I always knew (TAMBER, Tara x...

Bởi amb4rfrmn

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Tara and Amber have been best friends since a while, but are they really just friends? What if a masked kille... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1: Back to school
Chapitre 2: leave me alone girl
Chapitre 3: new boy
Chapter 4: welcome back sam
Chapter 5: good enough ratio
just a question ples
Chapter 6: Tara, Marco, Shay
Chapter 7: i'll slap you head b*tch
Chapter 8: finally
Chapter 9: more and more
Chapter 10: ghostface or wes
Chapter 11: If it's not him... it's....
Chapter 12: jealous but not jealous
Chapter 13: HOW DARE YOU??
Chapter 14: broken
Chapter 15: back again?
chapter 16: him or her
Chapter 17: ghost + face
chapter 18: omfg
chapter 19: revealll???
chapter 20: summertime sadness
chapter 21: sorry really
Chapter 22: Don Marco
chapter 23: 1 step forwards, 3 steps back
chapter 24: New York state of mind
Chapter 25: whatsup Ethan
chapter 26: confession
Chapter 27: Eek eek eek
Chapter 28: Happy Birthday Tara
Chapter 29: oh shit here we go again
Chapter 30: ladder.
Chapitre 31: fuck it

Chapter 32: C or M or E ?

384 11 7
Bởi amb4rfrmn

im alive sorry i ll explain u guys ;p


Pov Amber:

Danny's out getting us some water because my throat hurtsc , meanwhile I'm doing nothing, staring at the ceiling.

How could this happen? How could I let Quinn and Anika die? God... Anika... She died in front of Mindy... Just imagining Tara dying in front of me brings tears to my eyes.How would I have reacted? I think I would have let myself die tbh, I couldn't have been without her.

Time goes by and Danny doesn't come back, he's taking a long time but he's just gone to get some water no? Maybe I've got no sense of time since what happened...I feel particularly well, I don't feel any pain, maybe because of all the pills I've taken, but I feel fine.I unplug myself and try to get up to see if I'm feeling okay just in my head or if I'm physically okay too. I manage to take a few steps and then lie back down. My leg pulls a little... Considering all the stab wounds I've taken, whether in the legs or the stomach... How did I survive? How is it possible that I don't die while people like Quinn do? People who asked for nothing and did nothing to seek this? She died because I became friends with her... Suddenly, my phone rings, startling me. It's lying on the table in front of the bed, so I get up and pick it up with difficulty before lying back down in bed.

I've had several messages from people at college asking how I'm doing, checking up on me, sending condolences for Quinn and Anika. Wow, news goes fast here. But I just got a message from an unknown number, it must be a disposable number.

There's nothing at all written in the conversation but there's an attachment, I click and it's a video, with the time and an address, I recognize, it's Gale's apartment, he just took the video when he sent it to me.


He's in the apartment, walking, hiding behind a wall and turning the camera, I see Gale and Dewey talking, I can't hear anything but I can see them. My eyes widen. It's impossible, I can't lose Dewey either... he's the only blood relative I've got left...I call him several times but he doesn't answer... What am I supposed to do? There's only one thing to do. I get up, take off my nightgown and grab some of my things from a bag on the floor. These are the things Tara had left for me when I got out of hospital. I get changed and turn my head to see that there are some car keys on the table. Danny... I grab the keys and head out of the room, up the elevator to the parking lot. I've got to find Danny's car now. I'm not even sure I can drive, the way it hurts to walk, but I've got no choice.

POV Tara:

We're in Kirby's truck with Sam, Mindy, Chad and Detective Bailey.

"I don't know what we're supposed to do," Kirby says.

"What???" I yell

"Should we go to Dewey's or the hospital?!" She says

"Are you kidding me??? Amber's missing from the hospital, she's the priority" I continue yelling

"Tara calm down" Chad says

"I think if she's missing... It could be that Ghostface came looking for her... and right now he's at Gale's.. So the smartest thing would be to go there directly, Bailey has already sent teams there." Kirby says

I pick up my phone and try to call Amber but it goes straight to fucking voicemail. I can't believe it... Amber might be somewhere in the hospital still... why isn't anyone thinking about her? Why won't anyone save her when she saves us all the time?Suddenly, the screens in the truck all start to light up.

"What the hell! It's never done that to me!!!" Kirby says as she clicks everywhere, it's like she's getting hacked.

"Try unplugging" Detective Bailey says

"Nothing's working there, nothing .. it's scrambled" she says

All the screens light up at once on an image, a camera, at Gale's.

