the drill: behind a good group, there's always a great team!"

"Amen!" Michelle seconded.

"So, and don't take this in the wrong way, but if you're here as Jade's plus-one" Beyoncé did the math. "... where is her boyfriend? Because, we met him yesterday, didn't we?" she asked towards Kelly. "Wasn't it him? The one with short dreadlocks?"

"Uhh..." Jade stuttered.

"It was him, yeah. Jordan" Andre stepped in, to the rescue. "He... had to leave for an emergency, due to a personal matter."

"Ooh... I hope everything is alright" Kelly hoped.

"Yeah, me too" Beyoncé nodded. "But, speaking of Jade..."

"Oh, here we go..." Michelle rolled her eyes.

"She can't help herself" Kelly muttered while shaking her head, but couldn't help the smirk.

"Wait- what? What is it?" Jade stuttered, intrigued at their reaction. "What about her?"

"Well, you guys know her better than I do" Beyoncé started. "And, with all due respect, of course, I love every single one of the Little Mix girls – I think they are a phenomenal collective" she assured them. "But I've seen a lot of their performances, and when I see her... I feel this energy. It's like... like I'm watching a young me. Like- I don't even know how to call it..."

"I do" Kelly cut her off. "It's called narcissism."

"Oh, shut up!" Beyoncé pushed her, jokingly, as her bandmates laughed. "I mean it! That's why I was gagging to meet her. But then... when I finally did, yesterday" she turned serious. "... I don't know. It wasn't what I was expecting."

After hearing those words, Jade's heart sank into her stomach.

"Oh, yeah?" she let out under her breath. She felt like she could get sick at any moment.

But not yet. She needed answers.

"It's just... she's incredibly imposing" Beyoncé admitted.

"What- who? Jade?" Aaron exclaimed, unbelieving. "Our Jade?"

"Yeah... it's cuz Bey it's really shy" Kelly pointed out. "I told you."

"Yeah, but don't get me wrong" Beyoncé rephrased. "It's just... I talked to her, and she had this really cool vibe, but like... indifferent. I almost started trembling right then and there."

"Yikes..." Andre mumbled, looking at Jade's disappointed face. "I'm so sorry to hear that."

"Believe me, nobody laments it more than I do" Beyoncé breathed out. "I really wish I could work with her, but... one thing I value with the people I collab with it's the trust, and the companionship above all. It's the key for a good product" she sighed. "But if I can't even be in her presence without this growing tension between us... I'm afraid I'm gonna have to-"

"Wait!" Jade interrupted her without thinking about it.

She probably should have, cuz she had no idea what to say, now that everyone's eyes were stuck on her. On Alex. But she had to try.

"Uuh... I'm sorry" she cleared her throat. "I just wanted to say, maybe it was just a bad first impression. Because... she is normally more professional when it comes to business, you know?"

"It's weird to hear you saying that, Ox" Aaron pointed out. "But it's true."

"Yeah" Jade continued. "And maybe you were nervous but, imagine! She was way, way more nervous than that" she stated. "... probably. I mean, that's what she said afterwards."

"Yeah, it's true" Andre seconded. "She said all of that. I was there" he lied, but with a purpose.

Beyoncé seemed to ponder.

"You think she was nervous?"

"Girl, of course!" Michelle replied for Jade. "Don't forget who you are: you're Queen B!"

"Oh, thanks, boo" Beyoncé sent a kiss on her way. "But still, I don't know..."

"Don't waste this opportunity, babe" Kelly told her. "At least give the girl a chance."

"Yes, exactly! I know you'd make her dream come true if you do it" Jade said, her heart almost bursting out of her chest due how much she was gambling right there. Literally speaking, the future of her career was at stake. "And I'm sure that when you get to meet her, you'll be able to... do whatever you want to do. I don't know, write music? Work in some vocals?"

"Everything" Beyoncé replied, an interesting shine in her eyes. "I wanna try and do everything with her."

What Alex said was right: her proposals sounded kinda sexual...

... wasn't that AMAZING?!

After what it seemed like an eternity of pondering, the singer finally nodded, but looked happy while doing so.

"Alright then... let's give Jade another chance!" she decided. "You convinced me! It's gonna be fun, isn't it? What do you guys think?"

While Jade almost fainted, the rest of the van erupted in cheers. On one side, it was exciting one of the Little Mix girls was going to work with one of the Destiny's Child women. It was an epic crossover. But also... cuz Beyoncé was an amazing hype woman, and nobody could help the thrill in response.

