Destiny's Intuition[HIATUS]

By kim_c4L3

7K 467 45

Cale Henituse" As he looked around, he saw black smoke floating densely in the pitch-black room, surrounding... More

sorry not a chapter

CHAPTER 6(edited a bit)

861 55 8
By kim_c4L3

Cale savored his drink as he strolled around, catching sight of a young man or teenager with jet-black hair, much like Choi Han's. The young man was accompanied by two cats, their colors standing out—silver and red. Even though Cale couldn't make out the person's face clearly, there was something about him that stirred his heart in an unfamiliar manner.

Lost in these thoughts, Cale failed to notice an enraged Choi Han charging toward him. It was only when they were mere inches apart that Cale finally registered Choi Han's presence. In the next moment, he found himself tackled to the ground. The sudden assault left Cale bewildered, wondering why Choi Han had appeared and why he was attacking him seemingly out of nowhere.

As Choi Han's fury was about to escalate, a deep voice called out Choi Han's name and a slender hand intervened, stopping him from further assaulting Cale.

Choi Han's Point of View:

While I was with Rok Soo, I noticed the unmistakable red hair, the same color I had seen during the village attack. When I turned my gaze, I found him staring at Rok Soo. Driven by a sudden surge of memories and emotions, I thought it was him and impulsively lunged at him, tackling him to the ground.

However, my rash actions were cut short as Rok Soo's voice called out to me. His touch on my shoulder broke the trance, and I realized the mistake I had made in acting irrationally.

Rok Soo's Point of View:

Roksoo was staring ahead while thinking about how to get rid of Choi Han off his tail. Suddenly, he witnessed Choi Han sprinting toward an unexpected figure with a terrifying expression on his face. The person in question was none other than Cale Henituse. This unexpected turn of events sparked confusion on Rok Soo's face. He recalled his conversation with Choi Han, during which Choi Han had never mentioned Cale. Furthermore, if they had encountered each other, it was highly unlikely that Cale would be casually walking around. These inconsistencies led Rok Soo to question if he was missing crucial information. Fearing the situation might escalate into something he didn't want to be involved in, Rok Soo felt the urgency to intervene and prevent further complications.

Cale, on the other hand, had been caught off guard by Choi Han's sudden attack. As he lay on the ground, his thoughts raced to understand why Choi Han had charged at him with such intensity. Shifting his gaze, he looked at the newcomer who he is the same person he unintentionally stared at moments before the assault. The person spoke as he calmed the eccentric Choi Han away from Cale. Inadvertently, their eyes met, causing his heartbeat to go haywire. The young man also seemed to share some facial features with Choi Han but with an Eastern touch to them. What caught his attention the most was the eyes; they bore an uncanny similarity to his own. But for some reason, my beating heart felt like it skipped a beat as I looked at him. The person came near me, stretched his arm to help, and simultaneously apologized for the unruly behavior of his friend(?). Reluctantly, I took the offered hand and steadied myself on my feet. However, that didn't explain the electric jolt that passed through my body like a bolt as soon as our hands touched. The sensation only lasted for a second, but it was clear that the other person had also felt it.

Ah, could it be... he's my soulmate?!!! It fits perfectly with the descriptions in the books and what Mother told me! That would explain the shock and racing heart...

On the other hand, Roksoo was panicking. Could it be that the whole soulmate bullshit that Cage had mentioned and the information from those books Taylor gave him were actually true?! He had always dismissed it as something random,
especially since it was never mentioned in the novel...

To think I have a soulmate in this world and it is the count eldest son. But one thing that is a relief is Cale was never mentioned after the incident with Choi Han in the book. That means I don't need to tag along with Choi Han and stay away from the wars and live an ideal slacker life...too many things clouded his big head as he stared back with partly hidden surprise and confusion.

But the thought that passed through their minds on the same wavelength was, "Wait, does that mean I'll have a kid as a soulmate because of our mental age? Isn't that downright weird? What are we supposed to do?"

Choi Han and the cat siblings, who had been trying to calm him down earlier, could only stare in response to the surprised and confused expressions on both Rok Soo and Cale's faces.

