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Txana felt herself being pushed against the wall of the cave as Aonung's fingers wrapped on the base of her neck, their lips crashing against each other as Aonung hungrily tasted her lips.

His other hand was on her hip, pulling her closer to him the more their kiss deepened. Her hands were on his shoulder, holding on to him tightly and pulling him even closer.

Tonight was the night Aonung had been waiting for, the night when she would finally be his and he would be hers, when they would finally be mated couples.

Their lips parted as they stared into each other's eyes, Aonung's hands slowly moved down to her buttocks before he carried her, her legs wrapping around his waist and her arms wrapping around his neck.

He lowered his head to her neck and kissed her skin as he walked deeper into the cave while carrying her. The two arrived in the heart of the cave as Txana got off of Aonung and slowly removed her clothes while Aonung watched from behind her.

He raked a hot stare at her fully naked back before she went down into the water of the circular pool. Aonung only had to remove his loincloth before he went down into the water and faced her.

"Are you ready, Ma Txana?" he asked with a warm smile as he swam closer to her while pulling his braid over his shoulder.

She did the same as she looked at him in the eyes, a smile forming in her lips when she saw the loving look in his turquoise blue eyes.

"I'm ready, Ma Aonung." she replied, making him smile even more as they brought their queues together, watching them connect as they both felt each other's heartbeats, each other's feelings, each other's souls.

Both of them felt the love they felt for each other as Aonung brought his hand up to cup her cheek.

"I love you, Ma Txana." he said as he brought his face closer to hers.

"I love you too, Ma Aonung." she replied before their lips met and they shared a loving kiss.

Aonung's other hand went down her hip and pulled her closer, making their privates have close contact as they felt an electricity run through their senses.

That short contact was enough to ignite the fire in them as Aonung deepened the kiss, his tongue invaded her mouth as he craved for more of her taste.

Soon enough, their lips parted and they got off the water, Aonung immediately pinning Txana on the stone floor as he hovered over her body.

His head went down and nipped on her neck, leaving love bites as her hands massaged her breasts which earned moans from her, urging him to keep doing it.

His index fingers teased her nipples as he fondled her breasts while his mouth did work on her neck, marking her as his for everyone to know.

He eventually pulled away from her neck to look at his work, smirking when he saw the red mark before his eyes traveled down to her breasts that he was still massaging.

He lowered his head down and took in one of her breasts into his mouth, earning a gasp from her as his other hand traveled down to her thighs, caressing them gently before going up to her wetness.

He was sucking on her breast while her eyes were on her face, observing her lewd expressions as he started to stroke her wetness, accompanied by his gentle bites on her nipple.

This made her even more wet as his thumb stroked her clit before he slowly inserted two of his fingers inside her core, making her moan even louder.

He finger-fucked her while sucking her breast, only stopping when she said she was near as he earned a sharp glare from her.

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