"My God" Mindy says

We see Dewey tied to a chair, unconscious, while Gale is nowhere to be seen. We don't see Ghostface on camera at all, but he's got to be there, and unfortunately... he may not be the only one to have managed to knock out Dewey and make Gale disappear.

"Let's go" Bailey says as he runs out of the truck to his car while Kirby gets behind the wheel of the truck.

I'm getting anxious... What if Amber was there? What if he'd locked her up somewhere to hurt her? What if he's already hurt her...? How could I leave her alone with Danny, we didn't know him, how could I leave her with someone we don't know?! I promised to protect her, not to leave her... I thought only of myself again, I wanted to take my revenge... but Ghostface might take his before me...

POV Amber

I managed to find Danny's car and although I drove very slowly because of my leg and the 54 accidents I almost had, I finally arrived at the bottom of Gale's building. All the way there I kept calling Dewey, to no avail. I see two missed calls from Tara... I'll answer her later.

I walk to the building, my leg and stomach hurt like hell, the meds are starting to wear off but it's bearable, either way, I can't give up now, I can't lose Dewey or Gale. I take the elevator to the 5th floor, the door already ajar. I open it fully and slowly enter the corridor and through the door of a room, I see Dewey tied up, his head is forward, he doesn't look conscious.

Holy shit.

I try to look slowly but I can't see Gale or Ghostface. I try to think of what to do... I can't think... I just have flashes of what happened yesterday in my head... Fuck. I pick up my phone and call the unknown number that called me, nobody answers, I call it back and this time it rings. I hear gunshots and doors slamming. I enter the room and approach Dewey, hurrying before I have to go to the other side.

"Dewey.... Dewey look at me please, Dewey ..!" I say tapping his cheek, but he doesn't react, he's got blood on his arch.

I hear more gunfire and this time, sorry Dewey, but I'm going. I hurry and see a gun on the floor in the hallway before the living room. I grab it and enter the living room, Ghostface standing over Gale trying to stab her, and her holding him back. I shoot twice, unfortunately not in the head, and there were only two bullets.Ghostface gets up and looks at me, retrieves his knife and rushes towards me. I get ready to take the blow, but before I hear a lot of gunfire, I throw myself to the ground and hear:"POLICE".

Hearing this, I see Ghostface running from behind, towards the balcony. Two paramedics rush to Gale as the police pursue ghostface.

"AMBER" Tara shouts

I turn and see her closing in on me and throwing herself to the ground beside me.

"Amber how the fuck did you get here, you want to kill me" Tara says grabbing my cheeks

"I'm so sorry Tara" I say

"Did he bring you here???" she asks.

"No, I came alone... I got the address and a video... I didn't think I should have warned you" I say

It's true that when I think about it, I blame myself. She told me that what had happened the other night had made her feel bad, she'd felt bad, and because of me, she felt the same way today, I blame myself.

"I'll never leave you alone again, I promise, I'll never let you go again" Tara says, taking me in her arms.

"Amber are you ok?? and are they okay???!!!!" Sam asks as she enters the room

"We need some air!!! Everybody out!" a paramedic says as he stands next to Gale.

Sam and Tara help me up and we go back to the entrance to see Dewey, who has woken up.

"Dewey.. how are you" I say.

"It's okay..." He says, "Did you get that manure?" He asks

"No..." Sam says "We'll have to use the latest plan Dewey.." She says

"The latest plan?" I ask

"We'll explain when we get to the apartment, but you need to rest first.... Besides, are you crazy for leaving the hospital?!" Sam yells at me, i squint my eyes and furrow my brows, my head hurts enough without her yelling at me like that, okay my reaction was stupid but I did it in order to help....

"It's okay Sam, stop." Tara says looking at me and holding my hand "We're going to go home and you're going to get some rest okay?" Tara tells me. I nod.

1 hour and a half later:

We're at my place, because with what's happened, it's impossible to go back to Tara's... there's Mindy, Chad, Sam and Tara. Kirby and Bailey stayed at the hospital with Dewey and Gale. Tara helped me wash up and change my bandages and then, i lay in bed. My bedroom door is open and I hear them talking in the living room.

"Do you think this will work?" Mindy asks

"We don't have a choice," Sam says.

"Trapping him in the theater, it might work or we might all die..." Mindy replies

"I just want this to be over, I can't take it anymore" Tara says in a small voice

I'd so much like to protect her, I'd so much like her to be completely safe away from here and for nothing to happen to her... We've been through so much, she and I. I just want us to be okay at last. They continue to talk for a while, then they all leave except for Tara, who comes into my room and is careful to close the door.