Rok Soo snapped out of his trance, remembering Choi Han. He quickly apologized and then scolded Choi Han as he dragged him towards the city gates, chastising him for attacking the count's son.
"Sorry, Rok Soo, I didn't mean to. But I saw someone with the same hair color during the attack. He disappeared when those people started attacking."

"Just remember that you can't go out and attack people before confirming anything."


Huh, why does he look like a kicked puppy? Rok Soo couldn't help but imagine Choi Han with drooping ears and a sad puppy tail. This whole situation was awkward. Ohn and Hong, sensing Choi Han's mood, gently rubbed against him to try and lift his spirits.


All Cale could do was stare at the retreating figures. One of them was the future hero Choi Han, whom he had been carefully planning all day long to establish a good connection with for the impending war. Yet, this same person had just attacked him for god knows what reason. The other figure was his newly-discovered soulmate, who seemed to brush aside the concept of soulmates and instead focused on dragging away a Choi Han who wasn't supposed to appear today. The confusion and complexity of the situation left Cale lost in his thoughts.

Confusion reigned in Cale's mind. He found himself asking, "What the heck is happening?" He questioned whether the alcohol he had consumed was finally taking effect after all these years, or if he was experiencing some kind of hallucination.

Eventually, as Cale contemplated the situation, he decided he needed some clarity. He turned on his heel and began to head in the direction Choi Han and Rok Soo had gone. He intended to at least find out his soulmate's name, but now everything seemed to have taken an unexpected turn and might as well for the relationship between him and Choi han as they seem to share some similarities in their looks.


As Cale approached the gates, he couldn't spot Choi Han anywhere. However, he noticed that the other guy and the kittens were coming back, and it seemed like they had sent Choi Han back to the village. With Choi Han's absence, Cale felt more at ease to strike up a conversation. He noticed the other person slowing down as he approached.

As they faced each other, an awkward silence settled between them. The cats, sensing the discomfort, began to meow and seek comfort by snuggling in. Cale, usually adept at smooth-talking, found himself at a loss for how to navigate the conversation. An awkward silence lingered, both seemingly unsure of how to initiate the conversation.

Eventually, it was Rok Soo who broke the ice. "Hello, Young Master Cale. May I inquire if there is anything you need from me? Or is it perhaps about... the soulmate thing?"

The directness of the question took Cale off guard, yet he appreciated Rok Soo's straightforwardness. Gathering his thoughts, he replied, "Ah, yes. I would like to talk about it. Then may I ask if you could accompany me to the mansion to talk, if you're not busy? We could share a meal if you don't mind." Cale cringed inwardly at the prospect of this conversation but pushed through, managing it with an air of expectancy. In a way, he was eager to meet and get to know his unexpected soulmate better.

After a brief pause that seemed to stretch into an eternity, Rok Soo finally responded, "Sorry, I'm afraid Grandma Ping will be worried if I get home late, especially at this hour."

Cale understood the concern and continued, "Ah, yes, that's understandable. Then may I ask about your location? Where you're staying, I mean. It might be more ideal for us to talk there than at my place. Don't worry about preparing anything for me."

Rok Soo nodded and answered, "I live with Grandma Ping at her shop across the street. It's called 'Best Bakers.' I'm sure you can find it."

"Of course, I can. I'll come by at around 9 in the morning. See you tomorrow then, and thank you for your time. By the way, your name..."

"It's Kim Rok Soo. Please address me as Rok Soo, Young Master."

"Rok Soo it is, then see you tomorrow"

With those exchanges concluded, Cale nodded and turned away, heading back towards his home. The encounter left him with a mixture of emotions, ranging from curiosity to nervous anticipation, as he contemplated the upcoming meeting with his unexpected soulmate.

But thing for sure he charmed by calmness at the situation and nonchalance at his presence when he is known as a trouble maker.

Rok Soo's Point of View:

He knew, or rather, he was sure that the electric feeling he had experienced was also felt by Cale. It was an undeniable confirmation that soulmates truly existed. He couldn't shake off the memory of his younger days when he had discovered a small black mark on his wrist that appeared like some cryptic writing. It looked like a band-like tattoo etched on his skin. Now after coming to this world, he deciphered its meaning—it was in the Ronwoon language and it read, "I feel blessed to meet you." Irony dripped from those words, as most people he encountered were struck with misfortune or circumstances that distanced them from him.

When Cage saw the writing, her reaction was the jackpot kind as if getting a soulmate was an event that happened once in a million lifetimes. She seemed to think that even the heavens and g0D agreed to this pairings. Following her enthusiastic response, she handed him a stack of books to read. It turned out that some things in those books started to align with reality. Like the pleasant surge of electricity at the initial physical touch, or the unfamiliar rhythm his heart adopted whenever he laid his eyes on him...

With that thought, he called out to the cat siblings who had been watching Choi Han's rapid departure over the wall. Calling their names, they leaped right into his arms. As he turned to leave, he noticed the red-haired person approaching his direction. Consequently, he slowed his pace. As they confronted each other, it became evident that the redhead was grappling with how to initiate the conversation. Rok Soo took the lead and started off the conversation and ended up this way

——————————-(** edited or added**)

Cale went straight home after that interaction. He felt lighthearted and excited, so much so that he didn't notice the smile that bloomed on his face, leaving the knights and servants astonished. Upon reaching home, he requested Hans to bring a light dinner to his room. After a relaxing bath, he settled into his thoughts, contemplating how much and what he should talk about in the upcoming discussions. The anticipation of getting to know his unexpected soulmate better filled him with a mix of curiosity and nervous excitement.

soon his food arrived, and he ate peacefully. However, when he lay on his bed, a sudden thought crossed his mind – the age difference. While Rok Soo appeared to be 17 or 18, Cale was mentally 40. The realization struck him, causing a momentary pause in his excited and lightheaded thoughts. Then he realized he should mention his plan war everything because soulmates understand and live their other half without any proof because their proof is the feeling they feel and share for each other and it's impossible to lie. And having a person who understands and listens made him feel light. That's when he realized how much of an unplanned move he made.

The next day, he woke up with restless sleep. Ron seemed to get his tea right as he woke up because he had missed his schedule two days straight due to Cale's unpredictability. The restlessness lingered as he prepared for the day, thoughts about the age difference still gnawing at the back of his mind.


In the time of yore, a phenomenon of the rarest ilk graced the lives of but a mere fraction of humanity, a phenomenon known as "Soulmates." These fabled occurrences, whispered through the annals of ancient lore, were gifted only to the most celestial of beings, a mere one in a million souls. It was said that these chosen ones were touched by the heavens themselves, bestowed with an ethereal fortune known to few.

Within the tapestry of fate, these souls were inextricably bound, woven together by threads that surpassed the bounds of mere mortal understanding. An unbreakable connection forged not by choice, but by destiny. They stood as pillars of mutual understanding, a silent language etched into their very souls, requiring no effort to comprehend each other's innermost thoughts and feelings.

Such was the depth of their connection that these rare souls bore a mark upon their wrists, a quote chosen by fate itself. A single phrase, a distillation of the words they would come to exchange with each other, eternally imprinted on their flesh as a testament to their unparalleled bond.

Little was known of the intricacies of this enigma, shrouded as it was in the mists of antiquity. Yet, it was whispered that the touch of one soulmate upon the other would ignite a spark, an electric current of sensation that traversed the boundaries of the physical and delved into the realm of the spiritual. A touch that transcended the corporeal and ignited the flame of recognition within their intertwined souls.

But even in the absence of such contact, the seeds of affection were destined to blossom. Hearts intertwined by destiny would inexorably find themselves gravitating toward one another, drawn by an invisible force that surged through their very essence.

Thus, the legend of the soulmates persisted, a phenomenon of cosmic alignment that united two souls in a dance of fate. It was a phenomenon that defied explanation and spoke to the profound mysteries of the universe, a gift bestowed upon the select few who possessed the celestial favor of the heavens themselves.


The next morning, Rok Soo woke up and went about his usual routine, setting up the bakery and assisting in the kitchen. He worked efficiently, completing his tasks faster than usual, all the while keeping in mind Cale's impending arrival. He informed Grandma Ping of the upcoming meeting, which initially startled her. The news almost gave her a heart attack, and she was on the verge of going into a frenzy, feeling the pressure of preparing for a visit from the eldest son of the count. Despite his reputation as a known troublemaker, he was still the count's son, after all. Rok Soo managed to calm her down, assuring her that there was no need for extra preparations and that everything would be fine. He had only informed her about Cale's visit ten minutes before his expected arrival, adding to her surprise.

