When Emma Falls in Love (Tayl...

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Emma Renners has dreamed of being an artist ever since she was a little girl. At twenty three, she isn't exac... Daha Fazla

Monsoons and Dark Rooms
New York's Finest Eggs
Kitty Party (1)
Kitty Party (2)
Hungover With a Side of Coffee
A Swift Thanksgiving
Reminiscing in London
A Big Fuck You to Everyone
Birthday Muffins
Candy Poker
Ice Skating
Sweet Home New York
New Year's
Meeting Amanda
Morning After
The Cold
Strip Poker
Waiting Game
Goodbye Earl
Dead Roses
Birthday Trip
The Studio
Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Dirty Little Secret
Moving In
New Book

Valentine's Day

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AN: I know I said Fridays but I'm going to do this one early. Also I was nicer to Emma in this chapter, I promised I would be.

February 14, 2017.

Twenty Two - Taylor

It was currently eight in the morning. Taylor was up making heart shaped waffles with a mini waffle maker her mom had gotten her. The downside of the heart waffles was that she had to cook them one by one, but she didn't care. Emma was going to be awake soon and there was nothing that girl loved more than seasonally shaped waffles. There was only enough batter left for a few more waffles so she tried to divide it as equally as possible. The waffles that were finished were tinged pink with strawberries and stacked on a red serving plate.

Emma walked into the kitchen. Her hair was up in the bun she had slept in last night. Small pieces of hair had fallen out and were framing her face. Emma walked over and kissed Taylor. "Good morning, beautiful. What are you making?"

"Waffles for my favorite lover." Emma grabbed behind her and reached for the spatula that was covered with waffle mix and chopped strawberries. She licked it and then put it back in the bowl. Taylor scrunched up her nose. "That was gross."

"You're gross. Lover sounds like something my great grandmother would say." Emma stuck her tongue out at Taylor and Taylor returned the favor. "And I better be your only lover."

"Look who's saying it now."

Taylor hadn't been able to hear it before, but someone was talking in the other room. Freddy and Dean switching out most likely, but Taylor still walked over to the doorway so she could see who it was and verify that it wasn't a stranger in her house. It was Freddy and Dean. Both were standing with their arms crossed and were whispering about something.

Freddy looked over to see her and decided to say something loud enough for her to hear. "Both of you are gross. Get a room"

She looked at him and Dean, and the close proximity between the two. "I could say the same to the two of you." Now it was Freddy's turn to stick his tongue out at her, so she kept going. "Don't be pissy because you don't have a Valentine's date. We can be a throuple, I'm sure Emma wouldn't mind."

"Actually I would." Emma yelled after her from the kitchen.

"Well, sorry. Maybe I could find a room for you and Dean." Taylor shrugged and turned to walk back towards the kitchen.

"I will see you tomorrow Taylor. Don't do anything stupid." The words she was meant to hear stopped there, but she could have sworn he said something else along the lines of 'I don't get paid enough for this shit.'

When Taylor walked back into the kitchen Emma was standing by the waffle maker. Taylor wrapped her arms around Emma's waist and kissed her neck. "That was supposed to be a surprise for you, you weren't supposed to help make them."

"Sorry babe, you know I can't resist waffles." Emma tilted her head to the side to give Taylor more room on her neck.

"I know, but that doesn't mean you have to help make them. It was supposed to be a surprise."

"Sorry I ruined your surprise. Let's eat the waffles and I'll make it up to you later." Emma twisted away from her arms and got two plates out of the cabinet. They ate breakfast quickly and Emma started cleaning off the dishes. "What are your plans for today?"

Taylor looked at her suspiciously. "Don't really have any, why?"

"Because I have plans today and was wondering if you had any?"

"No, I don't. Are you asking me to accompany you or informing me that you have a Valentine's date?"

"I suppose if you want to tag along you can." Emma dried the dishes and put them away.

"Where are we going?" Emma started walking back towards their bedroom and Taylor followed her like a lost puppy. "At least tell me what I should wear."

"Clothes." Emma opened one of her drawers and started looking through it.

"Thank you, that's very helpful. I was actually thinking of going naked."

"I mean, I wouldn't complain. You might be cold though."

Taylor rolled her eyes. "Are we going ice skating again?" She studied Emma's face because she knew she wasn't going to get an answer. Emma was giving no indication of either answer, which meant no. "Not ice skating. Are we going outside?"

