It's Just Pretend, Right? (Cr...

By luvmisoooo

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WE REACHED 8K READS!!!!!!! AHHHHH U GUYS ARE AMAZING Craig and Tweek had some unknown drama once the asian g... More

Chapter 1 ||| Damn, today really fucking sucks.
Chapter 2 ||| Any Winter Plans?
Chapter 3 ||| bad
Chapter 4 ||| in my life.
Chapter 5 ||| soft breathing
Chapter 6 ||| You're on
Chapter 7 ||| tomorrow
Chapter 8 ||| thoughts
a/n 1(u dont have to read this)
Chapter 9 ||| everybody's waiting
Chapter 10 ||| disgusting
Chapter 11 ||| mess
Chapter 12 ||| as long as he was mine.
Chapter 13 ||| slumber
Chapter 14 ||| crazy.
Chapter 15 ||| giggling
Chapter 16 ||| pockets
Chapter 17 ||| close call
Chapter 18 ||| Craig Tucker.
Chapter 19 ||| flirt
Chapter 21 ||| Homework could wait.
Chapter 22 ||| feelings for you.
Chapter 23 ||| I love you too.
Chapter 24 ||| dating.
Chapter 25 ||| good way.
Chapter 26 ||| this retard.
Chapter 27 ||| so excited.
what the skibidi

Chapter 20 ||| Fuck.

540 12 46
By luvmisoooo

[kyles pov]


I jumped up from my seat, grabbing my backpack and quickly hurrying out of the classroom. Stan was in that class with me, so he quickly tried to keep up with me. 

"woah, Kyle! Wait up!" Stan called out, following me out of the door. I slowed down for a brief moment so he could catch up. 

"Hey Stan, what's up?" I asked, continuing to walk down the hallway with a slightly slower pace.

"I just wanted to see how you're holding up. Like, literally." Stan snickered. I scoffed and rolled my eyes, playfully nudging him as I smiled.

"Going fine. I have crutches in my locker if shit goes down, so I'm not too worried." I said. He nodded in reply.

"Oh yeah, I have a question for you." Stan said, continuing to walk down the crowded hall by my side.

"Shoot." I replied, focusing on where I'm walking and avoiding limping.

"I heard you and Craig were dating, is that right?" Stan asked. I froze up for a moment, but quickly continued to walk.

"Uh, yeah. We're um.. we're a thing." I said, a tone of discomfort in my voice. I didn't like lying to people, but it was for Craig's sake. Honestly, I wish I didn't have to lie when I say that. 

"Huh. Good for you guys." Stan said with a small smile and a shrug. "Also, I wanted to apologize for the whole.." He pointed to his lips, giving me a knowing look. I made an 'o' shape with my mouth.

"Oh, don't worry about it. It's fine." I said, waving a dismissive hand in the air. He nodded in reply.

"Wanna sit with us at lunch today?" Stan offered with a grin. I was about to say yes, when I remembered. Craig had to help me with my insulin injection.

"ah, I'm really sorry, but I can't.." I muttered. He raised his eyebrow.

"Why not? I'm not pushing it, just curious." Stan asked. I took a quiet, sharp inhale. Fuck.

"O-oh, I um.. so, I have to eat in the office! Because of my leg, ya know?" I said with a nervous chuckle. I think he knew I was lying, based off of the observing look on his face.

"..alright. If you say so." Stan shrugged, continuing to walk. I sighed quietly in relief. Thank fuck.

It was silent, other than the yells and stomping of people's feet throughout the halls. Stan and I were approaching the cafeteria doors, until someone stopped us.

"HA! LOOK GUYS, THE JOO HAS A BANDAGED FOOT!" Cartman yelled, laughing hysterically. Seriously?

"uhm.." I scratched the side of my head awkwardly, while Stan kind of glared at Eric.

"Eric, seriously? That isn't even- nevermind. You're fucking dumb." Stan sighed disappointedly. Eric snickered.

"You gonna whip out a stick on your leg, Kahl? You gonna be a pirate?" Eric laughed his ass off even further. I grimaced.

"Shut it. You had a dad bod at 9, you can't be talking." I shot back, narrowing my eyes at Eric.

"Oooh, the joo is getting angryy" Cartman cooed, pointing at me. People knew damn well I couldn't- and wouldn't deal with Cartman's bitching, so a small crowd had formed around us. They expected me to pick a fight in bandages? I mean, if Eric kept it up, they wouldn't be wrong.

"Just because I'm injured doesn't mean I won't kick your ass on the spot, Eric." I grumbled, crossing my arms over my chest. He grinned.

"Is that so, kahl? Do it! Throw me your best half assed punch!" Eric dared, taking a horrible fighting stance. What a fucking dumbass. 

"See, now you're picking a fight. Look, I'm not gonna throw hands with you Eric. You're a child." I scoffed, walking to the cafeteria doors. Eric proceeded to snatch the back of my shirt and tug me backward. Instinctively, I quickly spun around and popped him in the nose, earning an 'ooh' from the small crowd around us. He stumbled backward.

"Look at you. That wasn't even my dominant hand, Cartman. Grow up." I spat, glaring at him before walking into the cafeteria with Stan right behind me. 

What a pain in the ass.

As I looked down at my hands, I only then realized I didn't even pack a lunch. Could this day get any worse?

I remembered that Kenny wanted to talk to me during lunch, so I decided to follow Stan to the table. He looked confused.

"I thought you were gonna eat in the office?" Stan questioned with furrowed brows.

"Kenny wanted to talk to me at lunch." I replied simply, shrugging my shoulders. He nodded, then sat down at the table. Kenny saw me, and quickly stood up, dismissing himself from the table. 

He walked me down the small strip of tile between the teen-filled tables. I cringed as I noticed one of them literally making a potion out of the school lunch. Gross.

Kenny led me outside the cafeteria doors to the blacktop. We stood next to a tree, as I awkwardly toyed with the hem of the bottom of my shirt.

"Hey Kyle." Kenny said after a few seconds of silence.

"Hey Kenny." I replied.

"Look.. I um, I'm sorry about that whole.. attempt." Kenny sighed. "I just.. my fucking parents suck and-and it's just really stressful." Kenny said. His lip quivered. It looked like he was going to cry.

"Kenny, dude, it's okay. I admit, it freaked me out a bit, but I understand completely." I reassured with a gentle pat on Kenny's shoulder.

His eyes watered over. He genuinely looked upset. My face softened as I noticed his lip quivering pretty bad. 

"Kenny, are you okay?" I asked softly, taking a small step closer to him. He sighed shakily.

"Not really. I feel so bad for Karen, scaring her like that. She was traumatized, she can't sleep." Kenny said. I frowned.

"It's okay to cry, Kenny. I know you love your sister more than anything, but it was an accident." I reassured softly. "Do you want a hug?" I offered. Honestly, I was a hugger. Kenny was a 50/50, it genuinely depended on his mood. If he was pissed, he would punch a random person without reason. If he was happy, he would literally pick a random person up and carry them around.

Kenny slowly nodded. I didn't hesitate to give him a gentle and reassuring hug. He hugged me back, and rested his head on my shoulder. He seemed exhausted.

"It's alright man. If you wanna cry, you can. I won't judge you." I said quietly, rubbing small circles on Kenny's back with my left hand. 

It was silent for a few seconds, before a small sob and shake came from Kenny. I continued to rub his back, allowing him to cry. I felt his tears slipping through the fabric of my shirt, but didn't care. Kenny mattered more than a wet shoulder.

I whispered words of reassurance to Kenny as he cried. Things like 'it's gonna be okay' or 'I'm sure she loves and forgives you'

We stood there next to the tree for a few minutes. I comforted Kenny the best I could, rubbing his back comfortingly. He had melted into the hug, sobbing quietly and mumbling incoherent words. I felt really bad for him and Karen. That must've been terrifying for both of them. 

Eventually, Kenny pulled away from the hug. His blue eyes were slightly bloodshot, and tears stained his cheeks.

"Listen, it's all gonna be alright, okay? I can come over sometime and talk with Karen if you'd like." I said softly, wiping a tear off of Kenny's cheek with my knuckle. 

"Alright. Thanks Ky." Kenny said. "I feel a lot better." Kenny said with a small smile. 

"That's good. Now shoo, go eat lunch." I ushered him away, playfully pushing him to the cafeteria doors. He grinned and pointed finger guns at me before walking into the building.

Now that I think about it, I feel.. dizzy. A little too dizzy. 

Before I knew it, I was falling forward. I quickly caught myself, then sat down on the ground. What in the world is going on??

Shit, my insulin.

I need Craig.

I quickly pulled my phone out from my back pocket and struggled to turn my phone on with my shaky hands. I unlocked it with my face id, then quickly scanned through my messages for Craig's contact. I clicked on it, then rapidly texted him.

Craig Fucker

You: I nedd my insylin injectipn pls

You: im outsode
[read at 12:47 PM]

Craig Fucker: omw.

[12:47 pm.]


Thank god. I sighed of relief, then shakily zipped open my backpack, grabbing one of my insulin pens. I began to prepare it for use, cleaning it and attaching the little needle. I tested it to make sure no air was in the injection, then held it, waiting for Craig. 

Craig literally burst through the cafeteria doors, looking around quickly to find me. As he scanned the area, he spotted me sitting by the tree.

"Hey." Was all he said, carefully taking the pen from my hand as he kneeled down beside me.

