Pantheon Book 2: The Way of t...

Bởi spiker648

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The way the gods operate is broken. Apprentice gods are forced to give up their friends, families, and someti... Xem Thêm

The Verge of War
Olympian Counsel
The Vote
More than Perfect
Who Cast the First Stone
The Gates of Asgard
Family Reunion
No More Secrets
A Game of Riddles
Casting Off
Monkey Business
The Heavenly King
Triple Pinky Swear
The True Enemy
The Real Me
Story Time
The Shinto
Akari's Decision
Marcus's Wager
Peace Offering
A Terrible Plan
Calm Before the Storm
Twin Oni
A Clash of Ideals
Blind Faith
The Great Sage
The Sun Rises
Heart to Heart
The Next Stop
Sad Farewells
Setting Sail
Battle Plan
The Strongest Magic
A Distraction
The Monkey King
Remember Me
Words on a Page
A New Mission

The Jade Emperor

5 1 0
Bởi spiker648

        Melody stomps up the mountain, her face twisted into a bitter scowl. Sun Wukong walks at the head of the group, his head leaning back in his hands comfortably. The treaty is wrapped in his tail, swaying gently with every step, just at the edge of her reach. As if he's taunting her, daring her to make a grab for it. But she knows all too well what will happen if she does.

Oliver and Emelia walk directly behind her. Oliver's head is lowered, his eyes flicking around at every shadow. Emelia keeps her head high, a defiant glare levelled at the mountain's peak. Koji walks behind them, his eyes on the ground and shoulders slumped. And lingering at the back of the group is Marcus, glaring at the Monkey King with murderous intent.

"So, what's the plan?" Emelia whispers, speeding up to walk at Melody's side. She keeps her eyes forward, leaning into her slightly. "How are we going to get it back?"

"We're not," Melody says, her tone matching her expression. "There's nothing we can do."

"There's always something," Emelia replies firmly. "Have you tried disenchanting the collar?"

"I did, but he grinned at me," Melody says, pointing to Sun with her chin. "He can probably sense my power, and he'll activate it before I get it undone. Not to mention, without this, there's no way for us to beat him." She glares daggers at the monkey walking ahead of them, but it's about as effective as their earlier attacks.

"Then what if we try reasoning with the Jade Emperor? You wanted to come here anyway, so maybe-" Emelia tries, cutting herself off when Melody shakes her head.

"I have no idea what I would even say. And if he's willing to unleash Sun Wukong of all people, then I doubt he'll listen."

"Whatever you're planning, I'm going to need you to stop now," Sun calls over his shoulder without looking back. Melody flinches, squeezing her eyes shut in preparation. When nothing happens, she allows herself a small sigh of relief. She follows Sun's gaze into the sky, spotting the moon hanging above them. She hadn't realized they had walked for so long. The long shadows of the trees are gone, and the peak of the mountain is illuminated. A dark castle looms over them at the end of the path.

"For the record, I couldn't care less if you want to escape. Do whatever you want - just save it until after I'm done with the Jade Emperor," Sun adds with a nod. "After that, you're free to go."

"Except for the Armies of Heaven," Emelia says sharply. "And the rest of the Taoist gods, who I assume are going to be there."

"Probably. Good luck with that," Sun confirms. He giggles, glancing back at Melody. When he meets her eye, his smile drops. "You don't have to look so angry, you know. I'm on your side."

"We've heard that before," Marcus rumbles from the back of the pack. Sun sighs, shaking his head.

"I'm sure you have. But this time I mean it." He looks up the mountain, his jaw set. "I guess you'll just have to wait and see."

Sun stops in front of a massive green gate, with half a dozen guards fanned out in an arc around it. As the group approaches, they lower their spears, specifically keeping their focus on Sun. Ten more guards rush along the top of the jade walls, shouting orders as they get into battle positions. Sun giggles to himself, waving his hand dismissively. The gates open for him, to the surprise of the guards. They quickly part to let them pass, but keep their spears locked on target.

Melody can't help but be awed by the Jade Palace. Her eyes sparkle as she takes in the great wall surrounding it, with dozens of guards marching along the top. The grounds are lit by hundreds of blazing sconces, the light dancing against the jeweled walls. To the left of the entrance is a glimmering golden river, with another high wall on the other side. Through the decorative gate, she can make out the branches of dozens of peach trees, glowing attendants hurrying about to collect the fruit.

The front gate is part way down the mountain, with several smaller buildings sitting on high plateaus. The road zigzags through the grounds, weaving between dozens of steep staircases. The road doesn't branch off at any point, and Sun leads them up every flight of stairs on the way to what Melody assumes is the throne room at the mountain's peak.