"My little baby" she says coming towards me

"Yes Tara" I reply

"How are you feeling now, do you feel better??" She asks me

"I'm feeling pretty good right now... the meds are kicking in but my leg hurts... like a lot." I say

"So what can I do to make you feel better..?" She asks me

"Just the fact that you're with me is enough Tara, you know it" I say as I open the blanket for her to climb onto the bed with me.

She climbs in and gets against me.

"I don't want to hurt you" She tells me as she pulls back a little

"You only make me feel good T..." I say.

She raises herself up a little and holds my cheek

"I love you so much Amber Freeman, if you only knew how much I love you and how sorry I am" She says to me

"I love you too T, but why are you apologizing? you didn't do anything istg" I reply putting my hand on her hand which is on my cheek

"For everything I've done to you... since the beginning... even before we were a couple, I've always hurt you, I've never done anything good for you unlike you, you've always done everything for me Amber. EVERYTHING. You've always done everything, when things weren't going well with my mother... With Wes... when I felt bad... I'm sorry I wasn't there and I'm sorry I didn't protect you as much as you do me" she says, starting to get teary-eyed.

"Tara... you're talking nonsense... you've always done everything for me. Whenever I felt bad or anything, it was you I went to and it was because of you I got better.... We've had our ups and downs but I love you to bits, you don't know Tara, I really do." I say as I move in to kiss her, she returns my kiss. "We protect each other T, and then now... we don't let go anymore eh" I tell her and she kisses me back.

We start kissing, getting hotter and hotter.

"Amber, I don't want to hurt you... your leg, your stomach..." she says, kissing me.

"You're not hurting me Tara I've already told you" I reply, putting my hand on the small of her back.

"What can I do...?" She asks, kissing my neck.

I moan and she continues kissing my neck.

"I'll take care of you when this is over" She says as she stands up.


"What's wrong with you? Why are you looking at me like that?" she asks, smiling.

"You have no right to tease me like that Tara.." I say

"Amber look at you and your condition, you can't move" she says as she climbs back onto the bed and strokes my hair.

"I know, but you can move..." I say, playing with her fingers.

She smiles, kisses me and gets up.

"Don't get me horny Amber, i won't be able to stop afterwards" she says, laughing

"But why? I don't want you to stop..." I say, catching her hand.

She positions herself next to me and kisses me, I grab the back of her neck and we kiss more fiercely.

little SMUT

"You can do whatever you want with me, and whenever you want" I say, kissing her and holding her hair.She starts kissing my neck, then reaches down to my nightgown and unzips it, I'm bra-less.

"Amber..." She says, looking at my big bandage around my waist.

"You changed it for me earlier T" I say

"I know... but it hurts so much for you.." She says

"It doesn't hurt me T, i swear" I say

She puts her hand gently on it, it tugs at me, I frown a little. She kisses me, then kisses my breasts.

"Can I take this off?" She says, holding up my pants.

"You can do what you want, stop asking me," I reply

She takes off my pants and panties, I'm totally naked in front of her, I don't mind, my body is all hers...She gets up and undresses completely,

"so we're even" she says, kissing me.

I let out a little laugh and stroke her hair.

I stroke her arm and we continue kissing before she starts moving her hand down to my crotch.

"Do something...." I beg her

"Very gently so you don't hurt yourself.." She says as she starts to stroke my crotch as well as my thighs. She continues down and kisses my thigh where I have no bandage. "I'm careful not to press on it baby, nor there" pointing to my stomach, "nor there" pointing to my thigh

"Do whatever you want but please do something T" I say with a groan.

Feeling her hands on my body makes me lose absolutely all my senses🫦. How is it possible for one person to have such an effect on me? Well, it's not one person. It's Tara Carpenter, the girl I've been in love with for years. How could we both hurt each other so much when we love each other more than anything else in the world? Life is complicated and full of problems, but I've decided to lead this life and I'll only live it by Tara's side.

"Tara..." I say with a moan

"You can make all the noises you want, we're all alone here" She tell me

I wish I could move as much as I want, but it also feels good to lie down and take pleasure without doing anything. She positions herself on my crotch and licks me, gently, I know she doesn't want to hurt me but I'd like her to understand that she's only doing me good. I press a little on her head so that she understands that she can go harder. She grunts and takes it in her stride to enjoy her meal.

We go on until the end.

Tara gives me lots of kisses and caresses me all over. It makes me forget everything that's going on... I know that in a few hours this will be the end, we'll have to take care of ghostface at the theater. I'm scared, not of dying no, but of losing Tara or losing someone else.

