My Little Hatefuck

By sweeti_hannah

33.5K 1K 82

Most people dream of meeting Chris Motionless and being his friend. When Audrina Woodworth met Chris Motionle... More

Prologue ♪ Hatefuck
Chapter 1 ♪ Sick From The Melt
Chapter 2 ♪ Sinematic
Chapter 3 ♪ Fatal
Chapter 4 ♪ Contemptress
Chapter 5 ♪ Synthetic Love
Chapter 7 ♪ Count Choculitis
Chapter 8 ♪ Ghost In The Mirror
Chapter 9 ♪ Creatures
Chapter 10 ♪ Underdog
Chapter 11 ♪ Devil's Night
Chapter 12 ♪ Bananamontana
Chapter 13 ♪ Death March
Chapter 14 ♪ Destroying Everything
Chapter 15 ♪ My Friend Of Misery
Chapter 16 ♪ Cobwebs
Chapter 17 ♪ Wasp
Chapter 18 ♪ Break The Cycle
Chapter 19 ♪ Unstoppable
Chapter 20 ♪ Puppets 2
Chapter 21 ♪ Puppets 3
Chapter 22 ♪ City Lights
Chapter 23 ♪ Abigail
Chapter 24 ♪ Reincarnate
Chapter 25 ♪ Com Pt II
Author's Note

Chapter 6 ♪ Puppets

1.3K 45 2
By sweeti_hannah

"Welcome to my apartment," Chris announced as he unlocked the door then pushed it open, he stepped aside and let Audrina walk into his apartment first. It wasn't something she was expecting from a singer, she was expecting a huge house with six bedrooms, five bathrooms, two livings room, a garage filled with nine cars, a indoor and outdoor pool, a game room, theater room, the whole package but she was glad to see Chris obviously wasn't like that, he didn't waste money just because he was rich and made possibly millions of dollars. The apartment was clean surprisingly, the carpet was caramel colored, the walls were white and the furniture wasn't hideous. "what do you think?" Chris asked her after a moment of silence, she looked at him then shrugged.

"Not bad."

"Well, I'm not a hoarder," Chris told her with a shake of his head. "come on and I'll show you your room."

He led her down a hallway to the guest bedroom, it was decent size with a king size bed, a dresser and a closet. The carpet was the same color as it was in the living room, and so were the walls. The bed didn't have sheets nor pillows but she figured Chris would be nice enough to spare some, the dresser was a dark brown color and the bed frame was black, there was a window at the far side of the room and it overlooked the road. Surely people knew Chris Motionless lived in this apartment, how does he keep them away? Maybe they weren't fans. Chris had left her to unpack in peace and she spent her time to find places for her belongings, there were coat hangers hanging in the closet so she hung up her shirts, but placed the pants and lingerie in the dresser. She tossed the shoes she brought into the closet as well, but left her bathroom bag on top of the dresser. Once she was done she exited the bedroom and glanced down the hallway at Chris' bedroom door, it was shut, and she figured she shouldn't bother him so she headed to the living room and heard something coming from the kitchen. The kitchen wasn't big, but it wasn't small neither. Chris was standing in front of the open refrigerator door searching for food, he was always eating, he liked to eat and he wouldn't deny that.

"Do you really think this will work?" Audrina asked suddenly since he hadn't noticed she was standing at the doorway, Chris gathered a bunch of things for a sandwich then dumped them all onto the counter beside the refrigerator. He grabbed a Monster, shut the door, then found the loaf of bread.

"Us?" he asked, Audrina sighed softly.

"Who else Christopher?"

He sighed and untied the loaf of bread, grabbing four pieces. "Want one?"

"Sure, thank you."

"And I think it will work eventually, at least we'll be able to talk and figure out what the hell we're doing with our lives."

"Do you think we'll be able to live together without killing each other?" Audrina asked him, he laughed.

"We made it this long without killing each other."

"True, but we weren't living together and I could ignore your texts and calls."

Chris looked at her then smirked. "So could I."

"Now I can't ditch you."

"Neither can I," he said then tossed the butter knife into the sink. "we'll just have to suck it up I guess."

"So, what do you do once you come home from a concert or tour?" Audrina asked him, watching him make her sandwich, surprisingly he wasn't bad.

"Sleep," he responded with a laugh. "I usually sleep for days just to get the sleep I lost while on the bus, you can't get a goodnight's sleep on that thing. So, I come home, take a shower, get something to eat then go to sleep."

"Wow, you're boring."

"Hey, you go on tour, sing every damn night in front of thousand's of fans, participate in interviews, get some sleep, then get up and do it all over again then come back to me and we'll see how you feel." Chris told her.

"You enjoy it though, don't you?"

"Of course I do, but it's exhausting. I'm a human being, I become stressed out with it. It happens to everyone on tour, you love it, but it stresses you out. Plus, I am pretty much the manager of the band so I have to handle manager stuff."

