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Neytiri and Jake, along with their two sons were back at the battle grounds where they searched for signs of Txana who still hadn't returned.

Other than her arrows that killed their enemies, there seemed to be no trace of the girl. That was until Neteyam's eyes caught something floating on the water.

"Mom! Dad!" he called for his parents who came to him on their ikrans with Lo'ak following behind them.

He pointed down at the water and Neytiri's face was filled with shock and worry as they all flew down to the water.

Seeing the familiar bow, arrow container, and arrow that all had the colors blue and purple on them, Neytiri's suspicions were confirmed as she took the objects in her hands.

"These are Txana's." Neytiri said and worry spread through her husband and sons' faces.

"But i feel she is not dead, just missing." Neytiri continued as she gripped on Txana's bow.

"How can you be sure about that, mom?" Neteyam asked, clearly worried for his childhood friend.

"I feel and know it. Her ikran is not here, he must be looking for his owner. If Txana had died, we would have heard it's cry yesterday." Neytiri replied before looking over to the ocean.

"May Eywa take her to a safe place." Neytiri said before they all left to go back to camp.

Txana's body has been in the water for three days while she remained unconscious through the rough trip underwater.

Her body would get scratches from corals or rocks but no creature tried to harm her.

Tonowari—Chief of the Metkayina, was out hunting with the warriors when he saw the unconscious girl under the water near the reef.

He takes her on his skimwing before they all went back to the village where people were shocked to see the unconscious Omaticaya.

"What is this, Tonowari?" Ronal—his wife, asked when he arrived at their Marui.

"This girl was floating outside the reef, and she seems to be alive still. We have to help her." he said to his wife, making her sigh and beckon for him to put her down on the mat.

Ronal noticed the wounds on the girl's body, so she took out her tools and started to treat her wounds.

The girl's breathing was stable but she wasn't conscious, it made Ronal wonder why her body was outside the reef of their village when she was Omaticaya.

Soon, their children arrived and both were shocked to see the unconscious girl who was from a completely different race.

"Who is she?" their daughter—Tsireya asked as she sat beside Ronal who just finished treating the girl's wounds.

"Your father found her floating outside the reef." Ronal replied as she eyed the unconscious girl.

"She's beautiful, right brother?" Tsireya turned to her brother who was just staring at the girl.

"I wonder how she got outside the reef." the son—Aonung asked.

"It must be connected to Eywa." Ronal replied, moving the girl's hair that was on her face to the side.

Aonung was very curious about the girl, she looked different from them, her skin was a darker blue and her body was slimmer, her tail also looked different as well as her hands.

Washed AwayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora