Withered spirit -compleated

By Deruta_DK

27.8K 289 58

after having a confession go wrong he proves to everyone and himself that hes better More

Attack of the weak
recovery time
I'm on holiday really
I need a minute to think
calm before the storm
fear of the future
what is the plan?
fame and fortune
Hunter vs Pray
blessing or curse?
Chapter 14 Who's side are you one
A pleasant time
The strongest
Back to where you started
the heartbroken dragon
Moments of the broken
game plan
Wills end
The end


3K 26 6
By Deruta_DK

Issei woke up one morning the feeling of pain washed over his body and his muscles ached from the pain The overwhelming numbness he felt was starting to grow, he knew this was death calling for him, if he turned evil he would be getting stronger, not weaker he took a deep breath before he got up he felt a presence in his room then he felt someone holding him he opened his eyes and saw Irina next to him holding on to him for dear life he could feel the warmth coming from her and how warm it made him feel better but broke his heart for her

Issei: " I wish I could treat her better, but with the way things are going I'll have to treat her the best I can tonight it's the least I can do for her..."

He pulled her closer to him and she snuggled and smiled in her sleep and got comfortable in his new body warmth, that night he slowly started getting warmer as they slept, he stayed like this for a bit then after 10 minutes he kissed her forehead and went to the living room and made a place for him to sit on the couch, As he got the space ready Ddraig spoke to him

Ddraig: Ise, we could try the transformation I made, it's one of the few things that may save you but I thought about it phoenix tears, they could help slow down the spread because they rebuild the body not fix it... It's worth a shot, The reason I'm bringing it up is there is nothing other than myself slowing it down, and if you fight we going to need to have another thing to fall back on

Issei: "I want to, I really do but if it doesn't work and it kills me, or it only speeds up the fall and I have less time with them, plus she would feel like she made my time shorter "

Issei then sat down and started meditating to try and calm down his body and to find an inner piece about the situation.

Ddraig: Understood partner, but you know that new promotion you have we haven't tried it... It's going to be one hell of a learning curve during the game, but we can't risk it now, it should be fun using it

Issei:" yea one hell of a way to go out but hey it was something I loved about my life like meeting you and everyone else I sure things aren't good now but I'll take everything that happened over a normal life any day"

Ddraig: Hmmm if things are cut short I want you to know I'll mentally abuse my next host They won't come close to anything you've done You were my first friend in a long time I want to say thank you for everything

Issei:" No problem *chuckles* have some last bit of fun yea"

To the outside world, Ravel and Irina saw him meditating and saw a small smile on his face, They could only assume that Ddraig was trying to make him feel better, they had small smiles to see him smiling but their hearts only felt the pain and sorrow from knowing the truth.

Irina: We should call Rossweisse sensei I'm sure she would like to at least see him doing well before the fight.

Ravel: Yeah I agree, but should we let those ones know?

They looked at each other for a bit but in the end, neither of them knew if they should or not it made things complicated which they knew he didn't want to deal with

Issei: It's your choice I'm not going to stop you from telling them, but Ravel.

She looked at him with a slight blush.

Ravel: Yeah...

Issei: Ddraig wants me to try a phoenix tear to help me

Ravel: Oh, okay let me go get one

She quickly went to her room and came back with a vile containing the tear and gave it to Issei

Issei: (deep breath) please don't hurt like shit

He took it and for a few seconds it didn't do anything then he gritted his teeth and shoved a pillow into his mouth to keep him from screaming the two got scared not knowing what to do but they saw the marks on his arms slowly became less they didn't go away but the amount decreased

Issei: (out of breath) Why must things hurt me like this, Ddraig and what did it do?

Irina: I saw the marks on your arms become less, (happy) I think it worked.

Ravel:(happy) it helped?

Ddraig: Yes, phoenix girl it did, but know this, it didn't recover the life force it was taking from him but instead slowed it down enough he's more likely to live after the fight but for how long I'm not too sure what could happen from now on but I will monitor it for you Ise

Issei:(tears running) *sniff* I'm not going to die so quickly *sniff* I have more time

The two girls came to hug with tears of their own.

Irina: (tearing up) I'm so happy it slowed down *sniff*

Ravel(happy) See I told you to try a tear, but you said no it would make it worse.

