Our Ordinary Lives

By CoteEnjoyer

91.8K 4.4K 1.1K

A fanfiction that follows the basic story of ANHS from the light novels, but now Ai Hoshino is attending as a... More

Chapter 1 - Bus encounter
Chapter 2 - Hidden Systems
Chapter 3 - Social Interactions
Chapter 4 - Understanding Motives
Chapter 5 - Old Connections
Chapter 6 - Childish Expectations
Chapter 7 - Revelations
Chapter 8 - The Other Side of Horikita Suzune
Chapter 9 - Club Fair Encounters
Chapter 10 - A Meeting With the President
Chapter 11 - Saving Defects
Talking About Ai (Author)
Chapter 12 - Friendly Outing
Chapter 13 - A Regretful Idol
Chapter 14 - Moves on a Board
Chapter 15 - Collecting the Idiot Trio
Chapter 17 - True Colors
Chapter 18 - Confrontation
Chapter 19 - Goals
Chapter 20 - Using Kushida
Chapter 21 - A Change in Name
Chapter 22 - Mid Term Exam
Chapter 22.5 - Saving Sudo
Chapter 23 - An Idol, A Dragon, and A Masterpiece
Chapter 23.5 - Playground

Chapter 16 - Group Study

2K 114 11
By CoteEnjoyer

Kiyotaka POV

The day at ANHS was coming to a close as the bell rang, signaling the end of classes for the students. Typically, I would be just another face in the crowd, heading towards the dorms or the bustling Keiyaki Mall like any other student. These were the popular spots for post-class activities, places where I could easily blend in and go unnoticed, my usual modus operandi. However, today was different.

Today marked the beginning of Class D's study groups, and I had taken on the role of hosting a study session with Ai and Sakura. Hirata was also hosting a session in the same time period, however him and his group were a bit larger and were located within Class D itself. Ordinarily, Kushida would have been by my side, co-hosting the session. However, she had fallen ill the day before. Despite her condition, she insisted that I proceed with the study group without her. Naturally, she provided all the necessary materials for the session. I had little choice but to accept, although I doubted anyone would believe that an "average" student like me could have organized this. So, I informed both Ai and Sakura about the change in plans and they both didn't seemed to mind.

Sudou was also supposed to be part of our study group, but he had adamantly rejected the idea of joining any such group. As it stood, I was now waiting for Ai and Sakura to join me at the library, where we would begin our study session without Kushida. The study groups were an essential part of Class D's strategy to improve our standings, and despite the initial setbacks, we were determined to make them work.

I suddenly felt a small impact on my back and turned around to see Ai had snuck up behind me and playfully pushed me. Beside her stood Sakura, who appeared visibly shy and was trying to hide her face in embarrassment as she witnessed Ai's antics. Passersby gave us curious looks as they walked past.

Ai: "Ayanokoji!"

Kiyotaka: "Good evening, Ai." I then turned to Sakura, acknowledging her as well. "Good evening to you too, Sakura."

Sakura: "G-good evening, Ayanokoji-kun."

Kiyotaka: "I assume both of you are ready to begin the study session?"

Ai: "Of course!" Ai's enthusiasm for studying was quite strange. No one would be regularly excited to participate in a study group. In fact, most people in Class D were treating it as a chore that they needed to complete.

Kiyotaka: "Well, let's find a suitable area before we begin." Both Sakura and Ai nodded in agreement, and we began to explore the library as a group. The library was relatively crowded, which was expected. While other classes might not have study groups like ours, the midterm exam was rapidly approaching, so students from all classes were making an effort to study. Most tables were occupied either by small groups or individuals.

Sakura: "Wow, there are so many people here."

Ai: "I know." Ai seemed to scan the area attentively as Sakura commented. Her gaze wasn't casual; she was taking note of every person around us.

Sakura: "There are hardly any empty tables."

Kiyotaka: "I'm sure we'll find one eventually. And if not, we can wait for someone or a group to leave."

