Washed Away

By _lzein

11.8K 313 9

Aonung x OC When a female Omaticaya falls from her ikran into the sea after losing consciousness in the midst... More



571 15 0
By _lzein

Txana was the first to dive into the water as Aonung, Tsireya, and Roxto followed after her, Sa'tari going off somewhere else saying he was going to find something else to do.

They all swam down to the corals as the Sully kids all dived behind them, Aonung was close behind her, being protective as usual even though he knew she was perfectly capable by herself.

They noticed the Sully kids swimming up to the surface after 20 seconds before going back into the water, it wasn't a surprise to Txana knowing that they barely did any swimming at the forest lakes.

Tsireya signed for them to go up to help the Sullys before she swam up with Aonung and Roxto following behind her, Txana was about to follow aswell but she was stopped by her tsurak.

It was trying to tell her something but she didn't understand so she connected their queues before telling it to say what it wanted to tell her.

"There are traitors inside the clan." the tsurak said as Txana's face turned serious.

"Let me show you where they are." the tsurak continued as Txana nodded and mounted the tsurak without looking back at the others.

Txana and her tsurak passed by Jake who fell off the tsurak he was trying to tame, she knows he saw her but she ignored him as she dove deeper with her tsurak.

They arrived at a secluded part of the island as she hid behind a rock while her eyes trailed on a Metkayina villager talking to another Metkayina villager, both males and they seemed to be the useless villagers who weren't of any help to the village.

She was thankful for her sharp hearing as her ears pointed up which meant she was listening.

"Tonight, we will capture Olo'eyktan's daughter, and we will sell her to the sky people." one of the men said and it was enough information for her as her jaw clenched.

"Rune, are you with Klein?" she communicated with her spirit brother using telepathy.

"Yes, we are ready." her ikran replied and in one call, two ikrans came and took the two men while she got back on her tsurak and ordered it to swim back to the village.

The tsurak took her to where Tonowari was helping Jake with a tsurak along with Äan and Lân while the ikrans followed them.

Seeing this, the four men went up to the dry ground as she arrived shortly, getting off her tsurak as she walked towards the before stopping as the ikrans dropped the two men, only for her to grab them by their braids.

"Tell them what you were planning." she ordered as she pulled on their braids harshly.

"What is going on?" they heard Ronal ask as people started to gather around them, including Tsireya, Aonung, Roxto, and the Sully kids as well as Neytiri.

"Tell them." she ordered again as she pulled their braids with more force, making them groan.

They weren't budging as they kept their mouth shut, making her grit her teeth before looking at Ronal.

Their eyes were having a conversation before Ronal nodded and grabbed a small bag from her pouch. Everyone watched as Ronal opened the small bag and picked up a bit of the purple powder that was in it.

Txana pulled on the two men's braids, making them open their mouths as Ronal sprinkled the powder on their tongues.

"Now tell them what you were planning just earlier." Txana ordered again and the men started to cough.

"W-we.. w-we planned t-to.. capture.. Olo'eyktan's... daughter.." both of them said in between their coughs as the people around them gasped.

"Which one?" Tonowari asked and Txana almost gave him a look but she resisted it.

"B-both.." the men said as they coughed. Tonowari and Ronal's forehead creased as they looked down at the men who were on their knees as Txana pulled their braids.

"What else?" Txana asked.

"A-and s.. sell.. t-them to.. s-sky people.." Tonowari and Ronal both shared angered looks before they looked at the two men before them who were coughing.

"TRAITORS!!" one of the villagers shouted until other villagers repeated it.

"Banishment or Execution?!" Txana yelled, making the crowd roar as they all let out war cries.

"EXECUTION!!" everyone yelled and so did Tonowari and Ronal.

A wicked smile formed in Txana's lips as she grabbed one of the men and forced him to stand up and walk towards the water with her.

She let go of his queue before kicking him into the water, her tsurak catching the man in between its mouth before swimming away as the crowd roared.

"What shall we do with the other one?" she asked as she turned to the other man who was still coughing.

The crowd grew louder as each of them had different suggestions. Txana looked at Tonowari and Ronal as she approached them.

"He's yours, mother and father." she said with a wicked smile which the couple returned.

"We will feed him to an Akula!" Tonowari yelled and the crowd roared.

Tonowari turned to Txana who immediately knew what he wanted as she called for her ikran.

She mounted her ikran as Tonowari got on behind her, the crowd was still roaring as the ikran picked the man up using its claws before they flew away.

"That was wild." Lo'ak exclaimed as he walked away with everyone, leaving Aonung and Tsireya with Ronal.

"I didn't know Txana could be that scary, and people acted like it was normal too." Lo'ak continued while Kiri nodded beside him.

"Txana has always been scary since i met her." Roxto replied, slightly confused as to why Lo'ak didn't know that.

"Well she is but i meant crazy scary like earlier when she was threatening the traitors." Lo'ak replied and Roxto understood him.

"How did she control your ikran, Neteyam?" Kiri asked Neteyam who has been quiet ever since they left the scene.