Issei: (happy) You know, it still hurts me a lot.

Ravel: (happy) Still, see you're fine now

Issei(smiling) Now both of you get to school I won't have you be late

Both: alright, fine

Irina gave him a hug and a kiss and Ravel gave him a big hug

When the door shut Issei took a knee and tried not to scream but he was still in incredible pain he tried to catch his breath, but he was feeling slightly better and stronger too

Ddraig: It looks like the tear is physically pulling back the effects of the fall and rebuilding what was taken but for how long it lasts is beyond me I still think you should relax for the day

Issei:(out of breath) All alright let's have something to eat first, I'm surprisingly very hungry I don't think I ate last night.

He got up and went to get some food.

Irina and Ravel are both walking to the school feeling happy about what they figured out this morning a large weight was lifted off of them but the thought of losing him wasn't too great

Ravel: I think we should tell Saji that a phoenix tear managed to slow down the effects for a bit

Irina: your right We should but should we tell the others?

Ravel: I know you can't get angry per-say, but I think I speak for the both of us, they don't deserve anything from us or him right now, I'm not sure if he will forgive them right now

Irina: But they still are our friends.

Ravel: yea they are but they still hurt him, Let's first see how he is after the fight and if he wants to forgive them then we support him but right now he kept it secret with only a few people knowing so let's keep It that way because its what he wanted right now, and if they ask we can tell them that he's still angry

Irina: I guess you're right, but still if they do ask, we should tell them something at least...

There was a look of concern on her face but Ravel had other plans

Ravel: We tell them he's still angry

Irina: I suppose that works.

They walked in silence for a bit then they heard more footsteps behind them and saw Rias and her peerage looking in good spirits and ready for the upcoming game

Rias(happy) Oh morning Irina Ravel, How are you this morning

Irina:(happy) Oh I'm great thanks.

Ravel:(happy) Same with me things have been great lately

They saw a small frown fall on their happy faces but then their happy faces came back

Akeno: (happy) that's good

Rias: I have a question about Issei, is he ready for tomorrow it's a big day for all of us I would like to know if he's ready or not.

Ravel: he's ready he's not coming in today though he had something to look into this morning so he's going to be a bit busy

Irina nodded in agreement and the others nodded with sad faces

Asia:(sad) Oh I thought we could see him as a form of encouragement before the game.

Ravel: Don't worry about it you'll see him tomorrow long before the game so it's alright

They all had smiles again, they had a feeling that he was going to be better towards them again and maybe they could talk to him again, they got to the school and Rias and her peerage went to the club room while Irina and Ravel went to the student council room, they opened the door and saw Saji asleep with Sonas head on his shoulder also asleep holding onto his arm with a lot of papers scattered around

Ravel: Irina before you do anything

She took out her phone took a few pictures and sent them to Issei.

Ravel: Now you can wake them up

Irina walked up to them and made her holy presence known and it slowly woke them up They started to wake up and then looked at the position both of them were in then they quickly put space between them and started blushing at each other.

Saji(blushing) morning Sona

Sona:(blushing) morning genshirou

Saji: How long were we like that?

Sona: I'm not sure

There was silence then Irina spoke up alerting them they were not alone

Irina: I would give or take a few hours at the least Sona looked so comfy holding you Saji

They looked to the side and saw Irina and Ravel looking at them with smiles on their faces They both blushed, Saji stood up with a panicked look on his face

Saji:(panicking) don't tell issei

Ravel: (smiling) Don't worry we won't

Sona: Good, now then is something wrong?

Irina: Well, what do you know

Sona: that he's falling, and Rias and her peerage are to blame, and that he's going to die soon

Ravel: Pretty much it, but this morning he wanted to try a phoenix tear and it helped him, It took away most of the marks on his arms not sure about the rest of his body, it seems to have a good effect on him

Saji: Well last night we did find some information about how it helps dragons a lot but it is not a solution not yet at least, Lady Serafall doesn't know much about dragons and is currently looking into it but so far we all know the same amount about them

They all had concerned looks on their faces and

Irina: Well, we just wanted you update you guys on the current state of things, I'll let Issei know about what you guys found

Sona: How is he holding up?

