Muddy Water

By EzrieSchlichte

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Hi my name is Arya noell luv-clearwater. I found out i am a witch at the age of 8. 10 year's later after losi... More

Chapter 1 The Beginning
Chapter 2 Drowning
Chapter 3 Funeral
Chapter 4 Fire wolf
Chapter 5 Pieces
Chapter 6 Awake
Chapter 7 Choices
Chapter 8 New home
Chapter 9 Forks High
Chapter 10 Flavors
Chapter 11 Leah
A/N Important
Chapter 12 Life
Chapter 13 My Normal Life
Chapter 14 Full Moon Ritual
Chapter 15 Sisters
Chapter 16 Decision
17 wedding
Chapter 18 changes
Chapter 19 Lost
Chapter 20 !#$ (sometimes chapter in life don't have names)
Chapter 21 Different
Chapter 23 The Baby shower
Chapter 24 Predictions can be wrong

Chapter 22 Getting used to different

13 2 0
By EzrieSchlichte

I woke to a quiet house, the only noise was someone it the kitchen. It was Rachel, she was nerves and excited as she was thinking of her child. She hadn't been able to phase in 6 days. She never thought it was a baby, she thought it was the shot and all the different changes. Considering she had only been a wolf for a short time.

I grabbed my phone and text Carlisle; asked him to come by when he was done on the rez. I showered and went downstairs. She could hear me and had food ready for me. She didn't know how to start the conversation. So I made it easy for her.

"Rachel, I have Carlisle coming over after he is done with Emily. I will have Dean or Sam get Paul back here so he can be here for this. I have just one personal question." But before I could ask she said...

"I was human when we had sex but I phased right after and ran his patrol with him for the next 10 hrs. I was tired more than normal and he was teasing me about it. I was sick to my stomach so I phased back and walked back home. I told him I was fine and to continue his patrol. I didn't want him getting in trouble with Sam over me. Sam already hated us for taking the shot."

"How long was it between intercourse, and felling ill?" I asked

"About 8 hrs, I tried to work thought it but gave up around the 10 hrs mark. Is that important?"

"I don't know, but it might give us a clue on how far into conception it is when you can no longer phase. Emily was sick to her stomach when they laid down to sleep as wolves. She woke up as a human. How long was it when you realized you could not phase?"

"That night, I was feeling better and wanted to go for a run. I could fill the heat but it fizzled and all I got was exhaustion"

I put the time line table down on paper.

6 days since last phase, and about 6 days and 20 hrs since intercourse. She was watching me write.

"Does that sound about right?"

"Yes it does"

"You were sick to stomach for about 4 hrs?"

She nodded

"You had sex in human form. Phased into wolf, ran for 10 hrs. Felt sick about 8 hrs in changed back to human when you got back to the rez and walked home to your dads. Was sick for about 4 hrs and could no longer phase. In about 14 ish hrs, you had intercourse as a human, conceived as a wolf had morning sickness and recovered. It now has been 6 days the question is how far along are you?" I looked at her she looked puzzled.

"The farther along you are will tell us how long your pregnancy will be. If you are having a wolf pregnancy then you will have 2 weeks left if it's a human pregnancy then you will have 5 ish weeks." My phone buzzed.

"Carlisle is on his way." Then the phone rang, "Its Emily." I answer and put it on speaker.

"Hi, how are you?"

"I am good; I wanted to let you know we are having 1 girl and 2 boys."

"Congratulations! Let me know what I can do."

"Right now all I want is to come over tomorrow and see ever one, I miss you all."

"How about we have a baby shower, I am sure Sue would love to be invited."

"You don't have to, but that will be nice."

"Can you have Sam send Paul over here?"

I text Sue as soon as we hung up;

"Sue, I have a lot to talk to you about could you send Billy and Charlie to please come over tonight around 7pm?"

"I can do that, see you tonight."

I went to my favorite shopping app as Carlisle knocks on the door.

"Sorry I am later than planned; Alice called and insisted on coming with me, she said I will need the ultra sound." Carlisle said.

Alice was there holding the portable ultra sound machine, I looked at her, "Seriously?"

She repelled back in her head, "You can't plan a party without me." I moved aside and lead them to the living room, Rachel was waiting. She was nervous.

"Rachel this is Carlisle and Alice Cullen." She shook their hands without flinching; she had no reaction to their smell. Her thoughts were confused on why the boys hated them so much.

"Where do you want me to be?"

"If you are comfortable we can do it here or we can move to a room." I looked at my watch as Paul walked in.

"I think the room by the library will be best. The others will be here soon. Carlisle nodded and they all followed me to the bed room. Rachel sat on the bed.

"Paul is it ok if Alya stays?"

"Ya, she is the alpha right now." He said with a smirk.

I turned to Carlisle. "About 6 and half days ago, they had intercourse, human, but phased right after to run patrols, about 8hrs into the run she felt sick; by 10hrs she gave up and decided to go home. Before she got back to the rez she had to change back and walk home."

"You never told me that." Paul said.

