Dark Enchantment

By solaraestelbooks

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๐•ฟ๐–๐–Š ๐–ˆ๐–๐–Ž๐–‘๐–‰๐–—๐–Š๐–“ ๐–‰๐–Ž๐–‰ ๐–“๐–”๐–™ ๐–๐–“๐–”๐–œ ๐–œ๐–๐–” ๐–‘๐–Ž๐–›๐–Š๐–‰ ๐–†๐–“๐–‰ ๐–œ๐–๐–” ๐–‰๐–Ž๐–Š๐–‰. Eira's heart is cons... More

Map of Eloria
Chapter 1
Chapter 1.5
Chapter 2
Chapter 2.5
Chapter 3
Chapter 3.5
Chapter 4
Chapter 4.5
Chapter 5
Chapter 5.5
Chapter 6
Chapter 6.5
Chapter 7
Chapter 7.5
Chapter 8
Chapter 8.5
Chapter 9
Chapter 9.5
Chapter 10
Chapter 10.5
Chapter 11
Chapter 11.5
Chapter 12
Chapter 12.5
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 14.5

Chapter 13.5

14 2 0
By solaraestelbooks

Freya and Fëandil hustled through the shadowy corridors back to their quarters, the air charged with urgency. The dim flicker of the torches overhead cast irregular shadows that stretched ahead of them like winnoy branches. 

In hushed a tone, Freya admitted, "I don't know, Fëan. Something about Monty seems off. I can't shake the feeling that he's not telling us everything."

Fëandil, thoughtful, responded, "True, but we need all the help we can get. Let's keep our guard up and hope Monty's secret network turns out to be more valuable than we think."

As they entered their room, Freya's eyes lingered on the tapestry hanging on the wall. It depicted Elindar in its prime, a vivid reminder of what was lost. A faint smile crossed her face as she recalled the day she stumbled upon it at a flea market. A relic of a bygone era, it somehow found its way to her, a tangible connection to a past she was desperate to hold onto.

She turned to Fëandil, her fingers gently tracing the intricate patterns. "No one better disturb this while we're gone. It's a miracle that it even survived and found its way to us."

Fëandil's eyes flickered with nostalgia as he looked at the tapestry, before stating, "Let's gather our things and move quickly. Monty is waiting."

"And why would my Familiar wait for you?" A question cut through the air like a blade, the door to their room swining open with a forceful push.

A silhouette in the doorway remained obscured by the dim light of the corridor. Careful calculated confidence was evident in each step as the man approached, casting a looming silhouette accentuated by the flickering torchlight. Sharp, angular features accompanied by dark eyes bore into Freya with a chilling intensity.

Fëandil, shaken from his initial surprise, found his found before her. "Lynden?"

Freya's head whipped to her brother, shock coloring her features, before turning back to Lynden. The tight-lipped smile lingered on Lynden's face as if relishing the confusion. 

 She felt a nervous laugh bubble from her throat as she quipped, "Don't you know it's rude to enter someone's quarters before knocking?"

Lynden's eyes flashed. "Rude? Freya, you're hardly one to lecture on manners, especially when you were about to run off with my Familiar. What kind of courtesy is that?"

She felt another excuse rise to her lips, more of that nervous laughter coming through, but Lynden cut her off before she could answer.

"I knew the moment the familiar returned without Eira that you two would do something foolish. I've been observing your actions closely, waiting for the right moment to intervene."

Freya's eyes narrowed. "What are you talking about, Lynden? We're doing everything in our power to find and protect Eira. What's your game?"

Lynden remained calm, his expression inscrutable. "Your zealous search for Eira has raised suspicions and drawn unwanted attention. The risks you've taken, the trails you've left behind, they all threaten to jeopardize her mission. I suppose you're not entirely to blame, as I'm sure that foolish skeleton had a part to play in this ridiculous display."

Fëandil stepped forward. "If Eira is in danger, why didn't you tell us?"

Lynden's eyes flickered with a hint of something hidden, a motive not fully revealed. "I had to stop you from doing something reckless, from hindering Eira's progress. She's risking everything, and your interference could have dire consequences."

Freya heard Fëandil murmur an incantation, frost forming at the edges of the room. He was preparing for if this situation went south. 

Trying to diffuse the tension, she probed. "And what makes you think you know what's best for Eira? Why do you get to decide her path and keep us in the dark?"

Lynden's tone turned cold; his gaze unwavering. "I've been entrusted with guiding Eira, ensuring the success of her mission. I have a duty to protect her, even from misguided attempts that could endanger her."

She studied Lynden's face, searching for any sign of sincerity or genuine concern. But all she found was a cold detachment as if the twins were inconsequential pieces in a grand scheme that he controlled.