Sona knows the situation was bad and wants to know the full extent of the damage, She knows she said some bad things about him as well but what Rias did was way worse

Ravel: We all cried tears of happiness this morning when we saw it's making a good difference

Sona: That's good at least he seems to be In high spirits, he's not in today is he?

Irina: No any straining himself could make things worse and we all know after the fight he's going to be in an even worse state but all we can do is hope that it turns out alright

Saji: My thoughts exactly We will handle the not at school but you two get to class, You going to be late

Ravel: All alright see you two later, and don't make out in the council room

The two blushed and Irina and Ravel left leaving them alone their blush grew, and they looked at each other and made eye contact

Saji: I need to get to class Sona, I'll be back during the break to clean up

Sona(blushing) alright Saji...

She realized when she woke up she said his first name when normally she always uses his last name, There was a weird feeling spreading around her body she didn't like it because she didn't know what it is

He bowed and left for his class

Sona: "Looks like he's becoming more mature in a sense, not bad Saji..."

In class Irina was on her phone talking to Issei, he told her that he wanted to make food but then realized that there was no food in the house and he went out on a walk to the market to get some, She smiled at the text but it didn't go unnoticed

???: Everything alright Irina?

She looked toward the voice and saw Asia and Xenovia looking at her with curious faces.

Irina:(smiling) yea it's alright, issei wanted something to eat and forgot we didn't buy any food for the house, so he went to go and get some.

Asia: Hmmm, hey Irina

Irina: Yes Asia

Irina could see the look in Asia's eyes she was guilt-ridden and she hated herself

Asia: We hurt him a lot didn't we?

Irina: Yes you did sadly

Xenovia: We know saying sorry isn't going to cut it but we still want to be better and make things right with him But we are stuck, We can't make any progress when he doesn't talk to any of us but you and Ravel and Rossweisse

Irina: Look he's still very upset which is why when you try and talk to him you relighting the fire you caused not giving it a chance to die out

Irina knows she can't lie but it isn't a lie she knows he's never going to forgive them right now and maybe in time but the current truth is that Issei still doesn't want anything to do with them and he probably going to be gone before they even get to say sorry

Xenovia: What do you mean relighting the fire?

Irina: It wouldn't help you if I had to explain it to you Why don't you tell the others and figure it out

The two looked confused but accepted it and went to their desks before class started

The day went on without any problem, later on Irina and Ravel went to the orc club room to get Rossweisse Once they entered they heard Rias talking to them

Rias: All alright so tonight's training will include Kiba Akeno and Koneko with Xenovia and tomorrow morning we can brush up with each other and see how we can make a few changes to the plan

All: sound good rias

Irina: Wow you guys really put in a lot of effort.

Rias: We have to, We know we hurt Issei and he's not going to help defend us or help like he used to so we worked on making ourselves stronger, so he won't have to work so hard

Ravel: I'm impressed honestly, It's not like I'm looking at the same group anymore

Akeno:(smiling) thank you ravel

Irina: anyways Rossweisse

Rossweisse: yes

Irina: Issei wants to talk to you about something he asked us to bring you home with us

Rossweisse: Alright let's go.

Rias: See you later Rossweisse, Say hi for us if it comes up, The rest of us let's go and finish with the training

They nodded and then they left to go train and then it was only Rossweisse Ravel and Irina

Rossweisse: (worried) how is he?

Irina: We have made a slight breakthrough A phoenix tear took away some of the effects he should make it till at least after the fight but after that, we aren't so sure how long he's going to be around for

They could see the sad look on her face but she's keeping her emotions in check before they run wild

Ravel: it's sad, They are working hard to show Issei that they can change and he's probably not going to fully see it

Irina: let's go see him Shall we

They nodded and left the club room

At the apartment

The 3 walks in to find the dining table set with candles and well-cooked food for all of them

Issei:(smiles) hey girls

They could see it on his face he was still tired and pale-looking yet he was still up and about

Irina: darling what's all this?

She greeted him and gave him a kiss then looked him in the eyes

Issei: A thank you for helping me when I needed it

He sat them down and they were amazed by the food

Issei: Well dig in we can talk.

