The Studio

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April 12, 2017.

Twenty seven - Emma

The first thing Emma noticed when she woke up that morning was that Taylor wasn't next to her. They had stayed the night at Emma's flat, something they had done quite a few times since returning from Tennessee. The emptiness of the bed consumed her. Surely there was an explanation as to why Taylor wasn't there. Maybe she was in the kitchen, or maybe something important had come up and caused her to leave in the middle of the night. Maybe she wanted to avoid the walk of shame in the morning. Was it still called the walk of shame if it was with your girlfriend?

If Taylor was awake she would definitely answer the phone. Emma called and listened to the five rings, almost giving up hope before Taylor eventually picked up the phone. "Hey Em. I'm sorry, I didn't want to wake you up. I had to be at the studio early this morning."

"It's okay, I was worried is all. Do you want a coffee? I can bring you one." What may seem like Emma trying to be a good girlfriend was actually just a plot to hear the songs Taylor was working on. Taylor had continued to refuse to play any of the songs she had been working on.

To Emma's surprise Taylor actually said yes and gave her an address. An hour later she was standing outside a studio downtown holding four different drinks. One was hers and one was for Taylor, but she had no clue who the other two were for. Hell, they may all three be for Taylor. Freddy came to open the door and smiled at her, grabbing a coffee out of her hand and sipping it.

The inside of a recording studio looked nothing like what Emma had thought. She wasn't sure what she expected, but it wasn't this. Every surface in the room, other than the equipment, was padded so thoroughly that she could probably fling herself at the wall and come out unscathed. Taylor was standing inside a glass room wearing a large set of black headphones. It was obvious she was singing something, but no one outside the room could hear a word.

Except maybe the man sitting behind all the equipment wearing a matching set of thick black headphones. When Taylor took her headphones off and smiled, he stuck both thumbs in the air, branding his own wide grin. Taylor opened the door to the room and took both coffees from Emma, holding one out to the man that had yet to be introduced. He looked friendly enough, with his large round glasses and soft expression, but Emma didn't want to overstep. She didn't know what he knew about her, if he knew anything at all.

They stared at each other for a moment without saying anything until Taylor realized what was happening and stepped in. "Emma, this is Jack. Jack, this is my girlfriend Emma."

Emma smiled and relaxed a bit when the man, Jack, held his hand out to her. "It's good to put a face to the name. I've heard so much about you. All good, I promise. She doesn't ever stop talking about you. I swear, if she's not talking about how much she loves you, she's singing about it."

"Jack." Taylor's voice was shrill and something else. Maybe embarrassed?

Emma ignored her and continued the short conversation with Jack instead. "It's nice to meet you too. I haven't heard any of the songs, someone won't share them with her incredibly forgiving girlfriend."

Taylor pouted slightly and narrowed her eyes. "Really? I'm sorry, Em, I thought we..."

Emma started talking quickly, cutting Taylor off after seeing the genuinely sad expression cross her face." No, no. I was joking. I'm sorry, it wasn't funny." Taylor's face lightened up and she mumbled something that sounded a lot like the word bitch. "What was that, darling?"

Taylor scrunched her nose up and smiled a painful, twisted smile. "Nothing, dearest."

"Great, sugarpie. Do I get to hear a song now that I've come all the way across town just to bring you coffee?"

"Sugarpie isn't even a word."

"Is so. I'm dying to hear one of your songs. Like I will actually just die on the sidewalk. You'll have to step over my dead body and think 'damn, I really should have just showed her one of my songs.' I'll call the paparazzi too." That was not only something she would never do, it was an empty threat. Emma had no idea how she would go about getting paparazzi to show up somewhere.

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