Shockingly, Emma did answer. "Yes. If that's okay with you. It should just be the two of us, no one else." Taylor nodded and dug through her drawers for a pair of jeans. She pulled her favorite pair on and looked over at Emma who was now wearing jeans and pulling a sweater over her head. She was facing away, giving Taylor the opportunity to openly stare at her, but Emma turned around too quickly.

"You're so gorgeous." Taylor smiled at her use of the word. It was her favorite thing to call Emma, mainly because Emma had no clue that she was the subject of a song with that very title.

"What do you want?"

"I can't just tell you that you're gorgeous to be nice?" Taylor smiled at her to try and convince her there was no ulterior motive for calling her gorgeous.

"You look like you want something."

"No, I just wanted to tell you that you're gorgeous. Maybe I'll write a song about how gorgeous you are and put it on my next album." Taylor laughed and tried to hide the fact that she had already written the song. It worked, Emma seemed to pick up on a different part of that sentence.

"You better not. If you do and anyone I know finds out it's about me, I will tell them all how gay you are." Emma pointed a finger at Taylor.

"Is that supposed to be a threat? If they know it's about you then they would definitely already know how gay I am. It wouldn't really..."

Emma interrupted her, smiling ear to ear. "Wait, you said next album. Are you planning a new album? That's awesome, I'm so happy for you!"

"I have a couple of ideas for songs. I've been entertaining putting out a new album sometime."

"I want to hear all about them. In the car. We need to go now so we can get there early." Emma took her hand and walked her to the car. She opened the door and gestured in, but she didn't slide in after Taylor like she normally would. Emma shut the door and Taylor saw her arguing with Dean for a minute before he handed her the keys.

Emma opened the door and got in the driver's seat. "I'm driving today."

Dean got in the passenger seat and stared at Taylor. "It's hard to tell her no, she's very insistent." Then he said something else, mouthing it so that Emma couldn't hear. "You tell her no." Taylor laughed and shook her head.

Emma adjusted the seat and turned around to look at Taylor. "Tell me about all the song ideas while I'm driving."

Taylor waited until she had pulled onto the road before saying anything about the album. She planned on waiting longer, but Emma kept looking back at her in the mirror to try and figure out what she was doing. "So far I have one idea for a song about the whole situation and I have a few for songs about you."

"What are the ideas?" Emma pulled up to a stop sign and ended up stopping twenty feet ahead of it. "Damn, you really need to get these brakes checked."

"You'll have to wait and find out."

"Just tell me about one. Any of them is fine, it doesn't have to be about me."

Taylor laughed and shook her head before repeating herself. "You'll have to wait and find out with everyone else."

"It's Valentine's Day. It would be such a great Valentine's present if you would tell me about one. Just one of them." When Taylor didn't say anything else, Emma kept talking. "It would mean so much to me."

"I will tell you all about it." Dean gave her an 'I told you so' look. "When I release the album."

"Not even for Valentine's day?" Taylor was glad she couldn't see Emma's face right now because she probably would have caved had she been able to.

She didn't cave and repeated Emma's words back to her. "Not even for Valentine's day."

She looked up to the front of the car to see Emma focused on the road and Dean holding the 'oh shit' handle so tight that his knuckles were turning white. Something wasn't right, but it took Taylor a minute to figure out what it was. "Em, babe, is there a reason you're driving on the wrong side of the road?"

Emma hesitated before jerking the car over to the other side. "Shit. I don't know why I didn't realize that."

Emma was obviously shaken up, but Taylor knew she would never ask someone else to drive. There wasn't anyone else on the road and they were never in danger of being hit, but it wasn't worth leaving Emma to stress to save her pride. "Em, what if you let Dean drive and you can come sit in the back with me? I'm lonely, it feels weird sitting back here by myself."

Emma didn't say anything, she just kept driving until she found a little parking lot to pull into. Dean turned around and thanked Taylor profusely while he got out of the car. Emma opened the back door and sat in the middle seat and started making small shapes with her fingers on the inside of Taylor's leg. "Are you actually not going to tell me what any of the songs are about?" She said that between sloppy kisses to Taylor's neck.

Taylor shook her head and Emma pulled away as suddenly as she'd started. Emma had a big smile on her face, obviously proud of herself. "Are we really going to play that game today?"

"Yes, we are. I believe that you started it."

"I would never. Can you please tell me where we are going?"

Emma smiled innocently at her. "You'll have to wait and find out."

Taylor groaned but it didn't take them much longer to get there. She looked around trying to figure out what they were doing. They were at a park. The park was beautiful for how cold it was outside. Snow littered the ground in thin layers and the trees no longer had leaves.

