The Final Home? //Wilbur Adop...

APanWeeb2 által

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Wilbur has been in the foster care system for 14 years, he has picked up some bad habits along the way. When... Több

Question (please help)


717 24 27
APanWeeb2 által

Tw- panic attack (I think), abuse, uh carving skin? (if there's anything else please let me know I'm not great at tws TmT)

Wilbur's pov

When I woke up I felt a weight on top of me. I looked down and my vision was filled with fluffy blonde hair.

Tommy was laying on me. He looked so peaceful sleeping. I grabbed my phone and checked my notifications.

I had a text from Q asking if I wanted to go to the park at the same place as last time at around eleven pm.

Obviously, I said that I'll be there.

It was around 7 in the morning and I wanted to go downstairs but I didn't want to wake Tommy up. So I didn't. I just played on my phone for a bit and waited for Tommy to wake up..

Then he actually woke up. "Good morning Toms."

"Mornin'," he said groggily. "I'm tired.."

"You can go back to sleep if you want, no one's making you wake up."

"Mmmmmm" He then turned over and went back to sleep. Since he was no longer holding on to me for dear life I decided to take a shower.

I grabbed some clothes as quietly as I could and left my room. It wasn't very dark in the hallway but I could still see some light come out from under Techno's door.

I couldn't tell if those were his leds or if it was the light coming from his PC. I didn't really care though so I just went to take my shower.

After my shower, I got dressed and went back to my room.

Tommy was gone but I expected that. I took a pretty long shower and he probably woke up and went to his room.

Wait, did I ever respond to Quackity? I think I did... oh prime that's gonna bother me if I don't check

I pulled out my phone and made sure that I had responded to him. I did respond. I just forgot if I had or not.

After that, I headed downstairs to see if Phil had woken up yet.

When I got to the bottom of the steps I heard the loud voice of Tommy. I think that means Phil's up. He could be talking to Techno though.

I walk a bit over to the kitchen and see Tommy talking to Phil. Phil saw me first.

"Hey mate, how'd you sleep?"

"I slept fine thanks for asking."

"I'm gonna go wake Techno up, there's cereal in the cabinet, Tommy can show you." Phil said then headed upstairs.

Me and Tommy were just talking when we heard Phil yelling. Then we heard Techno yelling.

They were having an argument. A pretty bad one at the sounds of it.

I put my hands over my ears because it was getting louder. I shut my eyes and tried to block out the noise.

But it wouldn't work. The two voices morphed into one and when I opened my eyes, I wasn't at Phil's house anymore.

It was his. And I was in my pathetic 14 year old body.

"Nonononono not again." I was shaking and my breathing was uneven.

My eyes flew around the room trying to find where the yelling was coming from.

The next thing I knew I was in a closet that was cracked open. The door flew open, most likely leaving a hole in the wall.

A very large man stomped into the room and flipped everything and anything over trying to find me. When he got to the closet, he ripped the door off and found me.

"YOU UNGRATEFUL BRAT!" He grabbed me by my throat and threw me against the wall.

I felt the blood from my head trickle down my face.

"YOU ARE A MISTAKE. NO ONE WILL EVER LOVE YOU, YOU FREAK." He grabbed my arm and dragged me into a different room.

"I think it's time I teach you a lesson." He pulled out a knife and cut my shirt off. Not that there was much of one anyway.

He turned me around and began carving words into my back. He carved, freak, fat, and unloved very large into my back.

I tried to fight back, I tried to get up to get away from the monster of a man but the pain was too much. Then he turned me over and forced me to lay on my back.

The freshly carved words stung like a bitch. And what made it worse was that he began carving, mistake onto my stomach.

After he carved that he didn't give me a break and began carving ungrateful on my arm, but before he could finish the 'a' blue and red flashing lights came through the windows.

'POLICE OPEN U-" but before I could get saved I passed out.





I pushed whoever was shaking me and backed up into a wall. I couldn't make out who anyone was. Everything was too blurry.

I could see blobs of colour though. Two blonde blobs and one pink blob. One of the blonde blobs came closer to me so I tried to back away more but there was nowhere to go.

I had backed myself into a corner. I slid down the wall and pulled my knees into my chest. As the person got closer I put my arms in front of my face, preparing to get hit.

"STOP PLEASE I'M SORRY! I'M SO SORRY! GET AWAY FROM ME," I yelled and begged for them to get away from me, to leave me alone, to give me a break, and Prime knew I needed a break.

Instead of getting hit the person gently grabbed one of my arms. Despite them being gentle I still flinched.

I heard a muffled "I'm not going to hurt you mate" as they removed my arms from in front of my face.

"Let me go!" I screamed and yanked my arms out of his hands. Tears were rushing out my eyes.

Tommy's pov

(When Phil and Techno first started arguing)

Phil and Techno are arguing again, great. I wonder what it is this time.

"Sorry about them, this doesn't happen often I swear," I said while looking at the stairs.

When I didn't get a response, I looked over to Will and saw him shaking and crying.

"Will? Are you ok? Do I need to get Dad?" Still no answer. I don't know what I was expecting to be honest.

"Ok Will stay right here I'm gonna go get Dad." I hopped off my stool and ran upstairs.

"Phil! Help! Will needs you!" I yelled as I ran upstairs. When I got to Techno's room, they were still yelling at each other.

I tried to get them to stop them from yelling but to no avail.

"Oh, my prime shut the fuck up! Will is panicking downstairs and I can't help him! So for the love of XD shut the fuck up and help Will!" I yell at them.

They seemed to pause at my words and stared at me. "What happened to Will? Is he okay?"

"No, he's not! I've been trying to get you to help him but you won't listen to me!"

Phil instantly ran downstairs to Will. Me and techno followed him and saw Wilbur shaking more than he was when I left him and tears were streaming down his face.

Dad was yelling his name but he wasn't responding. Then he started shaking him, I don't think that was a very good idea because Will pushed him and backed into a wall.

He was looking around frantically and when Phil got his balance again we walked over to Will.

I think Will was trying to walk further back but he was against the wall and couldn't go any further so, he slid down the wall.

Wilbur screamed and yelled at him, so I tried to get Dad to back off but he ignored me like always.

When Dad reached him, his hands were in front of his face, like he was going to get hit. He knows Dad wouldn't hit him right?

Well, I don't know what happened next except that Wilbur shouted, "Let me go!" Because Techno dragged me out of the room.

"We should give them some space. I don't think Will would want you to see that." Techno told me.

"Why? What's happening to him? Is he ok?"

"He's fine, just go to your room."

"No, I wanna know what's happening, I'm not a kid. I can handle it."

"Go to your room Tommy. Now."

"You're not my dad, you can't make me."

"I can but you would like it. Now go before I take you there myself."

"I want to know what's happening Tech."

Instead of replying, he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I knew I wasn't going to get out of his hold but I still squirmed and tried anyway.

He carried me to my room and tossed me onto my bed.

"Stay here. I'll get you a pizza if you just stay in your room."

"Ugh fine. At least I have my PC.."

I just watched YouTube for a few hours and wondered what happened to Will.


If this chapter sucks don't blame me, blame my lack of planning and writing at like 2 am

Updates will be slower for a while since I have to go to school again. Unless COVID comes back and we have to go back into quarantine in September again.

But that won't happen, right?


QOTC- would you rather loose your sense of taste or sense of smell?

(1484 words)

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