They started eating and on the first bite they were even more amazed by the food

Ravel: First you can sing and now you can cook your amazing

Issei: (smiling) Thanks, I wanted to treat you girls to something, things haven't been the most pleasing but with I can do now I decided to do this for you all you've kept me from falling further and I love each and every single one of you for it

They all started blushing Irina was happy she was with him Ravel was happy to receive his love and she would cherish it for the years to come, It was a similar feeling for Rossweisse she was starting to see him in a different light more now, the first time was when he kept his emotions in check and didn't blow up at any one and immediately started working on himself she even noticed that his old tendencies haven't made their appearance in a while, she saw a different side of him again when he cried his heart out to her when he found out he's going to die and he couldn't change It, and now again a broken soul even damaged is still giving out the love even if it's mutual love, all the different ways she's seen him at now sparked something in her and she liked the feeling to her issei isn't just a warrior she's seeing him as a man who can only try and be better while nothing is in his favor and still treating them like he owes them the world when he doesn't

Issei: Hey look after tomorrow I don't know what state I'm going to be in tomorrow but I'm happy to probably spend my last good night with you 3 *smiles*

Girls: (smiling) It's our pleasure

Rossweisse: I must thank you though, After Odin just left me here you gave me a home and a family that sure rough around the edges but they still do care for each other

She smiled at him and he smiled and nodded

Ravel: I must do the same, you honestly changed my life a lot and made me feel like a belong somewhere I wish you could have shown me more but I'm glad that I met you and you still beat the crap out of my brother, ill always cherish the day we had cake and tea on the mountain that day

Issei chuckled and gave her a few head pats which made her smile

Irina: I'll always love you We have been together since we were young you were my first and only love and nothing will change that

He took her hand and looked into her violet eyes

Issei: Thank you for being part of my life I'll be smiling back at you from wherever I land up *smiles*

She tightened her grip on his hand and smiled

The next day Issei Irina and Ravel went to the orc club room Before they came Ravel asked if he was going to need another tear and he thought about it and nodded he took it and powered through the pain they watched the marks go away even more but not as much as the first time they tried it, once entered the club room the others were all waiting for them, it's the first they saw issei in the state he's in he's slightly pale and looks very tired but he's up and walking like nothing is bothering him, Azazel then came and looked a them and saw issei in very concerning state but still opened the portal and it took them to the underworld

On the way to the arena, they sat in a carrousel with Azazel

Azazel noticed how he wasn't necessarily talking to anyone on his team and that he's grown a bit but the look on his face showed something was wrong

Azazel: All alright what happened?

They all looked at him

Issei: Nothing to concern yourself with old man It's been handled

They all looked at him with wide eyes he called Azazel old man

Azazel:(sarcastic) Sure kid I totally believe you With that you've hardly spoken to anyone let alone me, and I don't know if anyone has noticed but you look like shit on top of It

Issei: let me put it this way for you, I'm going to get my ass beat and I would rather enjoy the comfort of my uninjured body before I have what looks like weeks of recovery ahead of me

Azazel: Understandable, and I'm not old

Issei(smirks) go dye your fringe blond again I see greys poking through

The team all had to hold in a laugh They tried their best but a little slipped out, It calmed the current mood of everyone in the carriage since no one knew what they wanted to say because they didn't want to upset Issei more

Azazel: For that one, you get extra training.

Issei: (tired) Whatever you say, old man...

The carousel finally stopped and they all got out

Rias: Issei good luck today Let's do this together

She smiled at him, and he looked at her

Issei: Sure thing rias...

He walked ahead of them while they were happy he was talking to them again

Rias: (happy) he said my name

Akeno:(happy) I know I'm surprised

Rias: let's do this I'm even more motivated to make things right with him, maybe he can come back home to us

Time skip to Issei and Sairaorg's fight

Issei's aura could be seen oozing off him his power was skyrocketing but he was also angry between how much they lost and how much they fought

With Sairaorg himself taking out Akeno Kiba and Rossweisse and the fall of Koneko in the first round then Gasper and Xenovia, Issei's anger grew and grew as the rounds went by, he tried his best to not let his aura run but he could already feel the effects of falling slowly catching up to him when his round came he dawned his balance breaker but it didn't get as many cheers as it would have the balance breaker is fading and has black markings all over it, it looked brittle and old, rias her self-looked confused along with the devil kings along with lord Michael and Azazel they can clearly see something is wrong as Sairaorg queen and his round started he then let his power rush a bit, he charged toward her and nearly took her head off but Sairaorg retired her before he could hit her

Issei: (tired) Sorry about that I lost restraint.