"I didn't want to worry you, I thought it was nothing." I looked back at Carlisle

"She tried to phase again that evening and could not. So in about 14hrs she had intercourse, had morning sickness, conceived and could no longer phase."

Carlisle nodded, "That is a short amount of time." He turned to Rachel, "Pleas lay down for me."

She laid down on the bed; he felt her stomach, measured her uterus and took her blood. I could hear all of his thoughts; she was pregnant with twins. She was not having a wolf pregnancy but it's not as slow as he would like. Her pregnancy was moving as fast as Bella's.

"Rachel, you are pregnant with twins, your pregnancy is not as fast as Emily's but faster then a humans. It seems to be just as fast as Bella's. I am not sure what is setting the pregnancy time rate, but I will continue to look. This may be more with the moms being wolfs then the shot. It may have a little to do with the vamp RNA in the shot. Malinda used this to act like a catalyst to help the wolf DNA became part of her DNA, since you had the wolf genes all ready; it was used to activate yours." Paul looked worried

"Will the baby's be ok?"

"Yes I am sure they will." Carlisle tuned on the ultra sound machine.

"Rachel can you pull up you shirt a little bit and unbutton you pants." she did and you could see a visible change in her body. Alice tucked in a hand towel so her clothes' wouldn't get jelly on them.

"I hope the jelly isn't too cold." She smiled as he put it on her skin and started moving the wand around; the babies were on the screen. He took measurements and a couple of screen shots.

"Well baby A is a boy and baby B is a boy, they are sharing a placenta and sack. It's safe to say they are identical twins." Rachel and Paul smiled. Carlisle continued

"They are health and due in about 2.5 weeks, could be less."

"How far along does that make me?"

"You are around 25 weeks but in 2.5 weeks you will be 38 weeks. For your community it will be better if you tell them you are 34 weeks. I have told Emily to let people know she is also 34 weeks."

"That helps with the rest of the tribe." Paul said. He smiled at Rachel. "Two boys, huh?" She was wiping the gel off.

"Where are we going to live?" She asked him, Paul smiled

"We can stay with your dad; kick Jacob out of his room." He was laughing at his own comment.

Carlisle smiled "If it's ok with Billy we can add a room to the house, it would look like it has always been there."

Rachel smiled. "I will talk to my dad." She went to button her pants but she no longer could. Her belly was visibly bigger already.

"Guess I will need something else to wear."

"I have overall's that would look cute on you as maternity clothes. Upstairs in my closet, go help yourself. Rachel left to find clothes.

"She will be changing sizes quickly and require lots of small meals. I will put a port in her arm for IV fluids she will need them, the babies are growing quickly. They will require more and more nutrition and will keep taking it from her. I will do my best to keep ahead of their needs."

Alice smiled, I will Bring over IV fluids and put some in your frig and we can stock hers as well. This way you guys can change them out as needed."

"Ok, thank you, Emily and Rachel are going to come over tomorrow, we are having a joint baby shower for them so will help me give them what they need."

"I will check on both of them here tomorrow before the shower, I know this goes without saying; but please keep an eye on both of them; no lifting of any kind and help when they need to use the bathroom."

"Of course, I will call if there are any problems."

Rachel came back downstairs, Carlisle put a port in her arm and started her on the same white fluid Emily had and saline.

"She doesn't need blood right now; hopefully we can stay ahead of that, unless it is just Emily's pregnancy." He had a worried look on his face.

"So, a child more like Renesmee." I said

He nodded and smiled at us, "I will see you in the morning" and left, he was heading to see Emily. Alice stayed behind; she was on my laptop; she already had 647 items in her cart.

"Do I want to know what you are ordering?"

"I just got the essentials, diapers, in 3 sizes, wipes, cloths for 5 kids for a year; cakes, prizes for games and food for guests." I took the mouse and opened her cart and proceeded to delete more than 447 items.

I text Esme, "Will you help me, Alice is taking over the baby shower; she wants to order everything."

"On my way," was her reply

There was a knock on the door. Edward, Bella, the twins and Esme were here to save me from Alice. Edward handed Alice a bag and the twins.

"Teach them to make each baby a dream catcher." Alice rolled her eyes but before Edward could take my laptop from her. She had hit buy now on the stuff left in her cart.

Edward glared at her "You know you leave nothing for anyone else to do and get." Alice stuck her tongue out at Edward.

Rachel giggled, "You two are definitely siblings."

Esme tuned to me, would you like help with anything?"

"Could you prepare food, I can cook it all tomorrow?"

"That is not a problem, what would you like?"

Rachel spoke up, Steamed clams in butter and garlic, salmon and wild rice, little weenies wrapped in bacon with a pineapple barbeque sauce on them." Her phone buzzed, "Emily is craving lobster, a cheese fondue and a chocolate fondue with fruits."

I looked at her puzzled, Rachel laughed at me; "We had already been talking about food." Rachel replied.

"I can't cook most of that."

"We can," Edward said. I will have everything here in the morning and we will have it ready and hot when your guests arrive."