Not even a minute later, the driver let them know they had arrived, and the security guard came down the vehicle and began leading the entire group onto the red carpet.

"It's time!" Michelle clapped and squealed in excitement.

"Why did we take so long, though?" Andre joked coming out of the car. He offered his arm to Kelly once more. "I almost forgot where I was going!"

Beyoncé gave 'Alex' one last look before leaving the car.

"Thank you" she smiled genuinely. "You know? I enjoyed talking to you – I hope our paths meet again someday."

Jade's chest swelled with pride and, for a minute, she allowed herself to enjoy that victory. She had earned it.

"Me too."

Jade's POV

Insane. Talking to Beyoncé was insane. Convince her to give me a chance to work with her was crazy. And all without letting her know that I was- anyway. It was mad.

Escorting the Destiny's Child was mad. Also, telling the girls when they finally arrived what had happened was mad. They were sooo jealous. And they didn't even know how to feel: outraged, cuz Destiny's Child had stolen their plus-ones, or like royalty, cuz they were sharing companion with the one and only hosting group! Insane.

But not everything was rosy. Despite the exciting atmosphere and the incoming experience, I wasn't feeling completely alright. They were a lot of things going through my head, one of them being that I wasn't expecting to arrive like this to this one-in-a-lifetime event, in the body of a football player instead of my own.

I was upset. What was the use to being surrounded by so many friends and girl group icons if I wasn't going to be recognized as one as well, or be able to approach them, without being suspicious? I wasn't going to be able to dance, or sing along properly...

I didn't even get to meet girls from all over the globe that I've always wanted to meet. They didn't even glance my way when we came across them.

"Little Mix! Hi!" Jennie, from Black Pink exclaimed in our faces. Well, the girls and Alex's faces. Ffs.

"What a dream!" Rosé joined in as well.

"You girls are our inspiration!" Lisa stated. "Can we take a picture with you in the afterparty? We love you so much!"

Or something like that was what I was able to hear from all the way back. Ugh... I'm just bitter.

The only thing that comforted me was knowing that I had a surprise up my sleeve for Alex, so if he bothered me, he'd get it – oh, boy. Play dumb games, win stupid prizes.

"I don't even know what you girls complain about when you have to get ready" Alex annoyingly whispered at me as we got to the last bit of the red carpet, indoors, before the final camera shots and interviews. "Being a woman it's easy as hell man! I just had chill back and relax, let them fix my clothes, my hair, and makeup..."

... yep. I say that was enough teasing. He'd get the surprise.

"You know what, Alex? You're right" I replied, condescending, as I took my jacket off. "Actually, I don't mind the way they did my makeup. It looks good..."

I turned the jacket the other way, as it was reversible, and revealed the other side, that was covered in blue glitter - matching Perrie. I also pulled out a pair of designer tiny sunglasses and put them on, completing the attire.

All in front of Alex's stunned face.


"Or don't be so dramatic, I'm just making a statement!" I downplayed his complaints with a hand gesture. "Don't you like it? Well, that's a shame, cuz the camera will love you!"

Instead of the explosive response I was expecting... I witnessed him taking a deep breath, controlling himself. It was so weird... as if suddenly our competitiveness had vanished.

Still, he muttered:

"I fucking hate you, man" shaking his head.

Perrie's POV

It was finally our turn at the last bit of the red carpet, and after the group and couples' shots, we girls were granted access to the interviews' section, while they sent the guys away from us.

I hadn't had a minute alone with Jade all day, and I urgently needed to talk to her!

It was the only thing I had in my mind all night... except, perchance, for a brief moment. Where they were interviewing the three of us – Leigh, Alex and me- but focusing on 'Jade' and me due the recent front-page scandal and rumours that came out from it.

I didn't even told Alex what to say... but I'm not going to lie. I wasn't mad at his improvised response.

"Oh, Alex took it alright!" Alex replied with a giggle to the rumours, carefree. "It was hilarious!"

At least he was aware that, the more worried you looked, the harsh the media would attack you.

"He has to know, though- well, he's a great dad..."

"The best" I joined in.

"He's also really handsome..."

"Sure..." I nodded.

"And let's face it, his physical complexion makes him look aesthetically pleasant next to anyone..."

"Alright, time to address the point" I hurried. They probably though I was jealous of my bandmate prising my fiancé like that, when in fact I was trying to hold back Alex's self-worshipping arse.

"What I'm trying to say is that, he's doing amazing as Perrie's fiancé. Wonderful" he threw himself a last compliment before adding: "but deep down, he knows I'm her true and only wife" he said in Jade's voice, and winked at me. "Jerrie is real, so..." he shrugged. "Oh, but he knows. He's cool with it."