"You don't have a manager?" Audrina asked him in disbelief.

"I have someone who helps me out, but far as someone that tours with us and handles all of our gigs and shit, no we don't. I don't like nor trust people, so I handle it myself."

"Is there anything you don't do?" Audrina asked, he laughed then shook his head.

"Not really," he gripped two plates from the cabinet then placed the sandwiches onto them and handed one to Audrina. "help yourself to a drink, I'll have to go out tomorrow though. That fridge is pretty much empty."

He walked out of the kitchen and Audrina grabbed a can of Sunkist then followed him to the living room where he had sat down and flipped on the TV, they sat on the couch in silence watching something pointless while chewing on their sandwiches. Audrina was surprised to find out how hungry she was, in just a few seconds of starting the sandwich it was gone. But Chris had finished way before her, she wondered if he even tasted it. He placed the plate onto the coffee table, kicked his feet up then got comfortable a feet or two away from Audrina. She continued watching the TV and after a while she heard snoring, she turned her head to see Chris was passed out, his head leaned back against the couch and his arms folded over his chest. His hair fell into his eyes and his breathing was steady, at least he was asleep and Audrina could have silence before an argument started. She figured this apartment would be filled with a lot of yells, these walls would see things that would imprint them for life, and neighbors would be up for hours listening to them yell at the top of their lungs at each other. They would probably say things they don't mean and things they do mean, it would be a debacle, but they would have to make it work somehow. Maybe eventually Chris would see it's pointless and tell her to get out of his life, then she would gladly pack her bags and leave with a goodbye. After a while Audrina stole the remote and began flipping through channels when she found something to watch on MTV, she became bored quickly after then got up and decided to put their plates in the sink. What could she do while he slept? That was the question but where was the answer? A light bulb lit inside her head and she headed towards her bedroom to grab her cell phone, it was a nice day in Pennsylvania, why not walk around? She grabbed her phone, slid it into her pocket then left the apartment without leaving a note for Chris just in case he woke up, surely she would be back before he woke up. He had to be dead to the world right now. The sun was shining bright, the sky was light blue and a few white clouds float around. Kids and teens were outside in their yards, yelling, screaming, running around and just having a blast. Most of the teens rode their bikes on the road or their scooters, even skateboards. Audrina tried to skateboard when she was a teen, it didn't end well, so she never tried to do it again. She was a pro on a scooter and a bike, she always tried to do tricks to show off to make people jealous. Boys in her neighborhood always wanted a challenge with her and they usually taught her new tricks. It's been a while since she rode a scooter or a bike, she didn't have time now that she was an adult. She walked down the sidewalk, noticing people's eyes looking at her with curiosity. She was the new girl no one had seen, they probably thought she was lost because she felt lost, this wasn't her home, it was a strange place. She felt her phone vibrate and she didn't hesitate to grab it, she expected it to be Chris wondering where she was, but it was her little sister Brittany.

Brittany: Mom says you're on vacation?! Where at?

Typical Brittany, she was always curious of her big sister, wondering who she was with and where she was at. Brittany was only eighteen, already graduated but still lived with their parents, but she was getting onto her own two feet to face the world. She was the youngest out of three, Audrina was the middle child, and Alexander was the oldest. Thankfully Brittany had no idea who Motionless In White was, she was into the pop music genre and Alexander was into rap, Audrina was the only one who liked and listened to rock and heavy rock, and some metal. She hovered her thumbs over the screen and stood still on the sidewalk, deciding if she should say Pennsylvania, but then she thought why couldn't she? Nothing would click.

Audrina: Scranton Pennsylvania.

Brittany: What are you doing there?

Audrina: I wanted to see it!

Brittany: Are you alone?

Audrina: No I'm with an old friend, I went to high school with her.

Even though Audrina was close with her siblings she couldn't tell them about Chris, much less she was friend's with a boy. If Brittany found out her friend was a boy she would flip, she would want every single detail, even if it was boring. If Alexander found out it was a boy he would go into big brother protective mood and let him know if he hurts Audrina he would find him and seriously hurt him, it was the same way with her parents, except a lot more worse.

Brittany: Oh, when will you be back then?

Audrina: I'm not sure, but I'll keep in touch, promise Brit.

"Oh shoot, look out!" shouted a girl's voice in front of Audrina, she lifted her head from her phone's screen and saw a girl heading right towards her on roller skates. Audrina immediately jumped out of the way and the girl tripped, falling down onto her stomach. Audrina pushed her phone down into her pocket quickly and ran forward, helping the girl up.

"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, good thing I'm wearing all of this padding." the girl said with an embarrassing giggle.

"Holy shit, that was awesome!" exclaimed a boy beside Audrina, she guessed that was the girl's friends because it seemed two more people showed up. Audrina looked a little bit older than the group and she figured they were probably sixteen or seventeen, maybe even eighteen.

