The Echanted One

By ShaunaRoberts304

65 3 1

Amethyst Sharpe is just a plain ordinary human girl living in a magical world filled with fairies, elves... More

Chapter One...
Chapter Two....
Chapter three...
Chapter Four....
Chapter Five...
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven...
Chapter Eight.....
Chapter Nine.....
Chapter Ten...
Chapter Eleven....
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen ....
Chapter Fifteen.....
Chapter Sixteen....
Chapter Seventeen.....
Chapter Eighteen...
Chapter Nineteen...

Chapter Fourteen....

4 0 0
By ShaunaRoberts304

The weekend came way too fast for Amethysts liking, as the morning sunrise shone through her shutters and bounced across the room, lighting it up like a X mas tree.

She let out a groan, as she threw the covers back and climbed out of bed, almost stepping on Ambrosia, who was curled up on the rug beside her bed.

"Whoa, sorry baby girl, didn't see you there," she said bending down and scooping her up.

She than carried her downstairs to the kitchen and gave her a fed, than sat down to pour herself a cup of coffee.

"Good morning child. Your up bright and early this morning," her Aunt said as she placed her empty coffee mug down on the sink.

"Yeah, I forgot to shut my shutters properly and the sunlight woke me. So I decided to get up and maybe head on over to Pandora's before Tryne and Katio get here."

Her Aunt smiled and told Amethyst she had forgotten all about the boys coming over to fix the garden shed and a few other things as
up around the place.

" Thought you might have forgotten... Anyway, the boy's will arrive here around
9 ish," she told her Aunt.

Roughly an hour later Amethyst moseyed on over to  Pandora's to find out what she was up to.

When she got there, she asked Pandora what her plans for the day was.

Pandora told her she had none. But than she thought for a second, and suggested they go grab the rest of the gang and head out to Fairy Falls.

After stuffing her backpack with a few snacks, she than turned to Amethyst and said," Well than, that should do it!"

Than they both hobbled over to Reverie and Echo's.

Once there, Pandora was the one who told Reverie and Echo all about there plans to head out to Fairy Falls for the day.

"Well than count us in, for it's been awhile since we've all gone and explored the great outdoors," both Reverie and Echo said as they followed Amethyst, Pandora and Briony  out the front door.

So off they headed to Fairy Falls for the day, all 5 of them just chit-chatting away about life in general and what they have been up.

When they finally arrived at Fairy Falls, Pandora laid out a blanket underneath the big old Raven wood tree; which was in full bloom.

"I just love coming out here this time of the year when all these tree's and flower's are in full bloom. The scent coming off them smells absolutely gorgeous. Just take a look around.... it's truly breathtaking isn't it?" Amethyst said as she sat down on the blanket admiring the view.

" That it is," Pandora, Briony, Echo and Reverie all agreed as they plonked themselves down on the blanket.

As they sat there, Pandora dug into her backpack and pulled out a few snacks, and she handed out some drinks.

Taking her drink, Echo says," Okay, so last time we were here, we all took off after Amethyst on a wild goose chase through those woods. So it's kinda got me wondering what's the plan for today.... another wild adventure through the great beyond?"

Amethyst turned to face her and said," Are you mocking me Echo?"

"Who me? .... NEVER!" she laughs.

Amethyst glares at her, as she says," Mmm, fair enough than - but I did prove that theory to be right with the stuff I had found."

So with that said, they sat munching on the snacks Pandora supplied for them and
chit- chatting a bit more before deciding on going for a wander.

They must have walked for ages, when all of a sudden they came across a huge waterfall that ran freely into a crystal clear creek.

Leading down to the waters ledge was a sand path and on one side of the pathway was a beautiful garden bed full of summer posy, night Tulips, perfumed roadweed, green roses and some black thyme.
All of them in shades of mild ruby, polar lemon and divine cobalt.

On the opposite side of the creek, were rum coneflower tree's and love tree's in the shades of mild ruby and regal gold scattered all around, with all sorts of wild flowers in  a variety of colours.

As Amethyst takes a good look around, she starts picturing  an image in her head of a little old shack with a patio out the front, a small fish pond with a bridge over it and  stone pathway leading up to the shack.

"Hey there Miss day dreamer - what's running through your head?" Briony asked.

"Huh?  Oh nothing in particular.... I just had an image of building a little old shack out here  one day, and calling this place, "Mystic Falls."

Reverie looked at her and said,"Well now that's one hell of a day dream girl!"

All the girls were feeling a little hot after the long walk they just done and Pandora was the one who suggested they go for a quick dip to cool down.

But that quick dip turned into an hour later when they all decided to get out and sit on the embankment to dry.

As they sat there soaking up the sun, Briony pipes up and says,"Well I don't know about you guys, but that was exactly what I needed. And as much as I love sitting here enjoying the beautiful scenery before me, I cannot help but wonder what's next?"

"Mmm, well I'm thinking maybe we should keep exploring this area more and find out what else is out here," Echo suggested.

So off they all wandered, exploring the area more.

After about 20 minutes or so they stopped for a couple of minutes to have a drink, when suddenly something ran into the bushes in front of them.

Amethyst says," Did you guys see that?"
"The correct answer is no, no you didn't.
Now walk faster," Pandora told her.

In doing so, they practically ran, not paying  attention to where they were going.

"We're lost."
"No we aren't!"
"Yes we are!"
"No we aren't!"
"Fine than - Mr Navigator, where are we?"
"Er..... uh, we are right here."

Please if your reading my story and like it, please leave a like and feel free to leave a comment.

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