"Hi. Sorry, I totally forgot somehow-" 

"Shut up. Where do I inject this?" Craig asked, looking into my eyes. His golden eyes had a mix of concern, curiosity, and urgency. Something I don't see often, I guess.

"My abdomen." I said. He nodded.

"Alright, don't be calling me a pervert." Craig said with a grin as he lifted my shirt a bit. His warm hand stayed on my stomach, causing me to flush a little bit. 

"I'll be sure to." I said playfully. He positioned the pen in his hand, holding it up to my stomach.

"You ready?" He asked, giving me a look asking for approval. I nodded. With that, he carefully pushed the needle into my abdomen. He pushed on the little injector part, as he watched the liquid drain from the pen. After a few seconds, he stopped, and slowly pulled it out. I pulled my shirt back down after he moved his hand, feeling almost instant relief.

"Thank you." I said, holding my hand out for the pen. He placed it in my hand.

"No problem." He said. I capped the pen, and put it back in my backpack. I slipped the backpack over my shoulder then proceeded to stand up. He gently grabbed my arm, helping me regain my balance.

There was an awkward silence for a bit. I didn't have anything else to say.

"Are you free after school?" Craig broke the silence, glancing at me. 

"ah, I'm actually not sure. I don't think so." I replied, my voice getting quieter and quieter the more I spoke. He nodded.

"No problem. See you later then?" He asked, smiling a bit. I grinned.

"nope, I will never be seeing you again." I said sarcastically. He flipped me off, and I flipped him off back.

"That's very rude, Kyle. I feel disrespected." Craig said, not a single hint of emotion in his tone. He was clearly being sarcastic.

"You should feel disrespected. That's what I wanted." I said with an even wider grin. He scoffed.

"asshole." He muttered.

"pussy." I replied, smirking like an asshole. He grinned at me.

"and you're talking? In 7th grade, you were screaming and running because of a squirrel." Craig recalled a forbidden memory. I gasped.

"Okay, that doesn't count. I thought it was a skunk." I said, holding a finger up. He smirked.

"Riiight. Okay, how the fuck do you mistake a squirrel for a skunk?" Craig asked.

"Very carefully." I said, dragging the very. He laughed, and I laughed with him.

I hate being in love.

{timeskip brought to you by wendys(look up the drawing ppl make of her shes so hot)}

I opened the front door, immediately being greeted by a smiling Ike. I patted his head, smiling widely.

"Hey bud. How was school?" I asked with a grin. He shrugged.

"it was school." He replied simply.

"So it sucked?" I asked with a small chuckle. He giggled and nodded.

"I was wondering if we could go to the park? I'm really bored and mom won't let me go anywhere without you or her." Ike asked. I nodded.

"Sure. Give me a sec, I'm gonna set my stuff down." I replied. He hugged my non-injured leg, then hurried off to the living room. I walked up the stairs with a struggle, slightly wincing every time I put weight on my fucked up foot.


I made it to my room after a few quiet groans of annoyance. I pretty much threw my backpack onto my bed, not caring if anything in it was damaged by the action.

I laid down with my feet hanging off the bed, so I didn't get my shoes on my bed. I started up at my vine decorated ceiling. 

I'm way too excited for winter break. It's literally only the beginning of the week, and I'm already so desperate for it to be over.

Tuesdays suck.

I sighed and sat up on the edge of my bed, only to shoot back down because of an intense head rush due to sitting up too fast. Rainbow and black dots covered my vision, as I felt light headed. God, I hate those.

I sat up slower than before, then stood up. I patted my pocket, making sure my phone was in it before exiting my room again. I went down the stairs a lot quicker than I went up. It was so much easier. 

Ike was standing by the front door with anticipation, looking down at his slightly beat up converse. I grinned, and ruffled his hair.

"Ready to go?" I asked, slightly raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah! Let's go!" He opened the front door, going out first. I followed behind, closing the door behind us. I followed him down the porch steps, and we began the walk to the park.

"What happened to your crutches, bubby?" Ike asked curiously.

"I left them in my locker. They were embarrassing and annoying." I mumbled. He giggled a bit then nodded.

We lived right down the street from a park that was built when I was in 6th grade. Stan, Kenny and I went there almost every day once it was built, which was awesome. It makes me sound old as I say this, but I miss those days.

We reached the park in no time. Ike ran to the swings and jumped on, requesting for me to push him. I grinned.

"Hold on tight bud. You're in for a ride." I warned. I saw his knuckles turn white on the slightly rusted metal bars of the swings. I began pushing him, hard. Immediately, he went almost as high as he could. He laughed and cheered, wanting me to push him even harder. Though, with my hand, I sadly couldn't throw him over the top of the bars. 