He had to take a knee the pain of his falling was spreading and it hurt Others could see something was wrong with him but didn't know what was actually happening

Sairaorg: It's alright I requested to fight you at your best Now shall I call for a battle royal?

Issei: (gritting his teeth) Bring it...

He stood up and faced Sairaorg.

The crowd cheered but could see something was a bit wrong with Issei, it was like he was trying to rush the fights and now, they just called the battle royal with Issei Rias Asia Sairaorg and his new pawn, They stood looking at each other, Rias stood behind him ready to help defend him Asia was ready to heal them if needed

Issei: (tired) No more tricks, Sairaorg What's your little secret I can see something up with the new guy he's not human or devil, but his sacred gear power is radiating more Don't play games Let's get done with it

Sairaorg: I like this version of you last time I beat you Let's see what you can do, REGULUS RISE

The pawn fell to his hands and knees then got on all fours and slowly turned into a giant golden lion that shook the ground when it roared as his skin tore apart fully taking its large form

Azazel: Oh my God one of the missing 13 Longinus


The crowd cheered in excitement as they all got ready to fight, Issei looked him dead in the eye Ready to strike he could feel the pain spreading around his body, he bit down on his teeth and slowly pulled himself together to make sure that he doesn't lose focus on the person in front of him

Rias: Issei take my cousin Asia and I will handle regulus

Issei: (tired) alright...

He bit down on his teeth and burst off, regulus charged towards Issei and tried to get in his way but he kicked it hard enough to the side and started attacking Sairaorg, the two started a fist fight creating shockwaves with each collision of their fists, with the last strike pain shot through the isseis body and he wasn't ready for the hit and Sairaorg hit him and knocked him off his feet and drilled him into the ground and continued hitting him repeatedly in the face

Issei looked to his side and saw Rias covered in blood and Asia a distance away looking at him in fear, With each hit it was like a shock through isseis body his blood started to pool and he could hear voices in his head


Raynare:" Would you die for me"


Rias:" I should have married Riser"


Akeno: "Is it that hard just to say her name he really messed up this time we don't have time for mess-ups like this"


Asia: "I'm normally one to side with him but he's wrong This time he was being stupid and even I know that"


Xenovia: "They really called me thick but he's worse, Why aren't those saying anything Are they staying mutual but can't they see he's in the wrong, They should know better"


Koneko: "Good for nothing pervert"


Ddraig: It's time Ise, Good luck

The onlookers watched in horror as Issei was getting beaten senseless Irina had tears in her eyes and the others struggled to watch Issei get beat like this Sairaorg was about to land one more hit on him but was blasted back by a large amount of power

A red aura spread around the arena and they watched as Issei stood up and screamed in pain They watched as his skin tore apart horns grew out of his head spikes grew out of his back and his wings grew larger than they had seen before, his pooled blood started to run back up into his body and his scales shot through his arms face back and legs red markings spread around his whole body lining certain spots, the skin on his hands burnt off till clear bone was shown then turned into claws then recovered themselves in scales and horns

They watched in horror amazement and shock watching him turn into the creature before them

He took his hand and shoved it into his chest pulled out the chess pieces from his body and crushed them in front of everyone The whole in his chest closed up and his aura got even stronger and spread around everywhere he let off an ear-shattering screech and caught alight and ran towards Sairaorg eyes glowing red with a tint of green and then hit him once sending him flying into the distance his scales turned black and a tail grew out of him and he used it to grab Sairaorg and slam him down into the ground then chuck him again

As he threw Sairaorg he threw him forward and in that same movement he flipped forward and with his tail made a trail of fire that knocked him further, he growled and The heat coming off him was rising rias and Asia could only watch in horror for what issei turned into

Regulus then charged him and bit him, but it didn't faze him he grabbed the golden lion by the head slammed it down onto the ground then chucked it toward Sairaorg

Sairaorg:" What is this he's turned into some monster, why are my legs shaking I need to enjoy this to its fullest"

He touched Regulus and the lion turned into an armor and spread around his body coating him in golden armour. His aura rose making him stronger he was about to charge Issei but he disappeared