After some searching, we finally found a small table with four seats in a corner of the library. It was relatively secluded, possibly because it was in the "philosophy" section. High school students typically weren't interested in that field.

We settled down and began to unpack our belongings. I started organizing the papers I had with me. They were neatly arranged and color-coded based on their subject matter. There were at least a couple of dozen sheets, each filled with problems. I suspected that Kushida had either created them herself or sourced them from the internet. Regardless, it was a considerable commitment of her time and effort.

I couldn't help but wonder about the extent of her dedication to maintaining a facade. How much time was she willing to sacrifice for this act?

As we settled into our study session at the corner table of the library, I couldn't help but think about the commitment that Kushida had demonstrated by providing us with all these materials. It was impressive, to say the least. I wondered how far she was willing to go to uphold her facade as the friendly and helpful classmate. Was it just for appearances, or did she have deeper motives?

While I pondered these thoughts, Ai and Sakura were engaged in their own conversation. It seemed like they were catching up on recent events and discussing some of their favorite topics. It was clear that the two of them had a close friendship. Sakura's shyness seemed to dissipate in Ai's presence, and Ai, in turn, seemed genuinely interested in what Sakura had to say.

Sakura: "Ai, did you hear about the upcoming music festival in the city? I heard it's going to be amazing!"

Ai: "Oh, you mean the Harmony Fest? Of course, I've heard about it! I'm so excited! The lineup this year is fantastic, and I can't wait to see all my favorite artists perform."

Sakura: "Me too! I've been saving up some points just for this event. It's going to be a dream come true!"

Their conversation was filled with excitement and shared interests. It was a stark contrast to the usual atmosphere in Class D, which often felt tense and competitive. As I listened to them, I couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity. I had never experienced anything particularly stimulating in the White Room. Music was rarely, if ever, introduced to us in normal situations. It was usually about forcing us to understand theory or making us analyze specific aspects of it. The fact that people would pay the equivalent of real-world money to go and watch someone create a series of sound frequencies fascinated me. Why pay for something that was freely available online?

I glanced at the stack of study materials in front of me. Kushida had put a lot of effort into preparing these resources. It made me wonder about her true intentions. Was she genuinely concerned about the academic success of our classmates, or did she have ulterior motives? In a school like Advanced Nurturing High School, where appearances and alliances played a significant role, it was essential to be cautious.

I had a vague idea of her motives so far, but I hadn't interacted with her enough to build a profile of her personality and actions. I hadn't even seen her without her facade. However, in due time, I knew without a doubt that I would.

Ai: "Ayanokoji, are you with us?" I suddenly heard Ai's voice and looked up at her.

I snapped out of my thoughts to find both Ai and Sakura looking at me with curious expressions.

Kiyotaka: "Sorry, I was just thinking. Please continue."

Sakura: "It's alright, Ayanokoji-kun. We were just discussing the Harmony Fest. Do you like music?"

Kiyotaka: "I don't have strong preferences when it comes to music. I appreciate it, but I'm not particularly passionate about any genre." The truth was that I don't think I am capable of having an opinion on music. To me, music is simply a set of frequencies that are arranged and composed in different manners.

Ai: "That's fair. Music can be a deeply personal thing for some people. Anyway, let's focus on our study session. We have a lot to cover."

With that, we dived into our studies. The problems on the sheets ranged from mathematics to science to literature. Kushida had made sure to include a broad spectrum of subjects to cater to everyone's needs. It was evident that she had thought this through meticulously.

Sakura: "Ayanokoji-kun, do you need help with any of this?" It had been around half an hour so far, and the silence was rarely interupted between the three of us. The only time we spoke was when someone had a question regarding a ceratin topic or question. I had even fained ignorance on some questions in order to appear normal.

Kiyotaka: "I'm fine for now. Let's continue with the subjects you two are most comfortable with, and I'll assist where needed."