Fëandil's voice was tinged with doubt. "Why keep us in the dark? Why not trust us with the full truth? We've proven ourselves time and again. Maybe you convinced Eira was she better off without our help"

Lynden leveled a look at him, a hint of annoyance crossing his features before he masked it with a dismissive wave of his hand. "You underestimate the complexities of the situation. It was for your own safety that I kept you ignorant. You're skilled, yes, but there are forces at play that even you cannot comprehend."

Freya's jaw clenched, her frustration mounting. "Enough with the riddles, Lynden. We deserve the truth. If Eira is in danger, we have a right to know."

Lynden's voice turned icy. "You have no right to know what I choose to keep from you. You would do well to remember your place, Lady Freya."

Freya's fingers twitched, longing for the feeling of steel in her palms. She took a measured breath as she responded, "If you truly care for Eira's safety, Lynden, then we should be working together, not against each other. We may not understand the full extent of the danger she faces, but we are willing to risk everything to ensure her success."

Lynden's mask of superiority slipped for a fraction of a second, a flash of frustration crossing his eyes before he regained control. "Your determination is admirable but misplaced. You are blind to the intricacies of this mission, the greater forces at play. I am doing what is necessary to protect Eira."

Freya willed power to her arms, already thinking of a particularly nasty spell that caused the mere slice of a blade to cause an appendage to fall off. "We'll find Eira and protect her, Lynden, with or without your guidance. Our loyalty lies with her, not you."

Lynden's exasperated breath escaped with a hint of irritation, his frustration a tangible force in the air. "I anticipated this stubbornness of yours."

With a swift gesture, Lynden conjured a barrage of arcane projectiles, each one crackling with malevolent energy. Freya's warning barely escaped her lips as she reacted with instinctive agility. A swift, protective movement positioned her between the onslaught and Fëandil.

Freya's fingers darted to her belt, seizing her daggers. In the ambient light, their edges glinted ominously as she clashed the blades together in a swift, practiced motion. The metallic echo reverberated through the room, heralding the initiation of an unforeseen conflict.

In the blink of an eye, the daggers transformed seamlessly into a shimmering shield. Freya positioned herself protectively in front of Fëandil, the makeshift barrier intercepting the malevolent energy hurtling towards them. The arcane projectiles crackled against the shield's surface, each impact met with resolute resistance.

Lynden's smirk persisted, seemingly unfazed. "You think a shield will save you from the true might of sorcery?"

Fëandil's ice tendrils rose to meet Lynden's magic, creating a shield of frozen barriers that absorbed the impact. He retaliated with icy projectiles of his own, launching them at Lynden with calculated precision.

Frustration etched on her face, she clenched her fists and, with a powerful punch, shattered the shield back into its original form—two gleaming daggers.

Launching them at Lynden with a fierce determination, the daggers sailed through the air with deadly accuracy. She heard as Fëandil summoned an icy wind, aiding the trajectory of one of Freya's daggers. The blade sailed through the air, cutting through the magical defenses before reaching Lynden.

"You can't dodge everything," Freya yelled out. 

However, with a calculated move, Lynden shattered the dagger with a gesture, causing Freya to double over in pain as the enchanted blade disintegrated. He turned his attention to Fëandil, a wicked grin playing on his lips. "Your little tricks won't save you."

Ice tendrils surged forward, entwining with Lynden's dark magic. The frozen barriers absorbed the malevolent energy, redirecting it back at Lynden. In response, Lynden clenched his fist, obliterating the icy projectiles with a surge of raw arcane power.

Freya was still recovering from the loss of her daggers and barely registered the sound of knocking on the door. Her head whipped towards the entrance of the room, to a scene she had not been expecting at all. Arin was standing there, jaw practically on the floor. 

In that momentary lapse, a dark spell whizzed past her, narrowly missing her by inches. She quickly regained her focus, realizing the danger she had just narrowly avoided. "Arin! Can you make an entrance without nearly getting me killed?"

Arin scratched the back of his head sheepishly.

Fëandil ground out as he sent icy shields forward to deflect another barrage, "Arin, glad you're here. Timing aside, your assistance is most welcome."

By some miracle, Lynden's focus was entirely on the twins, his eyes gleaming with determination. He was either ignoring Arin's presence or was unaware of it as he unleashed a torrent of arcane magic, sending bolts of energy crackling through the air toward Freya and Fëandil. The room trembled with the intensity of his power.

She shouted an incantation, launching herself forward and reaching for two more blades sheathed at her side. She clashed them together, and they transformed into two gleaming battle axes. Without hesitation, she hurled them toward Lynden.