Emma got out of the car and helped Taylor out. Dean followed behind them while Emma started dragging her towards the woods. She tripped over one of her shoe laces that had come undone. "Wait, Em, my shoes untied." Emma slowed down and walked towards a playground to the left of them where she could tie her shoes. They sat on the swing and Taylor double knotted both her shoes.

When she was done she looked over to Emma, who was swinging back and forth slightly in the swing next to her. Emma was staring off at something and didn't look away until Taylor stood up. "You ready?"

Taylor smiled and nodded. "Are you still not going to tell me where we're going?"

"Nope, but it's not that far away." Emma started walking back towards the woods and Taylor hurried after her. Emma was right, it was only a quarter mile away or so, but the entire quarter mile was an icy uphill climb.

Taylor was red in the face and out of breath by the time they got to the top, but Emma didn't seem to be bothered. "Emma, it better be goddamn gates to heaven up here because that walk was horrible."

"Shut up and come sit with me." Emma smiled, looking completely unbothered by the hard climb. Emma was in good shape, but her workouts of choice were usually boxing, never hiking or running.

Taylor looked around and saw Emma sitting on a large rock. Taylor sat next to her on the rock, the thin layer of ice covering it making her legs colder than they already were. "My butt is frozen."

"I told you it wouldn't be a good idea to come naked. I do wish you hadn't listened to me. I want to show you something." Emma took her hand and walked a little farther into the woods until she got to another clearing. This clearing overlooked a frozen lake with a layer of snow across the top. "Are you still cold?"

"A little." The temperature hadn't warmed up any in the two minutes it took them to walk over to this area, of course she was still cold. Emma wrapped her arms around Taylor and put her hands in the back pockets of Taylor's jeans. "What are you doing?"

"Warming you up." Emma smiled innocently as if she hadn't been doing this all day.

Taylor groaned. "Em, we can't do that here. I don't know if there's anyone in the woods or any cameras or anything."

"You're right, just going to have to wait till we get home." Emma pulled her hands away and started walking towards a fallen tree.

"Shame, I'm sure you were absolutely planning on doing something up here instead of just teasing."

"I have no idea what you mean by that." Emma laughed and climbed up as high as she could on the tree. "Come up here, it's so pretty."

"Babe, you should get down from there. You're clumsy, I don't want you to fall." It was no secret that Emma didn't have the best track record with heights, there was no need to risk her being on an ice covered tree when she was prone to falling over absolutely nothing.

Emma turned around and jumped off the tree. "Buzzkill."

"I apologize for looking out for your safety." Taylor rolled her eyes and Emma wrapped her arms around herself. "Are you cold?"

Emma raised her eyebrows like she was absolutely flabbergasted that Taylor would ask such a question. "Of course not."

"Okay Elsa. I am, so you should come home with me." Taylor started to walk back towards the trail but Emma didn't follow her.

"What's in it for me?"

Taylor turned back around to see Emma, who was now grinning like the Cheshire cat. "One, I'm your ride. Two, I have something for you when we get home."

"I drove here, I think that makes me your ride." Taylor scoffed. "I did! Just because you and Dean didn't like my driving doesn't mean I didn't drive here."

"That's a mistake I will never make again." Taylor gave her a pointed look. "You nearly killed us."

"Don't be dramatic babe, we're all fine. I'll make you a deal. We can leave right now if I get to drive home."

"Deal." Taylor made the deal quickly even though she had no intentions of letting Emma drive home.

Emma smiled, obviously proud that she had gotten her way, and started towards Taylor and the car. Taylor looked around to make sure they hadn't left anything and to see if she could spot Dean. She couldn't, but she had no doubt that he was in the woods. He tried to give her enough space to feel normal, but Taylor knew he was always close and watching.

Emma walked ahead of her most of the time, but Taylor still managed to get to the car first. She opened the driver's side rear door and blocked the driver door with her body. "You said I could drive." Emma said flatly.

"I decided that I want to get home alive. Get in." Emma made a face but got in the back without further complaint. Taylor got in after her, relieved that Emma had scooted all the way over to the other side. She left a seat between them, but Emma had apparently decided that was too much room. She scooted back over towards Taylor and climbed to position herself on Taylor's lap. Emma tucked her head in Taylors neck and started running fingers over her collarbone. "Really?"

"What?" Emma looked up at her with the same innocent expression she'd been wearing all day.

"You know what. Get off, you need to buckle up."

"I'll move when we start going somewhere."

Taylor looked out of the car to see Dean on the phone with someone. She was silently willing him to hurry up. When he got in the car, Emma did as she promised and moved. She drew out the whole thing and made sure that one of her knees went in between Taylor's legs during the process. "Really, Em?"

"Is something wrong?"

"No." Taylor rolled her eyes and didn't say anything else during the short car ride. Emma managed to make the most of the ten minutes, taking every opportunity possible to touch Taylor's thighs and pass it off as an accident. When they got home all the curtains were still closed, something neither of them bothered to fix.

Emma took her shoes off and sat on her favorite chair, a fuzzy white one perched in the corner of their bedroom that was only big enough for one person. "Wanna watch a movie?" Emma asked while searching for the remote, or pretending to at least.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" Taylor put emphasis on the word you and raised her eyebrows at Emma.

"Why else would I have asked?" Emma returned the raised eyebrows in a mocking manner.

"I don't know, it just didn't really seem like that's what you wanted to do today. Let's watch Valentine's Day. It seems fitting." Taylor knew Emma wouldn't like the suggestion, that's exactly why she had suggested it.

"The one you're in? No, let's watch something else."

"Let's watch it, it'll be fun. If you give me a good reason why not then we can find something different." Taylor was trying to get revenge on all Emma had done today, and it was obviously working at least a little. When Emma didn't answer, Taylor took that as her sign to turn on the movie.

Emma didn't complain for exactly fifteen minutes and thirty three seconds, or the exact moment when Taylor showed up in the movie for the first time. She didn't say anything at first, just walked over to the bed and flopped onto it. "Turn it off Tay." She groaned into the mattress.

"Give me a reason and I will." Taylor sat next to her on the bed.

"I don't want to see you kiss someone else." Emma was mumbling, but Taylor could hear her perfectly.

"I can't hear you, I'm sorry babe."

Emma lifted her face out of the bed and stared at Taylor before repeating herself. "I don't want to see you kiss someone else."

"You should have told me, I would've picked something else." Emma went back to laying with her face down while Taylor said this.

"No you wouldn't. I know what you're doing." Emma groaned and went back to laying with her face down.

Taylor rolled Emma over so she was laying on her back instead of her stomach. "I'm doing the same thing you've been doing all day."

"I've been doing nothing of the sort."

Taylor moved to straddle her lap. She peppered kisses down Emma's neck and tangled fingers in her hair. "You weren't doing this?" Taylor asked. Emma shook her head and Taylor moved her hands down just under the button of Emma's jeans. "What about this?"

Emma shook her head again. "Not that I remember."

Taylor moved her hands again to the back pockets of Emma's jeans and fell to one side, one leg on the right of Emma and the other in between her legs. Taylor made sure to get her knee as close as possible, going the exact same thing Emma had done on the ride home. "You didn't do this either?"

"No." Emma's voice was breathy and she had started moving her own hands to the bottom of Taylor's shirt.

Taylor rolled off of her. "What movie do you want to watch?"


Taylor raised her eyebrows. "Emma."

"I don't want to watch a movie." Emma tried to pull Taylor back on top of her while she said this.

"What would you rather do?"

Emma rolled her eyes. "You know what I'd rather do."

"Do I?"

"Come on Tay."

Taylor moved to straddle her again. "What's the magic word?"


Taylor grabbed the bottom of Emma's shirt and pulled it over her head. "It was actually 'magnetic' but I'll let it slide because you're cute." Taylor unclasped Emma's bra and slid it off of her, using the opportunity to kiss small marks between her breasts. Emma's hands went to the bottom of Taylor's shirt and started tugging at it. Taylor took the hint and took it off. "You're so gorgeous Em."

"Stop saying that."

"You are. I'm just telling you the truth." Taylor moved down to unbutton Emma's jeans. She kissed where the button had been and unzipped them the rest of the way, but didn't pull them off. She went back up to Emma's mouth and kissed the four corners while making sure not to kiss her lips.

"Stop teasing."

Taylor laughed. "That's funny coming from you. What would you like me to do instead of teasing?"

"You know what I want you to do."

Taylor did know, but she was going to make Emma say it anyway. "No, I don't. Tell me what you want and I'll give it to you."

Emma complained but Taylor didn't answer. Emma eventually gave in. "Fuck me."

"All you had to do was ask."

Taylor moved to slide off Emma's jeans. She tossed them across the room, not caring where they ended up, and they fell with the sound of the metal button hitting the hardwood. Emma stiffened up the second Taylor went anywhere near her and quickly started shaking her head. Taylor looked up with concern written across her face. "I'm okay."

Taylor moved up to lay by her face. "Are you sure? Em, we don't have to do this." It was no secret that the past few weeks had been rough on Emma, Taylor didn't want to exacerbate that.

"I'm okay, I promise. I was just thinking about something."

"Oh, I didn't know that was something you were capable of."

Emma's lack of reaction scared Taylor into thinking she had crossed a line, but those fears disappeared the second Emma started laughing. She scrunched her nose up and was obviously trying to look mad, but it wasn't working. "That was mean. You're the one who told the whole world you 'got nothing in your brain.' I, on the other hand, am pretty much Albert Einstein."

"Actually, I could see it. If you'd just fluff your hair out a bit..."

Emma cut her off. "Go fuck yourself."

"If that's what you want." Taylor took her hands down to her own jeans and started unbuttoning them to serve two purposes. One, it would get her point across. Two, Emma was always more comfortable when she wasn't the only one who was naked or close to it. Emma's hands reached out and stopped hers while still fiddling with the button. "What? I'm just doing what you said."

"I want to do that."

Taylor fought back the urge to ask what exactly 'that' was. She knew, but it was always fun to hear Emma say it. Now wasn't the best time to play that game, so she instead responded by holding her hands up in surrender. "Yes ma'am."

Emma unbuttoned Taylor's jeans and pulled them down her legs, tossing them off in a corner to be forgotten about with the other pair. "You're so pretty Tay. I don't think I can tell you that enough." Taylor started laughing and tried to think of a reply that didn't contain anything with the word gorgeous in it. Emma stared at her, confusion painted across her face. "I'm serious!" You are so beautiful."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to laugh. I just thought it was funny."

"I didn't realize that you were capable of thinking." Emma repeated what Taylor had told her earlier with a proud smile on her face. She didn't give Taylor a chance to respond before kissing her again, effectively taking away the ability for any sarcastic remarks about her intellectual capacity or lack thereof.

Emma worked her way down Taylor's body, leaving small red patches in her wake. She was going slow, intentionally so, and making sure that there would be quite a few good marks tomorrow. Emma avoided her neck, obviously being careful not to leave any marks that could be visible to anyone that might see her.

Taylor tried to flip both of them over, but Emma held her body to the bed and made it impossible to move. "Can I do this today, Tay?" Emma mumbled something else and her face went slightly red. "I mean be on top. We don't have to, you can if you want. I just thought I'd ask. I'm sorry, I..."

Taylor cut her off with a kiss. "Baby, if you want to be on top you absolutely can. You don't have to be embarrassed." Taylor knew embarrassment wasn't the issue, but she couldn't bring herself to say anything about the real reason Emma didn't want to ask. She was scared to do anything that she was worried Taylor would get angry over. The very first time they did anything remotely sexual it had taken Emma quite a while to even agree that she was in control of everything and if she said the word they stopped.

Emma mumbled a little and then went back to kissing anywhere that Taylor couldn't see her face. Emma sucked and nipped down her stomach until she got to the line of Taylor's underwear. "Can I take them off?" She pulled at the one side and let it snap back gently against Taylor's hips.

"Yes." Taylor lifted her hips so it was easier for Emma to slide them off.

"Tell me to stop." Emma's voice was wavering. Taylor wasn't sure if that was her way of saying she didn't want to do this or if she was just saying that she would stop if Taylor said.

"Do you want to stop?"

Emma shook her head. "No. Tell me to stop if you want me to. Sorry."

"You have to stop apologizing so much, Emmy." Taylor was joking but Emma's eyes went blank for a second.

"Sorry. Wait, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say it again." Emma was stumbling over her words.

"Hey, it's okay. You okay?" Taylor sat up on her elbows.

"Yes, sorry. No, not sorry actually, and lay back down. I still want to be on top."

Taylor smiled brightly at Emma's newfound confidence, even if it would only be temporary. "Yes ma'am." Taylor lowered herself back to where she was lying flat on her back and Emma started kissing her stomach again. Emma pulled away and moved farther down the bed. Taylor knew what she was doing but the lack of contact still made her whine. "Please Em."

She could feel Emma's hot breath on the insides of her thighs. She expected Emma to start teasing or something else similar, it's what they had been doing all day, but she didn't. Emma stuck one finger inside of her and began to kiss up her thighs. "Is this okay?"

