Waiting Game

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January 20, 2017.

Nineteen - Emma

Emma was sitting in a hospital lobby. It was cold and bright, she would have rather been anywhere else. To make matters worse she was alone. Taylor hadn't been able to come and her mother had vanished on her, wandering off to get food or something.

She was alone, sitting in a place she hated, waiting for someone she couldn't care less about. Her father was in surgery, he had been for the last three hours. Emma didn't want to come here, there was no reason to. He wasn't going home today, but she wouldn't have offered him a ride anyway.

Right now it was just a waiting game. Emma planned on leaving the second he came out of surgery. She didn't care how it went. She didn't care if he was okay or not, her mother did and that was the only reason she was here. It was exhausting, she was tired of pretending to care. The doctor's weren't sure how long this surgery would take. Emma had agreed to stay until five in the afternoon. There wasn't anywhere she had to be at five, but she told her mum she had an appointment.

Emma kept her eyes on the doors waiting for her mother to walk in, but she still hadn't come back. Evelyn had been gone for almost an hour. Emma wasn't really worried, but she was pissed. She was only here to be a support to her mother, but her mum had abandoned her with no explanation.

She got up and gathered her belongings, shoving them into her small purse. She was going to find her mum or go home, she didn't care which. Emma started to walk towards the door, but a woman in scrubs came in the room and started looking around. "Renners?" The lady asked cautiously, searching the room for any response.

"That's me." Emma walked over to the woman. They were surely looking for her mother but, seeing as she had gone missing in action, Emma didn't bother with the details.

"Will you come with me?" The woman turned around and started ushering Emma down the hallway before she had a chance to respond. They went into a small room with a few chairs. It was oddly dark for a hospital, the only light was coming from a lamp in the corner. Emma sat down in one of the chairs, trying to figure out what they were about to say.

"Is he out of surgery?" This was the only question she could ask, if she asked if he was okay there was the risk of the answer being yes. She didn't wish him direct harm but she wouldn't be upset if he wasn't okay. This lady didn't need to see her reaction to if he was okay or not when Emma was torn on which would be better. If he gets better, he can move away and she will never see him again. If he doesn't get better, she would never see him again but would have to comfort her grieving mother.

"Yes. They are taking him to the intensive care unit as we speak. There were some complications with the surgery." The lady watched Emma, waiting for her to do or say something: scream or cry maybe, ask if he was going to be okay. Emma didn't. She sat there looking uninterested in the whole thing. "He is stable right now, but we will need to closely monitor him for at least the next few days."

"Okay. Let me call my mum. Actually, could you explain it to her? You do a much better job than I would." Emma could probably repeat the explanation word for word, but she didn't want to. She called her mother and directed her to the room she was currently in. They sat there until the door opened and her mother walked in.

Her mum stuck out her hand to the woman in scrubs. "I'm Evelyn, Earl's wife." Emma glared at her mother for using the word wife instead of ex-wife.

Her mum would do everything in her power to make sure he was okay, she had always been like that no matter how he had treated them. Emma held grudges, her mother made excuses. He could actually commit homicide and her mother would go to the police swearing it wasn't his fault, his cereal just didn't have enough milk that morning so he was in a bad mood.

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