As the time drew nearer, Rok Soo patiently waited in front of the bakery with the company of the cats, Ohn and Hong. His anticipation mingled with a hint of nervousness, wondering what the conversation with his unexpected soulmate would entail. The prospect of meeting the eldest son of the count had both his curiosity and anxiety peaked.

Shortly thereafter, a magnificent golden carriage arrived, drawing attention to itself as it parked in front of the bakery. The red-haired young master gracefully stepped out of the carriage, giving a brief instruction for the carriage to return for him in an hour's time. As he approached Rok Soo, both exchanged a nod, a silent agreement to skip excessive formalities. Even though Rok Soo's societal position might demand a bow, the unspoken understanding between them made it clear that they preferred a more casual interaction. With that, Rok Soo guided Cale to the small room that Granny Ping had provided for him.

Upon entering the room, Ohn and Hong leaped off Rok Soo's arms and ran off to somewhere else as Rok Soo asked them to. Cale and Rok Soo took their seats, positioned to face each other, with a selection of snacks placed between them.

Cale: **(leaning slightly forward)** So, Rok Soo, let's get to the topic at hand. How familiar are you with the concept of soulmates?

Rok Soo: **(raising an eyebrow)** I'd say I know quite a bit. The books here have detailed information on it.

Cale: **(nodding)** That's good to hear. **(pauses)** Now, let me ask you something. Choi Han, is he related to you in any way?

Rok Soo: **(immediately shaking his head)** No, not at all. We're not related.

(how does he know it was Choi han who attacked him yesterday? Maybe he heard it from someone at county)

Cale: **(leaning back)** I see. Well, here's the reason I asked you here today. **(pauses for a moment)** I have something confidential to share, no talk about, something that may sound absurd as it may sound. And I believe you're the right person to share it with.

Rok Soo: **(curiously)** Me? Why do you think that?

Cale: **(smiling softly)** From the short time we've talked, I've observed that you're calm, collected, and a straightforward person. Plus, the fact that we're soulmates should make understanding each other easier.

Rok Soo: **(looking slightly surprised)** Understandable, though I might say you are not like the rumors say either young master Cale...

Cale: **(nodding)** Please take the honorifics away and proceed with simply Cale. You see, being a soulmate means there's a strong connection between us, a bond that goes beyond the ordinary. And with that bond, I believe I can trust you with what I'm about to share.

"Betrayal amidst soulmates mirrors the fracture of an oath sworn with existence itself, a solitary sentence that weaves through the threads of life. Yet, the path of retribution is no swift demise; the betrayer shall suffer until the very depths of their endurance crumble."

Rok Soo: **(slowly nodding)** Alright, I'm listening. You have my attention.

Cale: **(taking a deep breath)** Very well. The truth is, there's an upcoming war that's looming on the horizon which will continue across the whole western continent until everything crumbles.

Rok Soo: **(listening intently)** A war? And how are you so sure about that to say with this much certainty?

Cale: **(meeting Rok Soo's gaze)** Because I... this might sound absurd and shocking and I hope you believe me...
I am a regressor who lived till the age of 40 making me kind of an old man mentally. As I was about to die, G0D made a deal with me to regress me back when I was 18...

(AH, did i just said to my soulmate that i am legit old man when a soulmate phenomenon itself is rare and i.. . his hopes ahhh)

Rok Soo: . . .


(This is... definitely unexpected. He just said that he is 40 mentally and straight for that like its the normal thing to discuss about? Does that mean i don't worry about having a teenage soulmate for my mentally 36 year old self, wait what the heck am i thinking...

Wait, did he say continuous war on a large scale all over the western continent? Does that mean... MY SLACKER LIFE IS AT STAKE!!)

Rok Soo: (still keeping his poker face) This is... a lot to take in.

Cale: (nervous but putting up a serious face) I understand. Take your time. I wanted to be honest with you and give you the choice. If you decide not to get involved, I'll respect that. But if you choose to stand with me, I believe together we can make a difference.

Rok Soo: (looking thoughtful)I appreciate your honesty, Cale. This is a decision I need to consider carefully. But I can assure you, whatever I decide, I'll keep our conversation confidential. But if you. . . are coming off clean like that, then I think I shall be honest with you as you were with me.