Taylor nodded but Emma didn't go any further. "Yes, this is more than okay Emmy." Emma bit the inside of her thigh. It wasn't hard enough to hurt or leave a mark, just hard enough for Taylor to feel it. Emma started moving her finger slowly. It was obvious she was anxious, but Taylor couldn't tell what exactly was wrong. "Em, you okay?"

"I'm fine. Are you? I should be the one asking you that question."

"Yes Em, I am. I don't want to make you do this."

Emma shook her head. "You aren't making me do anything. I want to do this."

Emma didn't give Taylor the chance to try and convince her otherwise. She started moving her finger faster and sucking at the sensitive skin between Taylor's legs, circling her clit with her tongue. Emma added another finger after a minute.

Taylor started rocking her hips against Emma's fingers, which Emma seemed to take as a queue that she was close. She moaned and ran her fingers through Emma's hair, tugging it gently. Emma moaned against her, sending vibrations that seemed to tumble through her. "Shit Em. I..."

"I know. It's okay." Emma's words coaxed her through and made her let go, legs shaking against Emma's shoulders.

Emma moved out from between Taylor's legs and wiped at her mouth with the back of her hand. She laid her head next to Taylor and kissed her on the lips. "I love you so much."

"I love you more, Em." Taylor moved over to straddle Emma, trying to return the favor.

"Tay, no, you don't have to."

Taylor kissed her. "If you don't want me to then I won't, but I want to return the favor if it's okay. Please dont worry about upsetting me."

Emma started stumbling over her words. "No, I want you to. I just... I don't want you to be upset."

"Emma, I'm never upset with you. Especially not over something like this." Taylor knew what she was thinking. It was the same thing she thought every time Taylor tried to do something for her, Emma always thought Taylor was going to be upset with her. Taylor moved down to kiss her neck.


Emma was sitting on the cold tile of the bathroom floor listening to the water fill up the tub. Taylor had gone to get them both a glass of wine, leaving her to be alone with her thoughts. Emma hated how she started thinking every time they had sex. She would start thinking about him. It wasn't even one specific him, it was actually two. Some days she would think about James or her father, today she had thought of both of them.

Taylor walked in holding two wine cups filled with a sweet smelling purple liquid. She sat them down and turned the water off. Emma was watching, but somehow didn't notice when Taylor had motioned for her to get in. "Em, you okay babe?"

Emma jerked her head up and hurried to join Taylor in the bathtub. "Yeah, I was just thinking."

Taylor tied Emma's short brown hair into a bun on top of her head and pulled her back so that her back was against Taylor's chest. "What about?"

Emma reached out of the bathtub and moved her hand around to find one of the wine glasses. "I don't know. Nothing really."

"I'm not going to force you to tell me, but I think you do know."

"I don't like when you call me Emmy." Both of their voices were saying that in her head. Don't be such a bitch Emmybug. Sooner or later you'll understand that no one will ever love you the way I do, Emmy.

Emma expected Taylor to ask why, but she didn't. Instead she hugged Emma tighter. "I won't call you that. Is Em okay?"

"Yes, anything else is fine, I just don't like Emmy."

"Okay, I'm sorry for calling you that. Are you okay?"

Emma thought about the question for a moment before answering it. She didn't always feel like it, but she was okay. Neither of them were here, one was dead and one was across the country. It didn't matter that her father kept sending blank pieces of paper because she could just throw them out. It wasn't like he could haunt her more while he's dead than he did while he was alive. She was here with Taylor, the girl she loved and who loved her, and things hadn't been this good in so long. "Yes, I am. I love you so much Taylor."

"I love you to the moon and back." Taylor tried to kiss her but ended up just spilling some wine between her breasts. Emma laughed and Taylor's face went red. "Oh god, I'm sorry Em."

"It's fine Taylor. We are in the bathtub anyway, I'll just wash it off." She laughed again and turned around to kiss Taylor. Emma started on the kips, then moved to the tip of Taylor's nose. She kissed both cheekbones, left and right, and then the corners of Taylor's lips started to turn up. Emma kissed her on the lips one last time for good measure. "I love you so much Taylor."

"I love you too Emma."

"You're so pretty." Emma knew she had told her that a lot today, but it was the truth. Her girlfriend was absolutely beautiful.

"You're so gorgeous."

Emma realized what was happening the second she saw Taylor smirk. "You've already done it, haven't you?"

"Written the song?" Emma nodded so Taylor continued. "Yes, I have."

"I hate you." Emma smiled and turned around to feign anger.

Taylor pulled her in closer and whispered in her ear. "I love you too."

I can't write smut this was such a struggle lol

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