Everything is made of jade - the roads, the walls, the doors. Even the armor warn by the guards patrolling the grounds looks to be jade. Their spears are sharpened jades, on shafts carved out of jade. But every plate and blade shines in a different hue, contrasting with the solid, immovable walls of the castle.

Every wall is carved with elegant pictures, telling the story of the Pantheon. On one wall, a man sits on a throne above thousands of warriors, seeming to lead them into battle. On another is a woman sitting on a lotus, her face calm and beautiful. A third depicts four dragons gathered around a round table with a long piece of paper between them.

Two towers extend into the sky on either side of the palace, set on the level below it. They look like Li Jing's vase, each level ringed by a bright green pagoda. The palace itself, sitting at the very peak of the mountain, has four levels, with wide balconies circling each one. The first floor is the tallest, the roof hanging far over the edge of the walls. Even more guards line the stairs leading up the massive staircase, glaring at the group darkly when they pass.

Melody's legs burn by the time they climb the final steps. Oliver has already resorted to hovering, earning the angry stares of the guards. Emelia walks confidently next to him, showing no sign of exhaustion. Koji's shoulders are rolled forward, and when he climbs the last step, he doubles over himself, resting his hands on his knees. Marcus stomps along at the back, seemingly fueled by his burning rage.

The entrance is massive, with two jade doors that are easily twelve feet tall. A pair of guards stand at either side, their armor bulging with massive muscles. As the group approaches, they bow their heads, pressing their shoulders against the stone. They grunt with effort, sliding the giant doors open slowly. Sun strides up to them and throws the doors open effortlessly, sending the guards sprawling. The doors screech across the ground, leaving deep scratches on the tiled floor beyond.

As Sun waltzes into the throne room, Melody can't help but scan her new surroundings. Dozens of people line the hall, leaning on pillars of jade. Flames flicker on the walls, illuminating the chamber brilliantly. Where the guards outside felt like faceless soldiers, it's obvious that these are the best of the best, the true gods of the Taoist Pantheon. Almost everyone is wearing some sort of plated armor, with wide shoulder pads and thick helmets.

A long green carpet marks the path to a dais at the far side of the room. A pair of guards stand at the steps leading to the throne, but from the assembled gods, it's clear that they're only there as a formality. The throne itself looks like it's been carved from a giant piece of jade, with intricate designs etched directly into it. It has a high back with three prongs at the top. As she walks, Melody watches it change from bright green to dark, changing with every step. But it's not the chair that draws her eye the most; it's the man sitting in it.

The man looks to be middle-aged, wearing a green robe that seems to disappear into his throne. He sits with his head held high, looking down his nose at his new guests. Atop his head sits a thin golden circlet, with three gems set in the center: a ruby, a sapphire, and in the middle, a large jade.

The man's mouth is set in a frown that looks all too comfortable; like he's been scowling his whole life. His eyes are bright blue, cold like ice, with small wrinkles betraying his age. He has thick eyebrows, a pointed chin, and high cheekbones. His salt-and-pepper hair is pulled back into a thin ponytail. His hands lay over the ends of the armrests, his fingers twitching as they approach. His lip does the same when his eyes land on the Monkey King.

"As agreed, I present to you, the conspirators," Sun says, bowing with a flourish. His tail swings forward, and he snatches the treaty out of it, holding it up for all to see. "As per the terms of our arrangement, I have taken the treaty from them and brought them before his highness for punishment."

"I was told there were only three," The Jade Emperor replies, his voice smooth and deep. Sun raises his head, nodding proudly.

"It seems they made more allies in the Shinto than you anticipated. I thought I'd bring them along as well," Sun says. His nose wiggles, his face scrunching. "Now, is our business done?"

"Yes, you may leave," the Jade Emperor snaps. Melody can't quite tell if he sounds annoyed, afraid, or relieved. Probably all three. "I must see that justice is done."

"If I may, your majesty," a man says, stepping up to the Jade Emperor's side. He has balding blonde hair despite a young-looking face. Melody notices that he's the only person other than the Jade Emperor allowed on the dais. "Perhaps you should speak to them before rendering your judgement. They are only children, after all." He smiles at Melody, but it does nothing to set her at ease.

"...I suppose they have the right to plead their case," the Jade Emperor agrees. He scans the group until his eyes land on Oliver. "Hermes! Step forward!" He commands, his voice booming through the chamber. Oliver yelps, springing into the air in his panic. He flutters back to the ground, hugging Caduceus to his chest. A few of the onlookers touch their weapons, watching carefully as Oliver edges to the front of the group.

"So, you are the so-called new Hermes," the Jade Emperor rumbles, looking down his nose at Oliver. The poor boy shrinks back, his head so far in his neck that his shoulders hide his ears. "Your predecessors worked with me for millennia. I've known Hermes to be a trusted advisor. So out of respect for your title, I will allow you to speak."

