Kitty Party (1)

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October 31, 2016

Three - Emma

Emma had put on a flowy white dress with a square neckline and threw on a dark green cardigan. She had asked Tree what the dress code was and the only descriptor she received was "casual" which didn't help much when she had no idea who the person was and therefore didn't know their idea of casual. If this person was anything like what Emma had figured while she was painting the cat, their idea of casual could very well be a suit without the jacket.

Amanda knocked on her door lightly while she was putting on earrings. Emma opened the door to Amanda who was dressed similarly to herself. "I just thought I ought to tell you I'm ready whenever you are. You look great, I love that dress Em."

Emma smiled and rolled her eyes slightly. "Thank you for saying that. You look amazing too Mandy, as always. I'm ready, we should go because I don't actually know how to get there. After the pair had gotten settled in the car, Emma looked at the address and put it into her google maps. It was a short drive, only about forty minutes from her flat. The directions led to a large brick building with green doors. They found a parking spot about a block away and walked towards the doors.

Amanda reached out her hand to pull on the green handle but the door opened before she could reach it. A man opened the door for them and greeted them. The man was tall and scrawny with dark brown doe eyes. If intimidating was a person, it wasn't him. He looked from Amanda to Emma, and then to Emma's cardigan.

"I can hang that up for you if you'd like ma'am." He nodded at Emma.

"Thank you, but I think I'd prefer to hold onto it. It's a little chilly here." Amanda nudged her slightly to call her out on her bullshit. It wasn't cold at all in that room. It was actually quite warm. The truth was that Emma had planned to get whatever kind of fancy food and wine they had here and then leave and maybe see where they had decided to hang the portrait of princess kitty, and when she inevitably decided to leave in thirty minutes she didn't want to have to wait for someone to find her cardigan.

Amanda knew this and whispered to her as they walked in the direction the man had pointed them in. "You are an awful liar. Like really bad." Amanda was laughing at this point at how awkward the interaction had been. "I mean it was like bad bad. Really bad." She couldn't stop repeating the word. "It's a little chilly here my ass. I'm sweating my balls off Em."

"Oh shut up and let's go find something to eat." They got on an elevator and pressed the button for the top floor. When the doors dinged open, Emma and Amanda both let out a small gasp of surprise. The doors had opened to a rustic living room. The room was somehow both huge and cozy. People were spread out across the couches, chairs, and just standing in clumps talking to each other. Tree walked over to the elevator to greet them.

"Hello, Emma. Can I take you to the painting? I know she has been dying to show it to you." Emma nodded, turned around to tell Amanda that she would be right back, and followed the redheaded woman through a hallway and into a room. The room, probably once a bedroom, was filled to the brim with cat things. A large cat tower stood in one corner of the room. The walls were a baby pink and there was a circular white rug in the middle of the room to cover some of the hardwood flooring. In another corner stood the fanciest litter box Emma had ever seen. The thought filling her mind at the moment was that the damn litter box probably cost more than her apartment. The rest of the room was filled with toys, a cat bed, and cat food and water. Standing by a covered painting on the only empty wall was a tall blonde woman.

From the back Emma couldn't tell who she was. She looked young. Creepy, old, cat obsessed widower was definitely out of the question.

Actually, cat obsessed was definitely still in the question.

Emma stood there for a moment, mostly in shock at how big this cat's bedroom was. Hell, she was in shock that the cat had its own bedroom. Tree started talking, introducing Emma to the woman still facing the painting.

"Taylor, this is Emma Renners. She is the painter you hired to paint Meredith. Emma, this is Taylor." The blonde woman turned around and Emma was staring into the eyes of Taylor Swift herself.

Shock was the first thing she felt. Shocked that she painted Taylor Swift's cat. Shocked that she was standing in a cat bedroom. Taylor Swift's cat's bedroom. Shocked that she had just shown up at Taylor Swift's house for a party, unknowing of what was to come, or who would be in there. Shocked that she was standing face to face with Taylor Swift.

Taylor had turned around sometime while Emma was lost in her thoughts. She stuck her hand out to Emma, and Emma hesitantly stuck her own hand out to shake Taylors. Emma had, of course, seen pictures of her at least a thousand times online, but what stuck out to her was just how pretty Taylor was.

Her shoulder length blonde hair had been straightened, but some natural waves were showing through. She was wearing a white sundress with small yellow and pink flowers strewn across it. She was tall and had at least a couple inches on Emma. Her eyes were a striking blue, almost reminding Emma of a beautiful beach during the eye of a hurricane.

The second thing Emma felt was confusion, mostly for the same reasons she was shocked. She couldn't fathom where and when Taylor Swift had somehow seen her art, wanted to have a picture painted of her cat, and then sent her publicist to track Emma down. While Emma's mind was running a mile a minute, her brain almost missing the sound of Taylor talking entirely.

" is so pretty. I saw photographs of your work but this is just so wonderful. I have been wanting to have someone paint Mer for a while and I figured there would be no better time than now. Today was the day I adopted her, and her birthday is in a couple days. I know it was a childish prompt, but she really acts like a queen, you know? I swear she thinks she owns the place."

Emma could barely process what she was hearing. "Sorry, what's pretty?"

"The painting. I love it, thank you." Taylor answered her question without hesitation, as if she was used to eliciting this reaction from people. The painting was still covered up, but Emma could recall it clearly in her mind from the hours she had spent focusing on every detail. "I'm so glad you could make it tonight, Emma. I was so excited to meet you, I swear I've probably annoyed Tree with all my blabbering about you and this painting." Instead of a verbal reply, the redhead stood by the door nodding her head. "Can I show you around?"

Emma managed to get out a "yes, that would be great." 

*AN: This one is cutting the night short, but I want to finish the rest of the night following  Taylor. Also I'm so glad they finally met I wanted to start writing the two of them together. 

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