"She didn't control him, Txana's ikran and my ikran are best friends, like we are, that's why my ikran was there earlier." Neteyam replied and Kiri nodded in understanding.

"Have you not seen her act crazy before?" Roxto asked Lo'ak who paused to think for a minute.

"No, but i bet Neteyam has since they're 'best friends'." Lo'ak replied while teasing Neteyam who just rolled his eyes at his brother.

"You know, Tsireya looked scared earlier after the men said they were planning to kidnap her and Txana." Kiri started, making Neteyam smirk at his little brother.

"Yeah but why did Tonowari ask which daughter they were planning to kidnap?" Lo'ak asked as he turned to Roxto.

"Oh, it's because if it had been Txana they were planning to capture, Tonowari would be laughing at their faces." Roxto replied while chuckling.

"Why is that?" Kiri asked.

"Because Tonowari knows that Txana would be the one to catch them instead, which is exactly what happened earlier." Roxto replied while Kiri and Lo'ak nodded.

Tonowari and Txana had returned after feeding the man to an Akula and they both immediately went to their family's hut where they found Tsireya crying on her mother's shoulder.

Tonowari went to hug them while Aonung approached Txana and pulled her into a hug. Aonung broke away from the hug shortly as Tsireya went to hug her while still crying.

Txana comforted the girl by caressing her head and gently patting her back.

"Don't worry, you're safe." she said in a reassuring tone.

"How are you not scared?" Tsireya asked while still crying.

"Because i know i can kill whoever tries to touch me, or my family." she replied with confidence in her words.

At the same time, eclipse came and their surroundings slowly started getting darker as their matching bracelets started glowing.

"Look." she said, interlocking their hands where they'd put the bracelet on before raising it for her to look at.

Tsireya stopped crying as she looked at the glowing shells that were on their bracelets.

"As long as these are still glowing, you don't need to be scared, because it means that i'm here to keep you safe." she said to the shorter girl with assurance.

Tsireya nodded with a small smile before hugging her again.

"What about me?" Aonung said as he approached them and joined the hug.

Tonowari and Ronal exchanged knowing looks before they joined the hug aswell.

One event affects the other, the effect can be good and bad, but what matters is to accept it.

When Tsireya felt her life being threatened by another person two times, Txana was there to help and protect her even when they were still equivalent to strangers.

It was strange how the girl survived getting taken by the water without her consciousness.

The girl was completely different from them, but she was righteous, brave, and selfless. Her life had always been in danger as she continued to live in the village, but she never wavered and she always survived.

From the start, Tsireya thought that it was fate for Txana to arrive in the village and make her brother happy. But Txana has made everyone happy, and she couldn't help but thank Eywa for blessing them with her, for bringing her into their lives.

Today they were teaching the Sullys how to ride ilu, Tsireya, Aonung, and Sa'tari were near the beach instructing the two Sully boys while Kiri got separated from the group, Roxto getting the task of

Txana was on her ilu, meters away from them, she was there to help the two boys get back to the others in case they fell off their ilu.

She watched Lo'ak's ilu swim fast in the water until he fell off right in front of her, getting a splash from the ilu when he rose to the surface as everyone else laughed, including her.

"Man, this thing is hard." he complained as she helped him get on her ilu.

"You have to direct the ilu, you skxawng, go slow at first then proceed to moderate speed before you go fast." she instructed him.

"How do i do that?" he asked, making her roll her eyes.

"The ilu follows what you think, so if you think of going fast, it's gonna go fast, if you think of going slow, it goes slow, if you say right, it turns right, it's that simple but you need to be calm." she explained as the ilu took them back to everyone else.

Lo'ak nodded as he tried to remember her words before he got off and approached Tsireya, ready to go again.

"Neteyam is going next!" Aonung said before Txana and her ilu went back to their position earlier.

They watched as Neteyam went slowly at first before suddenly going fast until he fell off the ilu right in front of her aswell, the only difference was that he didn't get splashed like Lo'ak when he got to the surface.

"You panicked?" she asked as she extended a hand towards him which he grabbed as she helped him get on her ilu.

"Yeah." he replied with a sigh.

"Just clear your mind of anything and be calm." she said while taking him back to everyone.

"Did you know that we were cousins?" he asked and the ilu suddenly stopped when Txana froze.

"Ew.." she grimaced and he immediately knew what she thought of.

"I know right? Good thing it didn't happen." he said, making her nod in agreement before the ilu started to move towards the others again.

"So i'm guessing you're still the innocent Neteyam who panicked because of a kiss that didn't happen." she said, making him smack her in the head by habit.

"Hey!" she whined while he chuckled and shrugged.

"Sorry, force of habit." he said before getting off the ilu when they were right in front of Aonung.

She waited until he rose back to the surface before she kicked his head, making him stumble but he regained his footing as he glared at her.

"Sorry, force of habit." she mimicked what he said with a smirk before telling her ilu to swim away while Lo'ak started laughing at his brother.

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