"T-thank-" Oliver tries. He's silenced when the Jade Emperor slams his fist on his throne, booming like thunder.

"You will not interrupt me!" He roars. Oliver shrinks back even further. Sun hums whimsically, using his tail to edge him back under the Jade Emperor's gaze. The Jade Emperor nods but shifts uncomfortably when he meets the Monkey King's eye. "Tell me, new Hermes. Why do you and your friends wish to bring chaos to the world?"

"Uh-" Oliver whimpers, blinking up at him. His hands shake and his knees knock. Caduceus rattles in his fingers, and he licks his lips over and over, eyes locked on the floor. "W-we don't, sir - emperor - your-"

"Your highness," the blonde man says encouragingly. Oliver swallows hard, his voice cracking.

"We don't want chaos, your highness. We just want to stop the gods from fighting. We want peace-"

"It's natural for the gods to war," the Jade Emperor interrupts. "It is their nature. And if it is their nature, then it is part of the Tao. Peace can only be achieved through the Tao - and therefore, defying it causes chaos," he says, speaking the same way one would to a child. "My patience has already worn thin, new Hermes. It is a mercy that I'm willing to hear your thoughts at all. So, I ask you again; why do you and your allies wish to bring chaos to this world?" His voice drops into a growl, making Oliver recoil. He stammers over himself, his teeth chattering between words.

"Your majesty, if I could interject," a familiar voice says. Melody's heart drops as Erlang steps out from the crowd, dropping to a knee when the emperor glares at him. "If you'll remember, I mentioned in my report that the leader of this group isn't Hermes, but rather, this girl here." He gestures to Melody, keeping his head down. "While Hermes may have the authority to carry out their mission, she is the one orchestrating it all." The Jade Emperor shifts his attention to Melody, his eyes narrowing. He looks her up and down as if only just realizing that she's there.

"You'd have me believe that this girl is the cause of this idiocy? She doesn't even hold a title of her own," he spits. Melody feels her blood boil, but before she can speak, Sun taps her shoulder. He winks at her, pointing to his neck. She swallows her anger, settling for a furious glare.

"I assure you, your highness, she is. Misguided as she may be, her determination is what fuels the others. And even though she was unable to convince me, I can't deny that she has only the best of intentions. She did make me question some of my own beliefs," Erlang says. The Jade Emperor scoffs, waving his hand dismissively.

"Hermes, you will be silent," he commands. Oliver retreats back into the group, and Emelia catches him before he melts to the floor. "You, girl!"

"Melody," the blond man says.

"Mel," Erlang corrects. The Jade Emperor sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Melody," he hisses, exhaling deeply. "Since your blubbering companion cannot form a clear thought, perhaps you could tell me why you want to throw the world into chaos." Melody takes a deep breath, unclenching her jaw. This isn't the time for anger. This is her chance to convince him to listen. She squares her shoulders, casting her mind back to her long hours of practice and preparation. This is their last chance. She has to succeed.

"The way the gods operate is wrong," she begins, putting more force than she ever has before into the familiar words. "There are many gods and goddesses who aren't happy with the way things are right now."

"Fools," the Jade Emperor huffs. Melody presses on, refusing to acknowledge his interruptions.

"Things need to change before it leads to an all-out war of the gods. And now that the treaty has been broken, we need to look forward and consider creating a new one that addresses the problems that the old one didn't."

"I refuse," the Jade Emperor hisses, rising from his throne. The Taoist gods all drop to a knee, even the guards at the base of the throne. Oliver scrambles to do the same, but Emelia grips his arm, keeping him on his feet. "A new treaty will solve nothing."

"It will keep people from dying!" Melody snaps, biting her tongue a second too late. The Jade Emperor's nostrils flare and his mouth slides upward in disgust.

"Death is also part of the Tao!" He snarls, his voice echoing throughout the chamber. Melody recoils, her chest tightening with panic. "People die every day! It is the way things are meant to be!" He stares at her down his nose. "It's no difference to me if a few hundred more die to a war. Those who are true to the Tao will not fall to something so trivial."

"Trivial!?" Melody growls back, unable to control her temper. She moves to take a step, but Sun's tail wraps around her waist, holding her in place. She wiggles to break free, but keeps her fury focused on the emperor. "We're talking about people's lives! How can you be so arrogant-"

"When the fighting is done, those that remain will see that the way of the Tao is the correct way to live! And when they do, the world will know peace for eternity," the Jade Emperor concludes, puffing out his chest. "Can't you see? Your mission will never succeed. You are misguided and foolish to think you can solve the world's problems with pretty words and a scrap of paper."

"I'm addressing their problems! Nothing will get better if we don't try to fix things!" Melody says, prying her fingers under Sun's tail. She tries to pull free, but it doesn't budge. "You honestly think things will get better if you just sit and do nothing!?"

