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"You lost consciousness while you were connected to the spirit tree." Tsireya answered her question to which she just nodded to.

"Why are you acting like it's not a big deal? You could've died, Txana." Aonung scolded.

"Sor-" she was yet again cut off when Aonung smashed his lips on hers, not caring if his mother and sister were watching.

He pulled away after a few seconds and rested his forehead on hers as he cupped one of her cheeks.

"I'm not sure if i can let you out of my sight again after what just happened, Ma Txana." Aonung said as his thumb caressed her cheeks.

"You will have to when i start my Tsahik lessons with her." Ronal interrupted the two, making Txana blush while Aonung just hugged her tightly and buried his face on her neck.

"What happened?" Tonowari who just arrived asked.

"We have our future Tsahik." Ronal smiled as Tonowari looked at Txana who was currently in Aonung's tight embrace.

"Have you mated?" he asked her with a smile.


"We could later." Txana smacked the back of Aonung's head when he interrupted her again.

"It's too early for that." she said while he just chuckled.

"Isn't that better?" he asked, earning another smack in the head to which he groaned at this time.

"Anyway, how are you feeling?" Tsireya asked Txana.

"Great, who brought me all the way here though?" Txana asked.

"I took you back with me on my ilu, then a villager helped me take you here in our pod." Aonung's head snapped towards Tsireya's direction after hearing about how Txana was taken in their hut.

"Was the villager a male?" Txana immediately knew he was going to do something unlikeable if she didn't stop him so she grabbed his ear, making him groan in the process.

"Don't tell him anything." she said to Tsireya while pinching Aonung's ear.

"Listen, Txana. I don't know why you lost your consciousness, that's why you need to tell me what you saw while you were connected to the spirit tree." Ronal said from beside her, the woman was wearing a serious expression as she looked at Txana who sighed.

"I saw my mother, she told me some things.." she started.

"What did she tell you?" Ronal asked.

"She told me to go back to the forest when the day of my birth and her death comes." Tonowari and Ronal met each other's eyes before they looked back at the girl.

"I have to go to the lake that i used to bathe in and find a gem to lift the curse and bring my mother back to life." Ronal's forehead creased when she heard about a curse.

"A curse? What curse?" Ronal asked while the others just listened.

"I don't know, but it has something to do with my family, and possibly-" her vision blurred as she saw a glimpse of one of her mother's memories before one of her hands went to Aonung's shoulder for support.

"What is it? Are you okay?" Aonung panicked as he held her face.

"Kal'bari could be affected by the curse as well.." she said as she rested her head on Aonung's shoulder.

"What?" Ronal asked in confusion.

"I think... i think the memories i have of this man are not all true.. most of it may be altered by the curse." she said as she relaxed in Aonung's arms who was currently stroking her hair.

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