Cale: (raising an eyebrow in curiosity) Honest about what?

Rok Soo: (taking a deep breath)  Well, you see... I'm not exactly from this world.

**Cale's expression shifts from curiosity to surprise, but he listens intently.**

Rok Soo: I came from another place, another reality. And, um, mentally, I'm not exactly a teenager either. I'm... actually 36 years old.

**Cale blinks, his surprise evident.**

Cale: (twinkling eyes) Another world? And you're 36 mentally?
(so i was worried for nothing for a whole night)

Rok Soo: Yeah, I know it sounds bizarre, but it's the truth. I was taking a break from my day, reading a book titled 'Birth of a Hero,' a novel centered around Choi Han. Then, out of nowhere, I found myself transported into the world of the novel, right near Puzzle City, where Taylor Stan and Cage, a priestess of G0D, reside.

Cale: **(nodding slowly)** I see. So you're not an ordinary person from this world. And a novel, hold on, Taylor Stan and Cage?...

Rok Soo: **(Slightly frowning)** Yeah, you could say that. As you can see, according to Cage, she was made to do something akin to summoning by G0D, resulting in my arrival in my body when I was around 17. Naturally, Taylor was also present.

Cale: (with contemplating look)does that mean you know something about the the end it was choi han who got involved in almost every fight.

Rok Soo: yes that's true but you see I never got to complete it, heck, I didn't even know to read about the wars until now... (the continent at stake and from the way he is talking it seems like he was the only survivor. . .guess i will help him from the background. . . so i can live a peaceful life as a slacker)

Cale : So, you've been living in this world for how long now?

Rok soo: its roughly been one month now

Cale : oh...**as he inspected room** So how is your stay here so far?

Rok soo: It was peaceful and calm. How about you?

Cale : Two days ago.

After their discussion, they fell into a comfortable silence, their minds working on the information they had shared to piece together plans. As they nibbled on snacks, contemplating their strategies, a soft knock on the door broke their focus. Rok Soo stood up and opened the door, revealing Grandma Ping standing there, her expression cautious.

Grandma Ping: **(speaking softly/murmured)** Rok Soo, is everything alright in here?

Rok Soo: **(nodding with a reassuring smile)** Yes, Grandma, everything's fine.

Grandma Ping: **(glancing at Cale before returning her gaze to Rok Soo)** The carriage for the young master is waiting at the front.

Cale who heard it asked " ma'am is it possible for you inform that i am will coming in 5 min"

Grandma Ping: yes young master Cale

With that, she left them, gently closing the door behind her.

——————————-(** edited or added**)

Cale: (slowly getting up) Now that we've had a chance to talk and have become comfortable with each other, I have a suggestion. How about i make a suggestion have u stay in the county soon as possible? It will make communication planning easier and you can slack off in there in luxury🤭.

Rok soo : **(smirking)** I am not the one to decline an offer of luxury.

Cale : So can I take that as a yes 😁. Then i will make arrangements as soon as possible.

Rok Soo:(chuckling) I have a few things to settle here also, especially with Grandma Ping. I'll make sure everything is sorted out by then.

Cale: Sounds like a plan.

Rok Soo: But how do you do know i want to slack off?

Cale:(showing his inner wrist)(smirking) Well, what else will explain this?

Rok Soo: oh...right ('。_。`)

Cale: show mine when you get to the county. Any updates, i will through a knight

Rok Soo: Alright. See you then. (standing up with cale)

Cale: I'll take my leave then, see you soon.

Cale exits the room and leaves the bakery, heading back to the golden carriage waiting outside. Meanwhile, Rok Soo takes a moment to himself, reflecting on the whirlwind of events that had led him to this point.

Rok Soo:

(to himself): Who would've thought? Soulmates with the infamous troublemaker, Cale Henituse. If I were to say the conversation was not only enjoyable and nice but also unique like it's not every day that you find someone who's both similar and different yet still understanding. To think I felt at ease with him, talking without needing to calculate every word. It's a bit unfamiliar, yet it felt pleasantly natural when I talked to him. Life truly is full of surprises.

He chuckles softly as he starts to tidy up the room. Then, he heads to the kitchen, where he finds Grandma Ping preparing some ingredients.


edited the last part!


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