"Tara, when all this is over.. don't you want us to adopt a kitten?" I ask her

"A kitten?" She said, laughing and scratching my arm.

"Yes, a  kitten and we'll call him sushi and he'll always sleep with us" I answer

"I'd love to have one, Amber" She says

We kissed, it was so good. Her physical presence with me, the feeling of having her against me, I could die for that.

"I'd love to hear from Dewey and Gale..." I say quietly.

"We'll drop by the hospital if you want and I can call Kirby now okay?" She says

"Thanks you honey" I say.

She gives me a kiss on the cheek and goes into the living room to phone Kirby. I'm thinking about the other night at her place... Anika... Quinn... I could have been there too... he was going for a hat-trick. Luckily, Sam was there to protect Tara and Mindy... But where was Chad? What was he doing? I don't remember seeing him from the moment Quinn came out of her room bleeding...? No ? Or am I imagining things? I don't know. I know I'm still resentful of Chad over Tara, but would I be so resentful that I'd go out of my way to incriminate him? I wouldn't. He's Mindy's twin and he wouldn't have done anything to go against his sister, would he? Tara eventually came back into the room, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Kirby told me Dewey's okay, he was a little groggy but he's fine and Gale... She's going to be fine but it will take time" She says to me as she sits on the bed.

I'm so reassured...

"Amber?" She says to me.


"Aren't you going to answer it?" She asks me

"Yes I am... I was just thinking about a lot of things T... I'm thinking about suspects" I say

"I should have listened to you about Quinn and trusted her.... By the way Amber, I'm sorry about Quinn... I know you loved her very much." She says to me.

I don't answer and I look at her, I put my hand on her cheek then I take it away

"Tara, where was Chad?" I ask

"Amber no..." She says

"Answer me please" I reply

"I don't know he totally disappeared, to tell you the truth I didn't think much of it Amber..." she replies holding my hand.

"He became fast friends with Ethan" I say.

"Amber I don't think that's possible, honestly... He could never have done that, I know him, believe me" She says

"Oh I know you know him, T" I say

"Don't start with that please, I already told you I regretted it" She says holding my hands

"I didn't say anything Tara" I reply

Of course I do, I still can't believe he could have kissed her or wanted more with her, it makes me want to puke. Of course I've had Marco, but that's different, he's not one of Tara's best friends with whom she often stays...! Anyway, that's not the point.

"Anyway, Tara... I'm not mad at you and I'm not mad at Chad, believe me, I'm just making some assumptions I'd like you to consider..." I say.

"Amber, do you realize what this would mean if it were him? It would mean there's another one, because he was there when Quinn got stabbed in his room" she says with a trembling

"Wait T, did you really think he was alone? Ghostface is N E V E R alone," I say, standing up a little "Whether it's Billy and Stu, Mickey and Nancy.... Okay Roman was alone but are we sure he was alone? All these hypotheses with that cop who fell in love with Sidney ... waw ... I believe it... Jill and Charlie ... Tara, he's never alone !!!!" I say as I try to stand, she gets up and helps me. "If it's Chad, there's got to be Ethan in the mix it's impossible otherwise... and maybe even Mindy!!!" I say, moving my hands in all directions.

"Amber I think your meds are going to your head right now..." She says to me

"Tara, please" I put my hands on her cheeks and look into her eyes. "Trust me, at least this once" I say.

"I trust you Amber, it's just hard to believe because.... Chad is Chad what... Ethan okay... But Chad?! What about Mindy?! Mindy would never do this to Anika, believe me" She says, holding my hands to her cheeks.

"Okay, so we take Mindy out of this, but Chad? he hates me because he could never have you, he hates me because I made Richie use Liv, he's mad at me because I made Wes kill his best friend, and no matter how much you think otherwise, I know he's mad at me for this, I can tell when he looks at me." I say, letting go of her and walking over to my dressing room.

"I never thought of that..." She says, sitting back down on my bed and bowing her head, "But Amber... Kirby told me she and Bailey were going to join everyone else at the theater while they waited for us" She says to me.

"But who's staying with Dewey and Gale?!" I ask, it's impossible that they left them alone, I don't believe it! Kirby isn't stupid enough for that, she knows what had happened at the hospital between Jill and Sidney...!

"It's Ethan who stays with them.." She says to me.

I widen my eyes and turn around.

"Let's go, now" I say.


GUYS i know. SORRY🫦🫦🫦
I took a long time because of my studies istg but I'm back to finish the story, the next chapters will be longer

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