"I'm sorry that I almost ran into you," said the girl. "they said this would be fun, but they didn't teach me how to stop!"

"I didn't know you were going to kill someone!" exclaimed a boy, then he looked at Audrina and winked. "a cute person."

"Quit flirting with everyone, no one wants you," snapped a girl with long ginger hair, she slapped the boy's shoulder. "I'm Sammie, are you new here?"

"Um, I am actually. I'm just here with a friend though."

"Oh cool, are you from this area?" Sammie asked her, she shook her head.

"No, I'm from North Carolina."

"Hey I'm from there!" said a black boy, Audrina smiled.

"Which part?"

"Asheville, I'm Jackson by the way."

"I live in Asheville actually."


"I'm Kayla, and that's Oliver. He's a flirt." Kayla said, she was the one that almost ran into Audrina.

"Well do you want to hang out a bit?" Sammie asked, Audrina opened her mouth to respond and she wanted to decline but her mind quickly changed it's answer, and she agreed quickly. They hung out in that particular area and while the others rode bikes and skateboards, Audrina sat on the sidewalk with Sammie. Jackson was an expert at skateboarding, every trick he did impressed Audrina and Oliver was an expert at the bike, obviously these teens did nothing but practice tricks but Audrina couldn't talk, since she was once the same way.

"Nice tattoos," Sammie said pointing to Audrina's wrists, she looked down and saw her tattoos appearing from her sleeves. "can I see them?"

"Sure." Audrina responded, she pulled back her sleeves and revealed her tattoos. On her right wrist her tattoo said "love", and her left wrist was a tribal butterfly.

"Nice, do you have any more?" Sammie said.

"No not yet, but I want a few more."

The sound of the phone ringing woke Chris up immediately, he jumped awake and got up from the couch instantly, stumbling to the kitchen to grab the phone from the hook. He grabbed the phone and looked at the ID to see it was Sabrina calling, but he didn't want to talk to her right now. Not yet anyways. He put the phone back up and let the answering machine get it.

"Hey Chris, I was just wondering if you were home. If you get in, call me back, love you. Bye." she said then the message ended, he walked out of the kitchen and realized Audrina was gone.

"Audrina?" he called, no answer. He sighed then headed towards his bedroom to get his cell phone, he sat down on the bed, unlocked his phone then began typing a text message.

Chris: You left already?

Audrina: No, you were asleep so I took a walk. I'm on my way.

Chris: No don't move, we'll have to get something for dinner tonight because I don't have anything. I'll pick you up, just give me a second to get ready.

Audrina: Alrighty.

Chris got up from his bed and walked into the bathroom to use it real quick before he left, after he had flushed he looked in the mirror and fixed his hair just a bit. He didn't look too bad, he might just go through a drivethru somewhere, he wasn't sure. He gathered his wallet, phone, and keys, then left the apartment and climbed into his red and black mustang. He started the ignition and let the engine roar for a few seconds, then threw the mustang into reverse and sped out of the driveway. Audrina had to gone down this way, it was the only way out, he drove for five seconds when he spotted her standing on the sidewalk waiting patiently with others standing with her.

"What the hell?" he mumbled to himself then stepped on the brake, she told the strangers bye then approached the mustang and climbed into the passenger seat. She buckled her seat belt then Chris drove off with his right hand on the steering wheel, they were silent as Chris bit on his piercings and Audrina strolled through Twitter on her cell phone. "you're a social butterfly aren't you?" Chris said suddenly, Audrina looked at him.

"What do you mean?"

"The people you were standing with."

"Oh," she said, turning her attention back to her phone. "they're not my friends or anything, just some people I met while you were napping. I was going to say no, but I had nothing else to do."

"Still a social butterfly."

"Chris, shut up and stop calling me that." she said with irritation, he sighed then turned up the volume on the touch screen radio he had put into his mustang, the radio station was the same. Octane. If anyone changed it, he would be angry.

"We'll just pick something up, what would you like?"

"What are my choices?"

Chris hummed. "We have Burger King, McDonald's, Long John Silvers, Chick-Fil-A, KFC, Arby's, Dairy Queen, Wendy's, Subway?"

"McDonald's, definitely."

"I had a feeling you would pick that."

Audrina continued scrolling through Twitter when she realized Sabrina Malfoy had followed her, she clicked on the girl's profile and strolled through her profile. "Exceptionally ordinary. Coffee addict. Harry potter. Makeup. In love." said her bio.



"Your Sabrina, is her last name Malfoy?" Audrina asked.

"Yes, why?"

Audrina laughed once. "She followed me on Twitter."

Chris was speechless. "Oh shit, why?"

"I'm not sure, want me to message her?"

"No! Don't do anything, I'm serious Audrina Woodworth!" Chris spat, Audrina was stunned to hear him use her last name.

"I'm not going to.."

Chris' mind was racing.

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