"I've had enough of this. I'll show you how pointless your efforts have been," the Jade Emperor says coldly. He turns to Sun Wukong, relaxing his shoulders. "Great Sage. Destroy the treaty," he hisses. Melody's heart drops, her mouth falling open. She whirls around on Sun in horror, and with a devilish grin, he grips the parchment in both hands.

This is the kind of person the Jade Emperor is, she thinks. He'll never listen to me. He's already decided that I'm wrong. It's over.

"Actually, I don't think I will," Sun says with a giggle. He strokes the treaty affectionately, rubbing it against his cheek. "I've grown pretty attached to this thing. I think I'll keep it." Melody feels her heart stop, and her stomach twitches as she gasps for breath. The Jade Emperor hisses softly, the muscles in his neck tight.

"I warn you, Wukong. As per our agreement-"

"I had to take the treaty from them," Sun finishes, his eyes flashing red. "And bring them to you. I've done both of those things, and you've dismissed me." All color drains from the Jade Emperor's face, and he sinks back into his throne. "I'm free to do whatever I want."

"B-but you cannot act against Heaven! You must-" the Jade Emperor gasps, looking at the blonde man. The man shakes his head, backing away slowly.

"Not part of the deal," Sun hisses with glee. His tail slides off of Melody, and he giggles darkly. "I think the first thing I'd like to do is watch how this conversation ends."

"Guards! Take the treaty! Destroy it!" The Jade Emperor squeaks, jabbing a finger at Sun. His two guards nervously raise their weapons, but neither move to attack. Sun laughs, cocking his head to the side.

"You know how that's going to end," he says darkly, all humor gone from his voice. Even Melody shivers from the look he gives the Jade Emperor. "Got anything else?" The Jade Emperor swallows audibly, turning his attention back to Melody. He thrusts a finger at her next, seeming to find his nerve.

"Take them away! To the dungeons!" He commands. His guards quickly move in, grabbing Melody's arms and pinning them behind her back painfully. Melody gasps, kicking at them to try to break free. She draws on her divine power, but even that doesn't seem to do a thing against them. As Marcus and Emelia spring into action, more guards rush in from behind, quickly pinning the rest of the group to the ground.

"It doesn't matter if the treaty is destroyed. You'll never see it again," The Jade Emperor spits, smoothing his hair. He lets out a slow breath, sitting back onto his throne. "At last, this nightmare is over." The guards drag Melody and her friends away from the throne, ignoring their shouts of protest.

Melody's eyes burn with tears as she struggles, her mind racing. It can't end like this. There has to be some way to get through to him. But as the Jade Emperor grows smaller and smaller, desperation grips her heart. Is there really nothing she can do? Nothing she can say to save them? Are she and her friends doomed to whatever fate the Jade Emperor decides for them?

"Oh, there is one more thing you might want to know about," Sun says, making everyone freeze in place. He taps the treaty to his chin, humming in thought. "There was something they were complaining about on the way here. Something about a god dying?" He bobs a finger over the group, finally settling on Koji. "That one, he said one of the Shinto titles is going to die for good." Melody tilts her head to the side, and she looks at Emelia curiously. Emelia mirrors her confused expression back at her, confirming her suspicion.

Koji didn't say a word about Tsukuyomi. None of them did.

"T-that's right!" Koji yells, twisting and jerking to break free from his guards. The Jade Emperor waves his hand, and they release him. He looks apologetically at Melody from the corner of his eye, hanging his head. "The god Tsukuyomi is refusing to take an apprentice. He says he will take his godhood with him when he dies." The Jade Emperor glances at the blonde man, who nods to confirm.

"Apparently they think there's something you can do about that," Sun says, throwing his hands up. "But I guess there's no point. What's one more dead, right?" Melody stares at Sun, trying to figure out his angle. He grins and giggles to himself, but she can't figure out why. What does he get out of bringing this up now? What does he want?

"...I will contact the Buddha and ask him to salvage the godhood," The Jade Emperor says after a long pause. "Thank you for bringing this to my attention. Now take them-"

"But wait, what happened to people die every day?" Sun says, stroking his chin thoughtfully. "I seem to remember you saying that, your highness. Why the special treatment?" He flashes his teeth at Melody, wiggling his eyebrows.

"A monster like you wouldn't understand, but the world needs gods to function. When a godhood dies, it brings chaos to the Pantheon they belonged to, and therefore the whole world." The emperor explains, rubbing his temples. Melody's eyes widen as the pieces fit into place. She spins to Sun in disbelief, and he winks at her with a smirk. "Now, if everyone is done with the nonsense-"

"Why do you want to bring chaos to the world, your highness!?" Melody yells at the top of her lungs. The room falls silent, except for Sun's fake gasp of surprise. The Jade Emperor slowly rises from his throne, his face red with rage.

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