Sakura: "Alright, let's begin with literature then."

We spent the next few hours working through various study materials. Ai and Sakura's strengths became evident as they effortlessly tackled questions in their respective areas of expertise. They were diligent and focused, a far cry from their usual cheerful and playful selves. It was refreshing to see a different side of them, one that highlighted their dedication to their studies.

As we progressed, I couldn't help but notice that Sakura was struggling with a particular literature question. She stared at it for a while, her brow furrowed in concentration.

Sakura: "I can't figure this one out. Ayanokoji-kun, can you help?"

Kiyotaka: "Let me take a look." I examined the question and realized that it was indeed a challenging one. After a few minutes of analysis, I explained the concept to Sakura and guided her through the solution. Her eyes lit up with understanding as she grasped the concept.

Sakura: "Thank you, Ayanokoji-kun! You're really good at explaining things."

Kiyotaka: "It's not a problem. We're here to help each other, after all."

Ai: "I have to admit, Ayanokoji, you're quite knowledgeable. You don't strike me as the type who would excel in academics."

Kiyotaka: "Appearances can be deceiving, Hoshino."

Ai: "I suppose you're right."

As the evening wore on, our study session continued to be productive. We moved on to mathematics, and Ai showcased her scientific prowess by effortlessly solving complex problems. It was evident that she had a natural aptitude for the subject.

Kiyotaka: "Hoshino, you're really skilled in science."

Ai: "Thank you, Ayanokoji. I've always had a knack for it. It's like solving puzzles to me."

Sakura: "I wish I were as good as you two. I struggle with science."

Kiyotaka: "Don't worry, Sakura. We'll work on it together. Understanding the concepts is the first step."

Sakura: "You're right, Ayanokoji-kun. I'll do my best."

As the night grew darker, we transitioned to science. This time, it was my turn to take the lead, explaining scientific principles and solving problems. Both Ai and Sakura were receptive learners, and their willingness to learn made the study session enjoyable.

However, there was something I couldn't ignore. Throughout the session, Ai's gaze occasionally shifted from her study materials to the surroundings, as if she were monitoring the people in the library. It wasn't a casual glance; it was a deliberate and vigilant observation.

Kiyotaka: "Hoshino, is everything okay?"

Ai: "Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm just...keeping an eye on things."

Kiyotaka: "On what, exactly?"

Ai: "Well, you never know who might be watching us. This school is full of secrets and hidden agendas."

Indeed, while I had my doubts about whether Ai's constant vigilance was solely due to concerns about the school's competitive nature, she was undeniably aware of the deeper complexities of Advanced Nurturing High School.

Sakura: "You worry too much, Hoshino. We're just studying." Oh you have no idea do you Sakura.

Ai: "Maybe I do, Airi, but it's better to be cautious."

Despite Ai's concerns, we continued our study session, covering a wide range of topics. It was well past midnight when we finally decided to call it a night.

Kiyotaka: "We've made good progress today. Thank you both for your hard work." Although we didn't make significant leaps in revision, the study session was far beyond productive. The two seemed to possess a strong work ethic, even for menial tasks like studying.

Sakura: "Thank you, Ayanokoji-kun, for helping." Our study session concluded there. We each organized and gathered our materials, slowly departing the table after exchanging farewells. I had made some observations throughout the session regarding both of them. Sakura had said she needed to go buy some groceries, so I was left with Ai as we headed towards our student dorms.

As I walked alongside Ai, she was silently humming to herself. She seemed relaxed in a way, being away from everyone else and isolated from students. All of her body movements and mannerisms seemed different, almost as if she had her guard down around me.

I returned my thoughts to the study session we had just completed. Sakura seemed to struggle in most of her academic fields, not due to a lack of trying. She appeared to have difficulty understanding the fundamental core of certain subjects like science and math. However, she excelled in English as a subject.