Fëandil seized the opportunity, conjuring another icy wind to propel the axes forward, adding velocity and force to Freya's attack. But Lynden, his eyes alight with dark power, effortlessly sidestepped her attack. 

Dark magic surged around him like a protective shield. With a deft motion, he redirected Freya's trajectory, sending her hurtling through the air with a force that left her axes spiraling away.

The impact was brutal as Freya crashed into a nearby wall, the breath knocked out of her. Pain seared through her body, and for a moment, the room blurred with disorientation. Fëandil's shout of concern melded with the ringing in her ears.

"You're outmatched, Freya," Lynden sneered, looming over her fallen form.

In a haze of pain, Freya struggled to rise, her vision clearing just in time to see Lynden conjure dark tendrils. With a flick of his wrist, he lashed out at her, the malevolent energy coiling around her, holding her in an invisible grip.

Arin swore, his voice tinged with disbelief. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, what's his deal?"

Fëandil, his voice laced with dry sarcasm, snapped back at Arin, "His deal is that he's trying to kill us! Now help us, Arin! We can explain later!"

Summoning her remaining strength, Freya let out a guttural scream, an incantation tumbling from her lips with an urgency born of survival. The air crackled as ethereal arrows materialized above her.

With an unwavering gaze fixed on Lynden, she whispered the release of the arrows. The projectiles shot forward with a forceful burst, tearing through the dark tendrils that had held her captive. Roaring in pain, Lynden staggered backward, a trickle of blood streaming down from his left eyebrow.

Gasping for breath, Freya staggered to her feet, the adrenaline coursing through her veins. Arin rushed forward, a concerned hand reaching out to steady her. "I know a spell, but I'll need a distraction. Keep him occupied, and I'll do the rest."

As if on cue, Fëandil unleashed a surge of ice magic towards Lynden, creating a mesmerizing display of frost that filled the room. The arcane dance of frozen tendrils captured Lynden's attention, diverting it from the impending magical assault being prepared by Arin.

"I'm okay, Arin," Freya breathed, pushing herself to stand on her own. "Just give me a moment."

Arin's eyes narrowed in concentration as he began weaving the intricate threads of magic. His hands moved with a dancer's grace and precision, tracing complex patterns in the air. A soft incantation rolled off his tongue, resonating with ancient power, 

As the spell took hold, a shimmering aura enveloped the immediate surroundings, causing the air to ripple and distort. Time itself seemed to obey the command of Arin's magic, its flow slowing to a crawl. The air around Lynden thickened, particles suspended in a suspended dance. Flickering flames of the candles hung in mid-air, casting elongated shadows that seemed to stretch into eternity.

The movement of Lynden's limbs gradually faltered, his actions reduced to a fraction of their original speed. His fierce strikes became sluggish, his movements akin to a languid waltz. The power in his spells weakened as they traversed the syrupy currents of time.

Yet, for Freya, Fëandil, and Arin, time continued its steady flow. They stood within the temporal pocket, unaffected by its deceleration. Their breaths remained steady, their hearts beating at their regular rhythm, untouched by the spell's grasp.

Freya turned to Arin, her voice frantic yet determined. "Arin, we found Eira missing, and Monty, Lynden's familiar—whom we're still not entirely sure about—claimed he knew why she left. We were packing to leave when Lynden came out of nowhere, monologuing about his schemes, and attacked us before we knew what was going on."

Fëandil added, his tone urgent. "We need your help. He's been acting in his own interest. We have to stop him before he causes more harm."

Arin nodded, walking over to Lynden and waving a hand in front of his practically frozen form. "I see. Well, consider me fully on your side. He's contained until I decide time can resume at a normal pace for him."

Fëandil frowned, concern etched on his face. "Are you sure this spell won't break, Arin? We can't afford any more surprises."

Arin grinned, his confidence evident in his tone. "Absolutely sure. Watch this." With a playful glint in his eyes, he extended a finger and lightly poked Lynden's frozen form, causing the sorcerer's body to waver for a moment.

Freya couldn't help but let out a small chuckle at the comical sight. "Well, that's one way to test it, I suppose."

Arin, unfazed by their skepticism turned to Fëandil with a playful glint in his eyes. "Fëandil, come on! Give it a try. I promise it's perfectly safe." He extended his hand, inviting Fëandil to take part in his unusual experiment.

Fëandil hesitated for a moment, his brows furrowing with concern. Yet, with a mixture of curiosity and trust, he stepped forward and touched Lynden's shoulder.

For a moment, they watched with amusement as the clothing on his body rippled in slow motion. Then, in an instant, the room once again shuddered, the fractures in time reforming. The frozen tableau resumed its suspended animation as if time had been rewound. The flickering flames of the candles reversed their dance, retracting their elongated shadows, and the air thickened once more with an ethereal stillness.