Once he was going at a steady pace, reaching the same height every time he went forward, I heard faint arguing. I glanced in the direction of the commotion, and saw Craig and Tricia arguing about something. 

"You're full of shit." Tricia mumbled, flipping Craig off. Craig flipped her off as well.

"I hope you burn in a hole." Craig said nonchalantly. I think he felt my fixated gaze, because he looked in my direction, and saw me. His face seemingly slightly lit up for a brief moment. I waved a bit.

"Hi Tucker." I said, grinning a bit. He grinned back, and walked over to me.

"Thought you said you weren't free?" Craig asked, smirking a little.

"I said I wasn't sure. Ike wanted to go to the park, so here I am." I shrugged. Craig nodded.

"Right. Tricia here escaped the house without permission, so I was trying to take her home." Craig said, glaring at her. "she's being a stubborn little shit, though." Craig shrugged. I hummed in reply.

"i've been there with this rat right here." I gestured to Ike.

"I'm not a rat!" Ike exclaimed high in the air. I laughed, and Craig let out a soft chuckle. Tricia rolled her eyes from the top of the play structure.

"Are you sure? Because it's either that or a close relative." I said with a grin. He then jumped off the swing once he was at the highest point he could reach, landing on his feet. He stumbled and caught himself with his hands, then turned to me.

"Well, wouldn't that make you a rat?" Ike asked, swiping some wood chips from the palms of his hands. I paused. 

Tricia and Craig gave each other a look, then began to chuckle. Ike began to giggle as well and my dumbfounded expression.

"W-well not necessarily!" I stammered, looking between all of their faces. "Like, what about mom or something?"

"Oh my god, I'm totally telling mom you said that." Ike said as his giggle faded into pure laughter. Tricia hopped off the play structure and gave Ike a high five.

Again, I was totally dumbfounded. An 11 year old boy just outsmarted me.

(A/N: idk if i already said Ike's age or not, but if I didn't say he was 11, then he is now!!!!)

"ANYWAY, are you guys excited for winter break?" I interrupted their laughter with a slightly nervous smile.

"Fuck yeah. I'm gonna raise hell on my brother for Christmas." Tricia said with a smug grin. Craig rolled his eyes at that.

"Right, right. I'm gonna do my parents a favor and sell her." Craig said, gently but playfully pinching Tricia's cheek. She swatted his hand away and flipped him off, which he returned the gesture.

"I'm gonna go sledding with Kyle!" Ike said proudly, putting his hands on his hips. I grinned a little.

"Let's hope he doesn't crash into a car again." I replied, ruffling his hair. He frowned.

"That was your fault for not warning me!" Ike said. 

"You should start paying more attention then." I replied. Craig grinned.

"Maybe we should send him to a concentration camp." Craig chimed in. I giggled a bit.

"I'm the jew here, not him." I said with a slightly raised eyebrow. He laughed, and so did I.

"Ew, just kiss already." Tricia spat. I paused, and so did Craig. I felt my face heat up a little. 

"Woah, now that was out of pocket." Craig replied, looking down at her. She crossed her arms over her chest, rolling her eyes again.

"Whatever. You guys are cringe." She said. I sighed as I glanced down at Ike, who was giving me a knowing look. 

"Oh, stop it with that look." I rolled my eyes and playfully nudged Ike to the side. He giggled. 

I looked over at the horizon, noticing the sun setting, making the sky a soft mix of orange and pink. I glanced down at Ike and grabbed him by his sides, lifting him up and placing him on my shoulders. 

"We should probably get going soon." I said, gently holding Ike's ankles. He rested his arms on the top of my head, playing with my hair.

"We should too. This brat needs to eat dinner." Craig said.

"Oh, you're gonna have to carry me if you want me to go home with you." Tricia said, a smirk on her face. Craig sighed then picked her up, also placing her on his shoulders. 

"Alrighty. I'll see you tomorrow?" I asked, looking at Craig. He nodded.

"Yup. See you then Kyle." Craig said, before turning around and heading home. I turned around as well, and began walking home. 

I really, really hate being in love.

(timeskip brought to you by monster energy!!!!!!!!)

It was 1:43 in the morning, as I stared at my stupid homework on my blinding computer screen.

"What is 7 divided by 43? You know what, why don't you kill yourself because I don't care." I muttered under my breath, scribbling nothing on my notebook page. I hate math, so so much.

-15 minutes later...-

oh hooray, x = 16.7892. Now, let's split kids into 16.7892 pieces.

Nope, I have to round down.


"IT'S WRONG?!" I yelled, immediately slapping my hand over my mouth. I slammed my computer shut, hiding it as well as my notebook, and threw myself under the blankets, fake sleeping.

I closed my eyes as I imagined footsteps in the hallway. There wasn't actually any- I was just paranoid. 

Accidentally, I ended up actually falling asleep.


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