The moon hung in the night sky, casting its ethereal glow across the surroundings. It was a full moon tonight, and its luminous disk dominated the heavens. The moon appeared as a large, radiant orb, almost mesmerizing in its purity, amidst the canvas of the celestial canvas speckled with countless stars. Each star, a distant, shimmering point of light, contributed to the overall enchantment of the night.

The moonlight painted the world in shades of silver, turning everything it touched into a scene of tranquil beauty. Shadows, long and graceful, stretched out across the landscape like dark fingers reaching into the night. The moon's gentle radiance cast everything in a soft, diffused light, creating an otherworldly atmosphere.

I turned my gaze to the side and noticed Ai, standing beside me, also captivated by the moon's allure. Her eyes were fixed on the celestial body, reflecting the silvery glow. It was a moment of serene connection, as we both found ourselves lost in the spellbinding beauty of the night.

The night draped around us like a heavy cloak, the moon a silent witness to our conversation. The pale light bathed the dormitory building, casting long shadows that danced in the stillness. Ai and I walked side by side, our footsteps echoing faintly in the quiet halls.

Ai: "Kiyotaka, do you think a black moon howls?"

Kiyotaka: "Why do you ask such a question?"

Ai: "Just curious."

Kiyotaka: "I guess my answer to that is, to startle the sun." I offered a faint smile, but Ai remained contemplative.

Our steps fell into a natural rhythm, and I watched the moon's soft glow paint her face in a melancholic hue. The night was hushed, holding its secrets close, and it seemed only natural for us to share our thoughts in this tranquil solitude.

As we approached the student dorms, their tall silhouette against the night sky signaled the end of our journey. The usually bustling halls were now wrapped in silence, a stark contrast to the vibrant student life that filled them during the day.

Ai: "Kiyotaka?"

Kiyotaka: "Yes Ai?"

Ai: "Can I ask you a question?"

Kiyotaka: "Is it going to be something nonsensical?"

Ai: "I hope you don't see it that way."

Kiyotaka: "Well then, of course."

Ai: "What do you think about me?" Her voice was soft, tinged with vulnerability.

Kiyotaka: "What do you mean by that?"

Ai: "I just want to know your thoughts about myself."

Kiyotaka: "I don't know if I will be able to give an answer that satisfies you."

Ai: "Any response would be good enough."

Kiyotaka: "Well, I don't feel anything towards you. Nothing notable."

Ai: "Is that so?"

Kiyotaka: "To me, you are someone who has happened to appear in my life. I see no reason to hold others above each other. In the end, our time alive is merely a blip between the time before we were born and our death."

As we conversed, our steps had slowed, and we now stood in front of the imposing student dormitory building. The moonlight accentuated the contours of the structure, giving it an eerie, ethereal quality.

Ai: "So you don't hold me as anything special?"

Kiyotaka: "No, I don't." My words hung in the air like a weight, but Ai's response was unexpected.

Ai: "Thank you."

Kiyotaka: "For what?"

Ai: "You wouldn't understand."

Kiyotaka: "I doubt I would."

She looked up at the moon, a fragile smile on her face. Her eyes shimmered with a mixture of emotions—sadness, longing, and something indefinable. It was a moment suspended in time, two souls sharing their thoughts under the watchful gaze of the night.

The night embraced us with its quietude, and the dormitory building loomed as a silent sentinel. In this moment, our thoughts had converged, two individuals standing on the threshold of understanding, even if just a little more.

I approached the elevators and entered the one leading to the boys' dormitories. Ai remained in the lobby, her silhouette casting a delicate shadow in the dimly lit space. I glanced back at her before the elevator doors closed.

Kiyotaka: "Are you not going to your room?"

Ai: "I'm going to head to the stay down here first. I feel like getting some fresh air."

Kiyotaka: "Well, then I'll see you soon."

Ai: "I know. Goodnight, Kiyotaka." Her voice was gentle, and a small, enigmatic smile graced her lips as the elevator doors slid shut.

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