Issei turned to ash then appeared next to him and hit him hard enough to break the sound barrier sending him flying again and covered his arms in fire and hit him repeatedly breaking the ground and pushing Rias and Asia back with each blow

He let off a screech again and grabbed Sairaorg by the neck he tried hitting Issei in the chest with his legs but it didn't do anything Issei hit him in his gut multiple times with the last one sending him again The red scales turned black and then his aura turned into one of fire and he hit Sairaorg back into the ground shattering his armor stood over Sairaorg breathing heavily with fire embers leaving his body soon isseis aura fell and so did his scales but the black markings stayed on his body and the fell over and retired

Leaving Rias and Asia in the ring, everyone was shocked and sat in silence for nearly 5 minutes by the outcome and slowly they all turned to cheers and celebration for the outcome of the fight

Everyone that is close to Issei was worried for him he had never done that and this was new for him it looked like it changed him to top it all off he crushed rias evil pieces in front of them he just freed himself in front of all of them

When he retired Issei had passed out and was taken to an infirmary with Sairaorg Issei was inside his head looking around

When he opened his eyes he found himself within a white space he knew it was the inside of the gear he held his head in confusion

Issei:(confused) what happened?

Ddriag: Your body was slowly dying and it was going into shock

Issei: I don't remember much I remember there being pain before he hit me but then it kind of went blank I don't remember anything at all...

Ddraig: Well I transformed your body and made you a full blood dragon your not bound by the redhead anymore and you not considered a devil anymore you're a heavenly dragon now

Issei: huh interesting...

Ddraig: Well wake up You have people waiting to talk to you, we can talk about your changes later

Everything became fully white and he found himself in a hospital room his body ached from the pain he slowly sat up and held his head and shook it side to side

Issei:(in pain) Oh God I feel like crap, what the hell man

Sairaorg: You get used to this feeling quickly Well done Issei you showed me an amazing fight you have my gratitude.

He looked to his side and saw Sairaorg covered in band-aid and a cast on his arm

Issei:(in pain) Jeez who beat you up?

Sairaorg: You did, you fulfilled your promise you gave me a good fight, you have my gratitude.

Issei: I don't even know what I did...

They both looked at each other confused which made them laugh and caused them to grunt in pain, Then Sirzechs walked in along with Grayfia

Sirzechs: (happy) My brother you did us all proud

Grayfia: You really showed true courage out there but something was wrong that whole fight it looked like you were in constant pain...

He looked at the people in the room with him took a deep breath and looked a bit sad about it

Issei: Look I need to tell you two something Sairaorg can know as well it's about my current state from earlier in the fight and why I looked the way I did...

Issei told them everything from Rias and her peerage turning on him how Rias even stated multiple times to his face and to Sona how riser would have been a better option for her, the 3 devils' eyes went wide in disbelief, he continued and told them how dragons can fall and either become evil or die and he was on the path of death and the use of magic was slowly killing him faster and how he didn't think he would survive after this fight, he spoke about how it affected him worse when his parents took Rias side and turned on him and he moved out with Irina and ravel, he then explained that he doesn't know what he did during the fight but Ddraig used a spell to turn him into a dragon which had a very good chance of killing him on the spot

Sirzechs:.... I'm speechless, not only did you free yourself and live you were dealing with all that I don't know what to say

He sat down in disbelief processing what he just learned

Grayfia came up to him and just hugged him

Grayfia: You know we would have done anything to make sure you're feeling better and helped sort it out You could have come to us

Sairaorg: We could have postponed the fight too It wasn't that serious to have it today it would have been no problem at all to change at all

Issei: look I know you would have done a lot to help me but, I still truly don't know if I can trust any of them at all, they became the death of me and I still don't know if I'm healed or not, and I know for a damn fact I don't want to see any of them right now, I would only allow Irina ravel and Rossweisse in they made sure I was okay and tried everything they could to make sure I'm alive, maybe Sona and Saji too but regardless I don't know what to feel towards them right now I still feel anger but not the same way I felt before the fight... It's just a lot going on and I'm exhausted from it all really

Sirzechs Grayfia and Sairaorg felt bad for him This was a serious matter he could have been killed because of them and he's been dealing with it by himself and took a very mature route

They saw scales grow on his arms green gems came out and they heard a voice talk

Ddraig: he hasn't had a lewd thought or spoken about breasts for a few days now he's been working out a bit more and looking after himself with the angle and the phoenix girl, Ise I looked into it the fall has completely been negated and your dragon powers abilities and tendencies will only get stronger with time but relax for now you're drained of energy

Issei: Okay cool

He laid back down and took a deep breath, a look of relief on his face they gave him a small smile and he returned the smile and the mood started to feel better they watched as the scales left and the markings that were on his body darker than what they were.