The fractures in time trembled, quivered, and then shattered once more like a fragile mirror collapsing upon itself. The room echoed with a resounding crack as the shattered air released its grip on Lynden, disintegrating the spell that had held him captive. The temporal pocket that had held them was obliterated, blowing back Arin and Fëandil with a force that sent them stumbling.

Lynden's body reacted to the sudden release with an almost electric surge, his eyes flashing with renewed vigor. He unleashed a burst of arcane magic in their direction, the raw power crackling through the air like lightning. Streaks of vibrant energy pulsated with malevolence, seeking to consume their very essence. The room transformed into a battleground once again, Arin barked out a spell, throwing up his hand hastily and forming a makeshift barrier.

Freya's eyes blazed with determination as she reached for another dagger at her belt--her last, swiftly unsheathing it with a flick of her wrist. With a deft twirl, the dagger transformed in her grasp, elongating and reshaping until it grew into a sleek and deadly smallsword. The blade shimmered with an ethereal glow, humming with remnants of power.

With her new weapon in hand, she spun and lunged, executing a deadly dance of steel that left trails of sparks in her wake. The smallsword whistled through the air, its keen edge seeking out vulnerable points in Lynden's defenses.

Fëandil's ice magic encased Lynden's spells, neutralizing their destructive potential. He conjured intricate patterns of frost in the air, creating barriers that deflected the pulsating streams of energy. The ice weaved through the air, chasing the dark magic like a snake striking for its prey.

A tear in the tapestry lining the room caught Freya's attention. Her eyes blazed with an outrage that could set the room ablaze. With an abrupt cry, she unleashed her fury, twirling her smallsword with deadly grace. "You'll pay with blood for that!"

The blade glinted in the dim light like a star caught in a tempest, seeking out its destined target. As Freya's smallsword whirled through the air with deadly grace, it seemed as though time itself held its breath, anticipating the clash that was about to unfold. The blade gleamed like a star caught in a tempest, its celestial light casting ethereal shadows across the room.

"Tapestries can be replaced, Lady Freya," Lynden scoffed, his voice dripping with arrogance, "But it seems your fury is still sharper than your blade."

Lynden's dark magic crackled in retaliation, swirling around him like a malevolent vortex. He met Freya's strikes with a calculated defense, his control over the arcane arts evident. The two adversaries danced around each other, their movements fluid yet fierce, a mesmerizing display of power and skill.

Lynden's sneer only fueled Freya's determination, her heart pounding in her chest. She circled him, her eyes locked onto her target. With a quick surge of energy, she launched a daring strike, aiming for a gap in his defenses. It was a calculated risk, and for a heartbeat, it seemed as though she would miss him by just a hair.

Lynden began to sneer in victory, but a sudden gust of wind surrounded Freya, propelling her forward with unexpected force. Fëandil. She would thank him later.

Lynden raised an arm to knock her aside with a dark force. She was flung to the ground, and she looked up at him, his voice laced with arrogance. "Missed, Lady Freya. You'll have to do better than that."

A smirk danced upon Freya's lips. She looked down to her arm, where blood now was splattered. She wiped off some of it with distaste. "Are you sure about that, Lynden?"

For when he looked down, Lynden's eyes widened with horror as he looked down at his arm.. In that critical moment, Freya Sylfrost, had not missed at all—no, not even in the slightest. Lynden's arm was on the ground, soaking the fine carpet crimson where it lay. Shock and disbelief painted his face as he staggered back, his voice trembling. "Wha... What have you done?"

Freya's wicked grin widened. "Seems like I hit my mark after all."

Lynden staggered back, his face contorted with a mix of pain and fury, but Freya could tell he realized his defeat was imminent. Desperation took hold of him, and with a flick of his intact wrist, he unleashed a surge of magic that amplified his voice, carrying it throughout the chamber. "People of Caladrielle, hear me! Freya Sylfrost, Fëandil Sylfrost, and Arin Zephyrus are enemies of the crown! They have conspired against the kingdom and must be brought to justice!"

Arin couldn't help but roll his eyes and mutter, "Oh, come on, Lynden. Can't you handle losing gracefully?"

But there was no time for further banter, as the resounding echo of Lynden's declaration triggered a chain reaction. The heavy footsteps of approaching guards filled the corridor, their armor clanking with every step. The castle guard, loyal to the crown, converged on the scene, weapons drawn and faces hardened.


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Whew! I honestly feel like I could've split that into two parts. I love fight scenes. They're honestly a little too fun to write. Maybe that's why this chapter was so long. Freya, Fëan, and Arin are in a load of trouble now...and who knows how they're going to get out of this one. Did anyone see the betrayal from Lynden coming?

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