He really was cool with it, uh?

And that meant the world to me - for our child... and my future love life.


It was that smile, the one that Perrie was dedicating to him on the red carpet. It was surely not their first, Jade thought. And it shouldn't be their last...

The sparkle in her eyes, that shone in those blue orbs, Jade knew it so well. It showed up whenever the blonde's emotions were about to overflow: excitement, admiration, happiness, pride... love.

And last but not least, their beautiful child together. Axel; this innocent creature that had no idea what was going on, and was not to blame for anything that happened between his parents. If he only had a way to defend them, or express his thoughts about the subject... it'd be a whole other story.

It was so unfair from her. Because Jade wanted all of that, she had no doubt, but she couldn't live with herself if she had to break up an entire family to get it.

Once the six-piece group reunited again, it was escorted to their special table and sat down around it. Even when they were side by side, Jade and Perrie couldn't have the private word they were so desperate to let out.

Nonetheless, they enjoyed the show. It was emotive, exciting, specially dedicated to all of them, every single bit; they sang, they laughed, they cried, and shared an amazing time together.

They even won and walked to the podium to receive a first award – Britain's biggest selling act – but the most important moment of the night, and one of the lasts, was approaching.

In a discreet way for the rest of the attendees, the ushers lead the girls' way to backstage: they were about to receive an extra recognition, and after their speech, they'd present the last award of the night as a surprise. It was about time.

Meanwhile, and seeing them walking away, 'Alex' thought it was now or never, so she followed them behind the scenes.

The security staff spotted the intruder, and stopped her.

"No, wait!" Jade struggled with the pair of guards that held her by her arms. "I just need a minute, please!" she begged, but they had strict orders of kicking out the troublemakers. Specially if they weren't women.

So Jade was about to be expelled from the She Grouped – the first ever girl group's homage ceremony when, luckily for her, the voice of authority stopped the act.

"Hang on" Ken Ehrlich, the chief producer of the event and fan of 'that boy's enthusiasm, spotted her. "Let him. And give him a staff pass."

The stars were definitely aligning that night.

Now, free to run backstage, she looked everywhere and asked everyone, but they all seemed too invested in their own duties: no one would tell her where Little Mix was!

Until she finally crossed paths with one of the members, although not the one she was expecting...

"Jade?" her own voice muttered. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm looking for Perrie!" she told Alex. "I need to talk to her!"

"Right now?" Alex scoffed. "Oh, man... you literally had all day, how untimely!" he mocked.

Jade arched one eyebrow.

"It's that what you're gonna say?" she side-eyed him. "Really?"

Alex took a deep breath.

"You're right. It's not the time for this either" he recognized, and pointed at a corridor. "It's the second door on the left. Good luck."

It was either Alex finally acting like a respectable grown up, or her brain that was finally melding into Alex's skull, but... Jade was starting to like that guy.

"You know what? You're not as bad as I thought" she admitted.

"Neither are you" Alex reciprocated. "Really. With all and your hideous tattoos... including the tacky one around the crotch area" he rolled his eyes. "Seriously, Jade? How horrendous."

"Not as much as the Iump that's growing on your crotch area" she retorted, walking pass by him. "You need to get it checked."


She chuckled. The one that laughs last, laughs best.

"I'm kidding!"

Jade walked in the door Alex's pointed for her, this common dressing room. It was apparently to fix last minute details for girls that were coming on stage: there were costumes everywhere, makeup artists doing their job in front of the dressers and a bunch of people coming and going.

The mirrors on the walls only made it worse, by multiplied the people that moved in every single direction. It was all so confusing, and a little dizzying, but it was only matter of time 'til she found, among that sea of people... her girl.

"Jade?!" the blonde spotted her almost at the same time, and leaving Leigh-Anne on the chair next to hers, she went to meet her.

Finally! A minute was all what the blonde needed! She would tell her she and Alex broke up, that she loved her, and then, after the show, they'd have all the time to figure the swapped bodies out and live happily ever after...

A minute was all she needed.

"Babe!" Perrie exclaimed, finally getting to her, to her arms. "I'm so glad you're here! Listen, cuz there's no time but, you know we have to be honest, right?" she smiled. "Well, there's something you need to know..."

"You too" Jade nodded. "But I go first."


Well... a little crappy, ngl, but it's better than anything 🫣

I did it! I updated despite the uni pendings 🥹 I'm so proud lol

- K

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