Sirzechs: Issei I'm sorry she did that to you but ask us for anything and we will make it happen.

Issei: I have nothing for you to do for me but I'll let you know If figure something out, let me work things out but what else did you come here for

Sirzechs:(smiling) Well it was about your promotion but you are not a devil anymore

Issei (surprised) regardless I got to mid-class.

Grayfia: Well, high class Actually you're at the right power level but you can do as you please now actually

Sirzechs: I'm proud of you but given the circumstances we can't really award you the rank unless you want to be a devil again

Issei: I don't know actually

Sairaorg: well congrats issei the first reincarnated human to reach high class in less than a year, and still kick my ass while dying not everyone can do that its an accomplishment regardless you still did it as a devil before you freed yourself

Issei: (looking down) cool

Sirzechs: You don't seem to be particularly happy about this

Issei: Well being high class was to not bring Rias standing down by her being engaged to low class but with things now I don't know what to do anymore I have a new start that I can start a new adventure now but I don't know what to do

Sirzechs: Rest now brother You deserve it See you around you too Sairaorg Well done your fight was amazing

Sairaorg nodded and Sirzechs and Grayfia both left them to relax and recover

Sairaorg: Want to talk more about what happened or is this a bit of an open wound?

Issei: That wound just started healing I'll tell you in time how about over a drink?

Sairaorg: You drink? but it's good with me now let's get some rest.

Issei: (blacking out) Sure thing man.

With Sirzechs and Grayfia after leaving the room

Sirzechs: I can't believe her Honestly I'm really disappointed I expected better

Grayfia: Worry not my love, I'm sure Issei will cover it but let's not let her have the benefit of the doubt Perhaps give her a bit of a wakeup call I know you love your sister but she's gone too far this time

Sirzechs: Agreed I spoiled her too much and this was the outcome

They heard footsteps and saw Rias and her peers walking towards Issei's room they saw the two standing by the door, Rias and the others had some band-aids on them but not as bad as Sairaorg

Sirzechs: Don't go inside he's asleep and can't talk to someone who is unconscious.

There was a tone In his voice that struck a chord in all of them even Irina They all found it weird that he was hostile toward them

Rias: (freaked) but -

Sirzechs: (angry) I said don't go inside

They felt his anger and felt uneasy about it, it was only rising the longer he looked at Rias

Rias: Fine we will wait here.

Irina: But I'm going

They watched as Sirzech's facial expression changed to a softer one and calmer tone

Sirzechs: Go right ahead

He opened the door and let Her walk in followed by Rossweisse and Ravel And they closed the door

Rias: Brother-

Sirzechs: I know what you said who knows maybe Riser will still be willing to marry you rias he's clearly a better suitor for you...

He and Grayfia walked away leaving the others shocked by what they tried to keep under control

Kiba:(shocked) Oh no.....

Rias: (tearing up) No no no no this can't happen please no

Rias slowly started to panic, her heart was racing she didn't want her brother to know because she thought she could fix it but it was too late, the others comforted her but it was no use

Inside the hospital room

The girls walked in a found both Sairaorg and Issei deep asleep

Irina walked up to Issei's bed and smiled watching him sleep he looked better than before but still looked a bit sick but they were happy he was alive and still

Irina: (smiling) he's out cold

Issei:(half asleep) Glad you're here my love, Guess who's going to live

He grabbed Irina's hand on instinct and fell back to sleep, She blushed and smiled along with Rossweisse and Ravel they had small smiles on their faces happy to see he was going to recover

Irina(tearing up) I have more time....*sniff*

Ravel: It's good to see he's getting better I'll give him a tear later to fix him up a bit

Rossweisse: Hopefully after the festival things clear up for the better

Irina:(tearing up) *sniff* I hope so too.

Chapter end

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