I looked concerned, "The boys are coming."

"We will be gone before they get here." Esme said.

I looked at Rachel, "looks like you guys get your cravings."

She called Emily, "We get our food; see you in the morning."

Edward turned to me, "We might as well get all the desserts done, that, we can do now and I know you have fondue pots, Alice got you 5."

Paul came in, he and Rachel went upstairs to watch TV.

Since there was no reason to stay at a human speed they moved at their normal speed; it was interesting to see.

"Bella, Is it a problem that your dad is invited to hear the news tonight and come to the baby shower tomorrow?"

"No that's fine; he isn't the best with weird, but I think he will enjoy it. What time is the shower?"

"4pm." I said as I watched them move around my huge kitchen.

"That will give Emmet and I time to get all your food, fresh. We will be here around 11 am to make sure it is all cooked to perfection."

By 7pm when Sue, Charlie, and Billy were pulling in; the vampires were leaving out the back. All the food they could prepare was done and ready to be served. Malinda walked in with Seth.

"Look who I found outside." said Seth

"Three of my favorite people," In walked Sue and Charlie pushing Billy's wheel chair, Sam was right behind them; "Seth there are four of us," said Charlie.

"I know, I said what I said." Seth replied laughing, Sam looked annoyed.

Alice had warned Edward several people would be here so they made lasagna for dinner bread and salad with 3 chooses of dressings.

"Let's eat as we talk." I said, Malinda asked "Sam is Emily ok?"

"Yes, Leah is with her." We all sat at the table as food was being passed around. Sam looked at me.

"You have all the info so you can do all the explaining." I gave him a look and turned to the others.

"Charlie, I know you know a little of what is going on and you have watched your grandkids grow faster than "normal kids." He grunted as he shoveled food into his mouth.

"And you understand about Jacob, Sam and the others turn into Wolf's" Paul and Rachel walked in and sat down to eating. Rachel is showing at this point

"Yes." Was all he said as he looked at Rachel.

"I won't tell you anything that will put in harm's way or would be considered need to know. But you will have more info then you do now."

He nodded, as he ate.

"As we all know Bella's pregnancy was sped up she did 40 weeks in about 4. I looked at Charlie and he just kept eating; Sue sat next to him and nodded at me to continue.

"We had you come here to tell you that Emily and Rachel are pregnant." Sue looked at Rachel and then Billy.

"They told me earlier." Billy said he smiled at his daughter. "Making me a grandpa all ready."

Charlie reach across the table and shook Billy's hand.

"Congrats man." Billy shook his head.

"Emily's and Rachel's pregnancies are also accelerated. We believe this has to do with the fact both sets of parents are wolfs." Sue looked at me.

"When are there due dates?"

"Emily has less than a week. She is having triplets." Sam said

"I am due in about 2 weeks and we are having twin boys." Rachel said

Charlie spoke for the first time, his thoughts are clouded, and I couldn't read them.

"You are both going to need more room in your homes,"

"We have someone on that." Sam said

Billy grunted and Sue looked angry, Sam looked at both

"We are going to have to get use to different."

"We know.' Sue said "It's just hard."

"It's hard for us also." Sam said

Charlie stood and started cleaning the table and rinsing off dishes.

"I won't pretend I know what you two are talking about, but it sounds like you will have to live with what your kids have done just like I do. Babies are a blessing no matter how they come into this world." I looked at Charlie he is better with weird then I was told.

"So Sue, I am planning a baby shower for both ladies tomorrow, could you invite people from the rez?"

"Yes I will make sure they are here. I will also have Jacob drive to get Emily's mom she should be here as well. Is there anything you need me to do, do we need food, supply's?"

"No, I have all that taken care of and I have the room to have it here."

Sam and Paul looked at me. Without them speaking I answered.

"Yes all the guys can come as well." Paul smiled Rachel looked uncomfortable.

"Baby's kicking you?"

"Yes." She said "They are stretching and kicking."

"Why don't you lay down in the over sized beanbag, It's maybe comfortable."

Paul helper her over there, he was graceful considering his size.

"Do you need help decorating?" Sue was watching Seth and Malinda snuggle on the couch. Her son was still a kid only 16 she was afraid they would end up pregnant to soon.

"No, I have that taken care of."

"Ok, thank you for dinner and all the information." She said as she hugged me.

"Seth I would like you home tonight. Is that ok Sam?"

"It should be, but Alya is in charge of the boy's while I am with Emily, she could go into labor at any time." She looked at me, I looked at Seth

"Go home with your mom." I used the big sister tone Leah used with him.

"I guess that tone is better than the alpha tone." He kissed Malinda and left with the others. Malinda was annoyed and went to wash dish.

Alice reappeared out thin air and put up thesimple decorations I allowed her to buy. She was not happy but letting her seteverything up made up for some of it. She already had all the gifts wrappedwith names on them. My living room, dining room and kitchen looked cool. Readyfor all the food to be put out, I went to bed after Alice left. Malinda wastexting Seth on the phone she had got him. 

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