Valentine's Day

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AN: I know I said Fridays but I'm going to do this one early. Also I was nicer to Emma in this chapter, I promised I would be.

February 14, 2017.

Twenty Two - Taylor

It was currently eight in the morning. Taylor was up making heart shaped waffles with a mini waffle maker her mom had gotten her. The downside of the heart waffles was that she had to cook them one by one, but she didn't care. Emma was going to be awake soon and there was nothing that girl loved more than seasonally shaped waffles. There was only enough batter left for a few more waffles so she tried to divide it as equally as possible. The waffles that were finished were tinged pink with strawberries and stacked on a red serving plate.

Emma walked into the kitchen. Her hair was up in the bun she had slept in last night. Small pieces of hair had fallen out and were framing her face. Emma walked over and kissed Taylor. "Good morning, beautiful. What are you making?"

"Waffles for my favorite lover." Emma grabbed behind her and reached for the spatula that was covered with waffle mix and chopped strawberries. She licked it and then put it back in the bowl. Taylor scrunched up her nose. "That was gross."

"You're gross. Lover sounds like something my great grandmother would say." Emma stuck her tongue out at Taylor and Taylor returned the favor. "And I better be your only lover."

"Look who's saying it now."

Taylor hadn't been able to hear it before, but someone was talking in the other room. Freddy and Dean switching out most likely, but Taylor still walked over to the doorway so she could see who it was and verify that it wasn't a stranger in her house. It was Freddy and Dean. Both were standing with their arms crossed and were whispering about something.

Freddy looked over to see her and decided to say something loud enough for her to hear. "Both of you are gross. Get a room"

She looked at him and Dean, and the close proximity between the two. "I could say the same to the two of you." Now it was Freddy's turn to stick his tongue out at her, so she kept going. "Don't be pissy because you don't have a Valentine's date. We can be a throuple, I'm sure Emma wouldn't mind."

"Actually I would." Emma yelled after her from the kitchen.

"Well, sorry. Maybe I could find a room for you and Dean." Taylor shrugged and turned to walk back towards the kitchen.

"I will see you tomorrow Taylor. Don't do anything stupid." The words she was meant to hear stopped there, but she could have sworn he said something else along the lines of 'I don't get paid enough for this shit.'

When Taylor walked back into the kitchen Emma was standing by the waffle maker. Taylor wrapped her arms around Emma's waist and kissed her neck. "That was supposed to be a surprise for you, you weren't supposed to help make them."

"Sorry babe, you know I can't resist waffles." Emma tilted her head to the side to give Taylor more room on her neck.

"I know, but that doesn't mean you have to help make them. It was supposed to be a surprise."

"Sorry I ruined your surprise. Let's eat the waffles and I'll make it up to you later." Emma twisted away from her arms and got two plates out of the cabinet. They ate breakfast quickly and Emma started cleaning off the dishes. "What are your plans for today?"

Taylor looked at her suspiciously. "Don't really have any, why?"

"Because I have plans today and was wondering if you had any?"

When Emma Falls in Love (Taylor Swift x OC)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें